Tom Cruise’s brother in law, nominal “head” of “Criminon International” and IAS fundraising shill has poured his heart into his latest letter beseeching people to come hear him speak on behalf of the IAS (so he can collect his FSM commissions).
This letter is fascinating on many levels:
He starts out in Chicken Little mode: look how bad things are, everyone is against us and it is terrible. But with it comes the scientology twist: all this PROVES we are winning. The “hysteria of the SP’s” – ie the constant stream of bad news that pours in the door — from media coverage to legal losses and government prosecutions — is just “our indication of win!” This sort of (il)logic may keep the sheeple believing things are copacetic, but it also keeps them thinking there is no need to change and they should carry on. And thus, they barrel ahead on a path of total self-destruction. But I must say, it is nice to see so much mention of their “detractors” and “SP’s” and the “growing pains” – obviously it is being noticed that things are not going quite as smoothly as predicted.
Somehow, it is now the IAS (and not the Sea Org) that is the “only group ACTIVELY guaranteeing the future of scientology.” It tells you everything you need to know about the state of scientology — regges are the new auditors. The most valuable beings on the planet are now fundraisers. If you ask the IAS what they DO — nothing other than collect funds and occasionally distribute them. They don’t clear people. They don’t manage scientology organizations. They don’t “keep the tech pure.” They don’t deal with the media. They don’t even distribute free booklets. They perform no actual functions other than their internal administrative to keep track of how much money they have and pay out commissions and hold events to raise money. This is what today is “guaranteeing” the future of scientology.
And finally, the big clanger: “Scientology has expanded 60X in the last 2 years!” Wonder where he gets this number? And does he even realize he is contradicting David Miscavige who has proclaimed the expansion is 47X?
60X of what one may wonder? “Scientology” of course. But what is that? Orgs and Missions? People? Money? None of those things have increased 6000%…
Not even the old standby of “square footage of new marble” could qualify — the SP building opened in 2013 and the number of new “ideal orgs” since then has been dismal… It’s a down trend, not a 60-fold increase.
The only thing it could be measuring is number of ridiculous, unsupported claims made, or cubic feat of hot air emitted from scientology’s butt. As the ship sinks, the lies grow bigger and more frequent.
BTW Mr. Ed of Criminon — how is the permeation of the South African prisons with the WTH going? Or salvaging the prison system in Israel? How come there is NO NEWS about Criminon anywhere, not even in the Impact magazine, and they can turn 3 people in yellow t-shirts in a relief force that saved a country from the ravages of the worst typhoon/earthquake/nuclear disaster/tornado/flood in history. Is it becuse you are too busy shilling for commissions for the IAS to do anything with Criminon? Or have you determined Criminon is simply a lost cause?
Aside from annoyingly being unable to properly left-justify or indent paragraphs, Capazorio would have been sent to the clay demo table once upon a time.
The battle cannot be for the souls of man, as he says, because in Scientology humans do not have souls. The closest to the concept of “soul” is “thetan,” the immortal being that is the person him- or herself, but Scientologists to not “have their own thetan/soul” — they _are_ a thetan, the person, that which is aware of being aware, etc.
Well it seems Miscavige has won and destroyed Scientology almost totally. He and his criminal bandit gang of commission-raking IAS and Idle Org Regges and coterie of “management” have won the day, for the moment anyway, even to the point of being able to alter the technology e.g. the 3 swing F/N debacle among many others. How public members can now enjoy going into their Orgs to be almost physically attacked and threatened for any remaining scraps of money they may have is beyond me and I left in the 80s when it hadn’t really geared up like it is now, i.e. it wasn’t “organized crime” then, just crime. I left because of the cavalier, nasty, vicious and inhumane attitudes I experienced not only towards me but to others. In other words I was aware that criminal people with evil purposes had taken it over, supported by the remaining victim and PTS parishioners – and they were not going to be supported by me any longer. And I simply went ahead and got good auditing in the Independent Field as well. I would say the tone level of most staff of Orgs must be (at the highest) around antagonism towards their remaining public members, who are simply regarded as cash cows to be milked and stuff the services. The Orgs are not friendly places. They used to be, relatively anyway. The actual tone level now of the Orgs is probably around apathy, or maybe even body death, if not even lower. And I would think friendliness and decency as such are now frowned upon by management, some sort of psychotic nonsense like Miscavige’s “cold chrome steel” statement and all that type of psychotic shit that he has foisted off on staff. (They believe and applaud this lunatic when he makes such remarks as well!)
Miscavige has camouflaged the now-decades-long (late 80s) worldwide crash in proper stats (WDAHs and courses completed) by “upping the GI” via the IAS and Idle Org rip-off scams (so all is now “cool” i.e. justified). The thing is, is why do the remaining public continue to support this scam and travesty? Miscavige it seems cannot be ousted as he has sewn up the corporation legalities and disbanded the WDC etc. but no one left in there now has sufficient balls to do anything anyway. The parallels with the dictatorships of North Korea and Stalinist Russia are glaringly obvious. The slave-type people (victims) left in are no longer Scientologists and neither are most of the staff. They are assisting, by complying with the enforced “donations” and other criminality, the ravaging and destruction of what was once a decent movement designed to help people. There is an HCOB called “Misrepresentation of Dianetics and Scientology” and this HCOB one could say is almost the handbook for this criminal gang by applying it in reverse! One day when Miscavige is dust, the whole lot of them remaining in the Church whilst this parody and psychosis was being perpetrated on the Scientology network should have as the first thing on their re-training TIP the old Confront of Evil checksheet (and not a doctored-by-Miscavige one). The definition of “coterie”, as I use above, that I like in this case is: “a group of prairie dogs occupying a communal burrow”, which is actually an insult to prairie dogs as they are quite social! Anyway…
Hey Foolproof. Would love to talk. Can you ask Mike for my email addy if you’d like to talk, too? Thanks!
The EP of OT3 is freedom from overwhelm.
Yah, that true, and the freedom is actually leaving the COS from their overwhelm.
Scamology! seems! to! have! an! obsession! with! !!
well maybe his letter would have been ‘a bit better’ if sherman had helped him write it.
Earlier on a Regraded Being post Mike mentioned that the Shermanspeak dude gets special treatment. I wonder if this crook gets the same if he’s a big money maker for CoS.
P.S. See dr macs description of him below – funny
Thank you for mentioning the commissions. So many don’t know…
A very disjointed message indeed – goes from reactive mind, to souls, to we are winning but we still have a fight…and he is the one that sounds historical whereas we – the SPs – are enjoying life better than ever without the need to blindly follow the whims of the riminal people that direct the church now.
Selling “The Dangerous Environment” by Merchant of Chaos, Scientology edition..
Pot. Kettle. Black.
And that braze of drively words and lying self promoting propaganda comes for the President Criminon International and an IAS Freedom Medal winner?? Talk about ‘a leopard cannot change its spots,’ geezers! That is one prime example of unparalleled uniformity to expanding and following the micromanaged and repetitively scripted scientology propaganda machine.
There’s a disturbing parallel with this type of propaganda to what was deployed nationally and written under the death’s head symbol of the Third Reich, commonly emblazed on the Nazi belt buckles during the 30/40s, Gott mit uns” – God with us.
The association with God (spelt IAS in scientology) like powers that positions itself as the protector of life (while not so covertly anymore) but always actively destroying any and all forms freedoms is probably the best description of the very Devil itself.
Scientology has crystallised into a truly evil organisation with Nuremburg style rallies, dark military style uniforms, heavily censored followers and lie after lie spewing forth from the fantastically well financed and lawyer protected mechanism that leads it. It blinds the minds of followers with dark enemies at every turn, enforces how dire everything is, and without the IAS all will be lost.
One does not need a better example of modern day insanity than the organisation know as Scientology – just try communicating with it…
Better still, walk into any scientology organisation anywhere on Earth, smile and say “hello,” and see what happens.
Not to undercut your point, I Yawnalot — in fact this may reinforce it — the motto “Gott mit uns” appeared on belt buckles of the regular German Army, the Wehrmacht, which was not an explicitly Nazi organization, and its use dates back many decades before the Hitler era.
The death’s head symbol or Totenkopf was associated with the SS, which *was* an arm of the Nazi Party. The motto engraved on SS buckles was “Unser Ehre heisst Treue” or “Our honor is called loyalty.” To put this another way, the SS had more or less dispensed with the idea that there was some higher cause or power guiding their efforts — the only crucial value remaining was loyalty to the group. This does indeed seem to be in the spirit of the modern Church of Scientology.
Thanks for that. I guess there’s lots of inaccuracies in my education of Germany’s military history and symbolism. They sure didn’t mind the sight of blood though. Two world wars within the lifespan of a human life. They weren’t alone in that endeavour but as a race they sure got up to some mighty evil activities while parading around in uniform. A look at Russian history of the same period makes for some gory exploits too. Something is really wrong with mankind to develop a history like it has.
The NAZI party did NOT use the God is with us wording. The NAZI party in Germany attacked Christian belief and went after Christian clergy and discouraged belief in “God”. You have a large missing area of education. MANY Catholics were sent to concentration camps because of their stand against NAZIism.
Yes I agree I have missing education. But as a former soldier it becomes a little irrelevant and more than frustrating when the blood I’ve stood in can be so closely defined. Bullets don’t care what the intention behind them is. The rather unfortunate fact that a whole country can mobilise and wreak such havoc is horrific. I’ve made an error trying to make a point here because the insanity of war has never been understood – mankind is screaming fucking nuts with weaponry and perceived security assessments and the dead don’t have a say in the matter.
By the “this indicates we are winning…” logic, when the Church shuts down completely, Greg Capazorio send out a letter, claiming “we have finally won!”
“We have prevailed, we have always expanded, we have always risen to the challenge!”
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
We are winning ! Ha,Ha, Ha, the liars !!
Carrie Alkins ( Dead CCHR EXTORTIONIST)
once threatened me with matching paying CCHR
dollar for dollar money that I was giving Flag OR
if I didn’t comply she make sure I would not progress
up the Bridge any further.
So I refused to give any money to Scientology after that
despite numerous calls for money. I simply refused
to support these losers. Carrie Alkins dropped dead
like a Vampire that could not find BLOOD.
Same with Gretchen Swartz, no more money
is the silver bullet!!!.
This is True
Scio has expanded 60X, but (somehow at the same time) there is still a societal decay in full bloom, increased drug abuse, violations of the Constitution (huh?), failed marriages, increased psychiatric abuse… bla bla bla. Seems even a 60X increase isn’t doing much on those fronts.
To paraphrase; Heber said (about 20 years ago) we were going to handle the psychs within 2 years.
Yea, it all makes sense now!
One thing I’ve wondered about the world described by Orwell is that if someone actually swamp across the English Channel would they find the continuation of the nightmare or a bunch of cheese eating Frenchmen?
Damn! Now I’m supposed to be hysterical and get divorced too? Sheesh, I’m not a proper SP, sorry folks…ill try harder!
Damn right you better try harder! What are you, a freakin’ DB? Now get back into lockstep NOW!
Get with it, man (or gal). 😉
Yep, that is something that just never happened. No bolt from the skies came down upon my head. I didn’t cave myself in for committing the horrible overt of Escaping. I felt GREAT! There’s a world out here! Get a decent paycheck, have a dessert, drive your car whenever you want where ever you want, see a doctor or dentist, take vacations. Even more auditing and training from indies if you are interested. Yeah it’s really hell out here…LOL.
Oh! So true!!
“Please Br’er Fox, Please don’t throw me in the BRIAR PATCH!! Anything but THAT!!” lol
“Puleeeze, don’t take away mah ETERNITY!! And no mo’ regges coming to my door?? Arrrrrrgh! Imagine!”
(heh heh heh)
The “SPs attacking us is sign that we’re winning” is one of the oldest PR lines the COS spinmeisters have. The problem is that it was never true. Never. Allow me to demo:
General Heinrici: “Mein Fuhrer, the Russians have crossed the Oder in the east. The Allies have crossed the Rhine in the west. It’s only a matter of time that Berlin will be surrounded.”
Hitler: “Of course they attack us. It’s a sure sign that we’re winning.”
Per Hubbard is true .. as more enemies you get .. as more you are winning .. it is not really in the meaning of LRH .. he meant only that you will get enemies when you win ..
He meant not that when the enemies grow up it would be a sign of success .. he would tell it a sign of loss .. a sign of failure .. but some scientologese thinks .. as more enemies we have .. as more wins we had .. but truth is that this world do not stop OTs only there are none ..
Perhaps I misunderstood you and if so, I apologize.
I think it’s blatantly obvious that everything Hubbard wrote/said was to keep the members believing that his asinine theories are true
“Winning” because “SPs are howling?? “Winning” because people see through the nonsense?! “Winning because the media reports on $cientology’s horseshit?? How utterly absurd.
Sleepingless in Seattle……….
Sleeping 4 Hours a Night in Seattle……
“It tells you everything you need to know about the state of scientology — regges are the new auditors. The most valuable beings on the planet are now fundraisers.’
The straw that broke the camel’s back for me was the call from the Qual examiner asking me for a 6000$ donation to the IAS. I was shocked that highly trained tech personnel would spend time on commercial activities on the phone. I was outraged that knowing my financial situation as an ex staff who is not Tommy Davis and has no personal fortune, she would ask me for such an amount of money in exchange for nothing. I realised what Scientology had become and I sent them an E-mail with an insult from Monty Python I went to the Anglican Church while visiting my sister in Hertfordshire a few weeks ago, there is a collect during service, most people give 5 or 10 £. It is a donation, no one will pressure you to give money and specially a fixed amount of money. The money you give will go to provide for food or shelter for the needy or to help some one in the community who is in dire straits, or a student in a family who went to school and needs something his parents can’t provide for. I said: what scientology has become makes me want to throw up. Vade retro satanas, get lost “you cheesy lot of second hand electric donkey bottom biters”.
Sheepfest in Seattle.
Aye, as a Scotsman, I always enjoyed Sheepfest! We all have our favorites. Do you know what you call a Scotsman with a sheep under each arm? A pimp…..
That’s baaad…
In the American west., the men are men and the sheep are nervous. Old joke, seemed to fit though.
“Regges are the new auditors”……very funny. Get the idea of going into session with Teddy or Charmaine. I can only imagine what the “new” auditors code looks like. Lines one and two would be one word each….invalidate and evaluate.
Spot On Pot Pie!!
Perhaps add “Covertly and Overtly”
and NULLIFY ….
to GIVE UP everything (including but not limited to: money, overts, withholds, others O/W’s, time, family, friends, money, did I say mondy?) until they “give all” and “can’t withhold anything including their money and their immediate friends and families money”…Oh, did I mention money?
This is the session.
What?……… be Jolly? Heck, that’s 10 months away……
This is the lesson.
60X – perhaps that is the rate at which people route out or leave $cientology?
Thanks what I was thinking, visitor. Only, I’m not sure about the 60x is accurate. I believe they’re hemorrhaging far more than that! Hip, hip (no, I’m not cheering. My hip is giving me some problems).
Oh Greggie Greggie Greggie. You don’t know freeing “every man woman and child” we do.
Ps Exclmat!on tech! !s soooooo 2015!!!!
If you increase zero 47 times, you will still have zero.
If you increase zero 60 times, you will still have zero.
He didn’t mean that? 😛
Man, do they love to pump out the entheta. Armageddon is right around the corner. Are they not, per policy, Merchants of Chaos? Just because they follow it up with lies about their accomplishments doesn’t negate the “dangerous environment” message.
One could conclude based on this type of material, that Scnists are gullible idiots, which they are not. Their character flaw is that they have surrendered their objectivity and invested their faith and belief in master manipulators.
The world of the church of scientology has become Greg’s hysterics about society: Yes, I have seen the hysteria of the church – I have seen “evidence of it every day.” And yes that’s an “indication of win!”
Yes, I have seen the church’s “decay, in corruption, in violations of the Constitution.” I experienced first-hand as well as read about many who were subjected to a mental torment and straight-jacketing effect that surpasses any psychological help I received from anyone on the outside. I have seen and read about the human trafficking in the church of scientology. I have seen and experienced the failing and failed marriages and broken families created by the church of scientology. I could go on!
So go to hell Greg, but then I suspect you are there.
Wait…if Scientology is winning and expanding, then why is there “an increase in societal decay, in corruption…” etc? If they are winning and expanding, and they have the workable tech they claim to have, it would stand to reason that those things should be getting less.
Mona, I was thinking of reading the OT 3 story in front of the Fort Harrison while mooning the SO workers as well as shouting, “DM beats his staff!” Now, according to this Greg dude, all the workers should, simultaneously, burst into song, or, at least a whole bunch of Hip hips. So my actions are actually helping the SO workers feel better about themselves, right? Shouldn’t I get a commission of some sorts? Seems only reasonable…..
OSD, PLEASE let me know if you do that. I would love to watch! 🙂
I’ll bet you would, Mona… to watch, that is. Hey, a lot of my life was spent in front of audiences, so you’d certainly be welcome.
IAS mentor:
ever see this one?
I think Mr. Brother in Law is correct…. scientology must be expanding……..let me explain.
I live in the small village of Chicago, Illinois. Now, granted, living in such a small town, I have never (in my life) met an actual scientologist.
But….one week ago, I was involved in a car accident (everyone ok, thank God).
Guess what……EVERYONE stopped to help! And, according to Mr. Brother in Law’s brother in law, only scientologists do that.
So, using scientology logic, I can deduct that the 20+ people who stopped to help were all scientologists. Because regular SPs wouldn’t stop to help anyone, now would they……
Bam, zip, boom, kapow! There are your stats!
That’s very good Chee.
So in other words anyone who helps or assists another is a scientologist but just doesn’t know it yet. Wow! what a revelation on their expansion.
Geezers… I never…
The circular logic is brilliant: we’re winning because we have more enemies trying to stop us. That’s right: Scientology is SO effective it creates more enemies. Well, okay, if enemies is their goal, I’m in.
Creating enemies, the one thing they are truly good at.
Yep, and the proof is in the pudding.
Statpush, I think they’re the world’s leaders in pissing people off and creating enemas……I mean enemies.
“The best way to unify, solidify and make a group powerful is to provide the group a common enemy. ”
Sixty times expansion, indeed.
New Sea Org motto approved by DM: Nos Oppugnanda – We Attack.
Okay I get it now. If enemies and attacks are good. It’s 60X’s more enemies and attacks. That makes sense. LOL
To quote Groucho Marx “makes dollars, makes sense.”
Hey Mike – among the questions that you ask of “Mr. Ed” of Criminon, you might add:
“How is Scientology going to reconcile the dramatic reduction in crime they caused in Columbia by handing out WTH booklets, with the fact that the national police chief, Rodolfo Palomino, just resigned in a scandal that includes (among other things) a male prostitute ring involving young police cadets, senior police officers and members of congress?”
Sounds like they may have missed a precept or two from that booklet. And it also sounds like yet another lie told by Scientology leadership is about to boomerang back on them.
Scientology has delusions of grandeur and it is killing these poor members. I am shocked to see the use “thought stopping” techniques. Even I did not fall for that – I LOOKED and saw NO ONE coming in.
I drove by the local Morgue yesterday – the “Ideal One” and it is empty with 3 cars in the parking lot.
Empty Org’s = Winning = Confronting and Shattering Suppression = Fastest Growing Religion on the Planet = SP’s Howling = There are levels of unawareness now available to Scientologist’s.
Here is the proof that Hubbard was right….
“Empty Org’s = Winning = Confronting and Shattering Suppression = Fastest Growing Religion on the Planet = SP’s Howling = There are levels of unawareness now available to Scientologist’s.”
Good one.
You know, Mary, regarding the SP howling, maybe we should all get together in Clearwater and on some rainy night, get close to the cult and howl like wolves! Blood curtailing howls. The kind of howls that will strike fear into the hearts of the SO. And them laugh hysterically and disperse quickly into the darkness. What do you think?
Read 60X as sixty times. As in How many times did we expand today? Well, we got one new start, so that’s once. And we got 100 more student points Friday as we got on Thursday, so we’ve expanded twice so far this week!
Etcetera, etcetera, etc.
David Miscavige makes up impossible numbers of
expansion when the opposite is true.
ENRON did the same thing just before it caved in.
‘Burn, baby, burn’, having been in scn is like having been all in with Enron.
Enron did this “increasing exaggeration” towards the end, along with every other failing Ponzi scheme, which IS like Miscavige’s cherch. Ever increasing exaggerations to get more money. An organization based on lies can only deliver more and bigger lies. An untruth in exchange for money. This is not what Scientology is. But, it is what it has become. Lies traded for Sheeple’s money is what keeps this abomination alive.
Jose, I am still waiting for your references on DM and his fear of kid’s BTs.
Ditto on the “kid’s BTs. Details could be very entertaining.
After all, he wants to talk about OUR cases out of session. We should be able to do the same.
Is there anybody out who used to be the little man’s CS? That would be a riot. I’d love to know what Red Tag was missed on the guy to turn him into this punk.
I remember Mike saying that he was a pretty ok guy until he had to go to court once and face the possibility of jail time. He’s just too pretty (or used to be) for jail.
You don’t need to find his CS. Not going to tell you anything you dont already know. The realities of the world, observing his actions and seeing the results are all you need to know.
Fair enough, Mike. I was really joking and making a point that I wonder how he’d like it if we did the same thing to him that he’s done to so many others. Technically, I am curious what went wrong but, as you say, it’s written all over his actions and his words.
The high road is a better road.
Mike, I see no reason not to publish evidence, if it is available. If there are write-ups, lets all see them.
I dont have such evidence. But if I did, likely I would not publish it anyway as I think it would make me no better than them. That’s just me. If you come across such evidence you are certainly free to do whatever you want with it.
Mike, All I am saying is that if Jose wants to voice an opinion (and he claims to have seen back-up material to arrive there), great. Lets all see the material, so we can all come to a similar conclusion. (There was no indication that it was confidential.)
” I dont have such evidence. But if I did, likely I would not publish it anyway as I think it would make me no better than them. That’s just me. If you come across such evidence you are certainly free to do whatever you want with it.”
Great response , Mike. As soon as anyone feels that the end justify the means , we are all doomed. Doing what any of these lunatics churchies do , would put us in their same category , and that’s never an option.
“You are listened to and you are counted upon!”
Yeah, you are definitely listened to, as soon as you pay up for that confessional. As far as being counted on… One thousand dollars for IAS, none for you, one thousand for IAS, none for you…
What a wretched, back stabbing, slim propelled gang of liars.
Zola, sorry….but, that’s an insult to all wretched, back stabbing, slim propelled gangs of liars everywhere.
Hold On!! We were supposed to be hysterical and no one told me?
Old Surfer Dude, you’re supposed to memo me on this stuff. 😀
NOLAGirl, read my other post about gathering in Clearwater. Let me know what you think. And if some up us are low on funds, we can always crash at Mike’s pad. Right, Mike? Ummmmm….Mike?
Hehehehe!! Poor Mike, we’re going to send him into hiding.
More importantly, will we have to be hysterical? I might need to rest up for that. 😀
YOU rest up for it???? Man, I’ll have to sleep for two days to generate the energy that I’ll need!
I’m sure he’ll be impressed if you all turn up in golf carts & paddle boats.
Those are my favorite modes of transportation….
OH! Make sure to get video…and bring the fishing poles!
“This is what today is “guaranteeing” the future of scientology”
Well, since scientology today seems to exist for the sole purpose of filling Miscavige’s coffers and maintaining his lavish lifestyle, it’s kind of true.
After all the “We’s”, We this, and We that, the last sentence: “You are listened to and you are important”. The bait and switch! Looks like classic manipulation to get money from people. That is the real target, No?
“We see the signs of societal decay in failed marriages”. How many failed marriages have occurred in Scientology? Look no further than your brother-in-law, who is currently holding auditions for the role of wife #4.
Lori – I never saw so many divorces and deaths in my life. The few years I was in – it was “straight up and vertical”.
I think every lurker needs to get to the court house and look up their “fellow Scientologist’s” and see all the snapping terminals with the courts going on…also use US Bankruptcy Reports and see the financial ruin among st some of the most dedicated members. Scientology destroys very covertly w/o the member even knowing it.
What is Scientology training for real? It is the science of manipulation. How to manipulate your friends and family out of all of their money and time. Scientologist’s use the “tech” to train them to think their ruin post Scientology it is their fault always and Scientology Incorporated never does anything wrong.
As soon as you agree to re-grade your Bridge and believe YOU should pay for it, work for nothing as a slave, sign a Billion Year Contract for nothing in exchange for real, sign huge complex legal documents protecting Scientology Incorporated and David Miscavige but throwing yourself under the Bridge to Total Financial, Emotional, Spiritual and Physical Freedom – you are a robot who can’t see rational reason or think for themselves.
What were most of the deaths attributed to? Cancer? It seems to me a lot of people get cancer in this cult.
Ah, Lori S don’t you see? In Scientology logic Tom’s three failed marriages are proof of what a great husband he is!
Yes, Tom Cruise’s three failed marriages (with the assistance of Scientology) and relationship with Penelope Cruz (thanks to COB who deemed her namby-pamby), are the work of the SP’s who are out to get him. All because he is super successful and the SP’s (the psychs and big pharma) want to take him down because he promotes Scientology. Especially the last one, who ran out on him like a battered wife and got sole custody of their daughter together. Right, sure, we know.
ROTFLMAO!!!! Now that’s some funny shit! Yep, being divorced 3 times makes that little squirt a big shot within the cult. I wonderful if he’ll be up for the Freedom Medal of Divorce?
No joke! Scientology pointing out failed marriages is nuts! One thing I’ve noticed reading this blog and UB is how often women who are long-time Scientologists were known by multiple different surnames at different times in their past. Are there any statistics on the divorce rate of Scientologists? Anecdotally, it seems like it has got to be higher than the population average — by a lot.
hgc, what if they weren’t failed marriages at all! What if the toxic dwarf ordered those people to divorce? He’s certainly done it before.
The only failed marriage I have to my name fails as a direct result of scientology.
Although we have only been married since 2006, I met my current husband in 1993. I did not rush to marry him because scientology had made me distrustful of the entire institution of marriage.
Scientology has absolutely no right to brag about anything to do with making a marriage ir family work.
Your husband is one lucky man, Valerie…
Yeah he knows. I mean oh thank you. 😉
Laughter! Still laughing….Nice, Valerie, nice…..
This letter is absurd. Anyone believing such BS is surely complicit in the scam or is a moron (or both). I was just at a talk from Al Gore where he coincidentally was showing a graph where use of alternative energies is about 60 times what it was 20 years ago. Now that rang true to me. And he elaborated on the figures.
This guy just states it with no explanation whatsoever. What an a-hole. 60x increase of anything in 2 years is phenomenal.
If it were true, it would be at least somewhat manifest in the real world – not just in the mind of bubble dwellers.
To remain in the church you surely have to check your BS meter at the door.
check your BS meter at the door…….very funny and very true
This is actually standard religious boilerplate stuff, part of the handbook, folks. Billy Graham’s been using this for over 70 years (you can check what was billed as his “last message” last year when he was 97, I think. He is still alive.)
The standard “religion game bidness message” is ALWAYS: 1) Society is going to hell in a hand basket, morals are down the tubes, the culture is degrading (ragtime, jazz, Elvis, the Beatles, heavy metal, rap music, Maddona, Beyonce, yadda yadda yadday), the current government is corrupt and probably un-American … 2) We are engaged in a great cultural struggle to save our country and indeed all the people on Earth … 3) You know we are making great progress because of the tremendous opposition now being directed against us (by the devil, the psychs, the Democrats, etc) and so it is no time to stop now, we need to drive even HARDER, time is running out … AND …ALWAYS … (and how I wish the late great George Carlin was here to yell this) … 4) WE NEED MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep. It’s “Come to church and hear about how Scientology is saving the world.” Pass the basket. He could have signed his name as Pastor Capazorio although he already carries the distinguished title of IAS Freedumb Medal Winner which would be his main draw. The cheapskate isn’t even offering free food.
Hey Joe!!!! What… forgot about me??? I belong in that group! I can wreck havoc with the best of ’em! And you leave me out? I thought I knew you………
Lol. So, there you have it – “proof” that scientology is a religion..
Maybe he means the effort the world is taking to clear itself of criminality(ias), human trafficking(Russians in the sea org) ,debt(especially debt taken on for ias statuses) in other words Scientology is up by 6000%.
I think he was typing so fast he left out a word in the sentence.
That sentence should have read “But at the same time, Scientology DESPERATION has expanded 60x in the last two years!
Yeah that’s better.
The very, very sad thing about this letter and this person, is that he really believes it! I know the guy, have known him for a very long time. He is sincere but obviously is drunk on the koolaid. I pity him.
In addition, he’s in a bind that he cannot escape, being the brother in law of Tom Cruise.
He never made it financially, by the way, in the real world. His personal finances were always stuffed. For the past five to eight years he’s been earning his personal income from shelling for the IAS. I have to but wonder if he makes enough to live on. He may, because as I’ve said and know, he believes in all the shit that’s coming out of his mouth. He may touch hearts.
It’s sad.
And yes, it’s great that there is such a big reference to the SPs in his letter. It’s very great. The problem is, though, he’ll never know it’s great because he hasn’t a clue.
Yep – that line about the SP’s kind of made me feel proud! The hysteria from the SP’s is what they consider a win. What a bunch of idiots. With every disconnection, they make more and more enemies – so they really are winning heavily. Keep it up Dave, I don’t think a person could script a better scenario than the way this is playing out and you’re winning so well at it.
This logic would be similar to a restaurant hoping to get horrible Yelp reviews about their food and service and then celebrating in an empty restaurant.
No Sympathy. If he’s out in public someone must have gotten in his face at least once and he refused to look. I hope some protesters in Seattle show up and shout out.
I checked and that event has already passed. I hope protesters show up at his next event. He is soliciting money for a criminal organization. Tommy Davis retired to selling cars or something.
Richard, Tommy “The Weasel” Davis left the SO for Austin, TX. He’s currently a Realtor with a very big company. Hey, maybe we should show up and take the weasel out for drinks! I’ll bet we’d have some fun…..
Maybe 50 people in the area should go and “Fair Game” Tommy. Pretend to be home buyers and just waste his time so that he gets a taste of his own medicine.
Let’s see how he likes it when his income is cut by people interfering with his livelihood.
At least none of the apostates spread lies about “still-ins” like the cherch has been doing lately with Karen de la Carriere. Man, can you imagine how mad they’d be IF we turned the tables on them, individually? Like a hornet’s nest.
And the law would take out the apostate. I guess you can only get away with ruining people’s lives if you’re a 501c3 recognized humanitarian group.
Dude – It would be fun but what in Xenus name would we have in common to talk about? We might be able to find out if he’s deprogrammed himself or if he’s still sipping Kool Aid.
Oh, well, we could pretend to be somebody we’re not, just like they do. It would be a good exercise for actors, needing a little drilling time. Go in and see how long you can get Tommy to believe that you’re an actual home buyer.
Video it and make it a webcast reality show… “Tommy’s Temper”.
As a former actor, I think it would be great! We can all, instantly, go into character and have a fun time with Tommy Boy! Maybe even get him drunk…
LOL! Get him drunk with a hidden camera and then start making fun of DM in a way that he would chime in and laugh and impersonate him too. Whoo hoooooo hilarious! Then send that up lines.
Well, actually, I’ve seen Tommy around for a long time. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for a severe beating if DM got a hold of it. Still…
I hear you, Dawn. I know true believers and they do believe all that shite. Greg no doubts struggles financially, as most regular people do in Scientology, trying to pay for their Bridge, etc, etc. Even though he’s the brother in law of Tom Cruise, this doesn’t mean that Tom funds his Bridge. Obviously, since he regges for the IAS and makes a living off of it.
I still have a problem with this though. It’s clear that the IAS doesn’t shell out money for disasters, just look at the US alone – I’ve never seen any money come out of the IAS to help people here for relief efforts. People need to not only wake up but confront the fact that the IAS has no relevance or product in society. The regges should be more aware of this than the average person because they are the ones who are ‘enlightening’ people to donate.
Regular people are paying for their own bridge. Greg is ripping off other people. Crooks are still crooks regardless of the justification. I don’t assume Greg struggles financially. If he’s stuffing a 10% or more commission in his pocket he might be doing quite well.
Class action lawsuits for fraudulent use of funds would be a welcome addition to the current scene..
I didn’t realise I sounded so sympathetic. I bow my head.
Laughter! Human nature
Ah Hennessy you have not recently referenced your copy of the FSM glossary have you?
The act of making or causing something to become lighter in weight.
“Fred enlightened Sam’s wallet.”
LOL! Exactly.
The IAS reg “enlightened” the Jones’ children’s college fund for the greatest good (for the IAS).
🙂 🙂
They are enlightening in the sense of lightening the mark’s finances.
Right, Hennessey.
One time, an African Scientologist was putting together a children’s group – teaching WTH I believe it was. He asked if I knew how to get an IAS grant for this.
I asked one of the IAS people about how he’d go about it. She said, “Apply to the grant officer.” When I told her what it was for, she said, with snark full on, “Good luuuuck.”…as in “no way in hell are they going to approve THAT.”
One more coffin nail pulled out of my box so that the sun could shine in on my experience with the “NEW” Scientology. It wasn’t long after that I made my quiet withdrawal.
indie – I know what you mean! It’s so glaringly obvious how the IAS does nothing. It has no presence, except around the Scientology Bases. I knew several people who were deeply involved in third and fourth dynamic betterment activities, and the IAS never paid attention to them. Except when event time rolled around and they would call up to ask permission to come and film. Then they would take the credit for actions that they never had anything to do with. These people learned what the IAS was about; Zero, and they donated only what they had to to in order to keep up appearances.
Exactly, Hennessey. I know so many Volunteer Ministers who went out and risked their lives to help people – Haiti, earthquakes, and, most dangerously, the people who went to Japan after Fukishima – AND paid for it all themselves or had to rush around and get donations from friends to go.
The IAS paid for some supplies like water, maybe basic food and the tents (for promotion) but not much, if anything to support the VMs that were there.
Here these people were exposing themselves to intense amounts of radiation to help people and show that they, as Scientologists, care about the world, and they had to pay their own way over there, etc.
That’s why I always defend the actual VM people when others dis the VM project. Again, it’s the people’s sweat and money and risk they take to be caring human beings, and the IAS only puts in the minimum necessary to get the pr.
And then, to add insult to injury, they give the Religious Freedom Medal to some guy who was only over there a week who was spazing out, freaking out saying, “I have to leave!! I can feel the radiation going into my body!” and was pretty much worthless to the whole group over there. The other people who were over there, working their brains out through repeated after shocks and caring for those distressed people for months, went un-thanked in any significant way.
It’s ok. They’re not really doing much these days either. 😉
OMG, indie- that’s crazy about the guy who lost it in Japan and then receives the Freedom Medal. I guess he can redo his purif, and while he’s at it, his TR’s too. And sounds about right for the rest of the crew who stuck it out to be ignored. Except for being in the photo op, that is!
Oh, and you’re right about the real VM’s. I completely agree.
Thank you for understanding, Hennessey. Yeah, the real people who like to help should be commended. They are using what they believe in to help people and they put themselves in harm’s way to do it. THAT is what we all believed Scientology was about when we got in.
If there is ever a cohesive Indie group or self-chosen membership, I believe that these qualities will have a chance to show and grow.
People are doing it individually all the time.
As a matter of fact, when I first started not going around the org, the OT committee would call and ask if I helped anyone with Scn this week, I’d say yes. But what I was counting were number of seeds sown to get people to look at the truth, indie auditors referred, web links passed on for Rinder’s blog and Tony Ortega, etc.
Then I felt I was strengthening the org stats so I quit reporting them. 🙂 Kept doing it but stopped reporting them.
I got you, Hennessy. I’m not sympathetic, to the contrary. I’ve no respect for him and his ilk for playing blind, deaf and dumb. He deserves what’s coming to him.
Oh no, Dawn. I was not chiding you for being sympathetic. You said you’ve known Greg for a long time, so I understand you might have some empathy. I also know hard cores, that I’ve know for decades and feel for them, even though they still toe the line. Some are my own family members. But hey, people who rip off others in the name of the church, well yeah, I’ve got some feelings about that. 🙂
You gotta give it to Greg for having risen out of the sewer.
As many of you know, Greg grew up here in South Africa. Before hitting the Big Time (with now defunct Criminon and ultimately with Tom Cruise) he was the junior partner in a carpet cleaning business with the legendary con artist, heart breaker, bullshit artist and scientology fundamentalist Freddy Pendl, sadly to later die of Aids for reasons he literally couldn’t keep it in his pants. This is a tale of broken marriages and suicides. Aaah, Scientology ethics!
Carpet cleaning may not seem like a suitable foundation for a future Freedom Medal winner, but read on. This carpet cleaning business was renowned for breaking every law, rule, moral code and female heart (and many a far more evil but legally unproven act) – all of course done in the process of clearing this planet. One of the lighter anecdotes from this business is that if they received the slightest whisper of interest in maybe one day having their carpets cleaned, they were known to break into the shill’s house, clean his (or more likely, her) carpets, and present a bill with the protestation, “But we had an understanding! No I didn’t hear you change your mind.”
This was a business based almost entirely of BS and PR, which any reader will understand is a fantastic foundation for a career as a fundraiser. Anyone who knew either of these two, would say “what a couple of guys!” Unfortunately, there’s a couple of long-deceased women that might not agree.
Carpet cleaning to laundered scheming.
Google carpet cleaning scams. It sadly has a lot of shady operators trying to steal a buck.
Then when Greg did make a break from Freddie, left him for greener pastures, he also left Freddie with all the debt. He got away with it. But he hasn’t has he? Karma is nudging him in his back.
These two would completely dominate a graduation of they were their saving the universe. They were two PR merchants second to none. They loved the limelight.
You’ve prodded my memory, dr mac.
Off subject and I posted this late last night. Anyway, here it is again….
Oh, oh
Alexa report today: is ranked
United States 57,376
and is ranked just behind him at
United States Flag 57,632
Jesus, that super bowl ad didn’t give Miscavige the bounce he needed to pass up Mike. Bet that pissed him off. Someone’s going to the hole for sure…
And’s *bounce rate is up 7% from the previous 3 months….
*bounce rate
the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page.
“a rising bounce rate is a sure sign that your homepage is boring or off-putting”
Thanks Robert, this is funny. 🙂
What the hell is a “bounce rate.” I mean, if you talkin’ ’bout pretty girls in bikinis, I feel you. Otherwise, I’m in the dark here. Actually, I’m mostly in the dark most of the time…….
Now *those* are lovely stats. LOL
Scientology pays for a lot of its visitors. Mike doesn’t. It needs to remind them we pay attention to the bounce rate as well. What I find amusing in Alexa is the fact that scientology generally has a 7-15% rate of their visitors arriving from India. Perhaps they need to tell the click farms they need to diversify.
Congrats Mike,.well deserved. LOL
Soon they’ll need bouncers to keep the SPs out of the orgs.
Soon? There are already so many people UTR walking around at events, etc. and they don’t even know it!! LOL!!
If all of the people who are on the fence or under the radar took one picture at an event, got a account and sent their pics in to Mike, we’d get an idea of exactly how many are still in but not. That would be hilarious!