Really — “give yourself the gift of giving us your money”?
They can twist ANYTHING into a reason to give them your money.
And once again, they are “discounting” their “statuses” to try to convince people to hand over cash now. Is a 3/4 patron still a patron? It is so absurd that you want people to give you $50,000 and you tell them if they do, you will tell them they are a “patron” and put their name on a list so they can have status with their fellow dupes. Then, when you want more money and things are drying up, you tell them “give us your money now” and we will reward you the same status everyone else paid us $50,000 for at the discounted price of $37,500. You are not buying a car here. It just shows that it is the STATUS that matters to these people, not the good they are doing with the money. If so, they would insist that they NOT be awarded a “discount status” as that is not the purpose of giving the money.
And here is a new take on a traditional Christmas favorite. They are completely oblivious to their crassness.
A desperate few…
It’s really nice to know that our fate is in the hands of Michael Roberts.
Perhaps a more accurate statement would be “for the last 32 years, my fate has rested in the hands of those who hand over their cash so that I can live on the commissions.”
Regarding Michael Roberts and the “desperate few”:
The IAS has made more than a few desperate after hornswoggling them to donate far beyond their means. Glad I came to my senses before losing my home and my retirement funds to the IAS scam.
Davey you’re a boy make a big noise
Playin’ in the street gonna be a big man some day
You got mud on yo’ face
You big disgrace
Kickin’ your can all over the place
We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you
Davey you’re a young man hard man
Shouting in the street gonna take on the world some day
You got blood on yo’ face
You big disgrace
Wavin’ your banner all over the place
We will we will rock you
Sing it
We will we will rock you
Davey you’re an old man poor man
Pleadin’ with your eyes gonna make
You some peace some day
You got mud on your face
Big disgrace
Somebody betta put you back into your place
We will we will rock you
Sing it
We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you
Hey midget we know you’ve got your private little gestapo watching us, but do you know who’s watching you? Peek a boo.
I’m more convinced than ever that the Wilsons are on some kind of Ethics program. I think all of us wondered why those two were taking over as EDs of Valley Morgue, and none of us could come up with a good reason. And now they’re hosting a dinner/reg-fest with Alfrauddie as special guest and the Mescalines as entertainment. Why? There’s no good reason for this either. Unless they’re in Lower Conditions and this is part of their program.
I can think of a few things I’d rather do than go to that dinner party. Many of them involve the Eighth Circle of Hell.
(Oh, yeah, Jenny, if you’re reading this, I’m in LA until Friday evening. Come on and find me.)
The financial incentive to renew your IAS membership or to ADVANCE to a lifetime membership might be an attractive offer to some people. As a man of science I have to consider that possibility as I must consider the possibility of spontaneous combustion. In truth however, I wager it’s a toss up between attending the ‘eat donate and be merry’ shindig and slitting your throat.
Back in the 60s, such membership was $75 and that was LIFETIME…or so we were told.
Back in the 60s? I thought the IAS was founded in 1984.
Even if I WASN’T a declared “SP”, I would be still be perplexed and in total mystery about WHOM are the people who actually show UP at a get together like this at David and Bonita’s suburban mugging palace (“where we convince you that the mugging is salvaging the planet”). I mean .., an individual must KNOW the purpose of the get together, right?????? (which is why I have absolutely NO fucking sympathy for these marks whatsoever, in fact I quite enjoy the fact that they have to keep giving to keep their alleged “status”) Obviously any person who decides to attend a soiree like this KNOWS that he/she will be expected to pay up.
AND to get to rub shoulders with Alfreddie and Mohammed!!!! WOW!!!! (and … how much money do you suppose THESE two jokers have given the IAS? Hahahahahahahaha …) This is sort of the Scientology version of the famous “limousine liberals” get together at Leonard Bernstein’s apartment at the Dakota in the late 60s with the Black Panthers.
But I GUESS there is still cash/credit out there that can still be sucked from the suckers. I like to repeat every six months or so … “as long as the customers are willing to come in to buy, the store will still e open” …
“The IAS will give you a gift … take advantage of this GIFT …”
So … the question in my mind is … how fucking ABSOLUTELY stupid and brain dead does a person have to be to believe that statement?
Didn’t Michael D Roberts play a pimp on the TV show ” Baretta? And didn’t the main actor in the show turn out to be a killer in real life?
Well, it looks like nothing has changed.
It may not work properly but here’s the first line from the I.A.S. version of “God rest ye merry gentleman”. Feel free to add new lines.
CoB wrest our money from our bank accounts.
Thank-you Harvey! I too am a proud member of the IASP. The only cost to be a member is to wake up! Merry Christmas^_^
Those who continue to fall for such pitches are almost Darwin Award Candidates.
I like to hear how Michael Roberts explains that the “major moves” CCHR did in Washington was to completely fail to block the 21st Century Cures Act, which will get Obama’s signature at any moment.
It never ceases to amaze me that the cult has the appearance of celebrating Christmas which, after all, is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.
And don’t forget that if you’re high “on the bridge”, and you’re a staunch follower of another religion, then you’re gonna have problems on the upper Operating Twat levels.
People in this position will be taken into session, or a sec check, to get them to denounce their “alternative” practises. All at their expense of course…….
And this is the “church” that tells people that they are open to all religious denominations?? Utter bollocks…..
Certainly in the UK a person in this position would doubtlessly win a court case to get their money back.
“Your Honour….. The church in it’s own literature states that ANY religious denomination can join scientology. I spent £300,000 in total to get to OT8. Now I’m being told that I have to drop my religious beliefs because I am Christian/Muslim/Hindu/Jedi Knight/Etc…… This is total misrepresentation and a false statement. They lied. I rest my case your Honour”.
Scientology: The Bridge to Total Status.
OMG! That’s it! The Bridge to Total Status! Alanzo, you’re good. Real good.
Anyone thinking of donating to the I.A.S. should demand an accountability of where the money goes.
Currently there is absolutely no breakdown of how much money goes where. It’s the leader’s personal slush fund. It’s irritating because IAS donations are being used to fund private investigators to follow and harass ex-members and journalists. The money pays lawyers to initiate frivolous legal actions and write demand letters to Leah Remini and others, it pays for hackers to break into people’s emails. and to buy Mike Rinder’s trash from his home and install cameras to watch his family.
It’s irritating because people give to the IAS thinking that their money is used to actually help people who need it, they are largely unaware of these activities. It’s frustrating because these funds could be used for so many good, worthy projects and people in need… or at the very least to be used towards what people are told they would be used for, disseminating scientology – but it isn’t. It’s upsetting because those people could be donating their funds to actual real charities that do help people. I really, really dislike the IAS.
No one ever asks for proof of where the money goes. If they only knew.
Ummmm….strip clubs?
That would be nice.
I know.
“In Washington DC a few days ago, CCHR with IAS support, made major moves to clean up and keep clean the field of mental health. ”
In what way?
Why no details?
I don’t recall hearing about this in the news.
But then again, to the sheeple, it really doesn’t matter.
I like Michael – I have had him and Howard drop by my house unannounced many times and got to know him fairly well. We had some nice chats at flag when I was on doing my 6 mos check there. The deal with him is his acting career is pretty much in the toilet, so his only source of income is the IAS FSM commissions. So he is handcuffed to the job. Too bad really – if only Scientology worked.
“I like Michael – I have had him and Howard drop by my house unannounced many times and got to know him fairly well.”
You’re so much more tolerant than I am! I have almost no patience for folks who drop by my house unannounced with the intent of getting me to pony up cash. Do you think that Mike and Howard would react towards you in the same tolerant way if you dropped by their homes unannounced looking for cash? Somehow I doubt it, but then again, I don’t know these two at all.
That’s the bad part. What’s this guy going to do when Scientology crashes?
Ummmm….Start drinking extra heavy with the intentions to slide into a coma?
Or go back to playing a pimp on television like he did on ‘ Baretta’ .
Having a musical interlude by the Meskimen’s must be like a concert from Tex and Edna Boil from Second City TV.
“…we will give you wins you WILL believe.”
Nope! Still don’t believe you. Except now I can say it out loud.
Yes, good point: the implication of “wins you WILL believe” is that there have been previous “wins” that have not been believed. Because they don’t exist, of course.
And God damn it, you better believe in your wins! We don’t need namby pamby around here.
Yes, Miss Pattycake.
A few years ago now, Lois and I were faking allegiance to the church and going thru horrible sec checks at AOLA, so that we could keep our relationship with our sons (avoid disconnection). We had been away from anything to do with the church for some 30 years or so prior to this. We were having our lunch break between “sessions” or rather interrogations, when this Michael Roberts guy was introduced to me. He said he was the head of IAS. I asked him “what is the IAS”? You should have seen his eyes light up – I swear I could see dollar signs. Then they had me watch some stupid video promoting it.
I think Michael was pretty good at reading peoples true feelings. Although I didn’t say anything, he could tell I had “fuck you” written all over my forehead. I kind of have that attitude though. He left me alone.
Other than buying a Dianetics course when I was around 16 and then buying 100 WTH booklets for my A to E back in 84 or so (which I threw in the garbage), I don’t think personally I paid for anything else to the cult. I did give them 11 years of my life though in the S.O.
I think that “fuck you” written on my forehead did result in my being smacked by a number of SO officers while in. I gotta work on losing that…. – nah….
Poor Michael Roberts – wasting his entire life and what could have been a fantastic career. It will kill him if he ever finds out the truth. Literally.
My question may be impolite and I will understand if you prefer not to answer, but how it was to bes sec-checked by the people younger than you, who presumably went into Scientology years after you stepped away, especially when you were working for LRH directly.
Thank you.
That is not an impolite question whatsoever. I was fortunate in that I was sec-checked by what I seem to remember were Class XII’s and they seemed around my age. For a few weeks prior to sec checking though, I did get what I think they call a Rollback or something from a 30 year old – the Esto of AOLA. I’m pretty good at fooling the meter and only told her what I felt like so it wasn’t too bad.
Looking back at it though, I far preferred the Rollback over the sec checks. The young lady was very nice, pretty, with a good sense of humor whereas the old class XII farts were a bit dense and far too serious about everything. They also had zero understanding of life outside of the SO. And to think the young lady was born into the SO, was 30 years old and didn’t even know how to drive a car or have a D/L. Both the young girl and the old XII’s couldn’t relate to outside life very well…. sad.
I remember when they first asked me about my feelings toward COB. I said “what’s a cob?” She said C.O.B. and I said cob (rhyming with rob). I seriously hadn’t heard of that stupid term. I did however know DM well.
Run into some pretty dense wooden class 12’s myself.They were like priests performing he holy sacraments.It was all about the procedure and the sacrament.
Lucked out.Got a great auditor on the L’s Merian Stave who was interested in my case and not geeting sent to cramming for violating some procedure.The l’s were not life changing.But I was reasonably happy with the results.
But that was 25 years ago.
I cringe when I imagine what they are in 2016.
In russia you will be in a big trouble if you call DM COB, here (in Scientology circles of course, other 99,999% of population don’t give a shit) he is only honorouble mister David Miscavidge, spiritual leader of Scientology and chairman of the board of RTS ( I am not joking a have to learn it by heart ones).
Scientology is pretty young here, it started around 94-95 and became something like “popular” around 2003-2005 (I walked in to the org for first time around 2007), so here everyone who were in Scientology in 70’s or 80’s a like people who lived in times of ancient Greeks. When I translated articles of your wife and sent them to my fellows who are still in, for them it was like a rewrote a New Testament.
Wow Victor, that’s interesting. I remember that “newness” when I first got in, in 1987. I hope the word gets out over there about the scam that is the Cof$.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 18.
• Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
The CoS is promoting excessively how much they are for human rights and even have bogus statuses for their ‘humanitarians’.
They claim Article 18. for themselves: “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief,…” – but are denying this human rights to those who don’t want to participate anymore: “this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief”.
As can be seen clearly from your tragic story, people get pressured, extorted, interrogated and threatened, and when they do not submissively obey then they are subjected to getting disconnected from their family members.
Humanitarians? No. But hypocritical, inhumane, cruel and trampling on human rights!
Yes, give us, gve always, then get nothing but be ruined, miserable if you’ve not the least coin and the least job after.
On Michael Roberts: “Perhaps a more accurate statement would be “for the last 32 years, my fate has rested in the hands of those who hand over their cash so that I can live on the commissions.” Yep you got his number down, Mike.
“…a desperate few … poised to bring off the big win”. Desperate. Yes, he said desperate. Not determined, not strong willed, but desperate.
Oxford dictionary definition of desperate:
adjective: desperate
feeling, showing, or involving a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with
For those of you who didn’t read Tony’s blog about the BIG win made in Washington, um…there was none.
Desperate works. Keep up the non-existent good work. No one is being helped by what you are doing Michael, just like they haven’t been for the last 32 years. You are right, doing what you are doing has rendered a solution “so bad as to be impossible to deal with” (i.e. desperate)
I’m getting exactly the same whiff of desperation coming off the cult’s increasingly frantic attempts to raise cash. Discounting valueless Patron Victimus Maximus statuses is truly hilarious to folks like me, but what if you were a $cilon who just paid full freight for yours?
Suddenly, your very real sacrifice has been devalued in what it signifies by giving it out to those have made substantially less of a sacrifice. Where does it stop? 50% last minute discount if you act before Jan.1? Across the board discounts for everyone? It’s a slippery slope to folks finding out those paper statuses are really worth!
I’d absolutely love to find out what the cult’s true revenue stats are! My bet is that they’ve been declining for awhile, due to declaring everyone and their mothers (literally!), massive crush regging tactics that everyone is completely hip to by now and the effect of hurricane Leah rolling through. Personally, I can’t think of a cult that deserves to go broke faster!
Michael Roberts: “Here is the IAS’s gift to you: Give us $37,500.00.”
Only in Scientology.
Perhaps they can raise the status level of those who paid full freight by putting an asrrpterisk next to their name to prove they are *sniff* a step above the discount status masses.
The Church and of Scientology (L Ron Hubbard) distorted with arrogance and falsehood the good name of Jesus Christ.
This season, the celebration of love and giving comes from Jesus. It is now a planetary celebration.
Scientology promotes eating food and stuffing the bloated greedy coffers of it’s dark natured church during this time of love, family and recognizing the Benevolent Transcendent Reality.
On the back of this celebration, which has its cause in the birth of a sainted world teacher, who L Ron Hubbard made into a pedophile or an implant (take your pick of inconsistency), this dangerous cult has the nerve to use Christ-mas as a promotional tool.
May the love of God rain it’s infinite theta on this cult prison. And may the great power of this Benevolent Source wash away, like a tsunami of wisdom, the evil doctrines from the minds of it’s followers who have disconnected from family.
With a prayer and postulate of unstoppable force, may all families be united this Christmas season.
May love rule the camp. So be it!
So true Brian.
Get your “Christmas Catalogue” and celebrate the birth of our lord and Savior – Jesus Christ – so you can purchase a 14 K Gold “Cross” – crossing out Jesus on the Cross – compliments of 666 – “The Beast” Aleistar Crowley – a very good friend of L Ron Hubbard.
Look up “Rosy Cross” if any of your lurkers out there can’t wrap your wits around what I am saying.
Yes – Let’s Celebrate Christmas – the birth of Jesus Christ – our Lord – with a Religion that teaches at the upper levels “Jesus” was an implant.
By the way – we were at the Grocery Store and Hurricane Leah is kicking up quite a storm. The tabloids are all over Tom Cruise. AWESOME NESS!!
There is a guy who is truly between a rock and a hard place. No matter which way he goes, he gets punished.
I’ll give that a hearty Amen!
Eat, Donate and be Merry???
The insanity of this group is beyond comprehension.
I’d rather eat donuts and be merry
Me too!
Cracklins and boudin for me!
My first thought was do they make them pay extra for the meal over and above the “status” or do they throw in the meal for the $37,500?
Are you kidding Valerie? You don’t get a meal for 37.5k. You don’t even get noticed.
I don’t think you even get one of those awful gaudy trophies.
I wonder if they’ve got change for a $20?
I’m with you. At least the rest of us can get to LOL when we read this (need it, after the emotional wringer of watching the A&E show).
Your blog, and the A&E show is the only gift I need regarding the IAS. Keep up the good work, I can’t wait to see the next episode.
R-Factor from C/S to David Miscavige:
We’ve reviewed your case and come to the unanimous decision that you’re totally insane.
C/S: But, $cientology can help with that! Schedule a session soon.
P.S. from the C/S: We’d also like to follow up on some suspicious reads that indicate you’re hiding something about being a homo. Come in soon!
M-L, your C/S
Not that there’s anything wrong with that…
Very early in my Course Supervisor career, Michael Roberts came bailed me out when I was bombing when I was leading one of the Friday Night Graduations at Flag.
He’s a very skilled speaker and charming human being, I always liked him, the ultimate diplomatic speaker.
So sad that he didn’t go into US State Department or something other than his career in IAS Commission chasing, which I imagine he’s a dogged trouper at that business of getting those with money to fork it over to the IAS, so he gets his commission.
I think he’s a true believer, and his actor skills and innate sincerity all smush together to make him really a long term successful FSM for the IAS.
The rationale for commissions, for “service completion awards,” the rationale for the business sales deal motif of all of Scientology, the author of this mentality, is L. Ron Hubbard’s policies and private advices in his later years.
Hubbard’s whole Author Services Inc traffic, the “for-profit” fake literary agency that legalized funneling renumerance of LRH’s created “products” (including how the Scientology church corporations themselves owe LRH his creation of the tech and his knowledge that the church corporations extend to the public for the publics’ “fixed donations”), the whole massive Hubbard legacy is businesslike.
Professor Steven Kent’s early 1990s papers made the business, sales, commissions, “hard-sell” (Kent may not have known about “service completion awards” and omitted that nifty Hubbard idea), but the Field Scientologist commission system is just a major major continuing mainstay of the Scientology church network money from donations find its way back into the pockets of the Scientologists who usher in new people onto paying Scientology services.
“Cult of Greed” article by Richard Behar was inevitable.
Hubbard’s Scientology and today’s International Association of Scientology cutting edge sales commission greediness stems from the “Master” of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard’s whole long interconnecting theory writings and orders.
Blame goes to Ron.
Scientology as practiced by the splinter Scientologists I note has shed this greed mentality, other than getting “donations” or payments from each others’ efforts in exchange for the Scientology practices they give to one another.
The pilot comparison group, always, to me, when I think of the deep greed in Scientology, is the freezone Scientologists who seem less greedy by a factor of 20 or so.
The “think tank” of Scientology is the Executive Strata, and there are several members of that “think tank” who ought be revising Scientology’s major historical evolution. Maybe Exec Strata was just a front, and not a seriously intended upper management group who were to be reviewing the large strategic moves of the movement.
This Miscavige era’s letting IAS go all nutty on the business money grubbing parties that IAS fundraising consists of, no one who’s read all of Hubbard’s advices would be surprised at how things have gotten so wildly out of hand.
I wish all Scientologists would read the final pages of “Going Clear….” by Lawrence Wright and write a mandatory essay of what that means to their lives! (Hubbard admitted failure at the end of his life when he was frank with Sarge Steven Pfauth at the Creston Ranch in Hubbard’s final months of life.)
And just how long is a piece of Scientology string?
Their never ending scheming and outright lies has no limit.
Would I be wrong in suggesting there are more ex-Scientologists than there are members in good standing? Surely just the declared figure must be as high or greater than all the paying public on lines at the mecca and all the AOSHs combined. Staff don’t get serviced on the Bridge as far as I can make out and the Bridge is a false one anyway so they don’t count except as servants. Geezers, the only truth in Scientology is their address and even that was paid for by someone else.
However long that piece of string might be, it ends with a hangman’s noose. WAAUGN!
Talk slower, Chewkacca! I’m still trying to learn Shriwook!
“The gift that keeps on TAKING” – classic, just classic……..
Hello Michael Roberts!
Go Fuck Yourself!
IASP (International Association of SP’s)
What Harvey said …
So this time the wins will be believable? Unlike 47x of the other times?