Apparently these “ideal” orgs don’t have anyone actually completing anything to give “success stories” so they resort to getting (and publishing) “successes” from people “in progress” on services.
This is the best they can come up with?
A further indictment of the complete failure of the “ideal org” program and GAG II.
i don’t get your point Jens TINGLEFF. perhaps you misunderstand mine.
i was speaking to the people who may feel they wasted a lot of their years. a lot of non scientologists have done the same. many if not most people feel their life hasn’t turned out like they envisioned, that many things turn out not to be what you thought or hoped they were. that is part of life. in that they are not alone.
to put it more simply, if you feel you’ve wasted you life on scientology, there is no guarantee you wouldn’t have “wasted” it on something else.
perhaps even you have somethings you find hard to admit to yourself.
Excellent point WS! Well put. I agree whole hardheartedly.
I’m still waiting to see flyers featuring people running in circles at Flag, or sticking their hands in oily goo, instead of shots of people smiling at each other in lobbies or holding up certificates — C’mon, Miscavige, show the people actually DOING the ridiculous Purif Rundown and Perceptics drills…..not sure if that would motivate the other KoolAid drinkers to sign up and complete their courses, but it would provide great laughs for the rest of us….
The running in circles is “Cause Resurgence”, sitting in the sauna is “Purif.”
“…you simply fucked up, same as everybody else. fess up to yourself and move on.”
Very wise, Whitestar, but the problem with many of these still ins is that they are convinced, or else they desperately need to hang onto the belief of, their superior beingness, for being in Scientology in the first place.
See, their superiority to others is how they justify what they DON’T have because they have stayed in Scientology so long.
Now, whales – who don’t have money problems, obviously, certainly have this superiority complex, (for lack of a better term). Tom Cruise has 3 failed marriages and each of his wives are considered SPs if not outright declared, and technically his little girl is an SP now out of her connection to Katie Holmes. He is one of the richest most famous men in the world but he can’t find a viable 2D How does he comfort himself about this, do you think?
Kirstie Alley had to kiss off Parker Stevenson many years ago because of her religion and hasn’t had a viable 2D since, and instead of improving herself as an actress she uses her weight to get attention and employment. But read her tweets: her belief in her superiority is clear; she just has it all soooo together, don’t you know.
These are just high profile whale examples but then there are the run of the mill still ins, the non-whales, who are broke, with wrecked credit, unable to afford to buy homes well into their middle age, having to dump their kids into the Sea Org or support them as Class V org staff at their local org, young ones quitting school when they are 16, and all of them at the mercy of Command Intention in one way or another whether as public, ClassV org staff or in SO – do you think these people are EMBARRASSED about any of this? Not from my experience – hell no! Just the opposite! They BRAGGED about these things to me. They were PROUD of these conditions – why? Because they were superior Big Beings, dedicated in one way or another to saving the planet.
Look, if these still ins give up their concept of themselves as superior to most of mankind, then they have to confront that they’ve allowed themselves to be “losers”.
Now, hear me out, I’m NOT saying that they ARE losers, but when they stay, year in and year out, they need a major excuse for what they don’t have, and in my opinion, that excuse is, “I’m better than these other people”.
In my opinion for what it’s worth – and I think it’s worth a lot – ha! – they are all – staff, public and SO that are still sipping the Kool Aid, in treason to LRH and the subject matter.The amazing thing is that they think we on the outside are squirrels. Yet they ignore HCO PLs and HCOBs, cancel HCOBs and PLs without raising a finger of protest, allow the tech to be diluted and chopped and changed, allow a re-defintion of an F/N (instant reads also?), rip each other off for 10% commissions, support financial scamming and covert price-raising in IAS and Idle Orgs, pervert internal justice to suit themselves or the party line, hold kangaroo courts on people objecting to any of this, natter about and calumniate people who object to any of this, ignore anyone pointing out exactly what they are doing as above, make huge donations to support all of this, disconnect anyone who objects to this, force abortions on SO women, do the PTS/SP course several times yet can’t spot an SP to save their lives, dictate how staff and public should lead their sex lives again despite LRH PLs to the contrary, apply heavy Ethics to staff and public contrary to LRH advices, and generally make the Orgs a miserable and stressful and humorless environment – which is the worst thing – ha! They can’t even have a good laugh about it all these days!
And they wonder why the Orgs are empty? It is simply because “management” have imposed an Idee Fixe of what he or they think should be going on in Orgs and ignored the HCO PLs which teach how an Org should be run – they violate the policies constantly. So is it any wonder that the Orgs are empty? No! That for me is the biggest outpoint for these people – they see an empty Org, course rooms and HGCs and just shrug their shoulders.The blind man is indeed leading the blind and blinkered – into oblivion.
I have commented here before that the problem with orgs is far more than “not following policy” — there is no evidence that policy consistently expands orgs, at all. There is not a single org in history that has consistently expanded, and the explanation that “nobody has followed the policy” simply means that after 50 years, that policy is not followable. Because a LOT of people have tried — spent years training on the policy and still cannot get it to work.
I agree with almost everything you’ve said, Foolproof.
I’ve never been on staff but the HCOPLs I’ve followed continue to benefit my business. Of course, there’s no way that my business is managed with any version of the Birthday Game, and the truth is, if I ran my business SOLELY by stats and conditions, I wouldn’t have a business anymore. I would have lost it a long time ago, because in my business, I have to really work WITH people in order to get a product.
I cherrypick the LRH that works for my business, my employees and myself. If I know that when my people are trying their damndest to get a product, or even if they are discouraged and not trying, I never deflate them by putting them in “lowers”, punishing them or even criticizing them, because I myself cannot be managed that way and I think its horrible, and then, pragmatically, I need their good will, their self-determinism in full play and their self-esteem in good shape in order for them to get a product!
I take from LRH what I find works, and ignore the rest. As far as making Scientology orgs work, I can see much of Ron’s policy being beneficial to production and expansion, but as for orgs living and breathing for the Birthday Game, I always considered this detrimental to the orgs viable expansion because of how it necessitated stat-pushing and made the delivery of the product way more important than the welfare of the person for whom it was being delivered.
So true Foolproof. My hubby calls it “death by management”. Although I know some missions that did well furthest from the grip of the SO. And yes, the biggest overt of all…..having no sense of humor!
“…but when they stay, year in and year out, they need a major excuse for what they don’t have, and in my opinion, that excuse is, “I’m better than these other people”.
Yes, Aquamarine! You nailed the Service Fac used by the KA drinkers when they have the cognitive dissonance that “mere wogs” seem to be doing better than they are even after having spent $500,000 or more to get into exalted and enlightened states of “super power.” And Kirsti Alley is a great example of that. She is not doing well in life, her 2nd D is in shambles, and yet she lets everyone know how superior she is to them all. It must be lonely being the only competent and successful person on the planet, Kirsti. It’s your burden to bear. How do you manage it?
being a fool, being fooled, making an idiot of yourself, doing stupid things…….are all part of being human.
it is your fault and it’s not. in other words it’s life, nobody promised us a rose garden. and if you don’t think you’re human, well that’s for you to sort out.
life is rife with flimflam, injustice and all that bad stuff.
to quote Pink Floyd “hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way…….”
whether it’s wasting your life in a cult or wasting it in some dead end job when you felt you could have done something else, it’s 6 or one half dozen.
people who feel bad about wasting their life in scientology, don’t feel so bad. most of us have wasted their lives just the same except on other things, may be alcohol, drugs, gambling or what have you.
many of them are your critics.
you simply fucked up, same as everybody else. fess up to yourself and move on.
rare is the person without regret, that if given the chance to do it over again they wouldn’t do it different.
you are hardly alone.
So, say – hypothetically – that a woman told youher husband beat her. Would you say “Well, you know, he’s not the only one…”
Very wise and real WhiteStar.
I don’t know if these are OTs back to the bottom of the bridge or not. In case they are OTs just a quick word
from HCOB 21 Jan 1980 THE OT DRUG RUNDOWN that I just came across: “Clears can be run on Objectives (though you must not re-run an Objective process that has already been run to EP”). BDCS:LRH:DM:kjm.
I bet that is viewed as old now and no longer applicable thanks to the incredible efforts of our wonderful
leader to find the true tech….
I looked in my Red vols for this and it is no longer in the latest addition. Could you let me know where to find it. I would like to show to my 2D who is redoing SRD as a OT7. thanks
edition –sorry
You won’t find it in the red volumes because it is a confidential HCOB.
If you look at HCOBs about objective processes, like on the HQS course, SRD or Level I, that deal with objectives, a lot of data pertinent to CCHs / objectives is in the years of 1962-65.
Whether objectives or any other process for that matter, it is a basic NOT to rerun something that has been run to EP.
Good luck!
The question is who makes the determination of weather someone actually got the EP of a particular process?
Can you confront anything Do Scientologists have Sympathy or Compassion ?
“$cientologists have Sympathy or Compassion?”
Now there is the oxymoron of the day. Goes right along with Flag is the friendliest place in the world and the other shit that dribbles out daily.
Only thing likely true is that Dave the Dildo continues to SCOHB.
Nyuck,Nyuck, Nyuck, I did the PTS/SP courses LRH and
,David Miscavige. Now I can leap tall buildings in a single bound.
Stop freight trains with thought,deflect bullets with my bare hands, whip Mike Tyson with my little finger blindfolded. Actually NOT !!! But I did read Martha Stouts Book “The Sociopath Next Door” and can read David Miscaviges thoughts before he thinks them ,TRUE !!!!!!!!!
Yes how strange that they can do the PTS/SP not just once, not twice but some do it many times – and they still can’t spot the SP elephant in the room! Or even if they do, they then let themselves be further suppressed i.e. they are then PTS, by being told that if they carry on thinking that way, then they are going to be declared – as an SP! Such would be a good Monty Python sketch.
This is what is printed on the page….
“OMG. I am so blown away by Gat Two. I have been in scn since in 1967 and done the entire bridge 3 times. This time is the best ever!!!!!! I am now back on the student hat once every second sunday afternoon and I loving every second of duplicating lrh words like a laser beam into my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My hat is off to Commander Miscavige for this incredible tech release. Three cheers for him!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what my mind receives….
“Blah blah blah de blah blah de blah be blah blah blah. Blah blah blah de blah blah de blah be blah blah blah.Blah blah blah de blah blah de blah be blah blah blah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.”
This is what is really being said
“OMG, I am so screwed. I have been in scn since 1967 and spent $600,000 trying to get to OT 9, but its never been released and exists only as a figment of DMs imagination. I am so old I can barely move, but if I loose my two jobs with local scieno-whales I will starve to death in my trailer park, so I am on course as often as I can, which is almost never. This must the 5th time I have done the student hat and it’s not only substantially different every time, it’s totally unrecognizable as the same course this time round. My 12 year old cat could complete this course. My hat is off to Commander Mismanage for letting me keep my two jobs and giving me an opportunity to keeping my family and eating. “
+100 Perfect duplication of the reality of the Cult Roy!
Roy ,
My God your story got me. Two jobs and trailer park. I worked Four jobs
to get on OT 3. One was fixing toilets in sleezy Restaurants, on friday nights I would always
get a call from an El Salvadoran Restaurant to unplug a shitter that was leaking or something and it never failed while lying down tightening plumbing I would get urinated on by drunken El Salvadorans.
Jose, I feel for you, but laughed out loud on your post. The sacrifices we made for Scn! Thanks for sharing this.
Roy, that was priceless! I laughed so hard I almost couldn’t breathe. Thanks!
Mike you are a man that thas a choiche.
You made the right one
We nerds can see that
I am the thorn in your side
Mike Rinder is a Compassionate man.
He gives people that are hurt a p;ace to be.
I should behave myself in his realm
Yes, b/c the examiner’s stat is the number of exam cycles – something that is almost completely out of the examiner’s control. So if they are getting hammered with lower conditions, they’ll try to pull in people to write success stories to raise the stat.
When you only have 3-4 people a month coming in the doors and they’re all retreads, you take what you can get. Pretty soon they will be releasing this one:
I routed onto course today. I got my student hat pack. It’s so much shinier than the one I got in the 70’s, and the corners are rounder than the one I got on Gat 1. I cognited that I couldn’t learn anything because the MEST was so downstat it impeded my learning. After stopping to have a pleasant chat with several IAS regges and handing over my Starbucks and Amazon gift cards and the $5.00 bill I had in my emergency pocket in the wallet, I sat down just as it was time to leave. I look forward to going back tomorrow after I apply for new credit cards with higher limits and maybe someday I will even make it to opening the course pack. Oh what wins!!!
Or, releasing this:
“I am an SP.
But I once was a Scientologist, in good standing. I did all sorts of courses. It even helped me get layed! When I pass by my org on the way to work, and once in a while I will see someone coming in or going out the door. A person. A Scientologist! They, I mean Scientology, say if I just go to the RPF for a few years I can route back on. To Scientology! Woo Hoo!”
When I was on KTL we wrote up our wins and we wrote success stories all thru the course because it was effectively a rundown. We were continually encouraged to write up wins and I always enjoyed doing so. Having said that, on no other course was I ever asked to write a success story until I had attested to the EP of the course! We could always originate a win but a success story was for the end of the course; it was a “have” kind of action. Apparently, success stories have been moved into “do”. Maybe someday they’ll be asking for success stories from people right after they enroll on the course (be).
I could randomly stop people in the street and hear more success stories.
And what are the chances that the phrase “I am totally blown away…” might be a circuit within the cult?
Goes hand in hand with: “This was the best event EVER”
Not to be overlooked following a major IAS or Idle Morgue fleecing: “That was totally fuckin awesome man!” ………….as the pleebes file out dazed and confused.
And let’s not forget: “I’d like to thank COB for…”
“awsome ” is my favorite.
But try writing a “for real ” realization and look at the stonefaced people reading it like they don’t give a shit.
Coop! It’s NOT a circuit! It’s a full blown implant from the Mars Implant station. “I am totally blown away,” “That was the Best event ever!”, &, of course, “I’d like to thank COB for.” I’m beginning to think there’s still an implant station here on Teegeeack!
What about Not Dones, Half dones etcetera?
Now it is the time for Deviled Meat to show his greatness!
She’s redoing the Student Hat Course and Science of Survival? Woohoo, really pushing new frontiers there! I guess her first Student Hat Course was broken, but it would be interesting to compare her claimed Big Wins from that one. I am surprised that they used her full name.
I LOVE the visual on this one!! “I never finish anyth…’ 🙂 Right on!
The first Success Story was from a half-baked cake and the second Success Story sounded like someone who had successfully been able to disassociate from their emotions. Successful emotional shutdown, per Jon Atack’s comments on Tony’s blog the other day. Now there is no more interference from those pesky emotions such as compassion, love, uncertainty, whatever. Now they can just disassociate and stay tranquil without the tranquilizers.
Incidentally, where can I get that cushion?
Just listened to your latest interview with Jeffrey Augustine. Good One! Listening to that will benefit someone I know. Thanks, Mike.
Scn Inc is certainly all sizzle and no sausage.
I guess their loyal adherence to the most bizarre con game on earth is matched only by the disbelief of those outside the bubble that such a level of idiocy actually exists.
I remember in a cram many, many years ago Hubbard alluded to something like, “well now that you’re in comm with the PC for God’s sake do something about the case.” They are creating morons of all that listen to them. Those people could give penicillin a bad name!
What we are observing here is the most incredible downward spiral of infectious idiocy. As Bung once commented on the Wizard of Id, ” a fool and his money are soon parted.” I guess the same can be said of sanity as well.
Great post, I Yawnalot! But you fractured me with “all sizzle & no sausage.” Bwahahahahahah! Damn! And I thought I was funny! As we always said in the business, “Now that’s some funny shit!!”
Thanks so much for the laugh!
I like the SRD success story by L.M. in London. If he or she really got these gains, he or she should be reaching for Mike’s blog sometime soon to increase survival potential.
As to the PTS/SP crs wins from reading SOS, I look forward to Ms Johnson’s attempt to do away with me quietly and without sorrow.
Just listened to your your audio with Jeff on Why SCN inc tells lies, and I think people stay in because admitting they are wrong and have spent millions of dollars on a con, is overwhelming and destructive to say the least. I have a few friends who were in it for years spent millions and can’t get last the guilt and shame. Very sad.
I agree with you.
Yes, and Grade 4, Service Facsimilies is supposed to handle Service Facs.
But most SO never get that far on the Grade Chart because although you do get “study time,” or “auditing time” because most seniors don’t let their juniors go study because they are cracking the whip to get the stats up as stats are the most important thing of all, and enhancement is for wimps. No case on post. Competence is above case gain and all those special one line sound bites that become used as service facs themselves. And I’ve even heard staff looking down their noses at public because they are lesser than the powerful beings who can confront and are “doing something about it” by being on staff. There is an us vs. them mentality even within the church. Yet in reality one can’t survive without the other.
Mary Jane. I agree. There’s a combination of “I spent so much time and money I can’t possibly admit I was wrong” and the Scientology push that you are a “superior being” so therefore, all those wogs pointing out your stupidity are just deluded is a one-two punch to further enslavement. The people convince themselves that they are “making choices” while rigidly following someone else’s orders and rigidly toeing the line.
Even those on staff have dedicated so much energy that they can’t possibly admit they were supporting a losing horse–not to mention the threat of the (totally unenforceable) freeloader’s debt hanging over your head if you should leave (spoken by one who knows). When you walk away from it all, what it there to hold onto? You get so used to someone dictating your every move that making independent decisions is a frightening experience.
“You get so used to someone dictating your every move that making independent decisions is a frightening experience.” Yes, Valerie, so true!
It’s my impression that the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology also actively instills tendencies for the victims to blame themselves. So, when the question crops up about why the victim stayed in, the first answer that pops into the victim’s head is “it was my fault for being stupid.” I don’t think that’s the answer. I think that mentally oppressive regime of the cult makes the victim blem themself when they should be blaming the cult.
Your impression is correct. It is ingrained in the inculcated think of scientologists that the first place to look for anything wrong is “me.” If it is not “unhandled overts and withholds” it is “out ethics on one or more dynamics” or “unhandled evil purposes and destructive intentions” or “low on the Tone Scale” or “my perceptions are inadequate.” There are many more. But the first — unhandled O/W’s is the big one. Everything that is wrong is YOUR responsibility and it all stems from your own unhandled transgressions.
Oh, and one more thing that struck me as I walked the dog…
(Opinion alert, read the rest at own risk.)
Framing the question (hypothetically, of course) as “how could I be so stupid?” is to ask the wrong question[1]. Intelligence has little or nothing to do with being a (member) victim of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology[2].
The organisation would like you to think that joining it (and paying its demands) are a sign of superior intelligence. That’s just a trap. It’s a part of the trap that is set early on (with the “intelligence test” which – when repeated right after each course – keeps giving increasing results).
What is actually happening is that the Co$ is targetting a (range of) emotional vulnerabilities. This is baked in (“Find their ruin!”), and not everyone is vulnerable (observe the number of people who get exposed to the scam and just walk out). The vulnerable victims are those who accept the notion that buying (and donating to) $cientology is more important than life[3].
The point I’m trying to get across is that there are victims who continue to be victimised not because they’re stupid but because they are vulnerable to the particular set of techniques employed by the Co$[4]. This is what is acknowledged in the French criminal verdicts. Some sales techniques, such as those used by the Co$, go beyond being too god and end up in the illegal end of the spectrum. (Just like time share selling had to be thoroughly regulated a few decades ago, and tobaco packaging is being regulated.)
Oh, and it goes without saying that children who join the Damnation Navy as pre-pubescent teens do not even have to ask themselves this question. My heart aches for those families and I hope that over time more and more of them will get back together again.
[1] I may of course have been one of those critics who have done so, and occasionally continues to do so, but that’s just “tough love” – really 🙂
[2] I have met ex-victims of a wide range of intelligence levels. The Co$ doesn’t care as long as you can sign a cheque (or they can get away with faking your signature or doing a credit card purchase without your knowledge).
[3] Vide the court verdict of culpable of manslaughter handed down to Jean-Jacques MAZIER in France (confirmed up to the highest instance). J-J had convinced Patrice VIC that the purification rundown was more important that Patrice’s life, so Patrice quit his career, his wife and his two children, jumping from a window in front of the three latter. All of that because he didn’t have the money to sit in a sauna and take dangerous amounts of vitamines (to achieve an aim that not even narCONon will claim is medical)… (Court verdict in total on my webpage, minus the names of the defendants.) Staying in France, and with a victim walking in off the street, Kaja BALLO took a test in Nice in Feb 2008. In spite of there never being a court case, I assume that the registrar was entirely successful in “finding her ruin” because Kaja killed herself.
[4] I really miss being able to point people to “Addicted to Scientology: Overcoming the Ups & Downs of Scientoloholism” by Vance Woodward.
Your comment:
“So, when the question crops up about why the victim stayed in, the first answer that pops into the victim’s head is “it was my fault for being stupid.” I don’t think that’s the answer.”
I agree there are other answers but yours certainly works for me. The unknownness of time place form and event per the tech dictionary as best as I recall fits pretty well. I have had a lot of folks say to me “no, you’re not stupid, I’m sure you were just trying to help and so on.”
No …………… I was stupid. Too stupid to follow my gut instincts, too stupid to look and to say “What in the hell am I doing?” Fortunately, I have wised up a tad.
Yo Dave,
No I did not wise up because I did your Student Hat course, the Objectives, Purif, Effect Resurgence Rundown or any other shit you petal. It happened because your criminal policies and actions were so over the top it was like getting smacked up side the head. Thank you for that and I recommend you keep it up. In the end you will be going it completely alone. Enjoy your ride down and better fasten your thong!
Mary Jane, you’re right on the money! Hey, I wanted SO BADLY to believe it was all true! It’s sometimes easy to get caught up in the group think. And if you’ve dropped a ton of cash, it can be very difficult to come to the conclusion that you’ve been had.
they need to get past guilt and shame and start tapping into angry!
Now you’re talkin! And have some fun too!
Hey, Jens! Count Coop & I in!
I had to disconnect from my mom when I was on staff back in the 70s in Hawaii. Since I was her only child & had just rejected her for the cult, she promptly flew home and attempted suicide. Her cousin found her and was able to save her. BUT, I had to live with what I did. So, yes, angry is what I’ve been since that time. But, I’v focused that anger into warning others about this cult. And, Coop, that’s a lot of fun!
So she can now spot tone levels of those
around her and she knows what to expect
of them…
I guess she means she can spot SP’s better?
I pity the poor folk that will now feel introverted
around her, wondering what tone level she is
spotting and how she will respond to them.
I would bet if she was around Miscavige her
whole tone level spotting circuitry would short out,
start smoking and then go poof.
Leaving her to wonder…..what just happened?
On the SRD success, I hope the person really
did obtain those abilities and was not just touting
the party line.
Miscavige might look out…..those processes can
really put someone in PT, if not for a few moments,
and then see him for what he is.
I wonder if in these success stories they’re coached to mention GAT II, as I was coached to write about the Basics influence.
As far as the lights being out, OSD, I think you are right. Up until recently, I would wonder when critical mass was going to hit. Then I realized (without the help of the GAT II lineup) that critical mass has already hit. I think I experienced that in real time (2004-2013) with the Exodus of top execs and public, their books, on-line blogs…. The only people left are the die-hards and people like my son who I (stupidly) insulated from the truth for too long.
I hear you Mary. I’m in the same boat. I advise all UTR’s to tell your kids the truth, or at least start spoon feeding them little bits on a gradient. Mama, don’t let your babies grow up to be Scientologists. (at least not in the corporate C of $).
Sing it Willie! I mean Carol! (I actually love cowboys.)
I meant Cindy. ;o)
McCarran, I’m very sorry about your son still being in. It know it’s got to be hard. I have a friend with two kids, both of which are still in and have disconnected (even though disconnection does not exist) from her. So I know it’s not easy for you. All of us are here for you.
For everyone: I was up at the Idle Morgue in Pasadena this last weekend, with an indie friend of mine.. We walked past the open doors to see the receptionist with his head down. NO ONE was going in. With high powered binoculars, we could watch the comings and goings from a block away. And the ONLY comings and goings was the staff. However, there was someone that was quite active around the morgue. They had put flyers all around the area to warn people about scientology. In fact, while we walked around Old Towne, we saw these flyers everywhere! We also saw people stopping to pick them up. The header read: “Beware of Scientology!” The first sentence said, “Scientology is a global scam that want’s one thing and one thing only! Every single dollar you have!” This person claims to have been in for 30 years.
Whoever you are, keep up the great work! I also saw some staff members frantically trying to pick them up!
Good story!
Yeah, yeah, key words and party line all down pat. But doesn’t it strike you that ‘Gat II’ was the dumbest name ever? How can you say it without also saying that ‘Gat I’ was a complete failure? Dave, I suggest the next iteration be called ‘End of Endless GAT’. That always seems to go across well. After that, you’ve still got EEG Arbitraries Removed. (EEGAR). After that, uh–what am I talking about? You won’t be around for two more goes at it.
“The course is layed out”…….Even a spell checker should have caught that one.
Simple, they don’t need no stinkin’ spell checker That’s for WOGS! They have the “tech!” And with their sooper dooper powers, even if the word is spelled wrong, it’s actually right. Sort of like the Untruth, ummm, ahhhh, I mean the Truth Rundown.
I’m afraid OSD is correct. If that is what the Cult says it is what it is and that is that. End of story!
Yo Dave,
I think I have it right here (correct me if I am wrong ….. and what are the chances of that anyway?) but what the Cult says just is right. Well of course unless You change Your mind which does not happen as we all know. Your mind is like concrete ….. when it’s done it done. And it is of course solid as a slab of concrete too to say nothing of it’s mass which has to be measured in macro mega give-a-shits. We are glad to know you are a rock solid, steadfast, immovable, dauntless, defiant and all that other shit you drivel on about humanoid thingy. Oops, I meant thongy, sorry. Carry on mate…
Turn out the lights, the party’s over…
Thomas, years ago in Portland, a fellow Scientologist I liked a lot, Lyn Weeks. You have a similar smile. Related?
I don’t know any Weeks outside of my immediate family. So while it’s possible we are related, I wouldn’t know.
Hey Dave, What would Ron say about your “reasonableness”?
This is pretty sad!