Well, the truth is they never really had them (or anything else that requires spending money on anything other than buildings).
Remember Tim Bowles? Former “good guy” partner of Rick Moxon? He won an IAS Freedom Medal for his work with children in Africa.
The IAS repeatedly announces it’s “support” for human rights, most particularly “Youth For Human Rights”. They gave an IAS Freedom Medal to Mary Shuttleworth, the head if the whole show.
They have literally collected tens of millions of dollars on the basis of their PR that they are “bringing human rights to the world.” They claim the same with respect to education. They have given IAS Freedom Medals to Debbie Mace, Isaac Hayes and others for “bringing study tech to the world.” It’s routinely covered in Impact magazine how invaluable “the support of the IAS is” to bringing study tech to the world.
Here is some pretty damning evidence they do no such thing.
Tim Bowles and his African campaign are old news. He isn’t going to get another medal. They aren’t going to get any decent photo ops they haven’t had before. So there is “no money” and he has resorted to a “Go Fund Me” site asking for a measly $15,000 (well, measly by IAS standards, this is just a week’s worth of commissions for their big fundraisers and they have an army of them). $15,000 is about 1/10,000th of the money the IAS has.
How pathetic is it that rather than getting money for this from the IAS he is trying to solicit donations. That IAS is such fun.
I didnt include all of it — just the top to show how much he is asking for and the end to show how he signed it from “Youth For Human Rights.”
Hopefully people have been reporting this alleged fraud
I ment to also conclude that 150 parents must have been like “Scientology?! Hell naw! daughter, sin we moving!”
On the subject of ABLE, I was intrigued and checked out that go fundme page and then I checked into applied scholastics website, they have “testimonies” of workability in PDF form to download. So I read one, it was pretty scientific sounding, until I noticed that in the case study the statement “Due to difficulties and ‘blah blah blah’ of 250 students originally enrolled, only 100 remained to participate in the APS program” hhhmmmmm I wonder. I then did some Google research. The case study happened in the 2005,6 and 7. Well look at this news brief, that middle school has practically went belly up since APS was introduced! “Study tech works!” LoL
News Brief:
APS site the first link regarding Saint Louis:
two weeks? this guy actually thinks he’s going to create a dent in the illiteracy of West Africa in 2 weeks? by telling them the secret to literacy is looking up words if you don’t understand them?
The Liberians will eat him for breakfast.
There isn’t anything more adorable in the world than this smiling little crowd of African children. But they are being EXPLOITED by the Church of Scientology to raise money. The proof is simple. Which one of these darling little natives will make it to OT first in THIS LIFE not a future one now that study tech has found them for the first time. Or perhaps a mission made of straw on the Serengeti.? Mark my words and others. The course of unknown history is about to change. 🙂
Dave, one question. Was it worth it?
I just checked the Gofundme page and Mr. Bowles is now up to $165.00 after four Scamologists donated $95.00 between them.
“With your help, we will:
• Introduce Study Tech to Liberian government and civil society leaders, creating the lines and commitments necessary to build long-term, sustainable literacy education through the country and region;
• Hold a national conference of educators and policy makers for the same purpose;
• Run an inaugural three-day Study Tech-based teacher/youth community leader “train the trainers” workshop, to utilize the successful seminar-style curriculum APS developed over two-plus years in Lagos, Nigeria (circa 2003-2005).”
$15,000.00 is going to cover all of the above. Snort, snort…oh darn, I almost choked on my coffee.
Hi Kronomex, Thank you for your post.With what I have learned about the IAS here- I double choked on my coffee! What a Titanium Scam.Always,Ann.
So what exactly is “study tech” and how would it alleviate illiteracy? Is this a legitimate way to do that?
L. Ron Hubbard’s failed attempt to be THE authority on education.
My Tu Dee calls Tim Bowles a ” knob”. He is an employment attorney yet he supports a criminal organization that uses slaves for free labor whilst they extract every last dime from them and their families.
Timothy Bowles Law Office
Timothy Bowles Law Office
Employment Attorney
Address: 1 S Fair Oaks Ave, Pasadena, CA 91105
Phone:(626) 583-6600
Hours: Closed today
Goon for IAS – International ASSes of Scientology
Wognited….pretty unbelievable. But when I was “in” I would have “understood” this and agreed with it. It doesn’t matter what you do or say or think, as long as you do what you have to do to make it happen for $cn and the IA$ and Mi$cavige and the whole $camola. Dollar signs all over the place! And the trouble is that the public who cough up this money (getting two and three jobs to pay off the credit cards they over-extended to give-give-give) can’t even fathom that they are being $cammed. I figured it out as a sea org staff member, I hope the public do too, the sooner the better. A message to them: You public guys are BEING LIED TO!!!! That’s why I escaped from the sea org….I was tired and disgusted of being made to lie to you guys in every single event that appealed to your sense of loyalty and pride in your group. Trouble is it’s LIES that you hear in the speeches and see on those videos and statistics during every event. Hyped up garbage. If you really got something out of your auditing or training then REMOVE yourself from the controlling and uber-greedy Cherch and carry on with an Indie. They are easy to find if you LOOK, and there are C/S Series about continuing auditing without the pc folders. It can be done to fantastic results, and you won’t get fleeced for donations for nothing but a little paper cert and some promise of status. Stop doling out your hard-earned money and get the heck outta there! And take your family with you!
gato rojo, you said,
“That’s why I escaped from the Sea Org…I was tired and disgusted of being made to lie to you guys in every single event that appealed to your loyalty and pride in your group.”
Wow – just wow! Thank you. What you just disclosed was like giving me a gift. Thank you very much.
Perhaps the only thing in $cientology that has grown 47X is greed.
Gordon Gecko is Dave’s opinion leader.
I’m not sure how these things work. Is this a run of the mill fake internet charity or is it directly targeted toward clams?
This is a GoFundMe campaign. It’s targeted at everyone.
Thanks Espi – So a scn-ist might see the ad and think “Oh, good. Another worthwhile scn project”. A non scn-ist sees the ad and thinks “That seems like a nice project. I wonder who this L. Ron Hubbard fellow is. I’ll google him.” oops
It’s not the world bankers or the psychs who are the real source of Scientology’s problems. It’s Larry Page and Sergey Brin!
Why is Miscavige not yet in jail? Anyone has an answer?
My best guess is Political Climate
and the Feds need to build a case they can win
in a protracted legal battle.
If the Feds have a case
that only bankrupts David Miscavige I’m sure he will cut a deal
then Scientology Int. Management pops up in a small country
with no extradition treaty with the US. The case must be
big enough to bring the scam to a halt everywhere..
David Miscavige and the CoS are a pimple on the government’s ass. It’s a tiny shrinking cult which is no threat to national security. It’s on self destruct anyhow.
The one thousand or so people that follow the active scn blogs are a watchdog committee that continually exposes the sneaky shit the CoS tries to get away with.
My brother gave me Leah Remini’s book as a Christmas present. I read it, enjoyed it, and then donated it to my county library.
Youth for Human Rights was one of the best campaigns ever put out. It had the best videos, the best purposes, and the best messages.
Funny, considering DMs revulsion toward kids, that he would take this program down. Not so funny, actually.
If we have another, Indie group, I’d like us to take over that campaign, just to keep the messages moving through society.
SPs drive away good staff. At the management level, maybe we can say that the SP destroys the most social programs.
Just thought it might be interesting to compare a REAL non-profit and what they do, to the fake non-profit post above:
Thanks so much for for showing how a real “big being” does it, putting both heart and money on the table and getting real results!
Another day on the Circling The Drain Rundown.
All those rundowns leave you run down till you finally bolt and run out.
Hi Gadfly, I second your post on those rundowns.Loved your comment,thank you.xo Ann.
Thanks Ann. I’m glad you made it out of the madhouse as did most of us who post here.
Sometimes the IAS reminds me of the character Muffy Tepperman on ‘Square Pegs’ . Remember? She was the preppy girl always hitting kids up for money to buy a condo for a poor girl in Guatemala.
Maybe he’s hoping that like with the guy who started the gofundme page for Kanye West
people will be willing to flock to his page willing to pay $5 a pop for the privilege of dissing Kanye (in this case IAS or Youth for Human Rights) and he can raise over $7,000 in negative comments.
The difference being that Kanye refused the money (I know, it surprised me too) while Tim would have no problem taking the money and running.
I wouldn’t be willing to donate to this campaign for the privilege of making a point that it is scientology because it would be $5 more in their coffers and they have no compunction accepting money no matter the source.
So what did Liberia do to deserve this? Elect Africa’s first female president (and a Nobel Peace Prize winner to boot)? We all know how LRH felt about women. Maybe the mission here is to teach Liberians how Ellen Sirleaf-Johnson attempted self-abortion all the time. I wouldn’t put it past them.
GoFundMe, Kickstarter, and their ilk has opened up a whole new world for FSMs. Now they can do money grabs without having to deal face-to-face with people who might say no to them. Let the computer do all the work, while they can just stand there and take the rewards. Oh, my, how the money rolls in. Total slimeballs.
More from Mr. Franklin:
“A lie stands on one leg, truth on two.”
“Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools that have not wit enough to be honest.” ~ Benjamin Franklin
Hakuna Matata everyone. Why isn’t the high ARC of the IAS funding this? Seems to me they
do care about anything or anyone except making DLHDM happy. Oh one more thing, there is a special place in hell or on target 2 just for the IAS.
Hi Willie AKA Good Old Boy, My time was before IAS but if I had been through that $ wringer, I would feel as you do about it.Also I love the greeting on your post.It reminded me of the Hawaiian language I knew as a child in The Islands.So Suri says your post is a Swahili phrase that can mean no worries and be ramped up to f it! I do not trust her 100% but learned something new. A great phrase.Love,Ann.
I would donate .01 to make a statement on how Scientology kills.
I would donate .02 to really make a difference….
I’ll see your .002 and raise you .003
Sorry, I meant .0003.
Could this potentially be a sign of wells starting to running dry within the Orgs – outside, of whales? Trying to tap strangers who have no knowledge regarding the link between this and CoS?
Just another way to gain stats and commissions (the commission portion is a question/guess)? Try and meet and exceed stats that are maybe falling due to the over regging?
Does anyone know or have a guess if this would be counted as a stat? I’m guessing it might, but don’t have enough knowledge to make as informed of a guess as most here do.
In any circumstance, it’s horrid, IMHO.
According to her Facebook page, Rona Bowles is/was ED of Pasadena Org until the Sea Org invasion.
Guessing she and her husband are out of favor at the moment. Can’t make it go right…
So nice of you to kick in $50 out of the $70 you raised Tim. So, in reality, you’ve raised $20.
Tell me again about all that epic, monumental expansion of the worlds fastest grown religion. Must be my woggy SPness that prevents me from seeing it.
I went to gofundme and did not find Tim Bowles site. I looked in several categories under several search categories including his name.
Mike could you post the link? I want to see how’s he’s doing.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see him come out with one of those $19 a month commercials. He can run it on the new Scn TV channel.
The IAS is a huge scam .
It dumps something like a busted transmission because
there’s NO MONEY IN IT !!!! Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,
This has me doing my best Rodney Dangerfield
Sorry Tim but I’m already donating to bring alligator briefcases to the impoverished children of Brunei.
How fucking disgusting this asshole con artist is and the groups he represents. I wouldn’t pee on him if he was on fire.
Which one, exactly, are you referring to? Hubris, DLHDM or the stooge with the scam literacy deal?
Might be a new tactic to try to fleece money for all their fake social initiatives. They have a gofundme page begging for donations for the “Drug Free World Alberta Chapter in partnership with Drug Free Edmonton Alliance.”
They say they are a non-profit but do not say you get a tax receipt for a donation. Most folks want a receipt to ensure it is a legitimate cause and to get a few bucks back.
Seems they aren’t getting funding. Another fail.
It is one thing to hope that the preot levels will give you superpowerz.I hoped this myself and I got some benefit out of it.
But to keep on giving money to such a vague organization like the IAS “Bring study tech to Africa” and “Way to happiness for .Venezuela and all kind of other obscure causes just seems a bit unreal.
Therefore:IAS.International Organization of Suckers
International abberation of suckters!
I knew Tim and his strange wife Rona for years. Both are insufferable liars. While the rest of us on staff were living in poverty (the standard of living “necessary” for being a true and loyal staff member) they were reaping the rewards of his highly questionable legal talents. He was slime then and I can see he is lower than slime now.
This is nothing more than unprovable entheta.
No, Scilon, it’s Provable Bullshit. Just like everything else in Scientology.
Let’s see if you have the balls to reply to the criticism you’re going to get. Otherwise, you’re just another Drive-By Dead Agent trying to do an A To E. That would make two this week. Guess the number of declares is going straight up and vertical, the only thing in Scientology that is increasing.
Shhhh don’t tell the that, the may not realise it yet. If you speak or think too loudly you may wake someone up!
I thought you were a NATURAL CLEAR?
Please prove that Youth for Human Rights has ever had any real, positive impact on anyone or anything, by posting links to legitimate documents. Sorry, but links to anything written by the CO$ or anyone connected to the CO$ is not proof — since they can, and do, write whatever fantasies and lies they can dream up.
I got other news, times ago now and I won’t say where from, explaining what sort ofactions they were boasting about in Africa.
They convinced a pretty girl to go there to recuperate supposedly orphan black kids and get them in Europe. And some sort of big taxi was going there with lots of LRH’s books, like BSM or Book one, renting then a room or so, and putting the books and some african kids to be on the shots for the Impact or else.
Then they were gone again elsewhere, NOT ONE of the supposedly orphan ever went to Europe.
I don’t know or remember what the op was called, but sure, that was one more silly fraud against “donors” and rich but stupidified scientologists.
The girl got rid of the cult later.
Roger, mes pensées exactement! 🙂 Lequel de ces jeunes petits bambins noirs africains va être la LRH classe XII SUIVANT? Ou devrais-je dire auditeur de rester simple. 🙂
In English: Roger, my thoughts exactly! 🙂 Which one of these young little black African toddlers is going to be the NEXT LRH Class XII? Or should I just say auditor to keep it simple. 🙂
Simply pathetic…..
Oh, so it wouldn’t even be effective? Do the people pushing it know this?
Yes, they do.
That sounds like out and out fraud to me.