Here is a fabulous sounding quote the IAS is using to convince the sheeple “LRH wanted them to give their money to the IAS.”
These people will stop at nothing to vacuum money from the gullible.
LRH knew NOTHING about the IAS. It was an accounting creation in 1984 to keep money away from the IRS. By the time of his death in 1986 it still wasn’t really public. And he certainly didn’t write anything about it.
So what IS this quote about and where does it come from?
You probably would not be surprised to learn that it is taken from something LRH wrote about fees for ORG SERVICES and how these fees are what supports ALL scientology activities around the world — including the “fourth dynamic programs” that the IAS touts itself as supporting, and even the buildings they buy.
I have written about this before.
Here is the full text of the article retyped from the original Auditor magazine. I have put in boldface the quotes they lifted, completely out of context, to present the 180 degree opposite of what they are trying to do. “Don’t give your money for scientology services, give it to us.”
The word “fees” was replaced in the 80’s based on lawyer advice that it would be counter-productive to ever gaining tax exempt status. The beauty of it now is that the word FEES can ONLY mean a payment for goods or services. That it was changed to “donations” is especially convenient for the IAS blood-suckers.
By L. Ron Hubbard
I wonder if you’ve ever estimated how much it costs to launch a new subject into the world, keep it pure, keep it going right, make progress and defend it.
For that matter, what do you suppose it costs an organization to deliver an hour of processing?
I know that Dianetic and Scientology services should be free and I wish they were.
Personally I have tried to do my part in this. None of the researches of Dianetics and Scientology were ever actually paid for out of organizational fees. With my typewriter I paid for the research myself. Occasionally orgs were supposed to but they never did.
Independent of research costs, the 13 1/2 million dollars that orgs owed me for services rendered, 10% (the usual author’s royalties), lectures, loans, things paid out of my own pocket I never collected.
As even the royalties of the first book were given to orgs for their work, I didn’t even make anything out of that best seller. Its paperback is again a newsstand best seller in the U.S. but I don’t collect those royalties either. Even today I draw less than an org staff member and they draw very little.
So the fees you pay for service do not go to me.
A Sea Org member draws only about four pounds a week and his room and board. We run our ships and stations at a cost that would make a cost accountant disbelieve it. So not much of your fee goes to them even though they bear a full burden of management of pure services.
Org staff members over the world work for so little that Execs occasionally get letters from their landladies demanding orgs increase their pay level so staff members can pay their rent.
So not much of your fees goes to them.
Occasionally some org or franchise goes on a big kick of high pay. We very soon pull the rug out from under that. So if your fee went that way for a brief period we corrected the outness fast as we frown on money-motivation like a thundercloud.
Some fringe fellows know that if you had a complete monopoly on the only workable mental technology on the planet you could make billions. That’s why they’re on the “fringe”. So we prevent your fee from going in that direction.
Then where does your fee go?
Since 1950. So-called “mental health” groups have fought to discredit and decrease the power of Dianetics and Scientology.
For 19 years, using their press control, government stooges and puppets, these psychiatric front groups have conducted a continuous suppressive covert operation against us.
Why? They feared that as our power increased they would lose their easy appropriations and fail in their plans for a 1984 World.
We were not even in their line of country – the insane. Yet such was their fear, they have spent untold sums to bring about our destruction.
We not only know who why and where with full documentation we also know their sordid intentions for the world. Some of your fee made the work to collect that evidence possible.
Bad press, inquiries, bans, these are the surface you see. Those are their fingerprints.
Below that level it’s a rough fight and has been for 18 years.
Our press consultants tell us we must never mention it as it “frightens the public.”
We are in the weird position of being perhaps the only really effective Western security force. We wouldn’t give five pence for the rest of them combined.
If a definition of governing is maintaining an orderly peace in which business can be conducted, then there sure isn’t any real government.
So a portion of your fee is spent on patching up the damage done, keeping going in spite of attacks and nullifying the actions against the West of a very choice lot of bad hats. If we didn’t have the documentary evidence I wouldn’t dare mention it.
It costs money to bring cases up to US Supreme Court level as we have. The legal defense expenses we have in a dozen countries is not small.
So a portion of your fees goes to keeping the subject available to you and to the world.
We work very hard to keep tech being done well. It is nothing for us to put two people on a fast plane and send them half around the world to straighten up the Case Supervision and auditing in an area so you can have confidence in the service you get.
It is routine to send the highest class people we have to handle “ARC Breaks of Long Duration” in the field or on admin lines or to see they get handled.
Your fee supports a long and complex set of communication lines by which tech and admin can be cared for rapidly.
A portion of your fee just the other day began a survey of a backward country to introduce high speed educational processes to bring their people quickly from the stone age up to present time. The “Peace Corps” was also there on cushy government funds building houses for a big construction company at a nice profit. But we, unsupported, began the effective work actually needed there to help the people.
A tiny bit of your fee neated up an area ruined for Americans by the American Navy.
Small parts of your fee heal up a lot of things over the world.
But the biggest part of your fee stays right in your area. It is used to make training and processing and data available to the next fellow first by keeping the org there and second by letting him know about it and third by making as sure as possible that the training and processing he gets is standard and effective.
Your fee keeps the nearest org alive and functioning and the environment safe.
It is not easy to do, hit repeatedly as we are.
Gradually little by little we are taking the pressure off our orgs. Gradually surely and certainly the bad hats and losing their own power in the world.
If we had the fantastic sums appropriated to “mental health” (and put largely in their own pockets or used to try to crush anyone else) we would make a lot lot lot more progress. As we wouldn’t also have to fight the lies that money buys into press and government.
But we don’t have appropriations. They are given only to those who deal in death, it seems.
So little by little, using the fees you give us for your service, your training and your processing, we create little by little areas of sanity.
And as these areas spread out, releasing and Clearing the community, if we continue to be alert and competent, perhaps those areas will meet one country, one continent to the next and we will have a cleaner, saner world.
Your fee is supporting and continuing the greatest hope that man had ever had and the orgs and people vital to its survival and increase.
Your fee does what it takes to get the job done.
Thank you.
L. Ron Hubbard
Interview with Jeffrey Augustine
Karen and Jeffrey just published the latest in their series of Surviving Scientology Radio shows where I discuss a number of subjects recently in the news.
Public Service Announcement
Someone who sent me photos of the Montreal “Ideal” Org but I cannot find your email address. If you are that person, or you are in Montreal, please send me a message.
The IAS has been a shakedown from the beginning. You couldn’t be on course without some added inapplicable membership. That alone was bad enough. In 1988 I paid $2000 for a Lifetime membership with the idea of getting it out of the way for good. (BTW, this was an outrageous sum compared to a $75 LT HASI membership.) Little did I know this was only the beginning of the never ending “flow.”
“The IAS has been a shakedown from the beginning.” ….
Oh god no kidding, I recall DREADING the end of course time where we had to sit and listen to some schmuck from the IAS ramble on about THE WAR. Keeping students feeling trapped AFTER THE END of course time confined in a room (if nothing but by peer pressure) is so NOT spiritual. But people put up with because otherwise they would get nailed.
Good interview Mike on Surviving Scientology Radio and for continually shining the light at the correct gradient for those who are daring to reach out and gather their own data for a change. It’s not an easy thing to do, go searching on the evil internet, bumping cyber elbows with all these psychotic SP’s out here (lol) but with your blog and many of the others that are so effective at communicating, people trapped inside the bubble have a life line. Cheers.
I have no trouble that LRH did got some money out of his work .. why not .. but on the other side if he got $1 for each dianetic book .. and wanted planetyry clearing .. he expected 7.000 Mio as income .. that is something which do not come close to me .. means that planetary clearing was not the real purpose ..
A church with 200 staff did not earn enough for having the people in good state .. the question was how to get more public .. I was at Saint Hill UK .. I had a PSION Computer with me, and I said, you will need about 36.898 years to clear England .. result of the calculation with rooms available and hours for clearing .. and I said you must expand .. but there was no money to do so .. not a lot of public there .. Saint Hill had to expand with 4.000% for getting it done in 1.000 years .. I had a better idea .. but now I am declared ..
“Clearing the planet” never meant clearing every human being on it. There is an LRH reference on this somewhere but as far as I recall it, it meant reaching a critical mass (sic) of sorts, to where the whole game was tipped in Scientology’s favor.
Fascinating interview Jeff and Mike. Without a doubt, the three LAX harrassers are now being hung out to dry by Miscavige. The repercussions from that attack are only beginning. Imagine the depositions of those three, plus Miscavige, if Monique’s case goes forward after the appeal. First Amendment defense? Hardly….
Great interview. Thanks Mike and Jeff.
Well regardless of how one feels LRH should’ve handled things, the church is obligated to follow it’s own tenets. This is outright, blatant fraud, using phrases, out of context to justify their rape and pillage of the parishioners. Not to mention the fact that 100’s of millions are laying around, unutilized, but the extortion continues! People have the right to donate to what they wish, even if foolishly, but this is fraudulent duplicity and lying for fake causes. The lying is so layered & complex, that for decent, generous people, I think it is hard to believe. Then there’s just stupid.
Hi Hallie,
remember the other triangle? K-R-C (Knowledge – Responsibility – Control)
Perhaps it’s now the duty of those OUT to handle those IN… who knows. 😉
“Org staff members over the world work for so little that Execs occasionally get letters from their landladies demanding orgs increase their pay level so staff members can pay their rent”
I bet that’s as true today as it was then…
Today I came along a website called. ‘’ which states that it is countering claims of Mike Rinder & Marty Rathbun.
Yet I would much rather read the Objective, Rationale and Clearly Articulated blog of the true Mike Rinder ‘’. Scientology would rather use more smear sites to try to tarnish Mike or Marty for that matter how sad.
As with this posting as well as all the others only the Objective truth is written about, from a true Professional who lived in the shoes of one who knows the story.
Fraud, that is strong word one not taken lightly however this posting is nonetheless 100% correct. As Scientology falls deeper upon the self-impaling sword it is nice to know there is truth & wisdom in the words of one Mike Rinder, to tell the Real Story.
Mike, I just want to say I think this new interview with Jeffrey Augustine is one of the best you’ve ever done. You really brought your A game to this. You are relaxed, on-point, and amazingly articulate. You’re able to discuss bizarre and unsettling things in concrete, down-to-earth language. But the thing that knocks it out of the park is your wry, sometimes rueful and self-deprecating sense of humor — the sign of a man who is comfortable in his own skin and confident of the path he has chosen.
I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting you face-to-face, but I feel like I’ve gotten to know you through this blog and many videos and other things online. And I’m tremendously proud of you.
Yes Mike, your interview with Jeff is amazingly good. We get the full picture and you are not nattering, but calmly laying down the truth. And Jeff asks spot on questions and knows how to interview. Thank you for that interview. Do more.
All of Me – Vintage Soul John Legend Cover ft. Kiah Victoria
Why aren’t services being sold now that there’s GAG II – services, as in auditing and training?
And the EasyBakes, what’s the problem, they’re not selling like hotcakes?
Well, no worries, just ramp up the IAS fundraising!
Of course, this makes the non-whale Miscavologists even more unable to buy their auditing and training, but then, the solution to that is to just do more IAS fundraising!
And so on…
Yes, Aquamarine, very well stated. I do feel sorry for those folks who had the bucks to give so much to the IAS and especially the Ideal Org program, only to find out later with the Ideal Org program that there are no public receiving services, so their donations were for naught. Very sad indeed.
Mike, contrary to what you said in the interview, I think there are people “in” who would listen to you, especially those who have been “in” for a long time and for whom you are a familiar voice. I know that when I was in that there was at least one person who mentioned how scary it was that the old time execs were disappearing. And all it takes is for someone to reach their personal limit of abuse and they start to look, and some of them are going to remember you (and Marty).
The truly interesting thing to me is that the lies and deceit created by the Cof$ is headed by the BIGGEST lie and deception of all time – there are NO Scientologists (by technical definition) in the Church of Scientology today. Miscavige got rid of them all years ago. There’s a whole bunch of fixed dedicated glaring wana-be’s who truly adhere to and unknowingly worship the greatest truism of all time, encompassing all cultures and age groups:
A fool and their money are soon parted.
Terrific interview Mike. It’s good to hear the current happenings along with your answers to Jeff’s questions.
I was there when you did the fly by, haha. It was a memorable day and we were all so happy that it happened. Real proof with the crowd being so small. On the ground it seemed like only a few thousand on that day.
The Toronto Org was tagged a few weeks ago. I don’t know if they’ve cleaned it off yet. They can talk about their non-existent (and permit-less) renovation all they want, but gangs know an abandoned building when they see one.
I was rolling at the thought of DM hearing every one of those laconic Rinder “blah, blah, blahs” and coming apart at the seams. Wonderful interview!
Great interview Mike! You are obviously doing very well judging from the number of sincere belly-laughs I heard. This is a great example to those who listen to this who are considering leaving Scientology. Life is way better on this side!
Add — now contrast that with the eye-ball popping inch-wife Jenny Linson in Marty Rathbun’s recently recorded LAX encounter.
good point, you are right, nobody does care, because if they did, their life would turn into a nightmare of a bad way involving legal fees, harassment, stress, etc. These people concerned want to disengage entirely from what is an embarrassing, and unproductive time or piece of their life.
The “source” is no more. It’s all quackery that has no place in present time. Maybe after the war or the “sixties” when lost souls were grasping for “anything” to latch their wagon to. No more. It was all just anti-establishment propaganda. Some folks are always going to think it’s greener on the other side of the fence. But they will go elsewhere, as Scientology has run it’s course.
Fabulous chat with Jeffrey. One of the best I’ve seen for awhile. Loved your description of the Flag flyover. There must have been serious panic on the ground. VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWD!
Thanks. Kind words indeed.
Those talks are extremely balanced and insightful. If you two ever choose to do a Google Hangout, you will be overrun with questions 🙂
So now the quotes are being altered, just like the books and writings. The quotes are now “based on the Quotations of LRH” just like the “copyrighted” books are “based on the writings of LRH”. I would say that someone in LRH’s family had a plagiarism suit if they cared, because the books and tapes are just being altered in a minor way, just as this quote was then being passed of as Source (COB Source).
Hi Valerie,
let’s assume you want to keep the Copyright for a piece of work BEYOND the legal lenght.
What do you do?
1. You set up an entity, that goes by the NAME of the original author or is pretty close to it.
L. Ron Hubbard (Human) L. Ron Hubbard Library (LEGAL entitiy!! NOT HUMAN!)
As LRH described in the Data Series, people are inclined to rather justify an OUTPOINT
than to take a closer look and make their ASSUMPTIONS a FACT!
Sort of lazy thinking… 😉 [similarities are not similar]
2. You get some legal advice, on how much you have to change an original work, that it
can be considered a NEW WORK entitled for a NEW Copyright!
That’s the SEMICOLON corrections, wrong page sequences, “newly found” data. 😉
3. Then you set up a worldwide translation unit (TU) and let everyone who works on the
re-translating of the old books etc, sign a document, that basically says, that they have
NO rights whatsoever on what they have just ‘created’ by translating it etc.
4. You ensure, that all your newly created works, are being transfered to the entitiy of #1
5. You write a nice introduction about the author and PUT SOME LEGALY interessting stuff
there as well, so that you don’t have all the liabilities of having to prove something
or are obliged to deliver a certain product/quality/result etc.
I.e. one simply states that the OT III story is the writing of “some author”… Ohhh!
Nice way of getting AROUND of having to take ANY responsibility for a certain piece of work.
6. Get your sales department convinced, that their customers MUST BE BROUGHT TO THE
UNDERSTANDING, that this version of the work is now FINALLY FINALLY the right one, as the
author originally intended. And tell them, it is EXACTLY as being there with the author!!
7. Set up a BIIIIIG launching event with A LOOOOT of bumm, bang, hipp hipp, blablablablabla…
Tell them for example they have removed 49.73.682 dust particles from original film.
Tell them for example they have removed 529 cracks from the original film.
Tell them what an a$$hole that camer man was, when he doze off!
Tell them how many Terrabytes of hightech network storage and IPS and FIPS and ZIPS
have been used as well!
Show them even a photo of the State-of-the-Art Computerroom (but don’t show too many faces
of those overworked slaves – rather the backs….)
8. I-M-P-O-R-T-A-N-T !!!!
Let them figure it out for themselves… that’s a wonderful mystery-sandwich… 😉
Hint… compare:
0:26 and 0:34 with 1:15
These books moved out without a single person ever touching them!!!!!
10. Sent out troups a few weeks later to round up all “old”, “absolutely not understandable
incorrect” versions and B-U-R-N , T-R-A-S-H , S-H-R-E-D-D-E-R THEM!!!!!
12. Cash in the money and… build a new state-of-the-art broadcaststation.
13. Never ever let you public know, that the newly-restored-refreshed-filmed interview
with your author
I-S N-O-T T-H-E S-A-M-E A-S T-H-E O-R-I-G-I-N-A-L !!!
Due to computer technology enhancements, you simply LET YOUR AUTHOR SAY SOMETHING DIFFERENTLY!
Notice the difference between:
“let him SAY SOMETHING DIFFERENT” and “DELETING something he said”!!!
Not a lot! Just to get a new Copyright!
And always tell your public, that your new released interview is the ONLY one, that EVER existed!
…except this one… but this b/w…
PS: One more thing – don’t let your public see this non-confidential piece of… OLD UNWORKABLE SH!# !
Each time I read this article I wonder: What was he referring to? This had to have been pre-1970. Anyone?
“A tiny bit of your fee neated up an area ruined for Americans by the American Navy.”
I think this is in reference to Morocco. Ironic that in the end Hubbard packed up his villa and made a hasty retreat as the Apollo was escorted out of the country by gunboats. The lasting impression of scientology in Morocco is not happy faces, not even pie faces, it’s more like halloween masks.
In other words, “A tiny bit of your fee neated up an area ruined for the British by an Indian Maharaja”?
LRH: So the fees you pay for service do not go to me .. but from which money he has bought Saint Hill Manor .. from which money he has bought his ships .. from which money he has bought Fort Harrison .. from which money he did make his journeys .. he made never a lot of money out of his pulp fiction stories, but finally had a ranch somewhere .. the money went not to him .. ehh ..
So what? These are all actually properties owned by the Church for them to provide their services not for LRH to swan around in and go swimming or holding parties. LRH lived at and in a relatively small part of St. Hill for a while and lived on the ranch where he died. Should he then have lived like a pauper? Your comments are misleading.
“Should he then have lived like a pauper?”
The real question is, should the staff have lived like paupers?
No of course not, nobody is saying that. But LRH did not live like a multi-millionaire as is being implied. Orgs kept 90 (or 80%?) of their income so one cannot blame LRH for this.
Not to keep this going much longer, but this datum is very deceptive.
Yes, Class V orgs only sent 10% for “Payments to Flag” but you also have to add the % for licensing of films, and that income on books had to be invested in more books. And some orgs paid more than 10%.
Where the REAL issue is with the SO Orgs and FSO. Up to 65% of FSO income was taken routinely. Massive amounts of money are siphoned out of the SO Orgs and FSO. Millions of dollars a week. ANd that is where the concentration of income is. There is more income made by the SO Orgs and FSO than ALL CLass V orgs combined every week.
and maybe the suitcases full of money were not from fees? Could be, could be…
Hi Friend,
tks for your thoughts and comment.
When one plays a game one is expected to KNOW all the rules, correct?
Well, what game was LRH playing and per which rules did he play?
If you don’t mind, ask yourself what is more important to YOU:
A) OWNING an object
B) HAVING the right to USE that object.
Depending on your answer, you will be either the OWNER of it –
with your name and ALL LIABILITIES attached to it.
you will play the game, as LRH and his opponents were/are playing it.
Basically using legal entities i.e. corporations, trusts etc. (…and even churches!)
Please remember! By using LEGAL ENTITIES cleverly and correctly one can avoid
a big part of those liabilities and still be able to USE the object/etc. etc.!
That’s why the tax-exemption for CST was SO important!
Everyone not being able to seperate these two things and saying:
“Ohh… it all went up to LRH” will be laughed at in court and thrown out – rightly.
It’s not a make-wrong, but please KNOW YOUR GAME AND KNOW YOUR RULES.
So, let’s take a closer look if that holds true:
Management Organizations
Principal organizations
Church of Scientology (COS)
Religious Technology Center (RTC)
Church of Spiritual Technology (CST)
Church of Scientology International (CSI)
Trademark service organizations
Inspector General Network (IGN)
IGN International AB
Dianetics Centers International (DCI)
Dianetics Foundation International (DFI)
Hubbard Dianetics Foundation (HDF)
WISE, Inc.
Financial trusts
Author’s Family Trust
Church of Scientology Religious Trust (CSRT)
Scientology International Reserves Trust (SIRT)
Trust for Scientologists
United States Parishioners Trust
Flag Ship Trust (FST)
International Publications Trust
Scientology Defense Trust
Financial service organizations
SOR Services Ltd.
Nesta Investments Ltd.
FSO Oklahoma Investments Corporation
Theta Management Ltd. (TML)
Publishing houses and organizations
Golden Era Productions
Author Services Inc. (ASI)
Bridge Publications Inc. (BPI)
New Era Publications ApS
Scientology Publications Ltd.
Secular and social management entities
Association for Better Living and Education (ABLE)
Applied Scholastics
Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR)
Criminon International
Narconon International
The Way to Happiness Foundation International
World Institute of Scientology Enterprises (WISE)
Other management organizations
Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre International (CC Int.)
International Hubbard Ecclesiastical League of Pastors (IHELP)
Scientology Missions International (SMI)
Sea Organization (Sea Org)
Service organizations
Church of Scientology Flag Service Organization
Church of Scientology Flag Ship Service Organization
Church of Scientology Western United States
Church of Scientology Advanced Organization Saint Hill Europe & Africa
Church of Scientology Religious Education College, Inc.
Church of Scientology, Inc.
Membership organizations
Unincorporated associations
International Association of Scientologists (IAS)
Hubbard Association of Scientologists International (HASI)
Membership service organizations
International Association of Scientologists Administrations, N.V. (IASA)
Membership Services Administrations (UK) Ltd. (MSA)
And the list isn’t even complete!
Remember those Churces?
“Church of Scientology of California” (CSC)
“Church of American Science”
“Church of Spiritual Engineering”
I don’t think any Scientologist begrudges him any of his money. DM however is another matter.
You don’t think there were research costs? You don’t think there is a cost associated to reading books, cogniting on the truth it revealed about life, and then trying to convert that new knowledge into an applicable, real-life technology with the intention of increasing a person’s awareness and improving that person’s condition? And yes to create money for the influence and increased survival that money would bring along the way.
Well, person with dirty name, I wouldn’t say there were NO costs. I think that Hubbard sank in at least as much as the cost of a dinner at Per Se for 4, drinks not included. But chances are better than not that it was borrowed money never repaid.
You can be sure that if LRH was accusing someone of not paying him what was owed (as he did with “the orgs”), that was exactly what he was guilty of. He couldn’t help but trumpet his own malfeasance, though he always talked about it in the 3rd person, and changed the name to someone else. It was secret public confessional.
I wouldn’t consider someone using the readers’ digest as a professional journal of sorts, to conduct any serious research.
After reading the ‘A piece of blue sky’ and ‘Bare-faced messiah’, my giving the benefit of doubt to ‘research’ ever happening the way Hubbard let people believe it did, just diminished to next to nothing.
Then there is Ron De Wolf’s testimony on youtube…
Research and the ‘gifts’ borne out by it seems to be a significant element in your viewing matters about Scn so I’d think to learn more about how it was done should appear natural.
Just don’t expect the man or subject vindicated.
The two books are full of information from court documents that were never, or never successfully challenged by the church, so in my view are to be treated as the closest approximation of events that could not be prevented getting out by the church.
It is getting to the point where it is very hard to understand how actual human beings believe this kind of stuff.
I just have to think that they don’t believe it, but are so far enslaved by debt, humiliating personal information, fear of the unknown, no friends on the outside, that they come to make a completely conscious choice to live life in denial.
Scientology is despised and totally rejected in the real world. That’s a fact. It makes no sense. It will end. And It will not be a happy ending when Miscavige succumbs to his agoraphobia and goes completely stark raving mad, or inevitably makes that game ending mistake beforehand.
The fear of losing everything they have believed in for so long is powerful.
I have had the opportunity to ask a person still in this “simple ” question: ” you want to follow policy and that’s fine, you disconnect, no questions asked. Then you don’t seem so sure about following ” don’t engage in fundraising”. Where do you draw the line?”
I couldn’t get an answer because she had none. The reasonning power is inexistant.
The confusion plus a good dose of self righteousness and need to be part of a group and there you have it.
Good for you for asking. Hopefully a seed will have been planted, no matter how small.
+ 1. Outstanding post, Gary! You’re spot on. What a perfect trap this cult has created. But, it’s always tough to admit that YOU’VE BEEN HAD…
Also, Gary, it’s also as Jeffrey Augustine said in the interview with Mike today: Their identities are wrapped up in it.
Thanks for doing the interview Mike. Good one as usual. You really have it down as to the game Miscavige is playing.
Many of these families have been around long enough to have experienced 97 1/2% of their friends and family disappear. Scientologists are taught and believe that 2 1/2% of the population are SP’s, suppressive persons similar to the concept of sociopaths. What they have experienced in real life is exactly opposite of this immutable doctrine. If they haven’t noticed that, not much chance they’ll notice little nuances like lack of references in a promotion piece or out of context misuse. It’s easy to miss a semi colon, not so easy to not notice your daughter or grandmother, best friends, associates and most everyone you’ve known in the past one to four decades is missing from your life.
The good news is that squealing and shrieking sound you hear is Miscavige driving his rage machine at high speed in first gear – the only one he has left. For some it will take the blunder bus to come to a complete halt before they can jump off. Fear of falling can be a paralyzing bogy. You and I may realize it’s only a few feet to the curb, but the herd is kept moving so they never see it. Laying out familiar information and specific statistics they find here at the very least will warn the few residual passengers to buckle up and get in the crash position. This is why you hear a cheer of joy whenever one of them manages to take the plunge and lands here despite their every trepidation. What sounds so easy and obvious from the outside takes a leap of unfamiliar faith and uncommon courage from the inside. Mike’s blog is their safe landing pad.
When I realized how two-faced the whole thing was, I wrestled with it for a few days. I knew I saw what I saw and was pretty shocked. (Integrity) I saw that everything was different than when I started many years earlier.
I’d been “in” all of my adult life and SO for the great majority of those years, that I was going to lose “everything” if I left. The behavior of three staff towards me during my reflection about this made it very clear to me. I was treated like an incapable peon in very specific ways by these three people in three different incidents. This behavior was much more obvious now…before I was justifying it in my mind. No more.
I carefully put into effect a two-week project to get my things out of my office piece by piece without being discovered, cleaned out where I “lived” a little bit at a time without being discovered by roommates or guards, and got the work done all the while fully decided to get the heck out. Despite hardly ever sleeping, the amount of adrenaline I now had, knowing I was working towards my escape, and I was going to take my most valuable possessions with me, was exciting! And peaceful.
Here’s something more to the point–During this time it was easy to suck up to the crap–all the off-policy ugly treatment of staff. I did realize it was way bigger than me but unsure how high up it went. The more I played into it the more it became obvious to me and the more stupid I felt not seeing it sooner! And the happier I was day by day knowing I was making my personal targets towards escape. No one ever found out and one day, after a very obvious threat towards my personal safety where I thought they were going to “disappear” me by the next day, I ran away. (I didn’t know the Hole, by name, existed, but I did know there was someplace else they were putting people who were no longer seen anywhere anymore.)
I believe everyone will have their make/break point. I reached mine, many many others reached theirs….but there will be a point in the great majority of their slave-driven lives where they will finally feel that this two-faced contradictory evil behavior is just too much to humanly endure.
“(I didn’t know the Hole, by name, existed, but I did know there was someplace else they were putting people who were no longer seen anywhere anymore.)”
Holy moly! Can you elaborate a bit more?
Incredible story Gato, very suspenseful. I’m glad you didn’t make it to the hole. That two faced behavior is what got me to my point. I realized that no one at flag gave a rats behind about my point of view, my comm or my well being, and that the tech had been corrupted beyond any possibility of achieving case gain. I knew I would never go back and that’s what I FNd on while routing out. Finally a real FN!
Wow, Gato. That IS quite a story. Reading it made me wonder, !YET AGAIN!, how the hell this church has stayed extant for as long as it has. “Disappearing” people …. The hole…. 100 hour work weeks…. No pay…. Chain Lockers…. The Bilges…. Degrading Rituals… Forced Disconnections…. Extortion…. Fraud…. Labor Law Violations…. Child Labor Law Violations…. Destructive “counseling”…. False imprisionment of staff and public…. it goes on and on….
Gato, I commend you for the courage it took you to decide to leave, plan and execute your escape.
Gato Rojo,
Very Well Done.
Wow. Almost makes it seem like LRH was LOSING money and wasn’t in it for any kind of personal reward. Although personally as a never in I don’t see the point of auditing BUT at least you could get a service in exchange for your cash. It seems the current regime has eliminated that completely.
And of course any mention the “church” ever made of a psych-induced 1984 world is just hilarious in its hypocrisy. Espesially the way things turned out!
Mike although I love the surviving scientology series in general I especially like your appearances. Was a wonderful start to my day!
You don’t think LRH should have received royalties for the books he wrote? He was saying that he wasn’t being paid much for his labor for his organizational post…he didn’t say he wasn’t receiving royalties from his books.
Sure. He’s entitled to receive royalties for his books but he is also entitled to be sued for fraud as well. David Miscavige is living like a king while the staff have been pauperized. Hubbard didn’t give two hoots about the staff even though he said he did. Hubbard made a lot of $ off of the slave labor. David Miscavige is simply continuing the scam.
You got that right, Dean! DAVID MISCAVAGE lives like a rock star with a $3,000 a week meal allowance. When Christmas and his birthday come around, the SO, who makes pennies per hour, are REQUIRED to give money towards the dwarf’s presents: Car, motorcycles, clothes, private jets, trips all over the world. I’m stunned at how these folks can’t see the forest through the trees. Hubbard’s brainwashing seems to be working quite well.
I never gave much about the inconsistent life stories LRH had given and it still does not bother me today. He was an entertainer who spun his yarn to keep people interested, so let him be.
“What your fees buy” is different. I know Mike quoted it to show how shameless the CO$ is lying today and it is the right quote for that purpose. But also it stands for a deeper deception.
When I found out LRH’s private fortune was estimated at $640 Million at his point of death and I began to research and found that he had syphoned Millions from his Church and did so from the very beginning to the end. That this behavior was the cause the IRS denied the charitable status in the first place, as the documents showed the church funds were used to the ‘benefit of a single man’.
While his one hand was writing “What your fees buy” his other hand was busy shoveling church moneys into his own pocket. Given the documents that are available there is no doubt about that. This was not about if LRH should receive royalties or not, this was about honesty, integrity and character or the lack thereof.
If LRH could lie to his followers who mostly trust and adore him in cold blood like this, what else was he capable off?
In my own journey this article “What Your Fees Buy” was pivotal and the first obvious proof the lying started with LRH, as much as I wanted to believe otherwise. Once this kind of betrayal became a reality in my mind it opened the door to an unbiased analysis.
So I encourage all on the fence sitters and still believers to take this article and go out and find the facts for yourself. You may not like what you will find, but as they say: “The truth will set you free, but first it will make you feel miserable.”
Excellent comment Gerhard.
There is a LOT to be known behind the stories and public face of LRH. And I agree with your first sentence wholeheartedly.
But that doesn’t mean everything is excusable as just “interesting stories.”
Russell Miller’s unauthorized biography contains a LOT of irrefutable facts that cannot be simply written off as the church has attempted to do as “lies of a hater”. That book should be required reading for anyone who has ever been in the church, if for no other reason than to balance the flows of good and bad…
Wow, Gerhard. As someone that is somewhat new to the “decompression” stage, I found your post enlightening. There has been quite a bit that has come to light about LRH, but I did not know this about LRH and the money. Your final quote hold true.
Someone please correct me if I am wrong. My recollection is that Hubbard’s will left nearly 100% to church entities. Is that correct?
Hasn’t it been argued that Hubbard was keeping the cash under his control for the purpose if forwarding Scientology? Out of the reported $640 million, he didn’t apparently spend very much on himself, from all the reports I have seen. Someone please provide clarification.
Bob Dobbs, some speculate DM couldn’t really come up with any good explanation how LRH would have made him the recipient when the will was changed a couple of days before LRH passed. On the other hand DM was already pretty sure that he would run the show when he was a teenager and told others so. Scotty can tell you the story.
On the other hand your question is somewhat wondersome almost as if you wanted to say LRH never really took money from Church entities as his will corrected all that. That indeed would be a somewhat fancy explantion and would open up a whole other can of worms of questions like why going through the trouble with the IRS and suitcases of cash floating around. He could have saved himself and others all the grief if he had not lied in the first place.
To your other question: Did he spend a lot of money on himself? I guess that depends on the viewpoint. He certainly did not spend it on excessive Bling or Villas in Beverly Hills or expensive call girls. But how about a former Maharadscha’s estate in England, a flotilla of steamships (where others have a yacht), his private entourage of young girls butlering to his every whim, a whole organization of PIs and fanatics to intimidate and nullify people who’s opinion he did not like and many more extravagances. I think the Villa the COS built for him at Hemet alone is worth several Million US$. Under this Viewpoint he spent Billions over the years on himself. The 640 Million are probably compared to that just petty cash.
He just valued other things than Rolexes and Rolls Royce, but spending on himself he did plenty. Even his Church was an Organization for the will of one Man and in his logic he was probably right to treat it as his private property. He just did not believe that laws would apply to him and he mostly hated paying taxes, which got him into hot water with some government officials.
So you really want to argue he took the 640 Million just to make sure it stays in the Church, I doubt any clarification you are asking for will be of any real help to you.
Gerhard, just to put this will question to rest. The final changes to the will were to REMOVE money going to the Broekers and Miscavige because it would not have looked good PR wise. Just want to keep the facts straight.
Gerhard, Mike
I believe what your fees buy to be conceptually true. LRH was not after money, I had a Scientology mission myself and I was not after money and none of the mission holders I knew was. So why would LRH be after money? If we apply look don’t listen, look at what LRH did and left us as his legacy, that’s not something anyone could and would do for money. Just doesn’t make any sense, would be a gross out-point.
Marcel Wenger
Not going to get into a lengthy debate about this subject. Because you were not money motivated it doesn’t follow that anyone else wasn’t. I know Mission Holders that WERE money motivated. Doesn’t make everyone money motivated just like you not being doesnt make everyone else NOT money motivated.
There is no doubt LRH had a LOT of attention on money and its accumulation. The STAT HE ASSIGNED to WDC Chairman is Total International Reserves. NOT total auditors made or clears made. This was the ultimate measure of success in scientology and whether it was for him to personally spend is a different question. He is the one who dictated that success is measured by money in scientology. So, he WAS after money.
This is a pervasive concept in scientology. People are not lauded for their lack of money, they are considered downstat and there are all sorts of “handlings” to help overcome this. Mother Theresa would not have been a saint in scientology. She would have been a downstat.
Hi Gerhard,
would knowing this data have helped you on YOUR OWN WAY TO YOUR TRUTH?
L Ron Hubbard’s words from the lecture Overt Acts, Motivators and Deds (lecture #8) Technique 88 Lectures 25 June 1952:
When you speak of the creator, and you’re probably speaking of something entirely different than implanted religion.
Religion is always different than truth.
It has to be.
Because the only way you can control a people is to lie to them.
And you can write that down in your book there-very big letters.
All right, now look.
When you find an individual is lying to you, you know that the individual is trying to control you. You can put that down.
One way or the other, this individual is trying to control you.
That’s a mechanism of control.
The individual is lying to you, so they’re trying to control you.
Because if they give you enough misinformation they’ll throw you far enough down the Tone Scale so they can control you.
Conversely, if you see an impulse on the part of a human being to control you, you know very well that that human being is lying to you.
Not is just going to-but IS lying to you.
Check up the facts, you’ll find out they’re always true.
That person is trying to control you, he’s lying to you.
He’s got to tell you lies, in order to continue to control, because the second you start telling anybody anything close to truth, you start releasing him, and he gets tougher and tougher to control.
So you can’t control somebody, without telling them a bunch of fibs.
You’ll find that command has this very often as its greatest weakness.
It’ll try to control instead of lead.
And the next thing you know, it’s lying to the crew, lying to the crew lie, lie, lie, lie,lie.
And it gets worse and worse, then all of a sudden the thing blows up.
Well religion has done this.
Organized religion, tries to control, so therefore it must be lying, and therefore it must know it’s lying-after a while it figures out that even itself knows it’s lying.
And then it starts on down the Tone Scale and gets further and further and further and people all of a sudden get down across this spring bottom and-‘Are we going into apathy and die or are we going to revolt?’
And they will revolt.
You can only lie to people so long.
But fortunately-unfortunately, there’s always a new cycle of lying.
As I use the word religion, it has nothing to do with God.
Hope that helps.
Thank you Mike…absolutely right that LRH knew NOTHING about the IAS, especially that it would one day be used to take money from the public while giving NO EXCHANGE in return…the IAS has Exchange Condition #1.
They not only use this quote, they also use quotes that LRH wrote about the HASI (Hubbard Associations of Scientologists International) to try to deceptively give the impression that the IAS is the new HASI. The HASI was a professional membership organization and had virtually zero resemblance to today’s IAS. Mike, who was the criminal who had this “vision” of a NO EXCHANGE Membership Organization within Scientology?
I love these interviews!
“Independent of research costs, the 13 1/2 million dollars that orgs owed me for services rendered, 10% (the usual author’s royalties), lectures, loans, things paid out of my own pocket I never collected.”
Research costs!
I’m sorry, Mike. I know that the purpose of this post is to reveal the outrageous misquoting and misuse of LRH. But writings from LRH are almost always going to be a richer goldmine of derp than anyone else’s misappropriation of same.
To that end, I want to ask LRH out there at Target 2 to please mail in a thorough accounting of his research and the costs thereof. Thank you.
Dear hgc10,
Thank you for asking.
Not to be sarcastic, but the research into the mind of humans cost me this lifetime:
1) my familiy
2) my privacy
3) my friends & associates
4) my somewhat healthy body
and towards the end
5) my earthly-bound-religious eternity.
I hope that clears your posed question.
How much would each be worth to YOU?
While the IAS promotional material is fraudulent, L Ron Hubbard himself was lying like a rug when he wrote that policy “What your fees buy.” Having been a staff member in class 5 orgs, missions, and the Sea Org I can tell you that a lot of money went up lines to L Ron Hubbard. Hubbard says even today I draw less than an org staff member. Bullshit. You can’t buy a Bluebird Bus for the pay a staff member draws.
David Miscavige and the IAS are simply continuing the scam that has gone on for decades. It is not something new.
Dean and HGC,
I was not commenting on the veracity of the “What Your Fees Buy”, but simply the misuse of the quotes to try and convince the sheeple that this is not just what Dear Leader wants, but it is “LRH intention.” That is more likely to resonate with those trying to find their way out than isolating the lies contained within the writing itself (and there are a lot more than both of you point out….)
Thank you Mike. I am a fan of your web site. when I saw the policy what your fees buy, It restimulated me. Yes, there were many many lies in that policy letter and Miscavige is milking it for all that he can.
Mike, yes, I understand. And of course the current and ongoing rape of Scientologists is most relevant to what you do here in this blog. I just couldn’t resist pointing out what was so glaring and amusing.
Well I have been on staff and sat on FP and Ad Council etc. and your statement that “a lot of money went up lines to LRH” is not actually true. As I recall (it’s been a while) I remember 10% of Org income went up lines to Flag and FOLOs to pay for management and other services they provide (which wasn’t a lot of “service” in later years admittedly). I am not saying that LRH was not rich but owning a Bluebird (which do cost a lot admittedly but many other people own), but which the Church probably bought for him and a few other things was not exactly the life of a multi-millionaire and the royalties on his books which after all he wrote and we bought gave him more than enough to live comfortably on. I believe Church Execs gave him stuff or funds now and then but after all he spent all of his life doing so. I don’t see the point in your remarks. Criticism is due where it is due but I don’t see anything to criticize here.
This is a two edged sword.
On the one hand, he did NOT live a lavish life. He certainly had everything he needed, but generally was pretty frugal.
On the other hand there is the side of him where he pretended that he DIDNT get money from the church. That is not true. And in his later years, he got a LOT of money from “royalties” which were done by FORCING churches to stock and restock idiotic amounts of books. Basements full of them. Enforced by management who were being ordered by Author Services to do so (Author Services main stat was money to LRH).
He had hundreds of millions. He left it all to CST for the “preservation of the tech” — but he got PLENTY from the church (and even the royalties on public booksales were effectively financed by the church spending a LOT of money to create booksales, LRH did not spend a penny on that).
Mike I think this is a major outpoint on this argument that LRH stashed away money for himself. As you say;
“On the one hand, he did NOT live a lavish life. He certainly had everything he needed, but generally was pretty frugal.”
These are not the actions of someone hording stashes of money for themselves as some are trying to imply LRH did!
It is just another attempt to take some information about LRH, twist it a little bit, and turn it into a criticism!
The war record was one, but that’s been blown out of the water, we dont hear about that one anymore as a criticism, the latest fad is this money thing. Will the criticizes not be happy unless he lived like a friggin monk on bread and water. What is acceptable to them for how he lived.
When hearing of the IAS, this gets somewhat restimulated…
An all time classic, though a little light-hearted for the serious business of the IAS….
Mike, you are right.
But looking at all that idiocy going on around DM right now – doesn’t this clip depicts it best?