Things are not looking too good in the Ideal Org race in East US. Even though they are sending out this “promo piece” to their public.
8 Orgs with ZERO points?
Detroit, Boston and Miami (who have all PURCHASED expensive white elephants), are not even collecting enough to pay for the plywood to keep the windows and doors boarded up. (Remember, this is a POINTS system — it’s not equivalent to the number of dollars collected, except where the figure is 0. That is nada no matter what system it is).
All orgs being ideal is truly an absurd pipe dream. And they don’t even seem embarrassed to make that widely known. They are resorting to “shame” regging.
I wonder how many of the “OT VIIIs” are still “playing the game” to get all orgs to be Ideal so they can get “OT IX and X”? And how many have figured out that this is just a total con?
And remember, this is orgs in the stronghold of Scientology. Just think about getting all orgs in France to become Ideal? Or Germany? Or UK where HAPI is begging for money for a sauna? Or Australia? Or South Africa where they have just declared the primary sources of financing? Or Canada? Or Mexico?
The farce continues. And the longer it goes on, the harder it is to paper over the cracks.
The Emperor has no clothes. And his crack is showing.
Damn this is cosey, I am a hardcore critic, but I have to say this it a verty “Theta”group and I say this without covert hostility
Well said. In regards to the second paragraph, that’s exactly what turned me off from the culture within Scientology, and then Scientology itself.
I got the idea early on that I needed to stay grounded in my “real world” job and associations with people, including family and did so. I’m so grateful for it now.
Actually, in opposition to all who said it was a fail to send out a promo like this, it was 100% on policy. Look at the PL on Ethics Gradients – the first gradient is to talk disparagingly of an out ethics situation – and so some bright person ( who will likely get canned for this action ) published it, knowing full well the out ethics situation(s) with lack of production will get noticed and maybe handled. Good for him or her. Something might happen, like the non-producing orgs get shut down, and then there won’t be any zero stats.
Al Brown, Dec 22, 2013 at 12:31 pm: “JPC. I see you read the Marketing Series. If you ever read LRH’s Data Series, in those same green volumes, I’d like to hear what you think also about that. The Data Series was always my favorite.”
John P., a month ago: “I can’t chase down a copy of the Data Series course from Wikileaks without a lot more work. But there’s a pretty good page on it at In looking at this, it seems like Hubbard is emphasizing that the quality of data is essential. The stuff he talks about, having it ordered correctly by time and having other ‘cleaning’ applied is true but simplistic. There’s a lot more to it than that. If you apply an incorrect reasoning process to the data, you’ll get a bad result, no matter how clean the data is.” . . .
Michael Leonard Tilse > John P., a month ago: “There was the ‘Data Series’ and there was the ‘Data Series Evaluator Course’, which was study of these and then practical applications of it to ‘management’.” . . .
There are a lot of situations where just applying the Data Series gives an excellent insight of the matter in question, especially if one knows the Scn Axioms, etc.
However, I have seen something similar to what JPC says. They were able to clean the data but they weren’t able to do a good model of the matter in question. (E.g.: In a business they had a stat measuring something subject to seasonal fluctuations – stat going down on December due to holidays -. In order to apply the Ethics Condition to a stat, the stat should measure something which the owner of the stat has enough stable KRC to what the stat is measuring. So, the stat to which apply the Conditions should be the raw data corrected by the average seasonal fluctuation broadly measured outside the place generating the raw data, coupled with the statistical estimation of the variation of the average itself. Otherwise they apply false Emergency or false Affluence because the stat down or up was due to a seasonal fluctuation external to the KRC of the stat owner.)
Prediction: With just a few days to go and a lead of 136,482 to 2,800, Puerto Rico wins – even the Cleveland Browns could sit on that lead.
Last night I watched “Whale Wars” two hour special. Several times it crossed my mind that the Sea Shepherds are funded by donations and are a non-profit orgainzation dedicated to saving whales, dolphins, seals, sharks, etc from mass hunting and killing. I crossed referenced it to the products of the Ideal Org program and the IAS.
So much money has been wasted by donating to the Ideal Org Program and the IAS. Just so a handful of people can live a high life and go shop in Paris and New York “to get some space”. I say it’s to relieve the pressure of their overts of the massive fraud they commit on well intentioned people. It’s so sad to me that about one billion dollars has been raised to fund basically nothing. Certainly there is no product to show for it except for a nice real estate portfolio.
I don’t wish to open a dialogue about eco-terrorism (is it or isn’t it) here. But I would so much rather see just one of those majestic sea creatures survive than an Ideal Org on any given day.
“The Emperor has no clothes. And his crack is showing.” – Oh …..Mike is so funny – still laughing! : )
If you ask churchies why they just don’t do what was working when the academy and auditing rooms were full, – the very successful actions of the 70s through the beginnning of 1982 (the terrific comm course, co-audits etc. line up) (before the takeover) – they look at you with a blank eyes and have no reply back.
Ooh, they took it down. DM’s minions faithfully reading this blog. I wonder how many who read this blog and others like it on assignment actually wake up. The Internet is so dangerous.
Absolutely true that the emperor has no clothes. Been naked for quite a while. Yet the sheeple see long flowing Armani robes. It’s pretty amazing. The only thing I can think of is mass hallucination.
Must be adding a lot of psilocybin to that Kool Aid.
Quite simply, Scientology under Miscavige has become
the Ebola of religions.
I wonder why there is no move to put orgs in large cities without one.
San Antonio
Oklahoma City
and…New Orleans, Milwaukee, the Triangle in North Carolina, North Jersey, Memphis, Coastal Virginia, Coastal Alabama, Louisville, the Inland Empire in Southern Cal…
Uhm…… because no one there is interested in Scientology?
I happened to be in Pasadena last night, the last Saturday night before Christmas, and a Christmas party was in full roar in the Pasadena Ideal Org.
They had a live band playing, which was pretty good, and people were dancing. They moved the party right up front, so passers by could see it happening in the windows facing the street. “We are a fun-loving bunch, come on in,” seemed to be the message.
I counted a total of 15 people there. And 4 of them were performing in the band. I think it was composed entirely of staff.
It seemed to be over by about 9:15.
A far distance fallen for Scientology, because I remember the off-the-hook parties decades ago at mere missions that were so packed, you could hardly move around.
Does not look good. It would be of interest to find the “WHY”
Puerto Rico is getting points. On the other hand it could be so scandalous
or obscene would have D.M.wishing for all zero’s.
Clearly the point things need to be fixed is long past.
Puerto Rico is a long way from LA and d.m. mismanagement. They are probably running themselves locally and therefore doing better than orgs closer to a CLO interference. Also they probably aren’t big enough to have Flag or IAS tours, so they haven’t been bled dry.
The secret of the success of missions in the 1970’s was self management.
Article of intrest:
C D this is a really interesting article, thanks for the link. Kids of the whales blowing the scam from their perspective. Its a hole in the dyke I never thought of, they would have the inside info without the intimidation of the church their parents would have. Its amazing that when that dam starts springing leaks, just where the holes start poping up. How many fingers you got dave?
Althoug we might have different views on things we share the view that Slappi needs to go down.
David always rejected progress photos of renovations showing buttcracks of workers. A real button of his.
Right, and today’s Tony Ortega announced a new Proyect to be funded to CSRT…Laurie Webster doesn’t say what is it, but sure demands your money and makes you responsible to keep funding no matter what.
The scheme is infused with make wrong, not enough, you have to, is your duty, the future of the universe depends on it and, as you said, hope some are seeing the fraudulent tactics to just rip parishioners off and decide to finally stop playing the scam which, by the way, gives them nothing in return except financial stress. Is up to them.
Silvia: I will be posting about this “new project” soon.
My guess is that it must at least include L. Ron Hubbard Hall – the planned auditorium to accompany their “cathedral.”
It’s supposed to be the location that currently has the IAS tent.
Move your org into ……. Ideal Org Phase II? (What is your Phase II status?)
Funny how the concept of doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result never seems to get through to some people. There is a concept called a held down 7 that is obviously not grasped.
So much for Dave being an “expert” on all things Scientology.
Davie’s intent is quite clear – (ignore the noise) look at his results. They are very consistent over time.
Kill the subject thoroughly over time, and milk it for everything he can get. There isn’t anything of value in Scientology that has not been bastardized. It is a very methodical plan.
I’m so sure of this that I could bet. I just wonder what will be the moment when he has to disappear fast – of course with the money. It is a cold blooded strategy, a sophisticated plan and he will milk everyone who still is there, with every tool he can think of, till no one is left. Or till he has to appear in court for a deposition. That could become dangerous to him.
Of that list, I think only Orlando and Long Island have not purchased buildings yet. The others have all had buildings for a number of years, particularly Battle Creek and New Haven, who were among the first orgs to purchase buildings when the Ideal Org evolution (devolution?) ramped up in the 2003/4 time period. So, in about 10 years, two of these orgs could not buy buildings at all, and two of the orgs were not able to raise the funds for the renos even though they’ve had buildings for 10 years or so. Who is kidding who? This simply demonstrates how utterly and totally insane David Miscavige’s “brilliant” strategy is: the majority of orgs cannot get the strategy executed in 10 years, and all orgs/staffs are co-opted into committing massive squirrelling to get as much done as they have, not to mention impoverishing their most dedicated public members in the process and driving numbers of them out of Scientology in the process. I think the zero’s are a perfect mathematical representation of Miscavige’s strategizing ability, they also measure a vacuum that is only being filled up with trouble and destruction. Nice going, Dave – monumental accomplishment.
Orlando idle org is 6636 Lake Ellanor Dr.
Long Island apparently has 11 ideal orgs.
Or maybe they can’t make up their minds.
Why not raise one million for each of five lease-purchase agreements, find office buildings which do not have to be so lavishly refurbished, and open five times the number in one tenth (or one twentieth) the time, so to get at the income from operations (which would presumably still be there from parishioners not tapped-out)? Surely their PR is good enough to get away with calling them “Our Buildings” even if they are leased.
The goal is to integrate into the society. not separate from it. Scientology is a validation of knowingness, not a repudiation of it. I mean, really, the whole picture of Scientology is to validate and make stronger what is already there, not “re-make” and “separate” the individual from what he already knows to be true. When you get the latter, then you get people disassociating or individuating from the social norms, from their families, and ultimately, from themselves. That seems backwards to me.
The idea of Scientology is that through understanding and knowledge of how things work, one can improve one’s own life as it is, improve one’s own opinions and conclusions, and begin to find more pleasure in living. That’s the whole idea of some processes. E.g. the publicly available self-analysis lists, with the “Can you recall a time:” line, one of hundreds of which is: “You had fun in the snow.” Most of these are validatory of one’s successes – which one may have forgotten – and help bring one “to oneself.”
Very wise Carcha!
Mike, Chicago has over 2 Million residents. Philadelphia has over a Million. The greatest discovery since fire cannot be ignored. Perhaps its being practiced outside of the “church” and there is no need to fund these Ideal Orgs.
Shouldn’t KC and Pittsburgh be in the list?
KC is West US as it is west of the Mississippi. Pittsburg has no org, just a small, failing Mission that may have totally closed down by now.
“The Emperor has no clothes. And his crack is showing.” Hahahaha
The Emperor can always get a job as a plumber when his current gig runs out.
Just wondering. How come Tampa is not on that list?
They have an empty morgue already. Fully renovated. 5 times bigger than they need. And your footsteps echo as you wander the empty halls trying to find another living person….
It is indeed bizarre to send out a chart that screams “FAIL” like this. Major metro areas like Atlanta, Chicago, Long Island and Philly donating ZERO to their Ideal Org campaigns ought to be beyond embarrassing to the cult. It ought to be particularly embarrassing that Puerto Rico has almost 20x more points than the rest of the EUS together. The economy isn’t all that great on the island at the moment and it’s not a native English speaking place, which (even though materials are translated) makes Scientology less viable than in English-speaking countries.
1) Is the Puerto Rico number a complete and utter fabrication, or is there any chance that there is real enthusiasm for Scientology there, even given the language barrier and general economic conditions?
2) I still don’t understand why they want to have a Battle Creek Org. I did the math, and if you assume 15,000 total public in a US population of 310 million, there ought to be about 65 public in the Battle Creek area. Why Battle Creek (200,000 population) when there are more potential members in Kalamazoo (400,000 people 25 miles away) and Grand Rapids (1 million, 40 miles away)?
3) At what level was this chart approved to be distributed? I can’t believe that anybody in “management” has so little common sense that they thought that sending this out would work. Or is there some bizarre “management tech” thought process going on here? An example of that: they send out lots of stupid e-mails with four or five inane little questions, like “Would you be interested in having your life work better?” After recently reading the “Marketing Series” in the Green Volumes, I see how much of them is devoted to surveying potential customers to make sure what you’re offering matches what they want. What Hubbard wrote in the “Marketing Series” is actually mostly sensible stuff. But it sounds like people twist that into “taking a survey” to get people to sign up for things. Is something like that going on here, with somebody believing that sending out a chart with current stats will somehow impinge enough on people to get them to donate, no matter how bad the stats look? I just can’t imagine the thought process at work here.
Do a google search on the Battle Creek Org on Google. To your point of why, I’m not even sure it really exists. If it does, the google image is pretty awful. But, maybe I was looking at the wrong thing?
The interesting thing about Battle Creek (and many others, but we are just talking Battle Creek) is that I found a list on someone’s blog from 2010 that stated Battle Creek would be one of the many grand openings over the next twelve months. If you go to the latest Sci website, you will see Battle Creek listed as one of the grand openings in 2012-2013.
Now, go to google and look at the image for Battle Creek.
Church of Scientology of Battle Creek
66 Michigan Ave E, Battle Creek, MI
I looked up several other grand openings and found many of them were closed, not existent or a completely different company.
I personally am beginning to wonder if they are not simply mailing addresses to make the Church look bigger than it is.
JPC — the first thing to realize is that there is no “thought process” involved with anything in the bubble. Their “thoughts” are the pronouncements of “command intention” and one does not need to “think” any further than that.
How high up is this approved? I dont know, probably at ILO (LA) level through the Int Landlord Office.
Here is the sort of “thinking” that goes into this.
Miscavige gets a weekly report on Ideal Org income. He sees that most of the EUS is doing NOTHING. He screams and rants and it is transcribed by his personal office staff. Within the rants and raves are sound bites that are excerpted into orders like this: “Hasn’t anyone ever shoved it in their faces that they are doing NOTHING?” and “They should be publicly humiliated for being out of step with the rest of the world” and “there are SPs blocking the implementation of my strategy, why isnt anyone blowing them off the lines?”
This then translates into a “promo piece” like this. “Command Intention” is to “shame them into action.”
Someone here commented about Battle Creek earlier. THere was a small and failing org in Ann Arbor and there was a bright idea to buy the old Kellogg Hotel in Battle Creek and move the org there (though always one of the “nothing” orgs at least Ann Arbor has UM — college towns in earlier times have been good locations for Scientology orgs — Battle Creek has a community college.”)
It may be intended to shame some into action but all it really does is help those asking questions inside the bubble to realize it is a tremendous lie.
I think before trying to clear the planet they should work on clearing one town, village, hamlet or campground first…then see where if anywhere they can aspire to go to.
Well, they could start with the campground at the Int Base.
At a wild guess, I would suspect that considerably LESS than 50% of the staff there are not Clear (a larger percentage may have once been considered Clear. But that status was revoked in one of a number of “evolutions”).
The Int Base not being “Clear” is like half the people in the Vatican never having taken Communion.
All the talk about “Clearing the Planet” and this, the pinnacle of Scientology, is dismally short of this goal.
“The Int Base not being “Clear” is like half the people in the Vatican never having taken Communion.”
Mike, you really are a funny guy. Laughing at these little comments of yours is very theraputic for me, you have no idea.
Mike, thanks for breaking down the insanity in this comment. It’s hard to fathom.
JPC. I see you read the Marketing Series. If you ever read LRH’s Data Series, in those same green volumes, I’d like to hear what you think also about that. The Data Series was always my favorite.
Al, plowing through the Data Series has definitely been something on the to-do list for a while, but I never can quite seem to find the time to get it done. It’s especially interesting to me personally given my life as a senior numbers geek on Wall Street. I’ll probably post an analysis of this on my blog first and send Mike an e-mail so he can cross-link to it if he wants.
Who did send out this promo? I personally would have withheld it. People have withholds, because man is basically good. But if you do not have any withhold, what is that?
It was in “Science of Survival”: admits crimes without any feeling of shame (something like that).
For sure not very high on the tonescale.
Or is someone under the radar coming forward now? I like this thought.
People who will admit to the most alarming crimes without any feeling of remorse or shame is one of the traits of an SP. So maybe a staff member who finally succumbed into DM’s valence, SP, sent it.
The location of the Detroit Ideal Org which has not been moved into is not central and no one would want to drive to that location even if it were open. Detroit business left a long time ago where the boarded up ideal org is located and nearly all business that left will never come back. People with any common sense never go to Detroit. Businesses do not want to locate into that rat hole. People moved out of Detroit because of crime, violence and moved because there are no jobs there. The central location of business in Michigan is not Detroit. Business moved out into cities like Troy and Auburn Hills, Novi and Ann Arbor. I don’t know anyone that works inside the city nor do I know anyone that has been in the city in years. Some business has offices down there if they are given a tax break to be there, but even then most of the workers work outside the city because it is just too awful to actually go down there. The current location of the Org in Metro Detroit is more central than where the empty Ideal Org sits, – though even then the current Org is basically empty. The few people that are left know the ideal org is a joke, but they just plod along not saying anything because they know they will be reported if it is mentioned. The ethics is handled by pushing it uplines, then never gets handled and then black filed. The current day ED was not even born when the takeover happened in the early 80s, so she has no perspective of what truly has happened to the church.
“People moved out of Detroit because of crime, violence and moved because there are no jobs there.”
So maybe miscavige feels at home there?
Ive been to Detroit plenty in recent years. Its waaaaay nicer than in the early 90’s. Crime and violence are down as well. Jobs are moving out of state more than the areas you mentioned due to car companies setting up shop in different areas not because Detroit is a “rat hole”. Scn is going to fail there, in Battle Creek and the metro org for one reason: scn is a scam. Scams have a finite lifetimes and theirs is coming to an end.
“And his crack is showing” – Thanks, Mike. Now I have to clean the coke off my screen, keyboard and lap. Bloody brilliant.
BP I laughed too. I have to clean off my screen and keyboard too! “The Emperor has no clothes. And his crack is showing”! OMG LMAO. Mike, you must write a book. How can you now share this wit and wisdom to the world?!