The problem with ideal orgs is not just finding the ridiculous amounts of money required to buy and outfit these empty palaces. It is also trying to find enough people to staff the organizations that are supposed to be within them.
We have seen Sea Org members sent en masse to man some of these orgs. Columbus was pretty much manned entirely by SO members.
Now Chicago is being manned by the other understaffed orgs finding and “donating” their “experienced” (meaning old) staff to the effort to try to man the org.
But the grand promises of “a living wage” turn out to be lies. Many of the people who are present as staff members at the opening of these ideal orgs, soon depart. They have no way of living on a few dollars a week, and the supposed “affluences” and “10X expansion” that is guaranteed beforehand never materialize.
In 2018 this woman was hyped as one of the “105” staff for Orlando. No less a celebrity than the head of WISE EUS (Quentin Strubb) was on hand to personally recruit her.
Edna didn’t last long…
Apparently things didn’t work out so well. She is now back in Clearwater, obviously no longer a staff member in Orlando.
If they ever actually had 105 staff (very doubtful), they probably have less than 20 today…
That big empty building and parking lot on a side street far away from anything in Orlando epitomizes the “idle morgue” program. The excitement wore off within a week of the day Miscavige yanked his ribbon there, as reality settled in. It quickly reverted to what it always had been: a small, failing outpost of scientology in one of the fastest growing cities in the US, now just occupying a bigger building they cannot afford the utilities for.
Oh, just use the scientific term Defecatus Bovus.
If Scientology is some kind of real estate empire, it’s a badly failing one. Such real estate requires manpower to maintain property in usable condition. If they don’t have the numbers, going by the lack of recruitment, they won’t be able to sustain it.
Here is write up I did that considers the malignant narcissist and vulnerable narcissist models for Hubbard. I want to emphasize that these models were not based on physical structures we can validate with empirical evidence. They are metaphors and use language to make comparisons that are to some degree verifiable via examining behavior and emotions but not directly measurable with instruments.
I think much of the comparison here is valid regarding Hubbard.
Here is a link to a recent blog post on the evidence that Hubbard understood he was using hypnosis covertly to attempt to mentally enslave people.
I just saw the interview with Jon Atack did recently regarding the book, A Billion Years.
I wanted to offer a few articles regarding the mind of Hubbard and the question of whether he knew he was lying or if he was a true believer in everything he said.
I think that a few different takes are useful to consider his mental state and a binary view of either “knowing liar” or “full believer” are not the only options we should look at.
The cult expert Robert Jay Lifton has developed his own model of how a guru (cult leader) may have lies they tell but know in a different part of their mind to be lies.
In this interview Robert Jay Lifton described his opinion on Trump and in my opinion the description is appropriate for Hubbard as well.
She probably views herself as a “good soldier” for $ci.
Knowing full well that she’s only going for a short time to help with the PR look of a well staffed morg for the GRANDEST of Grand Openings. (Plus a possible glimpse of his exalted shortness.)
Then a week or maybe 8 days go by, the Bubble Hype has worn off, it becomes apparent a staff of 6 can handle the entire place and she’s back to home base. (Plus her vacation was over, but brownie points have been earned.)
I’ve heard that more orgs are being manned by SO teams, not as many SO members as KC/Columbus, but still 20-25 SO members. Orgs I’ve heard of being manned this way are Orlando, Miami and Dublin. And what do you know, that picture of the parking lot somewhat confirms for me that Orlando has an SO team. Look at those two white vans, those are SO vans if I had to bet. Another sign of how much Scientology is flourishing and prospering, SO members manning Class V orgs is becoming the new norm.
Twenty sea org members could easily keep the doors open at Class V orgs and provide minimal “services”. The cost of providing them with food, clothing and shelter would not be significantly higher than having them stationed at LA or Clearwater. A few public volunteers might wander around helping out. That would be a much different scene than in years past. How things have changed.
Yes, I think this is a glimpse of things to come. More and more we are going to see SO members manning Class V orgs. They just don’t have enough Class V staff, it’s way easier to hang onto SO members than staff, you don’t have to worry about a re-sign every 2 1/2 or every 5 years. And with SO they will handle room and board, no need to worry about moonlighting or seeing that the staff are properly paid.
It is the new norm. It was even that way back in 2008 or 2009 when Las Vegas went Ideal Org. They shipped in a bunch of SO to man the place.
Interesting, are you sure about that? I’m not talking about recruit missions/teams and everything that happens leading up to the opening and immediately afterwards, I’m talking about SO members actually posted in Class V orgs, and not just one or two but 20+ There have always been some SO members at Class V orgs, command teams, garrison missions, the networks, etc. but usually it’s at most a few per org. The first I heard of SO members holding Class V org posts in mass was KC/Columbus. I wouldn’t be shocked to hear that it happened at LV first, but it’s news to me.
In Vegas when it went Ideal Org they brought a bunch of SO from Flag and other places to man it up. There were a few locals too but very few.
Cindy, were those the typical SO opening teams who came, stayed for a few months and then moved on to the next opening or whatever, leaving the orgs collapsed back to about their original size which we’ve seen all along? Or did they stay more or less permanently, as we’ve been aware of as a change in the last few years?
Certainly the nearly 100 sent to Columbus who mostly stayed even through the pandemic, is on a new scale. Though Kansas City also got close to that number, just somewhat fewer because they had had more staff to start with.
I don’t know exactly how long the SO group stayed. They have a very small Scn field in Vegas and couldn’t get enough to join staff at the Ideal Org and so they brought in the SO to man it. I think they stayed several weeks or months and left and it was very under manned when they left. It was pretty empty. Courseroom had one student etc.
Such utter lies disseminated on this blog. The truth is that Scientology has 250,000 staff members and 1.2 million Sea Org. And that is just in the US.
SP’s are fooled by COB’s decoy Ideal Orgs. Following the 2008 Psych-funded attacks on our Orgs by Anonymous, COB began purchasing empty buildings to act as decoys and thereby lure away SP’s, Anonymous, and all of the other enturbulative trash who are paid to attack Scientology.
The decoy Ideal Orgs are staffed by downstat losers who are working their way out of lower conditions.
Only the real and true 138 million Scientologists know where the real Ideal Orgs are. This is because the real Ideal Orgs are invisible to MEST eyes.
The real Ideal Orgs can only be seen by the Golden disks that thetans use as eyes while exterior.
Could that be termed “hay, processed through the bowels of a male bovine?”
I would think so.
Round here we call that “Source”
So that’s that ringing in the ears and the fleeting shadows. Enlightening.
As I read fairly widely, and in depth, I think you meant to post article this on Or perhaps even on The only editing you’d need would be to delete the first sentence.
Oh, wait– that’s right. Those sites don’t provide any place to reply or even to private message. But I’m sure DM himself will approve your submission of this piece, and org itself will post this lovely propaganda piece as a standalone article. It is short, sweet and to the point. Then this information can be read more widely. No doubt the 138 million members of the real and true organization members will read it. Being as dedicated and as numerous as they are, they will no doubt pass it along each to at LEAST one friend or associate who is not yet in scientology, and then you will reach an additional 138 million more people.
I doubt this blog will give you either the exposure or the audience you seek. I’ll watch for it (your article), even though I will never, ever see a real Ideal Org. Now you can get back to work at the non-existent Hole.
OTVIIIisgrrr8 and his website (which you can find by clicking on his name above) is satire about the COS.
Thank you! Just checked him out. He sounded so deep in the rabbit hole that I thought he was hard core.
Now I see, said the blind carpenter as he picked up his hammer and saw! Hallelujah!!
Do not forget to count the BTs of Scientologists when calculating their numbers! This will surely get ALL orgs to their two hundred staff target with stats in affluence and highest ever! Hip, hip, hooray!
So is this your origination or was it created by Ken Delusion on orders from Grand Admiral David Miscavige COB RTC?
Hold on. Comm particle coming in.
To: OTVisGrrr8
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: Scientology parodies.
You will shut down your website at once! We at Gold Base OSA do not allow our beloved religion to be made fun of! Especially if it’s from SPs like yourself! And NEVER EVER refer to me as Grand Admiral ever again! You have neither the rank nor the authority to use such illustrious titles!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: use of illustrious titles.
Hey Grand Admiral!
Why don’t you do the world a favor and shut yourself down?
Trust me, we’ll all be better off.
No love at all,
The infamous quentin streub in Orlando doing some recruiting. I imagine he misrepresented something and she said no eventually. I am sure it cost her. 20k in donos? I had to buy a couple basics sets once, for a good similar cause.
He is almost enough reason to have dropped scn as a religion even if it worked halfway decently. I am afraid that without scn, he would be somewhere holding a cardboard sign that says “Will disappoint and mislead you for food.”
What a Nazi that guy is! And what a phony! I wish I could tell you the story about accidentally overhearing what I as a public was absolutely not supposed to hear. QUITE the vicious, blistering temper beneath that veneer of civility and charm. Oooh I wish I could tell you… itsa good one, you’d love it…sorry to tease, can’t.
Why do I know that name? What is he famous for?
He is eus wise. He spent time in Buffalo, as well as other places. I am in ATL and he dropped by frequently.
Is Quentin Streub the same Quentin who was born to Mary Tauffer who works or used to work for the IAS?
No. That is Quin Tauffer.
Thanks. What with kids having dads, step dads, moms changing names with marriage, I wasn’t sure. I hope Quentin Tauffer makes it out of the church one day.
In 2018 the CofS was raking in money from the Chase Wave. There’s a woman on YouTube who talks about how she and her husband really were getting paid enough to “have it all” as promo pieces of the time claimed.
But then that got shut down right before the pandemic. The couple, for example, quit.
Also, the CofS were making such a major effort to staff Kansas City’s “ideal org” that at one point they even tried to buy a rather large building just for berthing sea org. That sounds to me like they were experimenting, trying to find ways to make it work.
I know Edna Fulton personally. It took her well over 35 years to go Clear. She taught at Renaissance Academy, a Scn school in LA. It didn’t require a teacher’s certificate or degree. When she left there, she went to the grand Ideal Org Opening at Nashville, TN as staff there. Then only a month or less later, I saw her back in LA and asked what happened in TN and why was she here? She just said it didn’t work out at the Ideal Org in TN. So she was on staff at LA Org. Then from there it looks like she went to FL and was on staff there. Then from LA Org she went and joined staff at brand new Ideal Org in Orlando and left there and is back in the Bellaire Mission area. I might have missed other Ideal Orgs she was on staff at , possibly the Albuquerque Org.
Wow. It looks like she is the moving piece they place in every new Ideal Org for staff. How she can afford to live when there is almost no money paid to staff is the question. I can only surmise that her parents died and she is living on her inheritance plus Social Security. But the other question I have is if she has been on staff at at least 3 or more Ideal Orgs, why does she keep believing she will make a good living “at the next one”? Why hasn’t she cognited that none of them pay? Or maybe she doesn’t care cuz she got a big inheritance?
Holy moley…
Do you know if she had to pay each org a freeloader debt? No service is allowed to anyone with a debt to scn. It would be a new low, if they use staff that leave as an income source.
My understanding is you only incur a Freeloader’s Debt if you get services such as auditing or courses. My guess is when she was on staff at all those brand new Ideal Orgs, she didn’t do any services. The sad thing is staff work hard and don’t get auditing generally. Even course time comes second to being on post all the time. Most didn’t even get much course time for that reason.
She is one well-traveled bag. Mrs. Whole-Track Pattycake. Even Die StrubenFuhrer couldn’t produce the requisite fierce, dedicated glare.
YOu got her down to a T.
Yes, I remember Edna. I was at the Nashville ribbon yanking in 2009 as the Addresso Officer. I recall that she wasn’t there long.
Wow! I just read your book and it was the greatest book I have ever read!
Of course most of the other books I have read have been comic books but that doesn’t matter.
Thank you so much for writing this fabulous book. If this book does not hasten the end of this cult then nothing will!
Howie – Laughter! Hopefully Mike has a sense of humor and laughs it off. It would also be nice if politicians could lighten up a bit, at least after the election tomorrow. 🤣
Mike, as you wrote above: But the grand promises of “a living wage” turn out to be lies.
This was true in 1967 at the LA Org. Those staff not on both Day and Foundation shifts had second jobs. Even then the appeal of discovering the secrets of the universe did not pay enough, except for the few.
So little training and auditing going on now days one has to see that scientology is an empty shell with no prospect of recovery.
Hah! A “living wage” – sure! If you’re a swamp-dweller in Bangladesh.
BTW, maybe they can start with bingo at their palaces, in Vegas style:-)
I don’t understand that. She was a staff member but hadn’t attained the state of clear? So, they have people on staff that have not made it to clear?
Why is that? No one available? Sort of mind numbing to me.
“Clear” is not a requirement. Warm body, vaguely humanoid looking, that’ll do.
I remember, ‘If your breathe shows on a cold mirror you can audit someone. Get the preclear through it.”
You kinda, gotta admire the “can do” attitude scientologists had way back when scientology was still expanding. It was the general mindset. Lol
If you really want to get the ole noggin numbed up you might want to try out a 2-1/2 year staff contract.
People usually join staff so they can go clear without having to pay full price. It never works out: you don’t get paid, you don’t get audited, you don’t get anything except lower conditions, long hours and lots of bitching and moaning from upper management.
Yo Dave,
Tell me it ain’t so big boy. BTW, howz yer good buddy Danny doin taday? Got the world by the tail!
People usually join staff so they can go clear without having to pay full price. It never works out: you don’t get paid, you don’t get audited, you don’t get anything except lower conditions, long hours and lots of bitching and moaning from upper management.
Quote of the day…
To: Newcomer
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: smartass remarks.
If I hear any more ‘Yo Dave’ out of you, I will send my loyal minion Midshipman Shananay Muhammad to your house to give you a good working over! As for Danny Masterson, we do not discuss case while on post!
So there!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: discussing case on post.
Yo, Dave!
Have you bailed Shananay out of jail yet?
As for Danny, he might be sharing a cell with her.
No love at all,
Clear has never been a requirement for staff. The recruitment to get me on staff began shortly after I finished the comm course in the early 1970s. The promise is (not kept) is that you will rocket up the bridge as a staff member.
Spoiler alert: the only time I was on the cans when I was in Sea Org or on staff was for sec checks and the only training in those positions I got was related to my staff posts.
Now that the orgs are empty with no paying customers getting auditing, I wonder if they let the auditors coaudit each other up the Bridge just to keep them busy?
Are you kidding me. That would be providing something beneficial to the plebes. Better to keep them cleaning till late at night so they won’t be sessionable.
Yo Dave,
What the hell is a Donkey Punch anyway???? Is it done with one of yer mail in dildo thingys. Maybe you have a drill for it by now?
Anyway, It’s Thursday …………… a fucking gin. Better git them shitty stats going upwards in yer otherwise downstat universe good buddy! And quit yer damned sniveling for christs sake. We can hear it clear out here in wogville …… again!@!!!!!~!