Amazing how complete the transformation has become.
Auditing and training — the “central religious practices” of scientology are now dismissed with the derisive “inflow” (as in “take” rather than “give”), to be replaced by something far better, and something that provides TRUE “real and stable case gain” — handing over your money to the IAS.
The Golden Age of Gold. It’s all about the money, money, money….
I am heading out of town. The blog will likely be sporadic over the next week. I have some things prepared in advance to prevent a total shutdown, and I will endeavor to provide some information from Sundance (and perhaps from my travels as I won’t be surprised if there are PI’s and Freedom mag “reporters” who chance upon me as I make my way to Sunday’s big event).
It should be fun.
In a “Release state”? Note that “Release” is capitalized in the original.
Uhhh … is it just me, or did I read something about this in the “Technical Degrades” PL?
It had to happen. The whales must be suspecting by now that it is their IAS donations that are being used to pay the day-to-day bills of the Church and without those donations, the Church would have gone bust many years ago. So to give them credit for it, it is only right that IAS donations be recognised as case gain. I think that fairly soon the auditing and training income will be less than one quarter of the running costs of the Church so they might be tempted to drop that side of things entirely and restructure the Bridge around the IAS donation levels. This would get around the small problem of their being no OT IX and above that will give people magic powers. For sure, the donation levels can be stretched into the stratosphere if need be and I am sure we will see the Duggans there.
The IAS reges like Howard Becker and Michael Roberts and Jeff Pomerantz have long been promoting the ridiculous idea that donating large sums of money to the IAS (large enough to make it “hurt”), causes “Fourth Dynamic Case Gain”. I’m not making this up at all. Those that don’t or can’t donate large sums of money are “out of valence” and/or “degraded beings”. Michael Roberts has even gone as far as saying the IAS statuses form their own grade chart. This false data gets pounded into people IAS reg cycle after reg cycle. Eventually people start to believe it, and people such as Linda Lombardo make these sorts of statement about giving money to the IAS. The IAS has it’s own form of brainwashing. Never mind that the IAS is completely off policy and inconsistent with what LRH wrote about “pure donations”, i.e. the only money that comes into the church is the money that is collected for training, processing and books/materials. Ask anyone who’s left the church about the so-called “case gain” they got from donating to the IAS – they’ll say that they wish they had the money instead.
Glad you and Marc made it there safe, have a restful night. The fun starts tomorrow 🙂
Mike – Get an extra large double butter popcorn, sit back & enjoy the show for all of us. As for any “sciobot reporters or operatives” give them a great big smile & tell them we all say hello. That we all hope they have a wonderful day/night & we forgive them.
That should drive them bug-nuts!
Re: “I’ve been in a Release state ever since I’ve finished my Gold Meritorious status in the IAS. I realized that doing this status has been real and stable gain.” – Linda Lombardo
The day Linda Lombardo and the Cherch of $cientology come to their senses, maybe they’ll realize that there are 6 IAS-less definitions for the word, “Release.” From the Technical Dictionary of Dianetics and Scientology:
1. One who knows he or she has had worthwhile gains from Scn processing and who knows he or she will not now get worse. (HCOB 9 Aug 63)
2. A person whose case “won’t get any worse.” He begins to gain by living rather than lose. (HCOB 17 Mar 59 II)
3. A person who has been able to back out of his bank. The bank is still there but the person isn’t sunk into it with all its somatics and depressions. (HCOB 2 Apr 65)
4. A release purely and simply is a person who has obtained results in processing and has a reality on the fact that he has attained those results. That severely is the definition of release. (SH Spec 159, 6206C19)
5. A release is an individual from whom have been released the current or chronic mental and physical difficulties and painful emotion. (DMSMH, p. 170)
6. A series of gradual key-outs. At any given one of those key-outs the individual detaches from the remainder of his reactive bank. (SH Spec 65, 6507C27)
7. The act of taking the perceptions or effort or effectiveness out of a heavy facsimile or taking away the preclear’s hold on the facsimile. (HFP Gloss)
EDIT: … there are 7 IAS-less definitions…
Bravo to Linda Lombardo for getting stable case gain for finishing her IAS Patron Meritorious. No exchange is better than exchange (what?, makes no sense to me). I think she might want to reconsider if she really knew what was being done with her donations. Oh well, she is entirely in the bubble with the blinders on.
I guess ultimately one’s case gain is what one says it is. Linda is a pro Cl 6 auditor and an OT (8 I think) and if she says her REAL AND STABLE case gain has come from giving away money she never earned … well, I’ll take her at her word then. Makes an interesting point.
Yep,just more evidence that the IAS and AVC forwards and promotes tech degrades.
Wishing you a grand ole time in Utah! Do well and have fun!
OMG the horrors! This has denigrated into David Miscavige version of case gain = money. Since he can’t get any case gain the only thing left is his temporary high he gets off of the greenback, now he’s developed his own little squirrel version of the grade chart with all these statuses. The dumb asses that followed him will go down in history as morons!
WHAT’D i SAY??? WHAT DID i SAY MANY POSTS AGO? Donating equals case gain! We all knew it would come to this. It’s a logical progression on the Money Bridge. However, I think I might have transcended to an even higher state: If I just THINK about donating, I’m getting incredible case gain!
Reg: OSD, it’s vital that you donate to the IAS, CCHR, Ideal Orgs, WTH, The Freewinds. WISE, Applied Scholastics and all of our social betterment programs NOW! So, I want you to pick up the cans.
Me: Ok, I’m going to THINK ABOUT donating to the IAS.
Reg: My God! You’re needle is floating.
Me: Now I’m THINKING ABOUT donating to every singe entity the church has.
Reg: HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!! I’ve NEVER seen anything like this! You’re actually glowing, OSD! OMG!!! You’re actually levitating off your chair! Wait,……..wait a minute….Am I losing my eye site or are you actually fading away?????
Me: I’m now thinking of donating to DAVID MISCAVIGE.
Reg: I…..I…..I can’t even see you anymore!!! What’s happening??? I’ve never seen this phenomenon before!!!!
Me: You’re not only a great reg, getting me to THINK ABOUT donating, but you’re a great auditor too! The person you knew as OSD, is no longer in that body. THINKING ABOUT donating hundreds of millions of dollars, especially to DAVID MISCAGIVE, has put me into a state I never knew existed before. I’m currently with LRH at Target two. You can’t believe the babes that are here! Wow! Hub and I are drinking rum and popping lots of pinks and greys (now that’s what I call case gain!) It’s beautiful here. Hub and I spend our days just hanging out on the beach. I’m trying to teach him how to surf, but, he’s not very athletic.
But, before I disappear altogether, Hub wanted to relay a message to you and every single Scientologist on the planet. Are you willing to receive my comm?
Reg: Yes! OMG, yes! I am ready!!!!!
Me: Hub wants everyone to know that he never intended for DAVID MISCAVIGE to take over and that he’s the biggest ASSHOLE he’s ever met! He says someone stuck him in the butt 11 times to inject Vistrial, into his system. WTF! Did he think Hub crazy or something? So…it falls to you right here right now, what you do with this information. Remember, you’re either on board or you’re not on board. And if you are on board, you’re on board with the rest of us. We either get this done or die trying. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?? Do you get how serious this is?
Reg: OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! I always knew that asthmatic dwarf was a ragging SP. I’ll do it! I’ll spread the word around Sundance! Funny thing, though. It seems all the directors, actors & attendees already knew this information!
Me: Keep up the good work! I gotta go. Hub wants to go pick up hot alien chicks. This should be a laugh riot!
Reg: OSD? OSD??? Are you there? OMG! He’s gone and having a great time at Target 2. Time for me to let the world know what OSD said. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll be able to go to Target 2 also if I complete my mission………but…….I do need a couple of beers before I start…………….
I think it’s great that you openly advertise your travel and reasons for your trip Mike. You’re a thorn in the side of miscavige that just gets bigger & bigger but the Cof$ has lost its teeth and just gums at its enemies and has no solution for those that openly stand against it and do not do anything legally silly.
Miscavige is a lot of things but he is money hungry and street wise when it comes to fleecing every last cent from anyone gullible enough to listen. This IAS case gain crap is predicable, he’s on a sinking ship and knows it, he’s just milking it for all it’s worth before he ‘disappears with the loot’.
The golden age of HBO is nearly upon us!
She could have obtained that Gold Meritorious Award on EBay for about $350.
And endure another sec check?
When you get to Sundance, give our regards to the “big dogs in the tall grass”.
Keep two cameras with you at all times.
Would love ro see the squirrel busters there with cameras on their heads and t-shirts of Gibney a la Marty!
Have a fun and safe trip!
YOU DON’T GET IT. Every time you promote yourself and your cult, you increase the odds of encountering someone with far greater resources than you, who will take you out. Have you run any ads recently in Davos, Switzerland? The SMALL fry meeting at the Davos Conference PERSONALLY own resources matching your petty 2 Billion, which you have garnered through criminality, fraud, deceit, coercion, mayhem, . . .
This is ridiculous! Auditing and training is unnecessary in the first place according to her. Scientology as a subject is unnecessary also. All you need is a challenge and your natural survival instincts will strengthen you. Think of all those wonderful people in Syria and Serbia getting all that case gain from the bombs falling on their heads. Think of all those lucky people in all the prisons of the world getting all that case gain from their daily challenges. Think of all the exciting case gain being gotten by all folks around the world that are starving and facing violence in the inner cities and gettos and war zones. These people are DOING SOMETHING DAILY just to stay alive. Yes SURVIVAL is the common denominator of life. All challenges are going to exercise your muscles or kill you. I’m off to my next OT level; I’m putting on my diamond studs and driving my new Rolls over to Detroit where I’ll just drive around and park and walk around.
Say ‘Hi’ to Hubbard when you exteriorise.
Hey Richard! Can I tag along? I haven’t been to Detroit since I was in my mid 20s.
Mike – have a safe and fantastic trip. Enjoy every minute and much deserved R&R. Looking forward to your report upon return.
Have a wonderful trip and you have our moral support!
The new scientology bridge, it takes you from a humdrum life with problems and suffering to A Being Who
Is full Cause Over His Desire for Having and is Totally Broke but Keyed Out !
Now I’ve seen everything. The new states of being : The IAS statuses.
That woman is now a true DB.
Have lots of fun, Mike. It’s gonna be great knowing the world is going to become more aware of the criminal organization that is the “church” of scamtology.
Funny Mike! I love th Nebbish Navy!
Hey Richard, nice to see you here!
Please … grant some beingness where it’s due … I’ve gone from MEST Clear to THETA Clear finally completing IAS Clear … the state where you no longer unmock considerations of not handing over more money. After a 12-intensive block of sec checking my inherent unwillingness to part with money, I look forward to my IAS advanced meritorious levels I through III.
Based on what I’ve been reading on so many of the postings here, can anyone explain what’s the difference from being on welfare and being in the Sea Org other than the uneven distribution of the money?
When you are in the Cee Ogre you don’t know you are being supported by the State.
Perhaps it should be renamed The Whale Org so as to be consistent with the nautical theme, or as a Jewish humorist might say, The Nebbish Navy.
I think any Sea Orger in his/her fake uniform should be informed of the Stolen Valor law, preferably by a veteran. No other organization, to my knowledge, masquerades in uniforms that are intended to look like US Navy uniforms.
Mike, I just wish I was there to see the expressions of the faces of OSA goons as well as staffers at Freedumb magazine when they see you at Sundance. I figure something like this:
OSA Goon 1: Shit! There’s Mike Rinder!
OSA Goon 2: Well, what the fuck are you waiting for??? Go get in his face! Now!
OSA Goon 1: I…I can’t! He’s too powerful! You go!
OSA Goon 2: Me? I’ve got waaaaay too much on my plate right now!
Freedumb staffer: Hey, I’d take care of that SP in a New York minute…but…I’ve got to hand out issues of Freedumb so all the people here will know the TRUTH!
OSA Goon 1: Well…what are we going to do???
OSA Goon 2: You want to go grab a couple of beers?
Freedumb staffer: Hey, I’m up for that!
OSA Goon 1: Yeah, might as well. We have a week to completely destroy Mike Rinder. Catching a buzz sounds good right now. The one thing I’m a little worried about is the posters on Mike’s blog. Jesus Christ, but these people know everything about us! What if they come up to us and start talking about OT III??? I’m scared shitless about getting pneumonia and dying!
OSA Goon 2: You CSMF! Get this and get this now! You WILL stand there and listen to all of OT III with a smile on your face! You got me??? And if you do get pneumonia and die, it’s because of your fucking overts you DB!
Freedumb staffer: How come DM doesn’t come to Sundance to confront Mike himself? I was told that DM can snap his fingers and SPs start to cry & run away. We don’t have his power!
OSA Goon 2: You fucking SP! I’m going to make sure you’re declared by the end of the day! YSCOHB!
Freedumb staffer (thinking to himself). YES!!! I’ll finally be free from all the DAVESHIT! I’ll get my life back! Things will be great for me! I hate the people I work with anyways. And I’m so fucking tired of beans and rice! I can finally go to a movie! I can date hot non-cult chicks! I can get a car! I won’t have to sleep with 40 other snoring guys! Shit, being declared will be the greatest event I’ve ever experienced! It’ll be like…be like…PARADISE! WOO HOO!
OSA Goon 1: Why the fuck is that staffer smiling??? I just told him he’d be declared by the end of the day!
OSA Goon 2: Beats the hell out of me! C’mon. If I have to confront Mike Rinder, I’m going to need to drink heavily. Let’s go find a bar…
OSD – as usual you’re too friggin funny!
You’re too kind, Ms. P!
I hope you get to see Alex there, & Mr Wright, thank them for their determination, give congratulations for getting over the hurdles to bring the real Scientology story to light for all the world to see. Best to you.
Gratitude to you all. And Marty, while I’m at it.
The world is a becoming a better place, after all, something brighter in the light of truth.
Come back and tell us everything!
Keep your phone charged with shortcut button to video camera… wipe off lens before shooting… say hello to Alex Gibney, a man rightfully credited with being one of the “25 visionaries who are changing your world” by Utne Reader and “is becoming the most important documentarian of our time” by Esquire magazine…and “honored by the Yale Film Studies program for his contributions to film culture.”
I AM renewing my subscription to HBO!
Have a grand trip Mike. We are all with you in spirit.
I’ll be front row center. CU
OMFG!!! This idiot actually invalidated auditing and training with her blood sucking squirrel group. Nice to know the only 2 real products of Scn are passe’.
Have a great time MIke, I look forward to hearing your news!
lots ot fun at the sundance festival. please !
Go Mike!
Go Mike! And just the fact that the church took out full page ads in The New York Times and USA Today tell you how scared they are of this expose documentary that comes out today. DM is busting a vein and pooping his pants over it and throwing money at the problem with the full page ads that everyone sees through. The public who read this will know in an instant it is all lies, hype, and PR. Scientology: their reputation precedes them.
Have a great week, looking forward for your movie review.
Take lots of video!
Message to Linda Lombardo,
Since you have done so well on your Gold Meritorious Status and it has produced such huge and stable wins, when will you be completing your next higher state of release?
How much more excess financial baggage do you plan on releasing for that state?
Could you perhaps get Mr. Duggan to comment on his states of release? They must be magnanimously monstrous and totally awesomely huge and we would love to hear about them out hear on the fringes where life is hanging by a thread…………..
I gotta tell ya Coop, the omelettes and mimosas out here on the fringes are delicious. I think Dave might have the wrong idea about us. Hope you’re having a great weekend. 🙂
Omelettes & marmosas’? On the fringes and are delicious? NOLAGirl, can you swing by and pick me up?
It is a great weekend. Had a nice dinner with friends although it meant passing up on a visit to the Beverly Hills Playhouse with OSD. A three egg omelet is planned for the AM!
Wishing all a great Sunday, especially those in Sundance with a ringside seat!
All best wishes for you at Sundance, Mike.
Travel safely, Mike. And remember that bit of timeless wisdom from the Book or Job, or maybe it was Jobs:
Thou canst access the iPhone camera directly from thy lock screen. And therewith canst thou strike a mighty Blow against thy persecutors.
Have a great trip!
This is one of the most disheartening pieces of promo I’ve seen so far. She’s tickled pink that she made it go right. Well, I suppose she did. But she could have had the same win by making a soufflé that doesn’t fall. It’s just not that big a deal (except, of course, for her bank account). But she, and the reader, are to believe it’s a major gain. It’s an effort to make insanity look like a state worth pursuing. Good grief.
Have a wonderful trip, Mike. Looking forward to reading all about it 🙂
Linda Lombardo is from a “whale family” from Venezuela…the IAS is particularly attracted and parasitic to these inherited wealth people…. especially when ALL family members are “in” like the Lombardo’s. Thankfully there are few, if any, new whales because Google informs wealthy families of the Scientology scams and money traps long before the “whole family” joins and gets introduced to the heartbreaking disconnection and destruction of their family.
Google search prevents scams of all sorts. And, Scientology is probably number one on that list of scam preventions. Thank you Google. Tomorrow HBO will join Google search in exposing and preventing more IAS and Scientology money scams.
As Mike says, the transition is complete. Scientology is just a money scam. Auditing and training are gone.
Where did you get the idea that Linda is from a wealthy Venezuelan family? If that’s so – I am very much surprised. We weren’t close friends, but I regged her for ASHO services a few time, and I think I got to know her fairly well. I don’t recall any sort of an accent or cultural aspect of Venezuela. I always took her for Southern California born.
I am not 100% certain but I think you’re mistaken. If she’s got some inherited wealth, I don’t think she ever needed it. She and her husband have made plenty on their own. Her “Lombardo” is from her husband, Stephen. He is a very well known and successful orthopedic surgeon. There’s lots of info about him on the web, primarily due to his work for the L.A. Lakers.
When Hispanics hit it as big as Stephen has, PR people from the hispanic community general grab on to that and promote the cultural connection loudly. And I don’t find anyone doing that with him or Linda at all. And, I don’t see Stephen promoting himself as Hispanic or Venezuelan at all.
Dan Locke is correct. Linda DeSantis Lombardo hails from the Arlington, VA area where her family resides. She was married to another Scientologist, Greg Weekley, before she married Stephen. None of their sons are involved in Scientology.
Do you know if this Greg Weekley reside in Carlsbad, (San Diego) CA now?
Thank you.
Put her behind a meter with a PC in front of her and she would melt like butter
on a hot day. She would have yet another cognition….her new “case state” does
not include an actual help flow for another being. And I bet she would also realize that
her new “case state” does not include real confront. Would it not be fun to watch her try to operate
with the meter, worksheets and PC all at the same time?
Potpie Linda is a CLVI interned auditor and can audit quit well. She is a big koolaide drinker and believes the way to really help the 4th dynamic is to let the Church do it and all she needs to do is give money stir and gualla she made it possible! Once she finally wakes up and see’s where her money really
goes she will still stay in out of complete confusion.
Nice to see the church helping increase their members’ self-determinism. 😉
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I am pretty darn sure that linda is a briefing course grad. would be GAT1.
I never even considered her to be an auditor after reading her above comments. Thanks for the info good ole boy.
Have a great trip! We will live vicariously through you and Tony O.
I just read a listing of movies at Sundance. So many I’d like to see!
Wishing you a great time at Sundance Mike. You deserve it!
We are the IAS!
We ARE NOT: Dauntless, Defiant, Resolute
We ARE: Greedy, Cowardly, Dumb
Stay safe, enjoy sticking it to them,
coming this direction on your way home??
I wish. Jump on the plane and join us on the way as stopping in your hometown but only 45 min layover. Will save u a seat.
Blessings and protection around you as you travel and confront this next chapter in the take-down of Co$. Thank you for all that you do.
I hope you have a good time. Enjoy yourself.
Happy journey and exciting moments!
Fabulous trip for you Mike. Looking forward to *your* take on the film.
Demonstrate Abilities Gained so you can be right about Scientology and that it is not a money- grubbing, destructive cult that destroys lives and offers no real valuable help.
Wow!! Scientology can never cease to amaze me that it is ABLE to reach new levels of LOW DOWN AND DIRTY. Those poor fools!
Have a great trip Mike- I will miss your Blog. I have it every morning with my eggs, toast, fruit, Juice, Ortega and Rinder!! LOL
Have a ball Mike. You’ve earned it several times over. Looking forward to any and all reports from Sundance. This is a big moment.
Have a thoroughly fun week Mike – I know you will! Can’t wait for the reviews of the film.
Auditing is now being black PR’d and reframed as a DB activity. This is the kind of vibe I’ve picked up from wealthy members for a long time: no money = DB. So good to see it in writing.
Oh, yes. Have a great week 🙂
I noticed this after the first GAT stuff. A mission person asked me my training level as
I was answering an add for auditors. I told her and then she asked if I was GAT trained.
I of course said no. A couple seconds of silence then she gave an invalidative…Oh.
After we ended the call I realized being an interned auditor ment nothing if it didn’t have
GAT in front of it. I never heard from her again.
I’m surprised that with all the invalidation of pre-GATT auditing and OT levels, Miscavige hasn’t accused LRH’s auditors of hastening his death, or has he?
$ Morgue & Cindy,
Having been subjected to a Christian upbringing I vaguely remember a quote (not verbatim) something like “A camel will sooner get through the eye of a needle than a rich man get into heaven”. From this viewpoint
the IAS is helping ‘unburdening these heavy whales’ so they too can make it -naked!
Godspeed, Mike.
Bon Voyage and Happy Trails!!!!
Good luck and safe travels, Mike. We on the fringes of the Internet support you and are very proud of your accomplishments. Go get ’em!
I find it rather amusing that Scientology accuse us of being on the fringes of the Internet when the scientologists themselves never can get past the mere fringes of the Internet because if they get in deeper, they would find out the truth. So, it is the scientologist who is on the fringes of the Internet, and without any fringe benefits.
Those who are here are here becaus they have dived deep into the Internet or surfed the biggest waves and not just stayed on the fringes.
Every coin has two sides, and you’ll never get the full picture of a coin if you never look at the other side as well. To make a good evaluation, one need all the data, and then one cannot stay on the fringes.
“Look. Don’t listen.” Very good advice that has been totally ignored in the church.
Reading Linda’s win on donating brought up a Scn memory. I was on the EPF having been more or less coerced into joining the SO earlier than I had planned to activate the contract. (long story). And the head HCO guy on the EPF, an Italian, called me in to his office and spent 2 hours regging me to give him tons of money that he thought I had. (I didn’t.) He said that he did a little study himself and found that the rich people in Scn who gave money didn’t make good case gain until they gave enough that it hurt them and made it almost hard for them to survive. So even though their donations sounded big to all of us, for them it was a drop in the bucket he said. And for that reason, they didn’t get good case gain. He said the solution to that was to give even more than I possibly could, to stretch, to make it uncomfortable for me, because once you give, you will “rise to the occasion” and “the necessity and demand for money” will mean that I will pull in more money. Kind of a donate more to make more idea.
He actually believed this and pretty much threatened me that if I didn’t give till it hurt, I wouldn’t have case gain and would spend the money anyway on reviews.
I believed it at the time. But now once out of the forest, I am beginning to see the forest in spite of the trees and I see it for the BS that it is. It is enemy line: “you don’t need auditing and training– those things are “inflow only” and are for “professional pcs who aren’t not CAUSE and DOING.” What a load of tripe that is. That negates everything Ron worked for and taught and wrote for.
I should have shot back at him, “Clearing the planet starts with your own case, so I’m going back to training/auditing and I suggest you do the same.”
Cindy, you mean rich people like Tom Cruise, John Travolta or Freaking Alley?
I can confirm your story. I was told that a Ferrari would be an overt.
What is David Miscavige’s car fleet then?
And Travolta’s Jumbo jet….?
Happy trails to you Mike.
I just got home from opening night of the play, “Disconnection.” It was so hard hitting and good. People were blowing charge in the audience, some line charging. It was really moving. And some non Scns were shocked that this kind of thing actually goes on in the church. The acting is superb. The dialogue is so cutting and sharp and true to the real scene. Much of the play was based on real life happenings and people. LRH, DM, Mario Feninger, SO members and others were really captured by Alan Barton in the spot on portrayal of them. Run, don’t walk, to the Beverly Hills Playhouse to see this excellent play.
Speaking of Mario Feninger, check out what he says on this clip at around 7:33
Scientology’s Crimes:
Mike, Thanks for finding this video with Mario in it. It’s so deja vu to hear the lady and Mario both say that they don’t read things about Scn and they don’t watch the news or read the news. They are good little sheeple doing exactly what they’ve been told to do. They are like mushrooms: keep them in the dark and feed them shit. That is what they’ve had a steady diet of. On a good note, it was good to see Mario in younger days, even if he is such a brainwashed Kool Ade drinker.