I have often noted that L. Ron Hubbard knew nothing about the formation of the IAS. He did not as it was a scheme to avoid bringing money into the US and therefore outside the purview of the IRS. The IAS morphed into something completely different over the first few years of its existence, especially after the Commodore shuffled off his mortal coil to continue his OT research in parts unknown. While it is in direct contradiction to much of his policy, I suspect he would have enjoyed how much money it raked in and gotten behind it. But he didn’t and we will never know for sure.
But how ironic it is to see the IAS plugging themselves in celebration of this, his 108th birthday (as they like to call it inside the bubble). Continuing to count someone’s age and sing happy birthday to them after they have died is a bit morbid — but not to scientologists who think this is perfectly normal even though they profess a belief that thetans are timeless, ageless beings and bodies are merely temporary vessels that allow the thetan to manifest itself in the physical universe.
Of course, Hubbard can no longer manifest himself — it would be nice if he would show up for a birthday celebration or give some sort of sign to let the faithful know he didn’t just die and abandon them.
How odd that the pitch that follows is for Narconon?
Something that was NOT founded by Hubbard (though he certainly took it on when it gained some credibility and good PR). Of all the things they could have picked to celebrate the Old Man, this is the ONE thing in the scientoloverse that he didn’t come up with…
But these people probably have no idea. And even if they did, it would not even strike them as odd.
That is the mind of a Sea Org member. Thanks Ron. Hip hip hooray.
Pixie Stix says
I think the whole success story was completely made up.By a non-addict.Any real person(even a non addict in the real world),knows that along with physical deto,which is only 3 to 5 days,the “treatment”part is group talkings,and one on one counselor sessions,mental to be healthy.For this “patient”to say he/she immediatly felt better,is such BS,its pathetic.Those clowns at narcanon think its all about their vitamins,&sauna& &its not.I dont understand how theyre allowed to do business.
Fred says
Of course if Hubbard did show up, Miscavige would have him sent to the RPF.
Skyler says
One of these days …. Miscavige will send someone to the RPF and there will be a few people present when he does that and they will all spontaneously decide that enough is enough and they will just jump him and stomp the little turd into oblivion. It really should not take a whole lot of stomping.
Catherine says
This made me LMAO!!! Thanks, I am loving the mental picture.
jere lull (38years recovering) says
Fred, DM wouldn’t send ANYone to the RPF; He disbanded all of them because there was a well-established way OUT. (in months, not years. )
Fred says
Of course if Hubbard did show up again, Miscavige would scheme to have him sent to the RPF.
Gib says
according to Sarge, Hubbard said he wasn’t coming back.
Gib says
Lest us not forget LRH’s Birthday game where he wanted every org to the size of old St Hill.
What a crock of shit!.
jere lull (38years recovering) says
Of COURSE Tubby wanted every org to be the size – and income flow – of old Saint Hill. Flog’s stats made him deliriously happy; far in excess of the rest of his empire combined.
Ammo Alamo says
There is a new post at The Mockingbird’s Nest for March 13 called “Hidden Abuse in Scientology.” In light of the topics and comments here from yesterday and today, ranging from running around a pole, to wins, to success stories, auditing, and the whole idea of Scientology as an effective therapy, this is a valuable article for exes, die-hards, and never-ins alike. In this article the author credits valuable assistance from Sunny Pereira.
Following it is an earlier article called “Scientology Assists and Objectives as Hypnosis”, which provides good answers to the statements “I wasn’t ever hypnotized during auditing” and “As an auditor I never hypnotized anyone.”
Mikey says
The International Asshole Society’s one and only service, if you can call it that, is shitting on all its members.
BT Clusterfuck Central says
See what THEY don’t tell you is that what’s actually happening in the Purification rundown where you’re sweating your balls, or tits, off as it were is that you’re actually sweating out hundreds of thousands of invisible BT clusters — even before you get onto the OT levels to learn about what they are and to begin auditing? them out and causing them to blow? by telepathically communicating with them. ? Many day in the sweating booth and chugging huge volumes of niacin works wonders since the little BT cluster bastards are actually *allergic* to niacin according to Ron’s Research™️? You just have to trust the program. Tom Cruise has sweated out BILLIONS of BT clusters which is why he’s such a Big Being now. I mean he’s like HUGE. Like a goddamn OT XVIII you know. Only David Miscavige is bigger — after L Rob Hubbard of course. They’ve even got 24k gold busts of all three at Gold Base.
Richard says
BT Cluster – laughter! In the mid 1970’s I met someone at the Las Vegas Org who knew Elron personally. She said he avoided Vegas because it was “still too hot with radiation” from the 1950’s testing. I guess he hadn’t yet developed his niacin radiation cure.
Richard says
Her ex husband was a big shot at the Las Vegas Org which is how she got to spend some time with Hubbard. She didn’t say so but maybe she and her husband invited him back to Las Vegas but he declined because of the radiation problem. It fits in with the Wall of Fire story, No sense in going to Vegas and stirring up the little BT cluster bastards with radiation.
Richard says
“Returned Ron” in Washington state says there is an earlier similar to OT III so he no longer wants people to run it.
[2. OT III.
Is THE major outpoint in all of this and it is entirely my fault on this one; I failed to resolve certain case factors after clear and create a technology to do so. The methods for running OT III, while at the time being sound, ended up keying-in whoever ran it on a much earlier incident that exists before the creation of our universe.]
Very esoteric stuff.
Old Surfer Dude says
Every few years I post this.
My Mom came over to Oahu to see what I had gotten myself into. Well, one morning I heard a commotion. All of sudden all the executives were screaming in my face saying my Mom was a raging SP. In no uncertain terms, I was ordered to disconnect from my Mom NOW!
I went over to see her and told her I couldn’t see her anymore. Very calmly, she started to pack her bags. I asked if she was freaking out and she calmly said no. That she was going to catch the first plane out from Honolulu Airport.
She was living with my cousin Gail. And since she was at work, my Mom decided to kill her self. You see, she felt she had nothing left to live for because I had turned my back on her. (Disconnection).
For the first time ever, Gail came home early from work and found her. She had taken a huge amount of pills. She rushed her to the hospital where they pumped her stomach and saved her life. But, I have to live with what I did for the rest of my life.
That’s what happens when you’re in Scientology.
Skyler says
That is terrible. You certainly have my sympathy.
It is stories like this that leads me to hate this scam with an intense and burning hatred. I would do anything I could (anything that won’t cause me to go to prison) to fight these dirty bastards.
Very glad to hear your mother made it.
Old Surfer Dude says
Thanks, Skyler.
Sandy says
OSD I got shivers reading your story. I’m so sorry you & your mom had to suffer because of Scientology’s toxic policies. I hope you both have found peace and forgiveness
Old Surfer Dude says
Thank you, Sandy. And yes, we did find our peace.
Idle Morgue says
OSD – thank you for sharing this. My heart goes out to you.
I did not know your story. Scientology kills.
Old Surfer Dude says
Thanks Idle. But my story is just one of hundreds…or is that thousands?
Cece says
(((Hugs OSD)))
Ammo Alamo says
My sympathy, OSD. Please remember that from the very first low-level courses there were effective elements of a very strong high control cult being used on members. You learned before most that with Scientology, it’s always worse than you think.
Old Surfer Dude says
Thanks, Ammo.
Kat LaRue says
The more I hear about this horrible cult the more I vow to fight against it. I am so sorry that Happened to you.
Tommy J says
OMG OSD I didn’t know….I’m glad that circumstances weren’t worse, but we were all in that trap at one time – but just in case anyone hasn’t told you today….you are a good man. It shows every time I read your posts.
Old Surfer Dude says
Thanks everyone. I appreciate your concern. But, it’s all due to Scientology. This is an evil group.
Skyler says
Evil group? That is an understatement if I ever heard one.
I am grateful to everyone here because I seem to have learned a lot about fighting wealthy groups by reading this blog. I just had a very surprising victory fighting a very wealthy and powerful insurance company and I’d like to tell all of you about it. Unfortunately, it’s very much “Off Topic” so I don’t want to post about it until Mike returns and even then – I think it would be best to post it somewhere else so as not to waste people’s time here who are not really interested. I did post one disposable Email addresses before and any and all of you are always welcome to send messages to me there: [email protected]
I’ll try to figure out the best way to make some off topic posts there without bothering the folks here and let you know when I do.
I Yawnalot says
That’s tough buddy, commiserations. The biggest difference between a Scientologist and anyone else is the inability of a Scientologist to see things as they really are and to never apologize for misdeeds, inappropriate or criminal behavior. You’re not Scientologist anymore Dude , but living with the fact we bought that shit bites back sometimes. Best to you & your mom.
Deanoftruth says
Wow! I hope you were, or are able to share some quality time with her. So sorry!
Doug Sprinkke says
So sorry you went through that OSD.
Phillip says
Wow, sorry you had to experience that OSD.
Sometimes we hurt the ones we love, but you didn’t do it out of spite or with intention since you were “under the influence”. So hopefully you’ve forgiven yourself.
Of course, now, it’s well known that harm to families is a side effect of $camitology. Something you didn’t know at the time.
nomnom says
I’m surprised that Hubbard didn’t know about the IAS.
Being such a micromanager, it’s hard to believe that Hubbard was not aware of or even involved in the creation of the IAS in 1984. I remember lots of SO1 mail going uplines complaining about it (not that he got the SO1 letters). Surely Broeker relayed comm about it.
Also, wasn’t Narconon started by the Guardian’s Office in 1966 using William Benitez, an Arizona State Penitentiary inmate?
rosemarie says
Is that a new name?….New Life detox? I never heard it before. But I agree with Glenn we all had to write success stories or we would not be allowed to move on in any direction whatsoever. You are a pariah if you won’t write a success story and you will be called into the ethic departments eventually.
unelectedfloofgoofer says
Is there any good thing in the world the IAS is NOT responsible for?
Old Surfer Dude says
No! The IAS rules everything! So don’t ever question it! You hear me!?
I Yawnalot says
Yes Sgt Carter!
Old Surfer Dude says
Surprise! Surprise! Surprise, Sgt Carter!
Newcomer says
Trumps hair do but they are working on it!
Kat LaRue says
actually, I think they are responsible for that as well…
International Association of Scientologists says
Yes – there are many good things the IAS is not responsible for…
The IAS is irresponsible and does nothing good for anyone except David Miscavige and Monique Yingling.
The IAS is not exposing the truth about L Ron Hubbard, the con of Scientology and the lavish lifestyle of David Miscavige and his criminal history of blackmail, extortion as well as inflicting physical, emotional, spiritual and mental abuse to members of the cult. The entire organization is made up of members that LIE, manipulate and use criminal thuggery.
The IAS does no good for humanity and is only another front group of $cientology used to trick then extort and deceive members out of more and more money so they can get sued, spied on and harassed if they ever leave and speak out the truths of what they observed whilst in the cult.
The IAS is nothing but a scam just like the religion of Scientology.
Mikey says
IAS – Interloping Arrogant Sodomites.
PTS-SP says
See the problem is not only do bodies have thetans, but thetans have their own thetans. Lots of them, clusters of thousands of them. Ron, despite having discarded the meat body he used in this lifetime, will be auditing away his thetans on Levels IX-XXIII for the next 76 million years. His LOA will definitely need to be extended.
They should celebrate Ron dropping the body instead.
PS: Someone please ship several hundred E-meters to the vicinity of Target 2.
Mikey says
The best thing about having BTs and clusters is the fact that you’re never alone.
Aquamarine says
🙂 Mikey.
Old Surfer Dude says
If I didn’t have my wonderful BTs, I don’t know what I would do! And, yes Mikey, you’re BTs keep me sane.
jere lull (38years recovering) says
PTS-SP said:”PS: Someone please ship several hundred E-meters to the vicinity of Target 2.”
WHO is paying for the meters and the freight on them? YOU?? Certainly not ME….
Cavalier says
Big fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite ’em, And little fleas have lesser fleas, and so, ad infinitum. And the great fleas, themselves, in turn, have greater fleas to go on; While these again have greater still, and greater still, and so on.
Alex says
ummmm…. in the success story…. the person says they couldnt sleep. Then in the very next sentence says “the worst part was waking up in the morning.”
Glenn says
That “over the top” success story smells just like so, so many others that were written with the sole intention of getting off some rundown, grade or level that was going absolutely nowhere. You know, unless one writes a glowing account they will not be permitted to stop the waste of time and the money bleed. I can attest I’ve done exactly that many times. Finally confronted the truth and walked out.
Old Surfer Dude says
When I was on staff, I did a course. After I did it, I said,”It was OK, but, nothing to write home about.” You could hear the screaming, and threats blocks away.
Aquamarine says
That’s hilarious, OSD! You actually WROTE that? Cracking up! I can well imagine how the staff splattered like eggs on concrete after reading this Success Story! Well done on having the nerve to tell the truth, OSD!
Old Surfer Dude says
Hey! We have to find something to laugh about every day!
Old Surfer Dude says
Yes, I actually wrote that. I had no idea that the situation would blowup. But, hey, that’s Scientology.
Aquamarine says
Well, I think its hilarious. I keep imagining the staff going berserk over it – LOL!
AnaF says
So right. Good catch. One more indicator on why it is so hard to accept all these stories and “testimonials”. Oftentimes not identified (unless from staff or die-hard members), no info to trace and fact-check, and often contradictory as you mentioned. If you’re really doing such great work, you want your record to be traceable and checked. That is the true attraction if you want to consistently get more people in. Only reinforces the notion that this is not serious info to the public then, but more like fluff to the already indoctrinated. Bizarre. And sad.
Pixie Stix says
I think the whole success story was completely made up.By a non-addict.Any real person(even a non addict in the real world),knows that along with physical deto,which is only 3 to 5 days,the “treatment”part is group talkings,and one on one counselor sessions,mental to be healthy.For this “patient”to say he/she immediatly felt better,is such BS,its pathetic.Those clowns at narcanon think its all about their vitamins,&sauna& &its not.I dont understand how theyre allowed to do business.