They say there are two things that are inevitable: death and taxes.
I would add a third: IAS demanding money.
This is a collection of just a few of the items that have come in during the lockdown.
The “Jewish community”? Really?
You can bet the “Real, stable data over the environment” didn’t come from the Torah…
What is really going on?
We are trying to get your money. And that’s what we are going to do about it. Nothing more, nothing less.
The largest virtual “IAS Event” in US history.
Wow, that is impressive.
We, as a team, are uniting to help our Fourth Dynamic.
Not really. We as a team are ganging up to get your money. We don’t spend it on anything other than what we can put into a video for more fundraising.
These people are going to “bring true freedom to mankind.”
Kathy and Mary Elizabeth — if that is really what you are trying to do, why aren’t you working on getting people into Valley Org and onto service? Isn’t that what a real scientologist would be doing? You are the OT Committee of Valley Org. Where does “Ron” say you are supposed to fundraise for the IAS?
You don’t even believe this bs. But it is way of making commissions. That is what everything in scientology is motivated by.
I have no doubt in my heart, most of these people will be going to hell and I don’t mean Mike, Leah, and their friends! God Bless you all!
In fact, Ron never made any mention of the IAS anywhere.
In fact, Ron has probably never even heard of the IAS.
Doesn’t matter Formost. You get what you reward. And Hubtard set up the top management to get rewarded for stuff like this but no reward for delivering the “tek”. So, Ron asked for this because of the Admin scale he created.
Cash stockpiling under the illusion of pretended help.
“Solve it with Scientology” Don Miscavige knows it can’t be done.
Does anyone know if you can get a Monopoly money credit card? If you had one, as you enter the details for the virtual events, you can cheerfully think to yourself, “Gee, if only this was real money.”
I think one of the funniest things that I’ve seen:
“What is really going on?”
They don’t even know what is really going on in scientology. Or what really went on with LRH.
The scientologist. The LAST PERSON to really know the truth about scientology.
Oh, and the next time they gather the “Jewish community” they should invite NOI Minister and scientologist Tony Muhammad to explain how they are only “so-called Jews” while he and his fellow NOI members are the real ones. Though then again, maybe the scientologists identifying as Jewish all realize that it’s just an “acceptable truth” for PR purposes, and have dutifully “become fully devoted to Scientology to the exclusion of other faiths” (per CofS claims to the IRS) and wouldn’t really mind being referred to as “so-called Jews.”
Whatever happened to the annual Frewwinds Maiden Voyage this June?
Since no-one is likely to tell us what really happened, we can start by determining what did not happen to the Maiden Voyage.
1. It cannot have anything to do with the virus, because DM said that the virus was just “planetary bullbait”.
As the only public allowed during MV are OTVIIIs and ” Cause over Life” is the EP of OTVII , surely no-one is worried about the virus.
2. They cannot have cancelled it due to governments banning travel because (a) they do not follow wog laws anyway and (b) they are not subject to those laws.
Maybe it sank, I do not know.
I would just add that if I was still on the Freewinds I would not be worried about the virus.
There were so many threats to my survival there that one more would be like an extra grain of sand on the beach. This does not mean that I do not believe the virus to be deadly, it is. But taking it statistically, which we tended to do in the Sea Org; a million or two have been killed by the virus.
25 to 30 million people have been killed by HIV AIDS. Most people survive the virus without treatment.
Virtually no-one survives HIV AIDS without treatment. And I was denied treatment by the SO and am only still alive due to a number of miracles.
A virtual IA$ reg fest! What fun! Any attendee can bail at any moment and blame it on their internet connection or some other tech glitch.
Nothing spells hypocrisy more than “Status”. It’s just a tax so as to be allowed to pay more money on the Bridge to nowhere!
Where is Gavin Potter and Mickey Chan? Who are these bums trying to dethrone them? Don’t they know that Potter and Chan have IAS obligations to attend to?
I am waiting for the IAS ‘briefing’ to be done with sock puppets. That will make more sense.
I took Mike’s item about the IAS event “with the Jewish community” and created an ESMB Redux post and tweet as follows.
Scientology holds IAS fundraising event “with the Jewish community” three months after holdinng a recruitment event with anti-Semitic Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad.
ESMB Redux thread:
What are your thoughts on 3 Orgs and Narconon receiving PPP loans?? I’m so furious about this.
Never can remember such a crew of unprofessional misfits as shown in the post today. They should be embarrassed to post these. In the 1970’s at least they made it a point to show some quality in the pictures.
So many layers to criticise L. Ron Hubbard. The Hubbard policy on “Professionalism” is one Hubbard used to browbeat all the followers, and it’s immortalized.
But just for a tiny instant apply “Professionalism” to Hubbard. Does the Hubbard Xenu’s “body-thetans” exorcism meet “Professional” exorcism standards?
Hubbard’s quackery cannot be fixed with “Professionalism” along any lines, neither professional PR, neither professional delivery of the quackery exorcism, neither professional OSA work character assassinating critics of Scientology, neither professional PI work harassing the lives of “enemies” of Scientology.
I mean, almost every, sorry I take that back, I’d say EVERY Hubbard major bureaucratic administrative solution and policy, will fail to “handle” the Hubbard core quackery that the movement of Scientology is stuck holding the bag trying to make the quackery “work” to fix earth and fix all humanity.
Hubbard’s “Professionalism” and Hubbard’s every single administrative policy rule will never fix the fact that Hubbard’s quackery is quackery.
Well said, Chuck:
“core quackery that the movement of Scientology is stuck holding the bag trying to make the quackery “work” to fix earth and fix all humanity.”
. . . “Professional” exorcism standards . . . LOL
Before donations and status became the norm Hubbard never failed to come up with additional training courses and processing to rake in more cash from people with money to spend.
HQE – Hubbard Qualified Exorcist – might appeal to some priests and others
Greg Capazorio used to part-own a carpet cleaning business with Freddy Pendl in South Africa. This business was notorious for effecting every scam known to get business. There were cases where they had hard-selled someone to have their carpets cleaned. Later the person changed their mind, and they would simply break in and clean the carpets anyway claiming to be unaware of the cancellation. Freddy (not Greg, but they were like twins) was also somewhat violent and would intimidate people into paying. He (Freddy), once got into a fight while book-selling, when some buyer’s husband threw the Dianetics book back at him and demanded a refund. Aaaah, good times! The only people who do really well in scientology are the BS artists like these characters who find their con-artist skills are highly valued and they feed off their fellow parishioners.
Wow. You got that right. Scientology’s a heaven for con artists to join and make their FSM commissions luring dupes into the Scientology Hubbard tight little con operation.
Excellent assessment.
And those most skilled in PRing and carrying the Hubbard bag, get the Freedom Medals. Gold stars deluxe.
So much Hubbard fiddle faddle framework and bureaucracy, the followers get lost in it, and the staffs get lost in their roles befuddling the followers, all stuck holding Hubbard’s bag.
But the con slanted members who are “causative” are just the most overt cons in the Hubbard hen/dupes house.
Chuck, was the “overt cons” an intentional double entendre? If so, I approve.
Confession time: I sadly have to admit that I whored for the church of scientology during the Basics fiasco. A Sea Org member wanted me to work with him to help “get these out” and for me it was brownie points to help get me through the “comp line” on OT VII. You see, every six months, not only did one get sec checked to make sure he is toeing the line, but one also had to write down what he did to contribute (money) and participate (helping the church by giving time). My work with Criminon did not count. So I HAD to do something. I absolutely hated the Basics campaign and thought it egregious on so many levels. But I did it anyway so I could have something to put down for my “Participation.” The story goes on in more crimes against me by the church (Hey OSA! This is called Flow One! All crimes aren’t solely from someone against the church of scientology) but I will leave it at that.
My point here is that some people will do shit like reg for the IAS not only for the money but for the brownie points. One tactic of the church of scientology is to groom its members then get them to commit crimes for it. And like the gimp in Pulp Fiction, some of those members go so far down the rabbit hole that they become slaves and have no idea they are being owned.
I hope that wasn’t you that I slammed my door to in Dunedin around 2010! If it was, I’m sorry.
Paul K
January 2, 2010, I walked off the Freewinds for what I knew was the last time and what I knew was the last time I would ever hold the cans. Also, I never went to anyone’s house; I had my limits 😉
Gosh Mary – I am an Ex Ethics Officer from the Midwest. My initial programmed response to your o/w’s was “okay, thank you for all of that”. “Now, how did you justify those overts?” Then, I realized I was trained to think and believe that people going bankrupt or maxing out credit lines and credit cards was THEIR fault, never the fault of the Church of Scientology who employed (without pay) someone like you, who was trying to get the OT level finished while the Church is trying to clear the planet. CRINGE!
The OT levels are nothing but rigged up blackmail and extortion efforts forced on the OT’s. If you don’t do the dirty work for the Church (what you described), the Church is set up so you can’t finish the cycle of action. And Hubbard brainwashed us to believe and think that thetan’s / beings like to finish cycles of action. We can’t stand to be static. CRINGE again!
We all did things we are now embarassed about and feel bad. I caved many people in by letting all of the crimes done by the Church of Scientology and reported to me by others be about THEM not the church. I now know better – Scientology is a criminal organization that gets members to commit their crimes and justify it that it is in the best interest of the church.
I am so glad I see the truth and stopped working for free for the cult called Scientology. I will never be able to make up the damage either. I do apologize to everyone I harmed. Too many to count. It deeply scarred me and I will never be the same.
CRINGE! I am sorry.
So glad you’re writing here.
And it may have been you who executed the instructions of the criminal organisation known as the “church”of $cientology, but I’ll bet that it was the Co$ which benefitted. That doesn’t excuse what you did, but it goes some way towards explaining why that sort of behaviour was required inside the Co$.
Great comment Mary Kahn Thanks for sharing. Yes when public Scns make the plea for money for the IAS, they try to make themselves look like, “see what a great humanitarian I am, helping the IAS?” When in realty they get commissions for every dime they get someone to donate to the IAS and they are in it for the money. LRH said that money motivated is low on the scale of motivation. Yet this is where his church is at now and where the members of his church and SO are at right now on his scale.
Cindy, nothing about scientology was ever high on any of Ron’s scales, IMO.
And now, it’s tone is somewhere below body death.
Jerre, you’re right about that. DM is in Hiding on the scale. I was pointing out how the church doesn’t even follow its own “scriptures” or writings anymore. If money motivated is so bad, then why are they all ONLY money motivated nowadays? Because they’ve discarded the tech completely and now it is only doing “command intention” of DM who probably was never big on tech or
never even understood the tech. We know he hasn’t had auditing in decades, that’s how big he was on auditing tech. I’m sure if we told this to a kool aid drinker their answer would be, “Well DM is at the top of the Bridge as an OT VIII and so there is nothing more he can be audited on.” They don’t know he never even did OT VII.
Cindy, the “church” doesn’t exist except as a figment of legalistic fiction. Dwarfenführer has done less of the “bridge” than my next door neighbor’s cat has. He might *claim* to have attested to one thing or the other, but it’s been observed by multiple sources that he didn’t study in the “Academy” with his minions. He’s too far above that to actually do any work in the scam he’s knowingly running.
Cindy, DM was smart enough to figure out the scam at a young age. And then crafty enough to get to the top, scam others and become a millionaire in the process. Ol’ Hubtard was not as bright. He got himself caught up in illegalities culminating in having to hide. DM just hides from his flock and paparazzi. He still travels and “enjoys” his fortune to a much greater degree. Think of this as a Lenin – Stalin evolution.
Mary, hugs to you. Thanks for sharing this. All of us who were once in helped, protected and furthered the goals of this criminal cult in various ways. Directly or indirectly, willingly or unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly, each of us, in our own ways, we’re all guilty and regret the choices we made. That’s normal. We’re decent people, so we have these regrets. Keep in mind, though, that any help and support you gave the cherch has been cancelled – “out-created”, if you’ll pardon the Scientologese – by what you’ve done since you left. By your actions since and by living your life in the truth that you uncovered. Out-created, Mary. Hugely.
Money is a history of man. Elron didn’t go for the money, he went for the speed. The making of money is connected to the making of speed. The faster they go the more they gets in of the stuff money is made of. The day in the history of man made it IAS failed. To have the money but not the people is not okay.
Roger, I somewhat disagree: Ron was in it for speedy money; That his tech” — techniques — didn’t work as he promised was immaterial, unimportant, as long as the dollars kept flooding in too fast for him to squander away.
Given the number of Scientologists caught not paying their taxes, like the Feschbachs, I’d say IAS demands for money come ahead for them, behind only death. In the Feschbach case, I believe that in ruling against them, the judge specifically cited that they were spending lots of money on Scientology (and extravagant personal expenses) while claiming that they couldn’t pay their tax bills.
The “Uniting for Freedom” title on the last piece strikes me as if it may be intended to play on certain currently popular political themes.
LOL… Matt Feschbach.
I recall when he came to our little org to give a “Solvency” seminar back in the day. We were all so impressed. The great man, the finance genius, coming to brief Little Us. I still have the notes I took whilst sitting in the front row and drinking in every word.
Yo Matt!
When will you be giving a Bankruptcy Seminar?
“Corporate and Personal Bankruptcies As Vital Tools In Your Bridge Progress”.
Sound good?
You da man, Matt!
Much love,
‘International Association for Commissions’ sounds better.
Unbelieveble. It is more than 3 decades that they keep gathering people to tell them the usual fairy tales (and people continues to attend these events!) but there are no results what so ever on 4th dynamic (and not even on 3rd looking at the memberships number).
People gets in return for their donations just some story and figures. But looking backwards there is nothing one can honestly see as a tangible result.
“Millions of kids got hubbard study tech” but no evidences except some picture of kids in a school in some jungle.
Now, if I simply drop a flyer in a mailbox can I say ‘I disseminated’?
Nobody reach for this tech. Anything they do, they never fully complete any “cycle of action” but are seeking for new production to be seen in stats. Ideal orgs disaster give the idea.
There is no real intention to really change or establish anything otherwise they will act differently.
A swarm of locusts can be a perfect comparison.