Here is further proof of the total fail that is the ideal org program.
This is one of the very first ideal orgs. 2004 if I recall correctly.
The premises were procured at enormous expense and the old London Org, which had been at Tottenham Court Rd forever, was converted into a “Test Center” and Div 6 feeder for the main org that was moved to a deserted street right near St Paul’s cathedral.
The “CC London” was closed down and combined with this magnificent new org that was the answer to clearing not just London, but entirety of England, in fact the whole of the United Kingdom.
And now, a Special Correspondent sent me the latest announcement from the OT VIII Super Power completion chief fundraiser of the London Ideal (but not SH size) Org. Obviously they are quite chuffed (as they say in England) about this amazing accomplishment:
Well, our Special Correspondent also did some math concerning this smashing highest ever accomplishment. And it really makes the point.
Let’s say they will continue at this highest ever range and let’s say they get it up to 2 Clears per week.
Current London population is around 8.75 million. Let’s call it 8.
It would take 4 million weeks to clear London at that rate. That is just 76,923 years as long as the London population does not increase.
Well it’s well within the scope of a single SO contract.
For the 20 million pounds they spent on creating this “ideal org” to “clear London” they could have paid 1,000,000 people 10 pounds each to attend a Dianetics seminar and given them all 3 Dianetics books and the DVDs for the balance of the 20. They might have gotten 1% to then move onto paid auditing. (Of course, scientology would claim that is a preposterous number as the tech works all the time, only 2 1/2% won’t respond to standard tech). If just 10% of those made it to clear (again, scientology would object loudly – everyone except SPs would achieve spectacular gains and move on through to Clear), they would have 1000 clears. They have not made 100 clears in that time.
But, when the objective is real estate investments and a program to provide a continuing stream of donations, I guess making clears is pretty much irrelevant.
“But, when the objective is real estate investments and a program to provide a continuing stream of donations, I guess making Clears is pretty much irrelevant.”
I used to work near the Tottenham Court Rd org/morgue, and it’s thanks to them that I learned to stay well clear of Scientology. They chased my brother and i down the street after he filled in one of their personality tests, to pass time as he was waiting for me to finish work! Luckily i was thin and fit enough to run in those days!
Adding that lots of struggle is led by anons in London, the stats of anons are much better than those of the “ideal org”!
Many anons are coming to London sometimes (and to Ireland, and to Scotland) from UK, Irland, Scotland, germany, France, Belgium, Switzeland, etc etc. ?one of them paid by anyone to combat the cult!
Now I see what they did with all the money I spent on LRH books (fiction). I probably have paid for a quarter of the windows in that Org. }:(
When are they going to get Prince William in to take an OCA?
Scientology’s legacy and group accomplishment – failure!
Besides control which Mike said is a major reason dm doesn’t give up and retire, i think it’s also the power and the prestige of being cob of scn. I think he’s trying to become a ‘well thought of leader ‘ in the world. he’s such a narcisist he wants as many people under him as possible. Again the control factor.
He’s just a regular jerk who got lucky when a whole bunch of us took him seriously
DMs only place of refuge and sanctuary is the Cof$, it’s money, concrete bunkers & security. Him retire to what? That would be like Himmler asking for a holiday visa to Israel.
Imagine the international game of locating him if the took the $ and ran. There is no place on earth he would would feel safe except in the Cof$ and that is rotting around him. I hope I have to the chance of visiting his grave one day after drinking a couple of six packs.
And take a diuretic, too.
I’m curious. Two clears in ten days. How many days since the last two?
Reminds me of 600 per week being body routed into LA org.
Excuse me, but, it was 700 new public flooding into that org every week.
Yes, flooding in, which is why they closed the Test Center and disconnected its phone.
To be fair, if half of London were clear, one would expect more than two clears being made per week. That being the case if you doubled those two clears exponentially per week (the base 2 logarithm of 8000000), it would take about 22 weeks! So get those ethics IN Scientology!
I have never given any money for an IDEAL ORG. anywhere.
The current trend will leave only two buildings left to Scientology
Saint Hill Manor and Super Power building in Clearwater.
These will be oddities operated as museums where admission is charged
for public to see what is left of L. Ron Hubbards experiment.
Just my opinion.
They got a stack of my cash but never for an Ideal anything too. All they get now is my finger.
My Home Org after I moved on shoveled false KR’s on me up lines by the ton
to get money as Blackmail ,nothing else like Ideal orgs.
Finally Carrie Alkins threatened me with for every dollar I spent on Bridge money I had to pay CCHR that same amount or Carrie would make sure I didn’t move on the Bridge no matter what.. My next step was going to cost me over one million dollars plus blood money and all. I refused to pay Alkins anything and she dropped dead in one month.
Same with Gretchen Swartz who 3 erd partied me, dropped dead face first on post,
I was not giving money to finance lies was fatal to them.
Nobody pushed me for IAS Status money or Ideal orgs because I was such a notorious SP ( based on money the church thought I owed them for nothing in return.)
You have quite the touch there Jose. Would you mind taking my calls for awhile?
Gee, Jose, I’m gonna be sure to stay on your good side 🙂
I’ve often thought the same thing. I figured they might keep CC Int too.
The CofS manages its finances much like most countries in that it has sufficient funds to do wonderful works for their citizens, but wastes the funds on idiotic gestures that result in no product or destruction of products. If the CofS were to take its billions and invest them in its members’ dreams, then maybe it could regain some of the ground it has lost over the last 40 odd years.
“But, when the objective is real estate investments and a program to provide a continuing stream of donations, I guess making clears is pretty much irrelevant.” Spot on, Mike.
Cindy, before reading any of the comments, I posted the same thing! We’ve done it again, gal 🙂
Good point. I always wondered and found it disgusting how countries could come up with countless billions to host something like the Olympics or Commonwealth games and other major events etc while have starving citizens, bad water and highly reserved or non existent medical services. Or countries having incredibly expensive military hardware yet don’t have the basic educational systems/infrastructure in place to produce competent enough personal to use it.
I noticed the other day reports on the Australian Govt replacing its submarine fleet and increasing its number from 4 to 12. They haven’t got the trained crew to sail the ones they’re got. Seems like US or British sailors will be working for the not the hoppy kangaroos. The sort of training it requires to operate modern electronics is poached all too regularly by industry as soon as the personnel roll off the educational production line.
Geezers, then Scientology comes along!
Each time His Royal Midget utters the words EPIC or MONUMENTAL you may reach covertly inside your jacket pocket, remove the new Ideal Liquor Flask available at all $cientology bookstores and take a swig.
Please note: All flasks not approved by RTC are ineligible and will lead to immediate Ethics handlings.
Pick up your Ideal Liquor Flasks at your bookstore now for the low, low price of $189.95. Limited time offer.
That is all.
What about the contents?
Filled with a standard spirit or blended?
I image an OT spirit, free of entities will come at much a higher price than what those not yet Clear will be allow to consume, ie a cloudy mixture of poor graded mash.
Need to be objective about this, as most of the better things in life evaporate rather quickly.
Cal Mag only!
@harvey, this will work with the following caveat: Each flask comes prefilled with one shot of your favorite liquor specially pre-screened by COB. Additional shots available at only $1,000 per shot. Only suppressive persons would consider buying unofficially sanctioned shots.
Two scientologists lost their own reactive minds within ten days of each other! Susan Chalmers, OTVIII, Super Power, Liar, Director of Registration, is making the most out of the coincidence of two infrequent events by calling for a celebration of record-breaking expansion. What we don’t know is how many people attained the state of Kleer in the ten days prior to that and how many attained it in the following ten days. We simply have to take Ms. Chalmers’ suggestion that it’s a trend.
However, the special correspondent reveals through simple mathematics a less celebratory reality. Even if this thrilling rate of two Kleerz per ten days is a trend, it will be inadequate to free London-proper mankind within the time frame of this particular millennium. To those who were hoping to see evidence of a cleared London within their lifetime I offer my condolences.
Good morning Dave,
As Mike has pointed out the real estate scam is becoming somewhat transparent and might lead the authorities to some unwanted conclusions regarding your business empire in the guise of religion.
For this reason I have invented The Ideal Mannequin Company. For a very reasonable price I can supply you with ideal mannequins to place in appropriate areas of your facilities. No longer will “window blind tech” be necessary to hide the fact that your orgs are totally empty.
As well we have supplied each mannequin with “Scino Tech Lingo” TM technology. The capacity to express the following verbally or any speech of your choosing with the touch of a remote transmitter:
“Just Follow Command Intention”
“Report to Ethics immediately”
“Scientology can help you with that”
“Not OK”
“Yes, Cambridge University created this personality profile”
Please log into TheIdealMannequinCompany dot com for further details.
Harvey you are funny. I love your jokes I could laugh all day.
Hey Gary! If you talk to Dean, tell him hi for me.
Harvey, you’re cracking me up! That IS the solution to empty orgs. Mannequin heads in every window!
I really don’t understand the real estate investment scam that DM is running. Some locations show some consideration of an actual future value growth, while others seem destined to crumble and fall down. The recent Boston purchase is an example of what I take for future value growth, while the Philadelphia location seems destined to crumble and be knocked down. What’s up with that??
Rhyme and reason don’t seem to go together in DM’s world. Whether it is used as a ‘test center’ or ‘cleb center’ or mOrg, some locations show some potential of value growth. Some show nothing but a money pit. The Toronto mOrg looks like a money pit to me.
Perplexed bovine remains perplexed.
Don’t worry about it. It’s a homo novis thing. You wouldn’t understand.
Zemoo, one could answer this question, one supposes, but the answer is just too sublime for one’s earthy comprehension. One must not burden one’s mind with such questions. It is only necessary that one pay for them. That is all. The time is now.
The clever part of the Scientology Miscavige scam is that local parishioners are supposed to buy and renovate properties which are then GIFTED to the Church of Scientology. Afterwards the locals RENT the building from the CoS. So it’s free money. And a free building.
At least, this is how I understand it.
Yes, Miscavige’s Ideal Org scam is quite clever. One might even call it brilliant. But then, Bernie Madoff was considered brilliant too, for a number of years. With apologies to canines everywhere, there is an expression: “Every dog has its day”. Miscavige is having his day. Like all criminals, his time will come.
This “Ideal Org” scam has played on my mind for some time.
Miscavige may be a jumped up little dictator and a nasty piece of work, but with the money and power he’s got he ain’t stupid.
Scamology may still be falsifying their stats and pretending to their flock that they are doubling this, 4X ing that and having “unprecedented expansion” with something else. All, of course, utter bollocks.
However, Miscavige will know, (and he’s probably the only one who does), what the REAL income is on a worldwide basis. This, as we all know, is almost certainly taking a dive, and has been for some years. The number of people who can contribute sizeable chunks of money are dwindling. Most simply DO NOT have any more to give!
Now, Scamology is still a very wealthy organisation, but it’s worldwide income must now be a fraction of what it used to be.
Here’s my conspiracy theory:
Miscavige decides on one last money making venture. Get the long suffering public to buy their orgs properties (real estate) which then end up being church owned. A total scam but people have been falling for it………
What’s the church then going to do with all this property?
Maybe sell it and make millions out of it all? Lets face it, even a run down property is still worth a lot, even if it’s just for the land that it occupies.
What then happens to all these millions? Into Miscaviges back pocket and off he goes to some remote place?
Hubbard managed it. Many high ranking Nazi officers managed it after the Second World War. What’s to stop Miscavige from doing it?
For me, probably the most interesting and intriguing work LRH did as to what it would mean in my own life was the sections in 8-8008 which dealt with the creation of your own reality/universe as apart from others. This is a very big subject to ponder and/or discuss, especially the line between one’s own universe and delusion or out ARC with others.
But after I left Scientology and attended a fundamentalist Christian church for two years and just LOOKED at groups throughout many countries I visited, I started to really look at how groups agree to shared universes in order to STAY in a particular group and survive at all (and what happens when individuals DON’T want to agree to a particular universe in a group).
And so. THIS is what we have now in Scientology. This is the universe members agree to and the reality that they do not allow themselves to diverge from. PLANETARY CLEARING HAS STARTED!!!!! THIS IS THE GREATEST PERIOD IN THE HISTORY OF SCIENTOLOGY!!!! THE IDEAL ORGS ARE BOOMING!!!!! WE HAVE MADE TWO CLEARS!!!!! TWO PEOPLE FINISHED THEIR FOURTH RUN THROUGH THE BARRIERS TO STUDY!!!!!!!!! etc etc etc
Well, every fundamentalist group acts in a similar way. But ONE result of such fundamentalist thinking is that it will no longer be open to any people who have even a slightly different viewpoint of life. You will find this throughout the world in different religious groups or cults. Scientology was obviously more open to many many more people in the early 70s, as loony as it could be back then too. Butat present it is open to a VERY small slice of humanity at this point … a teeny tiny slice so thin it is almost invisible. So now you have the miniscule number of folks who go to the orgs, and the geezers working on CF and donating all their money. And Scientologists all agree or pretend to agree how wonderful it all is. Thus is the current Scientology universe. Sounds like tons of epic fun! ….. doesn’t it?
It REALLY does! Just one question….can I give them all my money or do I have to keep a little for myself?
Interesting, Joe P. That “universe” the still ins have decided to share are the delusions that the planet is being cleared, that Scientology is expanding. These are most certainly delusions for which there is no evidence whatsoever unless one calls what one is told at Int Events “evidence”, which they apparently do. Their orgs are empty, their stats are in the toilet, yet they are told that Scientology is expanding “like never before” and that planetary clearing is proceeding at an “unprecedented” rate. They agree to believe this and never question it. That’s how they stay together as a group. Whew! Scary stuff, when looked at in this light. Thanks for your post.
Well if you had cleared the Politburo then you would practically clear the old Soviet Union but Los Angeles?
The ONLY thing in Scamology that is , EPIC, Straight Up, (and other Sheman speak) is the F-A-I-L !
True, that.
Given Sherman’s penchant to use exotic words to describe Miscavige and his accomplishments, my suggestion is to use this one: eleemosynary!
How about douch bag?
Don’t you think that’s just a little too charitable?
(big sigh). You’re right…I just don’t know what got into me….
i honestly don’t understand why DM keeps this up. he knows it’s a charade; he has enough money squirreled away to live out the rest of his life in luxury on a string of exotic islands; he wouldn’t be anymore isolated than he already is, and he might actually be happy – what is the point of all of this?
Yes he does it for control, and also for admiration. He loves to inflow cheering crowds at these ribbon yankings.
Chris, allow me to quote Mel Brooks from his movie The History of the World Part1. He was Louis the something of France grinding his head into some beautiful woman’s bosom and as he put it … “It’s good to be the king!”
All the riches made by deception could never be the basis for happiness. Happiness is not based on the accumulation of matter, power, money and fame.
His prison is made of gold. His prison is fashioned by all the pain of broken families.
His expensive suites and shoes, food and cars, are his prison.
His expensive hair cuts and millions of dollars at his disposal are powerless against the onslaught of his karmic debt.
In the final analysis, he will come face to face with that debt. This law is like gravity. It’s impersonal and will defeat any jumpers that have the delusional mindset of spiritual power.
He will die in seclusion, fighting the shadows of his own making. As a madman; sound familiar?
In Buddhism, DM would be categorized as a “Hungry Ghost’.
Thank you Jim. I’m having a love affair with semi colons. I may need semi colon anonymous. Thanks for pointing it out.
Sorry Jim, that was meant for Harvey.
One day at a time Brian…don’t worry about it; life is in you today; and you make your tomorrows.
I’m a starving mutan…
Well said and written except for that improper semi-colon in the last sentence.
Those semi-colons really know how to wreck havoc….
Thank you Harvey. I’m having a love affair with semi colons. I may need semi colon anonymous. Thanks for pointing it out.
His prison is his mind.
That’s where it all boils down to isn’t it Windhorse.
Hey! Mind your own prison!
Brian, if you’ll forgive the Scientologese, you’re just in way too high a tone level to understand Miscavige with this money not buying happiness stuff. To get a concept of what floats Miscavige’s boat, I recommend watching the Tone Scale film. A picture is worth a thousand words. Along with other tone levels below “Body Death” there is a tone depicted (I forget the name of it) of a man holding a long, heavy, linked chain, made of iron or something, and he’s baring his teeth and sort of wordlessly snarling and grimacing and he’s winding this chain around his arm and knotting it and so forth…watch that. This is Miscavige, MENTALLY.
Hi Chris. My old sergeant use say, “got to have hobby,” as a response to anything disgusting, immoral and outright criminal. There’s a lot more to life than just common sense!
>The “CC London” was closed down and combine with…”
Who ordered this?? One guess!
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
7 APRIL 1969
It is an act of Treason to reduce, combine or close an org.
Same as LA Foundation and ASHO Foundation. They no longer exist.
No SHSBC. No KTL and several other major courses.
Miscavige would declare Hubbard if he was around (not that he doesn’t deserve the goldenrod).
Sacrebleu!, fortunately for DM, El Con made it so that Int Management can also make/change/cancel HCO PLs. So DM can cancel or rewrite whatever he wants. Only HCOBs are El Con’s alone.
Wow, I didn’t know that. Well that explains a lot, then.
That is right, for Miscavige is irrelevant if there is one clear a month or one a week, or none for months.
If the Orgs expand is not his concern really. As long as the buildings are there and he can reopen them every 3-4 years as a new Ideal Org, that is OK. This provides him with enough footage for the videos he presents at events.
Keeping the false idea of expansion alive makes it easier to continue to raise funds for renovations, ideal orgs, IAS, planetary dissemination, church services, etc so Miscavige ‘feels powerful’ just because he stole again more millions from others.
Unprecedented, epic insanity.
Yes agreed. If not insane then certainly ambitious. Think about it. David Miscavige is..”out creating” L Ron Hubbard. Megalomania, narcissistic and sociopathic. Canceling the BC, closing Orgs, violating Hubbards policy left and right, pouring the coal on the purpose to piss off more people that Hubbard could ever dream of doing. Yes Dave, we see you. BIG ACK.
And a damn fine job he’s doing too. Ruined more people’s live per unit of deceit than most could comprehend for a long, long time. Cats out the bag now with a big MEOW!
They are using up their money reserves and Goodwill reserves at an astonishing rate trying to keep up appearances so the donations in exchange for nothing (IAS) keep pouring iin. The London org is an eye sore for these donation efforts. Empty buildings are very hard to disguise if you visit them so they send people to Flag, which is also looking like a ghost town…
It’s the beginning of the end..
I like the sound of that. How about Super Forensic Accountant to speed things along?
Curiouser and Curiouser……which would be a better day to drive to Clearwater to check out all the “epic activity?” Saturday or Sunday?
It’s easier to get over the Causeway….without all the traffic….the roads are…..shall we say……CLEAR.
Unless the 12,000 cult members, living in Clearwater, decide to show up…
Not to worry. ALL of them KNOW how to mock up a parking space.
I was mocking up parking spaces when I turned 16…..
Despite being (supposedly) 12,000 Scientologists, they sure know how to not make an impingement on the physical universe. Flunk!
Next will probably be paper mache bodies in the shop. You know like that fort in the French Foreign Legion days that manned the ramparts with the bodies of the fallen to deceive the enemy with false numbers.
What can I say. This says it all. Again.
Having said that…
Talked to a “friend” that has disconnected (It was a HS reunion.) and she said that she and her husband (a boyhood friend that has also disconnected) do not see what we (SPs) see. That the church IS expanding.
So I guess expansion is in the eye of the beholder.
Expansion is in the eye of Kool-Aid drinkers….
If a scientologist says they see the church expanding there isn’t any reason to think that is one isolated instance in which they aren’t lying.
Like those “eye floaters” you can’t do anything about. Only you can see them.
McCarran, they don’t “see” anything. They just believe or pretend to believe what they’re told at Int Events. Its so much simpler for them that way.
Yeap, looks to me like the objective is real estate investments that are described as “churches” or places of worship so that there’s a place to stash all the ill-gotten money.
I wouldn’t say it’s a deserted street, at least not in terms of footfall. But the only other buildings on the street are all office buildings so not a huge amount of ‘public’ passing by. You can see my old office building in the image at the top of the post and I would often walk by the org building to see what was going on. NOTHING! I don’t ever remember seeing anyone!
As I understand it, all staff hide in the basement and play cards…
They don’t have the numbers or intelligence to play ‘Bridge’ though! Solitaire only and that’s after a minimum of a 2 1/2 year signed up for internship. The others bide their time with false dreams.
Their favorite is Go Fish…
When Miscavige’s there it’s ‘slappy snap,’ and I heard he’s really good, lots of practice so it seems.
Funny enough, when I brought up the numbers required to clear Los Angeles to a CMO Int missionaire (Jenny Devoight), she said we only have to Clear 5% of LA to actually “clear Los Angeles”.
I never understood that logic, but there you go.
It’s the tipping point of course. Once you get 5% of the population Clear, the theta from that 5% will be so overwhelming that the rest will just naturally fall in line. I don’t see what’s so hard to understand about that?
Need a ‘Like’ button.
Seems reasonable to me…
I know Dude, Simple Scino math. Sheesh!
I got to the tipping point once, Harvey…I fell over.
Well gees, with that math, then London will be clear in only 3,486.15 years. Hmm . . . still not very conducive to excitement in my life.
It’s rather apparent that Scientologists have nothing better to do than wait. I think for those remaining in it, it must be chromosome thing.