Here is some interesting news from inside the bubble.
Read this first email and look at the graphs that follow.
You may recall Rona Bowles practically wetting herself back in June because Taiwan was beating them as the NUMBER ONE ORG IN THE WORLD for Purif/SRD starts?
Well, it turns out that apart from last week when they supposedly had 13 starts, they have been averaging 4 starts per week, and they have a grand total of 41 people on Purif/SRD.
Now, as everyone knows, the vast majority of these people are old public re-doing these actions because that is the latest fad. But even if they were ALL NEW PUBLIC — is this really cause for such tremendous excitement and is this what the NUMBER ONE IDEAL ORG ON EARTH is doing? A $20 million building with the capacity for at least 200 public on service in Div 6 and 200 students in the Academy and 100 people on the Purif? 41 on the ONLY services anyone is pushing? Their footsteps must be echoing through the hallways, but they are SO excited they send out emails AND graphs to prove how well they are doing….
Delusions of grandeur.
From: Ron Reinhart <[email protected]>
To: Pasadena OT Committee <[email protected]>
Sent: Wed, Jul 09, 2014
Subject: More News
The OTC was responsible for 11 service starts this past week. And we had 60 active members.As of last night the org has had 3 Purif starts this week with 3 that arrived but were not yet ‘in the box’.
Speaking of GAT2, attached are a couple of pdf documents of org graphs. The one titled Starts is a graph of Purif and SRD starts combined. That is a great rise in the number of starts.
The one titled SRDBIS is a graph of the number of the bodies in the shop on the SRD. A body in the shop is a person on a service. Each person is counted once. So though I go to course 5 days a week I am one body in the shop that week. This graph is really kicking it. And as you can imagine the number of co-auditing hours from the SRD is rising just as dramatically.
The next MV Event is this Saturday at the Pasadena Org at 7pm. This one is about LRH and Author Services has some great LRH history to relate to all of us. You can bring non-Scientologists to this event so they can get some reality on LRH. And, as usual, Steve Gates will be putting together some delicious food just like he has done the past 2 events.
Remember on August 9th we are having a PARTY at the org celebrating 4 years as an Ideal Org. Arrive at noon and be ready to have some fun. Besides food and friends and family, there will be a slide show of the org over the years, and some historical photos of some OTC members from ‘back in the day’. I hear hair styles have changed quite a bit since ‘the day’.
The org only needs 17 more starts on the Purif and SRD to make its target of 100 by July 18th. If you need to do either get in there now. I did my Purif and am in the middle of the SRD. The wins keep coming and coming!
Another event is being planned for September 27th that will include Keith Code from the California Super Bike School. More details to follow.
We can always use people to work on the CF project I mentioned last week, as well as book selling. The org is also looking for people willing to deliver lectures in Div 6 to raw public. It can be on any Scientology subject you like. Call and ask for the PES.
That is it for now. I will be getting more news to you very soon.
Ron Reinhart
This is a cumulative graph by the way.
And some more — shout it from the rooftops. They ARE Clearing Sydney. 22 people on the Purif. Absolutely amazing highest ever ever ever world record. At this rate, they will have everyone in Sydney through the Purif in 20,000 YEARS. Now THAT’S making planetary clearing a reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then we have the cherry on top. ASHO’s amazing stats:
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2014
From: ASHO <[email protected]>
In the last two weeks ASHO Day has made:
11 Student Hat completions
6 Pro TR’s completions
14 Pro Metering completions
17 Academy Level completions
6 SRD completions
3 Clears!!!
ASHO is in the Student Hat business. Hooray. But of course, NO MENTION OF THE BRIEFING COURSE. They are not really promoting this fact, but they DO NOT DELIVER THE BRIEFING COURSE any longer. Not until Miscavige comes out with the “Golden Age of Briefing Courses” where he is going to personally verify every lecture and find every last transcription error made by those SPs the last time he had the tapes reproduced. And everyone will be required to redo the course because “nobody really got it.” Estimated time of this course being available again? Who knows? Maybe the 27th Anniversary of the Madien Voyage of the Freewinds in 2027?
And wow — 3 Clears in 2 weeks.
Shout it from the rooftops loud and proud: “We ARE Clearing the Americas.” Hang onto your seats, because this is taking off like a rocket and it is blowing everyone’s socks off!!!!!
And it only cost us about $50 million or so to make these wondrous “ideal orgs” that are producing all this incredibly positive stuff.
ASHO is a shell of its former service oriented self. What is Margie Esterman doing?! She must be so tired of the re-dos.
Anonymous, if you’re OSA, one day, as Mike and as many of us here have done, you will have your own cognition that your theta goals will never be reached in the Church of Scientology because it is a PTS organization run by a Suppressive. You’ll realize this and you will leave, and you’ll probably end up here, when you do its very unlikely that you’ll be needling Mike about anything.
You’ll be too busy building a new life for yourself, dealing with your own losses, and otherwise confronting the isness of what has been the actual CoS scene for some time now. Living with the truth can be difficult. But the more truth we get the easier it is to resolve our issues, and so you’ll be here and on other blogs, reading, learning, laughing, and healing.
Mike will welcome here with no grudge because that’s the kind of guy he is. You’re going to learn a lot from him. If you post here, and you sound bitter sometimes, you’ll be acknowledged and understood.
One last thing, Anonymous, we on this blog may feel bitter at times, but one thing we are not is jealous of the CoS’s stats. We vary on the tone scale in reaction to them but I don’t think that anyone here harbors jealousy over what the Church of Scientology is now producing in the way of Clears, OTs and auditors.
It’s so pathetic that they revel over their silly little numbers. I’m just so glad that crap isn’t central to my life anymore.
So sad to consider how little freedom those folks now have. They’ve shrunk down and down and down until they cannot compare the gargantuan personal and financial costs and their ridiculous “results.”
No one can help them. They have to dig themselves out. Some of them still will.
ASHO counts all SO members on the PAC base who are retraining their tech courses. It’s such a joke. A Scientology Org whose purpose is supposed to be “Sell and deliver materials and service to the PUBLIC….” counts all the Base’s SO members in their delivery stats and then promotes it to the public as “expansion”.
Typical op-basis under the stat-push regime.
In the last two weeks ASHO Day has made:
11 Student Hat completions
6 Pro TR’s completions
14 Pro Metering completions
17 Academy Level completions
6 SRD completions"
When I was a SHSBC supervisor at ASHO Day, none of the above courses were offered there. You could complete the great majority of them at the mission level although Academy Levels were offered at lower orgs. ASHO was for people who had completed their lower level training and were coming to get advanced training.
If I was at ASHO now, it would embarrass me that the elite Upper Level Org even offered lower level training. To see them blare it from the mountain tops for everyone to see that ASHO is no longer an elite org but a “beginners org” – amazed there are no Intro Course Completions – is one giant out point.
Anyone who has seen my commenting on a regular basis knows how I feel about the efficacy of Scientology. This is not my point here.
This comment is addressed to those who were there in the 70s who are still hanging on thinking things will get better. Please, any old timer still thinking everything is OK, look at that huge out point alone and realize that you are no longer doing what you signed up for. There are lots of people “out here” who can offer you a soft landing. Please take the leap.
Hi Valerie, you make good points – well said. I was actually surprised that they didn’t list Basic Books Courses for ASHO! They seem to be the “new thing” or the rave in Academies worldwide now after “all the Div. 6 and Division has been unmocked and the staff are at Flag being (mis)trained” I think as to the old timers that are still “in” can we really hold much hope for them? They will now come out in dribs and drabs but if they have been in there that long then they are unlikely to leave the hive now, but we live in hope. My main concern is the younger generations who are loaded with false data as to what “auditing” and “supervision” and “cramming” is etc. We’ve got a lot of work to do to salvage the subject when the flood gates open, as they are doing more and more.
Mr. Anonymous is an 8 year old girl in San Francisco.
And finally, McCarran, Jesus said he’d like to hang with me at my favorite surf spot. He’s been reading the post on Mike’s blog and he too as come to the conclusion that the dwarf is a complete ASSHOLE. Never thought he’d use those term, but, if the shoe fits, wear it!
And to all the wonderful poster here. I’m extremely happy your like my shtick. As Teddy Roosevelt once said, “Speak softly but carry a BIG SHTICK!”
I’m done.
Teddy Roosevelt ? I always thought Milton Berle said that.
Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
I think DM has internalized his Donkey Kong experiences: Pay to play with in-game “power ups”.
And the spectator minions think they are “winning”. Gotta give credit where credit is due…
Looks like it isn’t onlyl DM with this fixation:
In the words of Tywin Lannister (Game of Thrones) “Let us not confuse winning with ruling.”
I see ASHO is quoting 2 weeks of stats instead of 1. How creative, like the marketing geniuses who put the same amount of cereal in a bigger box.
“And it only cost us about $50 million or so to make these wondrous “ideal orgs” that are producing all this incredibly positive stuff.” For $50 million, you could hire people to take 5 million hours of courses at $10/hr. and you would have much better stats. Why buy empty buildings, when the ones you already have are not full?
I have the feeling that the Mr. “Anonymous” troll above is doing a Liability Formula for having not donated enough and for being a DB for not making it go right to present the IAS Regges with their 10% commission so that they can laugh all their way to their banks and eat $200 meals at his expense. And we should be worried that Mike is bitter? Ha! Yes we are bitter that fools like him are being conned to support a regime that has squirrelled the tech with numerous crass alterations such as the “3 swing F/N that is not allowed to narrow after the 3rd swing” (!), beaten up their own Execs, set LRH’s Church up as some sort of pyramid selling/commission scam with no exchange, emptied Orgs and course rooms worldwide, doesn’t train auditors, doesn’t audit PCs (properly anyway), whose PR worldwide is at an all.time low (because of these things (and far more of course) that I have just listed) and he says Mike shouldn’t be bitter! Oh! Well! That’s alright then – we’ll just let this raving loon carry on destroying Scientology. Yeah, that’s ok, seems fair enough!
This guy should wake up and REALLY do his low conditions, starting with Treason to LRH and the subject and, well, the rest of the Dynamics as well!
I agree that “Anonymous” is probably working on that all-powerful Liability Formula. The only thing is, that “effective blow” ain’t gonna cut it here. Anonymous is Glib and needs word clearing, stat.
Regarding being “bitter”: Sometimes bitter is a valid emotional state and is proper in the context of the situation. I would rather be bitter and be myself in any given moment than be some fake, super-uptone, facsimile. Also, a person can work through whatever it is that makes them feel bitter on a gradient scale and come out with a better understanding of themselves/others. Not such a bad thing.
Hi Pepper – yes being bitter (not that Mike is of course) is and would be actually the correct and sane response to what COB is doing. That was partly my point. Some insane people are of course very happy about what COB is doing! It’s a bit like pointing out that John Lennon’s response at this mother’s funeral i.e. laughing, after his primal scream treatment, was an insane response (not that I have anything against John Lennon) So the insane response as personified by this Anonymous dude above, is to a) give COB money to carry on doing it, b) say he’s a good guy after observing him doing the equivalent of bayoneting babies c) not-is the whole downtone environment of the current Church, d) not progressing on the Bridge and seeing others not progressing on the Bridge, seeing the Tech altered, seeing Scientology’s PR worldwide wiped out and made a laughing stock of, etc. etc.
The problem in the Church is that there are not enough “bitter” people left – being bitter is far too high-toned. Ha! Only propitiative, fawning, supplicating sycophantic crawlers (can’t think of any more similar derogatory words – ha!) who probably do SCOHB but the auditors miss all the real withholds these days in the Church which is the real why as to why they are “donators”. No there’s nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade, bitterly! Anyway, I don’t want to sound bitter! LOL!
Yes Foolproof, bitter would be a sane response to enduring the abuse the CoS dishes out on people. We all have had experiences with this, some of us much worse than others.
One thing I’ve noticed is how false uptone people act all the time and it always made me a little uncomfortable being around this. My husband returned from Flag once and told me that everyone acts super happy and uptone all the time and asked me if I thought they really were that way. I told him no, that I didn’t think they were really like that and that when the lights were off and they were lying in their beds at night they didn’t have the big smiles and beaming faces. No. This is when people are confronted with themselves and their life.
He told me that made sense and that he wasn’t feeling good about it because he didn’t feel that way and was thinking that maybe something was wrong with him. I told him he was normal!
Once again I tell you I worked in HCO and I never saw these graphs on the OIC or in any policy letter.
Oops I forgot this is now the Church of Dwarfology now.
This lot couldn’t clear the upper management let alone a city.
To put it in perspective.
If those charts were done based on populations of all humans in those service areas…those lines would not even register…..and that is telling.
Until the day comes they can at least meet the birth rate, nothing done by the CoS will have any positive impact on the globe.
It is and will remain a losing skirmish.
If you think of the goal as “clearing Sydney” or “clearing Pasadena”, then yes, these numbers look paltry. But when you consider the actual goal, which is to get as many of the remaining scientology public onto the Purif and SRD, the numbers aren’t bad at all. I’d say these folks should be commended for playing their tiny little game very well.
Too true. They probably dragged every last remaining public they could out from under a rock just to get that stat.
Everybody I know is being made to redo the purif and srd. After that’s done I won’t be surprised to hear that everyone has to redo all the grades, even if they are on their OT levels. Somehow the newly trained auditors have to be kept busy and theres no new public.
I’m still trying to figure out why DM insisted on training up all those GAT2 sups and then pushing the purif. It’s ridiculous.
I guess the stats sounded good. 1,000 trainees at Flag, whole teams of wordclearers and sups for every org. Sounds good doesn’t it? Shame that from the sounds of it all the delivery being done internationally could be done in just one decent courseroom and one hgc.
OT – I just found out where the title of Mike’s blog, something can be done about it, is from. Volunteer Ministers, very clever. My brother in law found a VM t-shirt at the thrift store w/that slogan on it. Awesome find, so excited. I’d like to think this means another kool aid drinker has joined the ranks of the disaffected and is throwing away a remnant of their cult life!
I was just thinking the other day what the Scientology
hairstyles were “back in the day”.
Wasn’t the LA Org placed next to ASHO ment to handle
these type of services, including the levels and grades. Then people
could walk next door for the BC & Power. Then walk across the street
for R6EW and beyond.
Now it is all the same…..Enee Menee Minee Mo
I LOVE EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! RON LOVES ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scientology is going to clear the planet. Great. I hope to hell they steer Clear of THIS planet and go find their own rock they can suppress.
Don’t worry what your case level is.
Don’t worry if your in the Non interference area just pop in and start the Purif and SRd and then Pr TR’s.
In fact do not even think about all the HCOB’s that LRH wrote about Programming cases for wins and all the HCOB’s about mixing rundowns and repairs.
Just forget Standard Technology and pop into our Ideal Org and begin winning with our new squirrel Bridge.
As long as the money rolls in its all Ok.
The stats for ASHO are a bloody disgrace. al low grade actions all the time.
Shame on them all!
You seem to wish a distinction between shit and shinola with this “standard” a nd “squirrel. Are you angry, real angry at dm for squirreling the tech? You could start at OT8 and progress to student hat and TR0–what’s the difference–shit or shinola.
Hilarious. And their Purif Stat shows they went from 33 to 30 on their 8th week? Oh, I see three of them blew sort of speaking. Maybe their suits didn’t fit thus the could not do a very standard on Source Purif.
“We can always use people to work on the CF project I mentioned last week, as well as book selling. The org is also looking for people willing to deliver lectures in Div 6 to raw public. It can be on any Scientology subject you like.”
Here’s an idea for a subject for lectures to raw public: Become a Scientologist and spend your spare time sorting through useless old files and telemarketing books no one wants.
Right there we know that that having the admin in PT is not part of the idealness, because there has always been a filing backlog at the Pasadena Org. There is no money in it for Miscavige, so it’s not a priority.
I am just blown away!!!!!! I just read the posts from vinaire & Friend & I can’t believe how many wins I’m having! They just keep on coming! Also, when I see Mike’s picture, I go exterior!!!!! You might not believe this, but, even though my body is here at the beach, thetan wise, I’m on Mars RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE!!!
I took a shower today and realized that water falling on my head makes me a BIG BEING!!!!!! Shower tech is just sooooo incredible! I don’t know why I didn’t realize this before!!!!!!!!!!
When I was gardening the other day, I came across an earth worm. Now I know this is going to sound crazy, but, the earth worm imparted incredible knowledge to me!!!!!!!!! I’m pretty sure I’m turning into Yoda!!!!!!
When I drove my car today, I realized that I was actually DRIVING MY CAR!!!!!!!! This is the first time in trillions of years that I actually KNEW that I was DRIVING MY CAR!!!!!!! The wins are just too many to count.
I’m going to go surfing today. I’m preparing myself for wins beyond OT XXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!! If you never see me post here again, it’s because I’m now at Target 57!!!!!!!!!! I’ll miss you all, but, I hope you get the same fantastic wins that I’ve been given by the ruler of the universe, corn of the COB!!!!!!!!! I couldn’t have done it without you, your dwarfness!
Whew! I’m exhausted!!!!!!!! But it’s fantastic Exhaustion!!!!!!!!!!!!
And finally: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah yes, Silvia. Please come join me with the most enlightened worm the universe has ever known!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. The wins will be way, way, way beyond ANYTHING you’ve ever, ever, ever done before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the words of Anonymous, Old Surfer Dude, “you need help.” :o)
Oh, thank God someone finally noticed! Thank you so very much, McCarran! Now I don’t have to carry this burden by myself!
Well, OSD, LRH carried it way too long. So glad you are carrying some of the burden.
YOu are too funny, OSD. I laughed out loud! And I am sure corn of the cob read it too, but I’m pretty sure he didn’t laugh.
That was really funny!
Hallie Jane, you’re very welcome! If I can’t do stand-up professionally anymore, at least I can do it on Mike’s blog.
Thank you Dude. Your next stop is the examiner.
With such grand wins, you will have to wait for
the needle to swing 9 times before they call your
Potpie, you’re very welcome! I’m now in a constant state of FNing. Buddha is now communicating with me as I type this. He said the wins he’s getting from my post are just unbelievable!!!!!!!!!
But what does Jesus say, OSD?
Hi Old Surfer Dude !!!!!!!
I went exterior with full perception while reading your wins !!!!!!
Who needs the Bridge?
I will just hang out with you and go OT from being in your space !!!!!
I can’t stop cogniting !!!!!!!!
Yeah, I get that a lot…
Oh my gosh! OSD that is so funny. You’ve left me with a floating TA.
Lightbulb, from this point on, you be FNing for the rest of eternity! You have now reached the end of the bridge! Please be so kind as to wire me $1,000,000! You’ll go way, way up in status as I won’t be poor white trailer trash with page numbers on my toilet paper! Hey, we both win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Hi Old Surfer Dude, I’m completely blown out of my bank,and fully exteriorized from every ones bank after reading your post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!•!$$:;##;#$$&()66%5(%3*43&&(&&%%%*****777*=:&#%)%)%)%%8%OMG !!!!!!!!!
and the wins just keep on coming!!!!!
Ken, you have reach the ultimate level of OT Surfer XXX. You will now be surfing waves in space. Congrats! I’m sure you’ll be a great OT Surfer Ambassador! May the waves be with you, my son!
OSD – OMG, tears rolling down the cheeks – thanks again for my belly laugh of the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ms. P, the pleasure is all mine! You’ve now reached the level of pure being. You’ll never need sec checks or stints in the RPF again. You’re free!!!!!!!!. You’ve transcended MEST as well as the pygmy dwarf!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy your wins, dear!
OSD, I’m glad you toned down your WIN!!!!!!! So those of us who have not reached your state of enlightenment can still understand where you’re coming from. I must now take a canoe ride to see if such wins can be duplicated in inland water. See you on Target 57!!!!!!!!!
Hello Valerie, and welcome to Target 57!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please meet me at mess hall for your hatting. You have now transcended everything these is to transcend in the entire universe. As you well know, having come to Target 57, nothing is impossible anymore. I’ll be the Aging Surfer with the deep tan. Oh! Wow!!!!!!! There you are!!!!!!! Hey!!! Hey Valerie!!!!! Over here!!!!!!
When I drove my car today, I realized that I was actually DRIVING MY CAR!!!!!!!! This is the first time in trillions of years that I actually KNEW that I was DRIVING MY CAR!!!!!!!
OSD, that is so EFFING FUNNY. I had the same realization today too when I was driving my car. Our knowingness must be so sweepingly vast, so powerful to experience the same order of magnitude of win today. It made me feel like I WAS ALIVE AGAIN AND THAT I KNEW THAT I WAS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks so much for the laugh, it was great.
Pepper, the Force is strong in you!!!!!!!!! I can feel it from Target 57!!!!!!!! Reading your post, I realized that I WAS ACTUALLY READING YOUR POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And when I finished reading your post, I READ IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!! And I got even MORE out of it the second time!!!!!!! Being an Old Surfer Dude in his 60s, I had to take a nap. But, while I was napping, I REALIZED I WAS NAPPING AND THE WINS, well, at this level they are confidential. But, know you lifted me to a level I never thought possible: Operating Surfer Dude. Maximus. This means there’s nowhere in the entire universe that I can’t surf!!!!!!!!! Even the sea creatures are in awe of me.
Many, many, many thanks, Pepper! I don’t know how to thank you!!!!!!!
OMG -OSD, You are too much and got me laughing all over again. It must take a lot of energy out of you, surfing and making people laugh that you really do need that nap.
Hey Dude, Thanks for getting my day started with a laugh!! I really like the part about the car. That was very close to the bone from some wins I’ve heard just a few days ago. Keep it up!
You’re very welcome, Char! Automobile tech is just fantastic!!!!!! While driving your car and realizing that you are, in fact, driving your car, you’ll finish OT 3 through OT 75 in just a few minutes. Now, please be very careful because your powers will be immense! You actually be able to stop at “Stop Signs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” You’ll be able to parallel park with your eyes closed!!!!!!!!! You’ll be able to take your foot off the gas pedal and must postulate the right speed!!!!!!! But, that absolute best part is, you’ll be able to drive perfectly while asleep in the drivers seat!!!!!! Enjoy your wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sure thing. As long as they include the number of people withdrawing support, leaving, resigning, refund requests, commenting negatively publicly as to the crimes and abuses and human rights violations, then I’d agree to shout from rooftops about ALL the relevant statistics, not just the ones THEY want to disseminate about.
Mike, thy tongue is deep in thy cheek! LOL
What a dreary bunch these poor folks are. Lacking any information regarding what TRULY is/is not transpiring in the real world, I can easily see how simple it is for them to fool themselves INTO believing they’re really having some effect in the scio world, much less the Non scio world. And there is no fool worse than one who does the whole action of being fooled all by themselves. Refusal to look, refusal to think, refusal to perceive, refusal to trust themselves.
You took the words right out of my mouth, thegman. I especially love the way Anonymous “corrects” Mike. I still get infuriated about how these guys desire to remain clueless.
a interesting story and video is out about a new defectus meritorious Camilla Andersson.
“Working directly with Miscavige was intense, she says. “He never stops. The word ‘calm’ has nothing to do with that man.”
Are you sure that you are not jealous, Mike?
Under your attempts to sound funny, your postings are sounding bitter.
Maybe you need help?
🙂 🙂 🙂
Jealous? This is one of the best trolls ever. I so badly wish I was still in the Hole. Or was able to redo everything starting with the Purif. Or even better, received 50 calls and emails a week to show up for events to be regged for whatever the latest fad is.
Fond daydreams….
this fool posts at the bunker sometimes too. Not sure if actual Scn troll or just a pest trying to get a rise from ex’s and sci critics for jollies
Why bother to answer, Mr. Rinder ?
You need not to explain. I disagree with you many times but don’t lose your altitude either, would you ? And specially for fools.
Actually, I think that feeling a bit of bitterness may be entirely appropriate. I have to admit to having experienced some of my own given all that has gone on over the last few decades.
Anon says Mike is “bitter” … being a bitter defrocked apostate is a very high distinction. It means one has the guts to speak against Leader Maximo, Admiral of the Fleet, “most compassionate man” Top Gun money maker of the fastest shrinking cult on Earth David Miscavige. He doesn’t even know the Tech, look at what he did when c/sing Lisa McPherson’s case. He usurped his position by controlling LRH’s comm, putting aside Mary Sue, the Broekers and getting rid of all the competent, trusted, dedicated and talented people in the higher echelons of Scientology.
The Scientology slave mill and extortion racket is run by a gangster pope. By the way the “Pope of Scientology” was John Mac Master.
Anonymous commenter — Mike Rinder’s emotional state is not at issue here. What do you think about the information to be found in the internal communications he has provided?
Are you actually expecting a coherent answer from such a troll baiter? Anon is ‘on the hook’ and OSA is in the boat with a pole and no reel! I think they call that a ship of fools.
Anon, you are a true sad case. There is nothing here for you but pity for your blindness and total refusal to LOOK for yourself. Just carry on believing in COB and, maybe, watching all the new lawsuits being filed.
Are you really going to let this guy deviate you all from the post, guys ?
What happened with just ignoring the comm ?
Anon is having to look outside the bubble to post and look for opportunities to post. At some point he or she will begin to be tempted to read a little more than needed to make a coherent post…..just a page or two. Maybe watch some of Karen’s videos “just for research”, to see how awful life is outside. Without realizing it, doubts will start. The truth will dawn someday.
Phoenix – because everything OSA does is an opportunity to show the world how OSA is.
redo the SHSBC because of lost data found looks really as something with is missed .. what data should be lost? At this time one could only cut out something from the tape .. sometimes LRH ordered that something should be cut out .. but was not done ..
I will say that all data from SHSBC is not used in current Scientology ..
That’s right Friend, Dear Leader will dumb down the SHSBC so it makes since to him.
It’s “… so it makes cents to him.” ;o)
The BC is probably an arbitrary by now, Auditors are old hat in the new golden age of Oz.
I’m sure Davie will figure out a way to have the sheeple pay for the cancellation of this huge arbitrary.
“And some more — shout it from the rooftops. They ARE Clearing Sydney. 22 people on the Purif. Absolutely amazing highest ever ever ever world record. At this rate, they will have everyone in Sydney through the Purif in 20,000 YEARS. Now THAT’S making planetary clearing a reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
At least they are being honest about their pitifully inchworm progress! Remember the old tortoise and the hare story!
The juggernaut is just around the corner, er, next planet!