The real truth about the international “expansion” of scientology.
Sorry, I posted the wrong version of this earlier — my commentary was omitted. Was rushing to take the family to the airport this morning — back home to Florida after visiting me in LA.
This list of “top FSMs” is a CUMULATIVE total that began on March 13th (the end of the “Birthday Game”).
This is the GRAND TOTAL number of NEW IAS monthly “subscriptions” since March. It is LESS THAN 300 in 4 months. These are people who agree to go on a monthly fixed amount of “donation” to the IAS. Either this is a miniscule percentage of a large number of members, or a tiny percentage of a small number of members (like 40,000 on the IAS mailing list, but a large percentage of them have simply failed to cancel their membership so as not to alert anyone they are “disaffected”).
Interesting to see Kathy Feshbach on top with the IAS. She rock-slammed in 1987 when I had her on an
Wasn’t it the cheap defective e-meters that caused all those rock slams, and not the person? I notice we have heard little about rock slams in decades, after they ‘upgraded’ the internal electronic components to less-cheap ones. In any event, it’s funny that a ‘top producer’ would also be a former rock slammer. Did she have to serve time in the RPF for the e-meter’s sins?
I never turned her in even though I thought about it.
May the Lord bless us and save us, Kathy Feshbach a rock slammer 🙂
I don’t know anything about Kathy Feshbach , but I do know a little about E-Meters.
I do know that Jessica Feshback (Rodriguez) now Davis) was the last auditor I had in the S.O.
The auditing didn’t go for shit, but in all fairness to Jessica, that was likely not her fault.
By then I was bordering on AIDS Dementia Compléx and, if anyone gave a fuck, which they probably did not, they would have realized that I was terminal an thus, an illegal PC.
Actually, her sessions produced virtually no TA but the greatest win in Scn; When I told her it was pointless to audit me over the PTP of my wife being held on the Freewinds and that my father had talked about calling the FBI as he thought correctly; that shewas being held against her will, the Clearance I\C. OSA W\US. told me the next day that my wife was being freed and would be at LAX the next day. I was there when she got off the plane and my TA blew down as I thought that I would never see her again as (1) The church was holding her against her will and (2) The “church” was ensuring that I would get no proper medical treatment until I was DEAD.
If any of you are lawyers I have 2 questions: (1) What is the statute of limitations for attempted murder (or homocide) and (2) whether (neglegent homocide really covers such a sustained and clever attempt to secure my demise. If you need more data, let me know.
I don’t know about Kathy, but her daughter saved my life, and probably doesn’t even know it.
On about Oct 02 Jessica Feshbach was auditing me. My current guess is that Freewinds execs wanted me to shut up about my wife be held against her will on the ship, so arranged for me to get some auditing.
I was dying of AIDS I had gotten in the Freewinds home port of Curacao in 1989. Now some will say that you only got HIV in 89; certainly not AIDS.
You may well be right; but, sir, or madame, I can tell you that I have experienced far more about AIDS than you will ever know, unless of course you are insane. As I consider that you are likely at least as sane as I am, I can tell you that it is a bad feeling you get when you wake up in the morning and you do not know who this woman is who is in bed with you. Especially when you consider that you are still on the Sea Org and you vaguely recall fucking this woman last night which will surely get you shot. Fortunately she admitted that she was my wife which saved me from Scn Justice though I would have probably been dead before any justice action could be convened. (Continued).
Question about the E-Meter . . .
Could a person undergo intensive hypnosis ( drug-induced, if necessary ) and be able to fool an E-Meter with a “perfect” or “near perfect” reading ?
If that were possible, what actions would an Auditor take and how would the “higher ups” react to a “flawless” Scientologist ?
A person might be able to tell them that he is a “reborn” LRH and has reached or even surpassed the “fictional” OT-XV level !
Dave F.
Dave F.
The e-meter doesn’t really do anything. I can say this after 40 years “in” and “on” one. I have been able to make the needle float quite easily many times and often did so just to end painfully long auditing sessions. This fact, and I saw it many times, finally helped me wake up and walk out.
I was invited to attest to the state of clear by David Mayo (back when he was still in) and this was the DIRECT result of my being able to float the needle at will.
Oh and to be clear, none of this was because of drugs. I’d previously wiped out any of the pot I’d smoked as a hippy years before on the sweat out program, now called the purification rundown.
I meant if that happened every time an individual held the cans, whether it was the1st time or the 100th time. Just a perfectly still, un-moving needle on every session. I implied using drug-induced hypnosis ( CIA – style ) to absolutely condition an individual to have no reaction at all.
What would auditors do if they saw this happening ?
Dave F.
“Fictional OT XV level”?! how ’bout the fictional levels IX and X? Then of course there’s VIII informing you that everything up to that point were fiction, all mocked up. Even “clear” is fictional:” I was mocking up the Bank, and no longer am! 🙂 ”
EVERYTHING in scn is fictional,IOW.
George, If you have money, rock slams don’t mean anything, or they mean more FPRD or Sec Checks at the person’s own expense, which is good business for the church. So bring it on. BUT if you are a poor lowly SO member, a rock slam gets you sent to the hole at Int Base. At least it did when the big List One Rock Slam witch hunt was on. Money buys you out of anything in the church of money.
WAS there a L-1 r/s Witch Hunt after the one at Flog about 40years ago? That one RPF’d MANY good people. I expect that a similar hunt under DM would single out the most productive crew remaining for punishment, as that’s the way he rolls: utterly destroy any who could possibly challenge his superiority. AND of course he will NEVER go on a meter any more; he’s too afraid he’ll get caught in his fraud.
Jere Lull, good post. I agree with all you said. DM doens’t even need a R/S to banish someone. All he needs is they might raise an eyebrow at him and off with their head! Or he may fear they are more popular than he is with the sheeple (Heber) and off with his head! DM doesn’t need a reason or proof of anything. No one questions him.
I checked out the #3 on the list, Akor Kunfalvy, who is Hungarian. On Facebook he describes himself as working everywhere. There are a few photos from Church of Scientology events, includng a phoro of Tom Cruise at a black tie and medal event.
Right now his very first post is about the FIFA World Cup Final, where France defeated Croatia to become champion. With the majority of the players being black, there has been an unpleasant response on the internet that it wasn’t France that won, but rather “Africa,” or “Immigrants.” Akos Kunfalvy has this view.
Akos is the son of Hungarian fencing royalty; fencing is a big sport here, together with other marginal activities like handball and waterpolo. But he himself is not a sportsman but calls himself a poet. From the figures above it’s more likely he’s a salesman.
There are some more photos of him here.
On his FB page – the public bit – he reposted a picture he put up in 2011. It’s of him in Moscow with an IAS banner right behind him. This post has been up for 7 years, and in that time it received 8 likes. EIGHT!
Here are 3 screenshots from his public FB page.
France/Africa post:
Dad recognized as all-time-great:
8 likes in 7 years:
And he is at #3. How small is Scientology? What is the under-the-radar:still-pushing-up-the-bridge ratio right now? 60:40? 20:80? It is obviously tiny and shrinking, but how small is it?
However small it actually is …………… it continues to shrink. Rejoice!!
I bet all those FDSMs with 1 contributer ARE the single contributer; AMNYthing for a stat.
That should have read: ANYTHING for the STAT. Before dawn, my typing skill deteriorates even further than usual 🙁
REMINDER… The newest Tom Cruise movie, “Midlife Crisis: Fallout”, is coming out on July 27.
Please go out to the cinema that night, and see and support ANYTHING BUT Tom Cruise.
He is the face of scientology, and he must own it. Boycott him and his criminal organization.
Remember, Tom Cruise said that Scientology is “beautiful” . . .
Dave F.
Despite the fact scientologists are told IAS membership is mandatory when paying for services, this is what the CoS told the IRS in order to secure tax exemption:
“You have called our attention to an advertisement in issue 75 of SOURCE magazine containing statements to the effect that IAS membership is required in order for a parishioner to participate in religious services. These statements are erroneous. There is no Church policy or directive which sets forth such a requirement, nor has there ever been such a Church policy or directive. The relevant Church policies approving IAS as the official membership organization, previously furnished to you, contain no such requirement. Neither HASI nor any other membership system in the United States has ever required membership as a condition of participating in religious services at a Scientology church.
“…We are taking steps to ensure that all future advertisements and other statements regarding IAS membership made by Church organizations correctly state the facts of the matter as described above. Keeping certificates in force was and continues to be a benefit of IAS membership; requiring membership in the IAS in order to participate in religious services never has been valid and membership in the IAS was and remains wholly voluntary.”
That is so bull.
Every single routing form onto service has a step to check IAS membership expiration.
The conditional step is to route the person to the IAS Membership Officer if their membership has expired to “sign up” (i.e., PAY) for a current membership, then route them back to the course or auditing room to start their service.
Is it that simple to get the IRS exemption taken away, by showing them one single routing form onto service?
Sure but you’ll need evidence which in this case woukd be a copy of the routing form. Aside from walking into an org and getting one (good luck with that), I don’t know how you would obtain it.
Anybody have any ideas?
No Jane, showing the routing form would NOT have any effect on their exempt status.
Dedicated to the Capo di tutti capi of the IAS.
You say you’re lookin’ for someone
Who’s full of cash, but not too strong
To adore you and defend you
And say you’re never wrong
Someone to open each and every door
But it ain’t me, Dave
No, no, no, it ain’t me, Dave
It ain’t me you’re lookin’ for, Dave
saying “Capo di tutti capi” implies the existance of another “capo”, even two or more. Since NO ONE else can do ANYthing right, NO ONE OTHER THAN DWARFENFUHRER has any power to control anything. The MOST anyone else can do is forward what COMMAND INTENTION currently is, with none of the expletives deleted and all the misemotion included.
Jere. we love you but don’t ever take sides against the family.
??? “Don’t ever take sides against the family”? Not ME, certainly. I grew up in a neighborhood where “the family’s” roots ran deep and have nothing bad to say about them. For years, there was NO measurable crime in our streets: Our paper’s “rap sheet” was mostly traffic stops and noise violations, It was BIG news when a local cop fired his weapon for the first time in decades. On the other hand, I have nothing good to say about DM, unless you count what a GREAT job he’s doing dismantling SCN.
Got it on all, Jere. I hear you.
I was just funnin’ wicha, though, with this reworked line from “The Godfather” 🙂
Michael Corleone says to his brother, “Fredo, you are my brother, and I love you, but never take sides against the family”.
Obscure joke on my part, nothing in any way critical intended, my friend. 🙂
Call me hard to please, but 300 is still 300 too many.
More and more people will wake up from the whole IAS sham, and thus Scientology, when they realize the utter duplicity of L. Ron Hubbard and his offspring Miscavige, and exit the cult for good.
What was your first thought when you realized David Miscavige uses IAS funds to harass, sue and spy on ex members? That no money from the IAS is used to help humanity? It is all a horrible hoax and you got played like a fiddle?
Scientology is nothing but a scam.
My first, and last, thought on all things IAS is: Scientology lies, MUST lie, can’t not lie, except by accident, like forgetting what the current lie is and lying about the lie.
Another example of “do I or don’t I?” Believe anything that emanates from Scientologists that is. Better to be safe and know that someone’s lips were moving and fingers were typing on a keyboard. All Scientology’s data contains misinformation and lies, especially where money acquisition is concerned. Which, btw IS the whole subject. The IAS may be bs, but geezers, hasn’t it raked in the big bucks in the past?
I think this falls into the “nobody looked at what these numbers say about the health of our organization”
If I had this data in front of me, for an international organization, I would be appalled & NEVER let them out. Those numbers portray a pathetic amount of interest.
“So if you lost your house, can’t do a 3rd or 4th mortgage, went bankrupt, or are on staff, that’s okay. We have the perfect solution for you to help the 4th dynamic!”
This is revealing the desperation and scraping the bottom of the barrel to get every thin dime from remaining members. In the past, IAS regges never wasted time on the unqualifield prospects. Howard Becker is going for chump change?
As an FSM you don’t even get a commission anymore. You get a credit of the 5 monthly donations towards your next status.
Good. Anything that will cause more disaffection is all right by me. If you’ve read Tony’s site the last week or so, you will know there’s an excerpt from a book written by a former reg. The things they do are horrendous. They do it because of the commissions and the punishments they will get if they fail to extract every single cent from the people.
No commissions means taking away the carrot and leaving only the stick.
Jane Dough is that true that they don’t pay FSM commissions anymore? Who did you hear that from? Is it a new policy in writing that DM put out? If they don’t pay FSM commissions, then all the big Power FSM’s are going to be looking for work outside the church and at the ripe old age of 60 years old and older. OMG this is worth an article of its own on the blog. Did you verify if this is true?
What if we all write to the IRS? Would that help? I wrote a snail mail letter to the FBI but got no reply.
Thank you for writing that letter, lynda. I’m not being a Pollyanna; the thing is, you never know who will read a letter (someone will) and how it might affect that person, how it may lodge in his or her mind, and then one day, talking to the right person, it comes forth and is shared, and it means something; a connection is made. Usually VOLUME of mail gets the attention but really, truth has a way of communicating powerfully. Again, I’m no Pollyanna but I do believe that. You never know. Its no accident that one of the cult’s primary suppression techniques is forbidding people from communicating with one another! He knows very well how powerful communication can be and so did Hubbard. So thanks for what you did.
Well Aquamarine, you have inspired me….I’m going to write another letter.
Great! You’ve inspired me too, actually. I’d love to contribute a share of the cost of mailing a form letter to all Congressmen and Senators.
With a couple decades working for government agencies I can tell you that a letter or two never stir up action. Like Aquamarine says you can write more and hope. But honestly, having been one of the many who took personal action against the IRS back when the cult was hammering on the agency for tax exemption I know it takes a load of attacks from many different angles to get any govt agency to take notice and take action.
I have submitted detailed reports to federal government agencies (USCIS for example) outlining blatant violations of law but nothing has ever been done. And these reports have even been submitted to members of Congress in the hopes their power will help. Sadly, nothing was ever done.
Back when the cult was battling the IRS for exempt status it demanded many of its members file Freedom of Information Act requests with the agency as well as administrative actions and even a number of lawsuits. All this was for the purpose of loading the IRS with problems to deal with and imbuing the agency with the notion that they better not mess with the cult; as it isn’t going to lay down and succumb. Well, guess what. It fucking worked!
In conclusion, it is infinitely apparent that any attack on the cult’s tax exemption is surely going to have to be sprung with the same volume of force as was used to obtain it. Many, many administrative assaults as well as actual lawsuits. Not sure if folks out here are willing to do so. I’d jump in though.
Maybe we could start one of those petitions on “” or something. I dunno,…just feel like a movement is in order. sigh…..
EXPANSION GALORE! More like treason. Confusion?
I have two friends, on opposite sides of the country that have been out of $ci for 18 & 19 years respectively, who each got the same text message this weekend, from a Sea Org member, Tone 40, literally begging them to come to an event on the Freewinds. It was such a DESPERATE text. They were literally being BEGGED to come back. No exaggeration….they begged…..apologized….kissed their asses with compliments about how well they were doing in life (how do THEY know?) I found it BEYOND cringeworthy to read. I had to wince whilst I read it…like how you watch a horror movie….with four fingers in front of your eyes and a little chink of open space to watch / read?
Keep in mind teach they haven’t heard from $ci for 2 decades. So also a little scary. And they both left in a ball of fire.
The liabilities of love bombing.
That’s what most cults practice: love bombing. With a fake smile on their face.
I prefer cherry bombs on the Fourth of July; at least you know what you’re getting.
I’m glad I’ve got these creeps blocked from my phone and my email. I don’t want to watch or listen to them being humble, if they be ever so inclined as regards me returning to a Scientology Org.
When I’m done, I’m DONE.
I gave them plenty of chances, via email and in person, to have calm, rational, on point discussions. I got told enough times that there was something wrong with me – MUs, out-ethics – it had to be something wrong with me because they could not or would not answer plain, simple calm questions.
I never lost my temper with them. Not once. I used my best, conservative,patient, polite and respectful language. But they wouldn’t answer.
I was perfectly willing to confront MUs and I wasn’t afraid of Ethics because I’d done nothing wrong. In fact, I was a word clearing FREAK. I actually LIKED clearing words. They knew that, too.
I’d ask them, “What is it about this policy that I don’t understand? You’re not even READING it, and you’re so certain that I don’t understand it. I’m showing it to you because THE ORG is not following it!”
Like talking to walls.
They were fucked up. There was something wrong with THEM and they knew it and I knew it and they knew that I knew it.
I couldn’t look at them and pretend anymore. I did it for a while. After a while, it became impossible. Getting along with people is one thing but pretending respect and trust or any kind of feelings that I actually don’t feel for any substantial length of time is really hard for me if not downright impossible.for me in general and not something I wanted to ever have to do at my org!
It sounds like you gave them every opportunity to engage in a meaningful dialogue, but alas, those whose thinking ability (not thinkingness for God’s sake!) has been hijacked by a master manipulator like L. Ron Hubbard, are not likely to see beyond their own brain fog. Well done for seeing the light and having the integrity to walk away from it all.
Thanks, MJM. I knew I was being gaslighted but I kept my TRs in and kept trying with one of them or another. I gave it my polite, cheerful, respectful best. No go.
But its just as well. That was before I started reading the internet. So its just as well. Its a shame though – for them. Good people.
I feel you Aqua. I would love to reconnect to some of the friends I had while I was in the cult. As we both know, that won’t happen until they extricate themselves from the tentacles of the beast. I often think of those people with fondness.
Oh my gosh that is so sad Lurr Kurr. Like they are pleading for their life.
“It was such a DESPERATE text.”
Whoo Hoo!
I would LOVE to get a look at it! Any chance we might get the text of it posted on here? (rubs hands together)
🙂 Yeah, me too, Smorbie. Its a shadenfreude kinda week.
Thanks for clearing up that mystery post.
As Capt. Renault would say: i am SHOCKED!……..SHOCKED!!!!!!!
300 in 4 months? Piffle.
CLEARLY the brain deads at AIS have failed to include the MASSIVELY HUGE contributions from their diss-enema-tors supreme: Valley Queen, Crusty Tubby, MR Impossible(to keep a wife), Donkey Face, and several shreking, singing, nameless females. With all of their star power and big bucks they could each easily dummy up several thousand names and bank accounts to become regular payees to the AIS. They could have met the 10,000 goal in a week and make the demented midget happy happy happy. For one week.
Scientology “stars” may be stars, but lets face it, they are, all of them, falling stars.
Atheists, Catholics, Hindus, and Protestants have FAR FAR more celebrities as adherents than scientology could ever dream to have.
The scientology “tech” is bogus, the founder is full of shit and deader than a spent Kool butt, and the current leader is a thuggish sociopath.
Nice religion, ‘ya got there, you less-than-useful scientology celebrity idiots. Now please retire to your eternal shame and lifelong regret in ever having heard the word “scientology”.
I hope you are not including me in your group of ”eternal shame and lifelong regret in ever having heard the word “scientology”
jim, nope, just the celebrities still in. Wait, are you a celebrity? (…fawns… uh, gulp, uh can you sign my leaf over here?… yeah it is for my mother…)
“They could have met the 10,000 goal in a week and make the demented midget happy happy happy. For one week.”
Dwarfenfürher MIGHT have been happy had they hit the 10,000 goal … Until Thursday at 2:15 PM, when he found something else to rage about, and manufactured another irrational goal to be met.
Guys like him are never truly happy. The strain’s showing in his pics despite the makeup, lighting, and photoshopping.
Come to the IAS (International Airhead Seminar) and learn tried and true fleecing techniques, such as remortgages, extended credit lines and how to deplete retirement accounts, all from proven wolves who always get their sheep!
Just think how quickly Scientology would fold, if Trump had their IRS tax exemption revoked !
I would love to have something to commend Trump on. But it seems to me it’s the FBI and IRS who would have to pull that plug. I don’t know if a sitting president can do that. Would be great if he could/would. Not sure it would benefit his interests tho.
President cannot revoke IRS tax exemption.
That would be hard to trump.
That would be a dream come true!
So these monthly memberships represent people new to Scientology who purchased the least expensive IAS membership available? How much does a monthly membership cost? How long before it expires?
Sorry — my error corrected by SadStateofAffairs. This is a program they have to get all IAS members to sign up for a monthly donation. “Give us $10 a month”
Hey, Mike. Do you think it will get down to donations every week? I wouldn’t put it past them.
Every twenty-four hours as part of their daily worship of Dave.
Thanks. At first I thought that these numbers represent the free “introductory” IAS memberships given to people newly introduced to Scientology but they actually represent existing Scientologists who have been badgered to make monthly donations to the IAS. So these statistics just depict more blood-sucking from existing IAS members.
The statistics most closely tracked by Scientology are the ones that monitor their vampiric activities.
Mike, I don’t believe this is a program particularly for new members. I think this is a program to get existing members of whatever status to, additional to any other past donations made, agree to make monthly donations going forward, of whatever amount.
Oh. I see. It’s not a monthly membership but a monthly payment plan…
I will fix this. I am sure you are right.
It appeared at least 5 years ago through the mail. No push besides a letter at the time.
It locks you into monthly payments.
I remember cringing at the thought of giving them my bank info.
I don’t see Scientology getting even 300 fresh, “raw meat” (their lovely term) adults – could many of these be children of members (including and up to young adults), and would that go towards explaining the numbers for Flag, that people who go there for services are getting regged to sign up their kids? We’ve certainly already seen kids (including rather young ones) signed up for paid statuses including, bizarrely, the one the local orgs call “alumni.”
It’s interesting to see Tom Cummins on the list, who I think of more as a “whale.” One thing that I think needs to be recognized and discussed more, is the larger number of scientologists who “FSM” (I believe they’re all supposed to) and get commissions; that means many of the people who get represented, particularly in the media, as voicing personal opinions about Scientology, are actually CofS representatives and commissioned recruiters, and particularly in the case of some of the minor celebrities may be angling to make much of their income by signing people up for courses, “services” and even “donations.” Normally it’s expected that people who have a direct financial interest in something they’re talking about, are supposed to disclose that – I don’t think that the media would, for instance, ask someone their opinion about Amway products without asking if they were a distributor, since it’s also the case in that MLM that most customers or consumers are also at least trying to be commissioned franchisees, and there are relatively few people who are mere retail clients.
Hey—shouldn’t the Chan Man be high on that list? Did I miss his name?
Not if they have automatic donations every month.
I thought Taiwan was one of the fastest growing markets for Scientology. They’ve added 1 person.
Did they start cheering?
My apologies. I posted the wrong version of this post this morning. now updated.
Say five Hail Mary’s and you’re good to go.
And 2 Our Fathers
Don’t forget to say a Hail Holy Queen.
Or, as you Catholic traditionalists like to call it, an Ave Regina.
They all suffer from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress from Dave).
I’ve heard about this illness. I hear it takes years to get rid of it.
Especially if you’re Dave.
It’s also a form of self complicated, organizationally driven, “over-aides.” It’s a virus and can only be cured by extracting yourself from Scientology. Once done, the road to complete recovery is fraught with potholes of truth which show up most expectantly sometimes. A lot depends on how long you guzzled the kool-aide for, for the severity of some of those SRAs can be staggering. Sneaky mind fuck Scientology, but it can be put back in the box from whence it came.
That’s what you get for associating with the peeping pope.
Or, as He’s known in ecclesiastical circles, “Dildo Dave”.
As Jed Clampett would have put it:
Pitiful, just pitiful.
To me, it just goes to show that the more you hit people up for money, the more you drive them away. I mean, these are the top IAS FSMs and this is the best they can do? I wish Kathy Feshbach would share her secret of how she gets so many people to pony up and fork over the cash.
I am so glad that the only status I ever held in the IAS was a free six month membership. Three of them, to be exact.
In the ENTIRE USA, only 181 donors for this IAS scam. And this in the BUSIEST month for Flog Service Org & AOLA/ASHO
Sorry — see update to post. This is 4 MONTHS WORTH of “new members.”
Holy crap. The witch, she is almost dead.
Then either the house needs to fall out of the sky faster or we need to dump another bucket of water on her
Wow . . . With numbers like that, the planet should be cleared . . . NEVER !
Intrusive Association of Shysters.
IAS = I am slimy. Caveat emptor.
Nice, MJM!
Infernal Assemblage of Shoddy Swindlers, or iASS.
so a couple hundred from the top 10 in the WORLD! Everybody else got in 1 person per MONTH! Compare that to the 70’s. Hmmmmmm.
Whoa! So now it’s monthly to hand over their money! Pretty soon it will be weekly.
The thing I really like about these lists is that, over time, I see fewer and fewer names I recognize. I like to think that those that I do know that are no longer on these lists are waking up and at least going under the radar if not making an outright full exit/escape. One has to remain optimistic.
Wow – would you look at that…
It’s 1,000,000,000X …..shrinking membership for the IAS
Hip Hip Hooray!
“A fool and his money shall soon part”
These people are fools to donate to this cult after all of the exposure of the cults criminal activities, human trafficking and crimes against humanity.
I mean….come on!
Can someone do that math…PLEASE?
How much Koolaid does one have to drink to contribute to this criminal cult after all Mike and Leah and so many others have done to expose the truth about Scientology?
Thank you SP’s – please continue.
It is working!
My moles working within the Organization are informing me that Scientology members are leaving, going into hiding under the radar and not showing up…the ones with any empathy and compassion left are not participating. Thank you Xenu!
When you impinge the truth upon the minds and souls of this work – you save lives.
Mike ,
How many Scientologist are there left ?
What’s your guess ?
Two, and one passed away in 1986.
LOL! Maybe 5,000.
5000 or less, I agree… think of all the Under-the-Radars. For those still in and drunk on the koolaid, it truly must be a living hell. Like the proverbial frog being boiled alive, I call them Boiled-Frog-ologists.
Pitiful and sad, and the ass-kissed whales, the ass-kissed celebrities, and Miscavige himself will have to answer for the immense pain they are placing on their fellow members and slave sea-org members.
Only approximately 9,700 to go? eazy peazy
Every event in the $cieno ‘Calendar’ is just another excuse to fund raise. This sales contest has been going ever since the ‘Maiden {more like Whore} Voyage’ became an ‘event’. With a 10% (or is it 15%?) commission, you bet the FSMs are beating the bushes for marks.
Does Amway do things like this? It reeks of a boiler room mentality.
“…you bet the FSMs are beating the bushes for marks.”
If they’re smart they’ll be going on interviews for real jobs soon. With their training and skill sets, Amway would hire them.
… or the IRS.
Amway: Another Scientology.
Look, a convenient list of who to avoid!
Lol, that’s funny!
That’s about, say, 300 names in one week. (Being kind here, and assuming the counts are not cumulative for more than 1 week.)
If they need 10,000, they’ll have to do this for 33 weeks….
Off topic:
Narconon Netherlands temporarily closed because of “renovations”.
“Narconon zutphen has now closed down and students were put out on the street with no help or support.”
Also confirmation at their own site (link broken on purpose, remove spaces) http:// narconon .nl /van-de-drugs-afkomen- op-de-narconon-manier/
They also failed to publish (which they are legally obliged) their financial records, they had to publish before July 1st.
13 from Russia?
This is a really pathetic.
I used to know half of this “disseminators” and this numbers are just pathetic for them.
Again wow.
Scn is really not doing well in Russia (and all ex USSR) now.
Of course, what else other than money, money, money?
And imagine being the person that signed others for their monthly payments. They would have a guaranteed monthly income with the commissions they get.
Where is the IRS?
IRS have been running the scam for ages…
Unfortunately, Sylvia, its not illegal to donate like that. It would seem IRS is right there on the job… The only thing more corrupt than COS is IRS.
One would think that, with ten million Scientologists (hah!), that getting 10,000 to sign up would be easy. From this list, they are at ~350. Are those new for the week, or is this a running tally since the beginning of the year?
JVB, in answer to your question, as someone cleverly quipped here, “Scientology: How To Shatter Math”.
Sorry for the misquote. Its “Scientology: How to Confront and Shatter Math”. Not to gush but this is really good. This is gonna make me chuckle every time I think of it. Miscavige should make a course out of it as part of the upcoming revised OEC/ FEBC. LoLoL!
Have you been drinking?
OSD, my friend,
Before I respond to such a profound, yet simple, and thus, profoundly simple question, I must first know:
Have you asked this question because of a knowingness which has come upon you suddenly, powerfully, inexplicably – a knowingness NOT of this universe, coming from a place not of the material universe, coming from a Higher Power, possibly, whether you call it The Supreme Being, or God, call it whatever you like, but a knowingness which of itself effortlessly answers other profound questions, questions which then lead to more questioningness, and so on and so forth, ultimately arriving in a state of discoveryness with regard to, not only one’s own life, but livingness itself, OSD, on this planet, in this universe, and in all other universes?
Is that what’s going on?
I think the numbers of real believers is tiny.
The Scamology App for Android has 50k downloads, but only ~1800 reviews, and 100 of those are people posting negative things about the cult.
As a comparison the Wikkan calendar app has 100k downloads and 2k mixed reviews.
~1700 people left positive reviews for $camApp, a service that was highly promoted by the organization. And is FREE. Lump sum total to get a positive tick is a heartbeat, a download, and a review.
They got less than 2k positives, and are supposed to be growing and have millions of members.
I would not be surprised if their total new monthly donators tops out under a thousand.