This is the best they can do?
A pixilated image of something they claim is Idaho, above some printing offering a scholarship to ASHO? And this is for “our Mission Expansion.” According to FB, Jacqui lives in Sherman Oaks?
I wonder if Idaho ranks so highly in the Desirable States stakes because there is one of the Scientology clear states? Meaning there is no Scientology outpost after 70 years of “unprecedented expansion”? There are plenty of other states on that list with no orgs, some may have tiny missions open a couple of hours a week: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, N Carolina, N Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, S Carolina, S Dakota, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming.
Once again, it’s Scientology’s own promotional materials that provide insight into the true state of affairs inside the bubble.
They should bring back They used to have all these stories about how Missions were spreading out all over, but the website was suddenly taken down sometime after they opened their Mission in York.
It’s really a shame that there is no scientology presence in Montaña. After all, Hubbard spent a lot of time there as a precocious youth busting broncs, being the youngest Eagle Scout, becoming a blood brother in the Blackfoot Tribe, putting ‘ethics in’ on the O’Brien (?) boys by using lumberjack fighting techniques taught to him by his grandfather who owned a ranch that covered fully one quarter of the state, etc. etc. etc. I might have some of these details wrong. Perhaps someone who still has a copy of ‘What is Scientology’ can fact check me and share some additional tidbits about The Founder. Bottom line, there is absolutely NO scientology presence in the Big Sky State. My bet is there never will be. Of course the cult could buy the defunct Berkley Pit in Butte to construct yet another super secret Ideal Depository for Hubbard’s endless blovations etched on titanium plates. That super fund site*** is going for pennies on the dollar. Just like scientology materials are on eBay.
***Hot Tip for OSA: there is probably enough copper left in that dreadful old mine to furnish the entire cult with a set of copper rods just like COB hisself favors. Big money to be made from value added copper crafted by RPF slaves and sold to IAS whales.
What training will they do at ASHO? The BC was disbanded and is no longer. Are they talking about training to Class IV at ASHO? Do they even offer the Class IV course these days?