Here is a new newsletter from the latest Ideal Org promoting their success with a “packed out” Dianetics Seminar…
And here is page two of the newsletter showing the details (I omitted the other stuff in between the headline and the evidence which was two success stories).
You can see from the 2 photos that the “packed” Dianetics Seminar in an IDEAL ORG had EIGHT attendees. Now this is almost certainly more than they have ever had at a Dianetics seminar which is good for them. But the millions spent on an Ideal Org isnt proving to be very cost effective when they promote loudly that this was something to be proud of (and believe me, if there were more than those shown in the photo they would have made clear that the photos show “some” of those present).
If any business in the world operated like this — millions spent on plant and miniscule resulting output, they would go out of business. But then again, as Miscavige is so fond of saying, this is NOT a business. What he doesn’t then follow up with is “so we can do anything we want and defraud you of your money and pretend we are saving you and the world by telling you lies in order to get you to part with your cash….”
And then look what’s at the bottom — Kiddie Porn Promo. This is apparently becoming routine within the RCS. It is really a reflection of the mindset of the organization that they think using children to ask for more money is “normal.” Wow. Let alone the insanity of raising funds for “promotion” (something else that is supposed to be paid for from SERVICE fees) by selling “Leatherbounds” and WOOPPPEEEE, big news — Bridge is going to give us another one for every one we buy? So what? If you buy one book worth $10 for $500 in order to contribute to a “dissemination” campaign and they give you 2, worth $20, who cares? Maybe they can get Bridge to toss in a set of Ginsu Carving knives or a Shamwow! — at least that would make some sense. It would also make the point about the crass commercialism that has seeped into every corner of the Vulture Culture.
Is this just me or does anybody else also count ten people in the picture?
Doesn’t make much of a difference, but I’m quite confused now.
Torres – yes there are ten people in the picture. Two are staff or people delivering the seminar, eight of them are attending the seminar.
“If you bleed them dry, they will leave”. IMO the Dwarf knows this and doesn’t care. So long as there are enough people remaining who are worth bleeding, the bloodletting will continue and his bankroll will fatten. When and if, for whatever reason he can’t do this anymore, I have no doubt that he will be abruptly gone. He will leave, and someone, some ally of his uplines will put out some stupid shore story for official public consumption, like he’s routing off to go and do upper OT level research, or some such rubbish.
IMO, the Ideal Morgue program, crush-regging for the IAS and all the other No Exchange/Straight Dono programs ARE his exit strategy.
And I should add, that, during his lifetime, if and/or when he does leave and do a Power-Change, those close to him, those in the know chosen to stay behind and carry on will be very, very, very, very, VERY well paid, and in such a way as to ensure that their traps remain permanently shut.
This is in response to Northern Neighbor’s post.
Don’t forget that the May 9 event is coming up in a few days. Idle Orgs all over the planet have been scrabbling like cockroaches caught in the sudden illumination of the kitchen light to get photographs and video of the successfulness of Ideal Orgs so there’s SOMETHING to put in the event videos this year.
If you only have eight chairs in the room, then the affair is a “packed” affair when only eight people show up (of course, it begs the question, how many chairs does that room normally hold?)
The number of chairs the room normally holds depends on how long “Bohemian Rhapsody” has been playing beforehand.
John P, I get a kick out of your posts. Noone is putting anything 0ver on you.
It seems as though Davey-boy is clinging to the notion that, “if you build it, they will come”, however what he didn’t foresee was, “if you bleed them dry, they will leave”. It’s great that he has nice buildings/orgs, however it kind of defeats the purpose if there is no one to fill them. It’s sad that even though I am not a scientologist, I know that there is a policy letter, penned by LRH that outlines what an org should look like & it doesn’t call for large, ornate building with lavish interiors. It simply calls for clean, modest buildings that meets the needs for servicing the public. Granted some Orgs needed a little sprucing up, but not to the extent of trying to outdo the Taj Mahal. Furthermore, I’m pretty sure LRH issued a policy letter indicating he was against the very types of fundraising many Orgs have resorted to (ie., bake sales, talent shows etc) & directed Orgs to use Scientology to raise the funds. Anyway, I just thought it was interesting that even though I’m not a Scientologist, I know that these Ideal Orgs, the rational behind them & the tactics used to raise funds for them are squirrelled.
On another note, I think the independent movement is great as it provides people an alternative to Corporate Scientology.
Isn’t Pretoria the org whose grand opening was snubbed by David?
Indeed, Dianetics Seminar IS packed at Ultra High Vaccum!
Per capita GDP in South Africa is about $7,500 per year, but that number is misleading because a relatively small percentage of the population drives much of that; a huge percentage of the population is marginally employed, and about 25% of the population is chronically unemployed and subsists below the global poverty threshold of $1.25 per day. Telling people that buying $500 leatherbound books will help clear the country seems a little inappropriate, somehow. If RCS were serious about producing actual results, one would think it would be better to flood South Africa with large numbers of inexpensively printed books rather than with a minuscule number of leatherbound “special editions.”
In fact, if I could be permitted a moment to think cynically about RCS, given the number of places where these leatherbound books have been popping up for sale, I would almost suspect that somebody at Bridge Publications found a few boxes of these somewhere in the back of the warehouse gathering dust and decided it would be really “upstat” to hawk them to unsuspecting public. Next thing you know, they’ll discover a couple thousand obsolete e-meters gathering dust in a warehouse somewhere and come up with a “Golden Age of Tech 2” to sell ’em off to the suckers. Oh, wait …
JP — of course, your logic is impeccable. But completely wasted on the brains in the RCS.
You know they print a “Special Edition Leatherbound” for each new Ideal Org — as a further fundraising gimmick. But obviously the Pretoria ones arent selling so well….
They become more desperate as each day passes — the gimmicks become more insane, the tactics less tactful and the demand cranked up. If anyone actually stepped back and took a rational look at this nuttiness what is really says is this:
If Starbucks relied ONLY on existing Starbucks buyers and started serving instant coffee and powdered cream and saying it was “real Starbucks” they would become frantic to maintain their income. It’s a simple analogy but very pertinent. The more drastic the “offers” and “demand” the more trouble they are in. You don’t see Apple doing heavy discounts and sales pitched. When Chrysler was going down the tubes with crap products, they were paying people to “buy” their cars.
…what is really says is this: WE HAVE NO NEW CUSTOMERS.
Exactly right, Mike. Not only do they not have any new customers, due to the most abysmal pr and marketing on the planet, they’ve also lost most of their existing customers, hence the “vulture culture” that exists inside the cult.
No activity that requires paying customers can sustain itself for long with such a chronic situation. At this point, it will take a radical overhaul of their business model to attract and maintain a paying public, but we all know that’s as likely as them building an ‘Ideal Org’ on Mars.
Not to mention empty orgs he can re-open.
Thanks for the post Mike! You know those 8 people are all staff! This trick is done over and over and over – ad naseum! All of the photos in their promo pieces are the woof and warp of Scientology – part of the delusion created to trap otheres …the “smoke and mirrors” of the Truman Show.
An appearance gives members hope. They are just trying to throw a bit of hope to the drowning members!!
The class five morgue here tried those dianetic seminars when the basics came out and it was empty – no one there – nothing happening.
So…what we have here in this promo piece is – they were ordered by up lines to do a dianetic seminar and all staff were ordered in the room for the photo. This is their staff!! LOL!
Hell we used to get 4 or 6 or 8 peeps on the Dianetics Seminar fairly routinely back in the 80’s, in Alaska. Funny but I don’t remember offering any incentives other than word of mouth, success stories and results !