Hurricane Milton is heading our way — right into the middle of west Florida. The latest tracking from the Nation Hurricane Center shows it making landfall around 1am on Thursday morning. It is currently a Cat 5 — though expected to lower to a Cat 3 before landfall (though these predictions can be wrong). Either way, it is a major storm.
I have been trying to answer as many texts and emails as I can from people wishing us well and that we remain safe. Our home is NOT in an evacuation zone and we are not in danger of flooding. It is a brick construction and won’t get blown off it’s foundation. We have metal hurricane shutters. The only real danger we face is the large trees in both our front and back yard. It is likely branches will break off — we are keeping our fingers crossed that if they do they don’t crash through the roof. And our power will no doubt go out — we have a portable generator to keep the fridge, some fans and lights going. So, should be OK, and we have a ton of very friendly and helpful neighbors who all look out for one another. So, please don’t worry. And please excuse us if we don’t get back to you if you’ve sent us a message already. Blog posts may be sporadic over the next little while.
And thank Lord Xenu, we have the SNOTS down at Flag who are no doubt postulating up a frenzy to divert Milton to wreak havoc somewhere else (why couldn’t they have just prevented it altogether?)
Speaking of Flag, this is from yesterday:
I am not sure if Lorianne is still in the Sea Org. Her parents, Jim and Joyce Isaacson were two of the first staff of CST. I think she too was originally at CST and then got in trouble and was sent to work in Estates at Flag.
There are some strange things in her post.
First, this shelter is ONLY for scientologists — you need an “event card” in order to be allowed in. How typically scientology: we provide for our own, not the community.
“Put money on your account” — apparently the “buffet style food” will be a revenue generator for Flag Estates Org.
4000 local scientologists in the Fort Harrison???? What is she smoking? She then says there are 6,000 local scientologists (down from 11,000 a few years ago?). The likelihood that more than half of them will opt to sleep on the floor in the Flag auditorium is ludicrous.
And as always, “the Sea Org member have been up around the clock” — like they ALWAYS are. And their zombie state is a badge of honor in scientology.
Lorianne, get those SNOTS busier, they are failing miserably at this point.
I came onto your blog today just to check in and see how you Christie and the boys are going.
Best of luck everyone and keep safe.
Sending love to you all from Australia.
Thank you for posting an update for us, Mike. I have a friend living in Venice Beach and have been following the news about Milton. Hope you both, and your families, come through safely.
And, RE the FLAG announcement – could it scream any louder “DON’T COME HERE!!! WE’RE NOT PREPARED IN ANY WAY!!!”
Oh no, wait – they have “shampoo, conditioner and soap.” Never mind.
Glad to know that you and your family are o k Mike.
When we had hundred-mile-an-hour winds in 2011 , we lost half of our roof because of big trees around house. If it is not too late at this point, it would be a good idea to lop off some of the big branches BEFORE the storm arrives.
Looks like you are well prepared though.
Our postulates, prayers, and good wishes are with you all.
Tampa Bay Times posted a link where live cameras of the area can be watched. Interesting to see the sights of Milton’s force.
Hi Mike
I hope that you are okay and safe. I cannot believe that the most ethical people on the planet have not evacuated their staff. In fact they have created even more work for them! I also think that (if they have any brains or money left) many scientologists will have left Clearwater. I hope that no one gets hurt. But someone just asked me why would the Sea Org staff not just leave?. I am imagining that since they do not look at most things on the internet that they do not hear what we are hearing about leaving the area. If they could leave anyway. They do not have cars, money or anywhere to go.
And bloody TC has turned up in London now.
i really wish the SNOTS could push it away. sigh. hurricane fatigue. be. safe everyone. we evacuated and i’m hoping for our home to be spared.

Well, I hope the hurricane doesn’t ruin anyone’s home or take any lives. Perhaps it’s naive, but that is my desire.
This brings to mind a fundamental fallacy that Scientology is built on. In Scientology one is taught that “intention is cause,”, “thought is boss,”, “function monitors structure.”
In many places this is expressed over and over. In the axioms to the factors and most definitely in auditing and the ethics conditions.
This magical thinking is a lie or delusion, or maybe both, from the mind of Hubbard and divorced from reality.
You should not look for overts and withholds every time you get sick or drop a pen. You should not be like some Scientologists and deny that AIDS is a real disease and call it a state of mind while screaming “did you rape a baby today!” At anyone who asks about Scientology.
Scientology is a deadly delusion for some, it certainly won’t protect anyone from a hurricane.
Mike, Christie and ya’ll, stay safe! Remember, though all of us in the anti Scientology community aren’t on the same page, we still send love
and positive thoughts. Nobody wants any harm to anyone. I had to laugh at the numbers 2000 and 6000. C’mon Miscavidge!

news in Croatia, part of Bulgravia from where we send big hello!
The Fort Harrison and other $cieno buildings are too close to the water to be used as a sanctuary. The first floors of any building near them are going to be washed out and maybe some second floors too. The garage there is going to flood so unless your car is on the second floor or higher, kiss it goodbye. One hundred mile an hour winds don’t care what you or anyone postulated.
Clearwater downtown sits on a bluff about 50 feet above sea level. That includes the Ft Harrison and other buildings. The Sandcastle is just a few feet above sea level.
True but bear in mind that my former residence, the Veterans Restoration Quarters in Asheville North Carolina is on the banks of the Swannanoa River and under normal conditions wouldn’t see any more than a few inches of water in the rear parking lot. Hurricane Helene was no normal hurricane and our entire first floor, including my room, is destroyed. Stay safe.
Look after you and yours, mate – and tell us you’re safe when it has passed over.
Mike, thank you so much for reaching out to us in this thoughtful, kind, informative and reassuring way. Much love (if you’ll excuse the expression, it is meant sincerely) to you and Christie and the boys. Sounds like you’re well prepped and battening down the hatches. Power will be out, natch. Suggestion if you don’t mind; say to hell with everything for a while, you and Christie, a wonderful, loving couple, surviving singly and together against all odds, have a little dinner together, just the 2 of you, by candelight
OK, OK, I know, What can I say? I’m a romantic at heart.
And as usual, not a word of news on the Volunteer Ministers web page since October 13, 2022. Have they completely closed down?
They put some photos on social media after Helene — about 70 of them gathered in front of the VM Building in the Potemkin village. And then some shots of of two or three sweeping Cleveland St (in front of their building) and cleaning out someone’s house…
Be well!
And, on another note, what did all those Scientologists in Clearwater do to pull it in? Some serious SP activity going on….
Oh, this is so funny…how DID they ever pull this in…what are their crimes…still laughing.
How i would love to – but, oh, in what bad taste it would be – funny and zingy but I can’t be that mean – but how feel good for a while it would be to write Flag’s Commanding Officer to suggest he/she do an O/W write up,…I won’t though.
I was in a tropical hurricane myself many years ago when I lived in the Caribbean. Saw the roof of our neighbor’s house lift right off, sail in the wind a few yards and then crash down, lopsided, part of it hanging off the topside wall of the house. Amazing. Like the Wizard of Oz for about 10 seconds. I’ll never forget it. Fierce torrential winds Branches of banana trees flying in the air, like weapons. We had sliding glass doors that opened onto a patio, the winds were coming right against them, the catch broke; my father opened them wide so the glass would not shatter…no power for weeks, everything by candelight, lots more but never mind, we were fine, the devastation to the country and the poor people was serious.