They are still sending this steaming pile out to the sheeple.
This is a bald-faced lie. Atlanta didn’t even win the Birthday Game this year…
But scientology loves to keep telling lies like this because of what it does for all the other failing orgs: they are led to believe they are the ONLY ONES failing. Everyone else is expanding like crazy, it’s just their sad little org that is out of step.
Meanwhile, NOT A SINGLE org has reached “St Hill Size”? So, either they started out LESS than 1/10th the size of old St Hill when they were declared “ideal” (meaning they only had 20 staff) or they have NOT expanded 10 times because they would now be St Hill size? Why hasn’t Atlanta been declared St Hill size yet? They opened in 2016? Let alone NY, Buffalo, London, SFO, Joburg or Madrid who have been “ideal orgs” for more than 12 YEARS.
Check out the story about begging for food for the “ideal org” trainees from “Joburg North” on Tony Ortega’s blog this morning.
This is the REAL story of scientology ideal orgs.
He has the pockets of the Federal Reserve and Hollywood go hand and hand along with the FBI CIA IRS NATO and lots more its like living in a television set and cant get out slave labor better than a television set by far
watch me in city hall meeting in clw on the 6th I have lived here for over 44 years and have seen them take and take . I am on the job like you I am after fla state laws that were broken as the tea party put in place with me in 2014 for dirty city officials like these guys are . I am thinking of filing a lawsuit against the IRS and the Federal Reserve on these guys for back tax’s of personal income tax’s that was set as federal law as a voluntary act for approval of the constitutional republic of that area and any others they have destroyed with their criminal activity . I will file it as a sovereign citizenship attorney with a supreme court attorney a co council . I want you’re highest opinion will it work I think they work together building L Ron from day 1 they go hand and hand with Hollywood from Orson wells radio show forward please respond
Go kick some a**.
You have a fan here! That shitty organization needs a kick in the b***s!
Becoming a scientologist makes me think of. Say being in quicksand. At first you think…ok. No problem
Then. The harder you try to get out. Harder it is…until it swallows you whole
My take is different… for me it happens so slowly over time that I never thought to ever ‘get out’. I would have stayed there trying to fix it for a long long time. After I was kicked out it was only me to blame until out over 11 years before questioning out loud even to myself. It took 20 years since being ejected beyond my control to finally see I was not the problem and the problem can never be ‘fixed’.
On the other hand quicksand can be seen and felt and you are aware you want out…
How about giving some TIPS on HOW to be “kicked out”……maybe some of the “still in’ want out but aren’t sure how to go about it.
Easy, just write KRs and staff member reports as per the LRH policies on the actions one sees around him as ‘off policy’. I left with my copies which equaled 13′ of legal paper LOL
At the moment Scientology seems to be expanding like a puff of hot air.
Much like the air that escaped from LRH’s ass to create scientology.
God damn lazy Scientologists. I think they should make themselves little cardboard signs and stand by the stop lights of freeway off ramps. They could read “Please help, your eternity is at stake”.
If donations were made, would they really be used for the intended purpose of would they be Dollar Routed into other coffers?
Bwahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Wait….what? You were serious? Bwahahahahahahaha! The dwarf uses the money for anything he wants! It’s routed all right! Much of it to his pocket.
David Miscavige has likely routed a considerable amount of cash to his Cayman Island accounts, all from his ridiculously blind parishioners and “whales”, and a sizable amount I’m sure it is.
He has been padding his golden parachute for years (allegedly) as his walls are closing in.
Despite all the money he has been mining from his “ecclesiastical” position, I would never, ever trade my life for his. The shoes he walks in are his to own, and he made his path in life, of his own free will.
His name is dirt, and history will judge him harshly.
Outstanding post! Bravo!
The dwarf? Lol. Do you mean David McScavenge?
Ha Ha, yep, that is the man!
Scavenging riches from the souls of his fellow man/woman since about 1986 or so. The depravity of his gluttony reaches no bounds.
Miscavige, you might go down in history as the greediest fuck that has ever sucked air.
To you I say, make atonement! It’s not too late!
Calling that low life a “dwarf” is an INSULT to those who really are dwarfs……I would call “HIM” something ELSE but that wouldn’t be very ladylike……
Guess nobody told these poor sods that doing “full time training” means “getting another real FT job” in order to support themselves. Put those actual stats on your flyers, ya big wienies.
The only conclusion I can draw from my own involvement, and that of others in this convoluted thing called Scientology, is the following: L. RON HUBBARD WAS A SKILLED HYPNOTIST.
You eyelids are getting heavy, heavy, heavy. Now… tell the reg about all of your bank accounts…
Scientology sure is the alternate religion. Alternate truths, alternate facts, alternate statistics and now the staff are forced to find alternate food sources. There is a simple technology to make Scientology real though – just reverse whatever they say or do and the truth falls out.
Scientology just gets uglier by the day, if that is possible. With lying propaganda this loud surely their end must be soon. 2017 would be a great year for their doors to close and their staff to get real lives.
Uglier than a mud fence?
A mud fence… lot more useful than Scientology.
By leaps and bounds…
On a slightly different subject, listened to a podcast last night with Chris Shelton & a guy from the Mormons, talking about cherch media and SuMP. The guy (I forget his name) said that his own kids don’t watch cable TV anymore, they just watch YouTube, etc, so they can watch what they want, when they want. So, once again, the cherch is way behind the technology times, even as they brag that they are getting ahead. It’s like Marc Headley said, selling cassettes when everyone was listening to CD’s and selling CD’s when everyone is downloading. Now selling cable TV when everyone is listening to YouTube, podcasts, etc.
Things will never change.
I have a CSW BEGGING for some pay when I worked for LA Day Org in 1988.
We had not been paid in months (and I state it in my CSW which was disapproved due to my down stats).
The FBO would bring in peanut butter and bread to feed LA Day staff during these times. We were not allowed to complain. We were just hungry and expected to work (as a Sea Org member) until the stats were better. No libs, no CSP, no time off for ANYTHING. State Of Emergency declares every few weeks.
Oh, and how about the “Amnesty” that CLO would offer us to beg like dogs.
Damn, Toot, aren’t you glad you’re free of all that shit? Congrats on getting your old life back! You can do whatever the Hell you want!
Yep! That’s the stone cold truth.
As with all things scientology, I believe that staff isn’t eating. However, donating money to feed them won’t solve the problem as the money most probably won’t go for food for staff. If I were still in, I would hope I was smart enough to donate food not money if I cared to help.
Great point. I’m sure the “church” will take their “cut” of any donations to feed these folks (“rice and beans for thee, but not for me”). Just another money-making scam that tries to appeal to the compassionate side of individuals who truly believe they’re doing good for others. This entire organization appears to be built and maintained on that sort of manipulation….taking advantage of people’s compassion in order to line their own pockets. Utterly despicable.
Soon, if not already, every mOrg in every country will be on the dole for their equivalent of food stamps. How much ‘profit’ does it take to feed a hungry mOrg? All this because paying off the top of the food pyramid happens before the locals get paid or even pays their electric bill.
Now, if news of this story gets back to COB, will he send a big check so South Africa can eat? Or will he just send someone to the Hole because the story got out?
The Empire of the Clams is under great stress these days. Stories like this prove it. Many thanks to all who brought this story to Mikes attention.
What a great name for the cult! Empire of the Clams! I love it! Poor little Clams, snap, snap, snap…
Come now, Mike: you’re being FAR too hard on the poor old Atlanta morgue. If just ONE public sets foot through their door (to ask for directions, of course, not as fresh meat) then it probably DOES count as “10X expansion” in their zone—which I gather is a dormitory suburb with almost zero foot-traffic 😉
Marknpm, if someone drives by and causally glances towards the Idle Morgue, the will be so happy, they might even get toilet paper! But…don’t count on it.
Fun fact everyone: Atlanta doesn’t even have a Div. 6 course room. They have a supervisor and room set aside; the only problem is that most hours, there’s no new public in the org. It’s just 70-80 staff servicing the same 40-50 people as before the org opened.
Yes the story on The Bunker today cracked my heart. I had posted there how the huge disparity & gap between the dwindling paying celebs and whales with the hardcores still flinging piles of cash at those oh so Ideal Orgs and the flashing signs pointing to the Invisible OTs, and the Sea Orders pitifully sending in pennies to dm and his criminal ilk. All the more not just determined but forcefully pushing against the fortress bubble walls. And even if I fly on, I will still be on the side of Light Laughter and Love against this Cult of Scientology. ?
Love you, Ann.?
Laughing at them, Ann B, is the best thing to do! They absolutely hate being mocked!
Mel Brooks once said, “The best way to fight evil is to laugh at it.” I embrace that sentiment wholeheartedly.
“Move up in status today”. Every time I see those words it makes me cringe. If I’m not mistaken, isn’t the “status” more of a donor level depending on how much money you donate? If so, is the only way to “move up in status” to just give more money? Or is there another way to increase your “status” for this religion where “all are equal” without any money?
You are not mistaken. Status in the IAS is based ONLY on how much money you hand over.
Yes, and every year the IAS pressures you to “up your status”. One time under much pressure I “donated” $2,500(by credit card) to become a Lifetime Member, figuring I wouldn’t be harassed anymore since it was to last a lifetime. Wrong! The next year they wanted $5,000 from me to “up my status” to another IAS donor level.
Towards the end, when I was UTR, showing up in my org for this or that, keeping my head down and pretending to go along with everything while at the same time voraciously reading Marty’s original blog and whatever else I could find on the internet about Scientology, by way of reply to being requested to “up my status”, I would say, “Why you don’t you up yours?” But I would smile broadly as I said it, to indicate that I was only funnin’ and meant no offense. I must have been a good actress because it made them laugh and leave me alone. Little did they know how determined I was to not “flow” another thin dime to this disgraceful scam.
Aqua, so very glad you are out. Btw, I tried to look up UTR On and could not find it. Another SCN acronym or is it shorthand for something like “up the river”? I am sooo not up on this stuff… thanks!
Just googled it… like I should have… under the radar! Duh!
Under the radar. On the road to leaving Scientology, but not out about it (yet)
Well of course. Then if you do that, the next year they have a $10,000 category for you to upgrade to, then a $20K level, etc. etc. Easy to just keep adding levels and coming up with new names (or inventing new words altogether). Hell, even for Tom Cruise, they couldn’t just give him the garden-variety “Freedom Medal”. It had to be the “Freedom Medal of Valor”. Amazing.
It’s almost like a Ponzi scheme, except the only they get for their money are trophies & status. Sick…
They can hang all those lovely “certificates of accomplishment” on the wall…….somewheere….someplace, right???…right????
well, trophies are something tangible that can be put up on the shelf to impress other clams…. As I think, perhaps putting it in the fish tank would be more real to them
Mick, you always ask such good questions. Thanks, all, for clarifying the “up your status” thing…
Hi Mick,
At one point Hubbard even disparaged ‘money motivation’. Who here wants to ‘star rate’ Mismanage on this HCOPL? Mmmmmmm…. I thought not.
HCOPL 11 November 1969 Issue II
“Promotion and Motivation”
OEC Vol. 6, page 758
“The weakest motivation is money. People and businesses that are motivated only by money are wobbly people.
The primary cause of mission failure is money motivation.
Money is important in the world. But it is the grease on the machinery, not the motors.
So money is a tool, a gas tank. It is a MEANS of getting something done. It is no valid end in itself.
Thus, a mission motivated only by money will eventually fail. For it depends more on the goodwill and personal conviction of Scientologists and the public more than it does on cash. Thus, there will come about a ridge between a money motivated mission and a public motivated by personal conviction or even personal gain. The potential agreement between the mission and the public is therefore a disagreement. The reality, the R, is out and so the ARC is out and so there is an interruption of flows.
A mission or an org must flow out service, help, wisdom, useful data. These strengthen personal conviction and result in personal gain for the public. Processing is a personal gain that heads to personal conviction. Money therefore flows back in AS A MEANS OF KEEPING THINGS GOING. As you will see on the above scale, money is junior to personal conviction and personal gain and so is dominated by them or vanishes when personal conviction or personal gain are absent.
The public understands that an org or mission must have money to keep the wheels going. They look on anyone using such wisdom and tech only for money with a kind of horror. They see it as an invalidation or a declaration that the material is worthless.
The public even understands an org or mission needing or having a lot of money only so long as money is used to improve the product, spread the word, provide facilities and support the people doing the work.
Therefore, to obtain operating funds you have to give real service, real training, real wisdom. You have to lead the field toward personal gain like health, and personal wisdom. You have to lead the field toward personal gain like health, and personal conviction, like a better society. If you lead very well and actually deliver, you will be paid proportionately and will have security and longevity. You have to be interested in what the clientele is interested in, not only in their pocketbooks.”
Thank for providing that Jim. I’ve never read that. If this is the only thing someones reads, it sounds like LRH was pretty smart and good leader based on this alone.
Of course, this was way back in 1969. Things have definitely changed since then (LRH himself seemed to change by the day). Or perhaps this HCOPL was more of a “PR move” to make him APPEAR to be a sincere individual who only cares about people’s well-being instead of money….sort of like when he “cancelled” the Fair Game policy (due to the bad PR), although in practice, it changed nothing.
1969 was when the orgs began running ‘quicky grades’. Someone had grabbed Ron’s admonition to NOT go past a floating needle: So, if you got a FN on clearing the words and/or the commands then that was the end of that process and/or grade. Off to attest. Real easy, real quick, fast money time. But no case gain for the PC. Back then grades were sold by the result, not the hours. Biggo stinko ensued.
Two years later expanded grades came out to try to undo the damage. Oh, but now we sell auditing by the hour and ‘it takes as long as it takes’. The orgs then took that to mean lots of time in the chair for their auditors, and using every conceivable process they could scrape out of Ron’s lectures. Or out of his ass, sometimes.
And the game continued, and continued, and…
$cn next big PR campaign’s key slogan: “We will audit for food!”
Lil davey needs to open the Strategic Rice & Beans Reserve and help these poor starving would-be auditors…NOW!
“We have a lot of new staff, who in order to do full time training, would need donations of food supplies to get these guys through their training and off to flag with no distractions”
So, NOT HAVING FOOD is a distraction to “Clearing” the planet.
Very interesting. Yes, it was a very similar story in 1983. Only, the kids were being sent to work on the Crystal Ballroom in Clearwater, FLA – you know, hard labor and long nights/all-nighters – and the only “distractions” we had were the rice and beans we would be served. I know – I was one of those kids.
It is outrageous that this has gone on for decades and people are STILL buying this story to the detriment of their own health, future and well-being. They have no idea this “idea” is exactly that – “Clearing the planet” is an idea they are buying into. Selling their lives and their children off.
The people responsible for this scam should be held accountable – they should be served hot spaghetti mixed with herbal pin-worm-parasite medication for the rest of their lives.
They don’t exactly ask for food, but donations of money for food supplies. Dude states he’s getting an account set up.
Hmm. Ortega nails the very politically incorrect with his observation about staff not being paid enough to subsist, in a former Apartheid town.
These trainee stories break my heart in two. People training in a multi billion $ organisation are hungry.
I wonder what would happen if people started showing up with bags of food…cans and boxes.
Would the Org ED:
say ‘thanks but we’d rather have cash?’ or
Take the food and use it to ‘pay’ the staff or
Sell the food to someone else?
I found the whole ‘I’m setting up an account’ story fishy as well.
There’s nothing politically incorrect in noting that the cost of living is less in a South African township. The cost of living is also less in Boise than in Manhattan.
The cost of living is probably considerably less in a region that was formerly under apartheid gov’t. Which paid pennies on the dollar for slave labor. I hope these folks blow the COS regime soon.
Starvation is one of the ways they control you. Imagine having to beg for money for food. Sick.
Axiom: If it does NOT contain lies, it cannot be scientology.
Truth is a nasty word within the cult.
That’s why they don’t have soap (or toilet paper).
Ten times nothing is still nothing. Just sad.