I’ve expressed my opinion online several times before about Grant Cardone’s gaucherie. I’m so pleased to see that many people share that opinion. Obviously, he doesn’t see himself as others do. His attributes are those that people of good intentions everywhere reject.
How gracious. “Gaucherie” — I would have categorized it as “douchebagness”, but that’s just me, Just Me. 🙂
“People of good intentions everywhere reject”? I would have said people of any intelligence and moral character everywhere reject. But hey, that’s just me…. 🙂
Thank you Squirrel Hunter for putting in a good word. Unfortunately making a comment requires that you read Mike Rinder’s post and as you undoubtedly well know, that is a High Crime. I am afraid that we are going to have to SP declare you. Yes, I know you are OSA staff and that just makes it worse. You of all people should know that even looking at the home page of Mike Rinders blog is punishable by immediate SP declare and expulsion. You are probably going to try that “my senior told me to” line and you know just as well as I do that will not cut it. You have looked at the blog. Since you are an SO Member, you get the opportunity to simply report to the RPF. Consider yourself lucky to have this opportunity to eat beans and rice for the next 5 years along with the therapeutic 20 hours a day of heavy physical labor. Report to me on standard channels that you are in the RPF or I will issue your SP declare. Do not bother to ask for a comm ev. A Committee of Evidence is not a available to people who have committed crimes of this magnitude. Just clear your desk and leave. The fact that you came to this blog at all shows your true intention to be evil, anti David Miscagive, anti David Miscavige and worst of all, anti David Miscavige.
Wow cool, finally OSA puts in appearance. Squirrel Hunter, meet the Lie Busters. And if you are referring to Grant Cardone, they you are showing the true colors of all modern Scientologists. You are looking up to and admiring a wealthy man. What would LRH say to that I wonder. Why do Scientologists not look up to an active field auditor? He can earn a good living but will never become wealthy as an auditor. He will never be a Patron Glutiglorius. He is just quietly doing the one thing LRH really wanted. Never see him on the cover of magazine or postcards doing a seminar on “how to be a full time auditor”. Just Grant yapping about “how to become mega rich”.
Howard Becker is a parasite who apparently doesn’t know how to make an honest living. If you call that “more flow and success” then I guess that’s the kind of guy you admire.
Hey, OSA are you high up enough to be able to look at the actual stats of Sciendollargy? You know, the ones which are no longer shown at Int Events? How are they doing? Not so hot, huh? I thought so.
Or, are you not high up enough on the command chain to know what the real statistics are?
No matter, OSA. One day, when you are ready for some real Scientology auditing and training, the Indies will be here for you.
Perhaps you could provide some details about the stats and around the world growth? A listing of new orgs would be good. Or even new Missions. That would be some growth.
I think we need to coin a new word – the “Scien-dollor-gists”. This is the product of David Miscavige technology. A Sciendollargist. We can say- “I am an Indy Scientologist. I laughed when I heard that the sciendollargists were having yet another fundraiser”
Putting a picture of yourself on a postcard in a cool pose is the highest aspiration of a David Miscavige faithful. This IS the highest level of attainment in the Radical Church of Scientology- your own postcard, with your own picture, giving your own lecture to crowds of cheering and clapping fans. Grant Cardone IS the ideal David Miscavige follower. They call themselves Scientologists, but actually they have no clue what the word even means.
The ideal blind keeps leading the ideal dupes
And through ideal events, ideal sums of cash get gathered on the ideal hands,
and now, ideal certificates are granted to those ideal donors
whose goal is to be ideal, or, or, or….
This is an ideal joke, isn’t it?
I received the Grant Cardone Email and there was an additional quote by him at the bottom: “Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility”
-Grant Cardone
So you are a slave then…
Wow. LRH never said anything like that. Hey, finding something one loves to do and having success with it is great. But, a duty, obligation – excuse me? How about prices being in a range where an average working person can pretty easily afford to go up the bridge. I was just listening to a David Mayo talk where he mentions that the high prices run a can’t have on people.
Successful people: Owner of a hardware store in a small town, teacher, owner of a dance studio, street musician, Auditor. These people may not be millionaires, but they can be successful.
When I glanced at the top of the “Ideal Moose” ad, I half expected them to steal from Hollywood again and use a drawing of Bullwinkle. He’s the most ideal moose I know.
I do so want and need Grant Cardone’s advice, wisdom and experience on how to flourish and prosper, so long as I can make myself puke before the seminar.
My first impression of Grant Cardone was that he was a money-grubbing sociopath, and nothing I’ve heard or seen since has led me to think otherwise. The guy gives me the creeps, even worse than Miscavige.
He also is evidently proud of his association with the CoS. I just looked at his Wiki page. Really passing himself off as a heavy hitter. Maybe Miscavige’s new bff?
“Ideal Moose”? Okay, we Anons have spent five years taking the piss out of CoS. All of a sudden, we’re redundant. We don’t need to do that anymore. They’re doing it themselves, and they’re doing it better than we can.
CoS has officially taken on Anon’s valence. I expect to see a “command intention” order requiring LRH busts with Guy Fawkes masks in every Class V Org very soon.
Mike, The Ideal Moose Thing… You made that up right?????? I mean I’ve been following all this, but the Moose thing isn’t real is it????? Help, head is exploding.
Interesting how the “ideal life” is defined as making lots of money (to then give to the CoS). That is one of many reasons why the “church” is so repellent, imho. It turns the motivation scale on its head, exchanges wealth for status and equates spiritual advancement with the acquisition of MEST.
I used to believe that an OTVIII, the end product of Scientology, would be off building schools in Africa, or fighting AIDS or world hunger like some sort of scientological Bob Geldof / Mother Teresa uber-being. I no longer believe that. What I have seen is that OTVIIIs are some of most uncharitable, unspiritual, greedy, intolerant, sociopathic individuals I have ever come across. A piss poor advert for a tech that the church promotes as a path to “freedom”. Which makes me think that the Bridge (inside or out of a cult group) may be a useful “left-hand path” to self-empowerment but without the yin/yang balance of a “right-hand path” one will never have a deep understanding and appreciation of life and others, imho.
Thank you. This is very nicely put and it is my humble opinion as well. However I do know some OT VIII s that are very nice people but they were very nice people before they got to be ubermans. I also know OT VIII s that are “taking a break from scn. ..” Hahaha. I thought that was hilarious. Achieving the highest level then quit. Anyways just saying.
Save the time and trouble attending Cardone’s secrets to his success in DEALING WITH PEOPLE.
Here it is:
Attitude: Arrogance – Approach: Domination – Action: Nullification.
Yes it can! Norway is awesome. I always asked our driver to go extra slow through the mountains so we could sight moose. If I could knit, I’d make them sweaters.
That is hysterical!! “Ideal Moose, Hoof Seal Certification”??
This has got to be joke or skit from Saturday NIght Live. And if is isn’t, it should be!!
Can you even imagine LRH’s reaction to this?? It sounds like one of his jokes about Mr. Gottbucks or something.
And seminar with Cardone on the Ideal Life?? I don’t think so.
It is hard to believe that these things keeping more and more ridiculous. Just when you think it can’t be topped…it is!
Ah Tony – but money is key. And sales is God. Grant and DM both understand even if us mere mortals don’t. Nothing about exchange needed, just sales. We must have missed that part of the bridge.
Grant understood it: http://youtu.be/x7SrfGznc6o. I didn’t post a direct link to not derail this from the Ideal Moose message!
Ugh. Someone called me and left a message for me to come see Grant Cardone in Pasadena… or wherever. He’s disgusting. The videos that he and his wife have put up on YouTube literally made me embarrassed to have ever considered myself to be a Scientologist. They make me even more embarrassed than falling for Crazy Davey’s pitch and buying all the thousands of dollars of shit I bought from Co$. I kind of wish that I had spoken to the person who called me to go see Grant, however, it wasn’t worth the time and effort to call them back and start a flap. Ugh. Yuk. Disgusting. Slimy. Embarrassing. And Gavin Potter is scarey. It seems as though his whole mission is to be “at cause” over other peoples’ money.
I had never heard Cordone speak before so I Googled him…….my God, he IS an embarassment to anyone who is a real Scientologist. He is ALL about money motivation. But then again he fits right in with his buddy, David Miscavige who only pretends to deliver actual Scientology as a means to make more money.
If Cordone had put on performances like those videosI saw on UTube when Ron was around and identified himself as a Scientologist, he might have been excommunicated or at very least and at very least the COS would have disassociated themselves from his activities.
He and his ilk are a menace to any civilized society. If he had his way, “everybody” would be selling and nobody would be producing. He is actually selling the activity of “selling”, itself. (Kind of an introverted activity.) I wonder if he knows how to actually produce anything himself. My guess is that he would probably sell psych drugs if there were enough money in it.
I agree. I read one of his books and it gave me the creeps. In it he holds up examples of IAS registrars as the way to be and aren’t they great at getting money! It made me puke. And I head him talk in person at CC in LA. There was something I didn’t like about him and I could see through him as a charlatan at that time but I couldn’t quite place my finger on it. But that is how 1.1 people are. It’s like shadow boxing and after more research, I see he is criminal. He has visions of grandeur and wants to be a famous TV personality giving out sage advice to the passes.
I’ve expressed my opinion online several times before about Grant Cardone’s gaucherie. I’m so pleased to see that many people share that opinion. Obviously, he doesn’t see himself as others do. His attributes are those that people of good intentions everywhere reject.
How gracious. “Gaucherie” — I would have categorized it as “douchebagness”, but that’s just me, Just Me. 🙂
“People of good intentions everywhere reject”? I would have said people of any intelligence and moral character everywhere reject. But hey, that’s just me…. 🙂
Funny that you squirrels confirm everything Miscavige has confirmed about you. Natter about someone with more flow and success.
Success? Howard Becker? That’s like calling Bernie Madoff a success…
But happy to see you here. It’s always good to know you are paying attention….
Thank you Squirrel Hunter for putting in a good word. Unfortunately making a comment requires that you read Mike Rinder’s post and as you undoubtedly well know, that is a High Crime. I am afraid that we are going to have to SP declare you. Yes, I know you are OSA staff and that just makes it worse. You of all people should know that even looking at the home page of Mike Rinders blog is punishable by immediate SP declare and expulsion. You are probably going to try that “my senior told me to” line and you know just as well as I do that will not cut it. You have looked at the blog. Since you are an SO Member, you get the opportunity to simply report to the RPF. Consider yourself lucky to have this opportunity to eat beans and rice for the next 5 years along with the therapeutic 20 hours a day of heavy physical labor. Report to me on standard channels that you are in the RPF or I will issue your SP declare. Do not bother to ask for a comm ev. A Committee of Evidence is not a available to people who have committed crimes of this magnitude. Just clear your desk and leave. The fact that you came to this blog at all shows your true intention to be evil, anti David Miscagive, anti David Miscavige and worst of all, anti David Miscavige.
Wow cool, finally OSA puts in appearance. Squirrel Hunter, meet the Lie Busters. And if you are referring to Grant Cardone, they you are showing the true colors of all modern Scientologists. You are looking up to and admiring a wealthy man. What would LRH say to that I wonder. Why do Scientologists not look up to an active field auditor? He can earn a good living but will never become wealthy as an auditor. He will never be a Patron Glutiglorius. He is just quietly doing the one thing LRH really wanted. Never see him on the cover of magazine or postcards doing a seminar on “how to be a full time auditor”. Just Grant yapping about “how to become mega rich”.
Howard Becker is a parasite who apparently doesn’t know how to make an honest living. If you call that “more flow and success” then I guess that’s the kind of guy you admire.
Hey, OSA are you high up enough to be able to look at the actual stats of Sciendollargy? You know, the ones which are no longer shown at Int Events? How are they doing? Not so hot, huh? I thought so.
Or, are you not high up enough on the command chain to know what the real statistics are?
No matter, OSA. One day, when you are ready for some real Scientology auditing and training, the Indies will be here for you.
Sorry, indie auditing would not make much sense as I am looking for case gain, not fattening the pockets of Mr.Rathbone…
As to stats, just check out Freedom magazine. The last issue showed around the world growth. The data is there you just need to accept it.
It’s always good to know the trolls are watching…
Perhaps you could provide some details about the stats and around the world growth? A listing of new orgs would be good. Or even new Missions. That would be some growth.
I think we need to coin a new word – the “Scien-dollor-gists”. This is the product of David Miscavige technology. A Sciendollargist. We can say- “I am an Indy Scientologist. I laughed when I heard that the sciendollargists were having yet another fundraiser”
“Sciendollargists”. Love it, thanks. I’m gonna have lots of fun with this.
WOW! This is for the ideally stupid!
Putting a picture of yourself on a postcard in a cool pose is the highest aspiration of a David Miscavige faithful. This IS the highest level of attainment in the Radical Church of Scientology- your own postcard, with your own picture, giving your own lecture to crowds of cheering and clapping fans. Grant Cardone IS the ideal David Miscavige follower. They call themselves Scientologists, but actually they have no clue what the word even means.
The church of Scientology has been taken over by scum bags,seriously ,what a idiot .
The ideal blind keeps leading the ideal dupes
And through ideal events, ideal sums of cash get gathered on the ideal hands,
and now, ideal certificates are granted to those ideal donors
whose goal is to be ideal, or, or, or….
This is an ideal joke, isn’t it?
Yes… It is Silvia and it’s all a lot of fun right up to the point Ideal Succumb is achieved and then all the laughing stops and the lights go out.
Cardone’s a douchebag. There’s nothing else I really want or need to say about the guy.
But he is an Ideal Douchebag.
Fair enough!
I take a look at Cardone or anyone standing and posing like that and I just think…..cheesy.
I received the Grant Cardone Email and there was an additional quote by him at the bottom: “Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility”
-Grant Cardone
So you are a slave then…
Wow. LRH never said anything like that. Hey, finding something one loves to do and having success with it is great. But, a duty, obligation – excuse me? How about prices being in a range where an average working person can pretty easily afford to go up the bridge. I was just listening to a David Mayo talk where he mentions that the high prices run a can’t have on people.
Successful people: Owner of a hardware store in a small town, teacher, owner of a dance studio, street musician, Auditor. These people may not be millionaires, but they can be successful.
He is into ENFORCING success. As a “duty, obligation and responsibility”. What has he done, appointed himself U.S. Marshall?
Tell that to the 6 billion poor people on the planet. They would appreciate it for sure.
When I glanced at the top of the “Ideal Moose” ad, I half expected them to steal from Hollywood again and use a drawing of Bullwinkle. He’s the most ideal moose I know.
They are definitely getting a huge reputation that positions them along the lines of carpetbaggers and used car salesman.
I do so want and need Grant Cardone’s advice, wisdom and experience on how to flourish and prosper, so long as I can make myself puke before the seminar.
Icky, Icky!
I second the “Icky, Icky!” on so many levels.
My first impression of Grant Cardone was that he was a money-grubbing sociopath, and nothing I’ve heard or seen since has led me to think otherwise. The guy gives me the creeps, even worse than Miscavige.
Just looking at Cardone you can see how utterly impressed with himself he is. Yuck.
He also is evidently proud of his association with the CoS. I just looked at his Wiki page. Really passing himself off as a heavy hitter. Maybe Miscavige’s new bff?
Yes, and if you look at his Wikipedia page it says that it looks like this page was written as an advertisement and suggests it be rewritten!
“Ideal Moose”? Okay, we Anons have spent five years taking the piss out of CoS. All of a sudden, we’re redundant. We don’t need to do that anymore. They’re doing it themselves, and they’re doing it better than we can.
CoS has officially taken on Anon’s valence. I expect to see a “command intention” order requiring LRH busts with Guy Fawkes masks in every Class V Org very soon.
Better yet, have Anons show up in protest with L Ron masks or DM masks. You will get noticed by the flock.
Mike, The Ideal Moose Thing… You made that up right?????? I mean I’ve been following all this, but the Moose thing isn’t real is it????? Help, head is exploding.
Get Moose and Squirrel!
Interesting how the “ideal life” is defined as making lots of money (to then give to the CoS). That is one of many reasons why the “church” is so repellent, imho. It turns the motivation scale on its head, exchanges wealth for status and equates spiritual advancement with the acquisition of MEST.
I used to believe that an OTVIII, the end product of Scientology, would be off building schools in Africa, or fighting AIDS or world hunger like some sort of scientological Bob Geldof / Mother Teresa uber-being. I no longer believe that. What I have seen is that OTVIIIs are some of most uncharitable, unspiritual, greedy, intolerant, sociopathic individuals I have ever come across. A piss poor advert for a tech that the church promotes as a path to “freedom”. Which makes me think that the Bridge (inside or out of a cult group) may be a useful “left-hand path” to self-empowerment but without the yin/yang balance of a “right-hand path” one will never have a deep understanding and appreciation of life and others, imho.
Wow, mwesten, so true!
Thank you. This is very nicely put and it is my humble opinion as well. However I do know some OT VIII s that are very nice people but they were very nice people before they got to be ubermans. I also know OT VIII s that are “taking a break from scn. ..” Hahaha. I thought that was hilarious. Achieving the highest level then quit. Anyways just saying.
sometimes words just fail you
LOL-Good on ya, Mike. Cardone is my target.~
Gee, I wonder who he learned that from?
“Attitude – Approach – Action
The Ideal Life”
Save the time and trouble attending Cardone’s secrets to his success in DEALING WITH PEOPLE.
Here it is:
Attitude: Arrogance – Approach: Domination – Action: Nullification.
Good one.
Grant Cardone: Ideal Arrogance Personified!
Looking at Cardone, not the kind of character/valence I’d want to do business with … comes across as a lawyer or hustler.
The ‘Ideal Moose’ cert is tacky and silly. But the theme is all the same … “MONEY” you can get to us.
The IDEAL MOOSE can be found in Norway. We got 120,000 of them. Stunning nature – and no aggressive fundraising nor top international registrars.
Norway is a beautiful country and I’d love to visit someday.
Meanwhile, we’ve got a few real ideal moose in the U.S. too! 🙂
Yes it can! Norway is awesome. I always asked our driver to go extra slow through the mountains so we could sight moose. If I could knit, I’d make them sweaters.
Hey there is gonna be FREE koolaide! Gotta gooooooo!!!!
And baloney too, all you can swallow.
That is hysterical!! “Ideal Moose, Hoof Seal Certification”??
This has got to be joke or skit from Saturday NIght Live. And if is isn’t, it should be!!
Can you even imagine LRH’s reaction to this?? It sounds like one of his jokes about Mr. Gottbucks or something.
And seminar with Cardone on the Ideal Life?? I don’t think so.
It is hard to believe that these things keeping more and more ridiculous. Just when you think it can’t be topped…it is!
I want to be just like Grant!! He’s my idol!!
Warning…do not watch unless you are fully rested and have a strong stomach.
Ah Tony – but money is key. And sales is God. Grant and DM both understand even if us mere mortals don’t. Nothing about exchange needed, just sales. We must have missed that part of the bridge.
Grant understood it: http://youtu.be/x7SrfGznc6o. I didn’t post a direct link to not derail this from the Ideal Moose message!
OMG Tony….I watched it at my own risk. I seriously think he’s high on something. Talk about manic!
Ugh. Someone called me and left a message for me to come see Grant Cardone in Pasadena… or wherever. He’s disgusting. The videos that he and his wife have put up on YouTube literally made me embarrassed to have ever considered myself to be a Scientologist. They make me even more embarrassed than falling for Crazy Davey’s pitch and buying all the thousands of dollars of shit I bought from Co$. I kind of wish that I had spoken to the person who called me to go see Grant, however, it wasn’t worth the time and effort to call them back and start a flap. Ugh. Yuk. Disgusting. Slimy. Embarrassing. And Gavin Potter is scarey. It seems as though his whole mission is to be “at cause” over other peoples’ money.
I had never heard Cordone speak before so I Googled him…….my God, he IS an embarassment to anyone who is a real Scientologist. He is ALL about money motivation. But then again he fits right in with his buddy, David Miscavige who only pretends to deliver actual Scientology as a means to make more money.
If Cordone had put on performances like those videosI saw on UTube when Ron was around and identified himself as a Scientologist, he might have been excommunicated or at very least and at very least the COS would have disassociated themselves from his activities.
He and his ilk are a menace to any civilized society. If he had his way, “everybody” would be selling and nobody would be producing. He is actually selling the activity of “selling”, itself. (Kind of an introverted activity.) I wonder if he knows how to actually produce anything himself. My guess is that he would probably sell psych drugs if there were enough money in it.
I agree. I read one of his books and it gave me the creeps. In it he holds up examples of IAS registrars as the way to be and aren’t they great at getting money! It made me puke. And I head him talk in person at CC in LA. There was something I didn’t like about him and I could see through him as a charlatan at that time but I couldn’t quite place my finger on it. But that is how 1.1 people are. It’s like shadow boxing and after more research, I see he is criminal. He has visions of grandeur and wants to be a famous TV personality giving out sage advice to the passes.
“He is actually selling the activity of “selling”, itself”
Yeah, nobody knows to sell, only Scientologists have the Know-How of how to sell “nothing2 for lots of money ! LOL
Not sure who left those comments, but the REAL Zana did not.~
I would like Grant to get the official IDEAL 1.1 criminal certificate.
OMG, I’ve just experienced and achieved an IDEAL PUKE!
The Ideal Moose Hoof certification undoubtedly comes embosed in Ideal Poo.