Remember Shake and Bake Flash’s recent post about how the IAS is pulling off massive international dissemination, driving millions onto the Bridge.
I guess it is happening everywhere but Houston.
This candid email tells the truth about what life is like out there on the fringes of the bubble where they actually contact the public. While she dutifully offers the required worship of GAGII and the MV event with a tired sockpuppet “sock blowing” it gets real from there.
Believe me, Houston is a microcosm of org and missions everywhere.
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2014
From: Mary Ann Durham
Subject: Maiden Voyage Event II……and other news
The first event just blew every one’s socks off! The wins and stats from GAT II are really something to get excited about. We’re smart to be connected with a group that keeps improving itself.
Sunday Seminars are rocking along. We have yet to discover the communication line to the general public. However, I am operating on the basis that if we regularly give the seminars, and keep promoting them, eventually we will discover what works and have the general public coming in at a viable rate. One thing is for sure, if we stop the seminars and stop the “hunt” for the promo line……we won’t get anybody in. I hope I can count on your continued support to deliver and/or promote the Seminars. For any of you that are FSMs this could be an easy introduction to Scientology or a way to revitalize one of your selectees.
The file project and central file project has fallen behind a bit as most energy is going to call in for the MV Events. So, in a way if you email your intention to attend MV or not you would be helping the files and CF project!
Jolie Castleman handled the food for the last MV event. So great of her to take that on. She’s also doing the food for this week’s event. A BIG thank you to Jolie for her help.
This week’s event is all about Ideal Org. It really is unbelievable the progress we are making. I do hope to see ya’ll there. If you haven’t responded let me know your intention.
Thanks, Mary Ann
We have yet to discover a communication line to the public? How low CAN you go? In the late 60s until the FEBC changed everything the SFO Public Divisions (6, 7 and 8) brought in 65 – 100+ public daily. In the mornings and afternoons it was for a free personality test. In the evening it was for the 16mm black & white LRH interview film or an Intro Lecture delivered by one of our Class VIIIs, the best and most popular of them being Rick Melrose. (Rick left staff when he was 30 because “it was time to be an adult.” Rick started SFO in 1968 as a Class I Org by training at LA Org as a Class I auditor.) Corporate Scientology has devolved Scientology itself to become the Oakland of religions; there is no “there” there. The actual tech of Scientology, like the gold dust at the end of The Treasure of Sierra Madre has been manhandled to the point that it was lost and carried off in all directions by the wind.
The communication line to the general public is called “telling the truth” and so, no, the Church of Scientology will never discover it.
Mary Ann’s statement about the socks being blown off and how huge the wins are on GAT II sure sounds a lot like some “Waxed Enthusiasm.” The dark secret is that Scientology is all about fundraising not about training and processing anymore. Basically it’s a bait and switch, get you hopped up on the concept of a training and processing but then fundraise the shit out of everyone for buildings, IAS, book drives. Gee, I wonder why this approach creates such terrible long term results? Could it be that the Snake is eating it’s own tail?
More like the pig eating its own ass.
Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Remind me again, what’s that a definition of?
Go on the internet and your hunt will be over on the correct things to be saying to the public.
Looks like someone is waking up!!!!!!!!!!
It could have all been so simple! .. As I said often here in this blog, the simplicity goes when you can go on with your SerFac .. David Miscavige throws his own into public .. some (or a lot) disagree, some others do agree .. last statement from the church to me was, that I would have a SerFac because of my disagree with the current church .. Ahh! It seems that I should cognite on that .. but I didn’t ..
I also somewhat forgot to mention that people won’t turn up at their Org if they are going to be constantly harassed (crush regged) for “donations” and “raising their status” which are nowhere covered in LRH policy anyway. Tends to put Joe Public off after a while. But is that not also “interfering with students”? Even if you have good ARCful knowledgeable supervisors pulling students into the Academy to get on and learn the Tech, the Crush Regges are driving them in the opposite direction by demanding that they donate a 100,000 bucks after they have just walked in off the street and listened to an introductory tape play. You really couldn’t make this stuff up! If someone asked you back in the 1970s or 80s “how could you really mess up Scientology” – if you thought about it for a while and had a really insidious suppressive frame of mind that day you would come up with exactly what has occurred in the Church since then, instigated by DM, but such would be so unbelievable that you would say “no, surely no one would do that?” The blind now are indeed, leading the blind.
Couldn’t agree more, I remember one case in London Org when a foreign student who did not speak English was somehow routed up the Basic Courses and had a set of headphones slapped on after he had £5:00 taken out of his wallet and was left to listen to the “Role of Earth” tape on his own
The reg sidled off with a check mark in his aid starts book.
The student was sitting there with his eyes rolling about
You couldn’t make it up!
Clearing the planet one charge at a time.
I know Mary Ann and her husband. They are good people who are still blinded by the hype. Instead of criticizing those who keep their purpose going despite the hardship, I ask myself what can be done to get them to see the light? As a matter of fact, how do we do that for ALL those who are still in?
For me it was an old friend calling out of the blue telling me all the out points on I didn’t want to hear it at first but it made sense. (And I had just returned from flag then too.) She got me looking for myself. If she hadn’t called I would still “believe” in the church but probably wouldn’t be active. And I’d still be feeling sorry for myself because I had a huge failed purpose. Now I’m living life the way you’re supposed to.
How can we help those who are still blinded so we can end the scourge called miscavige?
This is going from bad to worse, well, we all know it is a lot worse than this of course. But the solution to this theme here of “We have yet to discover the communication line to the general public.” is mentioned in probably about 100 policies and HCOBs and this is what I find even more disturbing. Now this could be just 1 woman’s misunderstanding but then it is probably not just her then is it. The real and actual public of Scientology Orgs are those who can read and understand LRH BOOKS! They are dead easy to reg because they have already been sold on the subject from reading the book and understanding it. I know – I was one of this type of person. Not those who can watch a bland video and then also not being able to communicate with anyone in the Org after watching it. Now some of these videos are ok, in actual fact they are pretty good productions, but that’s not my point. My point is DM has shifted the emphasis on “Books make booms” to “Books make booms because I and the other staff make 10% commissions on the sales and that handles their cigarette requirements for a week” (and also not selling them to new public but the old “donations” dupes). And – “video palaces make booms because a) we don’t have any staff anymore anyway to talk to people; b) we will ignore the LRH policies on Books AND Training (together) in making auditors; c) we will empty Academies by having interfering heavy handed “Flag-trained” snarling supervisors and by squirreling the Student Hat and making it into a covert and squirrely PRD and saying it is the “new thing”, (amongst all the other squirrel training crap); d) we won’t bother anymore auditing PCs and training auditors – we will just sell “produce” or get “donations” and of course the 10% commissions on all of these of these things – after all it is “much cheaper on (no) resources” – is his warped logic here. The main indicator of a healthy Org for me and I think for just about everyone else is “how many people are on course in the Academy doing a proper auditor training course (not just a tape play or whatever they do these days) and going on to proper interneships and auditing public and and staff in volume. Someone mentioned a few days back that Scientology would have over 20 million parishioners if they had simply done that – trained auditors and let them audit PCs and left the Missions alone to do their thing. Word of mouth and case gain would have driven millions in to the Orgs over the last 30 years. DM has shifted the product emphasis to “no product”. But then we know this. “The product of an Org is well-trained auditors and thoroughly audited PCs.” Now I wonder who said that? Ah! It could have all been so simple!
Isn’t it ironic that the person responsible for seeing that Scientology is not squirreled appears to be the biggest squirrel of all?
Yes MJ this irony hasn’t escaped many of us 😉
Appears to be???? Hell, he’s the embodiment of squirreldom! He’s the Master Squirrel! The Squirrelmeister, if you will. Squirrelzilla! The Universal Squirrel! He has squirrel in his DNA.
OI oi oi! And this one woman has just spread to all her people how this still has to be discovered. Makes you wonder if anyone studies ANY policy anymore.
I’m not a fan any longer of some of the policy, but the simple survey stuff, Div 6 stuff….how could you go wrong? By not even reading it!! What a dumb little chickie. (Old word that used to be used by the powers that be’d to be derogatory. And she deserves it. And her senior, and her senior’s senior…..LOL….)
Anyway…. with these wonderfully incapable people at the helm….it sure won’t be long! Hey everybody–make sure you figure it all out! The wheel needs to be reinvented! Stay up days in a row to figure it out. What are those green books for anyway? What’s that guy’s name…Hubbard or Hobart or something….? Who’s that?
LRH did help me with some policy to get some strange situations handled .. so on, it is not all bad what he has said ..
“The product of an org is well-taught students and thoroughly audited pcs. When the product vanishes, so does the org.”
That quote is in the last paragraph of “Tech Degrades” and pretty much sums up the state of Scientology today. Seminars, idle org buildings and IAS status are all squirrel products resulting in no orgs/missions.
+ all the rest of us
Foolproof, this is a perfect summation of the situation.
Thank you.
The way I see it. Slappy WANTS the whole thing to fail. He’s doing this with great purpose and intention. He’s taken all of the assets, put them out of reach of scientologists and now he is on a mission to rid himself of all of the kool aid drinkers, walk away a very rich man and live the rest of his life in the custom he believes he deserves. The Mikes and Marty’s of this world are actually helping him achieve this, however, the mikes and Marty’s could also put him in jail, and that is definitely not part of the plan. The major problem Slappy has is that there are always kool aid drinkers that simply won’t wake the @@ck up no matter how imbecilic things become. Once everyone wakes up (good luck with that) he simply blames everyone else for the failure and walks away a billionaire. I’m dead certain that Slappy doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life holding the hands of the faithfully deluded. Slappy is on the same mission as Mike, Marty, Tony Ortega et al. Although for different reasons. That’s my viewpoint.
Slappy’s so crappy he don’t even love his own pappy. For others to be happy and no more flappies, Slappy needs to take an ultra long nappy. And make it snappy.
You’re awesome, MJ! And, The Dude? You’re right on the money. Little Davy boy has not picked the cans for, what, 18 years now? Maybe more? What he is doing is becoming a very, very wealthy man who one day will just disappear from sight with 10s of millions of dollars. Maybe hundreds of million of dollars.
What you your donations buy! And extravagant lifestyle for the evil dwarf…
LOL – you’re so funny MJ
Personally I think Tony is like Mark Bunker.
Both of them find this unravelling of the Church of Scientology extremely fascinating.
Marty and Mike have both in their own ways have attempted to bring Miscavige to “justice” in one way or another but I think they are hampered by the fact that it isn’t what the DOJ wants or maybe what their masters want.
Fact is in my opinion whether you believe there is a vast conspiracy or not behind Miscavige. He is accomplishing what various agencies have wanted for a long time and have never been able to succeed at. That is until Miscavige and backers seized the reigns of the Organization.
Yes Gerhard, but what about the free kool-aid?
Very impressive Mary Ann. I don’t seem to recall you, but your dedication is very evident. Please fight on to get an RTC Commendation. Mike, do they still give those?
It’s not LRH, it’s Miscavige.
This comment was supposed to be in reference to Espiando’s.
It is LRH. It has always been LRH. Miscavige is the symptom. LRH is the disease.
Not in this instance.
Wrong again.
If that’s true, Mike, then answer this: how is Miscavige getting away with this? By creatively interpreting what LRH wrote in The Ideal Org, KSW compels Scientologists to obey Hubbard’s every word, and Miscavige, as COB RTC, is the person responsible for the official interpretation of Hubbard’s words. I hold to my original statement and expand it: Miscavige is the symptom. Hubbard is the disease. KSW is the primary tumor that the cancer grows from.
Of course. Everything that has the name Scientology attached to it can be laid at the feet of Hubbard. If that’s your view, stick to it as there is nothing I will say that will convince you. If Miscavige started killing babies in the name of scientology I am sure you would blame Hubbard for that too.
Hyperbole does not become you, Mike. The Sweeney video shows it. And I know you’re better than that. What’s next, “If everyone else jumped off a cliff, would you?” Please.
Do you think I’m under the illusion that Miscavige isn’t doing abominable things? No, I’m not. But the organizational structure and system of thought which gives him the power to do those things was created by Hubbard. Miscavige is the inevitable result of the philosophy of Scientology. He is the alpha creature that is the product of the system. And the system is all Hubbard’s. If you want…what do you Scientologists call it, the “basic basic”?…it comes back to Hubbard. All of it. Including the dwarf.
And, MJ, why don’t you prove that I’m wrong? To paraphrase a great man named Michael Palin, the automatic gainsaying of someone is not an argument.
Well, I must say, anyone that quotes Michael Palin is OK by me. Fundamentally, I do not disagree with your logic. The good and bad of scientology cannot be parsed into “all good is Hubbard and all bad is Miscavige/SPs/out tech/or, or, or.” And I do agree that Miscavige is a product of the system created by Hubbard.
All I am saying is that claiming that Hubbard is the cause of the rapacious vulture culture in scientology is about as good as “The psychs caused the nazis”. And I was making a specific point about THIS activity.
Not sure what hyperbole I was engaged in, but in the immortal words of John Cleese in reply “Yes it is.” 🙂
Not worth my time Espiando. When you can be 10% as productive as Ron Hubbard, perhaps we can talk.
If Mary Ann really wants to find a “communication line to the general public”, one way might be to start listening to those people instead of just outflowing at them.
But beyond that, there’s a worse difficulty in addressing the ‘general public’. That’s one big woolly generality, the viewpoint of a corporate CEO (or COB) for whom only majority statistics are important. If market surveys say 85% of customers want more grease in their burgers, then everyone gets greasier burgers.
Try spotting some individuals and getting into two-way communication with them, Mary Ann.
“Damn, I thought those nifty div 6 panels would do the trick. I must be out ethics and that’s what’s keeping them away. I’ll write up my o/w’s on COB and see what that does.” (Typical mindset of a still in).
“Dear Chairman of the Bored, I confess I was SCOHB instead of putting up the div 6 panels. I thought that is what you had ordered but now I realize I must have just been out of PT and dreaming of pleasure moments. Bad Dog! Shame on me for doing that.
When Dave says SCOHB, is he advertising?
I agree with Mike that so far this is the most honest and revealing comm I’ve read that’s been leaked from the bubble.
Mary Ann, I hope that somebody who lurks or posts here shows you this so that you get the data that you need because you sound like a decent and sincere person to me. You’re trying to find a comm line, which means that you’re applying Non E. But you can’t, because it isn’t going to work, because your org is not IN Non E. Your org, like all the other Miscavige orgs, is in Treason, and given that you sound very much like a social personality, you probably don’t even know that you yourself are in Treason as a being, simply by being a part of your org which is in Treason. Possibly you are in Confusion. Knowing what I know, if I were you I would get a copy of Marc Headley’s book, “Blown For Good” wherein on the first and last pages he gives a map of the entire Int Base. Then I’d get a map of the Hemet, California area and fit the Int Base into it. This will show you the location from where the orders to you as a staff member are officially emanating, whether or not COB happens to actually be at INT at any given time or not. Now, get a map of the United States and correlate the location of your org to the location of Int Base. This should help with the Confusion Formula. But give yourself a break and don’t stress on finding a comm line for your org.. At this point, your goal should be your own personal, successfully completed Doubt Formula.
Since the EP of the Confusion Formula related to this group would be something like “I am in a group that is in Treason towards its goals” I would not concentrate to much on a Treason Formula as to location in the 6th Dynamic. I would say, to get out of a certain situation one has to apply its formula to this exact situation. (She may know where her body is located, but could be still below “knowing where she is, as to this group.)
” I hope I can count on your continued support to deliver and/or promote the Seminars.”- sounds a lot like insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and yet expect different results.
Dear Mary Ann Durham, Just look what the COS is putting on the communication lines for the public:
Gross Lies, shameless embellishments, trickery, criminal extortion, private investigators, financial rip-off, staff using public health services without payment, Squirrel Busters, slimy Lawyers. Really anything with negative value for the public, and nothing what the public really wants.
It will be a cold day in hell, when publics start to show up to your seminars. (except a couple of Lunatics when they have a crazy day).
Mary Ann, for a tiny distance, has left the hypnosis of the “everything-is-well”-propaganda. She observed some facts. She may not have realized that her observations translate into: “as a group here, we have sunk below non-Existence”.
It is this kind of observation that helps one to find out where one is, eventually.
I was going make this a joke but instead give a true factual story from the San Fransico Org at Mason Street.
Book reg goes out every day selling Dianetic’s books to general public. He meets a guy whom says he does not need one because he has his and is a member of a Dianetic’s Group. The conversation progresses with much ARC. Long story short, this was a Dianetic’s group founded when LRH visited Oakland and San Francisco and had been making Clears for years,they had no idea that Scientology was related to Dianetic’s. They were off the grid, did very well and was expanding.
A clue for discovering a comm line is go make some.
Wait a minute … They’re a Dianetics group and they have no idea that Scientology and Dianetics are related? How far off the grid were they? Target 2?
True Dat HGC,
In my short time in Div 6 I heard of a number of people who had never made the connection between Dns and Scientology.
They were kept pretty separate back then with the introduction of HSDC and Dianetic Counseling Groups.
You mean 414 Mason St? Corner Mason & Geary? Harvey’s Kitchen … Pinecrest …. ah, yes ….. those were the days …. there was enough interest, wins and fun to counteract the craziness … until that reversed…
That is where I started. July 1975, Dianetics Today course. Bob Forrest was Course Sup. By October I was auditing on the Dianetic Internship. Managed to finish five PCs on their ‘endless’ drug rundown. Great times. Roy Selby was the ED. Louis Schwartz and Cal Cole were reges.
One of the highlights was attending an event at the Hyatt Regency downtown and meeting Quentin and Dianna Hubbard. There was no regging or begging going on back then either!
Salmagundi’s for soup just up the street on Geary a bit and you could get a huge plate of stir fry for $1.80 around the corner and down a couple of blocks. Why they had to move it to that horrible almost south of Market place at 83 McAlister I’ll never know. There were tons of people crammed into a little courseroom on the fourth floor and you had to go down to the basement to do your shouting at the ashtray. But the seeds of destruction were already there. They had me write a disconnection letter to my Dad and I went and wrote it lying on the grass at Union Square. Very esthetic but it was still a disconnection letter. Thank God and Greyhound I was Gone 40 years later and got to really know him before he died at 93 last year.
The sad truth is they do know how to get public in. They did it in the 50s, 60s 70s and they could do it today. We used to say at San Francisco Org “if it isn’t fun it isn’t Scientology”. But even then there were a lot of things that weren’t fun, like being sent out to distribute 100s of fliers for your “effective blow to the enemy”. When I moved out of my tiny studio apartment on Bush street to join the SO there were huge stacks of undistiributed fliers still there from me and my 6 roommates.
They have just given up on the broken promises and are trying to keep the MEST alive with no Theta, like a zombie woof from hell. It will lurch around for a bit more but eventually it has to fall apart. I just hope and pray that the falling pieces of rotten meat do not crush too many hopeful wide-eyed true believers on their way down.
Yes , 414 Mason st. Public audited Book one in stairwells, academy was packed. I went Clear audited in Folder archives, no table for meter , just a board wedged between banks of folders. Org was always full of Public and staff.
I also brought numerous people to the Celebrity Center in Los Angeles and the ASHO; all of them were to be given that stupid Orientation Film. There was NEVER a live comm line like there was in the 70’s and 80’s when I got in. Not ONE single person I brought into these Orgs, and some Missions, was interested after that. In fact, they quit talking to me. Oops.
Ah, darn! The files project has fallen behind. We were going to clear the planet with that one. But no worries, we’re still conducting empty seminars, like clockwork. Did you ever wonder if robots have feelings? I can tell you that we’re feeling sad about failing all the time at everything. That sucks ass.
I understand that it’s not good to look at entheta news all of the time. But if Scientologists refuse to look at the internet and othger news sources to see what kind of reputation Scientology really has, they will not be able to solve their problem. It’s not because it’s the wrong kind of seminar or because the seminar is promoted wrong, or that CF isn’t finished or ???? Etc. Find out why people are so pissed at Scientology and then handle that. Keep you busy for quite a few years. But really, what other choice do you have? Starts with getting rid of these ideal morgues and Miscavige.
Let’s have a look at how the cult’s doing in the largest Metropolitan Statistical Areas in the US:
1) New York: How’s Harlem Ideal Org coming along? Wait, no one’s coming in to the org in Manhattan anyway.
2) Los Angeles: Valley Ideal Org can’t get done, despite being in the area with the largest concentration of Scientologists in the world.
3) Chicago: They bought their Idle Morgue building in 2007. They haven’t done thing one to it. They’re in court over this one, and could get fined as much as $2000/day.
4) Dallas: Just look at one of their flyers, and you can tell how desperate this place is.
5) Houston: See this article.
6) Philadelphia: See Chicago. They’re in court with their non-renovated Idle Morgue too.
7) Washington: You don’t hear much about them. You’d think that the Founding Church would have a little more publicity, wouldn’t you?
8) Miami: Mighty Miami is being propped up by a few whales. Otherwise, they’re on life support.
9) Atlanta: The moment the cops get the link between Narconon Georgia’s credit card fraud and their command center at Atlanta Org, the game’s up.
10) Boston: The home of JJ, the Compulsive Craigslist Masturbator. They can’t even sell one copy of Clear Body, Clear Mind.
So, Mary Ann, if you’re reading this, it’s not just you. It’s everyone. Maybe you can help the Professor make a radio out of a few coconuts and some weird idol that Gilligan found. Heaven knows that the Professor’s tech works better and makes more sense than LRH’s.
Wow, the Cof$ still has FSMs? I remember in the 80’s and early 90’s it being very easy to FSM new public into orgs and missions. I did it all the time. Then sometime in the late 80’s things changed.
I remember at one mission I tried FSM’s a doctor new to SCN. He was ready to come in and sign up for service. When I brought him in the Div6 Sec bitched at me because I didn’t notify her I was bringing him in. In fact I had, but she just didn’t remember our communication on the matter and made her displeasure with me continually known. Then she proceeded to treat my guy like crap.
Another time I brought a new guy in to an Org and they subjected him to that bizarre piece of crap called the Orientation film. This guy had been ready to sign up for a course and buy some auditing. After seeing that film he wanted nothing to do with SCN.
This happened again a few months later with another guy. After that, whenever I had somebody to bring in, I would insist before hand that my guy not watch Orientation. Pretty much every time the Div6 staff just lied to me. They would agree not to show the film when I called, but then when I arrived with my guy, they said it was firm policy and he had to watch.
Anyone of my people who watched that film had a uniformly negative reaction. I could only conclude that Cof$ was hostile to FSM’s and potential new members. It wasn’t about finding ruins and helping the guy. It was about making him wrong and COB right, right from the get go. I gave up on FSMing.
Dave’s got a lot of dead bodies in his wake. Good luck in prison.
With a cell mate named Buba. Buba will make sure they become as close as two men can get without exchanging jewelry .
Old Surfer Dude – thanks for my belly laugh of the day!
I watched the orientation film in the early 90’s, so when is the planet being blown up !
IMHO hostility toward the public began after the CMO Junta took over in the early ’80’s with the Sea Org Ser Fac that considered anyone who wasn’t a Sea Org member just some kinda low life “dilettante”.
As far I’m concerned many sea org members confuse self righteous arrogance with “certainty” like their self appointed “leader” David Miscavige and consider utter ignorance as being “unreasonable” and therefore some kind of “strength”.
Probably one reason they allow this know nothing know best to lead them over a proverbial cliff like a bunch of “brainwashed” lemmings.
Aside from the backup of his special “friends” in Smersh.
Well that’s very interesting. I do not remember exactly when the line that new people signing up had to watch Orientation…but it does seem it was in the late 80’s and it does seem that it was some time in the late 80’s that the long term and never ending decline of income and delivery GDSes began. I would be interested if other people saw Orientation actually block new starts.
I believe the viewing of “Orientation” became a requirement after the Glorious “Victory” over the IRS.
Even us crusty old timers were forced to watch it along with having to sign new service agreements.
Like I said I felt like the lead character in Clockwork Orange being subjected to aversion “therapy” 😉
It may have come after the IAS I don’t recall well. But that was pure coincidence if so. That film was an LRH bright idea to prevent personal injury lawsuits by getting people to attest to watching it before taking service so they could not claim they were unaware of what they were getting into ala Julie Christofferson. The script was incredibly detailed not only in the exact dialogue but every shot angle and tone level the lines were to be delivered in.
This is an example of how out of touch with the reality of the world in which Scientology operated LRH was in the end.
One more in a long list of wrong handlings. I remember when I went to Flag sometime after the death of Lisa McPherson and I was suddenly required to sign a raft of legal documents, one of which said that I agreed to be locked up by the church if the church found it necessary. My conclusion at the time was that the church had gone PTS to the McPherson scene.
Interesting data Mike. It appears LRH in the final years
failed to follow his very basic teaching.
Why this would be from my view is he was being fed
wrong data, he was paranoid to the max, he was ill and
totally keyed into his case ie critters…..totally introverted.
Kinda like an auditor asking a pc A and the pc discussing B
and the auditor taking up B with never finishing A…on and on
into a dogs breakfast.
I can see how one can get this way with so much going on,
operating from the view of fear and confusion brought on by
ones own actions of not following the very things he wanted
us all to do. On top of this his body problems. Obviously he
was PTS and surrounded by those who had their own agendas
in terms of leading the church.
I’m not defending him or his actions that seemed not to benefit
the church or its parishioners by any means.
But it is a fact when one is overwhelmed thoughts, ideas and
decisions can be distorted and not made with consideration of
others. But then it appears he never applied his
own PTS tech to himself. For this he should be crammed.
I know I’m missing much information but it appears to me those
around LRH saw his condition and did very little to help him and
yes even intended for him to stay overwhelmed, confused and operating
off of wrong data.
Then on the other hand he could have been quite lucid and aware as he
implemented things harmful to the church and its parishioners. If so
then shame on him for not following his own tech. Qual should be his
next stop in Scientology.
Well in my opinion the whole Khristofferson affair would have never happened if the Portland Mission had of applied policy and refunded her money.
But then we would have missed the performance art extravaganza known as the “Portland Crusade”.
“revitalize one of your selectees”
one step away from resuscitating the dead.
dead on your feet, you won’t get far if you keep on sticking your hand in the GAT2 jar.
i know how you feel, your friends are …….
Davy should go to Texas and invest a few weeks of his own time turning them around. Oh wait, he can’t do that because he doesn’t have any involvement in Texas and he doesn’t want to get deposed. Anyhow, there must be a million scientologists in Houston if you throw in Katy, Clearlake, and Hempstead.
“So, in a way if you email your intention to attend MV or not you would be helping the files and CF project!”
hahaha! I wonder if they can count the time spent writing the email on “volunteer hours” for the week too.
Oh yes, very much so. I was on an OTC for years. These are why the weekly stats are so high. I mean in the 300-500 range.
It’s exactly the same in Los Angeles, which has a population of 13 million in its metropolitan area. Houston has about 6.3 in their metropolitan area. Zero new general public coming in period.
Note to Mary Ann: There is nothing that will work to get the general public to come in at a viable rate. Sorry to break it to you because you sound like a nice person, who remembered to thank Jolie for her efforts instead of harping on people that they aren’t doing enough and need to do more.
Cognitive Dissonance Alert: Mary Ann starts out stating the obvious: no communication line to the general public and ends it with the following:
“This week’s event is all about Ideal Org. It really is unbelievable the progress we are making”. Huh?
LOL! Unbelievable is right. The Ideal Org Program forwards the expansion of Scientology on 3 speeds:
1) Slow, 2) Super Slow, 3) Not Moving.
4) Moving backwards.
Don’t forget it has a reverse gear as well and these days it seems like someone has the pedal to the metal.
4) Reverse
5) Moving backwards at warp speed.
HA, HA ….. I was on staff … gee I hate to say … but yes 33 years ago. AND it is still the same-o, same-0. Div 6 is promoting for Sunday seminars, because it contributes to its stat of New Names to CF. But here is the joke, CF and files are still ‘no where’ in PT. And CF is the life blood for event mailings and promo … oh, well maybe not so important since there is the internet now. BUT ooooh I forgot your not supposed to use the internet, so you can’t get the promo ads/reaches. F*&^’ed either way. And the monkeys in the circus go round and round and round … its a dizzying affair.
And the elephants are taking big dumps in Dave’s palaces. There’s no business like no business.
There’s no business like no business like no business I know
When you hear the dwarf you know he’s squealing
Everything around him falling down
Nowhere can you get that happy feeling
What Dave is squealing like a clown
There’s no business like no business like no business I know
Davy’s gone psychotic and we know it
He really shows it, all over town
Nowhere can you get that happy feeling, watching everything coming down
Yes, there’s no people like show people like no people i know
They make little Davy go coo coo, when he poo poos he falls down
There’s no business like no business like no business like….well, you get the point.
With apologies to show business.
So they can’t discover the communication line to the general public. Huh. Well, one thing I’ve found for myself about comm lines is that they work in both directions. When I test my internet bandwidth, the results show both upload and download speeds. In fact if I look closely at the activity panel, I find that data packets are moving in AND out all the time.
If Mary Ann and her colleagues have blocked all communication coming at them from outside the bubble, then it stands to reason they’re going to have problems sending information out. They have no idea who “the general public” are, or how they talk, or what their daily concerns are, or anything else.
This is the kind of bubble mentality that leads to brilliant dissemination ploys like buying the “front page” of YouTube for a day, blithely unaware that enticing people to look for Scientology-related videos on YouTube is probably the single most self-defeating PR tactic in whole-track history.
There is probably no fix for this. Opening up two-way communication with the outside world would help Mary Ann understand the challenges she is facing. But it would also open her eyes to things like this blog, and all the other places where “the general public” talk freely about her organization. And that might leave her speechless.
Poor Mary, doesn’t she realize that no matter how she packages it no one is buying Scientology anymore? It would be like Bernie Madoff trying to figure out how to spin his new investment company. Can you say “toxic brand” Mary? I knew you could.
Hey, maybe she could call Jeff Hawkins and/or Steve Hall for advise on promoting Scientology! Yes, that’s it! I mean their hard work, expertise and results were very much appreciated while they were there and look at them now! Oh right…nevermind.
It is sad to see Mary Ann write the below in her email describing the difficulty she is having getting people to attend her Scientology Sunday Seminar:
“We have yet to discover the communication line to the general public. However, I am operating on the basis that if we regularly give the seminars, and keep promoting them, eventually we will discover what works and have the general public coming in at a viable rate.”
Here is why she won’t discover “what works” and why she will never see the “general public coming in at a viable rate.”
There is now more than 60 years of actual historical Scientology inspired activity that has occurred. Tens of thousands of people (not the phony millions claimed by the church) have experienced some part of Scientology and thousands of those people are quite vocal about how their experience was unsatisfactory. It is not just a few no case gain types. It is not just a few SP’s. It is not just a few dilettantes who weren’t really “on board.”
There are thousands of former Sea Org and other church staff (many with decades of tenure) who have left and reported on their experiences on the web where anyone with interest can find those credible insider reports. Those archived reports include descriptions of an internal organizational culture that includes violence, screaming, lying, manipulation, forced abortions, involuntary detentions, poor food, poor medical care and pitifully poor compensation.
There are thousands of public ex-Scientologists who found Scientology unable to deliver on its larger promises regarding the states of Clear and OT, even while they suffered extreme financial hardship trying to achieve those states.
Scientology no longer gets the benefit of doubt about the future it might create because the past that it HAS created is so incredibly horrible.
Scientology cannot deliver on its larger promises. The proof is that is never has.
In fact, the culture and results that the organization, tech and admin of Scientology have already created are the best testimony to what further efforts with those same tools are likely to create in the future.
Why would any informed, thinking person want more of what has already happened in and because of Scientology?
There simply is no “communication line” that can overcome the true history of Scientology and the ideas upon which it was founded. The ideas and the organization have demonstrably failed and they have been failing for more than six decades.
TMYK — The “Truth” is, there IS two sides to Scientology. The Scientology that has worked, and the Scientology that has failed. Pretty much in the same way that there are two sides to Catholicism and Buddhism and Islam and Psychology and Psychotherapy and Pilates and Rolfing and Colon Cleansing. Every activity that has ever been from Og, chipping away at the original stone wheel, to George W being elected president has been filled with dichotomies. Truth in desperate battle with lies to see who will win and dominate the minds of those around them. And behind these truths and lies (just words by the way) are people. Good people with compassion who care and little shits, who live only for themselves and the thrill of stepping on someone’s dream.
I’m not exactly sure where you’ve procured your statistics about “failing for more than six decades,” or “the past that it HAS created is so incredibly horrible.” Perhaps they come from personal experience, in which case I am sorry you had to go through that.
I find it completely implausible for anything to exist for more than a few moments, let along six decades, that is inherently ALL bad. That produces no good products, ever! Simply not a reasonable premise in my estimation. Even Little Davey, with 30 years of decay on his resume, occasionally did something worthwhile.
Scientology has been guilty of over-selling itself. A product of the advertising age of the 1950s and 60s, I suppose. Back then, even cigarettes were touted as being soothing for the throat. If you liken the OT levels to abilities that the Lensmen possessed, or Thor, Spiderman and the pantheon of superheroes over at Marvel, then yes, SCN has failed. But if you look at it in simple terms, as in — no longer afraid to talk to Mother or happily married or able to talk comfortably about most subjects one encounters in Life, then what is the problem?!
Sometimes a car or kiss is just good. Not great. Not OMFG! Not, the most amazing thing in all universes. Just good. Sometimes in Psychoanalysis, after five years of therapy, a doctor will accept as a great win, than his patient no longer cries and becomes depressed when seeing a picture of his deceased wife. And why not?
There are wins and gains to be had everywhere, Scientology being one of them. We did it pretty well, when we did it right.
sedit qui timuit ne non succederet.
The communication line to the general public is TRUTH. Hunt all you want, but the general public sense the truth is not concern for their well-being or spiritual growth but something else entirely. Most of the scn public is well-intention and genuinely care for their family and friends so they KEEP THEM AWAY whether consciously or not to protect them.
Houston was the first ever mission. The city is the 4th largest in the US and over 5M population. Still, they can scrape together enough active participants to put together a thriving mission, much less a church organization. Pitiful.
BTW, the Houston mission is where Ken and I both “went Clear”. I know both Mary Ann and Jolie very well, very well, they are both sweet being who are (1) unwilling to confront the truth and (2) overly entangled with family and business connections. My wish is for them to be free; not only free from the suppression toward them, but also free to express their care for their fellow man in a productive way.
ps. Delighted to know you have an special correspondent in Houston.
Dear Yvonne,
sorry for derailing, but you MUST be obviously mistaken there!!! 😉
Per a VERY VERY RECENT SUPER-POWER-completion, there is NO “perception of truth” or “sense of truth” as you put it.
BECAUSE IT’S NOT ON THE LIST OF THE 57 PERCEPTICS!!! And that is a DIRECT quote of that person.
Go figure it out – NO kidding here!!!!!!!
Wonder, why Dave hasn’t updated that perceptics list… Ohh!! It’s for GAT III and Super-Power V2.0 …
It’s a classic. “We have yet to discover the communication line to the general public.” Finally, some truth slips out. I am sure we could make many interesting and even helpful observations on why Scientology has become the most despised american religion.
Ahh,… tragedy and comedy intertwined…the faster and harder they run on the treadmill to oblivion,
the sooner they will get…
Mike L., is Dave really a Nowhere Man? Apologies to the Beatles.
Now follow the inevitable “Houston, we have a problem” jokes…
Captain Dave said:
“Houston, This is no longer a problem, it is a predicament. The fact of the matter here is that we may not survive re-entry.”
Houston said:
“No problem Dave, I’m sure you have enjoyed the ride! Over and out.”
Love the image 😉
Crap, DollarMorgue! Why didn’t I think of that! Good on ya.
“We have yet to discover the communication line to the general public.”
Well Mary Ann, if you do in fact want to discover it I suggest a visit to Mike Rinder, Tony Ortega or Marty Rathbuns Blogs. The general public whether current, former or never been $cientologists all rave about the tech there!
Why don’t you just end disconnection?
We would but then how could we keep our orgs empty?
Very true MJ 😉
But on another level jgg2012.
Disconnection is used to keep whoever’s left in line with the diseased body politic. If threats of eternal damnation don’t work then threat disconnection and ostracization from family and friends will in many cases.
The have yet to discover the internet. 🙂 Yikes. They’re not supposed to do that!
Do you suppose that she’s going to get punished for putting the sad truth in this missive?
Don’t worry, she’s used to it.
“We have yet to discover the communication line to the general public.”
Rockin’ Div 6! Just like we planned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I suppose you could also try being there comfortably and perceiving. This would of course require a lot of preparatory work and training which I doubt the cult has time for.
But just the same Mary could test it out. First she would have to be with the public and be comfortable. Difficult but doable. But then she would have to look at the public and duplicate their concepts of $cientology. This is not likely to occur without large pieces of wood involved……4x4s and larger. Just a thought.
‘It is unbelievable the progress we are making’ but ‘eventually we will discover what works and have the general public coming in at a viable rate’.
This is getting pathetic.
Getting, Sara? I do believe they have blown past pathetic and have 1 leg in the grave.
Eventually they will discover what works in order to get a comm. line with the public. Interesting concept. They assumedly have all standard tech now with GAG II, yet things are failing miserably.
However, being so tight and ‘closed’ to the external world prevents them from SEEING things. When I came out of FSO – after more than 20 years – I expected Dianetics to be known all over. This impression I got from the Events with spectacular, unprecedented videos and wins. It took less than a week to realize those events were full of lies and pretenses, no one hardly ever heard of Dianetics, nor Scn.
But mirages, sooner or later, get figured out as when you saw an Oasis, you found only dried sand. These guys, where they see unprecedented expansion will end seeing empty Idle Orgs and no comm. line to any public.
“However, I am operating on the basis that if we regularly give the seminars, and keep promoting them, eventually we will discover what works and have the general public coming in at a viable rate.”
I have noticed lately that in some of the emails going out, the hype has definitely been toned down. Look at the absence of “!!!!!!!” And to admit something like this – we don’t know how to get the public in; the LRH stuff obviously doesn’t work so we are going to do some hit and miss stuff and see if anything works…
The enthusiasm from the staff is definitely waning and they are finding it difficult to keep up COB’s straight up and vertical crap. Maybe too many of their public have made mention of the fact that despite doing everything Davy asked of them, Scientology continues to die.
Long live the truth!
That’s because Davey’s dead.
…as a door nail?
Coffin nail.
A dose of reality is good for the soul…
the best cure for lies is even more lies and bigger ones at that. When you are caught in a lie, no matter how damning the evidence, deny deny deny as if you are a scared 6yr old child. This is the true path to success and will get you out of any jam, guaranteed
Reality is a REAL bitch, Gary. At some point we’re going to be seeing white flags popping up all over the world.
Only one exclamation mark in the whole piece. She must be REALLY depressed. Reality making its uncomfortable presence felt at last?!!!!!!!!!
What have I got to do to make you come back
What have I got to do to make you care
What do I do when Davey strikes me
And I wake to find that no one cares
What do I do to make you want this
What have I got to do to be heard
What do I say when it’s all over
Miscavige seems to be the hardest word
It’s sad, so sad
It’s a sad, sad situation
And it’s getting more and more absurd
It’s sad, so sad
Why can’t we get more money
Oh it seems to me
Miscavige seems to be the hardest word
What do I do to make you come back
What have I got to do to be heard
What do I do when Davey strikes me
What have I got to do
What have I got to do
Miscavige seems to be the hardest word
Oh MJ, I sing ’em when I hear ’em… 😉
That’s what they’re there for Narapoid. 🙂