Some interesting information sent in by a Special Correspondent concerning the “ideal” CC Nashville.
They just mailed out their new magazine and it contained the following:
Some points of note.
1. Clearly Rene Duszak, a long term SO member from PAC failed to build this org and was replaced. Believe me, if they were doing so well, nobody would have taken her out.
2. After FIVE YEARS of being an Ideal Org they are “working on” going SH Size and, hold the phones, creating a Day and Foundation. My recollection was that Miscavige said the “why” was that the orgs were trying to do too little and it was like having an auditing room without all the elements. The “handling” is the “ideal org” building. But there is an ideal org building and still they don’t have all the parts and cannot even achieve SH Size in 5 YEARS.
3. He claims their delivery “recently” has been “highest ever in our history”. Well, here is their completions page. And if this is highest ever then this is a very poor show. And if this is what can be expected 5 years after being an “ideal” org then it is absolute proof of a totally wrong why. This list consists primarily people completing “reading a book” and short Div 6 Life Improvement Courses.
They have completed a whopping 5 people on the New GAG II Shat course and the same three people on Pro TRs, Pro Upper Indoc TR’s and Pro Metering (which means this list encompasses ALL completions for at least 3 months). The same people are listed for the few Grades Completions, with a SINGLE Grade IV. Not one Auditor or Clear.
This is what $10+ million invested in an ideal org with GAG II gets you.
Nothing but what you paid for. An empty building.
And it is not me saying it. They are announcing it to the world as good news!
“Ms. Rene Duszak was promoted to a senior executive position at CCI”. Hip Hip Hooray!
Translated by those in the know, this statement really means that Captain Miscavige issued an order recalling her and that read something like this:
“I want that bitch scrubbing toilets with a toothbrush by the end of the night. No one is going to make COB wrong by keeping their stats down. I’m surrounded by SPs!!!”
Jesus Christ Mike, can’t you just float with some of the lies and illusion as a small convenience/tribute to David? Do you have any idea what a burden it is for him that you poke holes through the illusion he has worked so hard to build? They already admit openly they are in the business of selling identities, not making clears and OT’s and auditors. The people involved right now want real estate, and Identities of upper class and ruling class. They have just gone main stream society under David’s leadership. And aligned themselves with society’s goals and purposes. Hubbard himself said “The masters of industry are pirates and bums.” Illusion is an industry. Identities are prized possessions. Who cares if they are back to the same old habits and routines that made them all dopey to begin with? Who cares if the “road out” turned into a circular traffic circle with no exit signs? Who cares if the lives of every man, woman and child are spent on David’s audition as the ring master? Must we be so nit picky about every little thing?
The EVILNESS of this CULT is PROFOUND!! That’s why it took my a while to spot it. A normal person just CAN’T fathom the EVILNESS OF THIS SCIENTOLOGY CULT! Anybody who’s still in and your lurking….. Don’t Walk away…………………………………..RUN FOR YOUR LIFE….. I kid you not….. YOU are in GRAVE DANGER!
THEY will get YOU if you stay around it…. Either your Family, your wife, your kids, your bank account,your sanity,your home, your relationship with your creator. They want to destroy it ALL!! There is no Flourish and Prosper. Look around you… Do you see STAFF that are happy or haggard. How many divorces? How many bankruptcies? How many look Grey? You are being told NOT to LOOK for a reason! Captain David (SLAPPY) McSavage is the Devil’s minion. LOOK and LOOK HARD, because he hides it. You are in such GRAVE DANGER because you are innocent, YOU CANNOT CONCEIVE HOW JUST VERY EVIL THIS WHOLE “SHOW” IS. I don’t care how much MONEY you have spent or have on ACCOUNT. GET THE HELL OUT of the DEVILS PARLOR!
( Good place to start LOOKING?? Look up LRH’s relationship with Jack Parson’s (never heard of him- have you?) Yes Mr. Hubbard doesn’t really mention him anywhere, that I remember. There is a reason.. Mr. Hubbard kept ALL Kinds of SECRETS from virtually everybody…. If you are lurking, this is ok, REALLY… is it wrong to look for FACTS?!?? ANYONE who tells you not to look for FACTS, is HIDING something. LOOK FOR YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The “Scientology Tools For Overcoming Financial Stress” course caught my eye. I could certainly re-write that one to be a bit more accurate! It would be short and sweet: GTFO!
And, as noted above, Mel Nelson is listed as a comp on two courses, and sadly he passed away recently. I also know that he wasn’t in Nashville for at least a year prior, so they are really padding those comps even at the expense of the departed.
1 year plus? Wow… that puts a different perspective on these completions.
Someone tipped me off to the following.
Mel Nelson finished Milestone One and Route To Infinity. He was a sweet guy. A good musician. Got sucked into joining staff, lost his purpose, caved in, left staff and died destitute. He died about a week ago. So those courses are probably months old he completed. Another wasted life. He was not that old. Another crime of misusing an artists talents and then throwing them under the bus when they are depleted.
Because he’s never confronted and taken responsibility, but instead just lied and covered up, lied and covered up, etc., while continuing to commit more overts, which he had to lie about and cover up, and so on, and so on. Truly, it must suck to be him, for all his millions or billions. Wow.
“Complexity and Confront”. He must be really, really, really SOLID.
That’s a great point, Green. He can’t promote with standard PR tech anymore. Just another way that he’s trapped. Wow.
This list is a very poor showing of completions since most are for only reading a single book. My how training has changed.
Yet again, it proves how Miscavige doesn’t want people to get trained and actually know how to use the subject and processes of Scientology. He interrupted the training of many student auditiors with his bogus Basics back in 2007 and is doing it again with GATII requirements. He doesn’t really want people to be OT either by sending OT’s back to the bottom of the bridge cuz they really didn’t quite make it the first time through correctly. Due to an “SP”.
He enjoys messing people up. Look at the product above. Pathetic.
CC Nashville should not be proud of this. There is barely a handful of people who have completed a major course. Don’t they train auditors? No one has completed an auditors course either.
It’s unreal that this is the product of a 10 million dollar investment. Not that the poor staff or execs there are to blame, they are fighting an uphill battle.
Many of the CC Nashville Idle Morge staff have left to go get real jobs after finding out the Ideal Org was not that ideal when it came to eating and having a roof over their heads!
The Ideal Orgs are a total failure!
“In order to make this a reality…” That’s all we ever hear: got to have before we can do. Got to be an Ideal Org, got to have a new ED, got to be St Hill size, got to be Day and Foundation, got to have more staff… All that so they can sell a How to Get Motivated Course. There’s going to be tears at bedtime.
I noticed the repeated language too Poet13c. They are using the help button to the max also, “we need your help”, and various versions of how cool it would be to help. It feels creepy and manipulative to me.
That’s right, Hallie. It saves them having to pay wages and provide an exchange.
+ 1 Poet
According to the promo Renee got kicked upstairs to CCI.
Woo Hoo.
The place now reminds me of Norma Desmond’s abode in Sunset Bvld. Their 9 foot high perimeter fence can’t disguise the fact the place is in decline.
Another fading star in Hollywood like the HI and the HGB.
Don’t know much about Nashville’s CC but I have no doubt I’d be underwhelmed.
In my personal opinion the CC Network never recovered after the death of Yvonne.
There is a brief period in the ’80’s when Suzette took over for a while when it picked up somewhat after that it transferred to various SO members who were star struck by Tom Cruise and then they got the idea to compete with the Beverly Hilton or something and make the place totally unaffordable for the average Scientologist.
Now it’s nothing but a little clique which is what the Church of Scientology is in general these days.
The Basics was an attempt to get more people to study LRH, fall in love with his technology and skip the auditing and training cycle and go right to the “forced to pay David Miscavige a lot of money” cycle. That did not work out so well, so we have GAG II, to re-do the same Bridge again and increase your IAS status along the way.
2014 is the year when people with an IQ above a grapefruit depart the nuthouse. It might also be the year the IRS extracts the $1 billion from his bank account.
Thanks for putting this out here Mike.
During those odd times when you may consider, what am I still doing this for, know it helps.
The subject is toxic as someone said in your previous article comment.
Interesting how he can’t use so-called standard PR tech as suggested by policy. If he had a PRO live on radio or TV or in an interview, the obvious questions would be asked. Miscaviges violence, his missing wife, abuse at HQ and on and on.
He is trapped in a bind. He can’t actually DO anything about his self-created bad PR. If he tried to, it would flash back at him or his PRO like a viper.
Interesting times.
Excellent article, Mike.
I don’t know Renee but no matter how capable she is there’s no way of making a go of any of these Ideal Orgs, as each of them is unknowingly in lower conditions with the non-Scientology public via out tech and out admin. I’d say they’re in Treason. No E/D however brilliant and dedicated, can remedy this. Case in point: look at Lynn Irons, the poster boy for admin know-how, former E/D of Tampa Org. He obviously had his cognition. Smart man, to get out of there.
Each org is actually dead. The body is not breathing; its on life support, a breathing machine and intrevenous (IAS and other straight donos). Take that away and the body will flatline.
And, OSA, by the way, this is what’s call a Metaphor. Look it up. Metaphorical language, not to be taken literally.
What’s that saying about silk purse out of a sow’s ear? Or maybe it was out of a horse’s ass. I’l have to look it up.
I agree Aqua and Indie 8. What is Lynn Irons doing nowadays?
Major fail for the Ideal Org strategy. Dm is a nut job of epic proportions.
Did I miss it? Not one single auditor Level completion? Not one? No levels students? I’d say it was decent production for a small mission. This is not an org.
Right. There’s a few trs and metering comps but no actual auditor produced. So 1 of 2 major products of Scn, well trained auditors, is completely absent. Notice the financial survival course……now that’s funny!!
I counted at least 12 of those names as staff members, possibly more, and one person on the list died about a month ago.
Another one is an OTVIII, just redoing actions she already did (including purif).
A very sad org. Renee is a hard working, compassionate person. She definitely tried.
They even managed to spell one of the staff members’ names wrong. I believe “Gina Collins” should be “Gina Calkins.”
Exactly, Anon. I know who you’re talking about. For those who might know him, a dear friend, Mel Nelson, passed away April 13, 2014. Prior to that, he had moved in with his sister in another state. This was about a year ago, as I remember.
My point is that he couldn’t POSSIBLY have been a completion in the last 3 months.
So not only are the stats disgustingly low, they are padded and fabricated.
RIP Mel. Take a break for a few years and, by the time you get back, we should have this thing sorted.
If you’d like to see some nice remembrances of Mel and some really great pictures, his FB page is
Mel was old school Scientology. Someone you could always talk to. Even as a staff member, he wouldn’t pressure you, only attempt to help. He was a trained auditor in the ORIGINAL Scientology tech. I think he got in in about 1974 or so and was trained in Sacramento in the early days.
What a waste of a good auditor. We’ll miss you, Mel.
Sorry to hear about Mel Nelson. Didn’t know him well, worked with him briefly about twenty years ago. Seemed like a really nice guy (and a good guy to work with too).
I don’t usually criticize people’s pictures but Lapo looks like someone who forgot how to smile. It reminds me of a POW that has been ordered to smile by his North Korean captors, either that or he’s got some horrible gas pains going on!
I’m guessing that Lisa Marie won’t be attending. That internet, what a pain in the ass for Miscavige. Losing key celebrities left and right.
I was briefed by two CC Int staff on CC Nashville.
It was scary in detail. They wanted $5,000 to move one staff to Nashville.
Lots of empty hype and that was all. Not much has changed.
If Communication is the Universal Solvent, the internet with turn scientology into nothing.
Someone once said to LOOK and don’t LISTEN!
What has been scientology’s Viable Final Product for the last decade, I wonder.
Wow–Bruce is a raging maniac? Like…the “fire-breathing product officer” kind…? (That I could understand.)
5th anniversary as an ideal org and they don’t even have a Day and Fdn Staff yet?
That is the setup for clearing the South is it?
This is utter bollocks Mike!
The only things these tossers can clear at lightning speed is some mugs Bank Account!
So, they have approx 50 public over a three month time span. But they are supposed to split into two orgs each of which is supposed to have around 100 staff?
And their HGC seems to be doing enough auditing to keep two or three auditors busy but they are busting at the seams in their ideal MEST pod?
It does seem that there is some action going on to try and get people doing something, but their GAG II completions really tell the tale regarding dave’s newest brainstorm. GAF…Golden Age of Flop.
The number of completions is reflective of reasonably decent production for six or seven staff. Any idea how many they actually have?
GAF is exactly it LDW
Just out of morbid curiosity, I have from time to time visited some Ideal Orgs in my travels including some international orgs, and including some closest to my home in Beverly Hills. None of them are buzzing hives of activity.
It’s been a very long time since I’ve done any services, and for good reason. For that matter, I won’t even have anything to do with Scientologists in my business life, specifically WISE members. My experience has been that no one will turn on you in a business relationship faster than a WISE member, but I digress. I’m sure that’s not true for everyone, but it’s been my experience.
I don’t pay much attention to the goings on in Scientology, but I hear about what’s going on since my wife is involved. I understood that Ideal Orgs were supposed to be the handling to create expanding orgs, and to me that means Ideal Orgs should be St. Hill size or approaching it. That’s what made me want to visit some of the Ideal Orgs. Everyone I’ve visited has been EMPTY. The evidence is there for anyone to see.
I’m probably a lone dissenter on this issue, but my two cents: if you check out the courserooms of an org with more “regular” (low to middle class incomes) publics like LA org on Foundation hours (evenings & weekends) they’re usually pretty busy. Day hours (regular business hours Mon-Fri) are usually dead. I’ve noticed this pattern all across the USA, but even in the evenings & weekends when there is some hustle & bustle, the lobbies and common areas are often dead, and apparently this is because they don’t really like public hanging around and use different methods to make anyone wanting to just hang out very uncomfortable. The rule is if you’re not on course or in session, then GTFO.
But IMHO here is the irony about St Hill Size: I don’t think most org buildings can seriously handle St Hill Size staff AND publics. Most of these so called “Ideal Orgs” have pretty average sized courserooms — the way they set things up, with the large sizes of the fancy lobbies and common areas (the paradox of which is they don’t like anyone just “hanging around” these areas), but then the courserooms are claustrophobic like hell. Often they look large and spacious in photos, but in real life, man, I’d suffocate if there were more than 20 people in courserooms at your average Class V “Ideal Org”, most of which also have terrible ventilation and air flow for some reason.
If this is all deliberate, wouldn’t surprise me.
In the approximately 3 month period represented by this completions list the Nashville org has delivered introductory services to 56 different people. They have delivered major services – both auditing and training – to 34 different people.
They have delivered services of any kind to 90 different people in the last 3 months.
This includes staff.
To get an idea this means 3 major services completions a week on average – including staff of which there appears to be a number.
This is after 5 years of having their “ideal building”.
VSD could not be higher than $5000 a week. GI must be more or less the same-perhaps a bit more, but not much. This org is in terrible trouble.
This is 100% indisputable proof that David Miscavige and his “why” being handled by the new buildings is ABSOUTELY A WRONG WHY and David Miscavige himself is at best completely incompetent and at worst is suppressive. And I think everyone reading this blog knows which it is.
Still, if the lemmings who remain behind could bring themselves to look at this raw information they would realize that they have been betrayed. And as Mike says – this is what the scieno-lemmings publish themselves. With a brave smile.
And 10% of their public are the Muhammad family.
And poor old Lauryn on Success Through Communication didn’t get to find a twin.
Renee Duzak [Sister of Nicole (Sims)Weldon who is the X of X OTIII Sup Harold Sims, and Renee being wife of Bruce Duzak the forever raging maniac AOLA staff member] is good at what she does. It’s an impossible task to follow policy to build an org when the executives are not. Perhaps CCI (where she was the Chief Off last I knew) needed her back from the ‘6week mission’ she was sent on when the ‘Ideal’ org was opened. I knew Renee very well. I wonder how her children are – Noel and Ariesia.
Is Renee still married to the loud mouth, profanity spitting crazy Bruce Duzack who used to be the Product Officer at AOLA? If so, she deserves a medal.
I remember Bruce when he was Chief Off AOLA in the early 90’s. Not as bad a maniac as Ivan Obolensky but still up there. I’m sure Cece remembers both.
Don’t forget her oldest daughter, Thora. You can find her on Facebook, Thora Magnesson. Like so many other children of SO memebers all three of Renee’s daughters we’re left to raise themselves on the streets of Hollywood while she and her nutty husband worked to save the world with scientology.
I know someone who was in this new Ideal Org of Nashville recently. He went in; looked at the beautiful wood paneling; walked around the bookstore; NOT ONE person approached him, greeted him, nothing, zip, nada. There were two cars in the parking lot I think is what he told me.
Lapo Bertini sure doesn’t sound like a good ole
southern boy name to me. Yet he will be in close comm
with “the people of the south” to ensure they get right
on up that bridge.
I wonder if one of their targets is to get “the people of
the south” to sell their pick-ups and get rid of their hunting
dogs. This way “the people of the south” can better prioritize
their lives to more sensible things like doing the basics.
I can give them a piece of advise…..develop and install
in all course rooms and auditing rooms the very bestest,
more fabulous, never seen before gold plated spittoons
developed in such a way that one can hit it at 10′ away.
I think the true “people of the south” won’t hesitate to
tell Lapo to go fuck himself.
Thanks, Potpie Sugar. But someone might have to translate. “Well, bless your heart!”, “How nice!” and “You know I just love him to death, but…” don’t mean what he probably thinks they mean. 🙂
That’s so funny Grace. I’ve lived in the south and know exactly what you mean. Lupo is in for a reality adjustment.
From this southern gent, that Lapo boy is sho lower than a snakes belly in a wagon rut. He has the peeked look of the carpetbagger about him. “Dam Yank” is right.
In actual fact, Lapo Bertini is Italian. He grew up in Florence, Italy and was one of the few staff members I really respected. Did a stint in the Italian Army before going into the Sea Org. The smile you see in the picture is just his shy demeanor.
So does David Miscavidge wake up every day, shaking his fist and screaming out the window, “Damn you, Internet!!!”
All the fancy buildings, fund-raising, B-list celebrities and marketing can’t overcome the fact that typing in “Scientology” into a search engine produces nothing but poisonous news and disturbing facts about the Church of Scientology and that nothing will shut down a conversation with strangers faster than saying “I’m a Scientologist”.
Works pretty good for folks not so strange as well!!
:). Love the visual, Kevin
You´re so right Kevin! I´ve always felt, when I told people I was a scientologist, that they would look at me as if I´d just told them I was a pedophile.
And I wonder how many of those completions were already on lines before the new building. Maybe the special correspondent knows. I’m thinking the best they can do is occasionally convince someone who has been around for a long time and quit coming into the org to return for another shot at it.
“Bloody pathetic” as the English would say. RCo$ has completely gotten out of the buisiness of making Auditors. Which begs the question what is an Org for? (besides inflating Der Leaders ego)
Bingo! One of THE most egotistical individuals on planet earth as we know it today. Everything revolves around HIM. No one else has any importance. To those still in, HE must be close to having God-like status.
Oh, when the $ crashes, the Real Estate values of course…
Yes completing one of the Basics is not good news as these just placed the brakes big time in delaying people from real, actual auditor training.
I am glad you can gather the real message behind all these lines and relay it to us. Plus I agree, having a building does not open the door to any handling, it just opens more bank accounts for Black Heart.
The Basics was an attempt to skip auditor training and PC auditing and go straight for the jugular: just get people to read LRH, fall in love with his technology then reg them for their next IAS status. That didn’t work out so well, so we have GAG II: Re-do the Bridge and increase your IAS statuses along the way. The bright idea was: just recycle current members. That’s going to work, right? Not for people with an IQ above a grapefruit. Ooops and Ouch. Big fail for Black Heart.
Interesting observation Robert.
My view about the “Basics” was that it distracted the public from actual policy and tech so that the staff could just order them around and they wouldn’t ask them a lot of embarrassing questions about what they’re doing.
In my opinion that seems to be working out quite well.
It seems that most of the public that are left haven’t even bothered to read the Policy “Ideal Orgs”.
Because if they did they’d be asking a lot of “embarrassing questions” about this whole “Ideal Org” scam.
Same with having people redo a level that they’d already done earlier.
After reading Pat Parody’s bloviations regarding all the “subtle wins” he’s allegedly having on the SRD like some Politburo apprachik under Stalin. I’m pretty sure they don’t even to bother to verify if the PC or Pre OT had reached the EP earlier thus violating at least several HCOBs written in the mid ’60’s on Releases etc.
I mean Pat should know better but most people who’ve only done the “Basics” don’t know that these processes are now only run to Cognition, VGIs which is verified or rehabbed with an F/N.