This is a Go Fund Me page asking for money to treat Andrik Schapers cancer.
Andrik Schapers was one of the FIRST IAS Freedom Medal Winners. He was at every “crusade” that was ever held anywhere. The IAS used him as a poster child. Marching in his goofy boots, singing songs — he was long the most visible “IAS Crusader” all over the world. And what has that earned him — having to beg the general public for help.
For an organization that loudly proclaims its humanitarian good works, how can they allow something like this to happen?
Of course, anything formed by a sociopath like David Miscavige is bound to emulate its creator and manifest no conscience, remorse or feeling of responsibility for the well being of another.
Though there is a tremendous amount they should be ashamed of, this situation perhaps illustrates the point better than anything.
I am not passing judgment on Andrik’s actions on behalf of the IAS (he seemed to be more cheerleader than vampire), nor on how he may or may not have treated his cancer or whether trying to collect $85,000 for some sort of novel treatment is throwing money at a quack.
I am commenting on the undisputed fact that a poster child of the IAS for decades now feels alone and incapable of dealing with the situation he finds himself in without resorting to begging for assistance on the internet. To me this says everything about the organization that he was such a prominent part of for so many years.
The IAS vampires who were his “best buddies” when they needed him are sitting around on their mountains of cash watching this happen. They are probably complaining that he is a “PTS DB” and his begging for himself is diverting money from the IAS. He joins early IAS Freedom Medal Winners Barbara Ayash, Dennis Clark and Jane Allen who were left to fend for themselves after they became seriously ill. And some others who have been “disappeared” from the IAS “Freedom Medal Winners List” like Peter Schless, Joy Westrum, Rena Weinberg, Boris Levitsky,Wendy Honnor and probably a bunch of others I have forgotten…. This is an organization that quickly and without remorse disposes of those it no longer has any use for.
This is the perfect microcosm of the oxymoron that is “scientology compassion” and the lie that they are the “world’s largest private relief force.”
I spit.
You can see the full page here.
Jethro Bodine says
Well, it looks like Andres got the usual Scientology retirement plan – KTTC (Kicked To The Curb). Whether it is an “upstate public” like Andres or a degraded being offloaded from the Sea Org, these people:
1) Haven’t paid into a 401K or IRA (Sea Org members don’t even get paid minimum wage or have a health insurance plan)
2) No savings – (IAS/Idle Morgues/etc. have drained them)
3) No credit – (maxed out by the IAS)
4) No real estate portfolio – (El Wrong says the OT levels are more important)
5) No antiques, precious metals or other valuables that can be sold
6) No pension for staff
7) Very little to no social security for ex-staff due to slave labor conditions
8) A lot of Scientologists don’t pay into things like long or short-term disability insurance; some don’t even consider they need health insurance and would rather pay a fine than “fund Big Pharma or the Psychs”
9) No long-term medical insurance
10) No equity in their house because it was utilized for the OT levels
11) Any and all inheritances get redirected to IAS/Idle Morgues/etc. The Vulture Culture is hard at work.
Basically, most Scientologists due to their beliefs and practices don’t adequately provide for their own retirement or their long-term medical care for when they get older. Public Scientologists are repeatedly raped financially until they are broke and heavy in debt, while ex-SO spend the majority of their lives working but not putting any money into savings, retirement accounts, investments, long-term care. In other words, Andres is responsible for his current financial situation, even though he belongs to a cult that victimizes and financially abuses its members. If one hopes to have a “comfortable retirement”, it is best to just leave Scientology for good and start a new life, although it’s easier said than done. They way out IS the way out.
Yes, in theory, a “church” should take care of those people who spent their lives giving they’re all to the “church”. But who are we kidding? $cientology is not and never has been a REAL church; it is a self-help for-profit business masquerading as a religion. “FREE SERVICE EQUALS FREE FALL.” Does that sound like a church or a business? “SERVICE THE PUBLIC FOR ALL THEIR WORTH”.” Church or business?
Besides, where’s the bean return on giving someone like Andres financial support for medical treatments that may or may not help him? When someone like Andres who is fairly old (mid 70s) starts getting sick and may drop the body soon, the “church” turns it’s back on them, as they are now in the state of “OLD, USELESS, OUT-PR, DISPOSABLE, PTS DEGRADED BEING”. So, why reward a “downstat”, right? Did El Wrong ever help out anyone financially who had helped him?
Yossi says
Lots of great comments. Reading about Wendy is a complete shocker. I think one more person was left out. Joan Lonstein, IAS Freedom Medal winner. She got cancer shortly after returning from the ship completing OTVIII. I met Tony, her husband when I got out. He told me, she wasn’t allowed back in Flag and received auditing in AOLA. According to him, they delivered to her 5 intensives of auditing, until she couldn’t physically come to the AO any longer and at least 5 more from Tony, after she passed away. Tony continues to be a BIG sucker for donations till today. The degree of manipulation is stunning. When the brightest fall for it, is even worse.
It’s a disgrace the Church neglects their own people without helping them in time of need.
Zenster says
So Tony Falcaro walked away from another wife, this time with cancer just like he did numerous times back in the NY Org in the 70’s. He always was a prick and obviously still is.
mimsey says
Thank you to Pepper, Lola and Cindy. Wendy was my FSM and it saddens me it had to come to such an end. My wife had seen her in Trader Joes, and though she looked ill, my wife didn’t want to listen to a bunch of “when are you going to do A-E?”, so she didn’t say hi. She so regrets not having spoken up – she would have gladly helped her in those dark days, and helped her recover the depression that lead to her suicide.
She was a good person and if she felt disaffected, looking at all of the money she raised for the church – it must have felt like she committed an overt of magnitude. My heart goes out to her.
SI says
So sad, even sadder to go on there and see his wife praising the Church and thanking the members for what? I guess nothing changes too much when it comes to human nature.
It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.
Lars Rosenquist says
Let’s recapitulate by answering the question “How much does a human beeing’s life matter to Scientology Inc.” ?
Answer: Absolutely nothing. NADA !
Ginger Sugerman says
Wind Horse, For some reason it wouldn’t let me do a Reply underneath your comment on Debbie Mace. Your very kind to help Andrik out. I look at the ones “In” as being caught in the fog still as I and many others were. It took us time and it will take others time or they won’t wake up at all. I was employed by Debbie Mace and Carol Kingsley at Mace Kingsley, the school they had. I always knew they were gay, not that I cared it isn’t something for me to judge. Also, I was getting audited at Flag and used to sit with the Khashoggis wife by the pool and talk. Beautiful women, I loved her brown hair ! Her son had two first floor Cabana’s for himself and his caretaker. He also had an underwater powered machine he could hold onto with both hands and it would pull him around the pool underwater at Flag. Once Khashoggies wife let out who she was inside my head was a WTF ? She is getting auditing and is connected to an “SP” which makes her PTS per standard tech. Later I realized that it didn’t matter to the Church if she was connected to an ARM’s dealer or that her money was coming from someone who has blood on their hands ! The Church will take any money blood on its hands or not !! Its disgusting !!
Ann B Watson says
Hi Ginger, So very true your post.It is disgusting.If I got a millionaire or billionaire even better to buy auditing or training SHSBC @ Asho F I was touted as a great success being.Yes sometimes in amoung the CF files I might get an early on the bridge person to buy Dianetics but I knew what cos really wanted was the big big fish with money to burn.Even after 40+ yrs I feel the same still applies.& celebrities are not held to the same conditions as SO members are disconnection etc,because they smile for the cameras & say Scientology is so very beautiful.Kool Aid by the truckload.XO Ann B.
sara says
I am not at all surprised that Scientology does not assist Schapers financially.
Everybody who knows Scientology a bit knows that it never gives money to another cause but Scientology itself. Scientology has but one cause: itself. All else will be sacrified, even if it means that a person will die. It is a ruthless cult. Always has been.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Pepper,I hit the ? Instead of . XOXO Ann B
Beryl says
It would make the Church look a lot better if it would take care of its big donors in time of need. Where is the IAS money being spent, where is it being hoarded, et cetera?
Ann B Watson says
Hi Pepper, I forgot the B Ann B so you know it’s me XO?
Ann B Watson says
Hi Pepper, You know I loved your post.Oh my gosh David Miscavige was afraid a SP might pick up his baby body? That is sick! Shelley I send you peace & love wherever you are.XXOO Ann.So sorry for the loss of your Dad & brother.I like to think they smile on you & yours each day.
Pepper says
Hi Ann, and yes I knew that it was you. Thanks very much for your kind words 🙂
Ann B Watson says
Hi Cindy,Thank you so much.No I do not post for sympathy either but for Love Support & Light.We all will fight on.XO Ann B.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Delilah, You are an Angel too.Thank you for your sweet post.XO Ann B.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Rachel.You are an Angel.Thank you for the post.XO Ann B
Lori says
I wonder what would happen if Tom cruise developed cancer?!? I’m surprised that no one has sued for asbestos related illness from working on the free winds!
Ann B Watson says
Hi Lori, Right you are.However those asbestos related illnesses are hard to explain in court as most all persons would fall asleep from mus relating to Scientology.Of course being the optimist I am I certainly feel cases of that sort can be won but it takes yrs and lots of dollars to pay your defense.Just my opinion though.I don’t think Tom Cruise believes that anything such as cancer could stop a big being such as himself! XO Ann B.
Jenny-Lee de Becke says
Another sad story. A man suffering from cancer cannot even be helped by the billionaire chuc? Oy vey. We an wish the man a speedy recovery and hope he works with a sensible medical team to get the best possible chances. Tragic that they should be on the internet when they are part of the chuch that are supposed to be the most ethical people on the planet. Sometimes it just makes you despair.
lola says
The truth about Wendy Ettricks is she committed suicide in a motel three blocks from her home in Eagle Rock.She was disillusioned with the Church and could not bear the lack of compassion and caring. She also knew a lot of the upsets like what happened with Hy Levy and Leah Remini( to name a few) and the burden was just too much to bear.Her memorial was a farce! All LIES. Tony Falcaro and Melinda Brownstone spoke. They knew nothing about her or what was really going on!She made a lot of mistakes and was ill but she could of lived on longer . I regret I couldnt’ save her.
Pepper says
Thank you lola. Even though I wasn’t a close friend of hers, I could see that Wendy was a good person at heart who believed in what she was doing. I was once a believer too and also made mistakes.
I would bet that Tony Falcaro (who looks like a gangster) and Melinda Brownstone had a clue that Wendy was suffering. I could see that and I didn’t even work with her. They can lie all they want but they know inside.
cindy says
Thank you for the info on Wendy Ettricks, Lola. What a crock that her husband lied and told a good “PR” story about her death and they all bought it. LRH says that the road to truth must be travelled all the way out or it won’t work. If Wendy could have just continued to find out more and more truth and gone down the rabbit hole to find out ALL that was going on, she could have come through this and would have lived longer and might even have been able to beat her illness once she got her integrity in and she left the church. Hy Levy was another sad story and it was his story that got me to look and then to ultimately leave the church. I admired Hy for speaking out before his death. He left with his integrity completely in good shape.
LillyPond LuLu (@PoshLilly) says
Wendy Ettricks was abandoned by her best friend/partner Schnitzer. Schnitzel after all needed to maintain her income and was in debt.Wendy was told she could not enter any Org due to taking drugs to sleep and a possible suicide attempt.Her so called phony friends stopped calling her. Her husband it seems lives in a very pumped up bubble and didn’t observe his wife’s heart.I think her heart was broken. She was found in a motel room by maids.The police were called. A bottle of pills was found next to her. Schnitzer abandoned her prior to her death and moved in with an ex-buddy of Wendy’s. Schnitzer then began to take some of the commissions she was not entitled to. All of the FSC unit backed away from Wendy.She was abandoned by those she thought were her group.It was too much hurt. Wendy should not have died!
Valerie says
I’m late to the game but the entire gofundme page seems to have gone away. Is that right?
Andrea says
The site is up now, at 3pm Central Europe Time.
People are donating and commenting.
There are 2 new comments that mention Andrik’s Scientology connection and I bet they won’t be there for long, so here they are, for the record:
“Ron Stacy 11 hours ago
I can feel for anyone with cancer, such a horrid disease, and God’s blessings. Why though, do you never mention the Church of Scientology in your introduction? Why are you hiding this is the organization he promotes? Seriously, its a question, why? I’m going to tell you both something you may not be aware of, the IAS sends no relief anywhere, ever. Every disaster is always new fundraising. Every VM has to make their own way, every time. The IAS is a personal warchest worth billions now and does nothing for humanitary relief. Nothing. Prove me wrong. Wake up to this and you may live.
Alan Naldrett 11 hours ago
I understand you have done lots of work for Scientology. Putting down psychiatric drugs is a big clue. I will pray for you and hope you are well soon. However, I am wondering how much your Scientology organization, which has BILLIONS of dollars, has contributed to you, one of their “Freedom Medal” winners, who has done so much for them. $85,000 is about what DM spends on lawyers and gourmet food. I’ll be anxiously watching to see what they donate to a worthy church member. God bless.”
Somebody has told me: “You have to care but not too much” but it breaks my heart to know a fellow singer and such a great person suffering and it makes me angry that the Almighty Organization he has practically given his life to, lets this happen.
N. Graham says
The second one is me!
Andrea Gerák says
Unfortunately, as you might know, Andrik passed away. ..
Way before (about the time of this blog post ) I contacted his wife. I had cancer 10 years ago and it hasn’t returned, so I offered if I could give them a few tips of some much cheaper methods or products that have been very effective for me and for others I know.
No response.
Andrea says
I met Andrik several times at events in Europe and he is indeed a very charismatic person.
It is very sad to see what is happening with him now.
On the fundraising page they are deleting all the comments that mention Scientology, or anything about that the organization should come forward and help him now with money, because he has regged tons of dough for them, through decades.
As a cancer survivor myself, I offered to share some information with the family that have been helping me and people that I know, to get well from cancer and stay healthy – no response even to my nice and theta Facebook message (we are friends, so far, and I know that my message was read) and my comment on the fundraising was deleted, in the above mentioned way.
I am wondering about this whole thing, because in such a situation, one should try everything possible that could help healing – especially if it costs nothing or definitely not as much as $85K! That is a LOT of money in Hungary, even if the life of a man cannot be expressed in terms of $$$.
I don’t know about this oxygenated Kaqun water, but I do know that people get well (or at least better) with extra oxygen; they use hydrogen-peroxide for it, for pennies. One has to do it in a precise way to get results and it works well for many people, there are books about it and there are doctors who treat patients with it successfully. Other alternative methods, like Vitamin C or a radical nutritional change also will not break the bank, nor one would need to launch an internet fundraising campaign for it, and are effective. One can also take supplements or do various treatments with a little bit of more money, like a few hundred bucks a month.
What is perplexing for me is to see that this great man is suffering from cancer, but he or his family are not even willing to look at some great info offered to them, yet Cristina says in the fundraising text that “they had no choice” – when there are indeed several ways to defeat cancer that are known to be working. Maybe Andrik’s life could be saved and his health restored just with a fraction of the money.
Okay, I can’t know what else have they tried, and there can’t be promises made for any methods, but they don’t say anything like “after having tried all the standard and alternative methods and none of them have worked, finally we found the only solution”…
Well, I got on a roll here – the point, short&sweet, is that 1) There exist effective and much less costly ways to get cured from cancer 2) There is no guarantee that this expensive treatment will work 100%, even if they get all the money together and everything goes according to plans, and 3) Until Andrik stays in the continuous and tremendous stress that being a Scientology PR personality means, he and his family are looking at a really hard battle, and 4) This is a terrible PR for Scientology: for the technology, for the organization, but it’s good to see that individuals are indeed willing to help.
I sincerely wish Andrik all the best.
Katy says
You know, the Catholic Church does an okay job with the medical needs of their priests and nuns. And they don’t hide their disabled staff from the world. How cruel what this church does to their SO.
freespirit says
“This is an organization that quickly and without remorse disposes of those it no longer has any use for.”
No truer words were ever spoken.
overrunincalifornia says
I feel for anyone going through something like this.
Here’s a very concise bit of info for anyone going through this type of battle, that you may find useful.
When all animals are sick, they fast.
When you fast, the body uses internal reserves for nutrition, and in its wisdom, uses the least important tissue up first.
These cells are very susceptible to a process called “Autolysis”. (Please look that one up).
Fasting is not starving, and starving is not fasting. You’re fasting if you have reserves, and starving when you run out of reserves.
Fasting is the best physiological rest you can give a body. It’s non-invasive.
Tough decisions to make at times like these. Information is good to have. I highly recommend “The Science and Fine Art of Fasting” by Herbert Shelton. Good info tho have.
Pepper says
There is truth to what you are saying, although I haven’t done an in-depth study on this to discuss it. I do know however, that people who eat less food live longer.
lola says
Unfortunately this is all to familiar of a scene in CofS.For me it reminds me of the death of my dear friend Wendy Ettricks, OTV111 ,Flags top FSM.
At the end she would say to me”you wouldnt believe what I know”. I did press her but she was ill and on drugs and suicidal… ultimately she decided the pain of seeing what happened to the group she dedicated her whole life to was too much to handle and she offed herself.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Iola, a Really sad but thank you for telling it. RIP my dear friend Quentin & dear Likky wherever you are I love you. Ann B.
Simple says
So that’s what happened. I always wonder why people like her husband and her former FSM partner don’t face reality after seeing something like this.
cindy says
Thank you for the info Lola. This is the first time I have heard that Wendy Ettricks commited suicide. Wow. I wish she would have told someone or written a book or posted on the blog about what she knew. How sad that the shock of what her life’s work and group turned out to be too much for her to face.
Pepper says
Iola, the concept of Wendy Ettricks committing suicide is shocking. Suicide is always shocking but Wendy? I recently saw her husband and he explained that she died in her sleep from a heart attack, due to smoking three packs a day.
Is her husband telling a “shore story?” Wendy was a kind lady and I liked her.
Joe Pendleton says
Pepper, you don’t SERIOUSLY think he’s gonna say she killed herself, do you? The Axioms say what happens with lies, but of course lies are as constant in Scientology as fog in San Francisco. I remember Wendy running around Pac always on the phone, constant motion and energy. I didn’t know her, but coached her on a meter drill one day; BIG thank you from her. Total PR personality, but kind of a kick I have to say watching her. Now I also have to say she no doubt screwed hundreds of people out of tons of money. Continual overts? Y’all make the call.
Pepper says
Hi Joe. No, I don’t necessarily think that he would say that she committed suicide, nor was he obligated to. I only knew Wendy socially and was not a close friend.
The odd thing is, I didn’t even know she had passed and I didn’t originate anything about Wendy to him. I just said hello. He was the one who started the conversation with: By the way, about Wendy…
Now I can see that this is just the typical behavior of the church and its adherents. Any bad news must be kept hidden from people and lies and manipulation are run on them instead. This is something that has always bothered me about the culture within the group. They will do anything to protect the repute of Scientology and the church.
I will remember Wendy as I knew her, and consider her another tragedy to join the others.
cindy says
When an OT VIII, Pat Mooney, died in the 80’s, they lied about how he died so as to not harm the repute of OT VIII and their powers. The shore story was that he was working out at the gym and reported to the gym guy that he “felt funny” and then collapsed and was rushed to the hospital . They said it was a brain aneurism. And then they made sure to say that this is what his mother died of and that it was hereditary and that he was a ticking time bomb from birth and that it was just a hereditary fate of his, (and not the fault of OT VIII or any auditing he had.) But decades later I found out, through these blogs, that that was a complete lie and that he died from a fatal car crash. I guess they didn’t want us thinking an OT VIII could go PTS.
Michael Fairman says
The Church is an uncaring, worthless pile of dung. I spent three years helping Michael Mendelsohn, while watching him die of cancer. He was on OT VII and thought auditing could help him. It did nothing. He was eventually tossed out of his home and abandoned by his wife, a Scientologist in “good standing”. He was given that auditing at AOLA until he ran out of hours and money. And then “goodbye” My wife and I got him into a hospice in Long Beach where he eventually died. Scientology was conceived in shit and remains buried in shit. Time and again, it has proven that it is itself a cancer that must be eradicated. That cancer has infected those that are in the church,who defend it, and remain loyal to it. That includes Miscavige, his sycophants, and the general public parishioners.
Joe Pendleton says
VERY well put Michael!
Gary says
Chris Mann says
I’ve known a couple people who set up similar accounts to help with medical bills like this. Its an opportunity for friends and family to help. I wouldnt call it begging. Recently I donated to a family we know to help with their child’s cancer. The people who donated $11,000 so far probably don’t consider it shameless begging.
Tony DePhillips says
I think Mike’s point is that he has to resort to this to get the funds he needs to get some treatment. You would think that the cult would help him as he has helped them for so many years. In relationship to what SHOULD have happened it is like he is begging for help.
chris mann says
I used to respect guys like Michael Roberts, Jeff Pomerantz etc, until I found out they were living large on commissions and driving Maseratis, and what my IAS donations were really being used for.
That being said, I’m feeling a little “overrun” on the negativity. The idea that nitpicking and finding fault with something every day is going to have some large scale positive effect is false. I participated initially because perhaps I didn’t know what else to do, but it’s not in my nature.
It becomes a sport or hobby and I think it is fed by negative aspects of the human mind.
Doing something effective to bring about positive change is good, if you are in a position to do that, but I don’t see the benefit of goading people into a lynch mob mentality.
I actually agree with this post from Marty.
I think exaggerating things to fan the flames is not going to help anything.
I take into consideration that Andrik would very likely not ask for, nor accept money from the IAS. Probably his wife or a friend set up the Gofundme account to help with expenses related to his cancer. The $11,615 donated so far was from friends who probably appreciate the opportunity to help out. So, when we step back from the enemy mentality and just look at it for what it is, the descripton of “begging” to me is offensive.
Roger Hornaday says
If Andrick would not accept money from the IAS then he has no concept of what a church is. As for making negative comments on a daily basis creating a “lynch mob” mentality, I can only speak for myself. I love making negative comments on this blog every day. I consider it good sport and I don’t feel the slightest bit diminished by your superior posturing. I like your superior posturing as I like just about everything I’ve experienced on this great blog! 🙂
Joe Pendleton says
Chris Mann … since you feel you are overrun on the negativity … and I want to help … let me ask you this … when did you go release on the negativity? (we can rehab your win on negativy Chris, not to worry)
John says
Hi Mike,
“I spit”. Me too.
Having been in since 1973 and just recently discovered the truth of what is happening in the organization…
This is what I believe: I believe LRH was a brilliant man in search of immortality. Having similar aspirations, but not quite as smart as he, I bought into the program.
TOTAL FREEDOM. What a concept!
Not for a minute do I regret my involvement. There are so many beautiful truths laid out by this man. Did he accomplish his ultimate goal? Don’t know. Was he a son of a bitch? Yeah, probably.
Anyway what the f&*% is up with this guy David Miscavige? You’re responsible for the legacy of Scientology and you do this??????????????????????
Mike I was about to spit, but instead I threw up on the order of the “Exorcist
Ann B Watson says
Hi John, Honestly I,used to feel a little like you about Ron but no more. A snake is a snake no matter what comes out of the mouth.Ron’s heart was not what I thought it was. The blackness goes back years & David Miscavige was his perfect choice to succeed him.Like you post. Take Care Ann B.
J. Swift says
Andrick’s website says exactly what this man is about:
From his website:
“…To join this Crusade, send me an e-mail at [email protected] and I will personally get in comm with you to help you with the next step of the contribution cycle, so that you can get your very own All-Access Pass to Exclusive Content on this site! And you will be joining an elite group of in-ethics, upstat Scientologists, all of us helping to put an ideal future there for Scientology.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Ginger Sugerman says
Another IAS Winner was dumped when she needed them most. My mom, Barbara Ayash. She was the first women awarded the IAS Freedom Medal in Scientology’s history.Marty AKA Mark Rathbun has an email on his site under IAS Atrocity number 2 and my mom is begging for money in an email someone sent to Marty. ASHO ripped off her 15,000 on account by zeroing it out, The Way To Happiness took all her Intellectual Properties while she was mentally unsound with only a letter, no legal counsel, she was knocking on doors begging for food for food for Christ sake and then ended up in the Hospital after a neighbor called Social Services !!!!! I spoke to the ED (Joni Ginsberg) of The Way To Happiness prior asking for help and explaining her condition. Joni agreed to call back and during the conversation said ” I better hurry up and get Rosser Cole to get your moms Business Signed Over”. That’s all she cared about nothing else !!!!! She never called back and either did Megan Shields. I left a couple messages for both of them and NOTHING ! The Way To Happiness proudly displays her photograph in their Lobby in Glendale for all to see. But, you have no idea who the women is. I remember seeing that for the first time and taking a photo with me standing in front of my mom’s photo. I spoke to Joni Ginsberg again after this conversation was on Speaker Phone so it can be used later if needed. ( Not Verbatim here ) I expressed to Joni how no one has a clue who is in that photograph and that my mom dedicated her life to you people. That, your using her hard works she created to make money off of and can’t even have her name under her photo. I know if I didn’t attribute something LRH wrote to him I’d be in big trouble by Scientology and I’m upset about it. M next question was how did you get my moms property ? This is how I found out about the letter they used to get it. I had already viewed their website and saw the cookie cutter of my mother’s contest being used by them to make The Way To Happiness money. Joni when I inquired denied it was my mothers contest by saying ” we aren’t using anything of your mothers”. I said, Joni I’m looking at TWTH’s website right now and see it with my own eyeballs. She gave such a ridicules answer : Oh, I don’t really know what’s on our website some other people put that together. My retort was, so your the ED of The Way To Happiness and have no clue what’s on your own website ? She said yes. I believe I said BULLSHIT ! Joni know questioned my intentions and what I wanted. I said 1. I want my mothers name under her photograph 2. I want a copy of the letter you used to get her property. She asked me to write her an email and I did without ever getting an answer to this date. But, I did get Hate emails written and generated to people on my Yahoo Contacts list, a Hate Webpage put up on the Internet about me. They have since taken down the hate web page and Lori Hodgson said she can’t find hers either. I wonder why ??? There is more to my moms story and mine that is beyond in my eyes. By the way if your wondering why I didn’t know my mom was falling apart its because an Executive at ABLE Int another arm of Corp $cientology, Frank Zurn gave me and my mother a verbal order we were not allowed to speak any longer , this went on for many years due to the fear of getting declared an SP. One of my mothers top donors called me asking me a question and I told him the truth. For this I was removed from post despite having the highest statistics of any staff member ever, longest employee ever. My mom was placed in a position by Mr. Zurn and had to make a choice, she fired me. The following people I hold responsible : Frank and Lori Zurn, Reina Weinberg , David Miscavage,, some folks at Sacramento Org. My mom would get picked up and propped up in a chair at events like a Happy Sock Puppet for the IAS. Some people deserve to rot in hell over this and many others who have been harmed by the Corp of Scientology it only cares about ONE THING and that is MONEY at any and all costs. If anyone knew my mother, has any other information regarding her, her dealings with $cientology please contact me at [email protected] The two “00” are zero’s not the letter O. I’d appreciate it very much ! I’m also seeking someone who can help me write her story and mine as I need help. Thanks P.S. Mike can you please add her name to the list in your article ? If not, I understand just thought I’d ask. Thank you for all you do to expose these criminals in the name of Religion !!!
Ann B Watson says
Hi Brian, love your post.Love Always to you & your wife.Ann B.
Mat Pesch says
In the late 80’s there used to be a Dept 6 reg named Per Almquist. He was a long term FSO staff member and brought in about $150,000 per week for the organization. He developed cancer between his eye and the bridge of his nose. Week after week, month after month the open sore got deeper and deeper, bigger and bigger. No money was ever approved for treatment. Finally when Per was about to lose his eye he took off in his car (blew) in the hopes of making some money to pay his own medical. The last I heard (a few months after he left) he was selling cars near Orlando. If the biggest, richest “church” of them all can’t give medical treatment to someone who brings in $150,000 a week, you can easily imagine what happens to the rest of the slaves, I mean staff.
Mat Pesch says
Sorry, actually it was in the early 90’s. 1993, 94.
Pepper says
How sad that Andrik’s Go fundme page shows that only $20,000 was raised after five days. Here is the recent Go fundme account that I donated to:
Her name was Erica Morales and the site received more than $30,000 in less than 24 hours, mostly by total strangers. Erica’s best friend started the page in her honor, to help her husband, and to pay for the children’s education which was very important to their mother. They are close to the $500,000 goal now.
What a contrast to the world of Scientology, where Andrik is a very recognizable figure and has dedicated his life to the church. People may not necessarily believe in the alternative water treatment and not want to contribute to that, but obviously Andrik is in need of financial assistance.
Shame on the IAS and anyone who supports it.
cindy says
It doesn’t surprise me that Andrik has not raised a lot of $ compared to some of the Non Scns who got a lot very quickly. The reason for this is the Scn attitude: “he pulled it in,” “he is out ethics,” “he is dramatizing a Service Facsimile,” “He is PTS,” “he should just drop his body as we live many lifetimes…” Do any of you have more Scn sayings to add? We all have heard them. I was even told by a Scn about my medical condition (which I found out was a result of a birth defect that I had all my life and didn’t know about it, but it got worse over time until critical state was reached), I was told it was “just a Service Facsimile and I should get to Flag to ‘handle that.” And the really heartbreaking thing about that Eval and Inval and Wrong Indication is that guess who told me that? My own son, who was fed that enemy line by his HCO at his org. And that is one of the many ways they turn your own loving kids against you. What Scn does regarding money is horrible, but what they do to comm lines and family ties is even worse.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Cindy, I really feel for you.I was never able to have kids after an emergency historectomy @ age 39 which also showed I had miscarried @ the same time. But if I had had a child my heart would have been more broken if I had had to handle what you have. Yes I was physically beat up in the SO many yrs ago & told I pulled it all in but I am not the 1st nor sadly will be the last in that situation.I send you love & light. Somehow this cruelty to men women children & families must must be stopped. Incidentally David Miscavige has no children correct? I blew before he was made cob makes me angry & I ‘m not that way unless cornered.XO Ann B.
cindy says
Thank you Ann. And I was overjoyed to hear your recent win on your own cancer battle. It seems like a miracle and like a lot of postulates and love and prayer and light helped. VWD to you on that. As for me, I don’t share those personal stories to garner sympathy. I do it to keep the subject of disconnection in the spotlight. Non Scns abhor disconnection as do all of us and if enough of us speak out, change will happen. It can’t occur soon enough for my liking. Everyone who posts here and in other places has my utmost admiration for speaking out, for standing up, for fighting the evil.
Pepper says
Cindy, I’m very sorry to hear this and it’s disgusting the way the church used your son to get to you like that. It’s plain evil how they turn children and parents, brothers and sisters, friends, co-workers, anyone against each other. They should not be getting involved in families period, unless it is originated by the family as unit and each member gives their consent.
Ann, David Miscavige never had children. Who knows why. I read once where he and his wife were concerned than an “SP” might pick up the baby body, so they didn’t want to chance it. If that’s even true, it shows how sick these people truly are.
cindy says
Thanks, Pepper. Ironic that DM was so worried that an SP might pick up the baby body if he had a kid…. the SP accuses others of the same overts they are doing. And also an SP is terrified that if anyone got better, they would do him in because that is what HE would do to others if he could. What a black hole his soul is. I wish Shelley would escape or get word to the outside to come help her escape.
Lori says
This is so sad and disgusting all at the same time!
The Oracle says
If we could raise 40K plus to help the Headleys with legal fees, why can’t we chip in and help someone dying? Or are we to become the anti “let him die” echo?
Mike Rinder says
The point of this post was not to seek to shame EX members into funding his treatment (and I have no idea whether this isnt just throwing money down the toilet). I don’t think their inability or unwillingness to contribute is going to determine whether they are a good person or not.
But I DO think that the IAS as an entity, and a bunch of those regges (the IAS Commission Whores like Howard Becker/Michael Roberts/Teddy Bragin and their cohorts who make HUNDREDS of thousands a year in commissions) should be held accountable. They have enriched themselves by convincing people to give money to support the “IAS Crusades” for which Andrik was the poster child. Andrik may have regged people the same way. But where are those people? And where is the IAS? FOr that matter, where is the church?
The Oracle says
These are the times when Scientologists realize they do not have any resources to help. They are convinced they have Organizations, friends, allies, safety nets, and a host of other member benefits, which actually do not exist. It is times like these when the illusion becomes very flimsy. There is only one person with all of the benefits and security, and that David Miscavige. Every one else has duties, responsibilities, losses and burdens.
The Oracle says
I guess we will find out any minute if this guy is going to be forced to return donations from people not in “good standing” with the Church. I’ll let you know.
The Oracle says
On his GFM wall: Thanks to Mike Rinder for making me aware of this situation and encouraging me to make a donation. We all wish the best for Andrik and pray for his recovery.
The Oracle says
They allowed it on his wall.
The Oracle
2 mins ago
Thanks to Mike Rinder for bringing this to my attention and encouraging me to help.
Gerhard Waterkamp says
Oracle I think you got this one wrong. The point is how the CO$ treats anybody who has no current or future monetary value to them. Andrik was a really nice guy when I met him a couple of times in Germany and he he has done a lot for Scientology. That was at a time when the sociopathic character of DM had not pervaded every single remaining soul in his empire. The way Andrik is discarded and has to beg for help shows the character of that organization. Nothing else. It all boils down to the current value of a person. If there is none or if the person’s thinking endangers any current or future reg cycles the economic decision is to remove the risk factor from the environment. Meaning breaking up families, declaring long term Scientologists or discarding of them otherwise. One can see this every day.
This predatory ruthless behavior is the point not to shame anybody into helping Andrik.
And to the point of medicare. Flag had a program running years ago that ministers could be exempt from social security payments. It was sold to the staff as an option to have a few more dollars per week in their pay. What these staff did not realize is that they would not be eligible for medicare and end up broke without health insurance when they got sick and the Sea Org discarded them. So I do not know who is paying what. Maybe Andrik got lucky had had some kind of health insurance.
It is a known fact chronic stress impacts the immune system in a negative way and a compromised immune system has reduced ability to fight cancerous cells in the body. There are other factors as well, but the condition of the immune system is an important one. This may explain the high cancer rates for “OT’s”. Being subjected to sec checks, ruinous financial demands and as result living under constant duress not to mention the enforced valence of a “good Scientologist” over one’s own personality will definitely cause major chronic stress and will impact the immune system.
If Andrik is still the person I have met many years ago, he will for sure be stressed out to see what Scientology has become and one way to relieve his stress level is to remember the values he fought for and discard the fake and criminal organization he has supported for so long. Being true to oneself is a survival factor after all.
The Oracle says
The point for you, is different than the point for me. That doesn’t make me wrong.
I understand the meaning behind the post. If an IAS Freedom Medal Winner can not get help from the Church, who does? We all know, David Miscavige. The members donate and donate towards HIS legal flaps and out P.R.. He will spend 10K a week to stalk his father but will not contribute to the well being of an IAS poster boy. Not sure why you think I got it wrong.
I am still moved by watching another woman with a dying husband beg for help. If that is wrong, I don’t care to right. This really has nothing to do with Scientology. It’s about humanity.
Gerhard Waterkamp says
Oracle, YOU can be right, but still getting something wrong. Your initial post indicated this was posted to encourage people to chip in. And in the context of this blog that was not the point of the person who posted it. So you got his point wrong. Of course you are being right about your own viewpoints and feelings in this regards.
I still believe Andrik and many others would be better helped if they removed the stress factors from their environments. He is with the program a long time and for sure has seen by now enough to know he has to re-consider whom he owes his support. His continued support for a criminal organization that harms many and the fact that his wife does not mention this and discloses that his “humanitarian” efforts are there to only bolster the CO$ do not make this plea more appealing. He should appeal for help to the masters he serves, if they abandon him it may be presented to him as an opportunity to learn. Turning to the general public with false pretense does not seem right to me.
There is so much suffering in the world and I do not know, why some suffering deserves more attention than others. I wish him personally all the best.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Gerhard Watercamp, Thank you for posting ” being true to oneself is s survival factor after all ” If only those still in could really see that.Take Care. Ann B.
The Oracle says
Gerhard Waterkamp says
May 25, 2015 at 7:46 pm
Oracle, YOU can be right, but still getting something wrong. Your initial post indicated this was posted to encourage people to chip in.
I never said that. I made an off topic statement. That we might help. You are putting some wrong items and wrong indications on me. And it’s alright.
The Oracle says
Very sad. And repelling that some people are using the go fund me site to haze a dying man. When you can’t pass up the opportunity to kick a dying man in the face, you have issues Scientology was never meant to handle. What kind of person does such a thing? Repelling.
Espiando says
What kind of person does such a thing? I do. I did it to my own father on his deathbed. I haven’t done it to this guy yet, but I’m considering it. It’ll be lulzy.
The Oracle says
Toot TO OT says
To add to my last comment….
I went to Andrik’s Go Fund Me Site and noticed the largest donation was by Mikel Urizarbarrena – I believe he is a multi-millionaire (Sold the security company Panda Software). You can sort by size of donation.
I don’t know if Mikel is a Scientologist today.
This is also where you get to see those that HAVE ENOUGH TO HELP will or will not.
Where’s Craig Jensen?
How about Mr. Money Bags Duggan?
Bart?? Can’t hear you/see you.
Grant “Boom Boom I love myself” Cardone?
I wonder if these BIG BEINGS would be allowed to help with more.
I also wonder if the IAS regges are licking their lips watching.
Jose Chung says
I had lunch with Andrick at the Sandcastle back in the day.
He was a rockstar getting audited around the clock by top Flag auditors.
I see he has gotten the David Miscavige YSCOHB EP.
Great CSing COB you asshole.
Toot TO OT says
I am betting this situation is way worse than what is known about. Past or present members dying of cancer (or other diseases) with no assistant (other than a touch assist maybe or they can pay for auditing…I have no idea). Hey, maybe a nerve assist will help.
It’s NAUSEATING. Why on earth wouldn’t they HELP THEIR OWN?! They clearly NEED HELP. Like actual HELP where you have a chance of improving your life.
Once they’ve cleaned out their bank accounts there isn’t much left. They’re like vultures. Rats. No, they are WORSE than that because those creatures need the food to survive.
When my family member was diagnosed, they did ZILCH. NOTHING. NOTHING AT ALL. Despite this family member being a dedicated member since the early 70’s.
Here is an example of (likely) an unknown scientologist dying of cancer:
She started this in 2011 and has only raised 20K.
She is also a TOP CONTRIBUTOR to the IAS. She is OT8.
I think her whole family is in Scientology. Her brother and mother are IAS regges (Quinn the Eskimo and Mary Taufer).
I was told she went out of the country (to Sweden or something) for alternative treatment with another woman her age with cancer. They both returned but the other woman who is also a Scientologist had died.
cindy says
Toot To OT, can you email me privately? Or give me your email so I can comm with you about something. Mike can give you my email or vice versa. Thanks, Cindy
Lori says
This cult literally sucks ppl dry! It’s obvious they don’t like children or the elderly and sick! What “religion” behaves like this towards their adherents?!???
Angry Gay Pope says
I recognize him from this IAS promo video:
He appears at 4:23 wearing a weird outfit.
Hansje Brinker says
Perhaps it helps Andrik Schapers to let go the person who he is playing. In the late sixties in The Netherlands there was a tv-broadcast/ serie about “Floris”. Floris was a knight something like Invanhoe, a real hero. All the boys at that time wanted to be Floris.
When I saw Andrik the first time in 2008 with his high (medieval) boots and cape, not playing himself, I must conclude he has copied the personality of Floris. It was very sad to see, and now sad to see his condition.
Hansje Brinker says
.”Floris” was played by the Dutch actor Rutgher Hauer, a blond good looking guy. In the third row of this link you can see a colour picture of him. It seems that Andik not only copied his character but also his “external”.
Michael Fairman says
The Church of Scientology is a cesspool of lies, dispassion, and virulence. Most everything it says or does, every book, story, comment, and post from “A Piece of Blue Sky” and “Madman or Messiah” to “The Unbreakable Miss Lovely” shows this to be the case. Those staff and parishioners who remain in the cult are awash in its slime. It is time for them to wake up and understand what they are aiding and abetting.
Dan Locke says
I see that Anita Warren has given money here. I have not read all through the donors list, but I would not be surprised at all to see other exes contributing. And most of us declared
The fastest way to get this funded would be for some of the most prominent, internationally known exes to make significant donations. Imagine seeing Mike Rinder, Mark Rathbun, Larry Wollersheim, and Gerry Armstrong, Tory Christman and Homer Schomer’s names on that list, each giving $100 or more.
You see that there is an opportunity for the donor to comment? Give a hundred and put in the comments generally GRGW (Good Roads, Good Weather) stuff, but with an edge!
For example:
“Hi, Andre! I remember you from the Portland Crusade. Always a nice guy. I got declared in ’04 when I wrote up some stuff about corruption at Int Management, and they never replied to my requests for a Review Comm Ev. It is good to see that there are a lot of people here who think ‘Never desert a comrade in need or danger’ is a more important datum than than whatever-the-quote is about disconnection, isn’t it? (Interesting! I must be missing something! I keep looking for a quote from LRH insisting on disconnection from ex-Scientologists and I don’t find anything! I guess it must be a BPL that they are operating on in the church…)”
In that probably 90% or more of the people contributing to Andre here are Scientologists, and Scientologists with money, and people who generally give or gave to the IAS, if there were several such comments, I would not think it would be very long before someone in the church ordered someone else in the Church to pay the rest, or insist that Christina shut it down.
I wonder if Christina could opt to decline donations from declared people. I wonder if a Church MAA would insist that she do so. I wonder what it would feel like to have all the money you need if you DO accept money from exes, but not have enough if you don’t.
The Oracle says
The way our minds go in the same direction scares me sometimes.
Willie Phelps says
Your proof of status and 5.00 dollars will get you a latte every time.
So the only thing you have left when its time to check-out is your knowingness of accomplishment.
Have one foot in heaven before the devil knows your gone.
Opinions are like assholes everyone has one.
DLMDM will piss on your grave.
Deal with it
Tony DePhillips says
Plus 1000 Mike!!
marcusleesawyer says
you said what i was thinking, he’s a PTS degraded being. serves him right, WHAT ARE HIS CRIMES!?
Old Surfer Dude says
Off Topic: In the past, scientology has used Jehovah’s Witnesses to justify DISCONNECTION. The Witnesses call it shunning. But it’s exactly the same as disconnection. Also, both cults cover up rapists and child molesters to keep bad PR at bay.
Go to youtube and watch: “Brave high school student exposes abuse & corruption within Jehovah’s Witnesses.”
Have some Kleenex close by. She is truly one very brave young lady.
Bobbo says
Below, is a post that was just made on Andrik’s fund raising site. Sounds about right!
I wish you the very best but where is your church now that You need some help? I know my church would be first in line to help in any way they could including collecting donations within the congregation. Why doesn’t your church do that? Curious.
Potpie says
I know that flow….someone gets sick give assists, some PTS handling, light auditing etc. unless death comes knocking on the door….then they are left to fend for themselves sort of shunned to the scrape heap of forgotten Scn. terminals. Yes there are a some auditors who extend a helping hand and even sometimes on a rare occasion I have seen an org lift a hand to help. Once a close friend (a seasoned tech terminal) was in the hospital dying from complications of Diabetes. As I was walking into his room the then Snr C/S of flag, Richard Reich was walking out. My friend said Richard was there just to give him an assist. They weren’t friends Richard was just there to help. There are those in Scn who will extend a hand to a fellow Scientologist in need, not with money but with compassion and respect.
But the IAS has no compassion or respect. The IAS most certainly has a very distorted opinion on the subject of help. It is very obvious the IAS is a ruthless uncaring organization using help in a very inverted manner to garner large amounts of cash with no concern of who they walk over and who they forget on their way to the bank.
Goldie says
Andrik was a very close friend of mine.
He was very much the puppet of DM.
When I got declared for not disconnecting from my family –
He dropped me – even though I had donated thousands to
his IAS commisions!
He had Cancer in 2009!
I even made him chicken soup!
I always gave him and Christina a place to stay.
How do I feel – Sad but what goes around comes around he –
Betrayed me – he compromised his reality big time and became
One of DM’s Hench Men!
Regraded Being says
Dear John,
I honestly believe you’re a decent fellow aside from your allignment with the dictates of the Church of Scientology. This is a good example of where the church is not so “beautiful” to everyone. You had someone assigned to you 24/7 to help you through your personal ordeal but the rest of us are not so lucky. When ordinary Scientologists ‘pull stuff in’ they must fend for themselves so as to not spread their PTSness to others in the group who are winning in life. They can purchase some ‘handling’ or try to solve their problems through the ethics terminal in order to determine which of their crimes caused their present misfortune.
Should they not succeed to overcome their distress and succumb to their circumstances it is of course because they were PTS. They and their contributions will be forgotten by the group. You cannot validate ‘down-stats’ and succeed. A dead Scientologist is as good as a blown Scientologist. He contributes nothing. A dying Scientologist is as good as a doubtful Scientologist. He might infect others.
You belong to a very small select group who plays by different rules though I’m sure your handlers try to make you believe that every Scientologist is cared for the same manner you are. That is not true. You should take some time to actually talk with some of the smaller thetans.(In good standing, of course.) You may find that the Beauty of Scientology is based on ‘What’s in it for me?’, from the church’s viewpoint.
You might even mock up a little courage and take a peek at what some ex-scientologists have to say. I’m sure a big ethical thetan can confront a bit of entheta without becoming effect. I’m sure you can spot the out-points in all of our stories and easily shatter the suppression we generate. I dare you to try.
Look. Don’t listen.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Rgraded Being, Your post so True so beautiful so,Powerful. XXOO Ann B.
Tony DePhillips says
What a magnificent letter Regraded Being. I truly wish JT could read that. So powerful and true.
Rick Mycroft says
I’m sure that IAS will be there for Andrik Schapers — trying to get a big slice of the Go Fund Me money.
“What’s more important, a year or two with cancer or the rest of your Eternity?”
mimsey says
Mike – didn’t something like that happen with Wendy Ettrics? Wasn’t she both ostracized and abandoned after the millions she raised for flag? My wife saw he at Trader Joes before she died and said she looked like hell. But never did I find out more than sketchy details on ESMB. Do you know more of what happened to her – she was my FSM. Mimsey
Pepper says
Wendy Ettricks husband says that she died in her sleep at home. He said that she chain smoked and believes that it caused a heart attack. This is what he told me.
Wendy was a very heavy smoker and it showed, for a long time.
cindy says
There was a whole thread on Wendy Ettricks some time ago. What I remember someone posting was that Wendy did not die at home in bed, but that Joanne Schnitzer disconnected from her because she was disaffected (they not only were FSM partners but shared a house together.) Anyway that poster said Wendy was living in a cheap hotel and died there. I’ll go looking for that post. But if anyone else remembers this, please let us know.
Scott Campbell says
It’s too bad. Andrik is a nice (if delusional) guy. He was the pro-forma EPF Bosun when I did the EPF at PAC in August of ’85. It was when they were pushing celebs to join the S.O. during the Portland Crusade and the subsequent LA Crusade. Jeff Pomerantz was also on the EPF at that time – Michael Roberts never bought in that far but eventually got conscripted by the IAS anyway. Other CCI no-names and celeb’s kids were also roped into the ill-fated “Celebrity S.O. Unit” at that time, which later became a permanent “IAS Celeb Spokesman/Cheerleader/Vulture assignment for at least the three listed above.
God forbid that David “Let him Die” Miscavige get any “red on his ledger”.
EO says
Need to change his name from David “let him die” to David “let them all die” Miscavage.
The Oracle says
That was a potent comment.
Ron Dolittle says
IAS = stress related bad Karma. No simpatico from me.
LDW says
This is really disgusting and quite crass, but I’m going to say it anyway:
It’s times like this and situations like this that inspire me to express the correct tone level of outrage.
So, here’s the deal, Andrik.
Even though you disconnected from me for demanding a refund from FSO and being summarily declared an SP, I still like you. You were a real friend for many years. Since my wife and I had a valid refund request from FSO, done on “standard” lines and submitted within the required three month period after the squirrel auditing was received; and since FSO still owes us $101,000; and since they refuse to honor their commitment, if you can get that refund honored, you can have every penny for your treatment.
All I ask in return is a simple Thank You.
Scott Campbell says
Now that is a truly righteous offer, Les.
The Oracle says
That was very kind and generous Les.
Ronn S. says
I commented on their on their fundme site my own message, but that tops the charts Les.
Delilah says
Les, Have you posted this to the fundme site?
If not, perhaps you might consider it, even if only to add cognitive dissonance that someone in might notice.
TheWidowDenk says
I don’t comment much but this post has given me a good occasion to do so. I am not a doctor but I have been through the cancer diagnosis, treatment and eventual death of Dr Denk.
Standard medical care for the condition was followed. Although alternative treatments were offered, he rejected most to follow the standard medical care path he was on. One alternative treatment he chose may have helped him. He felt it did. One medical procedure extended his life for four months.
My point is that I don’t think it’s a good idea to throw away standard medical care and pick up alternative treatment(s) as the only way to cure cancer.
My opinion, presented solely as an opinion, is to stay the course with standard medical care and use alternative treatment(s) as one wishes. I doubt the alternative treatments will irreparably harm anything and might help to a degree in conjunction with standard medical care.
If this comment helps anyone, or confirms what what the reader already knows and believes to be true, then it is a comment well made. Rachel
Ann B Watson says
Hi The Widow Denk, I like your posts a lot. Am walking my path with cancer & do all the standard treatments each time it tries to come back! But I really really believe light love support & dreams & intentions to get after it do definitely do great things. If I am ever in last time around dance with it I will choose hospice care & go out surrounded by peace & love from all my sweet & dear friends here. And I will see you all on the other shore! I am so sorry for your loss too.This opinion is just mine each person who tangles @ all with this dreadful disease will have their own.XO Ann B.
TheWidowDenk says
Hi Ann. I’m so glad to hear you are walking your own path and doing exactly what you think best. I don’t think I’m alone in sending you peace and love in support. Rachel
Delilah says
Ann, you have all my love, support, intentions, and prayers!
Ann B Watson says
Hi Mike, We double spit with you. Just appalling! Yet when I step back & look @ the entire picture of my time with cos etc,I realize this cruel & callous behavior is & will forever be standard operating procedure for it all! I pray for Andrick in his battle & send waves of love light & healing to him. Miracles can & will happen when it comes to cancer I know.As for cos even though Andrick was after my time the cos sinks ever deeper into the black muck of nothingness for not sending a donation of $85.000 to him after all the years I gather he gave to them.I have to go outside now & scream @ my tree! XO Ann B.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Mike, All these posts jogged my memory that yrs @ yrs ago when a certain terminal of GOI yelled @ me @ night, one time he screamed I have all your PC folders your C/S has been taken off your case & you are a r/ser PTS DB Evil Intentioned Being & in Native State! I’m furious with you!! Crazy crazy crazy.XO Ann B
Fredric L. Rice says
“I made my parents check under my bed for Scientologists.” — Seen on Twitter this morning.
statpush says
glenn says
About 15 years ago I was asked to give assists to an OT3 who was fighting cancer. I’d never known the girl previously but we became friends over the next three months. I drove to her home or hospital every day after work and gave her assists that were C/Sed by the AO. I wrote daily reports to the C/S and also worked hard trying to get others to lend a hand. That included contacting many individual members by phone and email with pleas for help. No one had time for this. No one. I even arranged a meeting with the ED of the local org thinking I’d get some assistance from him. I was surprised that he used the meeting purely as an effort to try to get me to join staff. He gave no help at all. I contacted the Volunteer Minister I/C of this org many times asking for help but also got nothing. No one helped at all. No one. The girl was obviously a forgotten entity in the San Francisco Bay Area; an area with a rather large population of members. But when she did die, she knew she had one friend and was comforted by that. I began to look behind the curtain and confront the reality of this truly heartless group.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Glenn, That was kind & beautiful of you. XO Ann B.
SciebotBill says
Glen, thanks for the story. I guess that’s partly why you are no longer in.
civmar says
I remember Andrik from scn puerto rico. We weren’t pals, he seemed to be a good guy.
Thank you **** ****, successful donation to Keep His Voice For Freedom Ringing!
Been There says
Thank you for posting this Mike. There is a very big story behind this, alluded to in your mention of Jane Allen and Dennis Clark; friends with both, I know their stories well. Although I have never met Andrik, I know of him from my decades-long friendships with people who accompanied him on the numerous marathons run across Europe for the cause of the IAS. Andrik’s story and Dennis and Jane and, as you say, many others follow a pattern.
In their youth they dedicate their time and energy to the RCS sacrificing much to forward a “cause” they believe in (a cause that was just a front for underlying, less altruistic motives of the RCS). They spend their fortunes going up the bridge, believing that they will realize spiritual advancement and also dodge the sufferings of the body. They will remain strong and active and healthy into a productive old age and then decide at some point to “drop the body” and pick up a new one. But then the realities of being human and having an aging body manifest. And they have no insurance, they have no savings, they may be disconnected from family, certainly have lost a network of friends to disconnection and have to grapple with the cold, hard reality of being old and poor and sick.
On top of that is the betrayal of their faith. Faith that the Purif could prevent toxins from causing cellular mutations, faith that running out second dynamic engrams would prevent cancer, faith that becoming ” cause over life” would allow them to heal their bodies and the bodies of their loved ones with “intention”; and above all faith that their church would be there for them in their hour of need-just as they were always there for their church. If they can confront THAT fact at all (and I know Dennis Clark did) it is the bitterest pill of all.
So having exhausted all his options Andrik is grasping at the straw of “amazing, alternative cancer treatment”. I know the program that is being offered in Hungary. An OT VIII acquaintance did that program last year. He died of his cancer this year having never improved after $85,000 of “treatment”.. Andrik would be better served to take his GoFund Me money and enter a hospice program where I promise him he will receive compassionate care and help coming to terms with death that the RCS can’t or won’t offer him.
I am old enough and have been around long enough to watch many friends, most of them OTs die, many of cancer. I watched them struggle with how to manage it. Some chose alternative treatment which almost guarantees bankruptcy and early death. Some (like Jane) chose conventional treatment and live longer (or not depending on the stage at the time of treatment). Some chose to handle cancer only with Scientology; again bankruptcy and early death. Of course a few miraculously recover; that happens in the real world too.
I don’t think Scientologists have higher rates of cancer than the general population. But I do think the
way Scientologists deal with cancer is very unhealthy. First, no one talks about it. It is bad PR. Or getting cancer means you are PTS, or a DB, or you have second dynamic overts, or you didn’t audit yourself well enough on OT VII, or any number of self-invalidating ideas. Actually, getting cancer is partly genetic, partly environmental, partly age-related, partly luck of the draw and an unavoidable aspect of human existence. It can happen to anyone regardless of age, economic (or IAS) status, race, gender, etc.
Then there is the possibility that your spouse might divorce you if you have cancer. Oh yes that HAPPENS. More often than you would think. Then there is the matter of cost of treatment (almost as expensive as the cost of auditing). Cancer treatment has come a long, long way. Survival rates are very high for some types of cancer and cures are possible with other types. But you need money or insurance and usually both to treat cancer medically. If, that is, the RCS has not turned the person completely against conventional cancer therapy. Because there is that enormous fixed idea that bars treatment for some Scientologists and leads them to put unjustified faith in alternative treatment.
Alternative cancer treatment can be an important adjuvant to conventional cancer treatment. But the field is laden with quackery and false claims and the costs are nearly as high as conventional treatment.
My point, if I can get off my soap box, is that people like Andrik, and Dennis Clark and Jane Allen. and so many others both living and dead, have stories and those stories reveal a lot about how their church helped them (or didn’t help them) deal with their cancer and how the fixed ideas engendered by the RCS may have caused untimely death and suffering. Every OT the gets cancer or dies of cancer is a direct contradiction to the claims of and the beliefs encouraged by the RCS. Scientologists with cancer are about as bad as bitter apostates on the fringes of the internet in making the faithful doubt the efficacy of Scientology and the intentions of its leader. So it is no wonder that the RCS wants them to go away and die quietly.
Andrik, I wish you and Cristina the best. Enjoy each day that you have left of this precious life. What you are going through we will all go through at some point as we come to grips with our mortality. It is what unites us as compassionate beings.
SciebotBill says
Yes, I have known Scn people like that. You left out a salient point. Cognitive dissonance causes 24/7 stress. That IMO increases risk of illness. I have long observed the disgusting manner dedicated members and staff have been treated. How about Yvonne Jentzch. You talk about compassion.
I noticed the word does not exist in Scientology, is not in the Tone Scale and was never uttered by the founder, supreme tech creator.
If you think you have Scientology friends, think again. They will drop you like a hot potato if you are declared or become a burden or Entheta.
It is a truly toxic tech and organization.
Delilah says
danilemberger says
Yes, this is worse than pathetic, it’s sickening.
Andrik was in Israel a few years ago, they pushed Tami and me in a room with him and he tried to heist us for a few thousands of dollars. We resisted, had been refusing to donate for years. He was totally a puppet at their service. Now they discard him like a broken toy.
But dear Cristina, his wife, is also misleading the readers of her “gofundme” post. She describes him as some great humanitarian and hides what he’s been really doing. Not once is Scientology mentioned in waht she writes or the video clip!
When you’re wounded in war for the government they at least send you to a veteran’s hospital and give you a pension. Here, they hide you and you have to continue lying for someone to pity you.
Honestly, disgusting, beyond belief.
Pepper says
Dani, you made me think of Jeff Pomerantz. Years ago, he came to the home we were renting with three children under the age of six, for the purpose of IAS regging.
Jeff told us a story about a Scientologist who works and gives all of his money to the IAS because it is such a worthy cause and that people should “sacrifice”. He went on to say that this particular man even lives above a garage instead of in a house or apartment. He was holding this man up as an example of how other Scientologists should be living.
It seemed that he was implying that we should be doing the same, or that we shouldn’t be renting a house to live in when that money could be going to the IAS, so I asked him if that is what he thought we should be doing. He told me that others do it, and that they are very happy to do so.
I wondered to myself if he was living above a garage because he was giving all of his hard-earned money to the IAS. Soon I found out that as an IAS reg, he makes commission. I also learned that Jeff travels all over the word collecting IAS donations. Later than that, I found out that Jeff lives in a nice house up in the Hollywood Hills. Guess he’s not living above a garage.
c says
When the Times article came out in ’91, Sterling Mgmt Systems thought it was a Scn Org because they flowed doctors onto the Bridge. Sterling had so many refunds they were very badly insolvent when that Times article linked Sterling Mgmt to Scn. So staff was told to give up their pay, that Sterling could not pay them, but to still continue working there for no money in order to help Sterling out of the mess.
David Aldridge at that time told me he had second mortgaged his house so as to live on the money and thus help out Sterling Mgmt because “Sterling is clearing the planet,” and he suggested I second mortgage my house and live on those funds as no more salary was coming from Sterling even though we were expected to continue working for no money. Yet Barbara and Kevin Wilson, owners of Sterling at the time, never mortgaged their house and continued to drive BMW’s, wear $1,000 suits, send their kids to private school and live in La Canada, an expensive part of LA. So the idea of telling others to live above a garage when making money off them and living the good life, that is unconscionable. Barb and Kevin knew that David Aldridge and others had second mortgaged their houses for that company and yet they themselves made no sacrifice.
Gerhard Waterkamp says
Pepper, you can see Jeff Pomerantz driving around in LA in a Maserati, (price point: 6 figures), he is not living in a Garage. He profits from the misery he recommends to others like no other.
Joe Pendleton says
Thanks for info Dani. Frankly, all those things his wife lists as reasons why he should be helped to keep living are reasons from my point of view, why he should NOT be kept around. I don’t WANT him doing those things anymore. He would just be helping to destroy more lives. Sorry, no money for YOU, Andrik (no soup either, not even lobster bisque or jambalaya).
Gary says
Roger Hornaday says
Mr. Schapers’ profile describes him as a crusader for human rights but doesn’t mention one of the greatest human rights crusaders in the world, one he has been affiliated with for many years: the church of scientology. No mention of scientology at all. Maybe they don’t see anything funny that their church can’t be expected to help them but they obviously do know the word, “scientology” is poison to their efforts.
gorillavee says
What, Duggan couldn’t spare a few bottles of his cancer drugs?
Sara Goldberg says
Barbara Ayash is another Freedom Medal winner. I knew her well in the 80’s. She was a wonderful, caring lady who really did work to help others. She now has dementia or Alzheimer’s. Her daughter, Ginger Sugarman, helps take care of her. Ginger could tell the whole story but the church deserted Barbara as well, after many years of dedicating her life to The Way To Happiness.
John Locke says
That sucks Sara. Barbara was a VERY nice person. Always had a smile to cheer ya up.
Ginger Sugerman says
John Locke, Thank you for the wonderful comment regarding my mom. I’m in the midst of gathering information for her story. It would be great if you could send me a small write up on anything you can offer to it. My Email is [email protected]. The two “00” in the email address are numeric not letters. 🙂
Ginger Sugerman says
Sara Goldberg, Thank you for the wonderful comment regarding my mom. Your a wonderful women yourself ! I’m in the midst of gathering information for her story. It would be great if you could send me a small write up what years you two were together and what went on. My Email is [email protected]. The two “00” in the email address are numeric not letters. 🙂 Love to you my dear !
Doug Owen says
After several of my OT friends died of cancer, I started keeping a tally. Too small a sample to be scientifically valid, but it appears that people at the top of the Bridge are getting cancer at several times the rate of the non-Scientologists I know.
gorillavee says
What COULD skew the appearance* is the general distaste many Scn-ists have for conventional treatments, or for that matter, for simple plain routine health check-ups. So it’s entirely possible that the rate for getting cancer is no different among Scn-ists than it is for the general population. But among Scn-ists, there is a greater possibility that the cancer will advance much longer before it is discovered. And of course, SO members are probably even less likely to go to an MD as soon as the slightest thing seems wrong.
*I refrain from saying “numbers” – as you say, it is a small sample and non-scientific, as is my reply, ergo the “could”. I’m basing it on anecdotal evidence – some Scn-ists I know/knew were firm believers in non-conventional treatments. Very likely a much higher percentage having that viewpoint than the non-Scn-ists I know. So I can see how someone might not be feeling well, and decide to take vitamins, stop eating carb’s, or even suspecting cancer, go on an apricot kernel regimen. Then, 12 months later, when things are not getting better, they go to an MD, who is now up against a much greater challenge than had the patient come 12 months earlier.
jrfool says
Yes, cancer is prevalent. Per the American Cancer Society some years back, they posted that 1/3 of humans die of cancer. In the USA and other countries with advanced medicine the death rate is only 1/6, due to early detection and treatment. You wait you lose.
My prostrate cancer of 8 years has remained static. I believe due to my occasional auditing for outside influences, good diet and exercise. The only nutrient my ‘body’ asked for was lots of vitamin C.
windhorsegallery says
Doug — it appears to be the case; however, having been OUT of scientology now for many many years and having several very differing types of communities that I am part of — cancer is VERY prevalent all over. Almost everyone I know has someone in their life who has or had cancer.
What DOES happen however, is that Scientologists at the TOP of the Bridge or even lower on the bridge DIE more frequently than others.
WHY? Because they don’t get treated. OR they don’t get treated until almost the bitter end.
OR they are “ashamed” of their illness and don’t then surround themselves with family and community.
So — in my experience it is not the CANCER statistic per se but the mortality, because of cancer.
Scientology ONLY WORKS IF
1) You are perfect
2) If you have never sinned
3) If you have tons of money
4) If you never have a thought
5) If somehow you were born without parents and therefore couldn’t possibly have anyone in your life who MIGHT be against scientology
I am continuously saddened by the never ending BS that comes from not just those still in the church but from those who have chosen to believe the works on LRH WHOLE CLOTH …
Good grief — don’t get me started 🙂
Gail Paige says
IMHO – I’ve always thought it was because they have been under extreme stress and pressure for years getting up to the top of the bridge, they haven’t had any preventative medical tests and when they do feel physically bad, they go to auditing to handle it – or just don’t say anything about it hoping it will go away. The people at the top of the Bridge also tend to be older Scientologists.
John Locke says
Gail, most are boomers. I controlled for that, so age isn’t the issue. Based on just the stats we cannot know the “why”. It could be constant introversion. Not seeing doctors when needed. Financial stress. Stress of being around MAA’s & reges who pound you constantly. We just can’t know from the little data at hand. We CAN say that being on 7 WITH the CoS means that you will die of cancer at a rate ~4 times the rest of the US population.
statpush says
I think another factor is – being a Scnist and getting sick is EXPENSIVE. Especially for OTs. It almost always results in a Review cycle and an unexpected bill for $5-9000. Exactly what you need when you are under the weather.
Most of my friends I had while I was in were wise to do this and would periodically go out of comm with everyone, because they were ill and did not want to get reported to the MAA.
John Locke says
Doug, Deaths by cancer in the US per 100,000 is ~168. For those on OT 7 or above that I know about by internet tally, if there are ~7000 OTs as a base number is 528 per 100,000. Per the science of statistics these numbers ARE a representative sample rate. So, almost 4 times MORE likely to die of cancer than the general US population.
Of course that doesn’t tell us WHY. Just that if you belong to THAT group, that is your rate of death by cancer.
Brian says
Just a theory:
The BT OT therapy introverts a person into the body. The solo auditor sees the body as a mass of suffering beings. Hundreds if not thousands.
It’s possible that the constant visualization of suffering beings and always looking for pain in the body is in fact setting up cellular distortion.
The mind body connection is now more than ever being seen as truth
If OTs are getting cancer more than normal then it is reasonable to deduce that it’s the OT levels themselves causing it.
Kemist says
The stat you’ve got is a yearly death rate, that is, within one year, the proportion of people who die from cancer in the US.
You have to be careful about what you’re comparing to it. Does the extrapolated figure you have cumulates all the people you know who have died from cancer ? If so, it cannot be compared directly to a yearly rate, unless you transform that rate into the probability of cancer death within the amount of time you’ve been counting your deaths in (there’s a nice formula in epidemiology to do that).
One other caveat you have to be aware of is the demographics of the groups you’re comparing. If you’re comparing a baby-boomer aged group to the general US population, you’re bound to find a higher cancer death rate in your group.
It’s quite complicated to establish, on strong grounds, that something in particular is the cause of a difference in cancer rates. For instance, it took 20 years to wrap up the study that linked smoking to cancer. The reason for this is that our lives are quite a bit more complicated than that of lab animals. We have a myriad different dependant and independent behaviours and environmental factors which might hide behind a likely cause, and as many as possible have to be accounted for to determine a link of causality.
Robin says
Perhaps the real energy of “being OT” is in disharmony with healthy energy. It seems unlikely that dealing with alien body invaders is a happy way to spend several hours a day … especially if you (like me) believe you have to mock them up before you can get rid of them. That kind of thing can play havoc with your stress level, which (in turns) plays havoc with your health. But of course no one inside the bubble can see the pure joy of creative free and positive energy instead. I feel sorry for them.
Pepper says
Bravo Robin.
Old Surfer Dude says
Doug, I’ve noticed that for quite some time now. Gosh, didn’t Hubbard say processing can cure cancer?
Ann B Watson says
Hi OSD, I used to listen to tons of LRH big reel to reel tapes way after I was off post @’Asho F on Temple St ( Temple Of Slavery) He absolutely did say that,somewhere,just can’t recall which tape.As a wide eyed Kool Aid guzzling 22 just yr old I never in a billion years thought I would refute that quote for all time.Do we all know better! Love You Always Ann B.
Old Surfer Dude says
Ann B, I was sucking up the Kool-Ade right there with you. I wanted so very bad for everything to be true. As Lawrence Wright coined it so aptly, “The Prison of Belief.” They use their members minds to trap them.
SRL says
I was in SCN for 30 years, out now for 3. I don’t know, but I wonder if DM didn’t put in that 6 month sec check, and if he had just left the tech uncorrupted, perhaps there wouldn’t be all of these tragedies. I am aware of many wins from the tech in the indie field. Perhaps?
FOTF2012 says
Yes, Hubbard wrote (in Dianetics):
“At the present time dianetic research is scheduled to include cancer and diabetes. There
are a number of reasons to suppose that these may be engramic in cause, particularly malignant
cancer. This is remarked so that attention may be given to the possibility; no tests of any kind
have been made on cancer or diabetic patients, and the thought is purely theory and is not to be
taken as any kind of an avowal about a cancer cure. Those diseases which were catalogued
above, however, have been thoroughly tested and have uniformly yielded to dianetic therapy.”
Cancer also got tied by Hubbard to problems on the 2nd Dynamic (sex and family with creativity added later). What’s the connection? The 2nd Dynamic has to do with reproduction, and cancer cells are reproduction (of cells) run amok. That vague argument from analogy, unproven and not backed by any real known research, is just Hubbard being on his game.
Also, Hubbard claimed that lung cancer was associated with not smoking enough! So I hope Andrik did not fall for that and get lung cancer. Whatever he has, I wish him the best.
What Scientology is stooping to is vile. If they cared about their own staff and SO they would provide health, dental, and vision plans, and schedule regular check ups. Their $2 billion or so should be enough to pay for that, especially given that the membership keeps dwindling!
But here again, Scientology is hampered by Hubbard. Why see a doctor or dentist when it is all engrammatic and psychosomatic? Why quit smoking when wog wisdom says smoking is bad, contrary to the Great OT saying it is good for you?
Back a while, Emerson said this: “An institution is the lengthened shadow of one person. (Ralph Waldo Emerson,” “Self-Reliance,” 1841)
In far-too many ways, Scientology proves itself to be the _shortened_ shadow of an aberrated (I use the term deliberately) founder and bricoleur.
Doug Owen says
That’s a valid point about not getting conventional treatment, but my tally is on diagnosis, not death. Someone (I forget who) had an interesting theory that ‘BTs’ were actually the awareness of individual cells, that auditing them out caused those cells to stop functioning and the toxins released by this were the cause of various health problems such as cancer.
Potpie says
What does being OT or at the “top of the bridge” have to do with a persons death? We all know life and livingness is what it is Scientology or no Scientology. Some post on here and other blogs that they do not believe in the OT levels or the “top of the bridge”…..others do. But when folks talk of the death or illness of a person and then mention the sick/dead person was OT this or that or at the “top of the bridge” in the same comment, what are they referring to? I mean even John Locke is giving stats on OT 7’s dying of cancer compared to non Scientology cancer deaths. I don’t get from reading his posts that he thinks the OT levels are real.
Are the people who did the “top of the bridge”, OT levels, and had wins and gained abilities dying of cancer?
Or are only the ones that didn’t have wins or gain an ability dying of cancer?
Or are the OT levels such a scam it drives people to illness and death?
Why link cancer or any other serious illness resulting in death to the “top of the bridge” or an OT level?
I know of scientologists that were not at the “top of the bridge”, not OT that were run over by cars on their motor bikes,
dropped dead of a heart attack at an early age, dropped dead from a stroke at an early age, died of old age on and on. And in some of those cases I heard mention that if only they made it to the OT levels all would have been well. Yet now when someone at the “top of the bridge” is ill, crazy or dying of cancer there is always a mention of their OT level or being at the “top of the bridge”. Once again….what are you referring to? What does OT have to do with illness and death? Remember on OTIII about the free fall and pneumonia? How often has that happened?
John Locke says
Potpie. I am referring to STATISTICS. Here is a link to get you started on that area of science. It is best if you have finished up Algebra 2 level of study.
Unlike what you have alluded to in your post, it has nothing to do with belief systems. This is math & science.
Gary says
Kemist says
OTs are supposed to be immune to disease, physical or mental, according to Hubbard. It is therefore normal that people remark about sick people who are OT. It’s a bit as if a god suddenly died. Of course people are going to comment about the fact that someone who is supposedly immortal died.
However, I’m not quite convinced there is a higher rate of cancer amongst OTs than amongst the general population. I would need actual numbers to make any conclusion about that. The size of the sample, number of cases, and the amount of time in which they are tallied are all necessary to apply the proper statistical tests to demonstrate that one group has significantly higher incidence than another.
statpush says
Further proof that Scientology exists solely for the preservation of the institution of Scientology, NOT for the individual. All of the philosophical tongue wagging Hubbard did about compassion or helping his fellow man is merely lip service designed to lure new recruits or garner goodwill PR.
While it may be true that man is born alone and dies alone, I like to think that humans possess the compassion and empathy to do everything in their power to defy the inevitable…or at least try. Clearly homo novi has transcended these urges.
A while back, Karen Black, another staunch supporter, went the same route, soliciting donations on the internet to fund their battle with cancer.
Very sad.
windhorsegallery says
And one more Two Cents comment:
The longer Andrik lives the greater chance he has of LEAVING scientology. Gradually perhaps at first and then eventually fully.
HAD I died years ago — I would have died AS a scientologist. Deluded. My family and I could never have had these years we’ve had to heal and discuss and chew on all the changes in my life. (They were never “sold” by all my years of proselytizing)
yvonneschick says
Windhorse, as always you are most gracious and generous in your comments. Yes, my first hope is for Andrik’s survival and his opportunity to see the truth.
I recently heard of the passing of a (disconnected) friend in Clearwater. My first thought was that free of the diseased body and identity and entanglement of relationships, that he could see the truth and depart free of the cofs. Not sure it can work that way, but my hope for him anyway. He was a good man with a good heart caught in the prison of belief, as I think is Andrik.
Doug Parent says
That wasn’t Ray Barton by any chance was it?
NOLAGirl says
And….there you have it. If you’re still sitting on the fence, I cannot imagine what more you need.
Forget for a moment whether or not Scientology helps others, here is proof that they don’t help their own! This isn’t just some random guy taking a course at an org somewhere. I shouldn’t have to explain this to you. You’ve seen his face before.
If this “shining example of Scientology” has to resort to internet fundraising, what will happen when you need this group of “humanitarians” to help you?
cindy says
Another “one of their own” that was not helped was Melanie Murray. She worked with LRH personally as a Commodores Messenger on the Ship, she helped compile some of the NOTS things, and then she was later SO at Flag as a Class VIII and IX auditor, served most of her adult life. She had an internet thing asking for money for her ex SO CS husband who had had a stroke or something. So here is one of the “most valuable beings on the planet” per LRH (an auditor) who did a lot in the SO and helped Ron personally, contributed to NOTS tech, and when she needed help the church was not there for her. I can just imagine their answer to her CSW asking for doctors or money to pay doctors. It would say, “CSW not approved. What have you done for me lately.”
NOLAGirl says
This is why.
I am so sorry that she went through that Cindy. Even one life thrown away is too many. I promise to not stop bugging people to do something about it until the whole damn thing comes down.
David Miscavige. Karma is coming for you.
windhorsegallery says
Mike — in the list of “gone” Freedom Medal Winners, you omitted one of the VERY first ones — Debbie Mace who is now “married” to one of the wives of Khashoggi, at one time one of the world’s biggest arms dealer. She lived in the Penthouse of the Fort Harrison for at least a year if not more with her son. Khashoggi AND his armed guards came to visit her, more than once.
As for Andrik — it’s very sad. In reading the entire gofundme “ask” – Andrik has done apparently all the conventional cancer treatments. At one point he went into remission or was deemed “cured” and now the cancer is back. Cancer is pretty tricky. No guarantees regardless of treatments.
One of the early Flag World Tour regges Al Bornstein – who later transitioned (and duh obviously left scientology) became FAMOUS (Kate Bornstein) in the gay/lesbian trans community as he/she advocated for gay rights etc … had a gofundme page and raised lots of money and is now … cancer free. At least for now. I gave to her ask.
Karen Black also had a gofundme ask. Many gave but Karen died in spite of the treatments she received.
There are no guarantees with treatment. I gave to her ask.
As for Andrik — I knew the guy “way back when” and as you said Mike – he was a decent man. Perhaps terribly misguided but oh well. Weren’t we all at one time?
I’m going to give something.
Why wouldn’t I? I don’t believe in the BS PTS credo. I don’t believe in the anti-doctor credo. I don’t believe in “we are the smart ones who got away and therefore immune from the suffering of old age, and sickness” …
Yes — indeed it’s pathetic that the IAS etc doesn’t DO SOMETHING to help Andrik but we weren’t born yesterday — it NEVER HAS and NEVER WILL.
Therefore — IMHO it is incumbent on those who knew/know him to help.
He is a prisoner just like all of us were, once.
The truth of the matter is none of us are immune from dying. That’s pretty DUH but until you are smack up against the grime reaper – we always think it’s gonna happen to someone else 🙂
Robin says
Your compassion is wonderful. IMO, a lovely post.
Old Surfer Dude says
+1. Outstanding post, Windhorse! Bravo! I so love your humanity!
Ann B Watson says
Hi Windhorse, It is very sad but you said it beautifully with your post. XO Ann B.
JL (Jenny-Lee) de Becker says
Agree totally, good post. David Miscavige for all his delusions of grandeur and godlike status will NEVER save him from the same fate we all share. He will ultimately die one day. However, before that day arrives it would be rather nice to see him spend a long, sickly, terrified time in jail.
cindy says
Great post, Windhorse. When you give to Andrik I hope you add a note that you are OUT of Scn and are a Special Person (if you are– I don’t know if you’ve been declared or not). But I think he should know that the people stepping up to help him are not the KA drinkers, but are the ones who got out. Maybe that will make him stop and think and look. I sure hope so. I knew Andrik in the Battle of Portland. He met his former wife there at that event, Gloria Neumeyer, who left the church and has spoken out against them.
And did I read you right that Debbie Mace is married sort of to a woman, an infamous one at that?
TooDangerous says
I remember when Debbie left Carol Kingsley, moved out of the house they had recently bought together in CW and moved in with the woman Christine mentions above. Carol and Debbie were always clearly lesbians, although is was hard to believe since they were such upstanding members of the scientology community. They were not ‘out’ – they were actively trying to supress their homosexuality for years. Sounds like Debbie is finally being true to herself, but Carol still isn’t.
Both of Debbie and Carol have done so much harm and damage to children and families in the name of Scientology. Oh the stories I could tell.
windhorsegallery says
Sorry to disappoint you Cindy but I made no comment about having left the church and how long ago. I’m not declared but not allowed on Flag or the Ship premises … (am allowed in Missions) too long a story for here.
Prior to Mike’s post they had raised 11K and I’m guessing mostly KA drinkers. Read the comments – you can tell many of them are still in.
Like ANY GROUP — not ALL KA drinkers are horrible people. Nor are all Indies who currently audit or the more extreme indies who hate all of us who no longer bow down at the feet of LRH.
I have chosen to never have a conversation with anyone who is currently deeply involved ABOUT LRH or scientology or dm. It’s pointless.
I’m never going to change their mind.
I’ve said it almost endlessly here on this blog and elsewhere — NONE of us left due to someone telling us about the horrors …
We left when our own world WITHIN scientology became too untenable for us.
We all stay in our situations no matter how bad — work, marriage, friendships, relationships, church, scientology etc etc because AT THAT TIME it is WORKING on some level for us.
We leave when NOTHING works for us anymore.
Anyway — I’m hoping that Andrik survives this AND for himself is able to leave.
The latter is doubtful but I don’t begrudge him my donation.
(one of the people on Going Clear fired me … it took me quite awhile not to just have my stomach roll over when I would see this person in the movie … commenting on the blogs etc., — I finally was able to let it go — he/she was doing the best he/she knew how at the time … )
I believe we need to be more mindful at NOT becoming “like” our enemies … it’s not hard to do … the more we focus on the BAD in someone and why we are justified in not liking OR hating them … the more we become LIKE that enemy …
Lawrence says
It is going to happen to me one day too Windhorse (my death that is). But, there are theories about that cancer is diet-nutrition related. A theory I support. BUT…….Windhorse, WHO is to say, WHO is to prove that Andrik’s so called NEW “funded treatment” will cure his cancer? Couldn’t that be just another money sucking game like RCS? 🙂 What preventative measures can a person take to PREVENT cancer right from the start of life? It would be nice of other people in the church were able to see things that way. Even LRH wrote in 1950 in DMSMH that Preventative Dianetics is worth more in the long run than to audit everyone for “everything”. I whole heartedly agree. Perhaps Andrik might benefit from that knowledge, perhaps. Hard to believe an OT VIII could miss out on that fact but yet find the time and money to disconnect from an SP like my self? I hope he gets better. If not for him but to show others the truth is out there somewhere, some people no matter how “OT” have still yet to find it. 🙂
The Oracle says
Laura Biancolini was more than “one of the wives of Khashoggi”. What if someone referred to you as “one of the wives of (your X)?
Her name is Laura Biancolini. She was literally sold to / married off to Khashoggi when she was just a teenager. Rumored to be 17 years old at the time, but younger.
Yes, she stayed at the F.H. for security reasons. She was prisoner there for a lot longer than a year. And while she was there, she was HUGELY kind, considerate, generous, polite and humble towards everybody she met.
She has up to this day, worked for charity causes for disadvantaged children and used her celebrity and wealth to promote causes benefiting children. She has changed her first name to Lamia, and her charity works for children are available under the name Lamia Khashoggi .
The Oracle says
I also can not find any evidence anywhere that she has ever remarried anyone.
Chee Chalker says
Interesting photo of Debbie Mace making sure Lamia doesn’t get away!
The Oracle says
Well, only Windhorse can come out here on the Internet, fairgame someone and drag them through the dirt as the pussy police, and get applause at the other end as a humanitarian. I mean,that is an art.
Delilah says
Although Windhorse’s kindness and generosity are exemplary and highly laudable, I really wonder if someone who’s been pickled in Kool Aid for as long as the poor man in the story can/will accept donations from people who are or are likely to be declared?
I realize that this an odd question, but I’m not sure…perhaps accepting SP’s $ is just another form of “bleeding the beast?”
Long Fall Blowdown says
For all of its lofty prose about exchange and quips about outflow, Scientology is a selfish, uncaring and ungiving psychotic group. It will suck you dry and spit you out faster than a fart in a hurricane.
Doug Parent says
“Must be contributed to” If not all out criminals, it would still be accurate to refer to them as shysters. (a person who is professionally unscrupulous) The Church of Scientology has committed so many unethical and despicable acts of deceit fraud, etc, it would be most appropriate if they had a “black box warning label”. Maybe a webpage will appear one day like that.
Maureen says
This story reminds me of another thing I’ve seen happen. I know of 2 patrons of the IAS who were listed as such in the IAS magazines. After they died (many years ago), and while still being faithful cult members at the time of their death, their names were removed from all subsequent IAS magazine publications list of patrons. It made no sense to me and I thought it was very disrespectful to the 2 contributors. Does anybody know why they would do such a thing?
Newcomer says
That is who they are Maureen. They do it because that is what they believe is the correct way to handle things. That is also why they are dangerous.
KNOW THEM FOR WHO THEY ARE. Expect this type of behavior from the adherents of $cientology. Walk softly …………… carry a big stick……………….know when to use it. They are actually harmless once spotted!
The stick is to deliver a wake up call as needed!
Old Surfer Dude says
The entire organization is psychotic. Brutality is ALWAYS the order of the day. Someone dies? Fuck ’em! They must not have really been OT. Or, they died of the own overts. Or, or or…..
Once again, if this cult was a country is would be North Korea.
Maureen says
Newcomer, I do totally expect this behavior but it is still unfathomable to me. An OT8 and very active FMS friend of mine got MS several years ago. I found an assisted living facility a few blocks from my home for her to live in, since she was completely unable to take care of herself, lost most of her cognitive abilities, and was actually unable to speak anymore. There were some FSO sea org members living in this ALF as permanent residents. After 1 day of my friend living there, the ALF administrator called me in for a meeting in his office. He told me there was a problem because when FSO found out that my friend was now living there, they gave him this choice: Either my friend moves out of the ALF or they were going to remove ALL the SO members who lived there. There were at least 10 of them living there at the time. He wasn’t asking me to remove my friend, but he was giving me the info to see if I’d help him solve this problem.
I called up the contact person at FSO and was told the reason for this was that SO and public could not live in the same place. I begged and cried for them to see the illogic in this because the SO were living with at least 50 other residents who were NOT sea org. They were adament about it and said my friend could stay there, but then they would remove all the SO from this place. This was friggin nuts. Here was my OT8 friend, unable to speak or do anything at all for herself, and she couldn’t be in the same place with these SO members. Some SO there had dementia and were in diapers, but they could have nothing to do with my OT8 friend who spent most of her career as an FSM getting people to pour in money and arrive for services at the friggin FSO?????? What kind of ‘church’ does that???????
I decided at that moment that these people were so disgusting that I was totally done with them all. I took my friend out of that place and found another nice place for her to live. But that experience was the complete end of my participation with that disgusting cult of scientology/SO people with no feelings of compassion whatsoever.
Pepper says
Maureen, your story is just unbelievable. I cannot wrap my head around it. FSO must be paying decent money to that ALF to keep their SO members there, which is hard to believe. They are probably getting Medicare, even though I cannot imagine how much Medicare benefit one would have after being in the SO most of their life. Medicaid picks up the rest.
I am thinking that perhaps there is a long-term plan between the ALF and FSO to turn that facility into an exclusive one for the elderly SO who are physically unable to carry out their own activities of daily living. There are a number of them now, and it would look horrible for Flag to have their senior staffers alone, homeless, and penniless. Imagine the stories that would come out in the media about discarded, helpless seniors out in the streets.
The other possibility is that FSO doesn’t want public going in to the ALF and seeing a decrepit SO staffer while visiting their own public family member. The church is a little weird about their staff getting sick, dying, or getting dementia and ending up in diapers. They prefer to keep this news quiet. It’s either not theta, or they consider that it doesn’t shed a good light on the super powers that Scientology is supposed to give a person. Sea Org members are OT’s and are keeping Ethics in on the planet. They aren’t supposed to end up like that. The church acts like they need to be hidden away and are not to be seen.
Your friend is lucky to have you 🙂
McCarran says
Pepper. I’d be willing to bet the SO members in ALF are being funded by Medicade/Medicare.
statpush says
Unreal Maureen. I’m really running out of words to describe the actions of the “church.” Just when you think you hit rock bottom something like this appears. Beginning to think this hole ain’t got no bottom.
statpush says
You’re dead = they are done with you
Pepper says
Not only when you die are they done with you, (finally!) they are done with you the moment that you can’t write them a check, and are completely broke, bankrupt, and destitute.
No money = not interested. Responsible for your own condition. Didn’t apply Scientology or the Conditions properly. Can’t make it go right. PTS.
My personal favorite: Scientology is for the Able.
cindy says
Yeah but they’re not done with your heirs when you die!
statpush says
True Pepper.
I would add (in the order of importance):
1) Money
2) Time
3) Children
Only once they’ve exhausted 1,2 and 3 are they truly done with you.
Pepper says
Exactly. You covered all the bases statpush.
If you have no money, then you’re good to go for slave labor and give all of your time/energy.
If for some reason you can’t join the Sea Org or Staff, yet have children, then you can offer them up on a silver platter for the Sea Organization.
They’ll find some way to make use of your existence. Unless you’re dead that is.
The Oracle says
Maureen this is just anti social behavior in the extreme to kick a sick person out of hospice because “Sea Org”can’t mingle with public. Miscavige invested big time for Tom cruise and his posse to bunker down at the Int base. David Brunoehler, OTVll, Patron, Hani Li’s Father, (The girl that sings at the events and fundraisers) has been stuffed in hospice care out in San Fransisco after he developed a debilitating disease while on OTll. He was put all the way across country and separated from his friends, church and family.
Thetan Place says
OMG, that’s so sad about David. I knew him well in the 80s in NYC when he was in an all-Scientologist improv group. He claimed to me then that Scientology cured him of being gay, and I’d use that as my “I know this guy….” story. Very talented, funny and sweet guy.
Yossi says
Thetan Place! It’s very much a surprise to hear about David. I knew him back in San Francisco, my first steps in Scientology in the mission. Great entertainer, funny, girls loved him. Our roads crossed again in NYC were we hanged out a lot. He was married to Nina Winters and I stayed over their penthouse many times. I got the same story of being “cured”. I also attended many of the improv. shows with Jim Meskimen and other members. Last I heard was David living with his boyfriend in Saint Pets. I did not know about the hospice in San Francisco. How sad. What a talent! Maybe we know each other from New York. You are welcome to send me a private message and will be happy to respond. Take care.
Idle Morgue says
Good find Mike Rinder and thank you for posting this.
This information will seep through the cracks of the bubble of the lurkers and OSA Bots. TRUTH about What Scientology Is – a useless organization that extracts money and free labor from its members and then discards them without sorrow.
It is undeniable that Scientology Organization will throw you under the bus as soon as you get sick and are of no use to them or as soon as “you know”.
You better leave lurkers – whose next to get sick and be thrown under the Sciento-illogical bus?
OSA – you go ahead and stay in Scientology. At this point – you most likely deserve it.
Newcomer says
I agree IM. Let the perps suffer the same condition that they create. You know that each and every member of that cult will end up in the same sorry place.
And when they no longer can produce (better say fleece or screw) they too will become road kill under the bus of $cientology. Have a nice trip losers!
Old Surfer Dude says
You know, Coop, just when I thought DAVID “LET HIM DIE” MISCAVIGE couldn’t get any slimier, this story pops up. Seriously, there is NOTHING redeeming about this cult that is run by a psychotic dwarf. NOTHING. It’s a real life horror show. Their final product is tortured and abused people.
Aquamarine says
Well said, Newcomer. “Road kill”. That says it.
The Sheeple will undoubtedly explain it by saying that Andrik went “out ethics” which made him PTS, and so he became ill. “He’s responsible for his own condition”.
Newsflash, Sheeple: YOU are out-ethics shilling for and being fleeced by the Church of Scientology, and just as PTS as this unfortunate man is, if not more so.
Idle Morgue says
and what did ole L Con Tubbs say about that Aquamarine…?
He said “what is done to others is okay, excusable, deserved it”
but what is done to Scientology Organization (AKA David Miscavige’s game of making lots of money w/ o providing anything in exchange) is unforgivable”…
I was oat tea enough to see that while I was still in – and decided to get off the Bridge to no where
Lurkers – come join us.
Get out of Scientology – just leave.
Sanity is out here – insanity is in the cult of Scientology
McCarran says
I do hope he recovers but this is a very sad story, indeed. You would think this Freedom Medal winner who championed IAS’s Cause(s) and someone who I imagine raised millions for the IAS, would be given the help he needs/wants from this same organization. Yet another example of the same compassion I felt from this group.
I wagger to bet that his Go Fund Me ad comes down, however. Same as Washburn Academy request for votes to win a grant. Once these things become made known on a blog or FB, OSA (David Miscavige) makes sure it comes down.
CobGatYour$$ says
What’s super interesting is family have who is in 40+ years public, went to Hungary for these bullshit waters, and is doing some of the most whacked out treatments I have ever heard of. I went to the go fund me page, and at least many of his fellow koolaide injectors are donating to him. I read many comments and lots of ARCS signed donations. He has raised 25000 U.S. and it’s sad because he’s probably throwing it at some “scion approved therapy,” which most probably means it’s useless. But it’s nice to see the crazies he hung with, at least helping him out!
Bob Dobbs says
CobGat, your comment is uncharitable in the extreme. And if you want to talk about “bullshit” therapies, try looking at the real efficacy of chemo and radiation. It works for some, and blessings upon them, but many are ripped off and tortured with little to no good result. “Alternative” treatments, if so barbaric and ineffective, would be made immediately illegal. The truth is that there are scores of benign yet effective cancer treatments, many suppressed by governments, and called “quackery” by medical-industrial-complex thugs.
SunnyV says
Sorry Bob, you’re very wrong. “Alternative Therapies” would not be illegal if barbaric or ineffective. There are TONS of terrible, completely ineffective practices that conmen use to take advantage of desperately ill cancer patients. Ever hear of psychic surgeries? At BEST these treatments are benign but even then the same money is being spent on total BS that could be better spent on either better actual scientifically valid treatments or put towards increased quality of life for someone who is dying. (Trip to Paris, month at a beach house with loved ones, professional in home care, etc…)
There’s a reason this guy must go to Hungary for this super-secret bullshit treatment. Former eastern bloc countries are known to look the other way if something is brining rich westerners into the country. The USA at least makes these “alternative” therapies legally go under other auspices – such as spiritual or supplemental vitamins, herbal remedies. The FDA will swoop down and if they become aware of promised cures or results of a medical nature, hence why they went after the e-meter and it had to become a “religious device” and come with a warning label.. , The FDA has no to little oversight if these quacks are careful with their descriptive language and if they do peddle miracle cures or results are careful not to attract to much attention to their activities.
Obviously radiation and chemo are not 100% effective, but they save millions of lives every year because they do work and their effectiveness has been proven over and over again. I personally have seen the combination of those treatments save the lives of my family members, but it was painful and a terrible treatment to endure but they are alive today because of it. The last I check doctors were very upfront about the effects of standard cancer treatments and the success rates – unlike the quacks who make their money selling false hope and bullshit to desperate families who should not be wasting time or money (of which they usually have very limited amounts of) on totally unproven woo.
Chuck Beatty says
The top IAS “FSMs” who’ve made their piles of cash from commissions as sales-people for the IAS, yes, that would be the appropriate group to hit up for money.
But really not, I think the whole money flow to Scientology organizations or to the IAS is immoral, and people really ought go a whole other path in life away from all of Scientology entities and away from Hubbard’s whole knowledge offering.
Hubbard’s Conditions and Exchange by Dynamics exercise if run as an exercise on today’s various money grabbing entities, would be revealing.
Penny says
My God Chuck, are you advocating using Scientology to improve a condition in life?
Chuck Beatty says
When Scientology fails you, try the internet.
The internet works.
CobGatYour$$ says
Mike I forgot to comment about a very glaring fact about their go fund page. ABSENT IS THE FACT THEY ARE SCIONS! That he was a very nice person?? Regging for IAS, which are funds used to destroy and fair game people while enriching themselves with commisions?! That he was a great humanitarian???? For DM?