They are not going to have any real news for the Maiden Voyage — just a lone ribbon yanking from Sydney.
So, the call has gone out for EVERY ORG to do an “iconic” or ironic”? event…. Even the ALREADY “ideal orgs”– because these are virtually all the “big” orgs so there would not be much left to show if they are not included, but I wonder what sort of “iconic” event they are going to do in Pretoria or Portland or Nashville where they have tapped out everyone and are left with completely empty “ideal” orgs?
Maybe they should hold an event that is “iconic” to the RCS. They can all dress up like dollar bills, credit cards, check books or gold bars (or gold fillings?)
I wonder what is more important to the “Building Expansion Director International”? The money or the photos/videos?
In either event, it has NOTHING to do with the purpose of a Scientology organization or the “field” activities of a Scientology Org.
Flog this dead horse for all it’s worth.
I’m surprised Scientology Central hasn’t thoughtfully prepared and sent to every org a Standard, Tailored, Unique, Personalized, Iconic Decoration Kit (“STUPID Kit”) full of boxes containing: National flags, national bunting, and appropriately colored confetti. Also, recordings of national songs, national poems and national short speeches. Also, posters suitable for taping to walls portraying national appetizers, national non-alcoholic drinks, and national entrees. Remember, it doesn’t have to be real to be STUPID.
Each STUPID Kit costs only $50,000. Make your donations now!
I hope they all do a ton of group photos from these ‘events’ – I’ve been wondering if it’s worth counting heads to get a ballpark estimate on current actives. One would then have to assign some kind of fudge factor to account for those who don’t show up to avoid the regging, but it seems worthwhile if only to get a number for the remainng ‘clubbed seal’ population.
You won’t get an accurate count with all the photoshopping.
I think Black Heart knows his time is counted and wants to collect, rather steal, as much money as he can before he flies and attempts to hide. The video footage is a secondary thought and only would have the purpose to spread the idea that the planet is being saved by his straight up and vertical expansion so more money can be collected from the herd of iconic parishioners.
And yes they misspelled the promo, it should be Ironic = • a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result. Yet, it could be in incomplete definition for them as the only thing missing is a real honest to god amusement.
Sorry, time to re do their new student hat three times over and, of course, objectives should follow.
As an aside, I read in the paper that the real pope drew 150 thousand (!) people to celebrate Easter at the Vatican.
Now, I’ve never been a Catholic and most Christians wouldn’t even consider me to be a Christian, but from what I have read about Pope Francis, he seems to be a guy who walks the walk and lives his faith. He has been standing his ground against evil doers in his organization and doing something about it. He has shown true compassion for all people in his words and his actions. He even eschews the traditionally extravagant lifestyle of Popes.
Maybe DM should oughta take his ass to Italy and take the whole RTC with him. They could confess their sins, atone for them, offer penance, and then and only then be allowed seek forgiveness from COS parishioners. Maybe DM could even get some Pope lessons from a true ecclesiastic leader.
I saw the 150,000 crowd on TV! How much call-in do you think it took to do that? How many threats of ethics actions if you didn’t confirm? Fundraising at the event? Don’t think so! DM calls himself the pope of scn (POS – almost a rude word in Afrikaans 🙂 ) He has no idea of the pull the real Pope has. If he is going to be somewhere, even non Catholics will flock to see him. No call-in, no mounds of glossy promo, no frantic emails about iconic events etc. And no staff threatened with eternal damnation if they don’t meet their quotas!
Dave’s rebuttal – “He’s just lucky he doesn’t have the SP’s working for him that I do.”
Actually, plenty of still ins would flock to see Miscavige too, if events were simply events and not indefatiguable regging sprees. Notwithstanding the Sherman speak, the gaudy, God-Awful ersatz-Renaissance sets, the uneccessary high volume and the length, its the regging that creates that creates the real dread and avoidance.
I think the Rotten Tomatoes score would be in the minus range. New torture: watch Battlefield Earth followed by the IAS Event with Tom Cruise.
I can just imagine what it is like to be on staff right now. The last remaining few staff members being ripped off post (while still expected to get their stats up), dusting off their CF and listening to 90% of their calls go to voice-mail as the public desperately dodge the calls. The regging between study breaks resulting in more public dropping off course. Auditors trying to close their pcs for donations during the walk to the examiner – oh wait…this won’t happen as nobody is qualified to audit currently…
Aaaah…the sweet sound of an idle morgue ticking along while the empty corridors mock them.
One thing to keep in mind, is if there is unprecedented expansion, you wouldn’t need fundraising.
Fund raising occurs when not enough people are buying your product. If there was unprecedented expansion
going on, there would be lines around the block. And if there were OT’s being made that could demonstrate that level and all its attributes, the lines would have no end. I’m not saying OT does not exist, but if it does, why hide it? I’ve had a lot of wins in Scientology. And I’ve been around since the 70’s. But not once have I ever seen any evidence of real OT. Exterior with full perception…..? That’s fine. Demonstrate it!
If I had been entirely out of touch with anything about Scientology for the past 30 odd years, then suddenly was given this as an example of current Scientology activities, I would be unable to find anything whatsover to do with the subject of Scientology communicated in any way from this drivel. The amount of staff man hours consumed in producing this promo, the bells and whistles that go with this campaign, working out projects and programs for all hands staff call in (to make sure the staff are working at things that have nothing to do with Scientology) must be absurd and for what? It all has nothing to do with Scientology. Well, we have the answer to the question of when will the Church of Scientology finally disintegrate? It already has. What is left is some sort of animated corpse – the life formerly in it (actual Scientology) has been entirely sucked out.
OK, so the COB is going to Sydney or somebody drafted from the “Hole”
Iconic ? say what ? Order some pizza, some six packs of soda.
The only way to realize any cash out of these idle morgues is to sell them. When the first one goes on the market, you’ll know its over. In the mean time, they are liabilities, not assets. With no revenue from selling product, squeezing the membership for more dough will only go so far.
People have figured out that blue sky is there for free, so nobody is buying it.
Ka ching.
In their case, the pit of ignorance is of a vast depth.
Mike nailed it.
DM is desperate for some good footage for the MV event. There is only going to be one video of DM ribbon jerking in Sydney.
Right now he’s going ballistic and demanding some good footage from the “incompentent morons” and “CICSs” that surround him.
Thus all OT committees are going to do events that are for not actually for the purpose of raising money but rather to make a show of raising money. It’s like a sequence of “Scientology should make an effort to help people, but we can’t help people because we need a new building and we can’t get a new building because we dont have all the money, and we can’t raise money because noone cares! But we CAN hold an event where we pretend to reg donations and DM can show it on the ship.”
When these videos air, people will think “wow those guys in Kullamepurple are doing so great, we should be doing more dono begging in our area”. Then the guys from Kullamepurple are thinking, “wow all these other guys are doing so great. I bet our video is the ONLY one where we were pretending to have a good time. All these other guys really ARE having a good time. We should beg harder in Kullamepurple”.
Everyone leaves determined to beg harder and withholdy about the fact that scientology is coming completely unglued in their area, but everyone else is doing great!
The one thing that DM is truly a master at is manipulating people. If only he was that good at ANYTHING else!
One simple question Dave: Has a withhold been missed?
An “iconic” event??? More like an “ironic” event as you say, Mike.
Or even more appropriate, a “moronic” event.
Has anyone at Int Management ever opened a dictionary and cleared a word? …..Maybe look at customary usages of the word “iconic”, and then use the word in several sentences to become more familiar with it’s common usage before regurgitating it on to a piece of promo? In their ad, they define “iconic” as having to do with “something that best represents something”, in their case an event representing a whole country or city. In the first place it is a real stretch to use the word in that context. Here is a web site with several dictionaries which have definitions of this word:
Maybe someone will find something I didn’t.
In the second place they are saying that they want these events to “symbolize” their whole community. This makes no sense. If they said that they wanted their event to reach out to and impinge upon their community in a positive way, that would at least make some sense.
LRH was a great writer. He was a word smith. Besides the fact that these promo pieces are full of lies, it sometimes pains me to read them just because they are so often an embarrassing public display of illiteracy from an organization which used to be able to make people super-literate. So Mike, I cringe right along with you when I read stuff like this.
Then again, maybe Miscavige does this on purpose. LRH says that when a person goes past a mis-understood or not-understood word without clearing it up, they often “get a distinctly blank feeling” and miss what was said after that point. Maybe that’s DM’s intention. Maybe he doesn’t want people to notice that every one of these events is just another ploy for him to get something for nothing.
How fucking dumb can it get???
Just wait and see, they will surprize us with just how outlandishly dumb they can be. I am sure they will come up with stuff to fuel the moronic Shermanspeak humor for Der Leader’s opening night speech of the Maiden Pillaging (oops I mean Voyage) of the Other Than’s.
Las Vegas would be very simple to do.
One part of the crowd can dress up as slot machines that just take all of your money leaving you broke and the casino building/org getting bigger and giving you nothing in exchange (well actually you do get free liquor while you are losing money in a real casino.)
The other part of the group (the girls) can dress up as pole strippers, and shake their T&A to entice even more money from you making you think you may be getting more than the customary lap dance. But before anything can happen your money is gone and your credit cards are maxed out and the bouncer is tossing your sorry ass out the door.
This would represent the so called bridge to nowhere.
Proper designation is moronic.
“… dress up as slot machines …” is hilarious.
Isn’t it exciting, what theme will our local orgs choose? Adelaide’s great icons are the pie floater (a meat pie with tomato sauce floating in pea soup), and our small-town politics. Neither seem inspirational for the Org, so they might just clean their windows and keep the front door open all day.
Melbourne could go for a Ned Kelly theme, with registrars in iron masks bailing up visitors for their next IAS donation. Or they might consider their city’s no.1 icon, Australian Rules Football: the 2014 footy season has just begun and there were many Scientologists associated with the sport in the 1960s. Such as Alan Walter – oops, he joined the Freezone. Ian Tampion – oh no, they never forgave him for his years of hard work in the GO. Alan Cooke – another of the cancer-after-NOTs casualties. Nah, better stick with Ned Kelly and his gang of bushrangers,
We’re going to do the Founding Father’s and the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE.
That’s Fathers, forget the dang apostrophe
In the original edition of Scientology 0-8: The Book of Basics, axiom of Scn #10 reads” The highest purpose in THIS universe is the creation of an effect.” [uppercase emphasis added.] There are of course 58 axioms, but people somehow tend to get hung up on this one.
Entirely missing from the 2007 edition is “A Description of Scientology,” a full eleven pages of writing, and the longest piece in an extraordinarily economical and encompassing book which is principally scales. Also missing is “Consideration and Mechanics.”
iconic: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an icon: a picture, image, or other representation. (op. cit. in this topic.)
The Scn Tech dictionary has the following definition: “insanity … 6. the best definition of which I know would be: the person widely believes that the symbols are the thing.” (Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures #20.)
What would I know? I think the thing itself is the thing, and I kind of think the symbols are just some casual indication leading to the thing itself. Something like “Coke” is not the thing, just an indication of what that caramel-colored liquid is; the liquid is the thing itself; the symbol is not. The word “angry” is a series of symbols, not the thing itself; the charging cape buffalo is the anger itself – there is a fairly clear difference there.. I must be the crazy one, huh?
Sorry – Scn 0-8: Book of Basics isn’t “principally scales” – it has the axioms of Scientology and of Dianetics along with the Logics and numerous scales as well as other material. “A Description of Scientology” is straight text, and is the first section of the original edition.
AFAIK, Consideration and Mechanics was moved to COHA.
Should be embryonic so they can go back to birth. Maybe then they’ll be born again Scientologists.
Chuckling away, here, OTVIIIisGrrr8.