Yes, this IS a real email….
Give us money to demolish the Birmingham Ideal Org.
We are SOOO close to starting the demolition, we have our exclamation points already engaged.
In their minds, these people are the “masters of communication.” But apparently their ability to communicate is strictly limited. Little they say makes sense outside the bubble of scientology. But even bubbledweller to bubbledweller, it seems they are having more and more difficulty making sense. Their faculties appear to be eroding as the isolation from the real world is strengthened. They are walking down the path to becoming village idiots, talking to themselves in the corner about how smart they are and that nobody else “gets it.”
This is a shot of the empty Birmingham “ideal org” building out in the boondocks suburbs of Birmingham. They bought it a few years ago and nothing has been done.
Just another ideal org fail.
Subject: Breaking Birmingham Ideal Org News!
From: “UK Ideal Orgs” <[email protected]>
Date: 2/18/15
Dear XXXX,
The latest, greatest Birmingham Ideal Org news is that we are only a few steps away to finishing the cost of the “Demolitions” of our new Ideal Org. This is the first stage on the runway to full demolition and construction!
With Golden Age of Tech II, the opening of Scientology Media Productions and all the IAS 3rd and 4th dynamic campaigns, floods of people are going to be driven into our Orgs. And we need an Ideal Org for them to be driven into to have the correct representation of Dianetics & Scientology.
So we need all shoulders to the wheel to finish the target this week of fully funding Birmingham demolitions. Destroying something old to create something new!
The amount that is left to make this target is the equivalent of buying only 25 Student Hats or Purification Rundowns so this is a doable target!
Your help is needed to take on the challenge! Do your next status to Birmingham Ideal Org today as we have less than 24 hours to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Be part of making the Ideal Org on this exciting crusade!
Donate using the link below or contact me on 07852 818705.
Yours, Sarah O’Donoghue
hmmm… I commented immediately after reading the original post, without reading other comments first. I’ve now gone back and see that everything I talked about has already been discussed, better and in more detail. So my comments don’t really add anything to the discussion. Feel free to delete my post if you like. *note to self: from now on, read posts first, then comment. lol. 🙂
There are so many things wrong with this. Start with the requests for donations from regular members (not church management or reserves) to fund the demolition, (not even the building of a new structure yet) then there will be more money needed to build, to renovate, etc., to fund the mythical hordes that will supposedly be driven in. First, I’d consider it the responsibility of the church to fund the actual demolition and building, not the members. Secondly, I could understand a request to fund some beginning services for new people to get them started – that might indeed bring in more members, but that doesn’t happen. Thirdly, I disagree with the statement that new members need to be serviced in an “ideal org”. From what I hear of he early days when the church was booming, they did Scientology anywhere, old homes and buildings, etc., and people enjoyed it and got benefits. I think the new buildings are too sterile, too officious, too… empty. Where are all the people that were supposed to come into the new ideal orgs built 5, 6 or 10 years ago? Why build more, when the existing ones sit empty? I just don’t buy it. (literally and figuratively).
jesus christ, your are right on; this has to be one of the most absurd comms you have posted from the bubble. What else is there to say?
These guys are Pikers. No matter what they do, the C of S will never surpass Mike Rinder’s Ideal Org demolition stats – and he didn’t even need to use an excavator, he just tells the truth!
Demolishing in this case just means replacing the bathrooms with ones that don’t need toilet paper. (No toilet paper and central files projects … some things in Scientology NEVER change.)
There is a difference….
The Navy V the Sea Org.
The purposes of religion and military are radically different from each other and should never be combined, ever. Think Islam maybe.
The primary function of the Navy is to put well trained personnel in ships and airplanes to go out and intimidate others through its presence or threat of deadly force. Ships and planes are incredibly expensive.
It does not directly finance itself but it has a gigantic budget and the staff gets paid like clockwork. The food quality ranges from a well balanced good to excellent, 3 shifts, and 24 hours a day. They would never punish the crew by starving them with rice and beans. That would be crazy wouldn’t it? Starve people, they gone git sick and die or blow.
Eighteen hour days are not common except when some group is perceived to need punishment for arcane reasons known only by the top brass. Incidentally, the USN actually runs the whole show from space on down.
The primary function of the Sea Org is somewhat different. Scientology was to help people to evolve spiritually, raise awareness, go clear, get to OT, and help others achieve similar goals.
Why the word Scientology that few could understand was chosen to awaken people, when the word ruffled so many feathers is a question that I can only rationalize about. It doesn’t sound religious or spiritual or come with a warm and fuzzy onramp.
The tech is good but requires a leap of faith for most to just hang in there until the lights go on.
If raw public ask questions they are referred to the tech which is probably why they asked the question in the first place. The sups were evasive because they were in fear of using “verbal tech”. Maybe the sups didn’t understand it either.
Uniforms are necessary if for no other reason than to know who and where your people are and what their function is, especially in the fog of war. Drs’, nurses, waiters, teams, bus drivers, etc. also wear them, and it eliminates confusion.
They are designed for practical application, nothing there that doesn’t need to be there. They are also designed to be easy to stow and clean without tangling up the laundry equipment on the ship. (One does not wash his own clothes or fart sack (bedding) on a ship). Your name is stenciled on your stuff to discourage its potential invisibility.
Civilians get edgy when they see uniforms coming their way; it looks like a big mystery sandwich to them. Black swat teams usually mean we gone die.
Orange or black and white stripes mean prisoner.
The various ranks and stripes and badges are worn to show the chain of command to prevent confusion so nobody has to try to figure out who is in charge. They are earned through longevity, training and experience.
On aircraft carriers that have 3500 to 6000 people on them special clothing is worn on the flight decks like jerseys to show who does what.
We always knew, who was who and what was what, we trusted the system.
To, put military uniforms on civilians, fucks them up because they don’t understand the entire tech behind it and why. So they pretend to be military, get serious and go out of valence and PT. Black, white, black and white uniforms or white coveralls restimulate a lot of people below threshold on the time track.
Uniforms mean a third dynamic and reduces the first and probably the second as well.
Sea “Orgers” should wear “civies” on dry land and uniforms limited to operating crews on ships. I had to buy my own uniforms, pay to clean them or pay others to do it .
Liberty: What liberty? You don’t get libs in the S.O. Libs? Yeah, four hours off on Saturday morning to do laundry?
Navy muster: They are done at the beginning of a shift, after lunch and in the evening or end of shift. The reason for muster is to account for all personnel.
On a ship one can fall overboard, get washed off or blown off the flight deck, especially at night. If someone is missing the ship will retrace its path as best it can to try to find that person.
On dry land it is different but they still want you back. You are worth $60,000 and up to train so they want you back to fulfill your contract.
You don’t have to pay a freeloader debt when you leave, they probably figure that you have given enough already.
Schools muster because they are accountable for the chirin, nuf sed.
S.O. Musters? Why? Maybe they don’t trust the staff members or maybe they are in a permanent state of emergency created by Demented Misanthrope his-self. They wouldn’t need to muster if everyone bought their own GPS ankle bracelets.
Civilian Corporations don’t do musters,do they?
Employees aren’t likely to blow if they are getting a predictable paycheck. Hello real world.
“…talking to themselves in the corner about how smart they are and that nobody else “gets it.” ”
LRH set Scientologists up for this predicament.
Just had a thought. With the current marketing/business delusion of the Cof$ being a complete and utter one-way-flow there is absolutely nothing they can say or do that won’t be ridiculed – zero, zip, nada!
Their whole operational basis if you can call it that is based on a delusion within their ranks they are exchanging with mankind because they have the “tech” and are the only ones that have the “tech” and know how to use it, yet their stats tell a complete reversal of their goals.
That lie is their stable datum. Their group intelligence level is such they accept no-auditing as a product. That’s true, no-auditing is a product, it’s the illusion that the public are ‘about to’ flood in as if by magic and then an army of auditors is going to march out of the grey misty sunrise and take up their posts and by the same magic, all the nasty people will bow down before such magnificence and bingo – a Cleared planet!
I must admit I’m a bit envious that such a mind set exists. Wouldn’t it be nice sometimes just to dream a dream and all your troubles and life at large has but a simple solution and your commander’s intention has your best interests at heart.
I’ve met people like that in the military and they go off as happy as clams they know exactly what’s wrong with everything and the enemy are all stupid and we are on the good guy’s side, have really cool weapons yada yadd yada. Scary as hell to be in serious situation with people like that. And captain miscavige’s army are the dramatization of stupid!
I try hard to find something, anything that is good about everything but Dave’s army is as close to absolute as I’ve ever experienced.
Perhaps I’ll feel better about them tomorrow.
All these LA area Scientologists have to do to realize that the Ideal Org. movement is a scam is to tour a number of the ideal orgs–since there are more in the LA area than maybe anywhere else–and observe the foot traffic in and out of the building. If each of three of four Ideal Orgs. has virtually no one on course or in the HGC, then it should be evident that Dear Leader is running a con with the Ideal Orgs and the IAS.. If they cannot figure that out, then they are not in the upper 10% of intelligent human beings.
Here is a breakdown of the original purchase of the “Birmingham Ideal Org.” that suggest shenanigans.
Posting this for keep sakes:
Oh David miscavige. I keep all that shit on my computer in the Netherlands.
Hey Cat Daddy — interesting quote!
To be honest, I’m not 100% certain that is a Willie Benitez quote – it may very well be. Something about it doesn’t quite fit, but it may be me …
I met Willie back in 1973 at Narconon US. He was a very intense but thoughtful person, who had the appearance of having made it out alive from a place where many people did not. Not just physically but spiritually as well. Narconon started around 1966 in AZ State Prison I believe, where Willie was serving time. He took some LRH books, put some things together and people came. It was that simple. It was about responsibility. It was about being able to communicate one’s thoughts, hear them spoken out loud, understand what they meant and how they may have contributed to your own downfall. Narconon started simple, grew more complicated as the church brought it under its wings and eventually devolved into something base and money motivated.
Truth be told though, back in the early 70s Narconon worked. It was simple enough and honest enough, that the lifeline it offered to those in need, held tight and saved quite a few. I saw it. i was part of it.
Just saying …
“Floods of people are going to be driven into our Orgs.”
See, here’s the deal. Advertising is true if the words are all there, even if they are in the wrong place.
“Since we buy big buildings, people are driving to our Orgs to climb on top of them during floods.” is what they meant.
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I wish Scientology would buy the historic bank building next door to our building. Why do I say this?
Well, it’s on the historic register, so it’s overpriced, so no one but Scientology will buy it and it can never be demolished. Scientology, however would jump at the chance to buy it because it’s just that much of a white elephant and it’s huge enough to fit their stupid overblown plans. Then they can spend 10-20 years planning what to do with it, then they can spend the next 40 years not doing anything with it.
They’d make great neighbors because they wouldn’t be there EVER once they bought the building and the parking problem on our street would be alleviated because no one would come around the building.
If they ever decided to renovate it, cost wouldn’t be an issue, which is why the building has never been renovated because Scientology always spends more than is fiscally responsible to renovate any building they buy, so then we would have the problem of all the bricks falling from the building onto our roof and making it leak.
After the building was renovated, we would have the 10 minute opening ceremonies then no one would come around for the rest of eternity. What’s not to like about having Scientology as a neighbor?
Oh yeah, no one in our town would allow a Scientologist to enter the town. Well, gee, that might create a bit of a problem, but they never would have been allowed to purchase the Flag building if they had told the truth about being Scientologists, so I’m sure they can work around that.
What pathetic idiocy. I work in construction and demolition could mean anything in the plans, to be removed, taken out or down. I doubt if they mean the building which would be a lot more expensive than the 25 student hats that they’re sacrificing to the mest gods. I feel incredulous after reading this email, so beyond anger that this sham of fundraising continues, for the amassing of huge wealth for a few people. I watched a report about Russia recently, about how Putin and a small group of billionaires are amassing huge wealth by funneling money away from funds collected for the common good. So the roads and schools are crumbling so a few can live like kings. I thought to myself, this sounds exactly like what Miscavage is doing. Megalomaniacal criminals have been around for a long time, they are insane and WILL meet their karma someday. To those feeding this monster, please, wake the fuck up. Thanks for all the strong, righteous comments today everyone.
+1 🙂
“….floods of people are going to be driven into our Orgs.”
ROFL! That’s just so fucking amusing. 🙂 These violently insane loons don’t believe it for a second, either. 🙂
They’ve been using that exact phrase for at least 10 years. Some of the sheep must be starting to notice that. Baaa.
“They are walking down the path to becoming village idiots, talking to themselves in the corner about how smart they are and that nobody else “gets it.”
Reminds me of something one of the Bunkerites posted recently:
While driving on the freeway a man gets a call from his wife telling him to be careful as she just heard on the radio that on that freeway some guy is driving on the wrong side of the road. The man answers, “You’re kidding, right? ONE guy? There are hundreds of them!”.
What next? Help us supply rice and beans to the Sea Org? Help us with our Narconon legal bills? Help us buy ant and roach poison for the RPF?
“With Golden Age of Tech II, the opening of Scientology Media Productions and all the IAS 3rd and 4th dynamic campaigns, floods of people are going to be driven into our Orgs. And we need an Ideal Org for them to be driven into to have the correct representation of Dianetics & Scientology.”
It’s round up time! Here’s a video of the latest OTC meeting in your neighborhood. (with apologies to the ukulele circus)
I have to hand it to the mastermind of the grand Ideal Org plan, David Miscavige. He came up with a good modus operandi, including set patter of what will be communicated to the parishioners, and how. It doesn’t matter how kooky it sounds, it works!
I wonder how many millions have been put into this scheme so far and then, how many more millions will be made when these properties will be sold off one by one. There’s so much potential when you have other people’s money to spend and never your own.
“With Golden Age of Tech II, the opening of Scientology Media Productions and all the IAS 3rd and 4th dynamic campaigns, floods of people are going to be driven into our Orgs.”
What to say about this section of the email? SMP is just another pipe dream. It’s very difficult to understand how the still-ins can believe this. They really have no idea what the current public opinion of Scientology is, like toxic run-off from a nuclear plant. This really shows they just unthinkingly swallow the kool-aid down. “Gulp. More please”.
Ghost busters meaning solo auditors.
LOL…that’s cute
In answer to Chee-Chalker’s query above, Pitmaston House used to be the HQ of an insurance company:
When the property fell vacant in 2007, local community groups wanted to take it over as a social centre, but Miscavige and his edifice-complex got in there first. As the years have gone by and it’s slowly decayed through neglect, it’s caused quite a bit of resentment in Moseley:
If the building is being demolished because it has been an eyesore and the local government has had enough, then I expect there will be an empty lot in place of the building, and the lot will remain empty for years. If it is being rebuilt, why use the term “demolition”?
The building is NOT going to be demolished. It is a Grade II listed building. It will still be left standing and still look the same and will be maintained to the same standard externally as when it was built. Externally, that is. So long as it looks the same from the outside, they can do what they like to the inside and that is the “demolition” they are talking about. When the insurance company owned it they might have partitioned it up a lot internally and now the cult owns it they will want some of those partitions removed and that might invoved demolishing brick walls. That is the “demolition” work that needs to be done. Nothing to see here – please move on!
When David Miscavige first started shifting the burden of delivery onto the public, (buy us a building so that we can audit you), he bought buildings that looked like banks. He was into bank buildings.
But over the last few years, he buys buildings that look like ( in the U.S.) funeral parlors / mortuaries / cemetery purposed plots. Perfect for ghost busters.
Point taken, the supposed purpose of the church is to deliver services that benefit the parishioners and community.
This has ceased to be the case many years ago; it is an enterprise money making machine with personal purposes involved other than help the community, or any one else for that matter.
Mike, maybe the convoluted communications, together with the sort of hypnotized state some members live in, makes possible for the scam to continue; as long parishioners give money, the leader will sing the song of Ideal whatevers, being these status, orgs, ultra meters, renos, demolitions, and so on.
Machiavellic enterprise that will continue because the members don’t seem to be waking up at all. Macabre universe to live in, the leader and the followers alike.
Not even worth naming it an Ideal Hell, is worse than that.
The hyponotized make excellent marks for this type of insanity. Their ability to THINK having been stripped long ago by carefully crafted “processes” designed by El Con. Perfect set up for a criminal like DM.
Ya’ll know what is going to happen if the Garcia’s win? I bet the IAS “withdraws” from the U.S. in some way to shield further access to those assets.
I stand corrected. A “full demolition” of any Org sounds like a good idea to me.
Save the nice building of course.
“Floods” of people are going to be “driven in” to this org by the CO$’s 3rd and 4th dynamic marketing campaigns. Truly delusional. Its far more likely that floods of people are going to be “enlightened” courtesy of the Gibney documentary which will make its way across the pond, and more likely for floods of Brits to be then clamoring for the Co$ to be run the hell out of England..
Exactly! Right on the money!
Check this out….. “sensitive???”….
And from 2012: ‘The Church revealed that the former Pitmaston building in Moor Green Lane could be up and running as its new regional headquarters within just 12 months, providing educational facilities for the whole community.’
It’s not often that I give Scientology the benefit of the doubt, but, as someone who has done remodeling, I can tell you the beginning step of the process is demolition of interior walls and fixtures. Especially if there’s to be a change in floor plan. The fact that she wrote “demolitions,” plural, leads me to believe they are not demolishing the entire building. And then there’s the whole “restoring important historical buildings” PR aspect of the Ideal Org con.
I also believe they are referring to necessary demolitions as part of the renovations, not tearing the whole building down. It is just stupid that they have reduced their begging to such small increments…only x amount needed for the demolitions. To be followed by what?…X amount needed to install one of the new toilets in the mens room on the ground floor? Get your name on that toilet for only x amount….
Well, they sold doors and door handles somewhere (can’t remember where now….)
I think it was Valley that had the door and doorknob auction. Home of the Rockstar Goddess busy with bingo and bake sales.
They begged for doors (lots of them!) on a Valley Org video promo. Mary Elizabeth Glossup was one of the ladies.
I wonder who will pony up to get their names on the dumpsters?
Raise money for an Ideal building you will never own.
Raise money to tear down that Ideal Building you will never own.
Raise money to build another Ideal Building you will never own.
Raise money to furnish the ideal building you will never own.
Can anyone guess why nobody goes near these ideal places.
Jose people don’t go near them for the same reason that new people stay away from Scn & El Con in general. The truth is known about it all being a scam and a cult.
Never used to be like that
Jose, It’s been like that increasingly as the truth about Scn & El Con has become known. I knew people who researched him before the internet and they ALL felt the same way. That was when DM was a child… The WWW ensured that the TRUTH about he and the cult would spread far and wide.
Why do you think that El Con made it official policy to destroy any critic of himself or his “tech”? IF you can logically parse that you also will realize the scam. If not…
I cannot argue the truth both bad and good.
Any minute now that big foot from Monty Python will come smashing down and the funny circus music will play loudly… Oh sorry, I thought this was a Monty Python Flying Circus sketch, silly me.
Get serious Yawn, these people are saving mankind!
Right you are then, get on with it, says Sarah from the Ministry of Silly Walks!
Wasn’t the old org bought by the local government under a compulsory purchase order ahead of the city’s redevelopment? I’m sure that money went towards the relocation, and wasn’t pocketed by the Church.
I very seriously doubt the Birmingham community is going to let a bunch
of idiots tear down such a beautiful and historical building. If they do then shame
on them. I agree with Mike, in this case demolition probably means redoing some interior
aspects of the building. I would hope that is the case. And Sarah the word demolition is such a
dramatic word….how about the phrase….interior renovations? Or at least being more
specific as to what is going to be demolished. Nah why do that when you are trolling for money….
my bad.
How about “clean up”?
Just doesn’t have the ring of urgency to hand over cash to get it done…
Damn! I knew I was forgetting something re my earlier post! CLEAN UP!
If you donate $10,000 towards ‘clean up,’ your status will be Dumpster Diver Meritorious.
A fool and his money are soon separated.
they do not even bother with the religious speak anymore. It is all “Just buy this”buy that”, move up in status, go dig a hole, worship Tommy Cruise, Adhere to slime balls like G Cardone and his cigar, and some other personal indentured slaves like Gavin Harry Potter or John “please please COB!, burn my files” Travolta. You can tell they have completely given up and now are just peddling through the so called motions. There is no longer an end game in Bedrock, Fred Miscavige. Just a bunch of skinny malnourished, disappointed chronies along with a gaggle of hypnotized disciples standing around town with their thumbs halfway up their ass, faking work, writing up imaginary org numbers, dreaming of sooper powers and a steak dinner, all the while waiting on orders coming down from their dear, deranged, drunk, psychotic turd master.
Gary, that is one of the best overviews I have heard. Good on ya!
To Gary Johnson – I loved that “buy this, buy that” post you wrote. It says SO MUCH with such few words. I completely agree with Newcomer’s reply to you. Someone liked it so much they re-posted it in the Underground Bunker that same day. It got 26 likes!
Another sign that the Scientology is fraying at the edges. They can’t seriously be celebrating a nearly reached target of raising about 2% of the cost of this building project. Note to the 25 active members in the Birmingham area — when 3rd and 4th Dynamic efforts start driving new public into the orgs, they’re going to be driving off a cliff if they’re looking for in Ideal Org in your town.
Another note to the 25 active members…as soon as you donate to the first 2% of this scam you will be identified as a “rube” and you will be hounded, called, visited by gangs of scheming Sea Org guys in the middle of the night who just want to get their stupid stats up…even if it requires breaking you financially for the rest of your life.
Enter this dangerous game at your own risk.
“Donate using the link below…”
Um…where’s the link?
heh, heh… 🙂
I thought people were already flooding into the orgs across the world.
What’s wrong with flooding them into the org you have Sarah? I think I get it….GAG II, New Media
Productions and all of the wonderful IAS campaigns are only designed for new
buildings? If all the new people flooding in don’t see a new building they turn
and run? And Sarah, what happens when you don’t get all these new “starts” after
24 hours? Let me guess….your ass will then be handed to you on a platter. If I were you Sarah,
I would put in an emergency call to Bob Duggan.
If they demolish that beautiful building…well, that’s just sickening. No regard whatsoever for people’s hard-earned money, who I’m sure did not donate with the knowledge that the building would be demolished…this just gives all those donors a loss….something is really, really not right
Hopefully the demolition will be so Ideal that they will end up with only an Ideal pile of rubble for the duration, before the whole of David Miscavige criminal enterprise gets it’s own demolition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This looks like a beautiful historical building that they plan to demolish. I get all the other points and I’m pretty flat on it all, but I hate seeing such a beautiful building destroyed.
Poor girls … you and Mareka live in the real world, and do not perceive the exponentiality of Shermanalandical hyperbolicality (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
They want to rent a vacuum cleaner to get some of the dust out so they don’t leave footprints in the hallways everywhere the one or two remaining building care-takers go. Probably also tired of seeing the mouse-prints in the dust but cannot afford to feed a cat. That, in the world of “47x straight up and vertical,” translates into the opposite pole counterbalancing equivalently wild exaggeration of “full demolition.”
Think “orders of magnitude,” where everything is wildly exaggerated. Here are some examples to help steer you to 20-20 vision.
Up-stat = he’s still breathing
Down-stat = left post to get some sleep
Target Completion !!!!!!!!! = maybe next decade, if ever
Total demolition = sweep the floors
Create the new = get one new public (a year)
Destroy the old = wash dishes
OT = can order pizza and actually pay for it himself
SP = had a puzzled, questioning look for a second
Wife = I know where she is if I need her.
Order = SCOHWB
Dear lord!! That building is gorgeous. I believe the arcitecture is Edwardian. Why would they destroy it?
When we originally purchased it (put down enough money for the bridging loan) it was lauded as the perfect Ideal Org building. It was Int Landlord approved. Even the circular and crescent windows were perfect to fit in with Birmingham City Council motto “forward” and thus fit perfectly with the ethnics of Birmingham City. Or so we were told. And now they are going to demolish the building? They are insane.
And poor, poor Sarah…
Straight from the Durban Org playbook 🙂
Come to think of it…”No Org” actual is “Ideal Org”
Off topic but I really want to share a successful leaving Scientology action. I remember from many years ago!!! They kept calling my dad to bring us back into the fold after my dad said no thanks to a recriminatory Sec Check at his expense, good on him. So what I did was I setup our phone(Vonage and other voip services can do this) to do selective call forwarding to forward their calls to other orgs. The confusion this must have caused… As a matter of fact they might still be calling themselves for all I know. If people are interested, I would love to setup a VOIP service that causes church associated numbers to be forwarded to a random org. UTRs, you know you want to do this.
Bahahahaha!! This is hilarious. What a great idea from83. 🙂
LOL! +1
I just check’d nearly all phone providers have this available on their website. VOIP, landline, cable, mobile etc. If you need help tell me your phone provider…
What a great idea 83. I love it. I can’t do the caper, but I have about 10 to 15 Scn numbers that I could give you to add to the list of numbers that get forwarded. I used to save every org number that called me and I would label it “Scn” so that if they ever called again, the word “Scn” would show in my caller ID so I’d know not to answer it. So those numbers can now go to whoever is doing this caper. Just let me know where to email them or what number to call (that will get through! lol)
Wow, 83! You not only da number, but, YOU DA MAN, too! Outstanding post. Way to mess with what’s left of their minds…
Fabulous idea!!
I would like to work out in Clay “Bubbledweller to Bubbledweller” the cognitive dissonance of insane and criminal “How to Get Rich Buying Real Estate in the Name of Spiritual Freedom – Using Other People’s Money All Under the Religious Cloak” by David Miscavige.
Another Clay Demo on ~
How the Bubbledweller’s Regg other Bubbledweller’s to the point of bankruptcy and foreclosure in the name of Idle Morgue Fraud-raising Fundraiser’s all while the leader purchases $5,000 John Lobb shoes, has a chef prepare 10 meals per day.
To really wrap my mind around the criminality of it all and how David Miscavige hides it behind the First Amendment of Religious Cloaking….
While Sea Org Slaves go without paychecks, insurance, retirement accounts, family, clothing, health care, achieving personal goals and receiving normal love and care all WHILST David Miscavige uses the IAS savings account (in the billions) like his personal check book and how the scum bag attorney’s justify their crimes against humanity.
Well said.
I wish someone could get through to these bloody people that this basic activity – having a cart before the horse – is UTTERLY UTTERLY MENTAL. It makes me annoyed to think the very basics of common sense aren’t being applied.
McDonalds didn’t start out by opening a thousand huge restaurants and then work on their publicity from scratch. Demand fed expansion. Expansion did NOT feed demand.
Why don’t these people understand this?! Jeezus!
Why do none of these damn whales, who must be in some kind of business, not see the craziness? How can they not compare, and say “hang on!”
If the product they were selling was worth anything (oh…shame….) and demand increased, then those new people would be more than happy to suffer a few dodgy buildings for a few years, and it would be a LOT easier to raise the money. It’s like having a polished showroom in Kensington and selling dog faeces.
What a huge waste of money. It could do some REAL good in the world. That twat Duggan could have helped homeless people, helped victims of crime, opened shelters for domestic abuse victims, etc. Instead he paid $50 million dollars to be bent over and fucked. What a twat.
“McDonalds didn’t start out by opening a thousand huge restaurants and then work on their publicity from scratch. Demand fed expansion. Expansion did NOT feed demand.”
Correct!…..however when you know it all you’re free to by-pass simple facts like you have presented.
Dave’s a big being and at any point he knows he can just start glowing his heart light ( Like ET ) and the Orgs will fill to the rafters.
Heart? He has a heart? What do you know that we don’t? 🙂
I see nothing wrong in demolitioing an Org.
Poor Miscavige has lost so many brain cells from his scotch binges he must have recourse to industrial strength high potency Kool Aid.
This is one of the stupidest emails I have ever seen. What a loony bunch of whack-jobs.
Thx for this, Mike. Can’t stop giggling.
The “looney bunch of whack jobs” seem to be all that’s left.
Man, you said it. More batshit crazy from a faithful lemming.
The main Birmingham Ideal Org building is Grade II listed, so they cannot be demolishing that, it must be one of the other surrounding buildings.
I am not sure what they are talking about with demolitions though. The Birmingham City Council planning website has a newer application proposal (reference number 2014/07765/PA), which I quote the headline of here:
“Listed Building Consent for various internal and external works to include removal of existing internal walls/doors to create new rooms, replacement of part of roof, new basement floor, installation of two ventilation dormers, repairs to brickwork, pipework, doors, replacement of doors and rooflights and installation of secondary glazing to windows adjacent to residential properties.”
On the same grounds as the main Pitmaston Building they have erected some homes and apartments (as detailed in this brochure )
Last time I checked the homes and appartments were not selling very well, perhaps something to do with being within spitting distance of an Idle Morgue.
Sonya — to make clear the scientology jargon being employed here. As with everything else in this insane “ideal orgs” boondoggle, this is another step that has been created to go along with “building located,” “Building approved,” “funds raised for deposit,” “funds raised for purchase,” “funds raised for planning to be done,” etc etc.
It’s just another gimmick.
“Demolition” in this sense is “removal of unnecessary fixtures, furniture and garbage.
It’s a TINY step in the overall scheme of things — but it is what they think they MIGHT be able to accomplish.
Money equivalent to 25 student hats, in the world of ideal org expanses, gets you absolutely sweet f**k all. And note, if they SOLD 25 Student Hats it would give them NO money for their “ideal org demolition” but would fill up their org fuller than it has been in a decade — but you note where their priorities are. Why they aren’t saying “25 people could be on the Student Hat for the same price as sweeping out the new idle morgue, screw it, let’s get 25 people on course instead….
This is the confusing bit is:
“This is the first stage on the runway to full demolition and construction.”
She makes reference to “demolition” and “full demolition.” For most, “full demolition” would sound like complete, total demolition of the building = no building.
I know. And I am sort of sorry that I have created confusion by simply relaying her idiocy. SHe says what she says. And that’s why it’s worthy of some fun. But this is scientology-speak. “Demolition” is probably limited to removal of fixtures, old carpet, furniture etc etc. “Full demolition” is removal of any walls, floor, plumbing etc that are allowed as if this is a listed building there is a lot they cannot do.
This is so ridiculous, if they were building a building from the ground up this would be like pulling out exclamation marks to rejoice in the fact that have laid out the studs for the south facing wall and have them “ready to go” (nothing for the other walls and no nails or nail guns and no contractors, but the studs are there).
A little OT….does anyone know what this building was before it was turned into an Ideal Morgue? Just curious – it is a beautiful building and, since it will ultimately be sold off to fill the coffers of Miscavige’s ‘Flee Prosecution’ piggybank, maybe the building can be turned into something useful, like a hotel.
COB lost interest in selling and delivering scientology. Now he sells the “idea or concept of doing scientology”. After a few years in a completed Ideal Org the church will sell the idea or concept of expansion by raising funds for a “N/E Formula” campaign. I forget how that whole N/E campaign went but I saw it somewhere. These days scientology is just a reason to get people to turn over cash.
I think the conduct of a sociopath is to create a problem or destroy something covertly and then step forward overtly as the visible hero “solving” it and just do that over and over.
“Destroying something old to create something new!”
That pretty well describes the last 30+ years of dm’s management of Scientology.
“Destroying something old to create something new.”
I wonder if that is one of the lines in the OT II pack? That stuff was paired up with a counter statement, so for her quote to be complete she needs to state:
Destroying something old to create something new
Destroying something new to create something old
That would indeed be damming. To find that they are running confidential upper materials on their public to command compliance. Brainwashing anyone?
Yep, just another day in the park!
But this is so astounding to me that I had to go back to my recent understanding with this church: “If its lips are moving it’s a lie.” But this one is a loo loo because my guess is not only were parishioners told the lie (and this isn’t the original lie) of THIS is it! The building we need! Then they ponied up for it. Now they are told this one: to pony up to tear it down. These parishioners have amnesia I guess.
It boils down to this: If the church (David Miscavige) has your family, income, friends, or your eternity in the palm if its (his) hand, then you as the parishioner have amnesia. The cure for this lifetime amnesia is to jettison the church (David Miscavige). You are being had and it ain’t over. The lies will keep coming.
I will sit back and try to keep my jaw-dropping jaw from becoming unhinged.
So, they’re going to tear down what appears to be a perfectly good building in order to build an “Ideal” one. Isn’t this what happened in Durban, South Africa? And now they’re trying to sell the empty lot, according to the South African blog? I feel like history is going to repeat itself here. Demolitions are going to be paid for, but construction isn’t, and will never be. Hence, another Ideal Vacant Lot.
And the cost of doing this? Only 25 Student Hats or Purifs. Isn’t that about $125000? That’s about GBP81000. That’s a lot to spend on demolishing a building. How about putting it to your customers this way, Sarah: “For the cost of a fully-loaded Mercedes S Class, you can tear down this un-Ideal eyesore!”? And whatever they end up building, the S Class will look better and be far more tasteful.
Of course, if you were a real Scientologist, Sarah, you could put aside that money and purchase 25 Student Hats or Purifs for people just starting on the Bridge…oh, wait, that fund will last for eternity, since you’re never going to get 25 pieces of fresh meat in the door ever again. No one is ever coming in, ever, Sarah, certainly not floods of people. And you should really watch what verbs you use to describe said non-existent event. “Driven” is normally reserved for things like cattle. I’ve worked in enough slaughterhouses to know what happens to them next.
Thank you Espi, you answered my question before I asked it. I am certainly no building inspector or construction expert but that building looks like it’s in decent shape to me. Ugh. Is there just nothing historic and beautiful that these twats won’t tear down for one of their empty eyesores?
In the world of Scientology, NOLA, MEST is MEST, and a Grade II-listed building is the equivalent of a tree. We all know how they treat trees when their purpose (namely, living) runs counter to Scientology’s wishes.
This is a beautiful little gem of a building. I want to hug it. It doesn’t deserve what’s going to happen to it, even if it’s not a total tear-down. To have your insides turned into one of Scientology’s shrines to the god of tacky…I wonder, can buildings can wish for death to come?
Espi, I feel sorry for the building too. I guess by demolition they really mean “gut and refurbish”, but if what I’ve seen at the St Hill castle is anything to go by, it will be a cheap painted dry wall job. Perhaps the building will get lucky and they will never get the money to inflict scientology “aesthetics” on it.
You are right; I don’t understand this at all. But I am imagining that the property was bought after an inspection of the whole area, and all the largest edifices were looked over and this one was chosen as it seemed big enough and then a few dozen submissions and resubmissions were made and finally all the people on the approval line finally said “Buy”.
Then what happened? Someone took a new look at it on Scientology lines or on city/county lines and told them that it couldn’t be done or shouldn’t? Historical Building requirements too tight?
I am guessing that a huge part of the decision making had to have been the appearance and size and value of the buildings. And I am also imagining that any vacant land in that area is selling for less than land with buildings and infrastructure. Were these buildings here known to be derelict and was it known they would not be capable of being renovated when the land was purchased?
Valid questions Dan and points to the bowl-of-spaghetti like decision making process that all ideal Org purchases go through.
Reminds me of a time — (here comes a story)
Back in 1979, San Francisco, “management” (a collection of inexperienced personnel, gathered together, to discuss high-level business practices while possessing absolutely zero expertise on the subject ) decided that the Mason Street building where SF Org had been located for years – just wasn’t good enough. Bright idea – move it to the “tenderloin” area of SF, where it would be quietly nestled among the street missions, abandoned buildings and urine-stained public fountains, where only transients, Haight Ashbury burn-outs and other poor souls congregated, while trying desperately to catch the next train back to Reality.
Management ended up zeroing in on a 75 year old building, built right after the dust settled, post 1906 earthquake. The plumbing didn’t work. The electrical was ‘shocking,’ and the elevator, though quaint, was new when Fatty Arbuckle was still in diapers.
Keep in mind that the Mason Street building was right off of Geary Street (theater district) where thousands of people walked within 100 feet of the door every hour. It was a hub. It was centrally located. It worked. Which is why management chose to change it.
I communicated up-lines that this was not the place to move to. That it was off the key traffic areas and in a still dangerous neighborhood. I guess when management compared the McAllister property with a) a burned -out building, b) a third building south of Market next to 24 hour liquor stores and c) a fourth property that I believe was so ill-suited for our purposes (like converting a 100 sq. foot kiosk into a Macys) that even the ‘brass’ at Flag Management were hesitant to pull the trigger, I guess McAllister seemed ideal in comparison. Amazing what gets counted as IDEAL when compared to other items that are so incorrectly included as to render the whole exercise pointless.
Forty years later, forty years of potential learning, seems to have done little to prepare anyone to do a better job. Shame on you guys. Penance – two lifetimes as a sea urchin stuck to the bowels of the HMS Titanic. Start.
I feel so sad for the building that sits there. It looks really lovely. Could well be made into an Idle morgue.
‘cuse me? This is England, not America (where strip malls last maybe 30 years at best). Buildings like that are made to last hundreds of years. Such demolitions of buildings in that shape virtually never happen here. Near ruins of historical buildings are routinely restored. No wait–I get it. They’re making an ideal parking lot like they did in South Africa…so they can put the org in an ideal English strip mall. Now it all makes sense.
It’s such a beautiful old building. That was my question…how could they just be allowed to destroy it? Rather than renovate it. What do they intend to “build” (over the next 20 years?).
Like the movie Tom Hanks was in, Money Pit, that’s what they’re doing with this magnificent building.
!. Start the process of collecting massive amounts of money to purchase a suitable building as an Ideal Org (many years)
2 Start collecting massive amounts of money to renovate it (many years)
3. Start the process of collecting massive amounts of money to destroy the building you originally bought..
4. Start the process of collecting massive amounts of money for the planning stage of a brand new Ideal Org (many years)
5. Start collecting massive amounts of money to build the brand new Ideal Org (many years).
6. Start collecting massive amounts of money to renovate the brand new building you just finally paid for (many years).
7. Start to renovate the brand new building (many years).
8. Repeat as needed.
This plan should bring in massive amounts of money for the cult and Dear Leader.
I’m pretty sure “demolitions” just refers to the first phase of remodeling where you remove indoor walls, fixtures, etc that will not be used. Even “full demolition” probably refers to the whole cycle, not tearing down the building.
“What do they intend to “build” (over the next 20 years?).” I’m glad you asked that. The answer is simple, based on many previous examples. They will go through the entire fund raising thing several more times (plans, changes of plans by Tiny Davey, construction, alterations to construction, more plans for furnishings, furnishing, changes to furnishing by Tiny Davey, final approval, cost of extraganza opening by Tiny Davey), staffing, opening day, the hatred of the building by the locals who can’t stand such modernistic buildings so unfitted for their location, ignoring by the public and, after many more years, the sale (at a great loss) by Tiny Davey, all funds to be retained by Tiny Davey. Any further questions?
They’re not going to demolish the building. They call it “demolition” when tear down interior walls and clean out all the stuff they don’t want. They’ll restore the outside so they can continue to brag about preserving historic structures.