It’s official. And what an amazing surprise it was.
But now we have it straight from the horse’s mouth. Quinn the Eskimo has come out of retirement — everybody jump for joy.
There is a “ground-breaking development.” Well, not literally ground breaking, but as Quinn puts it, there has been a “change in protocol.”
As I had mentioned last week….
It’s a new pitch. Get the money for the “construction phase” and that can “barrel forward” while more money is gotten for “furnishings and equipment.” So give it NOW.
The history-making good news is that we can “imminently” start “construction” but the bad news is that there are still some hundreds of thousands needed for the “construction phase” and MILLIONS more needed for “furnishings” and equipment (remember, among other things, every ideal org has to buy a bunch of Warehouse 8s — two for each auditing room — they gotta get rid of them somehow).
Quinn has definitely been to Hype School. Never has so little been said in so many words and with so many exclamation points and ALL CAPS (well, that’s a bit of an exaggeration, I am sure there were more in the last email about whatever the next monumental, epic event is).
But it is good to know it’s the official pronouncement from Quinn: Protocol is changing and this CHANGES EVERYTHING (except the fact that we still need millions more).
Clearly, Valley is becoming an embarrassment for Dear Leader. This “protocol change” is pretty much a tacit consent that the church is going to cough up the remaining millions.
I predicted this some time ago. Changes would have to be made and the church would have to start funding the ideal orgs. Miscavige is left with little choice but to get all these outstanding orgs going because NOTHING is happening on the “Ideal Org Strategy” — no new orgs since early last year. Now reduced to showing “ideal” missions (Belleaire is not even CLOSE to being anything significant).
More cracks in the dam.
The wheels are coming off the donations gravytrain.
Desperate times call for desperate measures (see also Tony Ortega’s blog this morning — they are rolling out the celebrities to try and bolster the sheeple, another “protocol change”).
Panic in the bubble.
Dear Frank,
By now you may have heard the news. If not, let me gen you in on the ground-breaking development in Valley’s Ideal Org crusade:
We will be able to BEGIN CONSTRUCTION of the Valley Ideal Org imminently.
Up until this point the protocol was all funds for the entire project had to be in hand before initiating construction. That has changed. We just received word from the International Landlord Office that once we raise the remaining funds needed for the “Construction Phase,” we can actually break ground and START the construction!!!
Then, while construction barrels forward, we go full blast to raise the remaining funds for the furnishings and equipment — the final phase of the project.
THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING and allows us to actually BEGIN the renovations of the Valley Ideal Org!!!
We have in our accounts as of this writing very close to the amount needed for construction to start! This leaves a balance that quite honestly is extremely insignificant compared to what we have had to raise so far for the construction phase! We already have a committed large donation towards this, which will come in the moment we raise the remaining balance. The target is this week!!!
What is needed is for you to personally move up in status and spread the good news to others and get them to also move up in status! With each of us doing our personal best we will be able to send up compliance: “We are ready to START CONSTRUCTION!” and soon the dust will be flying as the renos will go full blast.
This is a THIS WEEK TARGET. Contact me personally or any Valley staff or OT Committee member for questions or details.
Let’s do this!!!!
Quinn Taufer
Building Fundraising Off WUS
“we will be able to send up compliance…”
Compliance. That sums up the essence of Scientology right there.
Complying to an obsolete business model that hasn’t discovered the Internet Age.
(Long curious post…sorry in advance)
First Time Commenter Here (Please be gentle with my lack of “been there” knowledge. I’m trying to understand something or confirm my understanding of it perhaps) and hope I can get some clarification from those in the know.
I’m not, nor have I ever been a Scientologist (or will be due to my current beliefs – no disrespect intended to those who do believe & embrace whatever facet of Scientology they do) and this is my first time ever posting on the subject though I’ve read quite a bit on it (Pos & Neg positions) and talked with a few current and past believers. I can’t deny I’m intrigued with the whole culture of this religion or philosophy and the metric ton of negative by-products – versus – positive by-products from Scientology; which are readily available on the internet, news, testimonies etc. I’m not implying that everything out there is true on either side of the wall, just stating it’s there and has peeked my interest. But I have what will probably seem like a stupid question. I think I know the reasoning…but thought someone could shed light on the topic and reason or reasons or explain to me if I’m off base or interpreting something incorrectly/assigning too much meaning needlessly.
I will qualify something first: I have and will continue to donate to causes I believe in, but most solicitations I receive from requesters have several things in common of course – but I don’t see a universal request standard here in this request for donation that is almost standard in other entities solicitations. In the solicitation for assistance posted above- (if you wish to term it so) the glaring, to me, omitted solicitation standard I’m used to seeing is a few simple, but meaningful words/phrases.
They are: Please? Thank you? Or, to effect, if you can’t afford to donate you can help by doing (insert activity… prayer, time donated, mention to a friend, stuff envelopes, sign a petition etc., here). Surely, most causes have other mechanisms where one can prove help aside from writing a check even if you aren’t an active benefactor, believer to the core etc. Example: I’m not blind but I believe strongly in assisting those who can’t afford seeing eye dogs. If I don’t write a check there are other ways my support/assistance can be useful to this cause and it doesn’t require an all in or your not helping type of attitude or perception. Every little bit of assistance helps and counts and it isn’t limited to an only one or two ways approach.
So my question is: Does this organizations seemingly frantic, DO IT NOW – shouty capital laced – err requests ever include the common society standard niceties or alternate options to help the charitable works they say they are doing? And being able to do that without being recruited as a Scientologist or writing a check etc.,? I’m asking because it seems to support the research I’ve seen which points to a money driven (or highly monetarily focused) Organization. I know entities can’t operate without money, don’t get me wrong but that solicitation just seems different, in the way I stated, from many other social betterment/church solicitations I’ve seen or received.
I know this may be a small point and semi-petty, but as an outsider looking in it seems a bit counter productive.
Heck even when a certain political party was sending out angst ridden, begging pleas (and they weren’t veiled so as not to appear begging or terror driven) prior to the most recent election in 2014, there was the serious punctuation driven statements and shouty capital letters to drive the point home and the in your face underlying guilt of your failure to act being the reason why failure was about to occur or did occur, but they DID, at least, include the niceties I previously mentioned and other ways to contribute if so inclined.
I’m not in marketing, PR or fundraising, but to the non- affiliated reader, average Joe who receives lots of solicitations, this just seems like a very poorly put together donations wanted communication. Only one way to help and we aren’t even going to include a please or thank you. Obviously, I’m not apart of the target audience this was intended for, and that may be why I’m having a difficult time wrapping my mind around it.
I want be fair and say I haven’t seen every or even half of the solicitations Scientology has distributed, so maybe theses items are usually included or sometimes included and I have a flawed view, but perhaps someone could shed some light for me on this topic? Is this a consistent and constant form of notification/solicitation for assistance? An accurate representation on how help is requested in terms of emails or mail?
Is this really all about money only, when help is requested, not counting the sea organization. I, personally, would think that an activity which does charitable (and I know the charitable aspect is a hot topic of debate depending on what side of the fence your behind) works would be open to other ways for people to assist with helping them achieve their goals. On the other hand if the goal is only a single faceted approach…this solicitation makes much more sense to me.
Every project has different needs, but surely renovating a building, or whatever construction project is planned, has other avenues of approach in terms of ways to assist. If I’m to properly understand the intention of the facility, it is to help the church continue its goals or whatever, which allegedly include assisting the community in whatever fashion, wouldn’t someone volunteering their time blogging, texting, talking to friends, researching ways to get assistance and other things also further the ultimate goal? While money might be the EASY way to make this happen more rapidly…does that negate the other ways non-monetary contributions may also help with ultimately achieving their goals from those who have a capacity to help just not in the monetary way? I’m not advocating nor trying to assist in with this project, but rather pointing out what I feel are other valuable ways to help that don’t seem to even be an option based solely on the solicitation above. A bit inconsistent with the idea of furthering a project from my perspective, and may lend credence to assertations other people have stated publicly about what this organizations intentions may or may not be.
And again, in the interest of fairness I actively read the Underground Bunker, Operation Clambake, Some issues of Freedom Magazine, books written by persons who left the church, bios on Hubard, material Hubard wrote, watched countless videos of interviews from current and former members to include celebrity members (I really found informative a series that used to be on YouTube but only a portion of them are still there, at least that I can find, the videos of Mr. Rinder and Mr. Rathbun while they were fishing and talking about their experiences.) I also recently read some depositions on active and older cases events. I’m inclined heavily on the side of church detractors as the preponderance of evidence seems to be consistent with these accounts over a wide space of time. I am only offering my personal opinion from what I’ve seen thus far. If more information were to become available by the church I am reasonable enough to read and consider it and make an informed decision including the new info. But at this point, admittedly for me, it would take quite a bit of open disclosure by the church for me to alter my stance.
And while this is terribly long (sorry, been actively watching and researching for a long time – became interested in this topic and bought my 1st book after thoroughly researching the Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints/Polygamy, when my Kindle suggested a book on scientology that readers who bought the book about the FLDS also bought. If you have a Kindle you know what I’m referring to – but since then I’ve been utterly unable to look away like when you see a horrid accident on the road) so it’s my first internet talk/question about this topic and I’ve wanted to ask questions before but I’ve been hesitant and felt that since I didn’t walk that path that I shouldn’t interject my opinion as it was so much less informed compared to those who have been there or had family members involved. As such I think my question on this topic has opened a flood gate of sorts. And it’s not that I don’t have my fairly concrete opinion on the topic, but when I saw this notification posted it widened that trickle of wanting to ask a question to a full on breach in the Dam as it clicked that I saw something I could personally relate an experience to.
So any suggestions or info on what I asked re: the way they solicit assistance in light of the big picture of helping the community etc., would be appreciated.
And thank you to all on this site, other sites and mediums who have come forward, talked and provided info for people like me and those who are actually involved or were involved in the church. I think you are brave, courageous and give hope to those who need it and information to those who wouldn’t have this info otherwise without potentially putting themselves or others in jeopardy of their beliefs or expectations. I have tried to word this carefully so as not to offend or negate anyone else’s right to believe or practice whatever they choose. I can only speak for myself in the end, and apologize if I’ve offended anyone while seeking clarification.
Thank you.
Curious Reader
Quinn is playing with words. He is desperate. It shows that people are sick and tired of being asked to donate and it’s the SAME people being asked over and over again.
People are tapped out with Fundraising Fatigue Syndrome and the only cure is to get vaccinated from the church’s ‘Pester Virus’.
it’s a song written by Bob Dylan in the ’60s and covered by several groups including the Beatles and this guy:
I don’t know if you intended it, Mike, but if one reads the lyrics from a certain point of view, they are quite fitting as satire:
“The Mighty Quinn (Quinn The Eskimo)”
Everybody’s building the big ships and boats
Some are building monuments, others jotting down notes
Everybody’s in despair, every girl and boy
But when Quinn the Eskimo gets here everybody’s gonna jump for joy
Oh come all without, come all within
You’ll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn
Come all without, come all within
You’ll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn.
Oh you know I like to do just like the rest
You know I like my sugar sweet but guarding fumes and making haste
You know it ain’t my cup of meat
Everybody’s out the trees, feeding pigeons all under the limb
But when Quinn the Eskimo gets here the pigeons gonna run to him
Oh come all without, come all within
You’ll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn
Come all without, come all within
You’ll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn.
A cat’s meow and a cow’s moo to you know I, I could recite them all
Just tell me where it hurts you, honey, and I’ll tell you who to call
Nobody can get asleep, there’s someone on everybody’s toes
When Quinn the Eskimo gets here everybody’s gonna want to doze
Oh come all without, come all within
You’ll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn
Come all without, come all within
You’ll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn.
Whoo hoo, Quinn!
Very pleased to hear that the Church of Scientology has just cognited on the necessity of paying for its own building construction! Very, very well done!
But please don’t get complacent because we’re not done yet!
You need to get busy assimilating the concept of the Church paying for its own FURNITURE!
I know, I know, it seems impossible now, but keep at it, you’re so close, Quinn!
Guaranteed, if you focus on this, really concentrate and word-clear all the HCOPLs on “Exchange”, at some point you will experience TOTAL UNDERSTANDING of the Church’s responsibility to pay for ALL of its real estate, and ALL of its MEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And, Quinn, no kidding – the full conceptual understanding of the necessity of this WILL IMPACT YOU LIKE NO OTHER WINS you’ve EVER experienced in the history of the universe or the whole track!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep us posted, OK?
You can do it, Quinn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Much love,
Aquamarine & The Gang at Mike’s.
I would like Mike to provide an update on the South African situation. Once you learn about church ideology and draconian operating methods the African org seems to be a correct microcosm of what will eventually happen to U.S orgs. Mike, look forward to anything your sources pass on to you.
I recommend the South African blog as they keep pretty good tabs on what is going on down there. Here is a recent story about the vanished “ideal org” building in Durban.
DM, here’s something for you to ponder from an individual whose made more money than you ever will:
“Companies exist to do something worthwhile – they make a contribution to society. You can look around and still see people who are interested in money and nothing else, but the underlying drives come largely from a desire to do something else – to make a product, to give a service, generally to do something which is of value.”
David Packard – co-founder of Hewlett Packard
Wow Demented Misanthrope is getting his ass kicked today.
My outie friends and I think that the aforementioned sub human is a whole track SP (psychopath) and has that tech down pat and I also think that a sociopath is a current life timer, takes on the valence of the psychopath, does the dirtywork and also becomes PTS and dramatizes Stockholm syndrome.Many will become reasonable if they can avoid ambient temperature.(mucho morta).
Do the public not know that the Church has hoarded a billion here and a billion there while trying to vampire suction out more funds from their financially broke public ?
That’s an absolutely remarkable amount of money.
It boggles the mind to see such figures and know it was criminally acquired by deception and lies.
But what would actually happen if miscavige was personally actually convicted of fraud? I assume the legal context of the crimes/charges he could be proven guilty of would somehow have to filter down into the organisational structure (org board) as that was part of or wholly the vehicle he used to commit the crime and acquire the money by deception in the first place.
Putting Hubbard and his schemes aside, he’s dead and gone but if the actual blood and bone figure of miscavige was dragged into court, convicted (maybe under RICO as well) and sent to jail – what happens to the now proven proceeds of fraud/crime?
Is there a precedent for such a scenario? Who would have to make decisions concerning such a huge amount of money and the vast real estate holdings? Wow… and it’s on an international playing field too!
No wonder he’s scared shitless about being deposed.
Small potatoes. The real money is in places like CSRT, US IAS Fund, Int IAS Trust, SORT and maybe SIRT.
No surprises here. From Day ONE, El Con set up the S.O. as a criminal money hording machine. Using fraud to get money from “parishioners” and keeping them quiet using Fair Game & threatened disconnection. El Con choose his criminal disciple well to carry on the crime ring.
Yeah, I understand the money hoarding scheme is the result of actions going back to the early days of organised Scientology. But now it seems more and more evident as the $ is being exposed that the trail is leading to somewhere tangible. And as time goes on legally permissible evidence is gathering that miscavige does actually sit on top the pile personally controlling it contrary to what his lawyers say. Knowing it is one thing, proving it’s fraud in another I suppose.
However, if fraud is proven say in the Garcia case and one thing leads to another and miscavige is eventually disposed and convicted (here’s hoping) what happens to the money hidden away in all those places? Or is it just to much to ask that justice be served, does big money like that in those type of accounts have their own safety mechanisms, like Swiss bank accounts?
Excuse my ignorance in such matters but there has been numerous legislations put forward in recent times by many countries that the proceeds of crime are legally confiscated and not made available to criminals. The drug trade being a prime example.
Be nice to know what miscavige fears the most.
I Yawnalot, As you surmise, you don’t understand the legal aspects of this. The vast majority of that money is untouchable by any gov in the world. DM himself will never get anything but some fines unless he starts killing babies in public. El Con committed larger US tax felonies (due to his self admitted psychosis about having to horde money, gold and gems), than DM and was never nailed. AND, DM is smarter than El Con when it comes to using legal means to stash money.
As far as “justice” being served. Whose justice? Most of what he does is protected in the US under the same Constitutional umbrella that protects YOUR beliefs and practice of the Scientology religion. “Fraud” is almost impossible to pursue in the religious arena. Only something like the Garcia’s claim MIGHT get through.
Quinn Taufer is trotting out the old Pythonesque ‘Confuse a Cat’ ploy along with the Lron’s usual ‘moving target’ scam. Yeah, just throw out some numbers and the regging calls can begin with ‘we only 100k to finish the construction costs, your share is 20k’. Then comes the ‘we need 10 million to ‘furnish’ the place, your share is 1 million.’
Just keep whipping the faithful minions {join the OT Committee} until the goal is reached and then set a new goal. The fun d raising never will end. When will the minions see that?
The latest con pitch is CLASSIC. You need to set up the mark. Witness the latest message. My guess is that in a week or two or three, the HUGE BIG FANTASTIC SUPER WIN will be announced!!!!!!!! WE DID IT!!!!!!! And then the construcion will begin. And then ….. ha ha ha ha ha ha … yes, you guessed it, kids. Now that the construction is under way and we can all see the coming of the Idle Morgue … all we need now is the furniture and the trimmings … a few million dollars more … and WE ARE SO CLOSE TO OPENING!!!! … and the round of new statuses (stati?) begin … who will be the first to lead the fundraiser and join the “Final Round Club”? … and I will be lovin’ it … seeing the idiots be bled dry some more because that is exactly what they deserve for their complete stupidity and complicity in the CoS’ crimes. So, yes, the big win will be announced soon … it is the exact next step in the manipulation of these suckers.
Mentioning to a mutual friend of mine & Mr. Rinder’s whose name will go unmentioned, I passed a comment about another appropriate name for Hemet/Hemming California….better called Lemet or Lemming, California. As this is the manner that all present members of the Co$ follow as Lemmings over that priceless edge to oblivion.
jenna elfman is gonna talk about life before and after OT.
that should be interesting. the scuttle butt is she’s become “fabulous”.
DM is squeezing the last of the zombies before the sun sets, he folds up the card tables, packs the tents and leaves the country with ALL the money. But, at least the Church will then fold up too.
Good god! the parishioners at the Valley org must have the patience of job! While most ideal orgs have become total failures shortly after their grand openings, the Valley org has failed to lift a finger to even begin the renovations. Doesn’t anyone there own tools? Raise a few thousand dollars to take to Home Depot? DIY? Something is not right here.
Related information from Tony Ortega’s blog:
In a post today (28 Feb 2015) on Tony Ortega’s site, user TheHoleDoesNotExist (who may be former $cientology exec Jefferson Hawkins), speculates that:
“My take: The whales are no longer getting ‘Get out of Ethics’ passes, are being subjected to the same ethics torture treatment for not meeting their quotas – so naturally are slowly and quietly drifting out from harbor.”
There are many other interesting, related comments in that thread. Anyway, if it is true that the whales are leaving or drifting away (UTR = “under the radar”) then that points to a collapse in $cientology revenue. That would be good news indeed! 47X contraction!! That is indeed worthy of exclamation point tech!
Hole’s a well-connected and knowledgeable Ex, but unless Jeff’s had some radical surgery performed, she’s not him.
TheHoleDoesNotExist is a woman.
Mr Hawkins certainly comments under his own name. Just published a new book, too, based on an Underground Bunker article series. “Closing Minds: How Scientology’s “Ethics Technology” is Used to Control Their Members” for instance on
On his Consolidation Program, Dave has begun to implement the targets to blow off celebs prior to his exit from the scene.
When they have their celebs sending out such communications to the regular folk, will that signal absolute desperation?
In effect, they already are. Jenna “Dead Babies” Elfman is doing a talk-and-reg session at CCLA. Valley wouldn’t have got this far without GODDESS-EMPRESS OF DUNE NANCY CARTWRIGHT BART SIMPSON. Krusty’s going to talk about how she ponied up for an Idle Morgue in Italy at Saint Hell. Like Mike said, the Toxic Dwarf is rounding up his D-Listers and making them go on his perverted version of a 1942 War Bonds USO Tour.
I just love the smell of desperation, Espiando!
“Saint Hell”. Still laughing.
Hi Blondes,
No, it doesn’t demonstrate absolute desperation on the part of church using celebs for promotion of Scientology, its products or its programs. Celebrities have always been used in this way by the church and in exchange they are given special status and treatment. They are coddled and protected in a sense by the church. They are given handlers when they are on the base and are not subject to the hard core fundraising and harassment techniques run on regular public. Their children are not recruited for the Sea Org either, like the regular public’s are. I know Nancy Cartwright’s daughter Lucy, and she joined after her high school boyfriend signed up for the SO. They got married immediately after graduation and went in the SO together. She was not specifically targeted for recruitment though, her mom being a celeb.
Celebrities are not required to shill for the church and as far as I know, they aren’t pressured into it. The celebs that you see doing this are pretty devout and are acting on their own volition.
Celebrities are not required to shill for the church
As they would say — it’s a whole new era in scientology.
Today Kirstie Alley is doing seminars about going OT in UK, Jenna Elfman is doing them at CC, Nancy Cartwright is pimping Bart Simpson to raise money for ideal orgs, there are public announcements about celebs “completing levels.”
They weren’t used for internal public rah-rah, until now.
There is real panic in the bubble. And the celebs are now being pressured into helping keep the sheeple on the reservation.
Good luck with that.
Yes, I just checked into Tony O’s site and read the article. It does indeed look like desperation. Kirstie, Jenna and Nancy have been briefed on the HBO documentary and have been rolled into action. Good Luck to them, and to the church!
I was thinking of all the CC magazines over the years with all the Celebs who gave interviews and promoted the latest course, Basics, auditing,etc. Also Tom Cruise’s debacle with Matt Lauer. Anyway, times have clearly changed and these people who previously had little to do with interacting with joe-blow public in the past are getting busy. It will be very interesting to watch how things play out after the film is shown.
There will be certain Scientologists who will watch ‘Going Clear” on the sly. I’ve had people admit to me that they went out and bought Vanity Fair when the Tom Cruise article came out, just so they could read it. Also that they “looked at” Anderson Cooper’s special, etc. It’s bound to happen; people are too curious.
Ecclesiastical protocol requires that Dave be sent straight to Hell.
Dave has deep pockets, and he is leaving you in the dust as he finances his Media Center at the old KCET studios. Has he told you to get the funds for Valley this week, or you will be back to being a renovations framer at his new Media Center?
I can sense how this might have come about. While on the Failboat, the VALLEY GODDESS NANCY CARTWRIGHT BART SIMPSON must have complained to someone during a crush reg session about how much money she’s forked over for Valley Idle Morgue with nothing to show for it. The foul odor drifted uplines to You Know Who. The one thing the midget’s afraid of is to piss off a Celebrity Whale, so he needed to do something, and fast. So he came up with an idea (for only he can come up with ideas in Scientology), then released Quinn the Eskimo from Lower Conditions to sell it.
This might actually lead to positive results in the short term, especially if this applies to every Idle Morgue in waiting throughout the world (and if not, Short Shit’s got a potential revolt on his hands for giving Valley “special treatment”). The euphoria around the concept that Shit Might Get Done will last a couple of weeks, but no longer than that, and we’ll be back to status quo ante before you know it. And Quinn gets to go back to the RPF to try to learn his lesson about the necessity for old dogs to learn new tricks.
Thanks, Espiando, for all of ur great comments. I am now going to refer to DM as Short Shit. I used to use Tiny Dick, but Short Shit is so much better !
Again, I love your comments and love to you from Steph.
I still love Tiny Dick, Steph. Very appropriate!
The initials – SS – definitely fit!
>The wheels are coming off the donations gravytrain.
This is great news. The criminal cult of $cientology has to dip into their reserves to fund Ideal Idle Orgs so David Miscavige, the criminal thug who rules $cientology with an iron fist, can lie about expansion at the next big event.
>What destroys Scientology and Scientologist’s???
>THE TRUTH! It causes them to melt down to the nothing that they are.
Shine a light on cockroaches, and they run away. True-believer $cientologists are similar.
The Truth: Captain Slappy’s kryptonite.
Two years after the Toronto Org’s application for a renovation permit was refused by the city, they have new applications under review.
The proposed renovations are a complete tear-down of everything except the foundation and frame, and would probably cost close to a new building. If they’re serious, either all those rah-rah fundraisers full of dozens of people have raised enough money (ha!), they’ve found an untapped supply of whale oil (ha!), or Dave’s looking at solving the problem by writing a check.
Something needs to be done about Toronto, damn quick. That’s almost certainly the worst eyesore among derelict Idle Morgue buildings, and considering Chicago, Philadelphia, Sunderland, and especially Bulawayo, that’s really saying something.
I really do wonder if the church will start writing checks to salvage these buildings. It’s so hard to understand the mindset of David Miscavige.
Simple mindset:
1. Take a few swigs of Macallan
2. Call Tom
3. Ream out a few execs
4. Get more money from whales
5. Plan the next biggest event ever
6. Goto 1
The clown dwarf has a mind? I could have sworn he lost it years ago and that’s what lead to the HOLE (that doesn’t exist). My bad…
McCarran, if you understand the IRS regs and basic econ it is easy to see DM’s mindset. 1) Those church corp’s HAVE to spend quite a bit of money per IRS regs. 2) Real Estate is a good place to park that cash during periods of high monetary inflation (like has been the case in the US for over a decade.) 😉
Then again, these new submissions to the city could be a sham to deflect complaints about the lack of progress, with a little interior trash removal now and then, as well as the quest for funds with endless phases.
And he states this: “We have in our accounts” – did he had a slip? Meaning, what accounts? More than one? Are these corporate or actually the church’s ones with the purpose ‘to help society’ so they can keep the tax exempt status?
This is bad. My first thought was, when is the IRS going to jump to decipher the numerous shore and ashore accounts where millions had been amassed with benefit to only one person?
That is why this blog and comments exist, to say enough is enough.
Exactly SILVIA. Lets SEE full transparency on ALL accounts.
Shouldn’t “Eskimo” be “Inuit”?
No. It’s a song.
Speaking of large donations this would make a fine birthday present for the COB In appreciation for all he done for us.
To Nancy and her retinue:
Valley Girl
She’s a Valley Girl
Valley Girl
She’s a Valley Girl
Okay, fine
Fer sure, fer sure
She’s a Valley Girl
In her Ideal World
Okay, fine
Fer sure, fer sure
She’s a Valley Girl
In her Ideal World
Like, OH MY GOD!
NoHo is like SO BITCHIN!
There’s like the 7-11
And like all these like really great drug stores
I love going into like the shoe stores and stuff
I like to buy the neatest pumps and stuff
It’s like so BITCHIN cuz like everybody’s like
Super-super nice
It’s like so BITCHIN!
Valley Girl
She’s a Valley Girl
Valley Girl
She’s a Valley Girl
Okay, fine
Fer sure, fer sure
She’s a Valley Girl
In her Ideal World
Okay, fine
Fer sure, fer sure
She’s a Valley Girl
In her Ideal World
Nancy, gag me with a spoon
You’re my hero!
Thanks OSD.
Mike, good call. I suspect the same is going to happen in South Africa – Ideal Morgues have all but ground to a halt despite a recent upsurge in fundraiser promos going out. Joburg & Pretoria Org are bankrupt. Joburg North, despite having bought their building have just lost their ED to JBG FDN and are now having to raise Millions for the furnishings and equipment for their building. Joburg & Pretoria Org public are being hit to cover this expense. Joburg Org has now been in “Ideal Org fundraising mode” for 12 years. And they still have Durban, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Bulawayo and Harare to go.
2009 was the year earmarked for the opening of AOAF. It’s 5 years later and they are so far off the target they may as well be aiming for Mars. Interestingly, I recently found out that Kirstie Alley donated +/- $60,000 to what became “the Ideal Parking Lot” in Durban. Wonder how she felt when she heard the “building” she paid towards was torn down. Does she even care?
I wonder considering what you say here Shelley and what Mike said on Tony’s blog about maybe Kirstie doing some kind of amends: Is all of this her way (His Way) of “taking responsibility” for the death of her soon-to-be son-in-law? Don’t mean to be cruel, but this is the way the church/David Miscavige’s tech works these days. (She goes to Flag after the accident; gets on auditing lines; does a PTS Rundown; finds the SP she got too close to cause the accident; gets all the necessary auditing to clean the whole thing up for herself and does an amends to make sure she really gets back on board and does not take her eye off of the ball (The church of scientology) of the greatest thing for mankind and get too involved in other “fish.” Because, after all, she is a big being celebrity and SP’s go after big beings like her.
All the big beans are on the RPF.
McCarren – I had the same thought after reading Mike’s take on this. Perhaps she was doing some kind of amends and got milked for Ideal Morgue donation in South Africa. Who knows?
Durban became a HUGE flap – they had regged R5 Million from a South African living in Clearwater at the time – he was involved in some weird property development scheme which he had financed by eliciting investments from local C/W Scios. Of course the R5 Million donation was not his money to give – it belonged to the investors (a similar thing occurred in South Africa with his ex-partners – using investors’ money to donate to the Church). When the market crashed, the banks foreclosed, leaving all these investors in the hole for Millions.
Anyway, the R5 Million cheque (check) he donated to Ideal Morgue Durban bounced – and this resulted in the sword of Damocles raining down on the head of the then-CO CMO AF. He went to the Corbett’s (SCN whales in South Africa) on bended knee, begged them to “loan” the Church money to cover this bounced cheque – which they did, on the understanding that they would get the money back within 2 weeks. They never saw the money………. naturally. They were declared in 2013 and are now suing RCS for that loan plus interest – which the church is denying was ever a loan in the first place!
Anyway, my point is that some major scrambling had to occur to cover the money for the Durban building, and this is where Kirstie comes in with this huge donation (and interestingly a smaller donation from the Duggans as well).
The horrible joke of course is that after all of this, the building was found to be “unsuitable” for an Ideal Org, and was demolished in 2010. All that remains is an empty stand which the unsuspecting Church parishioners paid R16 Million for…………….. Recently it transpired the Church was looking to sell the property and were advised that they MIGHT get about R8 Million.
Word of warning to contractors in the Valley area; Get the money up front!
Absolutely! They are known for not paying contractors! GET THE MONEY UP FRONT!
Pathetic. Pathetic beyond belief.
Yawn…Now don’t get too excited.
I have seen this strategy before at our Morgue…you know, the Idle one.
Remember – they LIE!
They will do anything to Keep Scientology Working.
TR-LIE is one of the most used tools used in Scientology. In fact, that is one thing that started to really turn me off when I was in. It was expected that I start lying to get people in. The Registrar even encouraged me to bring in people that were on “psych drugs”. (Now I see why – the ole Illegal PC scam)
Now it is possible that David Miscavige is addicted to “Idle Morgue Grand Openings” where the club seals go crazy over the Fuher. He “must have” the admiration or feels like he is dying…anything is possible. But his love of cash and fighting in the courts is stronger.
I believe this person is plain ole lying to get money. They are desparate and lying works when standardly applied. That is how the Scientology show remains on the road.
Rumor has it – John Lobb came out with his new Spring line and David Miscavige must have one in every color.
and lets not forget there are 2500 ways to cook fresh lamb flown in from Australia.
This all costs money people.
But when it comes to obtaining money – David Micavige keeps the policies in, in, in – even if his ethics go out, out, out.
Silly, silly Toxic Dwarf.
New Zealand lamb is better than Australian.
New change in Protocol, Valley Org has taken up Heavy Drinking !
That would certainly make Davey’s speeches more bearable.
Can you imagine the drinking games we could come up with?
” ML,
I can feel the love Quinn. It’s oozing from your pores. As surely as you can squeeze blood from a turnip you will extract the last bit of cash from the road kill you call ‘parishoners’. If you had a pair (which if you do are owned by dear leader) you would tell Him to cough up enough to get Her Royal High Ness to throw in the rest as her match.
Then you can start construction on your tombstone in the Valley of the Cult.
If ML is really supposed to mean Much Love, I think Mr Quinn and the rest of Dave’s Drones have a massive MU…
Gosh, am I dumb or what! I thought ML referred to Many Losers. Hey, it’s tough being me!
I think “ML” actually means “More Loot”, to those in the know.
He actually wrote “MI” instead of “ML”. I was wondering what that meant until you reminded me that they shout “Much love!” while fleecing people of their life savings.
MI = More income.
More like “MI=Mission Impossible”, which is not only a cute Scino reference, but also a pithy summary of actually getting Valley Org done.
MI = Much Insanity.
I left scientology way before the great fundraising plagues scorched the earth and I find this almost impossible to believe. People are STILL on board with this and are actually seeking to “move up in status”??? It reminds me of that Tim Burton film where the Martians are reducing everything to rubble with their ray guns while declaring, “WE COME IN PEACE WE COME IN PEACE!” and there are those people who still believe them!
I saw “Mars Attacks” with my brother. We laughed so hard. It is JUST LIKE SCIENTOLOGY!! The martians use loud speakers to announce “don’t run, we are your friends”. The humans would stop running and have one moment where they look relieved and then the Martian would blow them to pieces. THAT is Scientology only a bit more covert.
The humans would play “Slim Whitman” on loud speakers and that would cause the martians to melt. It was the only method to destroy them.
What destroys Scientology and Scientologist’s???
THE TRUTH! It causes them to melt down to the nothing that they are.
Tell your friends to check out “Freedumb Magazine” website. I sent it out to all of my contacts and they are in shock that a “Church” puts out this hate website. Also – it is great promo for “Going Clear” coming up March 29, 2015. I just got HBO and am having an SP Party!!
You lucky dog, Idle! I’m still trying to find a friend, or stranger or what have you, that has HBO! I’ve got a month to find someone here in southern Cal.
OSD We will have a viewing party here at our house on the 29th of March. So come on over, it will be fun!
Seriously, Sabine? You’re in southern Cal? I am sooooooo there! You can get my email from Mike. Let me know if you’d like me to bring anything! My wife makes a killer spinach dip.
Sabine, you just made my day!
I’d love to do the same thing, but HBO hasn’t announced when Going Clear is going to air in Canada. Yet. I should but them.
Why doesn’t Flag just send a couple of the Cause Resurgence Supes to the valley, and run anyone who’s donating money already through the program (they could run around the new building) and then they would all be causative in upping their statuses. They could even be given the running rundown gratis. There! That handles that! Now, was that hard, OTC? Do I have to think of freaking EVERYTHING? (and really , as an SP I shouldn’t actually be giving you guys all this advice for free … but … for old time’s sake …)
You can count on Scientology to take something like “running / jogging” and take credit for the benefits. Charge people $5,000 to run around a track and stay in the SP building that costs members $23 million dollars and the wins just fly.
So predictable.
What is next?
Scientology tells members that eating healthy was their idea. They sell the Rejuvination Rundown at Flag. Charge $150,000 for it and make it really secret.
The members have to stay 6 months min. Better if they stay one year.
They are only allowed to eat the healthiest food and are required to exercise daily. They get away from their job and family – no stress.
They lose weight, feel better and look better,
Wow – Scientology really works. Thank you sir, for the tech!
They could use Kristie Ally’s ‘organic liaison’ regimen or you could just join the Army. Even if you get sent to Afghanistan, it’s still safer than Krustie’s swill.
Hip hip oy vey!
Hip, hip…No, seriously, my hip really hurts right now.
LOL, Michael!