Time for some IAS hype about the annual Celebration. It’s slightly dated, but a bit of fun nevertheless.
They spin themselves into such a frenzy all I can think about is the old cartoon of the Tasmanian Devil. This is what the town criers who try to excite the sheeple remind me of…
Everything is SO over the top. It is like an insane tornado of superlatives and absurd descriptions of their minimal accomplishments it is like a parody.
In my 46 years in Scientology, I have never seen a more uplifting and inspiring event. The new ads are indescribable and the Freedom Medal winners are inspirational to the point of my jumping out of the chair and wanting to go straight into action!With all that…my favorite part of the event, and something I would watch over and over, is the closing remarks made by Chairman of the Board. He hit it out of the park! It is truly a message that pierced the “mildness of the social veneer” and sparked the inner fires within me. Thank you so much Sir for that message and I promise to do all I can to carry your message forward.”ML,Doug HoisingtonED Denver Day
Dear friends,
The IAS event is just a few hours away. Come check out our brand new event hall at our new interim building! Location details are below.
This event is incredible! You are in for a journey when you arrive! If you’ve seen even one news snippet over the past year, you’ll know that there is a lot of strife happening on this planet right now. But what you probably DON’T know is exactly what are WE doing about it? I assure you, we are doing A LOT. Find out tonight!
Join us at 5PM tonight at 151 North Ave, Battle Creek, MI 49017.
Please let me know you’re coming by either responding to this email, or calling me at 269-965-5203.
Much love,
Tim Jones
Battle Creek
We are doing so much for the planet! It’s a LOT!
And from the Sea Org shills in PAC:
Now more than ever, it’s time for us to join together to celebrate the incredible third dynamic that we are.
And this weekend is our celebration of the IAS 33rd Anniversary!
We will be rededicating ourselves to the Aims of Scientology, reviewing all that we have accomplished as the IAS in the last year, and acknowledging our newest IAS Freedom Medal Winners.
You’re going to find out how we are uniting with other groups and religions to better man and how we are bringing LRH’s technology and our 4th Dynamic campaigns to villages, towns and cities across the globe.
This event will exceed all your expectations. What we are doing, what we are confronting, and what we are accomplishing as a united group is unparalleled in Man’s history.
This event is for anyone and everyone – you can bring your friends and family and give them a glimpse of who we are.
Enjoy the event!
Much Love,
Tashania Lexton
Event Director PAC
“What we are accomplishing is unparalleled in Man’s history.”
They really believe this. First, they truly believe they ARE accomplishing something which is the first lie. But then to think this is “unparalleled in Man’s history” is just absurd. She was probably raised in the Sea Org and has no education and thinks everything that is “wog” is beneath contempt. The building of the Roman Empire was just some wog MESTy stuff. Ridding the world of polio was just de-PTSing everyone or something… Who knows what they think. Whatever it is, it’s delusional.
And finally, it’s definitely the “Ultimate International Scientology Gathering” — there isn’t going to be another one as there’s nobody left to gather.
I don’t know if there is anyone keeping track of Scientology buildings, but I thought it would mention something more going on in Battle Creek, MI as it was included in the above hype for ISA orgs. The address listed in the email is 151 North Ave. Having lived a few years in BC, it made me curious, so I checked it out. That address is listed as Psychological Consultants of Michigan. Well, that bugged me, so I did a google map search and up pops “Church of Scientology” as the obvious owner of that property which runs that consultant business. What is interesting is that this location is actually called, the “Addiction Recovery Connection” – the parent company is out of VA and a Narconon facility. That means there are now 3 Narconons in BC – A Forever Recovery, formerly called Narconon Stone Hawk [216 St Mary’s Lake Rd],Tranquility Detox [163 North Ave] and PCofM – 151 North Ave. It appears that Forever Recovery is also at 163 North Ave even though it’s still listed as being on St Mary’s Lake Rd. What a convoluted but typically regurgitated mess.
Nana, there are several of us with an interest in tracking Scientology orgs (including missions), their properties, and facilities, though not exactly an organized effort – and unfortunately, without any website as a centralized repository of information.
The Battle Creek org recently moved out of their longstanding location downtown (on East Michigan Avenue, which still shows up on their and Scientology’s websites), to that location further out (on North Avenue, as shows up on their own Facebook page, though not the default one that Facebook creates and which they should have set up to redirect) that shows up as having formerly been used as offices by psychologists, which might lead to some confusion. If the new location is in, or is located adjacent to, Narconon or some related front group, that is news.
Battle Creek has of course long owned the old Hart Hotel and has, typically, long claimed to have imminent plans to turn it into an idea org, that have never come to fruition. And like a couple of other struggling orgs stuck with a property like that which has to be costing them money, they have also from time to time also made claims about at least moving in to and using parts of the old building (presumably to save costs when, like a typical org, they probably can’t pay staff or keep their bathrooms stocked with toilet paper), but have never managed that, either.
Thanx for the info, PeaceMaker. I also ran across several complaints against the facilities in BC – but I am sure it is no different than elsewhere. They sure do like to play musical chairs with their little orgs, probably on purpose to keep a confused trail in their wake of destruction. I am wondering what happened to the huge facility on St Mary’s Lake Rd. That was s 60,000 square ft building with what looks like a lot of acreage shown on the photos. Did they just go belly up and end up at 163 North Ave with Tranquility Detox?
Well…..I have to agree with their one statement:
“What we are accomplishing is unparalleled in Man’s history.””…..
Their rhetoric has certainly drawn so many kind, loving, caring people into the realm of COS under the guise of helping save the world, & what did these same kind, loving, caring people get for it……
they got their financial bones picked clean by a group of vultures who know how to twist one’s arm behind the back & make you feel guilty for NOT helping clear the planet with massive financial donations…..& keeping the family apart so that there will never be a unified family exit from COS……
Hey I just realized, the Tazmanian Devil really strikes a startling resemblance to L’il Dave Miscavige. It’s frightening really.
As a public, I once wrote a success story that was so florid and rapturous that it was later READ at a staff muster and quoted in the next Org Mag. ****** hangs head in shame.
“You are forgiven, my son”. (Or daughter). 🙂
Doug Hoisington is a pretty good guy and very generous. He donated heavily to help Denver get an Org and he followed that up by joining staff as well. Who knows, maybe he really was that inspired by Miscavige’s speech.
Doug was another one who became very ill while auditing on OT 7. I don’t have all the facts but he was hospitalized and I heard it got bad for him and he was not a young man when this happened.
I have no doubt at all in my mind that Doug Hoisington is a decent, nice, upstanding person, and a dear friend to all who know him.
But he publicly kissed the ass of the satanic little thug himself Miscavige. Why would he do that??
I hope to see him one day on the A&E Aftermath program, where he can express the horrific pressures he was under. Because we all know, all of the non-celebrities and non-wealthy whales are systematically suffocated, abused, admonished, milked, and defiled, and in the end are spat out, utterly spent.
This will happen to all scientologists, from Hoisington, to Travolta and Cruise as their celebrity appeal wanes in their elderly years, even in the disgusting thug Miscavige.
Once the scent of weakness hits the nostrils of those more ABLE in scientology, those “more at cause”, the cannibalism and blood-scent will absolutely destroy the formerly adored upper echelon. It’s in LRH’s policy, so it must be true. Get out of the way, and die already, and we’ll see ‘ya in the next life.
Scientology is so inhumane, repulsive, and disgusting to any decent human who has ever lived.
Let’s put an end to it, for all that is good.
Nice guys? Good, helpful women? No doubt these Still Ins are decent and well meaning and interested in helping their fellow man. But they didn’t do their due diligence. Neither did we! So, again, “The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions”. Ancient wisdom.
It would be wrong to conclude that its wrong to help, or to want to help. That’s utterly not true. Just check it out first. Don’t blindly believe anyone or any organization. No one over the age of 12 should be BLINDLY and automatically trusting. As Ronald Reagan famously said, “Trust, but verify”.
The cult certainly has a long history of fraud and lies…and hyperbole…..I stumbled on this batch of 1980 articles from my local paper regarding Gold base….entertaining reading. I wonder if the staff writer got fair gamed…. And I wonder what became of the woman interviewed for the article… I have many favorite quotes from this..lol!
Here ya go if you’re interested..
That was quite the eye-opener! Holy crap! Very informative articles ….
One word for scientology applies now:
So their answer to all of the ‘strife’ in the world is to send Joy Villa to Congress?
Did anyone see they stole the name of Mike’s blog !! Can we sue them ??All up to you Mike .
I’ve been reading a lot about this cult in recent weeks and learning about Tom Cruise’s involvement with the group, along with this strange character named Davis Miscavige. They seem to have an absolutely bizarre and twisted relationship, and I’m wondering if anyone knows if perhaps they are a gay but in the closet couple? So many of the photos I’ve seen of them together make it look like they are in a full on bromance. It would seem to make some sense, at least to me, explaining as to why Mr. Cruise keeps getting divorced in spite of being very good looking and having a kazillion dollars. Also, it’s very weird to me if he’s such a big successful Scientologist as to why he keeps getting divorced. Isn’t he supposed to be like a master of the universe now or something? Like an OT 17? I have a sneaking suspicion it’s the wives leaving him and not the other way around.
As for Tom Cruise and his failed relationships…
There is a ‘bro’ saying, applied to straight men who might be attracted to beautiful, but batshit crazy, women: “Don’t stick your d*** in crazy.”
I am not sure what the sisterhood equivalent expression is, but in the case of handsome Tom Cruise, the same advise most certainly applies.
Sisterhood saying..”Don’t open your legs for a dick”
Teen, that about sums up Tom Cruise, yes.
Reality check: Tom Cruise is hugely wealthy as well as famous and because of that alone could bed and/or marry any number of beautiful women between the ages of 24 and 55. Any number of attractive female Scientologists would fall at his feet to be the next Mr.s Tom Cruise. That’s not his problem. His problem is he’s a star fucker. He doesn’t want to marry a beautiful unknown, someone not in the film industry, even if she has a respectable profession and is devout Scn, etc. etc. Nor does he want to marry a production assistant on one of his films. He doesn’t want a Little Miss Nobody on his arm no matter how young and beautiful she is. He wants a somebody, a woman who’s famous, a STAR. My opinion, my 2 cents.
And I also believe he’s got a thing for tallER women, as some shorter men do. Again, just my 2 cents.
“This event will exceed all your expectations.”
Of that I have no doubt 🙂
And that an organization with so very much money has, over a 33 year period, succeeded in accomplishing nothing is, indeed, unparalleled.
“my favorite part of the event… is the closing remarks made by Chairman of the Board….. Thank you so much Sir for that message and I promise to do all I can to carry your message forward.”
Erm… ‘Thank you so much Sir’. I thought that level of adulation was supposed to be reserved for good ol’ Flubturd himself. This is verging on blasphemy!
Believe me, there are some that think and say that miscavige is doing a better job than hubbard of running the organization. Another one I have personally heard is that miscavige is channeling hubbard.
If Miscavige is channeling Hubbard then wouldn’t ole Dave have a little bit of “niceness” about him? I’ve read Hubbard would bellow & bluster but later he was cool & kind of sorry about his blow up. Can’t see DM doing that…
The suck-uppery of Doug Hoisington to Miscavige was likely to try to avoid a future bitch slap from the angry little thug in the future.
Sorry Doug, Miscavige’s fragile ego might enjoy the fawning adoration for a moment, but his inner ‘roid rage will shock you in the future, if his abused liver allows him to make it much further..
Suck-uppery!! My favorite word o’ day!! ?
@Graham….’Flubturd’….PRICELESS! You just made my day!
The picture of the IAS and all the national flags that are in the crowd reminds me of all the countries that make up the coffers. The same coffers that funded the largest rallying cry, ‘The War on the IRS’ in 1993. The Movement they are referring to reminds me of the same movement among the subjugated Axis countries after the Blitzkreig rolled across Europe, or the movement among the former Soviet countries that helped launch Sputnik into space.
All failed rallies that succumbed to the Dwindling Spiral.
Can’t see a Maple Leaf in that crowd, Canada’s stats must be way down. GOOD. True north strong and free of scientology.
IAS movement reminds me more of a bowel movement, same result.
Clearly, David Miscavige is a psychopath. You don’t have to be a psychiatrist to figure it out.
A psychopath on steroids.
Exactly Surfer. Steroids and a bottle of scotch every night have likely made his liver as functional as a peach pit. I truly fear for his health, as much as I dislike him.
The promotional picture could be the victory of the Blitzkreig across Europe by all the subjugated countries. It could also fit the celebration of the launching of Sputnik by the countries that made up the Soviet Union. These all fit with the unifying theme in $cn of winning the ‘War with the IRS’ in 1993 using funds from international coffers.
Their operating motto is, “what worked once will surely work again,” but on steroids. They have absolutely no sense of personal embarrassment the IAS supporter or a Scientologist alike. I’ve come to realise it doesn’t take all that many idiots to keep Scientology afloat now that their coffers contain so much buyable protection from the proceeds of fraud. The Scientology organisation is a self contained gyroscope, forever spinning away on its axis of an infinity bound destination while wobbling more or less on the same stop.
The image that comes to mind of those that would attend such events is of a dog with its head out the car window, its drooling mouth open and flapping in the wind while wearing a helicopter hat – wheee… to them the car will never stop. They are totally oblivious to the outside world and completely immersed in the sensation of now.
Dog analogy was perfect…
I got this quote from a 1980 news article from a class-action plaintiff (blown sea-org) she said speaking of LRH:
“She said at La Quinta, Hubbard had everyone convinced
his wife’s two dogs were “Scientology clears” who
could tell if someone was dishonest or disloyal to him.”
And, this is their leader… God help them!
“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.” — Albert Einstein
If you’re a “scientologist” secretly lurking this page, this quote is for you.
I ran into this nut job cult years ago while I lived in California, and it was clear to me by the end of the second time I visited their little office in Ventura, CA that everyone had a screw loose.
For instance, staff invited me to go to L.A. to celebrate the birthday of L Ron Hubbard with them. To which I replied “How old is he?” They told me “He’s dead.” “Oh. I said. You’re going to go celebrate a dead person’s birthday. The guy who wrote the Dianetics book I read. Ahem. Well, thank you. But I think I’ll pass…”
Then there was the stupid “personality test”,
Attempting to pressure me to sign these disturbingly weird agreements similar to those discussed on the Leah Remini show. Really? “Let me get back to you on that” I said.
They wanted me to write down all my deepest darkest transgression quality secrets. Really? Why I wondered. How f’ing weird. Now I know of course! It’s a blackmail file. Naturally I didn’t oblige.
Lots of other stuff I saw in just those two visits….
Well done on not getting roped into this cult. Your instincts served you well.
Having said that, I’ll point out that dead peoples’ birthdays are celebrated all the time. Not that I’m equating George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King. Jesus Christ,etc., with L Ron Hubbard,( although Scientologists would rank him as MORE important than any of these). I’m not drawing an equivalency, just making a point.
I don’t recall having a party for MLK’s birthday.. or GW, or ole Abe… and was there cake for MLK?
I must have missed those parties. Dang it, I like cake!
Well, they’re national holidays, was what I meant. Got your point, though.
I hate seeing a Norwegian flag in any IAS flier or event – scientoligy [sic] is NOT recognized as a religion here. Our national law states any citizen CANNOT be member of two religions at the same time, and since scientoligy says you can be both a scientoligist AND of another religion at the same time, scientoligy cannot be recognized as a religion.
Im a never in. But i bet one of the prisoners in the RPF is more worthy to receive the Freedom Metal than anyone else. My opinion. ..
Hypnotism runs deep in the cult. Members see what they are programmed to believe.
I suppose it’s all about the use of, ‘what worked once will work again,’ on steroids. That’s got to be the operating motto of those who market the Scientology hype. They don’t care at all what people at large actually think of them, anyone and I mean anyone that turns up to one of these events is a source of income by the mere fact they took the bait.
One thing I’ve come accustomed to now is that it doesn’t take all that many idiots to keep Scientology afloat.
Personal embarrassment is something that doesn’t enter the heads of IAS supporters or card holding Scientologists alike. An image that comes to mind is of the slobbering, wind filled and opened mouth dog with its head out the car window wearing a helicopter hat. Having the time of its life and as happy as a clam, oblivious to the world around them. “Wheeee…” To them the car will never stop.
The off switch for Scientology, it’s got be around the place somewhere.
Yap Iyawn,
A farmer in Kentucky kept nailing horse shoes onto his worn out car tyres……
I would love to give you my testimony about the 2+ months I spent at the NARCONON near Watsonville, CA, in 2007. My family did an intervention on me on Mothers Day, for alcoholism. They found a really nice, club Med like, fancy rehab place, endorsed by Kirsty Alley, on the Internet. It promised so much help, counselors, MDs, etc. who would help me with my rehab….what I saw and experienced there was unbelievable…As a non-scientologist, And RN, I could give you, maybe, a different point of view. Thank you for your time and consideration…..MElinda Scott RN
That must be quite the story…
Please tell your story here! A couple of years ago I considered Narconon for a friend that wouldn’t be into the higher power AA stuff….that’s before I learned about Scientology.
One of the saddest things is that a % of people who manage to get free of the Church of Scamology still believe in the underlying scam. That is truly horrific.
Mike, I had a party for ex-members at my home in Huntington Beach. We had a great time! However, one lady, who brought a dish ( great food!), asked me if I was still practicing Scientology. When I said no, she was taken aback and left. She never came back for her beautiful dish. And a family that was there seemed to have a good time. But, I got a message from them asking me if I was still practicing Scientology. When I replied, no, she said, “thank you for telling me.” And promptly disconnected from me.
Yep! There were people there still drinking the Kool-Aid. I was surprised.
Wow — interesting…
Amazing or sadly predictable? “Robert Jay Lifton’s remarkable model of thought reform includes “ideology over experience” or “doctrine over person.” This is where the dogma of the group is accepted even when it contradicts personal experience.” – Jon Atack
Wild OSD. That strong of a reaction
They were indies. Still drinking the Kool-Aid.
You can take the crazies out of the cult but you can’t take the cult out of the crazies.
Truer words were never spoken, Jim.
Thanks, Mike. I look forward to your daily blogs. Kudos to you and Leah. Keep up the great work you’re both doing.
“What we are accomplishing is unparalleled in Man’s history.”
No, not compared to, for example, Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker.
They make it sound like they just won WW 3.
They make every proclamation WAY OVER THE TOP! It’s laughable…
I’d like to write “slappy” (the Pope of Scientology) a letter ……anyone have his address?
666 Hell on Wheels
The Underworld
He should respond shortly…
Does FedEx actually deliver over the river Styx?
Miscavige is kind of like a demonic little Santa Clause. With his great scientology powers, he doesn’t require any letter to be sent to him. He knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you’re awake. He knows if you’ve been good or bad, so be in-ethics for heaven’s sake.
I flip him the bird constantly, knowing it enturbulates him.
Doug Hoisington had his “inner fires within him sparked” by the COB’s remarks? A cold shower might help. My, that COB is quite the silver-tongued devil, isn’t he?
Yep! Satan incarnate.
If DM EVER abused physically or mentally any of my family, my friends SMITH and WESSON would love to meet him!!!!!
Perhaps more like forked tongue.
I thought one of the beliefs of Scientology is look don’t listen…
If that is the case, though I know in every facet of life people throw away concepts they claim to live by when it’s not convenient, then this line from the promo should be disturbing.
“If you’ve seen even one news snippet over the past year, you’ll know that there is a lot of strife happening on this planet right now. But what you probably DON’T know is exactly what are WE doing about it? I assure you, we are doing A LOT.”
If you don’t know what your organization is “doing about it” it’s likely they aren’t doing much, or at least not at a level that has the impact they’d like you to believe. Occam’s Razor is usually accurate. This simplest explanation is you don’t see it because it’s not happening like they tell you/want you to believe. The dollars/hours invested are not returning what is being promoted, despite the production value of 12 people in yellow shirts, or opening buildings without increases of people to use its services. The more excuses, leaps and the like you have to make, the more you likely distance yourself further from the truth.
I know there are great people who truly want to help, I just wish their genuine intentions weren’t being leveraged to use against them. This statement is true for more than just Scientologists.
The only people left to POSSIBLY “Inspire” (delude) are those who remain in “the world of Scientology.”
Most people out here in the real world who even bother to read this pap are either holding their noses, their wallets or their children.
“…holding their noses, their wallets and/or their children.” You got that right!