The cliches just keep rolling out.
And apparently the meaningless drivel is accepted by the sheeple as somehow coherent and believable. These sort of emails and promotional pitches offer an interesting insight into the warped world inside the bubble.
If you read Shaked’s latest missive just as it is written, you will see there is not a single specific about anything, just sweeping generalities about final rewards and walking free.
Can the intelligence quotient of fundamentalist scientologists really have descended to levels where this sort of babble is acceptable? It seems hard to believe.
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014
From: IAS Administrations <[email protected]>
Subject: Message from the Dir Field Dissemination IASA
This is the year the IAS celebrates 30 years of guaranteeing the future of Scientology. As a Field Disseminator you hold a key role by assisting other public to advance their membership and Honor Status.
By doing so, you let them help and be part of the group, and that benefits all 8 Dynamics!
Whatever job you have, whatever position you hold, spread the message of the IAS. Communicate the IAS purpose and the crucial need for IAS support to every public and member you come to know or meet.
When you do that, everyone wins and the final reward is a planet where all can walk FREE!
I am here to assist you in your IAS fundraising activities as an IAS Field Disseminator and in moving up the IAS Honor Roll levels. I also want to hear from you about YOUR successful actions, good news and any questions you have or tools and materials you may need on this line.
You can contact me any time. [email protected]
I look forward to hearing from you.
Shaked Flash
Director of Field Dissemination
IAS Administrations
“Propaganda is a form of communication aimed towards influencing the attitude of a population toward some cause or position.
Propaganda is information that is not impartial and used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively (thus possibly lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or using loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. Propaganda can be used as a form of ideological or commercial warfare.”
“To have to buy web space and create your own P.R.. It is narcissistic and the facts presented are not verifiable by anyone. Practically everything on the net that is not bad P.R. was purchased and created by the Church. It isn’t even considered PR! It is advertising!”
“To cease to be the effect of classification and become in our turn the cause of it, the classifier, is to win the propaganda game.
Our propaganda is dirty but it is not black because it is true. Black propaganda is essentially false.
We can do this trick by survey and attack. As what is attacked is already popularly evil, we become re-classified as attackers and the enemy as bad hats as they are for the evil if they attack us….”
1) Seek to avoid opportunities for the enemy to classify us.
2) Contest and expose any previous classification as false (dead agentry, etc.)
3) Engage in a series of campaigns which confuse past classifications.
4) Achieve for ourselves a dominance in classifying ourselves and others.
For lurkers out there – download and print up the IRS tax forms (Form 990) currently available for everyone to view on the internet for the IAS and various Scientology front groups and have them handy for when the IAS REGG comes to your door late at night to fleece you out of your last dime.
Ask them what they get paid and if they get any commish’s.
Then pull these out and tell them you are not going to go broke so “the Church” can sit on billions and never spend them, except for David Miscavige’s lavish lifestyle an 24 attorney’s trying to keep him from a deposition for FRAUD.
The Church doesn’t even realize how out P.R. it is to use PRWeb. To have to buy web space and create your own P.R.. It is narcissistic and the facts presented are not verifiable by anyone. Practically everything on the net that is not bad P.R. was purchased and created by the Church. It isn’t even considered PR! It is advertising!
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D’orhk! • a year ago
It’s why I block PRWeb from my Google News. I won’t stand for crap.
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it appears that there are two bridges now,
one is the regular Bridge to total freedom, now called GATII moving quickly now up the bridge with new improved E-meter with astounding so called public results,
the other is the IAS bridge in moving up in status.
Bottom line, one is working for the COS whether public or staff.
Motivational theory at it’s best.
If you got a problem, double it.
Mike, you ask “Can the IQ of fundamentalist Scientologists really have descended ….?” I think we’ve known the answer to that for some years now. These people are “walking marks”, so low on every Scientology scale that they can be bilked out of every cent they have. Tough shit. These people have become “OTs” and trained auditors and STILL they keep upping their “statuses” and paying for the student hat over and over. At some point they have given up observing what is right in front of them and have decided to no longer elect themselves cause …. well, that’s their decision. Or maybe they have decided they like this “ideal IAS fundraising” game and that it is survival. No skin off my fucking nose. I’ve got “not IAS money” to enjoy because I refused to be in that game anymore. True, I’m also an “SP” who lost most of my “friends” but you know, life ain’t perfect for anyone, is it? Heck, even Tom Cruises’ wife dumped him and he’s now dying his hair too.
Yes, Cindy. “We are the IAS” makes me think of a certain cluster technology that we learned about on OTV, we are all “one.”
Yeah, and who wants to be “that one”? But you can tell all the SO members want to go into the winning valence, which is the IAS registrars, so they all become like Charmaigne or worse.
I would like Mr. Flash to detail how exactly the IAS helps each of the eight dynamics, not that “it just does”.
More brainless drivel begging for money. It’s shameless how these guys work.
Also, lets not forget the divide and conquer technique that is applied to married couples. One spouse is assigned “the good guy” and the other is the bad one. Good guy gets targeted for heavy love bombing and regging and bad guy gets targeted as disaffected and PTS. This is covert undermining of the marriage and the individuals in it.
Whenever my husband and I would walk into the org, he would get plastered by the IAS reg with love, care, enthusiasm, smiles, beams and full-on fawn and flattery. I would get the cold shoulder, downcast eyes, a smirk and most of the time, not even a “hello” or an acknowledgment of my existence.
This made my husband uncomfortable and he considered this type of behavior rude. He used to say “these people are a little bit off…”
I used to say, “No my dear, they know exactly what they are doing.”
Wow, Pepper, I ran into the same sort of thing. Dr Denk had a wonderful help button and would hear these folks out. Rarely would I be spoken to about such things. I remember one trip he took to Flag. When he got home, I was contacted by Charmaine (Super Power reg) and Gunhild Jacobs, who was regging for ASI at the time. They had apparently double-teamed Dr Denk while he was at Flag to their respective mutual regging benefits. He told them he’d have to check with his wife. So, the minute he landed at home, here came the call from Charmaine. I said, “No, absolutely not!” I don’t recall this silliness coming up again.
Rachel, good to see you posting more lately. I enjoy your stories.
Rachel – yep sounds familiar…
My husband was pulled into a room where six fully military uniformed SO execs at Flag were sitting at a table and had him sit down and give an account of his donations to the IAS and when and how he was going to “up his status.”
That’s another tactic: Intimidation.
They pull this one on OTVII’s and people about to get on that level. Just one last step…
My views regarding the IAS are pretty much captured in the following cartoon:
Never really wanted to be a member of the IAS but was forced to become one because I was on staff.
But at least it was free to staff members
Then when I was off staff I only bought a membership because I had too in order to receive services even though is no policy that I’d ever read that said I needed one.
Got tired of arguing my point and decided it was just one more arbitrary I’d have to tolerate in order to move on what was becoming a bridge to nowhere.
(I think there was a point I came to the blinding epiphany that I hadn’t made any real progress since the Ol’man dropped his mortal coil back in ’86 and moved off to some galaxy far away or “Target Two” depending on your view and decided to blow the Organizational pop stand.)
So it became an annual affair, sorta like the rites of spring or the vernal equinox or something that I’d be chased around AO or ASHO by some IAS troll who’d discover that my membership had lapsed.
Anyway what has IAS done that the HASI couldn’t have done for basically 1/10 the price?
(I mean my wife’s HASI LT membership cost her 350 bucks.)
Turned the Organization over to a bunch of elitists who use their high status for influence peddling within the Organization.
Making a Secret deal with the IRS that turned the Church of Scientology basically into a Tax Enforcement Agency.
Pay for a bunch of overpriced attorneys and PIs who go after any one who tries to crack the Org’s monopoly.
Giving hush money to former staff over at the Magic Kingdom and quietly settling legal suits out of court so the plaintiffs are basically gagged.
Paying for an obliquitous white vans stuffed with high tech surveillance equipment so they can keep track of Arthur and Suzette and their friends and acquaintances.
And until 2002 paying for the staff that kept Mary Sue under virtual house arrest at 2345 Chislehurst Dr near Griffith Park.
Yes folks this plus other things like ruining critics utterly by running gas light operations against them and buying Potemkin Village like facades to give their public the impression that Scientology has “expanded more in the last five years than the previous fifty” is what your money goes toward when you support the IAS.
Just reading this made me realize that the IAS made a deal with the IRS that the people of the COS didn’t have to pay their money to the Government so the Church could take it all. Quick, quick, give us all of your money so you can not give it to the Government. Um, either way you end up broke. I think I’d rather give my money to Uncle Sam. At the end of the day, he’s less brutal in his collection efforts. But hey IAS way to go. Great scam if you can get away with it.
Actually it’s worse than that. According to the Secret Closing Agreement:
The CTCC for Church Tax Compliance Committee of which Miscavige is the Chairman of ensures that all Scientology “entities” conform with the Tax Code and pay their taxes over and above any possible deductions for services etc meaning that they now include questions in their sec checks to weed out any possible tax protesters and those who tend to avoid (which is different from “evade”) paying taxes, etc. which in effect has turned the Church of Scientology into a Tax Enforcement agency and Miscavige basically into a revenue agent.
That and the fact that along with the so called “Tax Break” has pretty much been eclipsed by the increase in prices for those same services by a factor of in some cases of 150% making it really not much of a deal when you can deduct only 40% off.
In other words the so called “glorious” “victory” over the IRS is nothing but a sham.
BTW the Church also had to admit defeat in regard to taxes owed which were being appealed prior to the agreement and pay them.
Not only that but it is not the Religion of Scientology but the “Scientology Religion” albeit a subtle difference which allows for alteration of the subject as you can and have seen.
In other words the Secret Closing Agreement is a deep dark rabbit hole in my opinion since unlike other 501ciii entities it has to ensure that it’s clientele are abiding by the Tax Code.
You don’t see that with any other Tax Exempt organizations such as the Cato Institute or the Ford Foundation etc.
Which is why in my opinion it is such a “sell out”.
Not going to get into any long debate with you on this one Robin. The CTCC was a requirement of the IRS, but it only lasted 5 years. And as for the “tax protesters” I had to deal with a bunch of those nutjobs — the “sovereign citizens” who do not believe there is any such thing as the United States. In fact, a number of them sued me personally. Those people were kept off the lines (that “PR” in Las Vegas that planned to kill the cop was one of them as I recall). It was ALWAYS policy to not have people who committed felonies (or lesser criminal offences) on service without it being handled. That did not change with the IRS exemption.
What DID change, and why it was such a “victory” was there was no longer ANY oversight over the church finances. As long as the church was not exempt there were reporting requirements and potential litigation with the IRS that could get ALL finance records. THIS is what the most significant victory was and why it gave Miscavige carte blanche.
And the outstanding assessments at the time were in excess of a billion dollars. CSC ended up paying $12.5 million. No other church entity paid anything. CSC was a disaster due to massive inurement to LRH and the set up of the “Religious Research Foundation” to which tens of millions had been funneled. Don’t know how you translate this into a “loss” and “admitting defeat” as that is about 1%…
It also increased the “donations” dramatically as a result of them being deductible — that only helped the church and Miscavige. It was the start of the vulture culture.
Never considered the full tilt overdrive toward donations that occurred after the deal to be any kind of “victory”.
Nor do I agree that asking the public whether they paid their taxes or not should be part of eligibility.
BTW refusal to pay taxes as in the case of Thoreau for example is not a felony it is considered a civil offense in most cases unless it includes the actual *crime* of Tax Evasion.
So how could you call these people felons?
You write about how the Church “benefitted” which was really no benefit at all as far as I’m concerned and actually paved the way for financial irregs on steroids.
But you don’t say anything about how the IRS benefitted in the deal by eliminating CATS and the Fair Tax movement basically in one fell swoop.
Like I said, I am not going to get into this as I don’t have time. I was merely commenting that the conclusion that the church became an “arm of the IRS” is disingenuous. In terms of revenue, the IRS lost a huge amount of income. Tell the people who have gone to prison for tax evasion that it is just a civil matter.
You obviously didn’t read my comment.
Also how could the IRS have lost a huge amount of revenue if the Church continued it’s appeal and gained its 501ciii status as a religion under the First?
Also as I said tax protesting is considered a civil offense unless it includes tax *evasion* is not.
Whatever. The church was not going to win in court — see Hernandez v. Commissioner. The deductability of donations had already been determined to be a quid pro quo by the US Supreme Court. No court could overturn that.
Go on fighting your weird word battles with yourself. I don’t have time for them.
What your IAS money buys: Private Eyes to harrass you, cameras to surveil you, lawsuits to harrass you. This is what the IAS buys, all to protect David Miscavage and not to forward Scn.
Perfect use of the laser-sight device, Cindy…. you then just had to pull the ……… trigger, and — hey presto — BULL’S – EYE!!! One sharp shooting lady! 🙂
“The excitement rolled across more than 10,000 Scientologists gathered in multiple large venues at the religion’s Flag Land Base in Clearwater on November 15, 2013”
False report. Right on Freedom web site.
Anyone with a magnifying glass could count the heads at this event. Let’s discount the bodies that were staff and had no choice but to be there. Count them too. A long way from ten thousand still.
What they suggest is that many more bodies were at the event they were just hidden in other buildings. Vague “multiple large venues”.
“Freedom” mag false reporting though the media.
I don’t know exactly how it got woven into this culture that a “lie” is “public relations”. But that is an alter is in itself. And it gives each and every one of them a license to lie thinking it is spreading good will and forwarding the goals of religion. Maybe it’s old hat to some thetans. But it became tradition to lie to others and lie to self. The opposite of KNOWING how to KNOW.
It is running a CAN’T HAVE with truth.
The Oracle wrote:
I don’t know exactly how it got woven into this culture that a “lie” is “public relations”.
Here’s one way how:
“I have seen much speculation on where Scientology representatives get
their figure of “8 million members” or “6 million members.” Some wonder if
it is people who have taken courses or who have bought books or perhaps
people who walk in the door. It’s none of that. Let me tell you how it
“Department 20 has been the section that handles media. It is now called
the Office of Special Affairs but in the early 70s it was called the
Guardian’s Office. I worked in the PR section, first in San Francisco and
then at the US offices, 1971-82. We had clipping services for the words
“Scientology” and “L. Ron Hubbard.” Other than the PRs scattered about who
would send in clips, that was the only other way to find how we were being
“At that time, we were in a massive anti-FDA campaign, stemming from the
raid on the Washington, DC, organization, over the role/function of the
E-Meter so there was media interest. Inevitably, we were asked how many
members we had and while the local PR might come up with a number for
his/her area, we didn’t have a figure for national, let alone
international, and this was noticed at the US office. PRs were giving
random figures and so we had to come up with a stable figure. Nothing was
used to calculate the figure. It was dreamed up as “over one million”
because anything less wouldn’t sound good. There was no count of students
or anything. It was simply dreamed up and the figure sent to the PRs to
use when asked. (We also needed it for the publications we were putting
“Then what came into play was the LRH order that Scientology is always
growing. He wrote it in a policy letter, to never admit to anything but
growth. That meant the “one million” had to grow. Again, no calculations
were made. No organizations were asked to submit figures. Perhaps six
months later, we were “1.1 million” and then later “1.25 million” and so
the membership figure began to grow. Occasionally it would produce some
humor, as when a reporter would call the US office and along the way ask
for the membership figure and he/she would be put on hold while someone
asked what the latest one was. “1.5” someone shouted. “No, we used that
one last month, make it 1.6,” suggested another. “Why not 1.75,” someone
else asked. “Too many digits,” someone would call back, “make it 1.8.”
“Hey,” the original PR would ask, “I’ve got a reporter here on hold, gimme
a figure!” “Racquel Welch,” came a fast reply from someone coming down the
“Okay, so it wasn’t “Saturday Night Live” but that was pretty much how we
treated it. I think we stayed with the 1.5 that time. But it soon moved
up to 2 million and it has climbed ever since.”
“As to their actual count, it depends on the definition of a “member.” But
in the meantime, there have been some good samplings that align to my own
estimation. For example, when orgs were closed and there were massive
phone campaigns ordering everyone to an event in the Greater Los Angeles
area, which has the highest number and concentration of Scientologists in
the world, they could must only a few thousand. At a similar function in
Europe where they demanded turnout, they couldn’t even raise 2000. You can
also extrapolate back from some of the “stats” they give. None of it
reflects 8 million “members,” unless one is including “body thetans” from
OT 3.*
But this was how it all started and how Scientology “expanded.”
Robert Vaughn Young
[email protected](emphasis mine)
When I read a lot of these types of emails, I hear the voice of a young person who doesn’t have enough experience or know-how to recognize that his job is ill-defined, and maybe not even valuable, and inside a bumbling bureaucracy, yet he is told he is doing something that could mean the fate of the universe will not be good if he doesn’t do the job well.
Check this out. The Onion is hilarious. I don’t know how they come up with this stuff.
“By the time this weekend is over, it is going to be a whole new world,” Mr. Miscavige declared. “You have arrived at a turning point—a turning point that guarantees our future into eternity.”
Oops, I just realized this is not the Onion. My bad.
It’s good to know it’s a whole new world now though. I wonder why the news media didn’t cover this? It’s been a “whole new world” for six months now and nobody is talking about it. Suppression is what that is. Damn SP’s are tryin to keep us down. But they cant my friends because we operate in eternity which is in the future, so we’re invisible. Like OT ninjas.
Stunning! They laid out all those pages on 1000 tables! Why? Why would anyone do that? You can scan them and view the images and/or OCR-interpreted* text on a computer. There is no earthly reason to lay them all out on 1000 tables except that a certain ecclesiastical leader found a command intention in his poopy pants.
I was going to add, parenthetically, that Hubbard’s hand-writing is not accessible to OCR, and would need to be directly transcribed.
There is an excellent reason for laying them all out on 1000 tables. It’s called “making an impression”. Do you have any idea how much that illusion of hard work and dedication sells for?
Its a strange way to do it. It sounds more impressive. He likes numbers. Millions of square feet. 350,000 miles of carpet, etc. The little dude gets off on numbers I guess. It makes it seem like you are really doing something.
I’ve actually done work very similar to this and we scanned everything.
I think laying it all out on tables would make the job much harder and take longer.
It’s all so Roman slave galley. As the Diminuitive One bangs on the big drum, boom boom boom, exhorting the slaves. “…keep rowing…we’re ALMOST there.” “Really.”
If this is your 30th anniversary of guaranteeing the future of Scientology, then you better close up shop right now. When the PR has reached the point where most of the world doesn’t like you, tries to avoid you, or laughs at you, then I don’t think you did the job of guaranteeing the future of Scientology very well. Especially with all the funds you have at your disposal. Well, you’re definitely guaranteeing the future of something, but it ain’t Scientology. Back to the drawing board, huh?
Here’s perhaps an honest, if not original thought:
BEFORE:”I don’t REALLY know who, or what I AM, so perhaps the ‘church of $cientology, holds the answer?
AFTER: ” I have now completed New OTVIII, and have found out who I AM NOT!”
note; Naturally, this would only apply upon exit from ‘sheeple AM-ness!’ 🙂
Yes, an honest thought that won’t take you far in the cult but always good to know that you’re not a sheep, a doormat or a living, breathing, human ATM machine when you’re out.
The CoS= IAS will never acknowledge that you truly “know” anything. That way they lose their grip on you and can’t have dominion over your thoughts, actions and most importantly, your money!
Yes Pepper. CoS = IAS (I Am Scientology!)
Well, it’s not really fair to demand specifics on how your donations are used because, well, we are dealing in eternity. Thats what the promo they sent me a few days ago said anyway. “We work in eternity” or something like that, I threw it out but it was something about eternity. Our work is in eternity. Our future is in eternity. Something like that.
Just remember that your generous donations are guaranteeing the future of all eternity. I mean, how can you put a price on that? You selfish bastard, worrying about your $150,000 in credit card debt that you donated to the IAS and Ideal Org. That was yesterday. What have you done for eternity TODAY?
chrismann — “Eternity” what an interesting marketing concept. Not unlike “Heaven” or “Nirvana” or any place/state of higher enlightenment. There’s nothing wrong with any of these concepts or should I say, there was nothing wrong when they were originally conceived. It’s what they became that is so troubling
If Jesus Christ spoke of Heaven and what it would be like, I tend to believe he had innocent and honest intentions behind his words. But then Heaven became a destination that only the truly repentant and clean could attain. And only those who paid the fees via church/priests would ever see Heaven. The concept was co-opted by the priests and used to control others, physically, mentally and spiritually. There’s a reason historians called those thousand years the Dark Ages. The Catholic Church began as a means of furthering one man’s beliefs and then something dark happened along the way. Sounds eerily familiar, doesn’t it.
Eternity as a SCN concept was a simple statement that there was more than one life and ‘you’ could have some say in how well it went. Now, it’s a commodity, like blood or air. It’s priced according to need (usually the Church’s) and held over others as a means to control thoughts, actions and allegiance.
It’s the same old religious implant, just new names and uniforms to go with the new churches.
Look to the past, to see what’s in store for the future.
That was very interesting. So is Scn in a dark ages period now after only being around 60 years or so? It’s barely gotten off the ground.
As populations converted to Christianity from paganism, they did so under the rule of the Kings who led the way. Charlemagne being a prime example of this. Religion became a way to civilize the populace and get people under control so they could be ruled and out of the practice of tribalism, which challenged ruling authority.
Although Christianity certainly struggled in its early days (the first several hundred years), it never became a real power until it was adopted by the rulers of the time, who then decreed that their people had to convert and practice the new faith.
I don’t see this ever happening with Scientology. We are in a different day and age and our political leaders will probably never be Scientologists. They would never get elected in the first place.
I get what you said about the concept of “eternity” being a product but a little unclear about what is your prediction for Scn. Also, hasn’t the promise of eternity and total spiritual freedom always been a “product” in Scientology, when its been based on statistics and gross income?
“When you do that, everyone wins and the final reward is a planet where all can walk FREE!”
We are walking free right now. What planet is this person on?
The people that can’t walk free are Sea Org. They need written permission to leave the building and two escorts to walk around the block. The ones in prison camp can’t even talk. Scientologists declared suppressive are fair game, they are the ones with security problems.
The I.A.S. dollars fund the private investigators and the likes of John Allender. It is a domestic terrorism group!
The Oracle,
Great point. We are walking free right now, and nobody is stopping us from living our lives as we wish. I would also say that in areas of the world where people can’t walk free, such as N. Korea, has absolutely nothing to do with the IAS, which has no relevance or impact period.
The ones who aren’t walking free are the SO members, just as you said, and God help those at Int Base Prison.
I love how these guys go on about Freedom for All. What a joke when they falsely imprison their own billion year members and sometimes the public under the guise of help as in the case of Lisa McPhearson. Also, the minor kids they recruit into the SO by locking them up in a room, give them metered interviews and guilt trips until they cave in and sign a SO contract.
And what about the financial slavery they deceive the public into for the purpose of self/social betterment, enlightenment, total spiritual freedom, etc. Where is the “freedom” in that?
Mr. Flash resides on Planet Bubble. On Planet Bubble, there is a murky concept of freedom, where the understanding of what it means is glib at best.
Richie Havens at Woodstock. A great TR3 using
the word Freedom. Should be played on loudspeakers
at all orgs. Someone might get it.
Let’s not overlook the fact that, as it is directed to IAS Field Disseminators, this isn’t just a general rah-rah, but a rah-rah to people who will get a cut of whatever money they help to collect. So the communication is not a meaningless as it appears. It’s a feel-good reason to cleanse the soul of the taint of money grubbing for personal gain, and thus keep getting the collection stats up despite the gut urge to withdraw.
Perhaps David will approve an IAS grant for his next face lift. Vitally needed to enhance his own self aggrandizement which is obviously necessary for the public image of the church of miscavology.
Donate, donate, donate…this is gonna be an expensive procedure. All eight dynamics and your own eternal bliss or damnation depend on what you give here and now.
Climbing that status stairway to heaven boys and fill my pockets with joy.
And if your real good I’ll give you ethics ok to go up the bridge too.
Satisfy your Leader boys give him all you can.
Don’t look back or worry boys because your eternal freedom is at hand.
Lord have Mercy on your soul boys because I don’t give a shit.
Love , Dear Leader
Maybe I’m feeling a little sentimental, this Sunday morning, but the above drivel does remind me of the power of a Dream. The IAS, at one brief moment in time represented the “tip of the spear” for SCN. That lance that was suppose to protect the church and drive through all the evil forces — yadda yadda… What credence or believably it gained, came solely because Scientology was such a powerful and dynamic force. So if this thing, this three-lettered organization was all about protecting it, well by God, it must be the real deal. It just never was. But the dream was always there and still is.
It’s that dim light, shining behind all the inanities, all the mock performances by DM and The Drones. It’s the one word that has any meaning, when the torrent of bizarre concepts flood the sense and deprives most of those still in the church of their ability to perceive. Obscures their focus on reality and replaces it with an impenetrable veil of indifference, that makes otherwise good people look like a phalanx of bobble-heads marching in close order towards their own extinction.
As I saw it, Scientology was Camelot. Spiraling white towers, brilliant colors; the sounds and smells of people enjoying life filling the air. Well, the castle still remains, but the fields and villages surrounding it are dying. The roads have crumbled, the once majestic trees lining the way replaced with gaudy billboards
displaying dyspeptic images of Dear Leader. It is all a load of crap, but again, the dream remains.
What we see displayed here and in other recent emails, are those who never really saw the dream. Pity them. They never even got to sip the real Kool-Aid, the undiluted stuff. It’s no fun being the last one at the trough.
Well said, Odd Thomas!
Odd Thomas
that deathness sounds like ‘Mordor’ to me…
Odd, I love your comments. It almost makes me nostalgic for the old days when I dreamed that I could save the world with Scientology. . . . Almost.
I agree. The sad thing is that the people in there now don’t even get to sense that feeling while they are forced into their prison. There is no camaraderie. It is all backstabbing and glory. When you are in an organization where you are constantly wondering where the next attack is coming from and you tell on someone before they get a chance to tell on you, what kind of espirit de corps can you possibly develop Ugh.
At least we had a pretend castle to protect.
Don’t let it be forgot
That once there was a spot
For one brief shining moment that was known
As Camelot.
Well, is it only me, or, is this unbridled panic? There is absolutely no push to get ANYONE up the bridge or make auditors. It’s all, “Give us every single dollar RIGHT NOW!.” Repeat as needed…
“This is the year the IAS celebrates 30 years of guaranteeing the future of Scientology”, more like a quarantyeeing the future of being broke and bankrupt.
Assisting other people to advance their status? Really? Why you don’t face it and tell instead-ripping off people of as much money as I can so I can get rich, and them? Well too bad, they did believe IAS was actually doing something of value when, in fact, it never has.
The crazy Pope Davey has his minions selling “Indulgences” just like Pope Leo X around the time of Martin Luther. That didn’t work out so well for Leo. The fact that so many Scientologists who are NOT going up the Bridge (I.e. The Sea Org) are claiming that everyone’s eternal salvation rests on Uncle Davey’s intercession between them and Eternal Salvation is just a bad remake of the 1500s. Then fact that so many people go along with it and fork over money to buy their way into “heaven” is fascinating. The fact that I bought into it and have about $35,000 worth of books, CDs and e-meters that someone will give me $600 total… Well, that just hurts. Ouch.
Whadda racket!
Is that Shaked on the phone flipping
the bird?
So he feeds you untrue crap on the phone,
doing his best to make you feel good and ready
to fork over some dough. But then gives you the
finger at the same time. Makes sense to me.
As a never in, I would be put off by anyone telling me they were a scientologist.
I do not want people to proselytize to me. I find that offensive.
There is a malicious streak in me that would want me to give books by “bitter defrocked apostates” to this person.
That’s not malicious.
Are you Shaked FlEsh?
If so, I am going to donate the very exact amount to the IAS as these past twelve years: Zero
The first impression I get is that the IAS will be here long after Scientology has passed into history. It will become an organization of fund raising for the sake of its own continued existence. This will happen not long before L’li Davey opens his own international commercial real estate business.
If he was trying to get me to buy Girl Scout cookies I would not be so inspired. What a yawner.
Wow IAS field dissemination is all about letting your friends and loved ones be part of the group and help, and that benefits all 8 dynamics. I see, regging the last maxed out credit card dime out of people and bankrupting them is actually beneficial to everyone right up to the Supreme Being. Gawd, with some of these staff left, you wonder do they really understand so little of Scientology (as written) to honestly think or say something that pathetically stupid, or is this just manipulation on autopilot.
This Knowledge Report was written on me on 28 August 2009, the 25th anniversary of the IAS. Do you think conditions have improved as we approach the 30th anniversary?
“This week I called Rachel Denk and left a message in a framework that she would know me (which is in regards my dealings with Gene Denk).
She very politely returned my call almost immediately, which is very appreciated.
I briefly explained that I was calling as part of the IAS and stated why.
Her response was that she had returned my call as I was from the CLO and she was answering to extend any help that was needed in regards Gene or his estate and that was why she thought I had called. Again this is very appreciated as it was obvious that she would have assisted me immediately in that regard, had this been why I was calling.
She then ended the call stating twice that had she know(n) I was calling for the IAS she would not have returned my call. To speak to a Sea Org member and/or another OT VII in such a manner is rather shocking.
Considering that we are all Scientologists and we are the IAS (which includes Rachel, who is an OT VII and Lifetime member) this was quite a disaffected statement and I am reporting this as such.
I cannot fathom that Gene Denk would ever speak to a Sea Org member in this way nor did he in all the years that I knew him and worked with him and/or received services from him.
I am requesting that she be seen in ethics to find out what this is about.”
This report was signed by Patricia Ashworth, c/o Calling Pjt CLO WUS and routed to Ethics FSO. Copies were sent to: Reports Off RTC, Reports Off Snr CS Int Office, Data CMO PAC, CO CLO WUS, Snr I&R PAC, IAS WUS Administration, Ethics Ship, Ethics ASHO D, and my ethics file.
I was called by someone as a result of the KR, quite possibly the Snr I&R PAC although I cannot remember for sure who it was, and verbally ordered to Los Angeles for a metered interview. I live in Spokane Washington. I declined the order.
The color of their shirts should be brown not white, since they act like Nazis they should be identfied as such. Glad your out.
Actually the color of their shirts changed to black when I was last in the org on service at PAC.
The IAS reges were wearing black shirts with black pants and shoes. I saw Sher Klima dressing like that every day.
The training staff at ASHO were afraid of them too. I saw this with my own eyes and had personal interacions with the sups, D of T, etc. They are under suppression there by people like Sher Klima (a ditz who I found is off post at PAC and writing letters from CC as of late).
I was shocked to see how far south the orgs have gone and under the control of the IAS, who even interferes with students on course.
I have a good story to tell how I was routed out of the org due to the influence of a black clothes wearing IAS reg but have to hold off on it for now. These people disgust me.
Thanks Kat. Glad I’m out, too. I’m looking forward to Pepper’s story …
“The color of their shirts should be brown not white, since they act like Nazis they should be identfied as such. ”
That’s basically I said on one of the public surveys they used to put out every once in a while.
They solved that by not sending me any more surveys to fill out 😉
Once they have “set you free”, they believe they own “every inch” of your life.
In 2006 I got KR’d by a reg for being upset about the increase in lifetime membership prices (I’m a pauper nobody by Scn standards) and claiming that Scientology was “just about the money”. If only I’d fully woken up by then…
“Once they have “set you free”, they believe they own “every inch” of your life.” DollarMorgue – this is a classic! Spot on and possibly one of the things I found MOST annoying about being a scientologist.
Rachel, it is especially tasteless the way she refers to Dr. Denk in her “KR”, as if her having known him in any way even has anything with anything. I AM sure that Dr. Denk could not fathom a Sea Org member lying to and treating his widow with such disrespect.
Should read “anything to do with anything”…
Yes, Bela, it’s funny she brought up Dr Denk. He’d been gone for 4 1/2 years by that time. Perhaps she felt she could build some close relationship with me because she knew him and had worked with him. Then she could get some IAS money out of me. Just between you and me, Dr Denk would have shook his head in rejection of her action(s) and headed to the golf course.
Rachel, thank you for sharing that, and NO, the IAS has not improved since then. In fact, it is much worse and more cut throat and sharkey.
“Considering that we are all Scientologists and we are the IAS (which includes Rachel, who is an OT VII and Lifetime member) …” Really? “we are the IAS”? No, we aren’t the IAS. The IAS is a created entity that Ron never created or wanted. It is a blood sucking parasite that will suck the host until it dies. And to say that “we are the IAS” is untrue. I suggest valence splitting processing be run on the IAS.
Thanks Cindy. I think the “we are the IAS” line was what was used five years ago. Of course, I rejected it as I didn’t feel “we” are anything. I just wonder if the new line is “(the IAS) benefits all 8 Dynamics!” It seems to me that’s a far more objective way of selling something. I’m still not buying.
Dear Rachel,
Thank you for sharing that and my condolences to you for the loss of your husband.
I have a friend whose husband died a few years ago and the IAS was hot on her trail for his life insurance money almost immediately after his untimely passing. This couple is relatively young, so that life insurance pay out, even though it’s not a large amount, will still go a long way to helping my friend, who was devastated over her loss.
When she told me that the IAS was calling for the life insurance money, the only thing I could think of to say in that moment was, “How did that make you feel?”
She told me that she “understood” their point of view and that she herself had been on the other side of the coin, so she really didn’t have a problem with it. I did though, it made my skin crawl.
Makes my skin crawl too. F’n ambulance chasers! Next thing the various regges will be elbowing one another out of the way in order to get to the widow at the memorial…wouldn’t put it past them 🙁
Thanks Pepper. I wish your friend well. I, too, was contacted by the IAS Reg, Howard Becker, shortly after Dr Denk had passed. He wanted me to watch the Tom Cruise video. I did and he then asked me if I wanted to be like Tom Cruise. I said, “no, not really.” The upshot was Howard Becker wanted me to increase my status in the IAS by taking out a home equity loan on our house. It seemed, according to him, COB had a really big situation. Howard Becker also wanted use of the Denk name. None of this sounded right to me after recently being widowed so I just said “no.” I honestly think the IAS regges must lay in wait for newly made widows. Good grief.
I love that you told Howard Becker that you didn’t want to be like Tom Cruise. Why would you anyway?
Tom Cruise was in some weird valance in that IAS video. The thing that got me the most was his statement that when “you pass an accident you have to stop because you know you’re the only one who can really help”.
I have worked in trauma situations and I can promise you that when someone is bleeding to death or having a heart attack, there is a very fine line between life and death. It’s best left to the professionals. What an invalidation to all the doctors, nurses and emergency responders who study and train to do this type of work.
The first line says it all to me; “This is the year the IAS celebrates 30 years of guaranteeing the future of Scientology.” Perpetuating and protecting the organization has become the senior activity. Once upon a time, the emphasis was on guaranteeing the future of mankind. I don’t find this as unusual. Look at the Catholic church and the pedophile scandal. Protecting the organization becomes all important. And there are less ominous examples where expanding the organization for its own sake, and not in furtherance of any higher purpose, becomes the order of the day. As organizations age and develop, the original purpose is less and less the focal point, and more of a talking point. It does not make an organization inherently bad, it just makes it less effective and something other than what it could have been. The Church of Scientology can never achieve the higher purpose that was the thrust of its earlier attraction and expansion. At least the Catholic Church put a lot of its money to work in schools and hospitals and charities. Not so the house the house that Ron built. Perhaps some day it might implode and reinvent itself as something beneficial to society. But in my opinion that would be a generation away, at best.
The future of scientology is guaranteed only by public demand. Is there a market and is it sustainable?
+ 100
The Catholic Church (and Christianity in general) is somewhat immune to the examination of End Phenomena (EPs) claimed by Scientology.
You cannot prove or disprove whether a believer goes to heaven or hell or nowhere at all. The claims of Christianity are not falsifiable — unless you get in the arena of faith healing, power of prayer claims, miracles, signs, and such — those can be falsified! However, on the core doctrine of eternal life through belief in a savior, how could anyone ever prove or disprove that?
In contrast, Scientology claims EPs that can be falsified — someone can ask for proof of this, that, or the other and run scientific tests. Does IQ go up per auditing hour? Do Scientologists live longer? Have fewer health problems? Achieve perfect recall? Have no reactivity left? Can they make a rose appear and disappear? Be at cause over MEST? Recall verifiable past life experiences? Have a lower divorce rate? Overall higher EQs (emotional intelligence)? Do better financially? Have greater understanding, empathy, and tolerance for others? Master reading, writing, and language skills at a higher level than the general population? Have lower crime rates? Lower drug abuse rates? And so on.
All those sorts of things could be submitted to social research for validation (or, unfortunately most likely, falsification of claims — no one in 60 years has produced a single Clear or an OT VIII as Hubbard originally defined them). (I suppose most people know that the only time Hubbard did try to exhibit the powers of a Clear, she failed miserably, even though Hubbard had seeded the audience with persons asking pre-arranged questions.)
Scientology’s downfall is that it claims to be the sweet spot where religion and science meet. But it cannot show objective evidence of any sort of scientific claims. Hence it bears the double burden of being a pseudo-science and a New Age-ish religious cult at the same time. Two strikes. The third strike are the manipulative and destructive practices of the Church. Strike three. Down and out, even if the fall takes a long time.
FOTF2012, As per your rant, IMHO, some of the things that you mention as claims, can be shown to improve.
BTW, I have the power to make registrars appear and disappear. (hint, it is pictures of money available, encoded in pictures / words that one throws out.)
FOTF, this is a really good comment and you make several important points. There DO seem to be many areas in which the Tech could be tested by well-established research methods. One might think that this is something that folks in the independent or free-zone community might support.
There was an article recently (in the Buddhist journal Tricycle, I think) calling for more hard scientific investigation of the practice of meditation. There already HAS been work done in this area — I remember some studies way back in the 70s and 80s involving certain specific types of meditation, but I think some of those have been faulted for not having properly designed control groups or something. I can’t recall anything similar for Scientology practices.
There’s also, I believe, a nondenominational organization that exists to support research into the (purported) power of prayer.
This seems like something worth doing now that there’s a population of Scientology practitioners outside the control of RCS. We may think we can predict the outcome, but really you never know what you might find if you start seriously looking.
Well, 1984, ignoring the evaluative “rant” comment, I’d say of course there are things that Scientology improves. Unfortunately for Scientology’s claim to being the only way, the same claims can be made with the same degree of validity for any religion, -ism, or therapy.
The “it works” line is scientifically unsound as the successes are anecdotal and confirmation/falsification is not based on any sort of research, logic, or method that would make muster anywhere in the world — other than a religion.
Since Scientology is primarily a business offering services for a fee disguised as a donation, it would be wise to rein in its various claims that could be shown to be fraudulent in a business setting.
I’m glad you have the ability to make registrars appear or disappear. If someone would demonstrate that sort of ability on live TV with someone like James Randi, that would be awesome.
So many words, signifying nothing. It’s difficult to imagine someone (other than a politician, of course) setting out to use words in such a manner as to convey no meaning at all. And then to have the gall to actually put his name on it!
This guy is so full of shit his eyes must be brown.
+1 and they blue before he joined.
“Shaked Flash”? What a strange nom de fou.
yeah, is that a made up super hero status name they paid for or what?
On the Truthaboutscientology website it looks like Shaked’s training and auditing level is only the State of Man Congress on the Freewinds in 2004. Anyone more trained than that, might run into LRH policy that contradicts current crim policy of lying to people to get their money.
Sorry Robert …… there are NUMEROUS highly trained auditors (Class 8s included), OT7s, OT8s, FEBCs, who are COMPLETELY in the Miscavige camp. Training and Processing all the way up the line in Scientology is obviously no proof whatsoever against becoming a complete brain-dead, functioning circuit, dedicated member of the sheeple brigade.