Here is the hype from the IAS:
So, you see, the IAS takes credit for this program “reaching over 200 million people per year.”
They make a big show of “sponsoring the distribution of 500,000 booklets at the Super Bowl”. But this is a lie. The number of people distributing the booklets, according to their photo, was about 25 (that is all they could muster in a city with an “ideal” org??) – including children. That is 20,000 booklets per person. Even someone with Super Powers or who was complete cause over life from running around a pole couldn’t manage that. This is also how they come to “reached over 200 million” — they likely counted this as “we reached a million at the Super Bowl because there were a lot of people who saw us.”
Read on a little further in the hype and it turns out they distributed “tens of thousands” to “make a large splash”… Of course, they didn’t even print 500,000 booklets and never disbursed any money to do so either. They likely printed a few thousand, most of which ended up in a trash bin.
But hey — it sounds good to say they “sponsor” the campaign. And give this amazing example of “500,000 to be distributed at the Super Bowl.”
This is where your hard earned dollars you hand over to the IAS vultures goes.
But here is what really happens:
How come she is having to do a GoFundMe (with NO money donated) if the IAS sponsors this effort?
And it’s for $1200 for god’s sake. More money than that is sitting in the cracks in the couch of the IAS office at Flag…
And you heard it here first — Leslie Farrow is probably doing this to try to win an IAS Freedom Medal this year for “handling the drug problem and bringing hope to the entire nation of Liberia…”
This is the bait and switch that IS the IAS.
They tell people they are spending money to make a better world. They do a couple of flashy things that can get attention. But they REALLY don’t ever spend the money. They accumulate it, invest it into real estate or just have piles of cash growing higher in foreign bank accounts.
The IAS is the biggest scam in scientology. And that is saying something.
I just thought to check, and the AJC’s Sunday circulation is a bit shy of half a million, according to the best figures I could readily find, from a couple of years ago. So if the IAS actually paid to have “Truth about Drugs” booklets put in all of them, then they might really have more or less achieved their claim; that would have been fairly cheap at the sweatshop style costs of Scientology’s printing plant, or it could have been sponsored by someone like a whale doing amends.
But their typical less than ironclad, passive wording that “A free copy of the Truth about Drugs Booklet was placed,” leaves room for something more typically weasel-y such as a member with a paper route having snuck some booklets into a few copies of the paper. I wish that we could verify with some locals, whether copies of the booklet were really in all the papers, or not.
Peacemaker:”I just thought to check, and the AJC’s Sunday circulation is a bit shy of half a million, according to the best figures I could readily find, from a couple of years ago. So if the IAS actually paid to have “Truth about Drugs” booklets put in all of them, then they might really have more or less achieved their claim;”
You FORGOT that the BOOKLETS are SO well-written and engrossing that every copy will be passed from hand-to-hand until it’s been read and understood by 4,000 people, not including the BTs who peek in and get keyed-out.
I have an off topic question. If Shelly Miscavage is indeed, ok, why hasn’t she just done a quick video looking healthy and happy, and saying “I am healthy and happy and NOT missing, just retired” or SOMETHING……you would think it would behove CoS to do that and stop the speculation once and for all…they are big on parading people out to defend rumors and accusations, scripting them on what to say. I think the fact that Shelly hasn’t been SEEN is a huge red flag….it is not their normal method of operation. Mike?
Lynda, the reason they haven;’t taken a positive action WRT “where’s Shelly? is that they are forbidden to address the issue by Tubby’s immutable policy; Attack, attack, attack. Make them (us) sue for peace. Never defend, always attack –in their(our) territory, not “ours”(scientology’s). They are FORBIDDEN to think or act differently and as the robots they have been made, they obey unquestioningly. ‘Theirs is not to question why’, don’cha know?
It’s been so long the new blood has no idea who she is and in no time she’ll die in an apartment and none will care,like L Ron’s Beloved caretaker did.
Robert Almblad
I love your posts !
“Scientology should be destroyed”
Totally agree and no one is helping achieve that goal more than DAVID MISCAVIGE and L Ron Hubbard.
Thanks for all of this, Mike.
I love how the shining light of truth shows so clearly the lies, subterfuge, and manipulation the IAS perpetrates upon its own members.
You give us fodder for our cannons… (well, since I’m a weasel in a foxhole, you give me fodder for carefully worded casual comments designed to plant seeds of doubt)…
and you give us a lift with a reminder that we’re no longer fooled or subject to the locusts of the IAS.
Every day, I’m glad I’m woke. … and glad to be able to come here and be glad with you all.
They are becoming more and more reckless and overt in their actions. If there were any real intelligence involved in this business, they would see how really very dangerous (legally speaking) their attitude is. Either their high-priced legal counsel are severely derelict in their duties or Miscreant is totally ignoring their advice . . . . . What’s Your guess?
Miscavige probably believes he is untouchable and knows better than mere wog lawyers
Kat:”Miscavige probably believes he is untouchable and knows better than mere wog lawyers”
BINGO! The guy’s ego won’t let him listen to experienced, sage advice UNLESS it agrees with his preconceptions/prejudices.
Guaranteed most of the people in Atlanta saw a bunch of randos in matching T-shirts holding up a sign that looks like it just says “DRUGS” in huge letters and ran the other way.
I just filed a complaint with the FTC which governs false and misleading advertising, particularly when it comes to this subject. This broadly falls into health as drug addiction affects health. We shall see if they respond.
Filing a complaint is an excellent idea. I tried to do the same but I was overwhelmed by the number of options and questions. One section says something about Fraud or a Scam. But I didn’t see any of those options.
If it’s not too much trouble, would it be possible for you to post a step-by-step procedure how I can file a similar complaint?
Thanks very much.
Hi- I think you may have more luck reporting them to the agency which oversees charitable fraud (if they are soliciting donations for IAS- which is supposed to support these groups but doesn’t) then it might be enough to open an investigation into that group. The paperwork to file a complaint is located at:
They do not take complaints via email or phone so you have to print the form and send it in.
I would also suggest that people contact the DAs office in LA and ask about the Masterson case. There are multiple sites where a question can be posed- generally I have asked in the form of : why is another famous person is being allowed to go unprosecuted by the DA in LA? and are they aren’t filing because of Scientology influence in the DAs office? (it’s a perception of impropriety again)
Thanks very much. I hope many people will do this.
Yes I will do this. Really sick this weekend and putting one together today. If you didn’t know you can also file with STAND’s registrar MarkMonitor and ask they following ICANN’s rules for registrar’s (like GoDaddy) that a site cannot “harm the legal rights of others” and trademark infringement certainly does that. In fact any website that posts materials that are false, misleading, harm the legal rights of others can have those two similar complaints filed as the registrar must investigate or risk losing their license. Stay tuned and will do.
I could believe that some “whale” – and perhaps poor locals – got regged (by an FSM who got a nice cut of the huge profit margin) to buy 500,000 pamphlets, the majority of which are still sitting on pallets in a garage somewhere in Atlanta.
But Scientology’s weasel wording that “the IAS sponsored a grant for the distribution” could mean almost anything, or nearly nothing, including that the IAS just provided something like a rental truck large enough to transport a half million booklets – however many (or few) tens of thousands the locals might actually have scraped up the money for.
I see between just 25 and 30 people in Scientology front group outfits, typically many of them children. I couldn’t readily find a good figure, but I’d guess a person could hand out at most a couple of flyers per minute, or a couple per hour at best, and that unless traffic was constant (which it wouldn’t be at a sporting event) it would be hard to even hit the thousand a day mark.
But Scientology is supposed to be the fastest growing religion ever! PERIOD! Scientology had a great, great Super Bowl ad campaign! It’s YUGE!!!
Artdawg said”But Scientology is supposed to be the fastest growing religion ever! PERIOD! Scientology had a great, great Super Bowl ad campaign! It’s YUGE!!!”
If you BELIEVE that, they have this wonderful BRIDGE to sell you for only half million dollars or so. The dividends you recieve on its purchase will be unlike anything you could possibly imagine…. [removing tongue from its firmly in-cheek position]
If Scientology is so great and Tom Cruise is such a “Big Being” and #3 in the cult (I mean “church”) — then why has he been married and divorced *three* times. Not only that, he seems to have a hard time keeping *any* woman in his life.
The only thing I can figure is 1) that scientology is just a load of pure horseshit, and 2) that Tom Cruise is probably a severely conflicted homosexual stuck in the closet along with that David Miscavige midget.
Here’s my opinion for whatever its worth.
But first, let’s look at the facts.
Tom Cruise is handsome, famous and endlessly rich.
Many women of all ages and types, nationalities and religions would marry him.
Many female Scientologists would swoon to be Wife #4 of Big Being #3. Very young, pretty girls with a foot in the entertainment industry. Dedicated koolaid drinkers who would stick by his side and let him call the shots. Young, beautiful female Scientologists who, unlike Katie, and before her, Nicole, and before her Mimi Rogers, would without question allow David Miscavige and the cherch to utterly control their lives as a couple.
So what’s the problem, given that that he has so many options?
Tom Cruise is and always has been a STAR FUCKER.
He doesn’t just want a young, beautiful, compliant, talented, unknown girl who adores him – even if she’s rich and even if she’ll always support him being a Scientologist 100% and is 100% a Scientologist herself.
He wants a young, beautiful, compliant, talented, rich, FAMOUS, girl who adores him.
And, in my humble opinion, her fame is more important to him than her dedication to Scientology, because he figures he can always MAKE her a Scientologist.
First and foremost, a wife of his has to be a STAR.
He’s not going to marry the gorgeous young production assistant on his films who’s crazy about him and comes from a very rich family. No one knows who the hell she is. There’d be no kick being seen with her. Ditto the hundreds of Celebrity Centre starlets he knows he could have.
That’s my 2, from observing what women he got serious about, over the decades. He never gets serious about a woman who’s not famous.
An inveterate star fucker.
O/T. New book about Scientology: Shrapnel in the San Fernando Valley, by Carol Es [@esart on Twitter].
Amazon: Shrapnel in the San Fernando Valley, by Carol Es
Is anything the IAS represents about itself even remotely true? It’s certainly off-policy IF you still hold Ron’s evident intentions about HASI as being the proper policy about Scientology membership. I believe I had a short (6-month?) membership to HASI back in the ’70s because it was free, but the IAS doesn’t resemble ANYthing Ron set up or talked about.
SUPER SQUIRREL has struck again. Is it any wonder that the non-existant (legally) group doesn’t do any of what the promotions tout, what a reasonING person would expect of such a group?. AFAICT, the IAS is only about being PART OF that off-policy group and has never had anything to do with advancing scientology; only with protecting the punching pontiff’s diminutive backside from real or IMAGINED threats, such as the illusory 5,000 threats(or is it 5,000,000 now?) as a result of “Aftermath’s” bigoted calls for violence, even MY call for violence contained within this comment today. IIRC, every question about scientology is a deadly existential threat. Most would take that to be hyperbolic, but it IS true to the extent that if any of the questions were honestly answered or the answers honestly understood, scientology would have imploded at the very start.
AFAICT,Their claimed stats are that they believe they “reach” EVERYBODY who COULD have seen them or their boring PR pieces or if someone could have told them about having seen it even though only those already “in” would care enough to talk about it to anyone else, probably only another ‘still-in’. If there were any truth to the organization, it might not be so pitifully small and ineffective — If scientology had the means to deliver on the ‘clear’ promise and if it had ever delivered on it, I know *I* wouldn’t be on the outside taking verbal pot-shots at the criminals now running it, I’d be one of them.But, as designed, they can’t, which puts me forever on the outside, disbelieving of anything they claim.
These are the kind of things the Feds should be investigating. If the money they are using for this charade has been donated by people who are under the impression that the money they donated isn’t being used for what the were told…This is called fraud.
There is a law called RICO that was passed decades ago that allowed the Feds to seize all money and resources of Organized Crime families in NY, Philadelphia, etc…The cops realized they couldn’t get these guys on murder charges, so under RICO they charged them with crimes like bribery, money laundering and fraud. All the cops have to provide that these crimes altogether were performed as an ongoing criminal organization. I’m not a lawyer, but my dad was a cop and was in the Organized Crime Unit in Philadelphia when they finally brought all the big guys down that they had been trying for years. Even though they had committed violent crimes, the cops were just glad to put these guys away for a long time, maybe for life using the statutes under RICO.
My dad has read about and watched a lot of shows about Scientology and the one of the first things he said to me was that the Federal Prosecutors should be looking into the possibility of bringing charges up using RICO statutes, especially because they are receiving tax exempt status. If they are abusing that tax exempt status, it definitely can be prosecuted using the laws under RICO.
Even if for some reason they cannot prosecute COB and the rest of Scientology, at least they can freeze all of their accounts and close down the whole operation while they are conducting the investigation. That alone sounds good to me. Like I said, I’m not a lawyer but I wonder if something like this can work for law enforcement and against Scientology.
There has to be a way. Last week Mike was speaking about using a Grand Jury.
I just hope some one picks up this ball and gets it rolling.
Thank you for your support.
As many victims as possible will have to speak out about how they were victimized.
I posted an earlier link to the California charity fraud oversight committee:
They do not take complaints via email or phone, so you need to print it out and send it along with documentation. This may get them to open a case if enough of us send in documents. I was never in, and have never given money, but several of you may have older documentation outlining amounts given to IAS as well as the internet funding sites which illustrate the money isn’t going where they claim. It’s worth a shot. There is an agency in Florida as well.
O/T. Nation of Islam Sister Brandi Muhammad has completed the Scientology Study Technology, Professional TR, Upper Indoc TR and Pro Metering Courses.
The E-Meter is for use only by #Scientology Ministers and Scientology Ministers-in-Training.
Brandi writes, “By Allah’s Grace and Mercy. Mission is not completed. I am on the Road. So thankful for the opportunity.”
“on the Road”?! – What happened to “on the Bridge”? They’re coming up with their own lingo. Maybe in the future we’ll see OM instead of OT. Operating Muslim VIII
“…OM instead of OT. Operating Muslim VIII”
Richard, I’m dying 🙂
O/T, but perhaps of interest to people here.
The webpage of the First Independent Church of Scientology (FICS) is live:
NOTE: In case you missed it, the FICS has 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status in the U.S.:
The FICS has released a Grade Chart dated 8 February 2019:
With regard to the Grade Chart, the FICS exlains:
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
The Grade Chart and Standard Technology
A visitor to our church asked the following:
“What’s with the squirrel grade chart?
I saw LRH’s written instructions to REMOVE original OT IV-VII from the Grade chart and to remove them from PC programming.
Why squirrel his instruction?”
The answer is that L Ron Hubbard did not write instructions to remove these levels.
The change to remove original OT IV-VII was made by HCOB 19 Jan 1982 “NEW – STREAMLINED CLASSIFICATION AND GRADATION CHART.”
That HCOB was not written by LRH, and was later cancelled.
* * * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
Finally, the FICS is continuing to litigate it’s trademark application. The FICS has filed a response to the proposed USPTO decision to deny it’s application for a trademark.
The case was greatly delayed because the USPTO insisted on first processing (and eventually granted) Scientology trademark applications for Scientology Media Productions, not that they added anything new to the discussion.
That Grade Chart was and still is intriguing and enticing. If only.
If only scientology could deliver what it promised, a thought which may have crossed the mind of some Exes. First Independent is sticking with the grandiose claims for self improvement and enlightenment. Good luck. Maybe some other Indie groups are not so bold.
Scientology lies, must lie, can’t not lie, because it knows no other way and because they’ve discovered that Truth is, for them, the path to destruction since there is nothing true in scientology except that it is composed of lies.
O/T. Glam Adelaide – Interview: Cathy Schenkelberg talks about her Fringe Show Squeeze My Cans
DFW…. Means “Dallas-fort worth”(the metro area and airport), right? And WTH can only mean What the Hell”?
Is there anything this cult will not do I grew up in 60’s We caught the bus at end of our street this was when we all had to be sent to new schools I was 7 at the time to attend to schools that was to stop the division of blacks @ whites I met some wonderful people who are still my friends when this cult came to our bus stop and gave us pamphlets after we read them we knew this was an evil cult and our small town and they never returned
What would be real interesting is to see what the LA based ‘Foundation for a Drug-Free World’and the Atlanta based ‘Foundation for a Drug Free World’ (Note: LA uses a ‘-‘ after ‘Drug’, Atlanta doesn’t. So it’s easy to miss one doing a name search.) IRS Form 990’s show in the way of grants from the IAS. I’ll be it’s not very much, if anything at all.
Hypothetical conversation overheard between a Super Bowl attendee and someone handing out anti drug pamphlets:
“Sorry kid both hands full with the beers I’ve stocked up on so I don’t have to leave til the first timeout. But, hey I will give you a fiver to get me a hot dog, keep the 5 cents change.”
Kid runs off with the whole $5 and ups his IAS status because that’s how ethical scientologists are..
The way Scientology lies I am beginning to doubt that the donations from the “big whales” represent real cash. I always had a hard time seeing how Kathy F could donate a million when their hedge fund was on the verge of bankruptcy. It would be really easy to say to Kathy. ” If you donate $200,000 we will make you diamond ruby which displays $1,000,000. ” It would also be easy on the cumulative numbers to double them like magic.
I never thought of that George. That’s probably accurate.
Excellent point, George.
George, I wouldn’t be surprised if there is indeed some “postulate check” style fudging of whales’ actual donations, particularly at what is now probably a rather desperate point for Scientology.
But Scientology is bizarrely effective at asset-stripping its members – and even getting money from them that they don’t really have to give, such as when they go into debt or let bills go unpaid, which apparently results with increasing frequency in bankruptcy. The Feshbachs, bankrupt and thus technically insolvent, were doing things like continuing to give large amounts of money to Scientology – and not paying millions in tax debts:
The first Scientologist with ‘Super Power’ gets super spanked by bankruptcy judge
US Bankruptcy Court Ruling: Scientologists Matt and Kathy Feshbach Cannot Discharge $3.8 Million in Income Taxes
In addition to the old “postulate check” scam, they could also say they WILL donate $2,000,000,and have that entered as their ironclad pledge. If they don’t actually donate that much, they merely have to show they’re working on it; at $1 a week and they’re still technically in compliance. D’ya think the MAA will fall for that? The Dir I&R?
jere, Scientology always seems pathologically obsessed with “show me the money” – NOW! We hear stories of people spending hours and hours in registrar’s offices until bank transfers are made, or new credit is approved and tapped – they insist on cash on the barrelhead. The FSM will want their commission, which they don’t get until money is actually paid, and whoever in an org has the “stat” for the income will want the same, or at least that’s how it used to work.
But given that Scientology also engages in ends-justifies-the-means fudging of any supposed principle when it suits them, staff under that insane pressure will resort to breaking the rules, “whales” get treated according to different rules (including, now, being able to put their FSMs on a budget), and that they seem to be at a point of desperation, I’m sure there’s some fudging that goes on. If Scientology actually started frequently allowing – and counting – something more like the sort of pledging that normal churches and organizations engage in, that would actually be a major sign of slippage.
When I was IN scientology in the 1970’s I didn’t look at myself as BEING a scientologist. It was something I was DOING. Maybe there was an IAS back then but I guess it was a token thing and I was never asked for a contribution.
Looking back I might have been talked into joining an Association back then, looking at it as being part of a special or exclusive or elite “Club” and they might have soaked me for more money, but at least I only paid for training and auditing. Status in the Club seems to be a high priority these days, maybe even equal to “position on the Bridge”.
I noticed they piggy-backed on the legitimate anti-drug PSA messages that NFL and NBA athletes legitimately do each year (these have absolutely NO connection with Scientology’s “drug free world” propaganda- which is obvious if you carefully dissect the wording in the blurb). the claim that they were inspired by drug free world and were forwarding the drug free world message is blatant misrepresentation of how actual PSAs made by professional athletes come about. It’s like claiming that any and all anti-drug messages were inspired by Scientology’s message, which is ridiculous in the extreme, but doesn’t seem to stop Scientology from declaring that it’s all due to their influence. I know that they managed to talk one retired football player to the dark side, but stating that the general PSA announcements are their doing is insulting to the entire country- and really misrepresenting the positive work that many pro athletes do to get a positive message to kids. I’m a little surprised the NFL and the NBA dont shut this down for using their trademarked name in an advertisement and in an obvious plug for a Scientology organization. I wonder if they’ve seen it?? They can get a little touchy about stuff like this.
So Kat,
You are saying that Scieno’s are parasites?
That pretty much sums it up!!! Much more succinct than my wordy post lol!
Is the IAS tax exempt? If so, they are in violation of the IRS rules regarding charities. Why no investigation or slap down? Why, because the IRS was shutdown for over a month because Trump had a shit fit.
Scientology’s IAS does not get help from the Right or the Left. They did get help from the IRS when Scientology settled with them in October 1993. (It was signed when Clinton was president but he only started his presidency in January 1993 and all the IRS “setup” was done in the Bush era Jan 1989-1993.)
I believe, and so do many others that “the IRS exceeded its authority by effectively overruling the Supreme Court in setting the terms of the agreement with Scientology and permitting tax deductions not authorized in law.” from Wiki
Mr. Almblad, I would like a way to correspond with you about getting your clean ice in here as a test application in a big hospital. There’s a lot more. I am entirely serious.
Zee,you are an idiot. The IAS and its criminality has been around for decades. Please see a mental healthcare professional.
Hey, Wynski! Good to see that you’re being your usual chipper self.
But you are right that the IAS has been around for quite a long time. And, IMHO, I don’t think that lack of IRS activity regarding it has much to do with Trump.
In the case of Zeemoo, I doubt if mental health therapy will be of much help.
Incidentally, I was watching an episode of ‘Dynasty’ from Season two and it was where Sammy Jo (Heather Locklear) goes to LA to do porn. In the exterior shot the porn studio is right next to a building with a big neon sign that said SCIENTOLOGY.
Hey Alcoboy, not chipper but honest. You are right, Zee is probably too far gone for help. Hilarious about that scamology sign with the pron studio.
Leslie Farrow? LOL,what an idiot. You’d think that after her boss, Richie Acunto, got shafted by the IAS that she would have run screaming from the Cult
I’ve even wondered before if sometimes the people asking for the money for WTH books don’t kind of appropriate some of it. I got this idea from a Scn girl who went to a black third world country to help the natives there and she was always asking for donations. Yet she never showed any paper trail as to what the money bought, where it went etc. Made me wonder if this “nonprofit” was her new job and she kept most of the money while only giving a little to the cause? It wouldn’t be the first time this has happened. Big, reputable companies have been paying hefty paychecks to the staff first and donating what’s left to the charity they advertise it going to.
Janedoe, charity scams like that are very common. I would not be surprised if some scamologists skimmed off of the top.
Maybe the cult members should consider making a career change. It’s not like they are not used to people yelling at them or don’t know how to be relentless. Telemarketers can make $4.50 an hour. Not sure how that business works but it would be big pay increase for them.
When are we going to see the Evil Little Leprechaun and part time Animatronic Robot
?? David Miscavige ??
himself head up one of these handouts?
Like, you know, leading the Sea Org troops to
Keep Shitology Werkin’™️
and manning the charge to
Clear The Planet™️
The Tiny One could have
Gone Exterior™️
astrally projected himself to Atlanta along with his fellow deep-in-the-closet boyfriend
? Tom Cruise ?
since he is, after all, a Big Being™️ and a Super Power™️ Resurgent Cause™️ Operating Thetan XVIII™️ Global Humanitarian Winner™️ Right? ??
It’s sad to see these poor saps literally living out the malignant manifestations of science fiction writer
? L Ron Hubbard’s ?
twisted and warped imagination.
I hope there are victims trapped in this sick cult — that sneak and read this blog — along with the hundreds of thousand of other content pages and thousands of videos available on the Internet exposing this giant con fraud. GET OUT.
It’s telling that they don’t even mention the names of the sports starts from the NFL and NBA that helped with their campaigns, safe-pointing the message and countering the creepy taint of Scientology.
I went onto GoFundMe to see how much they raised for Liberia and I can’t even find it. I guess they raised so much, they didn’t need the page anymore. LOL!
It was up at least 6 days with zero donations- I bet they took it down due to embarrassment!! Such a powerful organization!
Let me think a moment….Well, did they have complete & unblocked access to the Stadium BEFORE the Super Bowl where they could place maybe 3 to 4 COPIES or more of these Booklets on EACH STADIUM SEAT? Then again, they’d probably have been stashed UNDER those seats or simply ripped up into confetti & thrown about.
Did they stand outside &try to hand every single person a handful of booklets & if so how many of those booklets were refused or tossed in the trash barrel ASAP.
It’s continues to boggle the mind when “they” spew forth unadulterated lies about their successes in life. There really aren’t any true statistics to show that what they claim is TRUE. SHOW US from the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION or something like that PROOF of your claims…
WTF? You can’t do that? I THOUGHT SO….
No one has complete access to the stadium before a Super Bowl, much less a regular season game. This is especially true if the players are already there. Unless they planted a member in there disguised as a janitor or something, they wouldn’t get to the door much less inside!
From the picture it looks like one of the satillite parking lots, not directly outside the stadium entrances, but I can’t say with 100% certainty since they took the picture away from the city skyline and I can’t see landmarks. I would imagine that they unpacked their pamphlets and had to lug them several miles to distribute them to people going in or tailgating…generally the football fans at the super bowl are just going to toss a pamphlet into the trash-I have to think they would have no interest in reading propaganda when they have paid a small fortune to attend the Super Bowl!
As for placing them in restaurants and local tv, that’s laughable as well- there are so many flyers and pamphlets in most restaurants in ATL, they toss them as soon as the person leaves.
Of course Kat, my “tongue in cheek JEST statement” was that of course, for safety reasons “fans/the public” are NOT permitted in the stadium before hand. After all, if it were even REMOTELY possible for them to have been granted permission….there’s no way they’d disperse that many booklets anywhere.
Can you imagine them trying to hand them out to fans as these fans were lining up to enter the stadium…they’ve heard some pretty rough language & they would have found the booklets, refused, thrown back at them, or dumped on the ground.
I occasionally take things too literally at first and miss the subtleties! It’s a curse but I can’t seem to break it. I should have warned everyone about this prior to starting posting on the blog- just hit me over the head with a very large stick next time!
No worries my friend…..there are a few more “tongue in cheek” people on this board and on Tony’s board too. We’ve got to find a way to poke fun somehow at some of their fabrications & half or whole lies, that THEY insist are true…yeah when pigs or donkeys fly….
You are a lovely person, & glad to read your posts as well! I am a never in, but had friends decades ago that got into Hare Krishna, Moonies, Children Of God….95% of them regretted it completely…2% thought they did “some good”….3% didn’t survive their ordeal so I’ve heard. All too sad.
Thank you for the kind words. I am so sorry that you have lost some friends to cults- it must make it even tougher if they were in when they passed.
I’m thinking of starting a “happy woggle” secret society for all of us never in’s-Lol
“The IAS is the biggest scam in scientology.” You got me thinking about that Mike. So, I’ll play.
The biggest scam in scientology: Believing that the Program the Case Supervisor writes for you is what the C/S (who has been expertly trained) knows are the steps that will benefit YOU the most and in the most expeditious way. What one gets instead are Programs that will benefit the Organization the most and to the greatest monetary gain possible. One knows fairly early on not to question their own Case Supervision. So you go along and persevere. Not only is one handing over mega amounts of cash but these programs, and specifically sec checking, I believe can cause mental damage at a maximum and be temporarily abusive at a minimum and spiritually demeaning all the way around.
BUT! It’s a “religion.”
The biggest scam in Scientology? It was LRH saying we can get the OT abilities on the grade chart, as if he had risen above the bank and done these himself. Truth is, he said this to get the money. If he was here today, and answered truthfully, he would tell you he HAD to say these things or you would not pay him money or work for free.
In KSW he said:
“We will not speculate here on why this was so or how I came to rise above the bank. We are dealing only in facts and the above is a fact…”
It was my bad for not seeing through this and it cost me my life and family, along with a population of ex scientologists far greater in number than the number of Scientologists today. By his own rules, of the greatest good for the greatest number, Scientology should be destroyed, not helped.
Living well and rising above is the best revenge, Mr. Almblad. Once you are quietly reestablished, then you can destroy them at leisure.
Well said Robert. I agree completely
To answer the question scientology ad asks, ‘Curious?’, here is one answer:
Yes, curious about Shelly, where is she?
Isn’t having something valuable sitting in customs in some other country and needing money to have it released one of those classic catfish scams that people run on lonely folks to scam thousands??? Scientology’s new scam?
And why does almost everyone in these pictures look miserable? Not that I’d be happy having to stand outside the stadium and not get to watch the game, but still…
I lived in Atlanta for over 20 years, and a Jumbotron (if that’s their idea of a jumbo tron then I need a moment to stop laughing) hawking anti drug messages during winter and super bowl week is probably the lamest idea I’ve ever heard- no one (and I mean no one) would pay a bit of attention to that thing!!!