The hype for the replaying of Mr. Mickiewicz’s New Years Patron Awards/briefing was over the top, but none more so than from Vicki Shantz, the “Continental Commander” of the Western United States.
Vicki has been a long-term, loyal, ass-kissing subject of the COB. But even by her standards, this pleading to attend the event is sickening.
She goes on about “Staggering accomplishments,” “awe-inspiring new Patrons,” “EPIC preview,” “monumental,” “spectacular,” “revitalizing,” “one of the most incredible briefings to-date,” and “to move us into the future as the most vital force for the betterment of mankind.”
And the saddest part of it is, she has convinced herself over the many years, despite all evidence to the contrary, she believes her own hype. It tells you how powerful the brainwashing is as she sees the DAILY statistics of every org in her continent — the absolute failure of the Ideal Org program with “ideal orgs” from Portland and Salt Lake City to Denver and Dallas, San Diego and Sacramento absolutely empty and failing. Yet, still she goes on hoping and trying to convince others to hope too. The die-hard sheeple just don’t want to see or har anything that doesn’t match their imagined reality.
David Miscavige may not follow LRH policy to the letter, but one strategy he completely adheres to can be summarized in one word: Hiding!
The only reason vicki had to get involved is because the staff under her watch could not get enough event confirms. For her to go all the way down the org board and get the confirms herself, is a huge flap. Heads will roll. That’s why the late, last minute notice.
Does anyone know what the attendance turn out?
PS vicki is dm’s female clone.
so, if defendant David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige is resident in California, it seems odd that he is not live in LA.
“Mr. Mickiewicz” kills me every time I read it, not less because it sounds so similar to “Mr. Mickey Mouse.”
Dear Mike. I have read extensively about Scientology over the years and admire you immensely. I have never heard anyone comment on Ron DeWolfes claim about his father, that he practiced black magic, performed sex magic, performed abortions. Also that LRon described Scientology “as a way to crack peoples soul”. The black magic is also described in the book, Strange Angel about John Parsons. I tend to believe that Hubbard was indeed this evil. What are your thoughts?
“Staggering accomplishments” may be a Freudian slip. The CofS has been on the ropes for quite a few years now, and after the pandemic must be struggling to try to get back on their feet and “reopen.”
I wonder though if some of the higher level staff believe they will at least get their “eternity,” if they push enough hype on the mass of “public” members to generate enough dedication and cash to keep things going. I suspect that might have been Hubbard’s motive, too (and perhaps his successor, DM’s): to take care of #1 spiritually and monetarily, while believing that most of his followers were not actually enough of “big beings” to make it themselves, in this life, or the next – if ever – and were just being being milked of energy and money to “make the [few truly] able more able.”
“Staggering” results after a thimble-full too much fine scotch, I’m thinking.
Keeping Scientology Jerking.
Jerking along for the benefit of the Head Jerk. There is only one Head Jerk in any Dictatorship or any cult. He is the teeny weeny fellow with the big booming voice who spends all his time yelling and screaming in an effort to convince people that he is really important.
Funny thing is that usually the Teeny Weeny fellow with the great big booming voice almost always has a teeny weeny litle weiner and all his yelling and screaming is usually an effort in vain to impress all the ladies with just how big of a big shot he is.
After a few months, the illusion wears right off and he is revealed for the Jerk that he is.
In most cases, it all comes to an end when he dies by his own hand or his followers string him up by his ankles and they often string up his lady as well.
So …. goodbye little jerk with the great big voice.
1. “As an LA Area Scientologist I need your assistance.” — Soft sell – flunk.
2. “I need your help to make sure EVERYONE knows to attend with us this weekend” — Well….. I don’t know “everyone”… Shall I come over, and look over your CF and get to “know everyone’?
3. “staggering accomplishments….” — Are the accomplishments drunk, that they cannot accomplish in a straight line?
4. “Pre-event dinner buffet…” oooo, grub time.
5. “..has everything to do with Los angeles specifically (italicized)” — hmmm, event was in flag.. no? Did LA move to a new planetary location?
6. “..make time, and make this a priority…” — sooooo, if this is my priority – that means, i shouldn’t eat, sleep, do number 1’s or 2’s…? Um. no
7. “tone 40 drive ….” — I always drive with Tone 40 – else road rage would kick in……
I thought I’d bolster some humor, (which I have fortunately managed to maintain, despite scn). It is quite a statement, that CO’s are writing these letters to “public” and such. Technically – that is a “bypass” and the team that was bypassed, should be assigned a Danger condition. Otherwise, whats the point of the following:
Dissemination division.
Public Contact Dvision
Letter Registrars
Promo and marketing
and….. what ever happened to any form of QC? I remember when I wrote letters, or did anything, it had to be QC’ed for grammar, typos, etc.
Et al.
As a CO, wouldn’t one also have the capacity to be able to articulate information grammatically correctly, and succinctly?
Of all the various “entities” (religions, charities, etc), I have not once seen any of those indicate a NEED to attend the event, and that our “future” depends on it.
The only ‘staggering achievement’ is convincing so many suckers to send in their hard earned money or money they do not have, or work for nothing in the hopes of persuading others to pony up and part with their money/time.
If it is so important, why do they give only two days notice?
If they gave people more time, then people would have enough time to figure things out and that would be very, very bad for da cult.
Da cult don’t want anyone to figure things out. If they did that, the money flow would slow to a trickle and the sexual favors would slow to a tickle. No more big sex orgies. Just little widdle pee pees and wankers.
Thinking just spells “B-A-D” for the cult.
Thinking people keep their own money.
Thinking people do not take their money and throw it down a black hole – never to see it again!
Thinking people do not use their money to open more and more credit cards until they are drowning in a big bankruptcy.
Giving people time to think is very very bad for the cult.
My time in Scientology was rather short compared to some of the people that post here. But even I recall hearing several times that thinking was not good.
In 2002 all 28 of the Gross Divisional Statistics (GDSs) of the Flag Service Org (FSO) were printed out for the earlier 10 years. All the executives met in the Conference Room to look at them. All the graphs had trends that were STEEPLY down. On statistics like Gross Income, Valuable Service Delivered and Book Sales, the FSO produces more than the rest of Scientology combined. Scientology International statistics follow that of the FSO. Quite a thing to confront when everyone knew they were already working as hard as possible and no one had any real solution to turn the scene around. When McSlappy does the events and the sheep stand up to applaud, it reminds me of the video where a Chimp shows a down trending stat graph to the other sad Chimps that are gathered around a conference table. The head Chimp flips the graph over to make it appear the graph is trending up and all the Chimps jump up and start clapping.
The U.S. Navy abbreviation for Lieutenant Commander is LCDR
– not “Lt Cmdr” – another anecdotal reminder of the error-filled, false valor of LRH
I appreciate your knowledgeable insights and unique experiences you share with the rest of us.
I admit that I’m a poor writer without a good editor, but Vicki Shantz’s letter to LA scientologists boggles the mind. The WUS “Continental Commander” doesn’t have access to a Dept. of Promotion?
In “Quality of Presentation,” HCO PL 23 Dec 1958, L. Ron Hubbard instructs: “You always lose money with poor presentation… Motto for all presentations [including mailings]: Get the best. Have it professionally done in accordance with stiff specifications. Let’s put quality in Scientology presentation!”
In “Booklets, Handouts, Mailing Pieces,” HCO PL 22 Apr 1965, Hubbard commands: “No mailing may be made without a complete sample of the entire mailing being okayed by myself at Saint Hill. No booklet or brochure may be given or handed out without being okayed for that specific purpose by myself.”
When I held the post of Dir of Promo at ASHO Day in 1980, in preparing mailings or handouts — which included booklets and brochures — my dept. always sought an “okay” from the LRH Comm. Granted, after 37 years I left scientology and have been an ex-scientologist for seven years, but come on, Ms. Shantz. I understand that she “has been a long-term, loyal, ass-kissing subject” of COB RTC Mr. Mickiewicz. But has she no shame? Where is her professionalism?
In her January 5, 2023 letter, the first eye sore occurs right off the bat, with “ALL TO: LA AREA SCIENTOLOGISTS” (which would have read bettter as “TO: LA AREA SCIENTOLOGISTS.”) That first paragraph is a grammatical nightmare, its inadequacies bleed into the second paragraph and stain spots throughout the rest of the letter.
Her second sentence, ” The word is to get out in a BIG way”, she should have stopped right there and left it at that.
And with a big period at the end of that sentence, Scott!
Hey Fred,
Any time you doubt your writing abilities, just take a look at some of the crap that Tubbie wrote. You ain’t never seen worse writing than what he has written. Your writing just cannot be any worse than his. No ones’ writing could ever be worse than his.
So, buck up and keep your own money in your own possession. When the cult monsters tell you how vitally necessary it is for you to give your money to them, you can tell them that you will and then just go on a holiday.
I have found that all they really want is for you to tell them that you will be giving them some of your time and money. Then they can report that to their cult masters and everyone is happy.
It matters not that you never follow through. There is never any need for you to to argue with them or to feel guilty. Whatever they want, just say, “Oh yes! I certainly will.” Then, you can just promptly forget all about it. They cannot take you to court. They cannot do anything except to turn red in the face and then have a stroke. They can’t do much of anything to harm you unless you do it to yourself.
Another crazy fact is Vickie’s invitation is dated Jan 5th and pushes recipients to attend the event 2 days later. Bet many folks had already made plans. Too little, too late Vickie. Go to Cramming.
The only reason vicki had to get involved is because the staff under her watch could not get enough event confirms. For her to go all the way down the org board and get the confirms herself, is a huge flap. Heads will roll. That’s why the late, last minute notice.
Does anyone know what the attendance turn out?
PS vicki is dm’s female clone.
Hi Duped-Lie-Cated,
Great moniker, by the way.
Thanks very much for the insight. Seems as though you have personal knowledge of her. Is she just another staffer DM as “whipped into shape”? Has she been in “the hole”?
I’ve met and seen her in operation (never a good experience). If she has to show up and handle “your” mess, you better believe you will get a SRA Face Ripping experience from her.
DM didn’t whip her into shape, she’s ALWAYS been like that. Idk if she’s been in the hole,
Yo Dave,
So glad to see You still have a Continental Commander on board to help steer yer clucter f*#K onto the shoals of disaster. Keep up the good work.
Got a call the other day from one of yer alert staff. Wanted to invite me to yer event ………… 10 years after my Ess Pee Declaration. Glad ta see yer up two date and all. Better git yer Commander on it!
“Glad ta see yer up two date and all.”
HILARIOUS that 10 years SP declared YOU were actually invited to attend this event! Absolutely hilarious.
You should have accepted and asked if you could bring a guest! OMG Newcomer you could have shown up and blown them all away! But wait…never mind. just remembered…you’ve got a daughter in the SO…she’d get in trouble. OK, never mind.
But what a fantasy, huh?
Actually, its MY fantasy.
By some fluke, to get invited to one of these things again, and to show up, be miraculously allowed in, and then, mid-event, blow them all away in some fashion.
I could do this because I don’t have any family nor anyone I love, etc., still in the cult.
We all think Mickiewicz is great
Let’s all give a hip hip hooray
His fabulous vision
Is our only mission
We follow whatever he says!
“Yet still she goes on hoping and trying to convince others to hope too.” I see this clearly here.
I truly believe—perhaps ironically—that the IAS is one of the biggest problems in Scientology. The more weeks and months I put between my prior involvement and my life now as a “Former-In,” something that bubbles to the top as a huge “outpoint” are the mafia-like tactics of the IAS. Those people are cold-hearted and brutal. Their work to heavy-duty extract money from you—for which they NEVER have to explain or show you where any of the money actually goes—is emphasized far above and beyond activities to free or stabilize a person.
For whatever might have been the positive, constructive kernels of codifying and introducing the mental health breakthroughs of seizing upon and running out engrams, secondaries, and locks, these intriguing embers have been greatly overshadowed by an extreme money-grabbing purpose instead.
It seems they don’t have the auditing and training purposes any more, not really. The focus is all on money-grubbing for real estate, with auditing and training used as window dressing for what has for many years been their true purpose. I’ve been out for 11 years. Looking back, it seems to me that it was between 2005 and 2007 that the focus shifted. But that’s just my own perception. The focus could have shifted from auditing and training sooner than that, and I just didn’t notice.
@Aquamarine, I am right with you. Money and fundraising became just so much bigger. I was in at the time you describe. My experience of when a clear and severe shift happened matches yours.
Chairman Hyperbolist Mickiewicz
There always is a tomorrow.