Next in the series from our intrepid IAS Fact Checker. His/her work is greatly appreciated.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Part Three – Building a Better World
by Natasha Boris
As a simple guide to better living, The Way to Happiness booklet follows basically understood moral codes that can be easily agreed upon by many people. There have been plenty of write-ups done by others exposing the flaws in the costing to produce and print but we had to ask, how many people are actually getting them? Is the world becoming a better place in the areas that have had distribution?
The IAS claims they assist in Building a Better World by their backing of The Way to Happiness. Over three pages their website gives several vague declarations regarding successes from massive distribution.
The Guinness World Records does give TWTH the record for the Most Translated Author, Same Book.
Let’s take a closer look, shall we? To re-cap, we are employing a simple and common method to determine fact from fiction: Google and Google News.
- In Poland, an IAS grant funded 60,000 copies of The Way to Happiness for distribution to prison inmates, with the booklets printed right inside a Polish prison. Another grant funded 50,000 booklets for distribution in Rwanda, the Congo and Burundi.
Searching “’The Way To Happiness’ Polish prison” netted no hits on the first two pages that were not CoS sponsored sites or completely unrelated. We were not able to find any specific information on the name of the prison where these booklets were printed. Repeating this search but adding Rwanda brought us to Deputy Director Pascal MUHASHA. Searching this gentleman netted exactly four Google hits. The Congo did have an interesting mention from the NY Times. As for TWTH in Burundi, we found no sign, except interestingly some ebay sales of the book wherein Burundi was listed.
- In 2002, The Way to Happiness was distributed by an IAS member throughout the South American country of Guyana. 4,000 copies were requested for use by the Police Department alone and another 5,000 by a world peace organization working in the country. Copies were enclosed in a major newspaper and finally, to ensure no one was left out, a national mailing was sent to all households in the country.
We were unable to find any specific mention of TWTH in connection with the Guyana police force. They do have a very spiffy appearing website, unfortunately we did not find any reference to TWTH on it. We did find this Embassy Cable leaked. “Caberta showed Pol/Econ Officer and Specialist a booklet she had received early November that appeared to be published by Hamburg’s mayor. The booklet contained the mayor’s photograph and signature, yet was actually a publication from Scientology’s “The Way to Happiness Foundation.””
- In the Middle East, a million copies of The Way to Happiness, funded by IAS grants, were distributed in Arabic and Hebrew through schools and refugee camps, kiosks and on the streets. IAS members and other volunteers delivered copies of The Way to Happiness door to door and thousands of copies were inserted in Israeli newspapers. A program of workshops for schools was launched to help both Palestinian and Israeli students and teachers use The Way to Happiness in their daily lives.
This is a sticky one. According to Wikipedia the Israel TWTH campaigns in 2008 caused quite a stir. Reference is made to The Association for Prosperity and Peace in the Middle East. We were not able to find much on this group except this website that is owned by them. Danny Vidislavski, the founder of The Association for Prosperity is also apparently the ED of TWTH Israel. The denial made to the Jerusalem Post that their organization had no relation to Scientology is given lie by this post, also dated 2008, on the Scientology Volunteer Ministers website. As for actual numbers of distribution being verifiable…?
- The Hollywood Division of the Los Angeles Police Department, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) of Compton, banks, cities, embassies and hundreds of others are now distributing their own copies of The Way to Happiness.
In 2005 this story broke about the relationship between TWTH and the LA Police Department [Ed. note: I included this entire article below as it illustrates the point and highlights how these “endorsements” can be misleading]. It is a similar situation to that in Germany, where the campaign used the Hamburg Mayor’s photograph without permission. TWTH’s relationship with the NAACP of Compton appears to be over as there is no current information and the activities mentioned appear to be from the early 2000’s.
- Organizations and individuals as diverse as the National Honduras Police, Secretary General of the Philippine Red Cross and the California State Chairman of the Congress on Racial Equality now distribute personalized copies of the booklet. As a further example of the far-reaching use of this booklet, the National Police of Colombia now utilize The Way to Happiness booklet in training their entire force and broadly distribute copies to Colombian citizens.
We aren’t sure if someone is trying to pull a prank on us with statements like these. Mr. Rinder has already given lie to the National Police of Columbia statement in his blog post Scientology Saves Columbia (which comes up on the first page of Google).
The Congress of Racial Equality, or CORE, is a civil rights group. The California branch has a whopping 38 likes on Facebook and their website makes no mention of The Way To Happiness.
The National Honduran Police are definitely not employing the precept Do Not Murder as this article makes abundantly clear. In the last six years the murder rate in Honduras has risen 250%.
The Red Cross has several chapters in the Philippines. Determining which Secretary General from which chapter is nigh impossible without more information.
As always, if readers have information on The Way To Happiness foundation’s activities, please share in the comments below.
The Way To More Questions
Scientology affiliate The Way To Happiness of Glendale teaches honesty in schools but, according to LAPD and others, utilizes dishonest promotions
By Carl Kozlowski 08/18/2005
If a high-ranking LAPD official can be believed, perhaps the Scientology-affiliated The Way To Happiness should take a page from its own teachings.
Two of the Glendale-based nonprofit organization’s 21 guides to achieving happiness are “Be Worthy of Trust” and “Seek to Live the Truth,” neither of which were followed apparently in the group’s dealings with the LAPD and a city
in Texas.Officials with the group, which over the past two decades has distributed booklets of the same name to millions of school children across the country, all with the help of a variety of public officials and corporate sponsors, say they have worked with hundreds of organizations throughout Southern California and around the country in efforts to promote clean living as a virtue worthy of emulating.
But according to LAPD Cmdr. Mike Downing, the Church of Scientology forged his endorsement on The Way To Happiness Web site, prompting the LAPD to disavow any endorsement of Scientology and The Way To Happiness.
“We cannot endorse the Church of Scientology or any religion as the LAPD, and we very specifically said they could not use the LAPD name as it related to their book. They know they are clearly overstepping their bounds” in linking to the LAPD as an organization that works with The Way To Happiness Foundation (TWTH).
TWTH, Downing told the Pasadena Weekly, also apparently fraudulently posted on the Web a letter of commendation from the LAPD that was not signed by alleged writer Chief William Bratton, and also forged Downing’s approval by rubber-stamping his signature to the image on the site,
But that isn’t the only time TWTH, which has distributed booklets to more than 12 million American schoolchildren in 12,600 public schools since its inception in 1984, allegedly fabricated information to promote its product.
In the case of the LAPD, the booklets were distributed by the department, but only after TWTH representatives approached police officials repeatedly and only succeeded in disseminating through the Hollywood Division. Even then, when TWTH attempted to distribute the booklets with the LAPD’s name on them and depict a book-cover drawing of a policeman wearing an LAPD badge, they were ordered by police to remove the badge image and remove the department’s name from the back cover.
“We sent them back and said they could not distribute the literature with the LAPD Hollywood Division on the text. I’ve seen the program work, and I don’t mind programs that try to raise the stature of communities and clean them up, but we as the LAPD cannot endorse the Church of Scientology,” said Downing. “I did not authorize the letter displayed on their site nor its display, and they used a stamped-font signature instead of my actual one.”
In response, TWTH President Lance Miller, a high-level Scientologist, denied any wrongdoing on the part of the foundation and said Downing is, at best, mistaken.
“That’s the first I’ve heard of it. Michael Downing has appeared at events for us and spoken very highly of the work we do,” said Miller. “As far as I know, the letter was generated and sent by him and I have the original hanging on my wall here. It looks like a real signature to me. But if it’s a situation where we need to remove it, we certainly want to comply.”
The organization’s success at entering public schools with a guidebook espousing “21 Rules for Living” is particularly noteworthy at a time when displaying the Ten Commandments in schools, courthouses and other public places remains a hot-button issue.
While TWTH states that the booklets are devoid of religious content or any proselytizing for the Church of Scientology, the book’s rules directly parallel the life rules displayed by the church at its L. Ron Hubbard Life Exhibition in Hollywood.
However, TWTH downplays its ties to Scientology, which has long battled charges that it is a cult, and does not note in booklets that the author is Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.As reported in the Weekly on Aug. 4, the hugely popular Church of Scientology, a religion embraced by such Hollywood luminaries as Tom Cruise and John Travolta, has attracted widespread media attention, primarily due to exposure by Cruise on national television in recent months. In turn, that exposure prompted some disgruntled former members to reopen some of the church’s lengthy history of lawsuits and claims alleging fraud, threatening of the church’s critics, and the fact that the heart of the church’s beliefs center around the claim that every human’s stresses are in reality the result of the souls of aliens, Thetans, attaching themselves to their bodies.
Church leaders have responded to some of these criticisms by softening some of the organization’s more blatant recruitment tactics while claiming the church’s more extreme aspects are aberrations of the past.
According to ex-church member Tory Christman, who rose to the second-highest level of membership during her 30 years as a Scientologist, such questionable tactics are de rigeur for TWTH and its affiliate program, Set A Good Example (SAGE), which encourages community volunteerism by students and sponsors local essay contests on that theme.
“It’s fantastic when kids go out and do good in the community as part of their Set A Good Example program, but they can’t say it’s not part of Scientology,” said Christman. “Scientology is designed to ‘clear’ planet Earth’s citizens of their problems, so kids are always going to be part of that approach.
“The church calls it ‘safeguarding’ when they’re able to promote positive attitudes about Scientology by doing things people like and help people,” Christman continued. “They should do good things but it’s bad that they use community leaders to promote and pay for the books who often have no clue it’s affiliated with Scientology.”
Controversy be damned, TWTH is growing, as Foundation President Miller noted that the program had just this month been authorized for use in all of Nevada’s public schools.
“We just put a million books into the South LA area through The Way To Happiness Outdoors Club, which takes inner-city youths into the mountains and shows them a world beyond their four-block radius,” said Miller. “We work with over 600 different organizations, and the programs are often more successful when run exterior to the school system but still in conjunction. We rely on community members’ donations to pay for it, not tax dollars, and the SAGE contest is optional.”
The ability to distribute the booklet in so many schools has raised questions in some areas from advocates of church-state separation as well as coalitions of church and parental groups. For instance, according to a June 27, 1990, article in the Los Angeles Times, a Fresno school district official named Geoff Garratt led a successful campaign to bar TWTH and its SAGE program due to church-state separation concerns even after the program had successfully been launched in a middle school in that city.
Yet Barbara Ayash, president of another Scientology-related group called the Concerned Businessmen of America (CBA), still mentioned the Fresno program as one of the SAGE success stories in an Aug. 15 interview with the Weekly. In addition, Ayash’s granddaughter, Marylen Ayash-Borgen of San Diego, faxed the Weekly office two statements that she authored about purported TWTH and SAGE successes in Glendale and Inglewood schools.
One statement claimed the city of Harlingen, Texas, attained a year with “ZERO violent crimes” in 1998, three years after Harlingen became the first city in America to offer the programs citywide in its public schools.
The problem is that claim is a lie as well.According to the May 24, 1999, newspaper article that Ayash-Borgen refers to, which was faxed to the Weekly by a current staff member of the Harlingen Valley Morning Star, violent crime and crimes against property in that city had fallen by 13 percent in 1998. Yet the city still experienced 54 violent crimes per 10,000 residents for an approximate total of 324 violent crimes in the city of 60,000. Additionally, police officials did not mention The Way To Happiness program at all as one of the reasons for the crime drop.
“I can’t conceive that we would say any program alone was responsible for dropping crime,” Juan I. Ramirez, public information officer for the Harlingen police, said in a phone interview. “Besides, there’s no city on Earth without violent crime.”
But former Harlingen Mayor Connie de la Garza was receptive to trying the program after he was approached by local dentist and Scientologist Juan Villareal in the mid-1990s about what he described as “a program that can help young people make the right decisions.”
Rev. Charles Palmer, pastor of the Treasure Hills Presbyterian Church in Harlingen, led a coalition of a dozen pastors from throughout the city who sought to bar TWTH from the city’s schools. Yet despite their combined strength, the protests were unsuccessful for an interesting reason.
“We wanted equal access of all churches, but it didn’t seem to deter anything because Dr. Villareal became the school board president,” said Palmer. “We ultimately didn’t receive any feedback once the program was in schools, but most people would say the materials would look good. Our concern was because of who authored it initially and where it was coming from.”
The promise to keep Scientology tenets out of schools was kept despite the fact that in 2002 Villareal settled a federal lawsuit filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission alleging he had forced his dental practice employees to take Scientology courses or lose their jobs.
“Anytime you have a program trying that, I’m for it regardless of religion, creed or code,” said de la Garza in a phone interview. “Whether you agree with Mr. Hubbard’s philosophy or not is immaterial. What I like is if you can touch a child and make them a better adult. That’s what we need to do.”
It was de la Garza’s recommendation in a letter to Inglewood Mayor Roosevelt Dorn that inspired Dorn to welcome TWTH and SAGE programs into his city’s public schools three years ago. Dorn noted that he was aware of the programs’ Scientology connection. Dorn said he also knew that the program is paid for by donations rather than tax dollars, and he believed that they sufficiently steered clear of proselytizing to merit inclusion for the values they promoted.
“I am a minister in the AME church, and those portions of the Church of Scientology that teach individuals to uplift their lives and cause them to do better with their lives, how can I argue against that?” said Dorn. “The Methodists can develop a book like that, Baptists, Catholics, anyone who develops that kind of book if it’s good, the schools will say fine. But if it’s going to be promoting religion, that’s different and I’d be against it.”
Dorn’s opinion was largely echoed by Peter Eliasberg, the ACLU of Southern California’s Manheim Family Attorney for First Amendment Rights. Eliasberg noted that some of the issues that could grow out of having TWTH in schools are tricky, but appear to have been carefully navigated by the organization.
“The only way a school might be allowed to distribute religious materials on campus from outside groups is if they allowed other religions to come in. You can imagine it could get crazy, so a lot of schools might not open themselves so broadly,” said Eliasberg.
“What’s tricky is that it’s not obviously either here, a religion or religious group. I’m concerned that they use a different name, and parents and schools should be vigilant so that the lines shouldn’t be crossed,” Eliasberg said. “Is this a way in the door to further proselytizing? But if this is the equivalent to a school assembly on tolerance, I can’t say it’s a bad thing to have general moral training in schools.”
Like many of us, I love the Way To Happiness and I feel it should be distributed as broadly as possible.
What saddens me is that this golden little book is tainted by its association with the RCS. In fact, it saddens me that all of the tech is tainted by association with the RCS. That said, I believe that the tech, being truth in workable, applicable form, will survive. I don’t know how, but I do believe that it will survive.
The Guinness World Records needs a few new catagories: Biggest Whopper and Longest Stretch of a Fact.
most excellent story and post! makes me question the true push to get twth out there by the church. on the one hand, they say, quite loudly, that they want the book in the hands of everyone possible. to this end, they even squawk about some unknown pecuniary support from the ias and my fav midget big-little being. however, wherever the church has found twth available for free on the internet in a jurisdiction that they may manipulate, they have usually quickly moved to quash the particular website. is it that the church just wants to control distribution? i mean, they do not appear to be charging for twth anyway; so why prevent its spread for free on the internet? the only thing i keep coming back to is a certain dear ole’ leader’s penchant for micromanagement…any other ideas?
The Church was caught a number of times sending copies of TWTH to Town Halls and Police Departments with fake endorsements on the cover. There are lots listed here:
It was suggested at the time that this was not always deliberate but a communications mixup, that the boxes of TWTH were supposed to be samples accompanied by a “would you like some of these?” letter which never got included. The error wasn’t corrected because that would be invalidation and questioning orders.
On an unrelated note, the archives you added on the right are greatly appreciated!
Thanks so much Mike and Natasha Boris (Bullwinkle fan?) for the great factual post. It may be that “duplicity” is a more fundamental, major departure from the ideal scene than vulture culture. The pervasive theme of the RCS is “make it look like something it’s not.” I believe this creates “maybes” in the minds of Scngsts that is very hard to resolve, due to lack access to, and obfuscation of correct information. Transparency with full, genuine information is the only way to fly for a genuinely spiritual and charitable organization.
Hallie — excellent observation on the duplicity. And that is such a massive departure from the most fundamental concepts of Scientology contained in the Axioms. Perhaps they are trying to “survive” by “persisting” because they are a lie! 🙂
Yes Mike, thx! That’s why they have empty buildings instead of as-isness as a product.
It is a real shame that CoS has ‘commingled’, (like commingling trust account money with personal monies, which David Miscavige has possibly done) the secular programs that are now viewed as simply ‘front groups’ for the CoS. They had the potential to do a lot of good. In its first few years, CCHR for example did do some very good work exposing various unsavory practices in the medical arena.
It sounds like to some extent, some people working with TWTH have done some good, too.
But the way the IAS uses these programs for self-promotion is disgusting and damaging. The IAS should rightly be titled the IASS – International Association for the Suppression of Scientology.
As far as the Scientologists forging the LAPD Cheifs signature, it looks like maybe the LAPD is lying about that. I think the WTH booklet can do some good things. And I wouldn’t be surprised to see a politician lie about something if it backfired on him.
You may well be right about the LAPD.
And you are definitely right about the WTH.
The issue here is the lies told by the IAS “this is what your support of the IAS pays for.”
It’s just a big scam.
If the WTH truly IS so important, if the IAS spent 10% of their money on WTH to GIVE AWAY, that would be a BILLION booklets. And if they made it easily available on the internet — well, everyone would have it.
Instead, they lie about funding campaigns and are more interested in the “endorsements” and “PR value” than in actually helping anyone.
Great fact checking! It really puts the ironic fact that David Miscavige, the ecclesiastical leader does not apply the precepts of TWTH himself in bright neon lights. One that comes to mind immediately is: “The way to happiness
lies along the road to truth.”