Every year since 1985 David Miscavige has handed out “IAS Freedom Medals” to 3 (there were a couple of early years with 4) lucky winners.
These people supposedly represent the elite of the elite of the scientology world — those who are doing the most to forward the aims of scientology. Of course, as with everything else in scientology, what you see is not exactly reality.
I recently came across this photo of “COB” with a collection of IAS Freedom Medal winners.
This was for the great event that was held at Flag in 2013 to coincide with the opening of the Super Power building and release of “Golden Age of Tech II” in November 2013.
This of course was the most important event EVER, so you can imagine that this collection of IAS medal winners (the largest ever at 55) was the result of an enormous amount of arm twisting.
And here they are in all their glory…
But, hold on a second. The first IAS medals were presented in 1985 to Franklin Littell, Rev Edgar Koons, Jeff Pomerantz, Michel Raoust and Barbara Ayash. That was 5 (never to be repeated) and the first two were NOT scientologists. There would only be one more of them (the following year, Rev Jim Nicholls) as they didn’t give good speeches.
So, 1985 to 2013 is 28 years. at 3 per year that would be 84 — some years were more so round it off to 90.
Why only 55 showing up?
A few have died — Dennis Dubin, Andrik Schapers, Dennis Clark, Nicky Hopkins, Isaac Hayes, Lawrence Anthony and the saddest of all — Barbara Ayash, winner of the FIRST award and someone who truly unselfishly gave her life to the Way to Happiness and died destitute and abandoned (so too Dennis Clark).There may be others.
A few are Sea Org members who ended up in the Hole: Peter Schless, Rena Weinberg.
Celebrities are big time no-shows these days: Tom Cruise, John Travolta. Kirstie Alley and Ann Archer where are you? Julia Migenes too? What is the problem with them? Afraid to be associated with this the most ethical group on earth?
Some have fallen into complete disfavor: Debbie Mace now living openly as a lesbian. Wendy Honnor got tired of the fundraising and lies and just quit. Rick Pendery was trying to get back into good standing by being a plant in the ex-community here in Clearwater.
Of course, Augie Pinto is not there — the first and only person to be awarded an IAS Freedom Medal (in Lausanne) and have it taken away later that night by David Miscavige. No Lynn Irons either who was all set to get one of the Flavor Flav medals and a problem with prostitutes in Russia popped up so the award was given to Boris Levitsky (who had done almost nothing and nobody really knew).
I am sure it is getting harder and harder to find these IAS medal winners. Even back in the early 2000’s it was becoming a nightmare each year. There were people in the IAS who ONLY worked on trying to create “medal winners” that could be shown at the event in October. Back then, many stories from the Gold Shoot Crews who were sent out to shoot the footage used for the “medal winner videos” told of “nobody there” and “no activity as had been promised” and them having to round up random people off the street to sit in empty courserooms and pretend to be students or fill out the crowds.
You could actually track back these videos and the claims they have made — “taken over the entire prison system of Israel”, “brought LRH tech to the entire nation of Ukraine with an LRH Org Board being used by the government”, “LRH tech now part of the Education Department of Ghana” etc etc etc and I can guarantee that what you “saw” is NOT what exists in ANY of these places. Even the almighty Tom Cruise and his “HELP Program” disappeared. Isaac Hayes Memphis Mission closed down. So did Ann Archer’s Santa Monica Mission.
More IAS smoke and mirros.
That pic has to be the worst shoop I’ve ever seen published.
Flavor Flav medals?!!
XDD I don’t think anybody here got that joke Mike, but it was brilliant, almost pissed myself! Probably not that many public enemy fans around. Really hilarious 😀
I got it… I laughed out loud
Yeah I can even confirm that way back when Lawrence Anthony got his freedom medal there was much talk around South African Scientology of how he hadn’t really done all that much to earn the medal (gossip).
Except that he was an amazing individual who rescued hundreds of animals from war torn countries….so at least he can be respected for that! He wrote two really good books about his work with animals.
Both really, really worth a read:
The Elepant Whisperer
Babylon’s Ark
You can find them on Amazon kindle.
Infected head space … inflamed brain syndrome … whatever got into their skull cavities because of scientology *Thank God* it’s not contagious…
As far as celebs showing up, it’s been reported in comments over at Tony Ortega’s Bunker that Cruise and Travolta, and others not often seen, may have been identified in blow-ups of sections of photos of the LRH Birthday event held last Saturday in Clearwater. That certainly raises the question of why, now.
Ortega reported that as part of the event, there was a “mini-Patron’s Ball” for newer “whales.” I wonder if they also held one of their special gatherings for the international elite, like they did in Alaska last year, which was at least partly connected to fundraising for LRH Hall in Clearwater – or maybe even had one of those Freedom Medal winner photoshoots.
What a goddamn freak show. That is all.
True Fake histories, and also geopolitically built to get more money in their areas that scientology wanted to conquer, 15 years ago Venezuela was the top in South America so Chavez (being in an affaire with Ruddy Rodriguez) include TWTH seminars to all the goverment and for the whole country and Venezuela was then a paradise, 2 Ideal Orgs, many public and a lot of staff who now ended now ironically in Clearwater, 2 medal winners from TWTH and 1 from Drug free world in the drug paradise country.
In Colombia also Mr Prado awarded Mr Miscavige in a recent scam, acting as represent the country being retired in a ceremony out of the country, just a few active military members can recall the Book and a little few less should be proud for being served in a Div 6 seminar aboard the Freewinds, they said than a million booklets were delivered by military support but today there’s no any sign of miracle or change but the funding machine was at full throttle.
I could no wonder if the next Medal Winner came from Guatemala in order to get the funds for their next Ideal Org that replace the dying Guatemala Mission.
As everything they use the Admin Scale backwards just to ensure the flow of money in
Venezuela under Chavez was sort of what would be known scientologically as a “stat push” – so it’s ironic, if not even fitting, that was when Scientology made inroads there. The country’s economic “stats” were artificially pumped to create a seeming “boom” that was unsustainable, and actual fundamentals necessary to flourish long-term were ignored or even undermined, while the rank and file were kept distracted from growing problems by propaganda, ending in the “bust” we see now, complicated by ideological loyalists who are still in denial about the situation and who is really to blame.
Come to think of it, based on that very parallel pattern of dysfunction and failure, maybe Scientology played a bigger role than we realize – in running Venezuela into the ground. Certainly, it’s what a country run by scientologists would probably look like.
Chavez provides a fairly good example of what the result is of turning a socialist loose on a decent economy.
My uncle runs a Second Hand Store. He told me that some lady came in the other day and asked him how much she could get for her Freedom Medal. He told her, “I’m really sorry lady. But it’s not worth anything. In fact, I would have to charge you $2 to take it to the City Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Depot.
She paid him the $2.
Years ago, I paid the cult $1000 for 2 gold wedding rings. A couple months ago I took them to a jewelry store and asked for their cash value. I was shocked when told $55. Yikes, what a rip off!!!
That’s Scientology for you!
I’m sorry if I mislead you. My post above was just my attempt at a joke. It wasn’t true.
My sense of humor often can be very peculiar and people often tell me things like, “NOT FUNNY, SKYLER!”
You must know that even the most obtuse joke about scientology isn’t far from the truth.
Glenn, orgs were selling wedding rings?
I was too! I mean, $55 is, in cult terms, a ton of money!
That’s hilarious, Glenn!
Not sure what you wrote that I was acknowledging when I posted, “That’s hilarious, Glenn” but it sure wasn’t that you got ripped off spending $1000 for wedding rings that had $55 worth of gold in them.
There’s enough that’s truly wrong about Scientology, and enough cases of actual abuse and fraud and loss, that it’s hardly necessary to make things up.
The sad truth about all the people who got duped into buying overpriced Scientology merchandise, or “statuses,” is that they’ve lost significant amounts of money that they’ll never recover. What’s more typical is that sellers fall prey to the “sunk costs” fallacy (or cognitive bias), and are unwilling to come to terms with their losses and move on, hanging on to items and continuing to try to get an unrealistic price for them. Some of the overpriced items I’ve seen for sale are even now in the hands of second-hand dealers and pawn shops, who apparently overestimated their market value, perhaps falling prey to the notion that Scientology is equated with celebrity and money – in the business, it’s known as a “buying mistake,” and the buyers who make those mistakes often get stuck in sunk costs just as much as sellers.
Oh My Gosh. When I look closely at that picture, all the men look the same to me. They all have that exact same dopey grin plastered on their faces. It’s very difficult to tell which one is the head mouse. But with any luck, one of the nastier weasels will manage to get him.
If not, instead of being known as COB, maybe he will now be referred to as BMOC (Big Mouse on Campus)?
It’s a kind of oxymoron. After all, how big can a big mouse be?
Winners? ? All I’m seeing is a bunch of brain dead, washed up washed out,
bilked-for-millions LOSERS. That should all be wearing I’m With Stupid t shirts — all pointing that Animatronic midget robot David Miscavige.
Nothing in scientology can stand up to even the most basic, rational critique by a semi intelligent person — even one lacking in any formal education.
I have greatly enjoyed following the shenanigans of this pack of quacks for decades. I feel sorry for the victims of the cult however — including these poor schmucks minus David Turdwrangler Miscavige of course. I hope read about him in the news one day after laying his motorcycle down in the roadway with an oncoming tractor trailer bearing down. He is an evil, sick little malevolent bastard, the biggest SP scientology has ever encountered, and an all round pox on humanity. If clearing the planet means anything then seeing him gone too sweet would be ???
Hey Mike!
It seems to be that the running program is the only one that members talk about. How come we never hear about the others? Especially the oilly table! I wouldn’t mind trying that one out!
You wait your turn… I’ve been in line for ages now while they put anti-slip the door handles
Mention of the oily table reminds me of something. After I blew Scn I hooked up with a gal who had been in a small cult called “The Center For Feeling Therapy” which was an offshoot of Primal (Scream) Therapy. Here’s a “process” Primal Scream used at one time. It might not be too difficult to go from the oily table to the “tube”, a brand new process!
From wikipedia:
[In 1973 a “birth simulator” was in use at the Primal Institute. The simulator was a 10-foot-long adjustable pressure vinyl tube. The patient was covered with a slick substance to simulate birth. Reports were made of bruises from obstetricians’ fingers appearing on the skin of patients reliving their births.]
I have no idea what the oily table is or was all about but as long as you’re already slicked up you might as well climb into “the tube” and see what happens. “Tube Processing”
Most of the truly great things people have done to make themselves, their communities or the world better (even if their action only impacted one person who went on to do amazing things) aren’t done in hopes of an award, nor was/is an award usually received for that action.
When a person or group must seek out and manufacture actions and the alleged results of that action you can almost guarantee it’s nonsense being produced for agendas.
The majority of the truly selfless impact greatly and eschew recognition. There are exceptions to every rule and many great acts deserve recognition. I know little about the majority of freedom medal winners but I believe they likely wouldn’t receive an award unless it benefited CoS.
What a nerve of that blonde woman in the front row to wear platform boots and tower over Chairman of the Bored. Of course his John Lobbs have lifts but he’s going for a much more subtle look.
The woman wearing the platform boots is identified as Carina Ricco. If you Google her name, you will see many entries. It appears that she runs some kind of site that enables single men to meet single women in their neighborhood.
I strongly advise you all AGAINST visiting that site. It is close to being the sleaziest and most repulsive site I’ve ever seen on the Net – perfect for someone who is IN Scamology.
Highly typical of something that someone who is in Scamology would use to make a few dollars.
His face looks both wizened and tight. He’s starting to look like a little old man. I suspect he’s had some work done on his face, too. A neck lift and an eye tuck, I’d say. Even so, he’s getting that shrunken, frail, elderly look despite the carefully maintained tan and dyed blond high hair. He doesn’t look blooming and healthy and vigorous, like Mike, who is 10 years older.
There are multiple years not represented in the picture. IMO many of them become disaffected after ‘winning’ (read paying for) this monumental award. They probably thought it would raise their ‘status’ only to discover that it didn’t do anything except cost them more money. The view from the top is usually clearer than the one at the bottom, so they may have been able to finally see the rotten underbelly of the cult.
I am not familiar with the Augie Pinto story, but it sounds like a good one. A quick search both here and at “The Bunker” didn’t yield anything. Anyone have links to this fun story?
google “augie pinto scientology”
I found something in comments here: https://www.mikerindersblog.org/thursday-funnies-67/
“He is the only person who has had his IAS Freedom Medal withdrawn the same day it was given. It was presented to him in Lausanne for his ‘expansion activities’ in S. America. Miscavige then discovered he was involved in some gold mine scheme. Miscavige tracked him down in the hotel later that night and took it away from him and had him put into extensive sec checking. This was in the hey-day of ‘wild west justice’ a la Mission Holder convention.”
Try here:
Sunny, yes, Augie Pinto was quite infamous. He is the only person who has had his IAS Freedom Medal withdrawn the same day it was given. It was presented to him in Lausanne for his “expansion activities” in S. America. Miscavige then discovered he was involved in some gold mine scheme. Miscavige tracked him down in the hotel later that night and took it away from him and had him put into extensive sec checking. This was in the hey-day of “wild west justice” a la Mission Holder convention.
That’s fuckin’ awesome!
That raid on the hotel room sounds very familiar to me. It sounds almost exactly like a famous event from history that happened on July 2, 1934.
I’m guessing the Tiny Fuhrer is busy at night studying his heroes from history. Does anyone else remember this event and what all transpired?
Suddenly a part of this previously unfathomable mystery begins to make sense once you see the Tiny Fuhrer is modelling his empire after one of his historical heroes. Just Google the “Night of the Long Knives”. I think you may be surprised.
Remind me, Mike, why there are no African Americans in these photos.
Tony Mohammad didn’t show up? Or perhaps it was before his award.
Michael Roberts in the back of the bus…I’m sorry I meant, the back of the photo.
Michael Roberts has to be IN THE BACK with ALL the tall people 🙂
Can you imagine how dwarf-like Miscavige would look standing next to them?
Like 5’1″ Mickey Rooney back in the day in his night club act surrounded by 6 ft showgirls.
But then Mickey Rooney was a talented man with a marvelous sense of humor and self confidence.
If I’m not mistaken, Joan Lonstein , a Freedom Medal winner, died of cancer.
Also, Eduardo Palermo , a Freedom medal winner with Carino Ricco , the young women at the bottom of the stairs. I think she won with Palermo. Palermo , a huge celebrity in South America, died suddenly at the height of his career.
It’s actually Palomo, not Palermo
I once tried to create list of IAS medal winners, so thanks for this post.
If I’m not mistaken, Joan Lonstein a Freedom Medal winner, died of cancer.
Cancer – one of the many side effects and harmful EP’s of Scientology. Scientology side effects include, but are not limited to, cancer, heart failure, early unexplained deaths, dis-ease, stress, anxiety, mind fucking, shattered families, divorce, celeb-icy, fucked up careers, fucked up people, ego mania, delusions of grandeur, suicide, homicide, lying, stealing, hiding criminal behavior in the best interest of Keeping $cientology Working, can’t work, can’t cope, suppressed, invalidated, nullified, misunderstood, covering for criminals, rapists and pedophiles, cognitive dissonance, trauma bonding, PTSD & Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, not able to trust, homelessness, sociopathic tendencies, narcissism, psychopathic empowerment, human trafficking, murder and spiritual rape.
Fine, but there’s also a negative side.
That’s because he didn’t smoke nearly enough cigarettes! As the great man said, ‘Smoking doesn’t cause cancer. Not smoking enough will cause cancer’.
OMG I’m at such RISK! i quit 30 years ago! All these years with no nicotine…all these years with my lungs free of the hundreds of carcinogenic chemicals used to treat the papers so the cigarette burns properly…all these years…OMG, Ron! Why didn’t I LISTEN to you?
I missed that Barbara Ayash had passed. For those that do not know Barbara formed the CBAA – Concerned Businesmans Association of America. She put on contests in schools across America based on the Way to Happiness points and the winners and family’s would be flown to Disney Land for the award. I did their bookkeeping the last few years 2005-08. It ultimately lost it’s funding when the IAS got the donations instead. It was very sad to watch. She was helpless. I forgave the last 2k of work just to give her less to worry about. That was 2005-7 when thousands of Scientologists distanced themselves from the GATs and the re-written books. It’s been falling apart & shrinking for 30 years but because of the layers of bullshit it was pretty hard to see if under the spell.
And I didn’t know Augie Pinto got his award taken away same night! That must be quiet a story ?
And what happened to Gurris Chacon, nee Maria Eugenia Garrido? I met her when she was Course Supervisor at ACD in Mexico City, back in 1978…
I could call bullshit re these awards, but I would be wrong. At least bullshit serves a worthwhile purpose as fertilizer.
Thanks, Mike.
The medal winners have lots of pressure/duress on them to continue to do “big things”, and get photo ops, and to show up at these events. Lots of pressure to fly in on your own dime, pay for the Patron balls and what-not, pay for your accoms and chow … thousands of dollars.
In scn it’s always, “what have you done for me lately?”
The more you give, the higher you go, the more you do… the more they demand.
“Here’s a freedom medal, now go out and prove every year that you deserved it”
No thanks.
All these scamology honors remind me of an ancient fable:
The Mice and the Weasels
The Weasels and the Mice waged a perpetual war with each other, in which much blood was shed. The Weasels were always the victors. The Mice thought that the cause of their frequent defeats was that they had no leaders set apart from the general army to command them, and that they were exposed to dangers from lack of discipline. They therefore chose as leaders Mice that were most renowned for their family descent, strength, and counsel, as well as those most noted for their courage in the fight, so that they might be better marshaled in battle array and formed into troops, regiments, and battalions. When all this was done, and the army disciplined, and the herald Mouse had duly proclaimed war by challenging the Weasels, the newly chosen generals bound their heads with straws, that they might be more conspicuous to all their troops. Scarcely had the battle begun, when a great rout overwhelmed the Mice, who scampered off as fast as they could to their holes. The generals, not being able to get in on account of the ornaments on their heads, were all captured and eaten by the Weasels.
The more honor the more danger.
Great one! I hadn’t read that one before.
It’s also ironic that people wanted to be “close to Source” (Hubbard) but the closer they got the more danger they were in. It seems that current “Source” (DM) has spread his sticky web of control across whatever remains of the organization. Hubbard retreated before attaining dictatorial control and was writing science fiction in his Bluebird.