We always say these so-called “ideal orgs” are merely empty buildings masquerading as viable scientology organizations.
Perth keeps putting out “briefings” that prove this in their own words.
Just think, Hubbard said the MIMINUM to be “viable” and “above the make-break point” was for an org to achieve the size of Old St Hill. Not a single Class V org has stably achieved that status. Just as an idea of what this means, it requires at least 100 auditors in training in the Academy and 1000 auditing hours a week.
This would translate, conservatively, into 25 auditor training level completions each week (each level is supposed to take 2 weeks) and 10 Clears a week (at 100 hours of auditing to get through Grades and Dianetics).
They have been “ideal” for nearly 3 years. Their graduation consisted of a single Student Hat completion. And that was cause for celebration!
And their major outreach activity is stuffing some fliers in mailboxes if they can find any volunteers.
They actually believe they are bringing about a “new civilization.”
And here is some more damning with faint praise. The “largest ideal org on earth” is pretty pathetic when this is the best they can come up to recommend themselves….
Wow, they got their funding! Still reveling in the that years later. And now they are “working on Albuquerque.” But wait for the big news, they have some amazing projects to assist the Valley Org directly. Like gardening. And more.
And this is courtesy of the “world-famous” Valley OTC.
The delusion is strong. Really strong.
Yes Marilyn, idiOTs work better with idiOTs. What a keen observation.
I’m just curious because I’ve never before seen a last name like “Dockx”. Is that some kind of abbreviation for “Docks”? Or is it a new tech term like short for Documents or Docs?
The only other thing I can think of is maybe it is an Albanian name? I once knew an Albanian lady whose name was, “Grezundle QuaknDoxkzaxzx”. She was a professional magician who could make all kinds of people disappear.
Do you think that Marilyn Dockx might be able to make this cult disappear?
That would just be so wonderfullyx and fantasticallyx OTx Delicousx.
Ix cannotx waitx tox hearx.
Skyler23, Dockx is a Belgian surname.
Hello Real. I think I may be coming down with some illness. For the past few days, I’ve been making fun of peoples’ last names that I find odd.
For example, today I made a post poking fun at the Scamology lawyer named YingLing. But I’m afraid that I may have been out of line because lots of people would surely take offense at someone making fun of some last name.
After all, it’s not their fault they have a specific last name. It’s not like they had any choice in the matter.
So, I think I really need to apologize to anyone who I may have offended by poking fun at their last name. I hope that people will give me a pass. But I really don’t think I would give others a pass if they made fun of my last name.
I’m afraid that I compared Monique YingLing’s name to “DingaLing” and “LickaDick”. I anticipate some real trouble over that post.
Oh Dear.
Of course, on the other hand, Monique YingLing has done some really horrible things to people who the cult has been persecuting. So maybe some people won’t be all that upset with me taking a few shots at her.
I took a mythology class in high school, so of course I had forgotten the name of the person who had to roll a rock up a steep hill, but when they nearly reached the top it would roll back down and they had to start all over again. It was Sisyphus. It seemed to me that what this person went through is very similar to what a scientologist is doomed to go through trying to get to the top of that darned ladder. Just when they think they are there they are doomed to have to start all over again.
Sisyphus? Are you sure it wasn’t Exhaustaphus?
You know, I would quit while I am ahead. The only problem is that I don’t think I ever really was ahead. So, maybe I best just quit anyway.
Just a quick news item from Tony Ortega’s blog today.
On April 20 (this Tuesday) Danny the Rapist will appear in court for a Discovery hearing.
You can read about this for yourself. I’m just posting this to let you know that his day of Reckoning keeps coming closer.
His preliminary hearing is set for May 20.
“OT VII – Marilyn Dockx
“Why I Joined the Valley Org OT Committee:”
Say no more. If you’re on OT VII every six-month “Refresher” (There’s nothing about it that’s “refreshing” other than getting the last signature needed to be able to go back home.), everybody on OTVII has to make a list of what they did in the past six months to “Contribute” and to “Participate.” You better have a good list of things you did to participate and help Scientology, especially since the church of scientology and your MAA’s have a list of what QUALIFIES, ie, if you helped out at Criminon that doesn’t count. It has to be staff activities, etc, and OT Committee is a big one that OT VII’s climb on board with and if they’re lucky, they can get posted onto some position that doesn’t require a lot of time in their already-busy life to get stats.
It was one of my more sodomizing moments on the Freewinds when I had my “participation” rejected. I was so fed up with being owned by this church by then and wanted to belong to any other group that did not dictate to me what qualified me as a human being or a super human being. Believe me: Scientology turns humans and super humans into SUB humans. Eventually, if you stay in this group long enough, it will own you.
Marilyn looks like Mary Baker Edy, the founder of Christian Science
Gosh! It said their newest “PATRON” was Jane Hsu. So I got kind of confused (like usual) and I thought the mindless robot in the picture was Jane Hsu. I was confused because I cannot understand how this cult can get any new members – especially new patrons – in 2021.
We must be doing something wrong if there is anyone remaining on this planet who does not know by now this cult is an evil and hateful organization full of the least ethical people on this planet and anyone who joins will wind up brainwashed and bankrupt because this cult convinces people the path to wealth lies in giving all your wealth to the cult.
This brainwashing stuff must be real powerful if it can convince people the way to become wealthy is to give all your money to this bunch of crackpot, fleabag, nutbars. How does anyone become wealthy by giving away all their money?
Maybe we should all get together and start our own religion that uses brainwashing to convince the world the way to happiness is to abolish this crazy cult and to put its leader in prison forever and a day?
I spent a few years in Christian Science that is why I mentioned it. Mary Baker Edy was a strange cult person. She basically promoted a divine law which led to healing. This female OT VII candidate probably follows the same mental pattern. Wish I could get rid of Scientology now but it may take a few years.
Hey George!
Just focus on the great party we all will have when it is finally gone and the TWERP is finally in prison for life.
What a great bash it will be!
I’m with you, Skyler! Let’s do it……but then, “they” would come after us and start harassing us and everyone we know, so guess I will just have to write our new President to see if he can remove the TAX-EXEMPT STATUS from this Real Estate Firm!
Someone once told me I look like Christopher Reeve who played Superman in some Superman movies. It was a nice compliment but greatly exaggerated – haha
I heard Jeanie Sonenfild, Executive Director of Cincinatti Ideal Org, was Declared SP. She dedicated over 50 years of her life to Scientology and they just found out NOW she was always an SP. That’s a FLUNK on Scientology Confront & Shatter Tech.
Her 3rd or 4th husband, David Sonenfild, is in 4th stage cancer.
Scientology karma sucks.
The EP of Scientology is SP and cancer.
Scientology; the Church of where everyone loses but the House.
Wow…OT VIII, Class IX, trained by LRH himself on the Apollo (from all the slick propaganda from her seminars)…and she was an SP all along. God how I hope these people have awakened from the deep sleep. It looks like she’s 74 and besides having a husband with cancer it looks like she’s in the middle of Chapter 13 bankruptcy. At 74+ yrs old this is not the best time to try and start over with nothing. I hope after she goes through the stages of Scientology withdrawal (we all know them well) and wakes up that she will speak out about all of the things she has seen over the years.
Bankruptcy – https://www.docketbird.com/court-cases/Jeanie-B-Sonenfild/kyeb-2:2019-bk-21400
Slick propaganda found in one of Mike’s Thursday Funnies (I miss these so much haha!) – https://www.mikerindersblog.org/thursday-funnies-71/
The EP is that everyone other than David Miscavige will turn out to have been SPs all along. After all, David Miscavige IS Scientology
+1 for links
There was a report last year that Sonefild had been put on the RPF in LA, along with her son:
> https://www.mikerindersblog.org/even-more-on-ventura/#comment-328699
Apparently it was over credit card fraud, in this case so twisted that staff was fronting money to public:
“Jeanie had her staff take out multiple credit cards all at once with $70,000 to $80,000 limits.
Then these credit cards were used for PUBLIC to buy bridge.
So the staff were funding public bridge on credit cards they could not even pay bare minimums.
They lost their credit.
The credit cards were in collections.”
> https://exscn2.net/threads/top-super-stupid-moments-in-scientology-part-v.152/post-27844
I noticed in the last year that the Cincinnati org that she used to head finally had its last toehold in the Pittsburgh area, a “city office” in an outlying town, disappear. Her desperate fraud must not have been enough to keep status up and avoid the high crime of closing a location, perhaps the real reasons for her punishment.
Cincinnati is now reportedly virtually a sea org org, with dozens of them staffing it. I’m guessing that Sonenfild is being made a convenient scapegoat for everything that’s gone wrong.
It looks to me like the only way she could keep stats up, and get the “ideal” org done, was to rip people off in various ways – there are older reports of things like “overrunning” people to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars, as well. That’s in some ways a repeat of what several of the seemingly successful missions did back in the late 1970s and early 1980s, including credit fraud and expecting even staff to take out loans, before it all went bust (including law enforcement raids that preceeded the “mission massacre”).
I wonder how many other orgs have descended into fraud and are in similar dire straits, that we just haven’t heard about yet.
@PeaceMaker and others here—This (I swear) is still what is so stunning: You read a scenario such as above (Jean, her team, Cincinnati Org), and as a Former-In, you think: “Nah, wait – Whaaaat? I thought that was ONLY happening to me and only happening at MY ORG. You mean, these ANTICS are COMMON? These devious, hoodwinkery lending and credit card activities are basically TBE (to be expected) at ANY org?”
Is Harlem Org in NY similar? Some time type of similar credit card scam-my thing was being done to pump up the Gross Income stats and including with very new public. Stars in their eyes and “fodder” for the org. When the person wakes up, they realize, “I can’t afford $80,000 or $100,000 in debt to some person…” And they bolt. For the org staff engaging in this, it amounts to building a house on a pile of sand, utterly bound to crumble. Not ethical, nor very “in present time” on awareness.
Peridot, good point that the phenomenon of everyone imagining their org is the exception when it comes to “expansion” or lack thereof, may apply to fraud and its prevalence as well.
I get the impression it is actually worse at the smaller orgs that are struggling hardest to keep up stats and scrape together money for “ideal” org buildings. But at the bigger orgs even in the best of times there were stories of shennanigans pulled off to get stats up, and it may well be fairly bad at most or all these days.
That’s some sad sick.
I meant “sad shit”.
Your typo worked well, too.
I know them both. So did David Sonnenfeld route out of the SO to handle his cancer? Or is he still n the SO?
I remember when registrar Enid Byrnes got cancer and she stayed in the SO. You have to wonder if she had left the SO and gotten proper medical are if she’d still be with us today?
Seeing that sweet lady and knowing her life is swirling in delusion is sad. If her child needed her help, would she turn away? If the cherch said to, probably. That is sad. Gung-ho, loves to help out, translates to, toes the line and disconnects when asked. Because the greatest good, and all that rah-rah crap, I used to believe.
I was a sweet lady in the cherch too.
Then they told me to divorce my husband. My best friend, my person, my love. Yeah, I wasn’t that sweet. Bye-bye cherchy.
Hey babe, let’s take that hike, I’m done commenting.
Gee, it’s nice to be married happily for many years and still have a son who speaks to us.
Hmmmm ….. Reading your post has given me an insight into the very scary personality mind of THE MONSTER TWERP.
Sometimes I wonder just how and why he developed his hideous monster personality. Why did he cultivate the kind of personality that reminds people of a horrible evil monster?
When you said, “Gee, it’s nice to be married happily for many years and still have a son who speaks to us.”, I got an idea that the reason he may have developed his hideous personality is because he rejected his parents and never spoke with them or had any contact with them after he was just a wee widdle kiddie and maybe his current personality is actually modelled after a wee widdle kiddie?
So, while you feel happy to have a son and a loving relationship with your son, maybe THE MONSTER TWERP somehow feels like he can celebrate the hatred he feels for his parents and maybe he somehow substitutes all of that hatred and projects it onto his mental images of beating so many of his cult slaves with coat hangers and hot irons?
Of course, I am just guessing because I think there must be a reason for the MONSTER TWERP to behave like a MONSTER TWERP. He didn’t reach that subhuman level of human development all by his self. He must have had some kind of help in sinking so far.
By the way, I recently became interested in the story of Ike and Tina Turner. There was a fabulous movie made called, “What’s Love Got to do With it?” in which Angela Basset gave a magnificent performance as Tina Turner. I got interested in their lives because Ike Turner reminds me an awful lot of THE MONSTER TWERP. He used to beat on Tina and abuse her horribly in all manner of ways that he could abuse her. It was truly so similar to the way that MONSTER TWERP behaves. I believe anyone who may be interested will really enjoy that movie as well as Tina’s book, “I Tina” and her biography film called, “Tina”. If you only have a little bit of time, just watch the first few minutes of, “What’s Love Got to do With it”. It will warm the cockles of your heart. Honest!
Mike, pls do not publish this post if you feel it is in any way inappropriate.
I wonder if anyone here knows how to contact her. Maybe Mike would be interested in sending her an invitation to join Leah and himself and maybe even some of us?
I’m sure she would find some comfort in meeting some new friends who would like to empathize with her and share the point of view that this cult REALLY REALLY REALLY SUCKS!
‘Curious?’ fliers?!?What a wrong marketing.
In the 80s and 90s here in Italy the flyer that worked really great was the one with Einstein (simple and in 2 colors). In southern Italy, I experienced some even some who asked if was a photo of some local healer. But it worked greatly.
“You can help deliver ‘Curious’ flyers to letter boxes in you community”.
Well, in America no one but US Postal Service can put anything in mailboxes. Guess this isn’t the case in Perth where the OTC asks members to do it. Or alternatively donate money to hire some company to do it? Bet this latter choice is the one chosen by members. Wonder IF the promo pieces really get distributed. I mean how could it be verified? Hey! I’ll offer to “distribute” the fliers. Just give me the money and I’ll “distribute” the fliers to the local garbage dump. I’ll even write up a suckess story the cult could publish in their next OTC journal.
Yes that is how it happens in Australia. Most major retailers have abandoned this method. (We call it junk mail) and they rely on online/social media for their campaigns
Yes, Marilyn: “Any help and support does make a difference and it’s always recognized.” That is, until or unless you make a query, show a staff member a policy that is being violated, or in some other fashion behave in a way to demonstrate you are in command of own thoughts, ideas, life, and schedule.
Then see how well the file folder brimming with “recognition” counts in one’s favor. For a bit of education on this, watch “Scientology and the Aftermath” episode with Leah and Mike that features Bert Schippers. He details the not-at-all “camaraderie” nor “high-Toned” outcome of he and his wife’s “humungous, Herculean” donations to Ideal Org, plus other “positive difference across the dynamics” activities.
You will learn how vapor-esque any recognition truly is within the Church of Scientology.
Out the door it goes – “Poof.” I guess all that about “Reward Up-Statistics” and “Ethics Protection” does not really leap into action after all. But don’t fret. We’ll be here at this blog to embrace you.
#ExitersCatchersMitt #WeGotU #BeenThereAndNotDoingThatAnymore
When I check these comments as it approaches noon CST and see none, I have to assume the subject simply left all the regular commenters speechless. But what is more apt than to become speechless when informed once again of the Ideal Morg lunacy, and the OT Committee nonsense.
OT 7s get mandatory semi-annual Sec Checks, at the member’s expense. I imagine they would have some ‘splainin’ to do if the Sec Check E-Meter ratted them out for failing to promote the OTC. Yet, in the huge world of Scientology’s abuses of individuals young and old, requiring someone to meet for an hour every once in awhile to discuss important OT efforts like ‘Gardening for Hubbard!’ might be the least of the abuses.
AA, I think I’ve read that those on OT7 are expected to be involved in OT committees as part of their “eligibility”. So she may not have had much choice about it, to start with.
Reading between the lines, it sounds as if although she lives close to the local org, she may not have previously had much of anything to do with it. But of course she has to write up a “win” or PR piece that puts the blush on the rose, so to speak.
That is exactly true.
OT 7 is used as a whip to fill the OTC and enslave to Ideal BS.
Once you get to OT 8 it’s the threat of being “ordered back to the ship” or bye bye Phantom OT 9 and 10.
In the early days, membership in the OTC was a bit coveted, it meant you were clear or above. They never did much back then but rub their insignia
all the ideal events locally are put on by the OTC. They’re given the responsibility for raising all of the money for the new orgs and putting on all the fund raising events.
it’s high pressure and all week.
It says “go to the John Cowden webinar as he makes valuable hellerache simple”.
Where should one begin?
How about making one of those overcomplicated, overcontradicted gems of genius from our fearless leader a little more understandable and usable? How about confusion by dynamics, or unhinged by dynamics??
Does Mister Cowden have issue authority, praytell???
Atlanta Guy asked: Where should one begin?
I think life begins at the moment one leaves the cult.
Just ask Mike and his new family!
Someone explaining “valuable LRH data made simple”? What happened to “What does the material state?” Totally squirrel.
Delusion it is. I love how they actually state that there are no Saint Hill size mOrgs. Major fail.
To make a SH size org should require also a big division 6 to pull new public in.
Currently most of the orgs div 6s are reduced to a series of armchairs and a screen to be turned on to pass a video to the occasional unfortunate who are brought there. New public is something very rare.
Often they also have to make sure it’s not someone there with other intentions or some hidden camera.
And here the activities of div 6 often end.
I couldn’t imagine being in Div 6 these days.
or being staff…
or anything.
Rip right. Such a bad feeling only thinking to be there for a few minute and have to produce some stat somehow.
LmR, there’d have to be public to pull in, for starters. Valley Org has been reported as sending “body routers” out to the nearby public transit station, probably one of the last of the orgs still doing much of that – but it yields them little if anything in an age when space opera pseudo religion no longer has much attraction, and the abuses of the CofS itself have been widely exposed.
PeaceMaker. Grazie. I remember in the mid 2000s something came down that said body routing wasn’t for PL or something. Perhaps it was DM who had begun to implement his new vision of a Div6 made of glittering panels and video.
It was a mistake to fail to remember that all orgs had made a lot of new people from this. I think in Europe from that point on things started to plummet even faster.
Then as you say the truth arrived on the web and from many blogs and people became aware of how toxic the cult is.
One last point: when I started on the staff in the late 80s it wasn’t that there was no negative information, it was full. In Italy we had the Milan case the newspapers and TV were full of almost daily attacks.
But as div 6 staff I had learned to handle these things with people and it worked. And like me many others.
Then things were changed by taking away from the staff the ability to manage these things and in practice it was like making them incapable.
Now at the slightest “entheta” they get whiten in face, stiffen and plug their ears. Of course any form of possible body routing is definitely over. Do well.
O/T. Academic paper: The Evolving Theology of the Nation of Islam, by Nathan Saunders. The influence of Scientology.
New Perspectives on the Nation of Islam (2017), at 236, 246.
The Evolving Theology of the Nation of Islam, by Nathan Saunders
In my ESMBR and WWP threads, I discuss an important prediction in the 2017 paper that proved to be incorrect, and explain how and why it was wrong.
“But Farrakhan is nothing if not a paradox. A classically trained violinist,
he performed the work of Jewish composer Felix Mendelssohn before an
audience in 1993. It was, in part, a gesture of reconciliation, to “try to do
with music what cannot be done with words and try to undo with music
what words have done.” He has even gone so far as to say that, one day,
whites may be granted admittance into the NOI. While on the one hand,
like his teachers before him, he affirms the supremacy of the black race and
the eventual destruction of Yakub’s progeny, Farrakhan has, on the other
hand, suggested (as in the case of the Mendelssohn concert) that there are
certain aspects of white culture that he admires and (as in the case of Dianetics and CoS-related nonprofits) that he is willing to [utilize}”
These academic references to NOI are racist and very biased. The tone level of these scholars is anti-Black Nationalism period.
Black Nationalism as territory exclusively for Blacks would seem to be reverse apartheid.
Regarding academic papers I guess academics publish papers to maintain their academic status and maybe for profit. I followed up on a site with a listing of academic papers on religion and someone was offering their paper on scn for a “mere” $194! The site also mentioned “Institutional Purchases” so maybe they buy each others papers and charge it to their institutions. The students would eventually pay for them with increased tuition.
I’m not suggesting any conspiracy theory – just an observation – haha
“The students would eventually pay for them with increased tuition or the institutions could beg for additional government funding.”
There is obviously a need for academics in various fields to avail themselves of other research to continue and advance their own research. For example a climate alarmist could purchase numerous reports to support his theory that the world will end in ten years because of humans burning fossil fuels. Humans contribute 1/10,000 to total CO2 concentration and global temperature has risen 1 degree Fahrenheit in the last 100 years. I live in the northeast U.S. and it’s still too cold in the winter. I want more global warming.
(I couldn’t resist. lol)