Remember the infamous “You Can Have It All” campaign to join ideal org staff in Melbourne? And the “Every Ideal Org = 10X expansion” hype that has been going on for years?
Here is the real truth about “having it all” on staff of an ideal org.
This staff member at Pasadena cannot afford the rent for a ROOM.
Remember, Pasadena is one of the early “ideal orgs” — True Leader yanked his ribbon there in July 2010. It is an org that had big whales supporting it, Craig and Sally Jensen (what happened to them??), located right in downtown Pasadena (not in some industrial park) and enjoys one of the largest populations of old-time scientologists in its field.
If this “ideal org” cannot make it? How can any of them?
Well, none of them ARE making it.
Remember the last org announced as St Hill Size? Neither does anyone else. Yet Hubbard claimed it should be done in a matter of weeks. Pasadena has been working on it for 8 years and is nowhere.
And the staff there don’t earn enough money to pay for a ROOM to live in (despite the fact they charge ridiculous prices for scientology services).
I wonder what percentage of ideal org staff in the US are Eastern European/Russian?
Here’s another one:
I thought berthing was offered to Sea Org members. Couldn’t they get her berthing. And where is she going to find the time for another job when she probably works 120 hours a week for Sea Org?
As a sole Russian (presumably) here I can only say thAt I know at least dozen of people who are on staff in us, SO or ex-SO, they all were promised golden mountains in states and all were coned.
Husband and Irena, his wife, were already sharing one bedroom… that’s a third-world living arrangement, isn’t it?
Her husband died less than 60 days ago, and the heartless landlord is already kicking her out?
Unless they were already in arrears, she can’t possibly be far enough behind on rent to qualify for a legal eviction.
This must be the landlord from hell, or from Scientology.
Who the heck rents a bedroom in this day and age, much less a married couple renting a single bedroom together?
Scientologists on staff, perhaps?
The only real problem in getting help for Irena is that Kool-Aid-drinking Scilons have no idea that telling the truth, even to wogs and strangers, is the only acceptable behavior.
Very few people prey on their fellow citizens as badly as pure-believer-Scientologists do, and guess what – that sad fact is becoming common knowledge with every book, movie, YouTube vid, and Aftermath episode. It will probably make life harder for those who want to try to leave the cult.
Ammo, I hear you. They could have been renting a room together in a Rooming House that rents single furnished rooms to people OR a bedroom in a private home, in which their “landlord” was/is the owner of that home in which latter case eviction laws would not apply.
However, based solely on my own 25 year personal experience and personal observations with regard to how Class V org staff members pay their rent, and how Scientologists pay their bills in general the rent on that room has been in all likelihood overdue for a number of months, and very likely has never been paid on time.
My experience with Scientologists “in good standing” is that not only do they not pay bills on time( or at all) but they’re proud of not doing so. Rent, mortgages, income tax, credit cards – not paying them and INSTEAD donating that money to the cherch is a point of pride with them. I’ve heard some of them bragging about it.
I’d listen, smile, nod and say nothing. Inwardly it ALWAYS horrified me.
Also, Ammo, don’t think I’m saying that what I experienced and observed is what this newly widowed Scientologist’s situation.
What I wrote above about her is purely conjecture based solely on my own personal experience and observations and I could very well be 100% wrong.
The owner of the building where her room is could well be an unfeeling creep.
In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if the owner of the building or home containing the room she’s renting who wants to kick her out is a fellow Scientologist!
“Putting in her ethics”. That sort of thing.
Wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
Aquamarine – thanks for the information. Sometimes I go quite a bit too far in my criticism of all things Scilon. It is because I have a streak of empathy in me that goes very deep – my wife notices it all the time. Knowing how badly the Scilon world hurts not only innocents but each other, too, drives me crazy, so like an idiot I tend to strike out without thinking. To Irina, if she reads this blog, please forgive me for anything I wrote that was hurtful – it was my anger at the church of Scientology and its worst practices, not you personally, that set me off.
Ammo, thanks for telling me this and I understand, but no kidding, I didn’t take anything personally! Its obvious to me and anyone who reads your posts that you hate injustice and that it drives you crazy to see innocent, undeserving people exploited and otherwise abused. And I can relate. There are things the cult has done (to others) that I’ve observed which have made me utterly furious. Thinking about them, some of them, even now, can still rile me up. What killed me about these wrongs and injustices I observed being done to my then fellow Scientologist was that in abusing and exploiting these good, well meaning, helpful people, the cherch was hurting ITSELF even more than its victims! So senseless and unnecessary, such a waste of time, energy and talent! So I get it. And if you ever want to write a cathartic book one day I’ll contribute my own cherchsploitation stories :).
You do know poor people exist, right? I’ve been in worse situations. Many people have.
So have I, but not because of scientology. It destroys it’s parishioners.
But thankfully I’ve never been in Scientology. I imagine that would make life worse no matter what your situation is…
Meanwhile, David Miscavige lives in the lap of luxury, surrounded by sycophants who secretly loath him, sleeping in silk sheets and monogrammed pajamas. Granted, his lavish trappings are only a gilded cage, with ever-shrinking walls as the world closes in on him.
All scientologists should be aware that all the slave work, all the money-raising, all the sleepless nights and reg pressure.. all of the unpleasantness of being a scientologist… all of it serves only to prop up one selfish uncaring sociopath.
Either get out of scientology, or oust that thuggish COB, if you have even the slightest ounce of self-pride.
Your “leader” has only made scientology the punchline of jokes.
Maybe I’m being cynical, maybe not . . . She said her husband “DIED” suddenly . . . Do Scientologists use the term “DIED” or is it always shed his body” ? Maybe this is a SCAM of some kind ?
Dave F.
she no speakin the English so good
It’s actually Drop Your Body. But, you’re pretty close, Dave F.
Sorry . . . “Dropped his body”, but she said he “died” . . . What does it mean when a Scientologist strays away from the “lingo” like that ?
Dave F.
We beat the shit out of them. Hey! It’s what we do.
That term I’ve always found amusing. What, a thetan suddenly develops slippery fingers?
(Cough, cough). How do they get slippery fingers?
That’s a doctor’s test too. Cough please… some grin some don’t.
When I was in there was a staff member who was brought over on a religious visa to be on staff at our org. I won’t say from what country except that it wasn’t Russia or an eastern block country nor was it the Third World.
Anyway she was a nice girl who lived with a long time staff member who had a large apartment. As a religious worker here in America on that type of visa she was not allowed to earn a salary, so she could not pay her rent in money. Her “exchange” with this staff member for room, and, I’m assuming food, was to be her housekeeper. Cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, etc. I liked her.
She never had any money but she was VERY proud. Knowing this, in an offhand way, I’d offer to treat her when I was on course, lunch, or a muffin, coffee, that sort of thing, but she always refused – in a polite way.
In her own country she was a well educated girl but here she was scrubbing pots and pans and cleaning someone else’s bathroom to survive. I got the brite idea of paying her to do things for me non-income producing things, in my business and home, i.e, re-organizing certain files, shredding, that sort of thing. She lit up when I suggested this. I had to pay her in cash as her visa either didn’t permit her to have a bank account or else the government monitored the bank deposits to ensure she wasn’t “employed” . Which was a TOTAL joke. Employed? Jesus! Between being full time Class V org staff and being one’s staff member’s housemaid, cook and laundress, the poor thing was not only employed but working her ass off to exhaustion!
Anyway, for a few years off and on I’d give her paperwork things to do and I’d pay her in cash after she completed a cycle. The most I paid her for any job she completed was $150.
As I recall, the first money she earned with me was about $80 sorting out a pile of papers that took her about 4 hours or so. It wasn’t difficult, just tedious and excrutiatingly boring (I’m not a paper person.)
She did a good, careful job. So I asked her what she wanted and she said $80 and I thought it was fair and gave her the cash on the spot.
. Well! You’d think I was Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny come to earth or something! …She was SO happy! There were little tears in her eyes! $80! I mean, really! But this was a big deal apparently. She hugged me and flew out the door. A few days later I saw her at the org and she hugged me again and showed me a scarf she’d bought with the first money she’d earned in the US. I let her know that because I didn’t have a secretary she could work for me off the books periodically doing admin type stuff, mostly filing. I gave her a key to my apartment so she could come directly from where she lived and let herself in to work when she had the time before going to her staff post. This also made her happy. And the org staff approved also and I think I even got some kind of Commendation or something for my Ethics File, something about helping staff members, I don’t know, some kind of thing they printed up.
PS: This girl doesn’t talk to me anymore. 🙂 None of the staff talk to me 🙂 And it really IS funny, btw, and I’m for real chuckling as I write this. So you laugh too, please, because, it IS funny!
Thankyou Aquamarine, I felt you did the right thing, thankyou. The predicament of believing Scientology will help the staff who come into the US on these visas which don’t allow them to work while they are doing staff volunteering in the Ideal Orgs, it’s simply handled by the Ideal Orgs paying those staffers! Like Mat Pesch has written, the money the Ideal Orgs are making have to include paying their staffs properly, is all. There is a weekly dividing up of the money made, and staff pay is always insufficient in 95% of the Scientology Ideal Orgs and the non Ideal Orgs. I think though, that some consulting ought be done with a lawyer before I’d pay visiting non US persons for their work in any way though, since that also can be illegal of the persons who knowingly pay non US workers who aren’t here in the US properly, and some lawyers of the right type would know all the ins and outs of that.
Thanks, Chuck. Religious visas for OTHER religions are probably OK. Or, on the face of it, religious visas for Sea Org are OK because AT LEAST they get a roof over their head, food and clothing. But THIS girl was Class V org staff. NO housing provided in the deal, NO food or clothing and as for money, well, what do CL V staff people make? $10 a week? Its a total joke.
The girl had no one, really. Her parents did not have money to send her, she mentioned once. She did a very brave thing to come to this country in the way that she did. What she did took a lot of guts. Over the course of a couple of years I gave her about 7 or 8 jobs for which I paid her, over-all probably not more than $800. That averages to barely $35 per month, cash. I have no idea how she survived her staff term. Certainly not on what I paid her! I don’t think she’s on staff there any more. Hope she blew Scientology and is now a citizen or has a green card. Wherever she is, I wish her well.
Also Chuck, I completely agree as to the staff pay outpoint. Many times when in I would ask why staff got such low pay. What they had to do to survive was, well, it was unthinkable what those who didn’t have spouses or families supporting them had to do! If their work was so important, so vital, why not pay them well? Then the orgs could have their pick of good people. Even good, helpful, capable, dedicated people have to EAT and sleep somewhere! It was all so unrealistic. “Make it go right”…Bullshit! What they expect of CL V staff is INSANE and suppressive and most to the point, IT DOES NOT WORK!
End of rant 🙂
Aqua.., Agreed to all. Janis Grady’s books, I just finished her number 2 book (she’s got to do 2 more to fill in the rest of her important firsthand history at the top reaches of the movement) she mentions already in them, and in stories she’s shared online on chat sites, some of her stories were private on the XSO chat site which has tons of Apollo era stories, very important history there. She’s lived through several times dealing with staff pay from her sometimes lofty final positions in WDC. LRH gave her that order to deal with staff pay in fact. IT’s a tough problem, and Hubbard the hypocrite never wished his own rules pushed onto himself, not Hubbard. Not game to his own medicine for his lowest staff in the orgs, yet per his final stable datum orders in one Central Bureaux Order called “Flag Relative Importances” it was Hubbard who put Class IV orgs at the top of the priorities. Yet staff pay for that top priority in the movement was omitted to this day, to be handled properly. It’s all bogus quackery to me today, trying to endlessly rack my brains all these years I’ve been out (I ended my Sea Org career end of March 2003), but due to being a policy staff training course supervisor and addict to policy (my secret goal was to someday work behind the scenes within Exec Strata, their think tank that never ever came to fruition which ought to have been the solution providing upper council that it never became–one reason for the inevitable failure were Exec Strata to become a “success” is that Hubbard’s spiritual quackery doesn’t produce OT superpeople, so in the end of the day, the whole durned operation is a massively long con, a huge long runway of striving to make something that doesn’t exist and can’t exist, since OT isn’t doable, it’s an impossibility I’ve come to finally accept, so why solve this movement’s problems when all they will do, for decades into the future is bash their heads against walls attempting to make OTs that can’t be made.
Chuck I really appreciate you sharing this. Fascinating insight to me.
Aw, that’s so sweet!
$80 per week is way more than I ever received in my entire staff career of eleven years, from 1990 onwards for eleven years. Eight years willing out of love, three years coerced by threatening the very family that I sought to protect from their malignant selves, who were happy to force their teammates to kill their babies in order to maximize profits and gave no fucks that I was living in a hovel, as I devoted my life to supporting them.
After all, I was just a Degraded Being who’s meager “production” wasn’t worth even the basics of life in return. As a total DB, I was just lucky that CofS exists at all, so that I might one day redeem myself from having been abused as a child, or some crazy shit like that.
Thanks, Gene, but whoa! She didn’t get $80 PER WEEK from me. I paid her cash for various admin type jobs now and then over a 2 year period. See my above reply to Chuck.
I read your post and I’m – well, I have no words for how upset I get when I learn of exploitation of the type that you suffered. Its so, so wrong, the way orgs abuse the pure and in some people (not me) the INTENSE desire which is really an intense NEED – to help others. So so wrong, Gene and know this, THEY ARE THE DBs for taking gross advantage of a kind, well meaning, sincere and helpful person! The Degraded Beings are THEM.
You’re a good soul Aqua.
Thanks, Yawn. Truthfully, though _ and, sorry to be irritating when given a compliment _ truthfully, I didn’t do much for this girl. Seriously, She EARNED that money. She helped ME, doing tedious paperwork sorting and filing, hours of it, that I kept letting pile up.(My lazy bad.) The WONDER is that SHE thought it was a big deal. Maybe because whatever she asked for I paid her. But then, what she asked for was always reasonable and fair! Oh, well, let me shut up and learn to take a compliment about my character 🙂
Wonderful things you did for her. It’s lovely to hear.
During the period I was on staff, there was a new rule that came down the pike that said that no staff members could be employed by a Scientologist. It was one of the stupidest and most harmful arbitraries as regards to trying to run an org.
The issue talked about how public Scios were harming the org by employing staff members. There must have been a flap somewhere and then this blanket solution came out.
The attempts to “outlaw moonlighting” were ridiculous. Day and Foundation staff had to moonlight in order to live unless they were supported by a non-staff spouse. Period.
Suddenly it was illegal to moonlight with a Scio. You could go work at a fast food joint or drive cab in your off hours, but you couldn’t be hired by the one-two man “companies” run by local Scios – painters, roofers, window cleaners, babysitters, house cleaners, etc.
Obviously it was BETTER to employed by a Scio – they understood demands of staff and 6 month checks and stuff.
I don’t know if this policy is still in effect.
Rip, I was always a public, never staff or SO, but I remember those days when moonlighting was outlawed in my org. It was beyond harmful, beyond stupid. A good friend of mine at the time who really and I mean REALLY wanted to be on staff was doing everything she could to keep herself afloat while being on staff full time. She was offered a job by one of the Scientologist public who had a successful business. Long story short, the org forbid it and gave her AND him a VERY hard time about it. Well, she was utterly broke at that point, having lived OFF HER CREDIT CARDS for months because of an inability to find a job with hours that jived with her staff hours…she blew. And got written up, and made wrong…it was just…so sad and unnecessary, so freaking RIDICULOUS. And I knew this girl very well and she was all AGLOW about being on staff. She was very young and very brite and alert and energetic.She tried so hard Such a waste. They DROVE her away with that stupid policy. What I witnessed first hand with the way she was treated was yet another tick in the box for me to NEVER join staff. That said, I think this policy was jettisoned after a few years and does not exist today. Never mind, it did PLENTY of damage for the short time it was in effect. Stupid, senseless…all right, I have to stop before I get angry about it all over again, and it happened so long ago and not even to me!
Wow, Aqua…that’s just sad – course, it’s better in the long run for her, but at the time it would have been so hard on her. I hope she’s out and happy now.
We lost really great staff over it. Both Day and Fdn lost staff from it. There were some really workable set-ups that got just destroyed by it. One of my dear friends had such a great job, – she loved it and it allowed her to be on staff, make enough money to make life easy, and she even had time to study. It had been going on for YEARS and was never a problem. Her bosses were OT and they all worked as a good team. They were happy and wonderful people.
Just…shattered from it. She ended up working in a burger joint or something, it all went to hell. She later left staff and refused to disconnect from her family – who were declared for no earthly good reason…. she got declared too…moved away.
I’m so glad I’m OUT!
Glad for you too!
Happy Friday!
Aquamarine, you’re a good person. Thank you for helping that foreign staff member. If there is a heaven, you have brownie points up there. But I know you did it not for any points but out of compassion. Thanks!
Well, ctempster, with no false modesty, I’m not so sure that I’m a good person, but its nice to hear, so thanks for saying it 🙂
This one strikes a nerve with me. If it wasn’t for my meager military pension I would have been more toasted than I was, but seeing the staff around me suffer so badly made me feel terrible beyond belief – having dedicated colleagues around you should mean something special, to anyone. That is why, now the truth is out, I despise Hubbard as a person and especially as an officer/leader. MIscavige is simply a thug/nobody who steals whatever he can, from whoever he can. He only has ‘his staff,’ whales included as he has personal info on them via their auditing folders etc to abuse that way too, he just uses a little more finesse about it, that’s all. Any reasonable person would handle that prick in short order out in the real world, hence he’s scared shitless to ever venture out of his bunker unless he has massive security. I put up with that crap for a decade believing the lies how things would get better – they only got worse and worse instead. I have no reason to lie about this – unlike Scientology which profits greatly from the misery they inflict upon their own staff members. I prefer honesty at a level with my fellow humans that doesn’t involve stealing from them to line your own pockets or give you a life of luxury at the expense and purpose of people who believe in the “Scientology dream” of freedom for all (vomit!).
You need not look any further for evidence of the scam of Scientology than this, but unfortunately this style of behavior is not particularly rare in the workaday world of living. Scientology has simply mastered and fashioned a despicable method of exploiting the honesty and integrity of people.
If this sort of crime falls short of offending you – you also have good reason to look over your shoulder from time to time.
I am reading Chris Shugart’s book Fractured Journey_ A Personal Account of 30 Outrageous Years in the Church of Scientology, stopped now just after Chapter 10, in which he donated to Scientology tens of thousands of thousands of dollars worth of stock in his father’s corporation (Seagate Technology), stock which eventually would have been worth, well, maybe millions at some point or another. He was convinced to put a lot of money on account for future services, and to also some make some big donations.
It is painful to read about how good people hand over to Scientology all of their life savings, inheritances, college funds, or go into debt by raising credit card limits, induced into doing so by the hard-sell professional regges of Scientology. Once word gets out that any member might have new money, the regges come out of the woodwork, hitting the member from every angle, and at any hour of day or night, reg after reg trying to get the silly goose to lay her golden egg on their doorstep and no other. Chris wrote “Not only did the Church want my money, they wanted it by 2:00 pm on Thursday.”
Even more hurtful is knowing that, at the time, these good people were willing to turn over their assets, with just a little trepidation, thinking they were doing good for the world and for the universe.
I wonder if any of the still-in regges are going to offer a spare bedroom to Irina Wadsworth, or maybe offer her some paid work walking their dog.
Chris Shugart’s book is next on my list. Looking forward to reading it.
Amen to that Ammo.
“I wonder if any of the still-in regges are going to offer a spare bedroom to Irina Wadsworth, or maybe offer her some paid work walking their dog.”
I doubt it. Enid Byrne was my reg at AOLA. She hit a credit card of mine for $15,000 without my knowledge to pay for auditing for another who could not come up with the cash before Thursday @ 2. After the fact, she tells me. I told her that she had no authority to do that and that I wanted that charge covered that same day and if that did not happen, I would do everything under the sun to see to it that she ended up in the RPF. That seemed to create a great effect on her. Anyway, she made it happen and I have no idea or care how she pulled it off. I was a staffer once myself and I do understand the kind of pressure one can be put under and the solutions implemented to relieve the pressure can be quite stupid. She died from cancer caused by stress or scientology or both. She was Sea Org and I expected a much higher standard of behavior. I’m out and the non-scientology friends I have now are more honest and ethical than most scientologists I knew when I was in. Come to think of it, no scientologist was ever a friend since I always felt I was part of some agenda.
Again Irena has a gmail @ddress. I’m astounded scn hasn’t broadly offered e-dresses to the bubble-dwellers. Mail-only accounts are hugely profitable and I’m sure that those still in would sell their mothers (if they haven’t already) to have such a prestigious email address.
Plus the extra of easily being able to check if they don’t read any entheta!
I’m not certain, Is even AOSHUK “saint hill size”? At one point, Flag exceeded both Saint hill size in staff & delivery and was (at the time) “Ideal Org” physical size, if not appointments, but indications are that they’ve come down in the world of Dwarfenführer. Did I correctly hear that even they fairly recently got an upgrade; slight posh-up at least, to the tune of $10 million(?) Bet they STILL barely get by on rice + beans and rarely get the full stipend promised. Well, at least they’ve ‘lost’ the RPF, according to some sources, which is a good thing. BUT if they’re ‘beached’, those who still don’t speak English comfortably will have all sorts of problems, as CW ain’t near anywhere useful to the recently ex-crew. Hope “we” have an Aftermath Foundation operartional there to helpcatch the Beached and ‘Ranbots’. My recollection of Flog is that there’s no way they can have the razor-wire, etc. that kept crew emprisoned at Gold, so Crew can leave relatively easily once they’ve been clued in on the truth from one of the MANY available sources and done their Doubt formula properly. Is there a billboard location near the FH or the berthing buildings? I don’t recall there being any except possibly one on Route 19 north of the QI, but it’s been a loooong time since I was there, and billboards weren’t lof interest at the time.
Hi Jere, Were you there in 1976, I vaguely remember your name, Jere Lull, and weren’t you also briefly on the TTC FSO, then moved to a regular job in either FSO or FB? You had a beard back then, remember all those TTCers of late 1975-1976, all were strewn into the Flag orgs by mid 1976, so that by fall 1976 only 10-20 of the 100 original December 1975 Flag TTCers were left, LOL.
The Hacienda were the Flag staff all berth today, that is a fenced in living quarters, you can google maps look at it street view and drive around the berthing complex and see it is walled and fence gated, and sometimes in some of the Google maps satellite “street view” viewing, you can catch the glimpse of one fo the Security guards, LOL. Chuck Beatty (I went on to fail as an auditor, but I did get through the Standard Dianetics Internship, before I bombed real quickly as an FSO auditor, then I became admin sup in the Flag Bu Exec College and then that morphed into the Int Training Org, but by then, I think you’d routed out or blew, correct?) I put in a few more years at Flag, 1977-1983, then I went to the “Int Base” for a paper pushing project, then to LA, then to ASI, then completed my 27 years in the Sea Org by an almost 7 years stint in the RPF which was a relief from the other 20 years in the Sea Org.
Chuck, I think you might be remembering me. Sadly, I don’t remember you, as I didn’t roll in those circles. I still have the beard. There are only a few folks still alive who have seen my naked chin. Shaved it off during lunch about ’78 and no one noticed, which was depressing. Did NED and declared Clear on co-audit in ’78, then thought too much and dove down into depression, quite the roller coaster plunge after the floating TA of Clear. Discovered that scn has NO handling for depression (not even at Flag); guess they thought the RPF would get my necessity level up or something. Eventually I rebelled just enough in the few months of RPF to get, (I guess) beached in August ’80. No ethics, no Comm ev, no goldenrod, not even notice of a F/L “debt”, just let loose to do what I chose with whatever $ I could get my hands on. Happily, had supportive family & friends, so life improved greatly immediately.
Thanks for wasting the time to consult Googlemaps, as I didn’t think to do that. Guess they’ve stopped caring what the neighbors thought and made the barracks armed camps.
If you look at Irina’s FB page, you will see that she’s Russian. And apparently a very naive one at that. It looks like she found her husband through some online dating service–a fairly typical MO for Russian women looking to get out of their country. Her story and circumstances are probably all to common for international recruits these days. Her late husband was a Scio at least since 2002 and was an IAS sponsor ($5,000) from that year. I predict her situation will continue to deteriorate, and the COS won’t lift a fingernail to help her.
It makes me wonder at what point Donald Trump’s ICE boys are going to start entering these ‘ideal’ orgs and demanding to see green cards and visas.
no, they like people that appear to be White. & love the Russians, don’t you know?
it is now & will be forever more if we allow the mean & heartless continue to have power Please VOTE in November. (for Democracy for all.)
It is true that democrats don’t vote and then complain bitterly about injustice. As public, we signed legal papers after taking the OCA (and taking the first course) that prevent any authorities from checking in. ICE can’t act when we have already signed away our options as citizens.
Only dark skinned illegals from “shit hole” countries have cause for worry in this administration. You know, those awful people picking strawberries and lettuce, working in slaughterhouses, taking all the good jobs from our American children who would love to be bending their backs in the broiling sun, would love to be slitting the throats of pigs and cattle for $8 an hour, if only these great jobs weren’t being given to undeserving brown skinned people – if only! Because white Americans could do this kind of work SO much better!
Maybe SO kids could do the work, if Miscavige could figure out a way to make a profit.
I know in my area lawn services are releasing regular customers this year because the reduction in legal visas for temps from Mexico has left them without enough employees to get all the yards mowed and shrubs trimmed. Yard services that pay their Mexican legal temp employees $15 an hour and provide medical benefits are hurting and releasing their smaller customers – apparently nowadays white people just can’t work 11-13 hours per day in the Texas sun. My daughter was on a twice-monthly yard service contract and got dropped, as did my neighbor a few houses away. But when I was a kid – from age 10 through high school – I bought cars, bikes, week-long camping vacations every summer, and all my own clothes and school supplies and fees, partly from paper routes, partly from yard mowing with a $35 Montgomery Wards 3.5 HP push mower I bought myself; now I’d be glad to take on a few extra yards if I could, just to earn going-out-to-eat money..
Ammo, its a different world today. Back when we were in school it was the thing to have some kind of part time job, whether or not your parents needed you to or not. I worked part time as a checker in a supermarket. in high school. I loved earning my own money even though my father was very open handed and would have given me what I asked for…but it wasn’t just the money. I wanted my OWN. And my God, you were out there earning money and building character from the age of 10!
Today its a different world. Kids have their after school activities. They mostly don’t even work part time when they’re in college. When they graduate they expect “good” jobs and if they don’t get them they live off their parents until and/or if they find what they feel they deserve, and their parents seem to be OK with this.
A “good” job?
I remember my father telling me, “Don’t EVER be ashamed of having to do ANY kind of work that you have to do, so long as it is honest work.. Do whatever you have to do, and do it WELL.”
A prime example of “Greatest Generation” think. NOT working, at whatever was the only honest work available, was the shame.
I can cook……… OK, glad that it is food that you cook. It appears that most of the newer $ci are from foreign countries looking for a better life.
A better life? In the cult? On staff? In the Sea Org??? I can’t imagine how they’ll survive. But, it’s their life.
Do they get in trouble for having their posts show up on this site — RPF, sec-checks, etc.? I am curious since everything bad that happens to a cultie is his or her own fault. So they did something that caused negative publicity for the cult.
Well, Irina may only speak a little English, but she makes a hell of a lot more sense than the new troll of the week.
Way more sense.
Not sure how these religious visa things work. After her CL V staff contract is up – 2 years or 6 years, is she free to go and apply for a green card? I suppose I should google this 🙂
I don’t know but all this seems like good news to the further demise of the cult. When all the big donors get tired of bleeding money I wonder how long it will take the “True Leader” (that cracks me up) to hop on his private jet to where ever he has stashed the cash.
Wherever Dwarfenführer has the cash stashed, he’s not such a fool as to have to *GO* where it is. He need only go some place with no extradition to the US as offshore accounts can be accessed electronically from wherever he happens to be. Columbia might be a good place for him since he’s already established some contacts there who can be bribed, and it’s a country which might not be concerned about his shipping in bales of various currencies, assuming he didn’t move the cash to an expedient country a while back. Frankly, I’m leaning towards the cash having been deposited in some offshore account, as having large amounts of physical cash leaves one open to theft. Of course, a large bank account can be pilfered too, but I expect his minions would have short-listed only banks with fair to excellent security of their deposits and no reporting to the IRS or other U.S. agency
Oh I agree with you 100% Jere Lull. Dwarfenführ (that cracks me up too!) is not going to take a chance on extradition, probably to anywhere that would like to get their hands on him and all the money he extorted. Columbia sounds like a reasonable place to buy his freedom. Just a guess but he may have convinced his lackies that they needed to make sure that money was well protected, even his sleazy attorneys may have given him some wonderful legal advise on all that. They have certainly made their fair share of cash off of this scam.
Colombia will take in the Dwarfenfuhrer on the following condition:
Give back the medal.
LOL, Alcoboy.
You’re right, jere. There are many countries which would greet billionaire David Miscavige with open arms. He could build himself a compound, a fortress for himself peopled with select Sea Org slaves to cater to his every whim.Space for his private planes, his cars. Guest houses for select celebs. He’s find all the right people who’d need to be bribed so as to “safepoint” himself. He’d be totally respected, admired, feared, even. I know something about Banana Republics.
Of course, very quickly he’d be bored stiff. Living like this, without a sufficient flow of admiration from his adoring Sheeple and Celebs, without anyone except the staff of his little fiefdom “listening” to him, would be a kind of death sentence.
He would have his little Tommy boy with him, supplying him with never ending adoration.
It’s a pity you can’t train sharks. I can suggest a fun job for one. There’s not all that much to eat but it should be tasty.
Tasty like pickled okra or a jello shot?
Whiskey flavored too.
That they have to import staff from foreign countries IS good news because it means the cult can’t get enough Americans to slave for them anymore. Not that they ever could, but now, they REALLY can’t fiind enough people to even give a SEMBLANCE of their orgs being staffed. Like, no one to even sit on RECEPTION.
Once Americans wised up about cigarettes causing cancer and stopped smoking in record numbers the American tobacco companies began targeting India and, I think, the Middle East. Poland, too, I think.
Tom Cruise is WAY more popular in Japan than he is in the USA. They LOVE him there. (I know, I know. Go figure.) But here in America he’s not so hot – anymore.
Just some random thoughts . Feel free to link them or not 🙂
I CAN’T WAIT the Russians and the Poles and Czech and Hungarians wise up as have the Americans, Western Europeans and Canadians so that the cult will be forced to plumb the Third World for their org slaves. Africa, the really poor Caribbean countries, the slum areas of India and Indonesia and Pakistan and Peru- all the dark skinned “downstats” desperate to get to America, desperate to get here, any way they can.
For such people, being fed, clothed and housed,, making $30 a week and working 70 hours a week IN AMERICA would be a dream. An incredible, amazingly dream come true. They’d LEAP at the chance. Of course, I’m talking about the Sea Org now, not Class V orgs.
The cult would be overflowing with staff if they explored these venues for religious visas but Racist Pig Miscavige would just HATE that. Obviously the little plug ugly believes that things are not THAT desperate yet..
Right. Not yet. But tick fucking tock.
She could sell bed sheets on street corners
That is how the most ethical beings “staff”
on the planet survive in St Louis Missouri
Or carpets from roadway stands – like the Scientologists do from the Cincinnati Org
I have a multi level marketing scam I could trick her into
Scientologists love MLM scams
They just gravitate to them
I live in St Louis and drive by the Org on Delmar once a month or so. I was never a $ci but my parents were among the first Moonies in the US back in the mid 1960s. They were Moonies for 2 years. Do you still live in St Louis.
The ONLY skill most in the bubble is regging, which CAN transfer into a sales position in the outside world. ‘Course, many of the regging tricks won’t fly there. No intimidation, blocking the exits, or similar techniques; At most Les Dane’s sage teachings can transfer, since they were born in the real world, only adapted to the carefully controlled environment of scn.
I meant to say “The ONLY marketable skill most in the bubble learn is regging
Right there, Jere! You can’t sell books at Barnes and Noble by slapping a book into a customer’s hand and telling them:
Get you fired, that will.
Alcoboy, LOL!
You said, “‘Course, many of the regging tricks won’t fly there. No intimidation, blocking the exits, or similar techniques; ”
You, obviously, haven’t been to very many “time-share tours” and told them you weren’t interested – LOL !
My wife and I were on vacation in Daytona Beach, FL, a few years ago. A time-share “hawker” came up to us on the street and offered us $100 each, if we would go on a “2 hour time-share tour” ( we were given printed cards with that info and the amount on it ). So, we went, purely for the money, took the “tour” and, eventually, wound up in the “final room” where the “selling” starts.
They gradually increase the pressure and offer cheaper and cheaper packages, until the “closer” comes over to try the “hard sell”, using intimidation and attempts to shame / embarrass you into buying. So, as was my plan, I let them rave on and on.
They, finally, ( after about an hour ) asked me, “If you weren’t thinking of buying, why did you come here ?” That was when I took the opportunity to turn the tables on them.
To make a “long story” short, I informed them that, after being insulted and treated the way we had been treated, that I didn’t care if their time-shares were free. I went on to say that I never had any intention of buying anything, at all, and that I was only there for the $200 we had been promised, in writing, adding that I had told my “Tour Guide” that from the very start.
That REALLY pissed them off !
They threatened not to pay up ( bad idea ). I glanced around the room full of other couples and, being deadly serious, asked them how they thought the other people in the room would like me to “relate my experience” to them, while the Police were on the way to take my statement, so that I could file Fraud charges against the operation, and assault ( verbal ) charges against the person ( a woman, in this case ) who had been screaming in my face for 45 minutes. Then, the added “bonus” of my sharing my story with the local news stations was thrown in.
At that point, I issued my “ultimatum” . . . ” You have 15 minutes to get the $200, in cash, to us, as promised in this written document. If you fail to do this, I will call the Police and, while we are waiting for them, I will conduct my own little “seminar” in this room full of people . . . I am not bluffing ! ”
They waited almost 15 minutes . . . When I looked at my watch, took out my cellphone, and started strolling around the room, one of their “Staff” quickly came over and gave me the money . . . I would have called the Police and all Hell would have broken out in that room . . . I don’t bluff, ever.
Sorry for the “soapbox” – LOL !
Dave F.
BRAVO, Dave F! Great story! That woman screaming in your face – my God, how do some people see their way to doing this for a living?
That’s a great story Dave F! I went to one once but it wasn’t anywhere near that intense. One they found out we really didn’t have any money that know was it. Lol. Way to confront and shatter! ☺
When I was a kid the neighbors invited me to go with them on a short weekend to a nice new retirement resort in Arkansas – they had an only son who was a brat and I guess they thought being around me a couple of days would do him some good. I had a great time – collected fine quartz from the roadside [his dad was a rockhound], got myself a Thunder Egg which, when cut in half, had a great purple crystal hollow interior, and caught a bass fingerling from the newly stocked lake.
Turns out it was the “free vacation” part of a sales pitch for this new resort, maybe a timeshare thing. Six months later the neighbors moved, and shortly after I got a nice thank-you for helping them with their kid that weekend. It was on stationery from that resort, they were living there, and the dad had become a vice-president of sales!
Dave, timeshares are well-known scams, their sellers known thieves, the reason why I and most of my friends won’t go near the things; Your was a nice story from the soapbox, so no apology needed. I couldn’t have done that, but can run like the wind, breaking tackles from amateurs with ease, so once got away by breaking out through the door, getting in the car and driving away before they could react. Lately, I simply don’t give them a chance: Scam salesmen spiels are all alike, easy to spot because it sounds too good to be true. Because it IS too good to be true.
You’re right, Regges WOULD fit right in with that crowd.
Ex-regges might also do well selling insurance annuities, a subject that for 15 years I maintained software to administer, so is a topic I could get on a soapbox, myself. Short explanation: There’s a reason insurance companies usuallyown big, impressive buildings Insurance is pretty much a license to print money; the rules, –written by the company– always benefit the company, not the purchaser.
In EVERY scenerio I ran testing the software, working with real data , the annuitant or its beneficiaries would have done MUCH better by buying into a bond fund with a reputable administrator and not looked at the stock values ever. Just pick something and sit on it;easy-peasy!
Davey Boy’s a relative piker when it comes to a profitable scam. He’s left himself open to legal suits, including his blatent violations of the IRS agreement,, INS violations, child labor, human trafficking, and the other illegalities he demands be done IMHO. His best option is to settle in Bulgravia before the ‘stuff’ hits the fan and spread the wealth intelligently. While there, don’t piss off those in charge; those sorts of countries aren’t hamstrung like the civilized countries he’s used to. Annoy the wrong people and … BANG … you’re no longer an annoyance.
She would make a fortune selling single rolls of Toilet Paper to the “truly needy”. Seriously, buy a HUGE MEGA PACK of toilet tissue…open it & sell the toilet paper rolls individually.
Hey Balletlady, we could set up a little stand and sell them just one at a time. But when we get low, we can raise the price to $10 a roll. That seems fair.
There would be a line around the corner OSD….seriously NOT funny to think that one might have to actually steal a roll of toilet paper… sad. Hope all is well!
Hmmm, is this true?
Can a person on staff at a Class V org really “have it all”?
Well, that depends upon what the meaning of “It” is. 🙂
They left out a word at the end – “sacrificed”.
OT powers: Babysitting, cooking and cleaning! Wow!
Do a course and become what you have promised others.
Welcome to America. Would you like 2 & 1/2, 5, or 1 billion years of scientological slavery?
Hip, hip, hoo-fuckin-ray!
Hmmmmm…..I’ll take the Billion Year contract. I just hate hanging out at home.
I feel sorry for the widow who speaks little English. Either he was the breadwinner or they were both on staff. No insurance, most likely.
I felt sorry for her too. She needs to return to Russia or marry another American. Her future as an unskilled illegal immigrant who can only work off the books is poor.
these poor sheep there hurting & prob in so much debt well maybe D.M who has a few compounds prob fully loaded w food and room one would think he could help his flock in there time of needs or could he be clearing them out & this outsider feels bad that DM Isn’t helping his own and IMO that shows what really matters to him & to any of these ppl U can prob goto Salvation Army U prob could get help and something to eat,hug and someone who cares or there’s other places who can help but Pls get Out of this…..
(All of someone’s household chores, dog-walking tasks, babysitting, cooking, and elder care duties just to stave off homelessness)
Nice little proviso at the end, too – I’m only willing to work for cash under the table!
Somehow I think this advertisement, and her work/pay needs, mocks the whole religious visa arrangement. So I’ll re-write it to read as it really should:
“Scientology Staff Worker from Ideal Org of Pasadena looking for part-time weekend work.”
“Cash wages only, so I can avoid paying the FICA Payroll Taxes, which amount to 15.3% of gross wages. I’ve been assured that stealing from Social Security and Medicare is legal, because I am helping to Clear the Planet, which is Serious Business.”
“I would never steal from my employer, though, unless it was the Government, or unless someone told me Scientology needs the money.”
“My skills:”
“I can help clean the living space, but only my share and no more.”
“I can cook, but employer must provide foods and cooking devices approved by L. Ron Hubbard.”
“I can perfectly organize a clever, austere living space, including disposal of excess furniture, artwork, rugs, pictures, curtains, appliances, vehicles, guns, ammo, cash, checks, furs, shoes boots high heels and antiques, all at no extra charge. When I’m done, you’ll certainly know you’ve been cleaned out.”
“I can decorate for the holidays: L. Ron Hubbard’s birthday, and the Freewinds maiden voyage.”
“I can walk animals and look after them, as long as they do not interfere with my out-of-body trances, self-analysis sessions, and BT clearing time.”
“I can baby sit children aka small adults as long as they can feed, clothe, and clean up after themselves, sit quietly in a dark closet, and don’t cry. ”
“I can repair clothing, if provided with L. Ron Hubbard’s written instructions.”
“I can take an elderly person for a walk, as long as they can keep up, are going where I am going, and don’t get themselves run over.””
“p.s. I am unable to speak much English. My native language is a religious trade secret.”
“Don’t forget, pay must be in cash – small bills, with non-consecutive serial numbers.”
This is very sad to me. It all might begin to make some sense if staff were highly paid and they were preserving their high on the hog way of life. But no, they are happy to just preserve Miscavige’s way of life.
Keep up the good work, Mike. I can hardly wait for Season 3.
Irina Wadsworth’s message just kind of broke my heart. Two jobs and she’s looking for another one after the death of her husband and she barely speaks English. The kindest thing anyone could do for her would be to slip her an Aftermath Foundation card and help her get out of there.
It would be Irina. Hoping she can have that aha moment and get the hell out!
Plus 1.
Valerie, Agreed. I hope at least she married an American, and has a proper visa so that paying her isn’t illegal for whoever employs her. I would love to hear from Mike Rinder or anyone with lawyer knowledge of what can and cannot be paid to the Ideal Org staffers who are not here in the US on visas that allow them normal paying jobs! And what are the rules, since good intentioned people who want to pay these foreigners some spending money have to do so legally.
How is Greg Jensen.Fantastic of course.
He did everything you can imagine in Scientology: OTVIII oec,febc,l10,1112,ktl,loc,briefing course.usually twice.Doubt if there ever was a businessman who was higher trained in the world.
Same for his arrogant self satisfied wife.We are sooooo in tek.
Here is the proof that the tek works every time
Checked out 50 simular seized software companies to see how they compare.
Dead last by a wide margin.No complaints about the product just the crazies.
Scientology is the ultimate dissolver.
I’ve been up to the Pasadena Model Idle Morgue many times. I can tell you this: There’s nobody going in. And those very few that are coming in are old timers, re-re-redoing the purif, Student Hat & SRD. Sad…just kidding! They’re doomed!
When i first started reading this i thought, get a weekend job at a fast food place. When i first became a teacher with no tenure i worked every summer in one. I think i covered everyone in ten years, before i could teach summer school. But then i read that last part about no English skills. You do feel for her as she was probably offered the world to work there, but wound up with nothing. Truely disgusting how they are treated once here.
That is so so sad.
It is. But, this is of their own making. It’s tough to fight the Kool-Ade.
Fascinating disaster. People from other countries have the additional challenges of language and, above all, the handling of their legal documentation to be able to work in the USA.
But it seems that, as no local Americans join the cult, the recruitment for foreigners has to be continued.
Yet, this is not the sociopath leader’s problem; he has billions on real estate so why bother in caring for the Org., far less for the staff?
Plus Silvia, there is the problem that well meaning persons who employ people who are not allowed to legally receive employment wages in the US, the well meaning persons who pay them, can be violating laws. I wish a lawyer or Mike Rinder or anyone who knows the laws, makes some comments here.
She rented a room with her husband. Not an apartment, a room. I wonder how much money they gave to Scientology, and I wonder how many rooms Miscavige has in his home.
And she has to work THREE jobs to cover the cost of renting ONE room. Breaks my heart.
@ Valerie,
But if she runs into difficulties, she’ll get so much support from her org. Why, they’ll enlighten her, that’s all, and all will be well. “Make it go right!”
See? All better!
Umm, yeah @aqua. That’s what will happen. In an alternate universe. At least the Mormon church continues to see its’ members when they can no longer contribute and offers them church services even when they are in a nursing home. They even go to their homes to offer them sacrament if they can’t come to the church. They do not request donations for doing so. It’s just deplorable.
@ Valerie,
Got it on the Mormons, and just checking, you do know I was being sarcastic with my “make it go right” comment? That was total sarcasm 🙂
Ken, Dwarfenführer HAS no home. He only has the USE of various palaces scattered about the globe, and scn will RENT or buy other places that strike his fancy at that moment. Thinking a bit, I’m surprised that he would accept the accommodations that most dive cruises offer; FAR below his standards as most gung-ho divers are on shoestring budgets and most BOATS have (being charitable) cozy quarters compared to his shore-side digs. I was only slightly kidding a while back when I described Davey Boy’s IDEAL dive boat which would put every cruise ship ever built to shame.
When I was there (up to 2004) he would have the dive boat berth right next to the Freewinds. So he could enjoy his fancy A deck cabin, catered meals and so on and go over to dive whenever he felt like it. The dive boat was only there for him and his “entourage” (harem?).
They used to like the wrecks and reefs at Bonaire quite a bit, but I guess since the Freewinds came close to some kind of legal situation with the port there it is off-limits now. No worries, lots of other dive spots in the Caribbean.
Both of them are named Irina? Is it, possibly, the same Irina? Wadsworth could be her married last name.