The IAS seems to be worried they are going to get shafted yet again. Remember Maiden Voyage sinking without sound — one of their two big events each year? So, they are apparently taking matters into their own hands.
Holding individual “events” to celebrate reg for their anniversary. How uncoordinated have things become…
If they DO hold a tent revival in Clearwater sometime, are they going to have the public show up for a second time to celebrate be regged?
And by the way — who ever heard of a lame announcement like this before?
No special guest speaker?
No pronouncements from Chairman of the Board of IAS?
No “You won’t want to miss this, it’s the greatest event ever?”
No “Confirm your attendance now!”?
And this is the founding “Ideal Org”?
The Keystone Kops look like the Coldstream Guards compared to the insanity that is bouncing around inside the bubble….
Yes Ronnie and they are not allowed to have an ‘open mind’ – ref KSW
Love it……..+1!
Thank you for validating everyone’s postulates. Even I feel validated. And I am no stellar player in this game even though I have been postulating what is now happening along with everyone else and doing what I can to stop the bleeding. Thanks especially for validating those creating large effects in this arena. I understand how you feel about leaving ANYBODY out. For example Karen has been and is a FORCE!
And actually, as a result of reading your post I’m feeling a bit contrite right now. I have just been giving Marty a little bit crap over on his blog for talking a bit negatively about Scientology and my friend, LRH. I’ll probably give him more crap once in a while in the future too.
But, right now I am going to go and re-post this comment on Movin’ Up a Little Higher if Marty will let me. And I know he will let me because of who he is. The truth is that no-one has done more to defend the subject and combat the insanity than he has.
That’s the truth.
And Mosey is a guardian angel.
And here’s another postulate …….everything’s going to be alright. 🙂
David Miscavige is punch drunk.
Actually I meant to respond to this post originally but due to a glitch I ended up on another post which Mike was kind enough to respond to anyway.
That said I just wanted to add that I am feeling a little well actually a lot of schadenfreude watching the IAS flail around like a wounded vampire in the very bad horror movie Scientology had become after the coup took over.
I mean it got so bad I was actually even waxing nostalgic about the GO!
Back then I wondered after the whole Snow White debacle if it could get any more FUBAR then the IAS came along and I knew it could.
Only unlike the Scientology chain saw massacre courtesy of the FBI it was like a death of a thousand cuts under the legal cover of a “tax exempt” organization that as I wrote earlier was literally sucking the life blood out of Scientology like…like…some kind of Vampire.
Recommended reading if you want to know how the IAS operates:
Bram Stoker’s Dracula
I’m just so glad those blood suckers are reduced to begging at almost empty Org events as Mike reports here.
OOOPS!! This is the correct link for Leah and you have until 10PM (not 9) Pacific to vote.
Hey Kids! Vote for Leah for the next hour only! Here is the direct link to online voting.
You can also call this number up to 12 times PER PHONE LINE for Leah Remini & Tony Dovolani: (800) 868-3411
You only have until 9PM Pacific so call if you can and please send this out to your pals.
the IAS (and OSA legal) was completely ineffective in keeping the US Supreme Court from denying Scientology’s preventing Laura DeCrescenzo get okay to use her pc files for her court case!
This loss by Scientology’s appeal to the US Supreme Court, I think is the biggest and most important loss in the movement’s history!
That means future defectors wishing authorization to use their pc files in their defense in court cases, will likely be able to do so, thanks to IAS’s ineffectiveness, and Miscavige’s decades of abusive continuance of the old Guardian’s Office era of irreligious misuse of people’s “case folders”.
I sure hope Miscavige is feeling that loss, it’s a permanent loss, and should be noted!
If Scientology cannot actually use pc folders religoiusly, then those pc folders are NOT protected.
This Supreme Court denial is just hugely historic, it’s about the biggest legal slap in the movement’s history, if you ask me! It’s a permanent game changing moment that Scienotlogy/Miscavige/OSA/IAS has just sustained!
Could this be the first step on the way to revoke the churches religious status, and thus their tax-exemption?
It rather opens the door to get part of your money back
Yes Steve. Thx for putting that out front and center. Signs of progress is correct. Cece
Another great post Mike~ Thank you for everything you do to expose the cult of Scientology and David Miscavige!!
I can’t get that wonderful image out of my mind of Tony Ortega’s smiling face standing in front of that big empty Hindenburg of a tent!
To the music of “Send in the Clowns.”
Isn’t it strange…
By the way, nothing wrong at all about these individual org events. That’s the way we ALWAYS did them pre the “Miscavige events” (which he essentially does to establish and increase his stature). These smaller org events were TONS better and more fun then the LONG, BOOOORING, TEDIOUS, NEVER ENDING international reg events of the past 20 years (with their garish cringe inducing visuals and embarrassing sound effects and music – maybe Jeff Pomeranz and Dan Sherman are the two guys that have really killed Scientology – maybe they work for the …….PSYCHS!!!!!!!!!!!)
Review LRH’s various definitions of “responsibility” (one of his greatest contributions in my opinion; even if an individual merely APPROACHES any of these definitions, there are great gains to be had in living) – freaking FORGET “DM” for a moment, will ya’? The true RESPONSIBILITY for almost all this shit rests with all of the INDIVIDUAL Scientologists. One either has reality in the concept of responsibility as defined in the def’s above or one doesn’t (and if a Scientologist DOESN’T, then what the fuck has he even gotten out off BEING in Scientology?).
ALL of the stuff we talk about in this blog ultimately is about the individual Scientologist. The people who keep giving to the IAS, who keep disconnecting from friends and family ….THESE are the individuals who ALLOW Miscavige to be what he is and do what he does. UNTIL folks recognize this (and the bulk of Scientologists or even those who post here may never do that) the group and even the subject of Scientology as an idea to be followed will continue to shrink and shrink and shrink. Already it is just a few thousand people in the world – public Scientologists probably number 15,000 – 20,000 now and it’s getting less every month. Just a teeny, tiny group on planet Earth, which was OK in the old days because the number was INCREASING ….. but LRH continued to increase the authoritarianism and fascist and Soviet tendencies of the church, Miscavige carried on in spades and now the subject is roundly rejected by almost everyone who hears the word, the PR stinks and smells so badly. Tough fucking shit. It took me almost forty years to FULLY cognite on what the CoS was all about, but I finally did. And if people CHOOSE to be continue to be brainwashed …. (doesn’t a “clear” or “OT” choose? relook at the clear section of DMSMH if you are still a believer) … then that is their choice.
It ain’t EVER truly about “DM” folks …. it’s about you ….. and me ….. and every individual who keeps giving. Miscavige? He’s NOTHING without the power he is granted by individuals who follow him. The more reasonable folks are about this concept and keep “blaming” just him, the longer he remains in power. I think he will last into his 70s. That’s how low on the responsibility scale “Scientologists” have become.
Joe, in defense of those still behind DM’s razor wire, I’ll say this. It’s tough to be responsible for things you don’t know about. Knowledge about, precedes Responsible for.
Yes, DM’s captives see a lot of outpoints, but they don’t have sufficient data to properly evaluate what they’re seeing, and arrive at a correct Why.
It doesn’t help that there’s a tacit agreement amongst corporate Scientologists to NOT LOOK at any critical information about the organization. Instead of investigating and getting to the bottom of real outnesses, they tend to go reasonable, and substitute boilerplate explanations, such as, “It’s the SPs’ fault”, etc.
This, in spite of everything LRH ever had to say about such situations.
That illogical behavior comes down to the fact that the entirety of the corporate population are actually PTS to church management. They dare not truly investigate any chronic and unsolved mystery within the church. They’d quickly have the spotlight of investigation turned on them, and they know it. In a word, they “can’t fight back.”
That is the root problem for anyone who’s succumbed to the undue influence of another. By whatever means, they’ve been maneuvered into a position where they can’t resist being injured by the party who controls them. That’s PTSness in its most basic form.
It takes a leap of personal integrity and courage for such a person to make the conscious choice to LOOK.
Good point regarding data and knowledge Ronnie. I certainly didn’t have it for many years.
On the other hand, what good is doing the PTS/SP Course a number of times If a being cannot even RECOGNIZE suppression when it is around? I thought when you knew the tech of something, you couldn’t be the effect of it (obviously not a true datum by the way).
“Can’t resist”? “A leap of personal integrity and courage” a “choice to look”????? Ronnie, these folks are supposed to be CLEARS and OPERATING THETANS and AUDITORS!!!!!! If they do not have the ability to have integrity and courage and they can’t resist and are not able to make the conscious choice to LOOK …. then what the FUCK are they selling? What abilities did Heber, Yager and company get out of going clear and OT and doing all the courses they did, if they are in the same fucked up condition and at effect as all the other people on the planet?????????
It all comes down to individual responsibility. A thetan fucking KNOWS when he is in the presence of suppression and is committing gross overts. I have lost the love and friendship of many dear to me because of the brainwashing of “the church” and I now refuse to absolve them of responsibility, which is really the point of the bulk of LRH’s work really when you come to think of it. Yes, I am now fucking UNREASONABLE with these alleged aware beings.
You respect and honor people by electing and recognize them as cause.
” I thought when you knew the tech of something, you couldn’t be the effect of it ” – Knowing in this sense is an actual understanding of it.
Joe, what was your understanding of all this just prior to deciding to leave the church? (I am sure that it is different now.)
The process of acquiring the “Clear of CofS” cog (CCS cog) takes as long as it takes. (and your mileage may vary, depending on the degree of PTS ness involved.)
Yes, they are responsible. They are also out of PT.
It is indeed an interesting problem.
Nice piece of writing, Ronnie. A lot of thought there, and the extrapolations run. Nice.
Well stated, as usual, Ronnie. I think there are 2 main areas to this, from the public view, or the customer experience. One, is personal auditing. When a person has experienced auditing with code breaks, misprogramming, inval, eval, then, the general problems, become more significant, because the whole point of the endeavor is lost. I know people, who felt they were getting gains, so they chose not to handle 3D outpoints, so they could continue.
Then there’s the 3D vantage point, where someone who’s a veteran, ex staff, or is trained, tries to correct the scene via Qual, and finds it sleeping, whimpy, and unresponsive. Again if this person were experiencing personal gains, they might consider this more important, or the 3D outpoint an anomaly. Even a little bit of case gain, can keep people coming back for more, or for the potential of more, which starts the thought stopping and disinterest in looking. It can look like the greater good……..temporarily. When the enturbulation and confusion of the reverse auditing becomes intolerable, then, the shit hits the fan in some way.
The RCS is now set up in such a way, that perception, awareness and cause, are antipathetic to the way the group functions. I’d call this psychotic, because it continually and with complexity, harms and destroys its own members.
That’s exactly it Ronnie, well said. When I was at staff at St. Hill in the 70s, there were times when everything was aligned: Purpose, policy, compassion, auditing, vision, all of it and you had a keyed out environment. Anything was possible. In my opinion, it changed when the Tech ceased being applied liberally to those staff who were outward facing. Who were interacting with actual SPs, who were intent on suppression, not just to SCN, but to betterment as a whole. These staff became less able, less perceptive to the degree they were NOT getting audited, NOT getting trained. Not receiving the relief SCN was intended to provide, though they were dedicating their lives to keeping it available. (Can I get a witness on the irony of this situation.)
LRH recommended in numerous PLs to rotate staff in certain position. Move them to back lines, audited them, care for them – then return them to post. Some of these characters – me included – had unbelievable levels of stress washing over them on a daily basis. Like barnacles adhering to the hull of a ship – it affected us, we got a little crusty.
None of this excuses abuse or inactivity. It perhaps, sheds a little more light on how it came about.
I witness the irony! Amen and hallelujah!
Worthwhile to revisit Debbie Cooks email
David Miscavige ‘s reality is a paper reality onley now adays
as per the Riffer letter here:
EIGHT pages of ego stroking sent to the editor of Vanity Fair (not enough irony, yet…?) when Maureen Orth (amongst other things, Tim Russert’s widow) commented that DM was the third wheel in the Cruise-Holmes marriage.
Maybe they’ll show the ’93 “War Is Over” video again…
Pledge to Mankind excluding;:
“Anonymous”, “Psychiatrists”, ” Free Zone Scientologists” ,”Journalists”, “Open minded people”, “Declared Sps”, “Dead file people” “Patients of Psychiatrists” ” People in com. with declared Sps, the freezone or independent Scientologists or Squirrels or Landmark education or.people that did EST……” ,”people with criminal background”, ” People wich are terminatedly ill”, ” Pts Type 3s” “people from A-J” ” People that do other practices like Yoga, Meditation, new Age stuff…..” “People that critize the COS” ” people that just want to find out if it works !”, ” Freeloaders” ” People that are com with the list of Suppressive groups (some hundreds)
Who the Hell do they want to help at the End with their pledge to Mankind, when they exclude most people ???????????
Roger, there are many more groups that are excluded:
The unable, the majority of mankind who could not afford a comm-course
and all the people who would not touch it with a ten foot pole because of
the horrendous PR it now has.
That’s a good question, who do they want to help? DM’s going away party?
Yes Mike, that IAS announcement really is lame. I thought this tent thing was going to be a big affair with Vultures Gone Wild and the whole shindig. I thought Voldemort was planning this in a way that he could make one last really big haul of extra millions of $ before he disappears into hiding. That is just a premonition for me. I’m no longer living in Clearwater for the past 5 years and really happy to be out of that crap.
The sooner we can get information to these staff members the better.
What was the old saying “missing or dropped data”?
I don’t doubt the disturbing situations that are really happening in this country are getting to them, with a twist. Give to the IAS, and we will make it all better.
These are good and valuable people who are being hoodwinked:(
The sooner we can get information to these staff members the better.
What was the old saying “missing or dropped data”?
It’s easy to get missing or dropped data to staff members. The hard part is getting them to look at it.
There’s a tacit agreement amongst Scn staff and public to keep their eyes and ears shut to any criticisms of the organization, the management, the philosophy, or the founder. There was a time (very long ago) that such a group reaction made sense. Most critics were critical for no other reason than the fact that they didn’t understand the religion or the culture in any meaningful depth.
When the era of Miscavige began, that self-imposed ignorance only served to shield Il Douchebag and his henchmen from inspection by the members. Every possible criticism of them was written off as ‘natter’, or the vile excretions of ‘SPs’.
Today, with their church literally sitting on the edge of extinction, many corporate Scientologists continue to believe that all is well, and that management is doing a fine job in a very tough environment. Never mind that management are the very ones who created that tough environment. The corp(ses) don’t see it because their eyes are still glued shut.
It’s a neat trap, and one that is very difficult to get out of when you’re self-determinedly blind.
You are right, Ronnie,
“It’s a neat trap, and one that is very difficult to get out of when you’re self-determinedly blind.” This is the real nature of the beast, and it is real difficult to force a cog.
Unfortunately, the only solution I know of is tough love.
We will loose some with the ship.
Davie and company will pay in spades.
Must be so horrible to be down to your last BILLION DOLARS.
I see long lines of IAS Reg’s getting Gold “Ideal” begging bowls,
tears running off Armani Silk suits. Pathetic, simply pathetic.
All you try will fail David, you can’t produce results. Unfinished Cycles galore , People that could get things done for you, are gone or made incapable.
‘You will die alone and in pain and in the dark”
per Scientology
Or in normal speak: You’re f*cked Dave
I got it! The solution to solve all of COB’s event problems. Have a single New Years Day mega event; a 24 hour Shermanspeak, rolling thunder, eye-watering, ear-splitting, mind-numbing straight-up-yer-ass Nuremberg rally! Bam-zoom-to-the-moon! The planet will never be the same.
I think you are right Stat push, a single event may be what they do. But, collecting the ever shrinking bevy of clapping seals into one super-pooper event might be too risky in terms of a small reported attendance the next morning. The big donating whales will also be at the event and they are not so isolated or immune to the media reports.. DM is now on the bottom of the ocean and afraid of getting buried in whale shit! Behind the Garcia lawsuit is a whole load of whale shit!! Lookout below in 2014…
I love your idea, Statpush! Just like those New Years’ Marathon 24 hours of non-stop Twilight Zone and The Honeymooners. Planetary Clearing is now a reality. I’m doing the math!
I was having an email exchange with a staff member in my local org and he mentioned that the GAT II event would be in November. I queried him for what information he had, and he replied that they were speculating about this in the org, that the ED had returned from the ED conference and did not brief them on GAT II, other than it was to be “spectacular.” This org is already doing tentative bookings of venues for these events that have no date. What a mess.
This Buffalo Oct 5 event appears like it may be their own idea, or an option they were allowed. No indication my most local org had any “IAS event” like this.
These “non-event events” have got to be rattling the truest of the True Believers, and the hardest of the Hard-Liners.
Funny last line, and true.
Time to confront your crimes Devil Moron and step down, and onslaught is coming towards you and ain’t no way out.
There is a great reference to $cientology on ZeroHedge and that it is time to get their shit together! Other irrelevant organizations are also included. Cheers
Yes Cooper Kessel – Wow! …..interesting that they not only grouped Scientology with “that” mess of liars, cheats and thieves but now other sites – financial sites – that I frequent are posting about the Church too. The world is watching. Can’t run anymore, can’t hide.
Here’s one from yesterday: SGT Report posted the TV LIP video about the “Scientology Apocalypse” and is asking people to comment on how the “Collapse of Confidence in the Church differs from the Collapse of Confidence in the US Govt. (not)
Here is the link:
Davie couldn’t organize a 2 man rush on a 3 hole outhouse.
All very easy to understand: Doubt, Enemy, Treason, Confusion.
That reminds me, where are you, Davey? Rallying the troops, orating a Henry the Fifth-style speech? Personally tending to the sick and wounded long into the night, passing private messages of comfort and confidence to the shaken, issuing amnesties and pardoning wrongs? Proposing a victory price-cut all round? Calculating a Super Power massive pay rise and Super Power huge bonuses to celebrate the building?
Or is it: luggage, credit cards, flight ticket, taxi to the airport, some nappies in case the police stop you…?
He is tending to ecclesiastical leadership, such as conferences with attorneys and importing tents and hanging out on ships with movie stars.
A whole string of videos.
The videos continue past Ray Jeffrey’s opening statements. The opening statement by the defense is worth listening to, notably, Jefferson stated that miscavige doesn’t know Marty Rathbun? Doesn’t care about Marty Rathbun? Oh my, a meatball, right over the plate!! (Do we need a lawyer to analyze that one?)
I wonder if half those attorneys do not personally dislike miscavige by now.
Off-topic, but why not depose Debbie Cook? I’m guessing she might like to finish that sentence she started before the Co$ attorneys cut her off.
Yes Carcha, that these attorneys dislike DM is probably an understatement.
Finding him repulsive is probably more accurate. But the money is good.
What other profession is dealing with such low level morale?
Actually I heard a story of some very pro Madison Ave guys who had a
meeting with DM and later talked about the leader of the church as being
a little “crazy”.
Hey, how come they dont reg donations for the GATII Fund? Doesnt GATII need a special building or something?
Of course Chris! They must have a tent with 3 rings, acrobats, clowns etc.
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed” Gandi
The combined legal and PR train wrecks of October ARE NOT OVER. November looks even worse. Voldemort can spend no time planning IAS or any other “event” simply because the world at large has planned some major events for HIM in the next 3 months of 2013. Get ready for the big green weeny, weeny boy DM. The world is on to you. There is no place to hide and any event will expose the whales to more what is going on… Any event just exposes the Koolaide insiders to outside reports of what happened at the event or better said, what didn’t happen at the event when so few people showed up at the world’s fastest growing religion.
Successful public Koolaide drinker events are not delayed, they are history.
I can’t help but wonder if HE isn’t on a type III watch in HIS posh, Flag palace.
LDW if HE is on a Type III watch it would explain why no dates for any of the events yet. Maybe we should get the watchers drunk and let nature take its course. Oops, maybe I better run that out on FPRD. lol
I’m sure he’s running out of staff, willing to instantly & energetically comply. In 2007 I saw a lot of staff at Flag that looked like leathery, street people. Many couldn’t have lasted much longer. I saw sadness, apathy and anger behind their eyes. I can’t imagine these people, going into action for little misscabbage. I’m actually surprised no one has gone postal, but they probably just leave if they can get away.
Going postal requires energy and the staff are too sleep deprived and malnourished. Sleep deprivation is an outlawed form of torture. Outlawed everywhere except at Int and the Flag land base and the Ship and wherever else DM goes.
You would be wrong in this surety. I have seen high turnover since 2007, that is true. Many old-timers or people from 20 years ago, I no longer see.
But there are plenty of young, fresh and energetic staff running about now. Six years ago, I can’t 100% remember the state. But I think your assessment was through some pretty bitter eyes.
There’s this sort of forwarded idea that Flag is reflecting the Church at large. It’s not. Trainees number over a thousand, there are many public about, and staff has increased (maybe not by double, but there are quite a few new faces, from many countries).
There are plenty of people still fighting the good fight. Some of them are great people. Their sole goal is to guide people in the Church up what they believe is the one way out of the mess. They work tirelessly and with great intention, and they have my respect.
And then others are registrars.
This is great news Mike. As you know, there are a number of strategies established at the beginning of our Odyssian odyssey to drive a wooden stake into the eye of the dreaded CYCLOPS MOUSE, withstand the shrieking SIREN ZOMBIES who—singing from DM hymnals—claimed to know every inch of our bodies (except for any parts that were bruised), and cut off the brainless heads of the six-headed, orange-haired RTC-CSI-CST-OSA-HCO-BOZO-THE-CLOWN monster, while avoiding the horrible giant Int-Base Toilet Bowl WHIRLPOOL. Alas a few good sailors drowned along the way. However, one of our key, key strategies was to put an end to DM’s off-purpose, off-policy, incessant “Int events” which LRH himself forbid in 1978. For these very events ARE the blue-pill Matrix of DM’s propaganda machine that keeps his hypnotized sheeple-seals seeing visions of sugar-plum fairies and dancing flowers when in fact they are all being washed down the sewer.
To date, we have been more effective than any effort in history to curb the abuses of the CoS and hasten the end of their unrestrained criminality. Our victories include greatly curtailing the practices of,
1. Forced abortions thanks to the tremendous courage of ex-SO women coming forward like Claire Headley, Laura DeCrescenzo, and Sunny Pereira
2. Automatic declares (they don’t dare publish them anymore, now they just rumor them)
3. Suppression by freeloader debt (killed when an ex-SO published their actual FL debt document in a newspaper (the Tampa Bay Times) for the first time
4. And now we have delivered a massive TKO to DM’s “Int event” propaganda machine thanks to the overwhelming pressure applied to DM and the CoS from all sides by everyone from Marty, Mosey, Sugar Ray Jeffrey & Co, to you, Luis Garcia, Anonymous, book writers and every single person who has ever posted on relevant blogs and websites.
DM was known for dismissing the power of postulates as just someone thinking a “dim thought.” My message for him is “Our postulates don’t seem so dim now, do they asshole?”
OMG Steve, I loved reading this. The imagery is perfect for your one-two punch. (What does “TKO” in number 4 stand for? I think it means knock out as in a fight. You’re right. We have caused massive changes, and you, Marty, Mike, Karen, Mosey, Scott, Claire, Sunny, Laura, Dan, Luis and Roccio and many many others are Heroes who are making history right before our very eyes. And all of us are postulating it and these postulates are working! The change they have wrought is like a miracle! Less or no forced abortions, freeloader debts gone, they don’t dare publish the SP Declares, the events have been derailed. So much has been accomplished. We should take a win, but keep on working to finish him off. Great summation, “Our postulates don’t seem so dim now, do they asshole?”
And P.S. Steve, please write a book please! It will be great. Love your turn of a phrase and analogies and imagery.
Jane Doe – Yes, you’re right (on many things). A “KO” in boxing is short for “Knock Out” and a “Technical Knock Out” occurs (usually) when a fight is stopped by the referee, thus “TKO”.
Thanks Carcha! One day tell me the story behind the name you chose? Just interested.
Can you imagine being on staff and having to confirm for an event with NO DATE!!!!! Yep, I got one of those calls. As the insanity of misapplication and off purpose actions slides into the abyss and gives way to restoring self determinism, freedom and happiness.
Greatest comment evah? Right up there anyway.
Dave does act like he’s running scared, doesn’t he? None of his old tricks seem to work when people are watching.
A realistic stat for us would be the number of copper rods that Davie employs, per unit of time, to channel the “entheta” away from himself. (This should get really interesting.)
LOL! Great satisfying summation Thoughtful!
Yes, to all and as an aside, I cringe whenever I publish a comment like this because I realize immediately how many important names I left out—like Karen de la Carierre and J.Swift who are absolutely DOMINATING YouTube and, Sam Domingo who bravely spoke out from the earliest times, Amy and Mat, Mark Fisher, Oracle and sooooo many others. And somehow even with all the demands of legal, both Marty and Mike both continue to blog, meanwhile Cyclops McMouse is now consigned to his own prison and cannot show his face, not that anyone wants to see it. We still have a lot of work left to do, but we certainly are making fantastic progress.
Why don’t they just send out postcards that say “show up with your credit cards and checkbook or we will sec check you to within an inch of your life.
But if you up your status…you get a cookie.”
I checked my dictionaries in vain. This claim is meaningless. Pledge to mankind… to do/abstain from what? Never mind, forget I even asked.
“We pledge to continue draining long-suffering parishioners bank accounts for as long as we can possibly get away with it.”
Cults – totally focused on bringing in $$$$
Real charities – actually do something to benefit society
Hah. I knew somebody knew the right answer 🙂 Just when I thought I’d forgotten…
Yep first class – still chuckling minutes later!
DM will HIDE the shrinking ship by holding “individual events” according to ones STATUS in his waterlogged tent of Clearwater.
“The IAS seems to be worried they are going to get shafted yet again.” Of course. And they will be. DM holds no concern for anyone or any group. For him, he is the only one with any meaning in his Universe, and be damned to all the rest.
October 5th? Gee, Buffalo is mighty busy. Or perhaps desperate is a better word. They also had a graduation + GATII special briefing shin dig on October 6th:
My response was “29 years of what?” The Buffalo org? IAS?
When was the IAS created ?
Sorry I tought it was younger
It all began in 1984, when the International Association of Scientologists was formed. It was a time when our religious freedom was under attack and delegates from Scientology churches in country after country gathered at Saint Hill to forge together one group in recognition of the need to unite all Scientologists as an international body. And to confirm their dedication to achieve the Aims of Scientology, those first IAS delegates formulated and signed The Pledge to Mankind to embody those goals.