Please see the recent post on the African Blog about the hoops Field Auditors are now being made to jump through for GAG II.
Now comes this from I (don’t really) HELP UK. More expected hype about tremendous change and drinking glasses of milk.
And then, ruh-roh, plans change because there is ANOTHER “vital tool” for field auditors. GAG II is “old news” already?
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014
From: I HELP UK <[email protected]>
We are about to create a tremendous change in the entire field of Scientology by getting our actions and activities fully aligned with the Golden Age of Tech Phase II.
Next weekend – 18 and 19 January – we are holding an I HELP/SMI convention here in Saint Hill
The convention is starting at 9.30 am in the morning on Saturday. It will end on Sunday night at 8.30 pm.
There will be speakers from I HELP International and from SMI International.
* Learn how to flawlessly implement Golden Age of Tech in your area with the ease of drinking a glass of milk.
* Get every question you have in regards to Golden Age of Tech II answered.
* Get tools you have only dreamed of; Something new… Something special… Something you thought only orgs would get…
* Drill, Drill, Drill until your certainty is through the roof!
* You will get personal consultations for your technical perfection.
This convention is for everyone. Every I HELP member, everyone who is currently training to be a field auditor, everyone on scholarships, every Book One auditor who wants to become a classed auditor.
If you need to reschedule your pcs, do so now. We need you here next weekend so that you are totally alligned with Golden Age of Tech Phase II and so that you get the tools which will be brought by the Int Management speakers.
If you are coming from outside the local area and will need to stay over, then make sure you arrive on Friday night.
There is no convention fee as such however the cost for the food for both days is ?25. In order to prevent long queues when you arrive or when you get your food we suggest you pay beforehand. Give me a call with card details or bring in your money and we’ll sort it out for you.
Confirm yourself now in reply to this e-mail and let me know who you are bringing. It is important for us to know beforehand who is coming so that we can provide materials, food and space for all.
ml, Ann – CO I HELP UK
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2014
From: I HELP UK <[email protected]>
The date and possibly location of the I HELP/SMI convention which was supposed to take place next weekend here in Saint Hill, is changing.
This is due to another vital tool for field auditors and missions which is now being prepared and which will be brought by the International Management speakers.
We will let you know as soon as we have it finalized.
ml, Ann – CO I HELP UK
GAG II is sour milk. Sell that cow!!!
I like the mystery sandwich at the end of Ann’s communication. The hint that a new “vital tool” is coming soon. 10 to 1 it’s probably something that will the cost the field auditors more money. Because after buying the New Mark VIII and the retrain package they will just be bursting with funds to buy a new tool.
“And now, you have to stay on a standard schedule doing it or you meter will stop working. And we’re talking many courses at a minimum schedule of 12.5 hours per week.”
Somehow I missed this! I heard it would need a yearly “call-home” to make sure you’re in good standing, but I hadn’t heard that it requires a certain regularity of schedule. More details please!
“bring in your money and we’ll sort it out for you”
What a very odd way to phrase that…as if they are children who can’t figure out how to pay someone for meals. How much “sorting out” does it take to pay for some sandwiches? I’ve got an image of a child pulling out a wrinkled wad of cash and waiting for the clerk to go through it to find the right amount “this is a 5, this is a 10 and another 10 makes 25! Good boy!…and we’ll take the rest of this old dirty money away to wash it and give you back 10 shiny new pennies!
“We will let you know as soon as we have it finalized.”
This is, evidently, the new normal for planning events. They say the location and time may change, but put your life and PCs on hold and just wait while we try to get our act together. This uncertain date “planning” is the same thing that happened with the big events at flag a couple of months ago.
Can’t think of a better way to sabotage attendance.
Same thing that happened on post in the SO. ANY possible policy about planning, establishing something that can produce a good product, organization all went to hell in a handbasket. Everything was Hey You! and Now now now! Can’t go home until you do it—even though we just found out a couple minutes ago…. It’s been going on for over 20 years now. Hurry up and wait. Better yet—hurry up and give us all your money, all your kids for the Sea Org and help us go straight down and vertical!
I hear you and feel for you. I don’t have kids in the SO but my closest friends have a daughter in since the age of 14.
They go through the exact same thing you detailed and their daughter is clueless to the demands she places on them. As if the whole world operates that way, or should because being in the Sea Org is the most important activity in the universe.
Many kids in the SO or those who join staff are also indoctrinated in a way that they are “in” and saving the planet, so therefore, their parents should “pay”, constantly asking their parents to contribute financially. I had one on staff and he would call and ask for money on a regular basis, while being coached in the backround by a guy in the CMO. Happened on a regular basis.
Very out of touch and a very tough scene for the family.
It is fucked up, and it should stop.
The new OT 8 meter weighs 30 pounds ?
In it’s lead box or bare ?
God forbid, does t have it’s own steam engine for power ?
Something is not right.
Jose – Not joking that the new emeter weighs 30lbs. My friend just came back from Flag with one and weighed it before flying. Trouble Shooter is 25 lbs. My friend is no more than 110.
The wheeled case she put the emeter in broke a wheel in the Tampa airport and she had to carry all her stuff. She was so frustrated and drenched with sweat by the time she got to her seat.
It’s the emeter alone, not case, is 30lbs.
i wouldnt be a bit suprised if the date and venue are now “up in the air” due to the LACK of interest and response from the COS public.
I’m waiting for Davey to upload a selfie of himself standing in front of the Taj Mahal and saying “look, I built this!”
“* Get every question you have in regards to Golden Age of Tech II answered”
I have a question: Why is this the SECOND “Golden Age” revision of materials, when LRH himself declared “KSW Point 1 has been achieved” in his own lifetime?
And David Miscavige declared he had done this when he released his first Tech Vols. And again with “GAT 1”. And the Basics. And the OEC.
IDK, the sucking does seem to be entering a whole new dimension.
“This convention is for everyone”
Seems to me this is one big regging event, where people of all training and processing levels across the board are brought in and hammered to buy training and the emeter and get them started! Money comes in and stats go “straight up and vertical”.
There’s few bodies in the shop and the convention is supposed to be a jump start. Public are not excited about repeating the full Student Hat, TR’s and Objectives, or buying a new $5,000 emeter that incidentally weighs 30 POUNDS.
Why would they make an emeter weigh 30 pounds anyway? Aren’t we in the 21st century now?
A week in the life of a staff member, who is micromanaged by the minute, is a very looong time. I’m certain this much advanced notice seems like reasonableness to this staffer. My daughter, a current S.O. member, is always frantic about her schedule and completely unable to provide any advanced notice. She would call at midnight to let me know she had a few hrs off the next day. This is normal for her. My comments to her about the last minute nature and lack of predictive scheduling were the outpoints not the inability to schedule. They are in a “Hey you” system. Hey you, go here do this to be followed by, we’re not doing that anymore, go do this instead. This type of Psychotic scheduling is the norm. A whole week is an eternity.
My daughter flies around filming for Gold. On one of these occasions, she was in Europe, she suggested we could visit as she was getting the next few days off. We live in the US on the West Coast. She has not the slightest inkling of the burdensome cost involved for last minute ticketing or needing to make arrangements for work etc.This seemed like a reasonable suggestion to her. The S.O. buys last minute ticketing and accomos for film crews as a normal course of business. The heavy costs for this is ignored because it is at DM’s whim. Send them here, no send them there is normal operation. Her idea of advanced scheduling was the couple of days she was providing to us to meet her in Europe.
They are all very much out of touch, inside the bubble.
Mike thanks for the article.
Tim S, so true about the hectic frenetic hustle day to day. Its all now. I believe this is a consequence of the weekly stats system., at least a big contributor.
This has been the case for ages. Now, now now. No longer look. No judgment actually.
It suits the cob to jerk the rope and watch them flounder.
Post cob and the ‘revolution’ to come, this is just one of the things that will have to go.
You are absolutely correct.
This has actually been going on for quite a while.
I recall that in 1996 at AOLA I would not get my CSW back for libs and would have to go to the CO’s dorm
and literally beg to get my CSW approved, no matter how upstat I was. That while my precious minutes off
were trickling away…..
Talk about degradation.
What a surprise … they suggest you pay ahead of time.
And if the convention is called off, the advance payment is non-refundable. And if you even ask, you’ll get declared on the spot.
And likely no chance to get a refund -in case you have a Red-tagged pc….
There is so much information coming in day to day now I am confused as to which horrific story to even comment on. Court cases, construction jobs on Ideal Orgs hemorrhaging cash, auditors told to reschedule their PC’s, forced abortions, Dave threatening a woman’s face with a hot iron, security at Flag caught going through their public’s luggage and declares gushing out of the church like it was a Texas oil field.
Could somebody please call the mayor of Philadelphia and let him know one of his citizens is running loose and causing chaos from one end of the planet to the other?
I think Katie Holmes has gotten it completely right-
1. Put together a workable plan
2. Gather-up those who are important to you
3. Run to safety with them
4. Begin to lead the life you want
How is this not MLM-based psychotherapy? It sounds like they are calling for people to attend a new MLM product launch.
Who in their right mind announces a “convention” a week before it is to be held?
convention – A formal meeting of members, representatives, or delegates, as of a political party, fraternal society, profession, or industry.
Normally, this is a pretty big deal for most professions, with a calendar of events published at the beginning of the year for the entire year.
“This convention is for everyone” – hmm…I think not. Ann then goes on to tell us who the convention is for, clearly not for everyone.
“If you need to reschedule your pcs, do so now” – nothing could be more important than this GAG II Indoctrination. To hell with PCs, they can wait. This single statement tells you where “management” is coming from. Drop everything you’re doing and comply to our demands. That is what we do and that is what you’re supposed to do.
“In order to prevent long queues…” – ha ha ha…
“The date and possibly location…is changing” – they are moving it from The Great Hall to the hallway.
Yet another example of how out-of-touch Sea Org Management is.
Sheldon’s comment above about GAT II auditors being required to retrain – this is simply DM’s way of pushing everyone covertly through the A-E steps. Redo ALL your training, and besides that engage in lifelong amends which require that you empty your bank accounts, take out a second mortgage and pledge allegiance to the IAS forever. And even then DM will be bringing out GAT III which will require that you do it all again! He really does think everyone else except him is suppressive!
As was the mantra/marching orders when faced with this kind of insanity under DM:
“Get with it, or get rolled over by it”
More true today then ever before. Policy and common sense are road markers that were long ago passed by.
What a crock….
“Give us your money for food right away. Re-schedule your PCs. Come to get re-trained. No, not yet. We’ll tell you when. Call your PCs and say “just kidding” come in to session after all. We’ll tell you when to re-schedule them again…real soon now. Hope your air reservations are refundable. Bye.”
Sounds like a bunch of pre-teens trying to decide what they will be doing on the weekend.
Meanwhile, there is real auditing going on in the indie field delivered by professional auditors. Indie training is getting some momentum going too.
GAG I & GAG II….so yesterday.
“Sounds like a bunch of pre-teens trying to decide what they will be doing on the weekend.”
LOL! You nailed it. When I got into Scientology as a 19-year-old almost everyone I interacted with was significantly older. The average age was probably around 45 or so, considering there were quite a few 50+ individuals and an equal number of college-aged kids.
Over time, the older, more experienced people, especially those who were auditors, have systematically been removed from SCN. It’s not a lot of fun for DM to be surrounded by people who knew what the Real Tech looked like.
What is left is a bunch of teenagers and twenty-somethings with an 10th grade education (on average) who have consistently had trouble reading and understanding, not just LRH, but pretty much anything out there. The result is the frenetic, confused and disorganized mess we’re seeing portrayed in the volumes of emails being sent around. It’s sad, is what it is.The dumbing down of Scientology to the lowest common denominator — which of course is Miscavige himself.
The photo of the GAT II Release Event from Flag… Big picture of the stage and there is NO PICTURE OF LRH. Only a tiny DM standing there. No L. Ron Hubbard. It’s totally laughable. He’s shoving the old man out of the way to take all the credit now. Yippeee…. hopefully HE will land in jail. They won’t get his wife, Shelly, she’s already in jail. Somewhere. Pretending not to be.
This gets weirder and weirder. The fact that all those supposedly fancy, wealthy people (perhaps they are Extras) are still buying this load of smelly you-know-what is totally amazing.
O/T: This story just GUTS me:
…and this is only part of it:
‘In effect, I virtually bankrupted my company donating money to Ideal Orgs and the IAS based on projected future profits from work I was promised and which I never got. And as if this was not enough of an insult, when I mentioned in session that I was now confronting a dire situation with resultant tax implications, the Joburg C/S promptly out A-J’d me and stopped my auditing in the HGC. There are no words to describe the betrayal I felt.’
The whole picture painted about the re-re-re-re-re-designs (12 – twelve – re-designs) and the contractors’ comments concerning the low quality of work on the Orange County “Ideal Org” is very telling. It’s a well-written article, worth reading to get detail on an example of ?what? has been going on.
+1 Incredible story.
I’ve never seen a better example of #7) “The antisocial cannot finish a cycle of action” (HCOB 27 SEPTEMBER 1966 THE ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY THE ANTI-SCIENTOLOGIST.
Yea, all these plans, programs, targets, steps, time machines, high crime checkouts, new tools, compliances, reports are all too easy to talk about, chirp about loudly if you’re the administrator sending out the orders.
It’s a different story if you’re the smuck at the bottom of the food chain (and respect chain), the lowly auditor, who’s got to do all this work and carry the load.
Some of these administrators need to get auditor trained and try surviving on the other side of fence. It ain’t so easy. I’ve been there, albeit 40 years ago, and was at the top of the heap technically. I could have never withstood what’s being asked today.
Yeah–the auditor used to be validated and looked up to as the one making the good changes, with the support of the other staff and team. The auditor is now the lowest status and the person who gets in the most money for no service at all is king.
Me either Forever Lurker, great comment. The quantity of preparation that has to be done, to go into session with a clear head and confidence needed, to handle whatever comes up, is a huge amount of work. My first product was my own full preparation so I was fully in TR’s and professional. The way the auditors are harassed with “perfection”, stat pushed, under slept, forced to accept squirrel tech, like 3 swings etc., I wouldn’t have lasted 10 minutes. But then, my goal was to deliver a great technical session, which meant auditing for the pc, not ignoring their complaints and protests, and being fully in agreement, technically. Forcing auditors to go out integrity on a daily basis is extremely evil.
The PR makes it sound as if its a free ride.
Truth is the total bill from start to finish ( if you ever finish) is the only thing “Out the Roof”
The obligatory “Phone ahead with your credit card numbers” Ya got to love it.
Bring check books, credit report,credit cards, Home deeds,stocks , bonds, jewelry.
Any small children that can Hold a shovel.
A dentist will be standing by to remove your Gold teeth.
The gold teeth hype was used in the Phoenix Idle Org drive. Seriously.
Sick. Just really, really sick.
didn’t know ( re Gold teeth)
Good News for Field Auditors- You were forced to retrain from top to bottom in the 90’s all the way into the 2000’s – and how good did that feel? Really good right? Well, you are going to get to do it all over again. Yes! Wow! Wow! You are going to do all of your training ALL over again! Yahoo!!! Scoobe Do!!! Woppee Doo!! Retrain everything. And the really special news??? We are having a convention and all three of the remaining field auditors in the UK and you are ordered to cancel your pcs…. whats that? You don’t have any pcs?? Even better!!! You can come all weekend and no one will miss you??? What’s that, you’re working two jobs and not auditing anymore?? Well drop one job and then you can retrain!! Good news!! More retraining!! I am sooooo pumped!!!!! That YOU will be the one doing the retraining, not ME!
This sort of news is actually becoming sort of boring. They are so consistently inconsistent no matter where in the world they’re “functioning” (and I use that word loosely!) that I truly wonder how anyone can do anything at all with certainty. I guess “keep ’em guessing” is the new modus operandi.
Keep ’em guessing, keep ’em tired, keep ’em broke, keep ’em threatened and terrorized. Just sayin’….
They seem totally consistent to me. You will get nowhere no matter how hard you try, the bridge is non-existent. Don’t make any plans because you can’t expect to work your schedule around us, just be prepared to be where we say you should be with your wallet open when we say you should be. What’s so inconsistent about that ;-0
I can imagine how well this going over with field auditors. I remember being caught up in the auditors that had to do GAT I. I drilled with a number of auditors that had been auditing straight through from the 70s that had audited thousands of very well done hours. Needless to say, they would not have been doing GAT I if that hadn’t been forced to it.
GAT II is way more onerous that GAT I. Besides having to pay 5K for a new meter, you have to redo all of your training starting at Student Hat! At least GAT I had “certainty courses” so you didn’t have to redo all of the theory.
And now, you have to stay on a standard schedule doing it or you meter will stop working. And we’re talking many courses at a minimum schedule of 12.5 hours per week.
Since steps A-E include redoing your training from the ground up, now’s the time to do them – you’d be killing 2 birds with the same stone. Actually, there’s never been a better time for an SP auditor to be undeclared.
Set your GAT Phasers on “stun” and prepare to fire.
Must be the newly revised GAT II Auditor’s Code.
4. I promise to re-rescheduele all auditing appointments once made when GAT II events come to town.–
This is classic. Here comes the usual lines “We have this drop-everything, super-vital-important seminar and brand-new hyper-exciting new tool for you. You have only one week’s notice before we are putting this on. Reschedule your pc’s and schedule yourself to get here. Pay now!”
Then, just 24 hours later, “Oh wait – we’re not really ready yet. Hold on and we’ll let you know, just as soon as the idiots at Int Management have their shit together enough to actually show up with this super-fantastic new tool that you can’t do without.”
From what I’m seeing on other blogs and posts, it appears that this GAG II – Electric Boogaloo is really flopping bigtime with the trained Scientologists. And I say “Good for them! Finally some common sense is starting to appear amongst at least the trained ones.”
When I first heard about the GAG II release, I had some moments of reflection that perhaps Miscavige really had done something decent in trying to get the training side of the Bridge straightened out and re-focus attention on making auditors again, after he is the one who screwed it up so badly back in 1996.
Well, that has proven out already to be a fantastic waste of my thought and time. The extreme prices for the training and the new meter, the mandatory retraining of the entire left side of the Bridge, the “revising” of basic LRH references on how to deliver already perfectly workable tech – this is just more Miscavige BS wrapped up in hyperbole and shiny banners.
To anyone reading this who is still in – get out now! It’s not going to get any better!
As you state GP,
“I had some moments of reflection that perhaps Miscavige really had done something decent in trying to get the training side of the Bridge straightened out and re-focus attention on making auditors again,”
Consider this:
There are no OT levels above OT8 & 9, as Marty & Mike know and as posted on Marty’s blog, and as DM knows,
so DM’s card is to retrain, over and over as evident by GAT 1 and now phase 2, or GAT 2.
Add in the Super Power release to divert attention off of the OT levels above OT8.
You get the picture?
It’s natural, normal, a sign of not being a sociopath, to want things to improve. To believe that a person, regardless of dire external indications, may still find their way towards sanity. I applaud and respect all such beliefs, including the ones I experienced for a while.
The truth however, is that David Miscavige is a sociopath and as such, is incapable of doing or being anything within a hundred miles of normal. It’s just not going to happen. Like the drug-addled daughter or son who swears, the holiest of swears, with the gentlest and saddest of eyes, that they will never hurt the family again. Then takes all the cash, jewelry and electronics they can sweep into a “borrowed” pick-up (including the high-priced new puppy) and leaves for the nearest pawn shop.
The word Duped, means to be deceived or tricked. We’ve all been duped at some point in our lives. For me, the hardest and harshest thing about being duped, was that the act itself could not have taken place, without my innate sense of wanting to believe the best in people. I still do.
But, I have had to add a few layers of protection, in order to hold on to my personal sense of humanity, considering all the recent times I’ve been lied to, all the times people dear to me have been abused or harmed. Scientology is a beautiful science or philosophy, depending on perspective. It has so many positive uses. But it can do harm in the wrong hands – and currently those hands belong to the Diminutive One and his minions.
It’s not going to change with him in a position of power. All change, within our Church, religion, philosophy or what-have-you, begins with his removal. Then and only then, can a clear and uncluttered sense of rightness, once again reign.
Well said! Except for one thing–it’s not the Scn doing the harm….it’s the person who’s using it and their intentions that does harm or good with it. Just like guns. By themselves guns do no harm–it takes a wacko to pick it up and use it to steal from someone or shoot someone because it’s Tuesday.
Quite right Gato!
It isn’t beautiful, it is the sick mind of LRH is organisational form as best revealed by Jefferson Hawkin’s analysis of the Scientology “Ethics” on Tony Ortega’s blog.
Excellent point Odd Thomas. It’s easy to invalidate yourself when you’ve been taken advantage of. It’s important to understand that sometimes, our plus points can bite us in the ass. But, we shouldn’t let the evil actions of others divert us from our true theta character. So be kind, trusting, loving, but also, strong, vigilant and willing to fight back.
Wow, Odd. Just. Wow. Thank you for stating that so perfectly. I want to claim it as my own, copyright it and spread it across the world, but I won’t. I will just worship at your feet for digging into my heart and expressing my feelings.
“The hardest and harshest thing about being duped, was that the act itself could not have taken place, without my innate sense of wanting to believe the best in people. I still do.” I am in tears. Good tears.
So cool Valerie.
To Odd Thomas,
Well stated. D.M. is a classic case.
“Miscavige BS wrapped up in hyperbole and shiny banners” — awesome, GP!
I’m not sure whether the word “tool” has the same connotation elsewhere in the world as it does among my son’s wicked friends. But there is definitely a joke waiting to be made here about all the tools in Int Management.
Leaving that aside, I’d venture to guess there may be a very simple explanation for this snafu. “Int Management” is something of a figment these days, isn’t it? I mean, everyone with an official position in the executive strata is in the Hole, right? So “Int Management” basically means whoever happens to be in Miscavige’s inner circle at the moment, I would think. And given the disastrous run of bad karma the little man has been experiencing lately — undoubtedly the most dire sequence of events in the history of this planet ever — being in near proximity to Dave Miscavige probably ranks down there with Fukushima in terms of toxicity and diminished life-expectancy.
So even with a crushed timetable, the likelihood that a given member (that is “member” in the same sense as “tool”) of Miscavige’s staff would remain alive, healthy and on-post long enough to plan and execute a mission overseas is likely alarmingly low. He is burning these people like straw. As his power to control — or even influence — events in the world at large collapses, his only remaining power lies in raining down wrath and terror on those still within his reach.
It can only get worse, I expect.
Richard, remind me never to give you a rorschach test:)
“I’m not sure whether the word “tool” has the same connotation elsewhere in the world as it does among my son’s wicked friends. But there is definitely a joke waiting to be made here about all the tools in Int Management.”
My guess: the “tool” being referred to is the magical Mark VIII Ultra reads-recorder.
Well, my contacts tell me Bridge is telling people that the reads-recorder isn’t going to be available at missions or in the field, only orgs.
But wouldn’t ya know? People aren’t buying Mark VIII Ultra E-meters! So the UK practitioners, in order to keep them firmly in the fold, have to be FORCED to see the value of getting Mark VIII Ultra E-Meters.
Then, while they’re all under one roof, the “church” will R-factor the mission and field auditors that anyone caught using a Mark VII Quantum will be declared on the spot.
After the bullsh that went on in South Africa, you can easily see how this is where this essential event is headed.
It’s not essential for the (few) field and mission auditors and their pcs. It’s essential for the “church” to browbeat and intimidate the (few) field and mission auditors into conforming.
And the “church” is hoping the FORCE they apply will keep people in the church, instead of leaving in hordes.
You are funny, Richard Grant. I had a good laugh and your comparisons, eg, to Fukushima, are so apt.
I believe GAG 2 is the start of his end, if not him having to hide or be arrested by the FBI, then having more of his public deserting to the other side as they start to realise just what they have to do to audit and earn their living and/or to continue up the Bridge. I envisage a mass walk out of those on OTVII when they have to virtually start retraining from the start before they can continue AND buy TWO very expensive e-meters that are old stock. Hip, hip, hooray.
Have you read the latest blog from Johannesburg on ‘backincomm’? – an inside story about the actual building of the ‘Ideal’ Orgs on South Africa.
Goodchoice, I did read that post at Back In Comm — a great blog, truly — and one of the things that struck me was how the terminals at Int Landlord kept changing from one comm cycle to the next. I suspect this is the pattern around Captain Blackheart these days.
Nautical humor for the pretend navy: What happens when you put porta-potties on wagons? Heads will roll.
I had came back into Scientology after being gone for 20 years (Long story). I was trained –Class 6, Permanent Class 4 and Dianetic auditor (1973). I actually kind of liked the Basics, except for the lack of doingness, I knew there was something very wrong “The Church”, but I just stayed on course. I got 2 uber expensive Mark VIII meters, my entire training package Level 0 through 4, the TRs course,meter course,etc. But I was never able to complete any of it because there were no twins, Everyone was on The Basics if they were on course at all.. No one was doing auditor training. I just continued the ACCs.
When GAT II arrived I was dumbfounded that my meters were obsolete. I had loaned them to the HGC to be used as back ups and had never used them myself. Now i needed 10,000 more bucks plus 2 new meters to do my training. Plus, I’d have to do the Student Hat again (PRD and KTL grad) At this time I hit the Internet and found Mike, Marty and the rest of the apostate crowd.
I was in the Org this weekend (they are in an Ideal Org mania) working on my refund cycle and I noticed something. There’s no one trained. Hell, in the old days everyone was at least a Class 4 auditor. This has lead to many problems — people in the church won’t talk to you. They’ll write you up and talk behind your back, but they won’t talk to you. People in the Church are not really uptone (1.0 with a social 4.0, a lot the time.) If they were co-auditing they would be higher toned. They wouldn’t cry so much at these damn events A reg went into total fear and hid when he saw me,
Patron Meritorious or “Silver Humanitarian” is far senior to a lowly Class 5 auditor.
The “Church” is such a strange place. It’s culture has taken on the flavor of feudalism. A few very wealthy people are fawned over and celebrated. I guess that fits in with the fancy buildings
“There’s no one trained.” That’s no accident.
I’m so glad that you can clearly observe.
Get your refund if you can, and get out!
As Dylan said, “Things have changed,”
Ashaman, thank you for your story.
I too was out for over 25 years and then when contacted, believed the smoke and mirrors. Resulting in me putting out over 10K on product (long enough story in between too) from my retirement savings. I was amazed at what I experienced and saw in that year. Your second paragraph is so right on. Turned out to be the most unfriendliest place, really.
I thought I would have some friends like the old day and social activities. If you are not a whale and have status, do exactly as they say and believe everything, you will get nowhere. I turned to the internet and found the answers to all my questions and the truth regarding all aspects of the organization. I resigned by email early ’12 and it’s been extremely nice since, to have freedom, friends and to be aware of my track.
I’m happy that you’ve seen the true Church as it exists now. From personal experience that razor thin line between past perceptions of a beloved group and the stark reality of what it has become, can be a difficult line to cross.
I balked and kicked and shouted, “Say it ain’t so Ron!” quite a few times, but in the end, reality won out and all the veils slipped away as the Church revealed itself. Kind of like the pretty princess turning back into the ugly witch, just as you were ready for a kiss.
Well, for me, the single hardest moment of the entire process was that split second of panic when i thought I was leaving SCN behind forever – simply not true. The real SCN is what we do with it, and there’s a lot being done with it out in the Indie field. Welcome to Camelot.
Thanks Odd. Camelot feels pretty nice.
“If you need to reschedule your pcs, do so now.”
Yeah, just fuck the auditor’s code about not breaking appointments with P.C.’s! Fuck the auditor’s code! This is the drill drill drill number 1! Fuck the auditor’s code? Drill it now! Yee Hawgy we are all in gleeeeeeeeeeee!
Pass the Scotch god damit!
Good one Oracle. Forget about the purpose of the entire bleeping organization, let them keep their charge and cases, the whimps. That auditing is such dev-t, when they are very busy planning events and raising money and tent moving and rescheduling events….. they are very, very busy. I’ll join Coop for a scotch.
Let them eat cake!
yah, the auditors code.
Reminds me of when I went to Flag in the late 1990’s to do the “havingness” rundown. Prior it was called the “money” rundown or something like that.
I was all excited reading the Promo pieces, and I finally saved enough money to do this rundown. I arrived at Flag totally willing and ready to do the rundown. Afterall my ruin was not making enough money to go up the Bridge, at the time.
I thought if I did this rundown, why money would flow to me.
So I arrive at Flag, mind you, they had my PC folders prior to my arrival,
why I ended up waiting a week to get in session. WTF.
I was going nuts waiting for that week.
While the auditor I never spoke to, the promo from Flag was immediate service to get in session.
Yah, the auditor, Flag, broke the promise. And I wasted a whole week and paid for a whole extra week of accomo’s at Fort Harrison. Mind you I saved for this auditing action, applying LRH tech, and then it became a problem to get the auditing I paid for in advance.
“It should be the primary concern of HCO (WW), Ltd. To increase the dissemination, activities and income of all organizations on a crash program basis. This should be done by:
“6. Demanding long range, advance notice by HCOs to the field of coming functions and no more of this thirty-day notice of a tape play. Get a year’s schedule of special events ahead and published and then boomed ninety days in advance of each one.” (ref:HCO PL 26 January 1964 HCO (WW) LTD. CENTRAL ORG ACTIVITIES)
Or was this ultra-vital can’t-be-missed essential-for-your-future event announced ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE, only to be followed by a “never mind, it’s gonna be re-scheduled-when-we’ve-got-it-really-nailed-down” e-mail.
And, as many have already pointed out, “reschedule your pcs” is an Auditor’s Code no-no.
But, in the modern incarnation of the “church” of Scientology Inc, things like, uh, the AUDITOR’S CODE don’t matter any more.
Auditors Code?
I thought that had been found by the Chief Micro Mismanager to be the real why behind slow service.
Yo Dave,
Have you pulled that code to get speed of service in? You have once again really done a magnificent job. We can call our PCs and tell them to get their stupid grody asses over immediately if they want a session, otherwise they can kiss your ass?
The Auditor’s Code and PC’s for that matter is all so yesterday. The real money is in money.
(Snort) – ya think Field Auditors have any PCs anyways? It’s a L-O-N-G time since there was any Field auditing amounting to anything going on in the UK – there’s almost certainly more outside the Church. Last time I knew it was a completely losing game – not least because they had to charge at least as much per Intensive as the local Org – about £2500 per intensive last I knew. The only “field auditing” going on was bypassing the Corporate bs by using the “auditing a friend” loophole which has no doubt been closed now. Now anybody even THINKING about field auditing is going to go into apathy and forget it.
“The above steps take 1-2 weeks at most”. [just set-ups]
“You are then to sign up for and start your full training line-up starting with the Student Hat…” In other words, your already cancelled certificates have been re-cancelled and you start all over again from the bottom.
Chaz Kember used to be CO WISE, maybe still is. Used to be a great guy as a Sup at AOSH – fun and vivacious. I dread to think what he has become under this corporate insanity, and what mental gymnastics people like this have to go through to make it “right”.
What seems to be happening as far as I can tell is that the “runway” to taking off whether as a PC or auditor is forever being built and re-built. You get to the end of the runway but it was a mirage and there’s more to drive along. There is no “taking off” – it’s an illusion.
Good point about the field auditing, Padders.
When I was ‘on lines’ at St Hill, nearly 10 years ago, I had a problem getting hold of a decent auditor to deliver the gazillion hours of auditing I had bought (actually 28 intensives, don’t exaggerate – Ed.). This was especially frustrating as I knew that there several very well-trained auditors who wanted to audit but couldn’t afford to be on staff (lucky to get £25 for a 40 hour week), or were ‘field’ auditors but couldn’t audit me because I was already ‘org public’ and so couldn’t go down the food chain and be serviced by a lowly field auditor.
I’m guessing that anyone who wants to be a field auditor faces the same problem. Virtually no new public coming in, so any prospective marks – I mean PCs, have already been branded by the orgs in the past and are therefore regarded as org property. But the PCs don’t want to go anywhere near the orgs as they are fed up with being seen as walking wallets by all and sundry as soon as they set foot in an org. And besides, as I found out, the service is really shite – ‘service with a ser fac’ doesn’t begin to describe it.
And why do the orgs have so few decent auditors? Ummm, I wonder, could it be because they are always having to be retrained? Lack of decent auditors means academy students get pushed into auditing paying public in the HGC before they are ready – with predictable results. So, the public are unhappy and don’t want to come back, therefore the money dries up and staff don’t get paid and don’t renew their contracts and so no decent auditors and, and . . .
So they get a vicious circle (or virtuous circle depending on your viewpoint?), a downward spiral, an imploding vortex, a – (that’s enough laboured metaphors – Ed.).
Towards the end of my time in the cult (2007), it became more and more apparent that the orgs really only served the function of getting the public into the clutches of the ‘non-service specific’ (i.e. non-refundable) reges, i.e. the IAS, Super-doopah-Power, Ideal Orgs, CCHR, iHELP, Narconon, Criminon and all the other scams such as books for the libraries, books for Romania, books for Albania (yes, really!), calendars for local businesses, plaques for African dignitaries (again, yes really!). And that is even before we get onto the subject of materials. Complete set of basic books (seriously, three times?), ‘advanced books’, congress lectures, PDC and Phoenix lectures (doesn’t matter if you already got the cassette versions – you have to upgrade to CDs), videos, ‘Ron’ mags, dictionaries, OEC volumes, Technical Volumes, R&D volumes, course packs, study tapes, whole Track tapes, jewellery, car badges, jackets with leatherette sleeves like in American colleges, pyjamas with “You are as OT as you dream” embroidered on the collar (he made that one up! – Ed.) and let’s not forget the E-meters (2 in case one gets thrown out the window by an angry PC), a bargain at £5,000 for the pair, but only if you buy as part of a training package.
And of course, for all these ‘materials’, only a fraction of the purchase price goes to the org, most goes uplines to, to – actually where does it all go?
Anyway, you knew this already. I’d better go somewhere and calm down now.
As of 2010 the only ones in the field doing anything remotely interesting were (as always) The Wincel Group in Forest Row and Wealden House in East Grinstead (run by author Neil Gaiman’s sister). Both local to ASHO UK. Certainly nothing in London (£1750 per intensive). A number of people/groups have come and gone over the years. Aside from the above, and a few Book One hours in Pakistan, the “UK” field is most certainly dead.
beautiful come-on dissemination, once again.
It’s a PR World
What if you are lactose intolerant?
🙂 comment of the week!!!!
Drink it anyway and like it! And knock off the CI YCSMFDBAH. And I better not hear anyone snickering !!!
Does it still suck to be Miscaviage or have we moved to another dimension now?
Still sucks….
Make it go right – drink almond milk.
That was the first thing I thought of too!
If you are lactose intolerant you have to wait for GAG3 which will have a soy version…
Marc, you beat me to it.
Marc,my thought exactly!!!! LOL
Either way you’re GAGging.
LOL, Marc!
That was my first thought – you beat me to it.
Actually, could the drinking of milk be a metaphor? It looks good, it tastes good (especially if flavoured with syrup), but drinking it makes you full of wind and may give you diarrhoea (of the financial sort).
Milk… it’s the new Kool Aide.