An interesting commentary on the PAIN that is involved in Ideal Orgs.
Sacrifice is the word.
Nothing about how the “investment” in Pasadena “paid off.” Just more begging and that you “will survive.”
And they are “experts” — they survived Pasadena despite enormous sacrifices and “great personal hardship against already stressed finances.” and they want everyone else to do the same.
From: Ideal Everything Now! [[email protected]]; on behalf of; Ideal Everything Now! [[email protected]]
COURAGE! A letter from Pete & Annie Sokoloff, Pasadena OTC Members & OT Ambassadors for an Ideal WUS!
San Diego, we salute you.
Nearly 4 years ago, we finished fundraising for our Ideal Org in Pasadena. Raising 23 million took a lot of sacrifice. We bore losses, delays and failures along the way. A lesser group would have given up a half dozen times.
The wins sustained us. The courage we witnessed was spectacular… Individuals, couples and families going “all in” by stepping up to Humanitarian and other levels even when they knew they were creating great personal hardship against already stressed finances.
Getting the job done required that necessity levels soar – being in PT or slightly in the future was the only safe ground! Of course, it was worth it. And each of us survived, enriched beyond measure by the experience.
I know what I described just now is the scene in San Diego today for a select group of beings who have chosen to go “all in.” Courage is not an easy trait to come by. It must be demonstrated with blood and toil. Every individual in San Diego who gets the purpose of an Ideal Org wrestles with the idea of their own comfort and courage levels.
Our advice to any who would dare to step up to a bigger dononation than they have any business making – DO IT. Make it entirely your choice, your responsibility and do it.
And years from now you will remember these times with a gleam in your eye and gladness in your heart!
Go San Diego!!!
Pete and Annie Sokoloff
Proud Pasadena OTC Members
OT Ambassadors for an Ideal WUS!
It might have been quintuplets……
The birthing of this incredibly stupid missive, must have been tantamount to delivering triplets in a taxi! What psychic pain they must have felt – and then forcefully ignored – to put pen to paper and deliver this pablum.
“And each of us survived, enriched beyond measure by the experience.”
Enriched beyond measure — I think I just heard LRH and all the Angels in Heaven, slapping palm to forehead in fucking disbelief.
Going painfully, unrelentingly into debt is NOT one of the valid forms of processing. Part of me – an ever dwindling part of me – understands where they are coming from. But… the depths of their blindness, the unbelievable breadth of their stupidity, takes my breath away.
But … as in all public admissions of lunacy — there is a bright spot. I honestly believe that the sheer pomposity of this letter will awaken dormant feeling of corporate nausea in those receiving it and it will produce the opposite effect.
It all makes perfect sense to them.
I watched the video of 2010 crusade for ideal orgs. Mostly young people , enthusiastic , happy . Having nothing to compare with , they are sure that the time is NOW .
They don’t know and the new “culture doesn’t encourage them to read policy , Command intention is IT .
So sad and ridiculous .
So much suffering and pain in order to feel good! – This is testament to how stupid one becomes when taught NOT to look and only to listen. It causes one to shut down all thinking faculties and just react. Like a marionette.
I think the most difficult word to pronounce in any language is the word “NO!” Nobody likes to say NO to other people, as it is a word of rejection. It takes some courage and willingness to confront, to pronounce the word NO. With a bit of practice it is possible though.
Your survival could depend upon it!
And years from now you will remember these times with a gleam in your eye and gladness in your heart!
Years from now when you’re broke, thrown out on your ass, considered useless because you have no more $ to give, declared, and have to work at Burger King because you gave up your retirement.
The gleam in your eye will be from constant tears, and the gladness in your heart will be from no longer having anything to do with these lunatics.
I find myself speechless which is not usual. What a pathetic, delusional communication trying to strip people of their last nickels. It’s become the church of “do things you don’t feel good about and then run it on others” Totally disgraceful and NOT scn.
Amen, sister, amen 🙂
Am I right in thinking that these people writing such stuff could be on a (10% or more) commission from all donations? I think I read that there are “IAS FSMs”. If so what we have now is these ex-Reg types or “Financial Advisor” types who can’t make a normal living from a normal job, sucking the blood out of their fellow Scientologists or rather those who are not quite so criminal and would never think of earning a living doing so. If so then DM has got them all slicing each other up on his behalf. Also diverts money and attention from actually delivering services which the Church can no longer do standardly anyway which again seems to be the idea.
Apparently, at least the OTC chairperson gets commissions, perhaps even everyone who regges money for the Ideal Lot.
It was mentioned in the article on the Budapest Morgue that the OTC chairwoman had cahsed in $300,000 in comissions and immediately “donated” them to OTL.
Every time I hear you or someone else describe this scene I am stunned once again. It is just unbelievable to me that intelligent people could allow themselves to be suckered into such a scam.
I can understand someone (of any denomination) wanting to have a nice church for their faith in their community and donating money to build it. OK.
But why doesn’t a light “go on in the attic” when the committee in charge of the project to which they donated their hard earned money then quit claims the property over to an inter-national organization which then can do what they want with it no input from the people who paid for it?!! Once it is signed over they can legally let it sit vacant, sell it for a loss, or whatever they want to do. And all of those things have been done by the “International Landlord” in the past in various areas (New Haven, CT; Portland, OR; Orange County, CA; and others).
But what really gets me is every time I read that if an “ideal org” is finally opened, this “International Landlord” then turns around and charges the local org RENT for the building that these people have just paid for!!!! Plus utilities!!!
Are these locals nuts? One big reason why one buys real estate is so that one WON’T have to pay rent, isn’t it? Buying a building should make it easier for the local org to be viable.
Instead the “International Landlord” gets a nice big real estate investment free of charge, PLUS a steady guaranteed income in the form of rents for no exchange.
The locals get increased maintenance bills and bankrupt, desperate parishioners.
I remember an LRH reference where he states that all Msns and Orgs should own their own building, because that way they aren’t subject to suppression or whims of the landlord, the ones they owe money to each month. (Anyone know the title or date of that one?) But he never took it to the next step that DM has, which is to not only own the building, but make that more important than delivery of the tech. And to own your building outright and then still have to pay the church “rent” sounds a lot like extortion or “protection money” paid to the mob or something, or just like paying suppressively high taxes to a rich king who already has too much money.
Just say “NO!”. Do(NO!)nation.
Dear Pete and Annie,
I have good news. If the planet indeed is cleared by fancy opulent buildings, you can all rest now. Relax the planet is cleared. Every major City on this planet has a 4 Seasons Hotel, or a Ritz Carlton. So the job is done.
And by the way, Dubai is the clearest place on earth, maybe Dave should move there.
Me and Murray both live in and know people in San Diego, that org has been irrelevant for YEARS.
I hope y’all realize though that there is NO reason to be concerned at all about any of these folks who are getting heavily regged for donos.. After all, almost all the people who receive the posted comm are Clear, thus they have no reactive minds to key in, they are at cause over mental matter, energy, space and time AND per the DMSMH section on The Clear, the are rational when they make life decisions, so …. should be no problem for any of them to handle the pressure or button pushing. Furthermore, most have done their grades, so if any problems are caused by donating money they don’t have yet, they will be able to recognize the source of it and make those problems vanish. Also, if donating the money is not survival for them across the dynamics, most have also done various ethics courses and have attested to knowing ethics “tech” and will just make the right decision for their life. And as Grade O releases, they should have no problems communicating to the regges, and as graduates of the Pro TRs course, they will be able to confront anyone and handle any sit with just comm itself. Do I also have to add that if there is any suppression involved here …. NO PROBLEMO… they have probably done the PTS/SP Course multiple times, they all have the ability to recognize the source of suppression and ….SHATTER it.
*Note: Of course not intending to suggest thyat anyone on this website is actually invalidating anybody. Kind of tongue in cheek. BUT I AM suggesting that the RECEIPT point in the communication has as much responsibility as the source point when it comes to how one responds to any given communication. Scientologists have asserted (myself included certainly) that they …. we ….. can analyze data and recognize when buttons are being pushed for the sole purpose of manipulation and domination of one’s self determinism. And so I point this out occasionally. I have very little respect for those who stay in “the church”, have essentially agreed to stop being thinking independent beings and who have gone along with and really support in practice, disconnection and extreme non survival donation games.
Hey Joe,
“Thank you for telling me that.” 😉
Really I got the sarcasm in your original post.
But you know as the Ol’man used to say:
“A cleared cannibal is a cleared cannibal.”
Much like I guess a cleared moron is a cleared moron which pretty much describes these “OT Committees” cleared or OT morons which could be directly due to all the robo-“auditing” going on in the Church these days or the fact that many of them are “Bypassed Cases” and are completely ignorant of Scientology basics. Having never done an actual Auditor training course of any kind other then Solo.
(Anyone who thinks that doing Solo makes one a trained auditor probably thinks that masturbation is sex making the management that suggested such a thing by revising as in altering the HCOB “Training and OT “were just a bunch of Jerk Offs.)
Then of course there is personal responsibility as you suggested Joe which many of these “OT’s” have very little of since they even turn their thinking over to management and wait with bated breath for management to tell ’em what to do next.
Something that’s called “Robotism”.
That ain’t what an OT Committee is supposed to be according to the policies which they’ve probably never read. You know being too busy getting statusfied and kissin’ management’s ass and all that.
Which really doesn’t matter since they aren’t making any real OTs over there anyway any more so they have no ability to exteriorize out of the bubble they exist in.
I think we will next see actors playing the parts of fundraisers and playing the parts of OTC Members & OT Ambassadors. Probably $150 per day plus $30 gas money should cover it. Instead of real kool-aid drinking we’ll have pretend kool-aid drinking.
At that point if the mental midgets of the “OT” Committee ever return from their astral travels and smell the coffee.
It’ll be game over.
Since pretty much all of their funding come from said Committees.
In which case they won’t be paying any actors but will probably be out on the streets like the Film School students you see around here trying to convince them to do it for free.
I’ve often wondered if the big pledges written on the board at fundraiser meetings were agreed in advance, never to actually be paid.
Although Miscavige calls himself the Chairman of the Board, there is no viable board. By “viable” I mean adults who are able to stand up to Miscavige. If there were such a board, Miscavige would be collecting unemployment and hundreds of people would be free from the tyranny of living their lives simply to finance Miscavige. No one inside the church, however, members of the board of directors or otherwise, is standing up to Miscavige. It’s interesting that the small action the City of Clearwater is taking against Miscavige is still 10 times greater than any actions taken by the board, or by the IRS.
In fact, the IRS’s refusal to challenge the church is worthy of a congressional investigation. One of the most important litmus tests the IRS claims it performs when monitoring a charity’s compliance with the law is testing whether it has a whistle blower policy in place that allows members to report wrongdoing confidentially. A five year old child that is able to read only newspaper headlines knows how well that whistle blower policy is doing in the church. How appalling that the IRS and the church’s board of directors have so much in common with each other.
The IRS has probably bought into the Knowledge Report to RTC line as the whistle blower policy, much like the court in Amsterdam apparently was under the impression the poor and needy could get their bridge and courses at significantly reduced rates. Hah.
I think the various government bodies are exercising restraint – why do something that could cause people to unite under a common cause, when they are falling apart already?
It is typical of people that are spending other people’s money that they waste tons of money, spend far more than is necessary or useful. US Government is one prime example. David Miscavige is probably much worse when viewed on a proportionate basis. It is criminal beyond belief and truly disgusting.
As to the poor beaten down donors, I am really starting to pity them. Perhaps we should start a Support Organization for Financial Masochists.
Mike and a few other commenters brought up some good points earlier in this comment thread, albeit nothing new, but yet another reminder of how ridiculous this organization has become. It has gotten to the point where I just feel sadness and pity for these people.In response to a comment by @richardgrant, Mike said that the bigger donors don’t go into the mOrgs because if they see how empty it is, they will be met with, “well if you want it to boom, you have to join staff! We can’t boom until you join staff!”, so they just assume throw money at it and stay far away, living in their cloud of cognitive dissonance. It just reminds me of what an endless cycle of failure Scientology is and what a massive scam they are pulling off. It’s all just promises, promises. “We’ll build Ideal Orgs and the masses will just flood in, so give us all of your money and Scientology will boom!” just like that. “We need to re-do and distribute the Basics so all Scientologists are up-tone and all of the right, most perfect and pure information is out there! Buy 100 sets of Basics and Scientology will boom!” just like that. “We need to show the world the amazingness that is L.Ron Hubbard! You need to buy 1,000 sets of Ronapedias to send to every single library on the planet so everyone on earth will read about how one man single-handedly figured out the secrets of the universe and Scientology will boom!” just like that. Oh, wait…so you bought all those Basics, Ronapedias, donated all of your money to your Ideal Org and it’s finally built and Scientology hasn’t boomed yet? “Well now you have to join staff after doing all that silly! Then Scientology will boom!!” I’m assuming after one theoretically joins staff, the next carrot will be GAT2 and “You need to pay to re-do every single Scientological action you have ever done to be in line with GAT2 because everything else was wrong, evil and suppressive and Scientology can’t possibly boom if the tech is this messed up. So re-do everything and Scientology will BOOM!”
What’s next?
Ya got some kinda problem with an 18 Million Rand parking lot?
What are you?
One of those disaffected squirrels.
You know we gotta a rundown to handle that…..
Seriously though if you can take this lunacy seriously.
(I mean that picture of hard core koolaid drinkers was comical but tragic.
I mean dressed as pirates.
Must be closing terminals with CSRT.
I noticed one commenters on your blog saying something like the Black Falcon (my new name for the Sea Org) is selling these buildings at a “loss”.
Technically true.
Yes the building is sold for what was less than what the suckers (my new name for people like those posing in that picture) paid for it but in reality CSRT hasn’t lost a cent since they never purchased it.
It was to borrow a word from one of those suckers “dononated” to them.
Also it didn’t surprise me at all that there is such a thing as a “general Ideal Org”.
Man this is probably one of the most perfect scams ever devised and beats Reed’s (remember him?) Ponzi Scheme all to hell!
They’d (as I don’t believe that Miscavige has that much intelligence or any for that matter) probably been waiting for that sacred 501Ciii to launch this devious “Ideal Org” program.
Talk about “money for nothing”!
A bunch of fools (dressed in pirate costumes or not) buy a building give it to them as a “dononation” and they sell it at a “loss” which means no messy questions should be forthcoming from their “friends” at the IRS.
:”Man this is probably one of the most perfect scams ever devised and beats Reed’s (remember him?) Ponzi Scheme all to hell!”
Actually, SOC, the Ideal Org Scam is very far from perfect scam. It isn’t even clever. Practically anyone not drinking the KoolAid with a few grains of common sense would see thru it immediately. Outside the Sciendollary bubble this scam could never get any traction because its transparently fraudulent to anyone who asks a few common sense questions before pledging their dough.
The reason it works is because Scientologists trust David Miscavige. They do not question him. They fervently believe that He is leading them thru the rocky shoals of SP-ridden waters into the smooth sailing of a brand new civilization. They BELIEVE this. They TRUST him. And they also BELIEVE that He is “working his guts out” for THEM. And so they OWE him, big time. That’s why they throw money at him. They are riddled with false data and omitted data and they do not inspect or check or verify what they are told because it is comiing from HIM and HE is the direct conduit to PURE SOURCE.
That this is all pure bullshit eventually will eventually dawn on each and every one of them as it did for each of us, but while they are drinking that KoolAid, HE is their Savior, HE has the confront and with His wisdom and skill He is leading them and being the bullwark for their safety in this very scary wog world.
Only in a cult like the RCS could a scam like this get any traction.
Sorry, this comment was in response to remoteviewed’s comment.
Oh please Aquamarine.
Your faith in the outside world is so touching.
But the fact is that scams are perpetrated out here all the time and all kinds of people fall for them.
Not just Churchies.
For example the idea that we need to spend more than all countries combined on National “Defense” and “Security” .
Or that So Damn Insane was behind 9/11 or that he had weapons of mass destruction that got us involved in a costly war.
Last time I checked over 50% of the American public fell for that scam which cost us Trillions making this whole “Ideal Org” scam chump change.
What about the S&L,BCCI and the more recent Banking scandal which was caused to large degree by a bunch of people who were scammed into believing that they could afford a half a million dollar home while working minimum wage.
Also there are other cults that demand more out of their followers than just money.
So far I haven’t seen a Scientologist inside or outside the Church slappin’ on a vest loaded with C-4 or inject Sarin Gas on unsuspecting subway passengers and claim they’re doing it for Ron or Mr. Miscavige or Jane or Mo or whoever.
And what’s this mythical “they”?
Nuttin’ but a generality.
Like all “Scientologists trust Miscavige”.
Personally when I was “in” I didn’t trust Miscavige as far as I could throw Norman Starky (who is much bigger than the lil’ rodent) and was “going on hoping’ that someone would comm ev the lil’ somnabitch and put him out of our misery so we could go back to doing Scientology.
Plus I knew others who hated the lil’ guys guts.
They were definitely not part of the “they” or the broad generality of “Scientologists” you are referring to.
Mike already explained why many of these people buy into this whole “Ideal Org” scam and it has nothing to do with trust or faith in Miscavige and everything to do with status.
They really don’t give a damn whether this “Ideal Org” fails or succeeds as long as they have a nice cert on the wall saying they contributed and a photo op with der fuhrer who ever that happens to be.
(I’m sure they wouldn’t care if it happened to be Gerry Armstrong or Mead Emory or Genghis Khan or Torquemata)
That they can impress their shallow “friends” with.
I would also like to add that it has everything to do with power.
They (as in most specifically people like Richie Acunto, Brian Swann, Bruce Wiseguy, Sky Dayton, Tommy Cruise Missile etc, etc) give which is to them a few shekels to the Church and they get the back up of HCO to lord it over the Scientologists who happen to be working for their WISE venture and who will turn a blind eye toward their criminality and corruption.
To them it is nothing but protection money or an indulgence.
So there is a lot more to it than a bunch of Scientologists having their brain sucked out by a 5th Invader Arachnid like Miscavige.
Make that 3rd rate “5th Invader Arachnid like Miscavige” 🙂
They are going to need to start converting some of the floors in these Ideal mOrgs to housing for the parishioners who have gone bankrupt giving all of their money to this scheme. Heck, they paid – I’m sorry, donated – enough to cover rent for years probably. Actually, converting these monstrosities to Scientologist housing (Section Target 2, perhaps?) would categoricaly be the most beneficial to all the poor saps scammed out of their money. They could all live together in a beautifully renovated historic mansion, blasting mind-numbing lectures throughout the house; they have a nice gym, a kitchen, library, auditing rooms, common areas, TV’s and every Hubbard book under the sun. They would all certainly get through their basics and purif! Hey OSA, maybe you should get this idea to His Midgetsy… I think it’s time to change strategies, because scores of homeless Scientologists and giant empty buildings is really bad PR…
An empty lot ? Were they all drunk ? Nobody saw this coming ?
What was the major malfunction on getting the old building Up and Running,
then profitable. This was very, very bad planning.
Jose – I used to be with Joburg North and I can tell you that in South Africa, a kid in a candy store with pocket money has better business sense. That may be universal where the RCS is concerned, but speaking from my own experience, I had some incredibly bizarre discussions with local upper management. They wanted at one stage to raise enough money to pay a deposit, pay over the deposit on the assumption that the balance would be paid within a short period (say a year), and if not, forfeit the deposit. When I later questioned someone on this it was hotly denied and protested that they would never do anything so stupid. Well good, but then why did they send out promo saying that the deadline for the “deposit” was in two weeks?…….(“oh that was a mistake”). I see now that it was exactly that kind of scam that had to be salvaged by the Corbetts (to the tune of 4,5 mill ZAR) and now they are so viciously maligned. Makes my hot blood run cold!
Dear Wendy M.
Thank you for your reply. “R” factor, its not the end of the World, it’s an empty lot,just dirt. Re group, write down your lessons learned. Even when you start from zero and nothing you have a considerable edge.Be thankful for all the good things.
I resigned the C of $ and things and conditions got better. Read Jeffery Hawkins
Counterfeit Dreams.
I mean that ground will be somebodies pride and joy someday, take heart some good will become of this.
JC – Yes, I wept on a first read of Jeff Hawkins book, and smiled my way through the second reading because I knew the end. I can just imagine him early on in his first job after leaving, being delicately asked if he could work late til 8pm and him agreeing with a smile. And then getting two whole days off between Friday and Monday. Wow. Really got a smile out of me to read that.
I have started from nothing – twice. I was lucky to have family, but I know what it is like to have nothing, and it was a valuable lesson. Liberates one from an attachment to MEST -teaches a little compassion, makes one more productive – and grateful indeed when it is going well.
That said it is still a heartache to see ZAR10 million (about USD1 million) go into the pockets of property developers and the RCS who came in like a wrecking ball and smashed it to nothing. In THIS country, with the problems we have – illiteracy, poverty and depravity its a sickening waste. In the last few months, there have been about a dozen rapes/murders/mutilation of children aged anywhere between 2 and 16 years old. Two of them aged 2 and 3 years old respectively, their bodies dumped in an outside toilet. The whole country is angry about all this. Something can be done about it, and I had high hopes for the CofS making a positive difference. I was wrong. Dead wrong.
Something good will come from this mess. It will make us stronger and “savvier”.
The scam on Ideal Orgs is monumental.
First of all the locals are fleeced unmercifully,
They literally believe the local org will *OWN* the org.
Perhaps staff pay will be better.
Their own town will have property free and clear, they think.
What a myth.
The gouged money buys a building that then is *RENTED* back to them
from Church of Scientology International, who now owns the real estate.
This payment of rent comes before any staff pay. It comes right off the top.
So the locals *sacrifice* was to feather the nest of a multi-billion dollar entity
and to increase square footage of Int Landlord Office, provide David Miscavige
with a Photo Op and bragging rights of more buildings gotten.
A Mexican whale (big money donor) purchased a monstrosity to be the new AO
in Mexico.
This has lain empty for 5 years, is an eye sore.
The new scam is to raise money from the wealthy Jewish community of Scientologists
to do the “renovations.”
CSI make the locals pay for the renos and all upkeep.
They are only *Landlords* collecting the payments and these are Sea org members.
Ecclesiatical !
With 23 million dollars they could have sent a Dianetics DVD (or DMSMH) to every single person in the Greater Los Angeles area. They could have sponsored 4,000 Dianetics seminars, that holding 15 people each, could have made 60,000 First Service Starts.
Or they could have paid a 1,000 dollars wage a month to 2,000 Sea Org member for 1 year thus improving drastically talent retention and recruitment as well as the quality of life of their most precious people. If every one of these SO members would have brought 5 new people into scientology in a month, that would have meant 50,000 new people.
Or they could have provided food for months to a quarter of a million people in the United States generating an immense positive PR for the Church of Scientology.
Instead they have chosen to buy an overpriced piece of Mest.
Go figure these radical scientologists…
These people are not radical, They are not fanatical. They are just plain stupid.
Their IQ is very very low.
While on the subject of the Insanity of Ideal Orgs, take a minute and read the story on the South African Blog about Durban Ideal Org. This one may take the idiocy cake.
It sure does. The world’s most expensive parking lot.
Ha! The pirates in that pic should of had eye patches on BOTH eyes!
I actually had a nightmare last night about showing up at an event and being goaded by security for being part of an SP group. First time in years but it shows you what lovely effect being in the COS has on you long term. It was supposed to be about creating long term happiness and removing that crap.
Pete Annie are pleading with everyone to show courage and bravery in doing something that is completely off policy. Just because something takes courage and bravery doesn’t mean it’s right. It would take courage and bravery for me to bang my head against a brick wall. To anyone who is still on lines and reading this, you must go and inspect any ideal org around you and see for yourself that this effort is a complete failure. If your on lines you are contributing to DM and you are contributing to the destruction of Scientology. The truth is right in front of you.
Spot on! Those still left in are actually in Treason not only to LRH but themselves for being so stupid and gullible.
What a whack job. So full of platitudes. Each of us survived, enriched by measure I’m sure he has no evidence that is true. There are probably many that were disaffected by the whole process and are now reading this blog. Not to mention the ones that surely regret being 60+ years old and deep in debt. I feel very fortunate that my wife and I were only squeezed for 15K for Tampa Org and 0 for any other. I, for one, would be happy to have the 15K back despite the enormous wins we had.
Step up, brave soldiers. It takes courage to face the enemy and cheat death on the battlefield!
(It helps to have mastered your emotions so you don’t mind sending your wife and kids ahead of you as cannon fodder – someone has got to distract the enemy after all, and it is a patriotic duty!)
So yes, give your all as we cheer you on from the sidelines. It is only one life, after all, perhaps only a few years of bankruptcy, and you’re on your way again, the proud contributor to MEST that will not stand the test of time.
Step up, brave soldiers. Prove you’ve got what it takes you ninnies!
High quality upload on Youtube. L. Ron Hubbard – What is Scientology?
A someone who has been in the Pasadena Idle Morgue a couple of times (the staff is constantly changing so they don’t recognize me), I can tell you the building is, in fact, very beautiful. Empty except for staff, but, beautiful nonetheless. I grew up in Pasadena and their building on Raymond St. was nicely restored. Not sure how the staff are being paid as the property tax must be overwhelming! And, it’s certainly not a new org. They had a place for years on Colorado Blvd. Tick Tock…
OSD, they’re exempt from property tax because of being a church. However, their electric bill must be in the range of 8K a month or more. Trust me, there is no or little staff pay, and more than likely the richer staff are having to dig into their own pockets to cover utilities and the like. Yes, the renovations are gorgeous, but when I was last inside over two years ago, the mosaic tiles on the main floor were already cracking, which tells me that the workmanship was shoddy and that the maintenance is lacking due to the usual dearth of funds.
“OSD, they’re exempt from property tax because of being a church. However, their electric bill must be in the range of 8K a month or more.”
Who pays this if an Ideal Org can’t? I’ve heard of public being reg’ed for utility bills but can they get away with this every month? This is a lot of money to come up with each month. Wouldn’t Int Landlord or some such have to pay the utilities?
There are some wealthy staff and OTC members who have often taken it upon themselves to pay expenses out-of-pocket. I’ve never heard of the Int Landlord bailing out an org for running costs. I have no idea how the org covers even the smallest bills from sold services, with 100 bodies in the shop and most of those on cheap Basics courses, putting in an appearance once a week. By all reports, there’s almost no auditing being sold and hardly anyone on major courses.
I can’t imagine the pain of being on the FP committee with their current GI and Bills Summary.
Thanks for that Emillie. I didn’t realize they were exempt from property tax. But, an 8K electric bill would certainly be tough to pay every month.
Talk about “pain and sacrifice”!
Try reading that twisted email.
“San Diego it’s time to lower your IQ and join us mentally challenged lunatics AKA OT Committee here in Pasadena by sacrificing your intellect and continue to be painfully ignorant of the scam being perpetrated to build another monument to idiocy ”
Can’t Pete and Annie get an email client with a spell checker?
(Or who knows? maybe that’s the way “donation” is spelled in one of those glossaries that come with the “Basics”.)
“The courage we witnessed was spectacular… Individuals, couples and families going “all in” by stepping up to Humanitarian and other levels even when they knew they were creating great personal hardship against already stressed finances.”
No thanks! “Hardship against already stressed finances” that is beyond what should be any religious organization’s expectation. I prefer not to be stressed and to have the financial ability to buy food for my family and gas for work!
I also find this puzzling for other reasons but the main bullet I’d like to make is that most religions (I’m basing this on my common knowledge and where I live) help those in their congregation that may need assistance whether it be financial or other, such as mowing the grass or housekeeping, etc. I think LRH said something to the regard of no charity (someone else would know specifics) but I do not think he meant for the congregation to become a charity case (and then ignore them).
“Every individual in San Diego who gets the purpose of an Ideal Org wrestles with the idea of their own comfort and courage levels.”
I love my comfort level and it loves me! I’ve worked hard for this level of comfort and I’m not about to turn it over for nothing, not even for eternity. See, if your expectation is that you are going to hell anyway, then anything other than that is a nice surprise! And if you end up in hell, well you’ll have company. (Side note – my mother is extremely religious and when I make any comment about ending up in hell even as joke she starts to pray and cry simultaneously. I assure her my sister will be there first leading the parade!)
“Comfort Level” is a dirty word to staff and reges. THEY are not comfortable, why should anybody else get to be comfortable.
That said, one must not sink down into a comfortable conservative decline and never really soak yourself in life.
But there are ways of stepping out of one’s zone of comfort that expand a being, such as traveling to unfamiliar areas, learning new and difficult things, or, for the first time, taking someone into session. Taking on ruinous amounts of personal debt to prop up a dictator’s program of false PR does not expand a person.
Bravo….wish you were my brother so you could have knocked some sense into me years ago!
There’s so much sheer insanity in that email that I’m not sure where to start.
And 23 million dollars… seriously? What did they build – a freaking skyscraper?
This is sickening, but I never met a reg who cared one bit about the financial consequences of my donations. This “who cares, just get the fucking money!” culture has pervaded scientology for as long as I can remember.
Additional translation of Pete and Annie’s advice:
“PS: Your big donation will also help us get Miscavige’s people off our own freakin’ backs for a while. These people are blood-suckers, for cryin’ out loud. We’ve already given them everything we have, but do they leave us alone? Noooo!!! Please help!!!!!”
hm, where is SACRIFICE on the tone scale???? how about loss and failure? Also, WHAT wins?
Any Rand, in her epic book “Atlas Shrugged”, defined “sacrifice” as “giving up something of value for something of lesser value.” If one gives a nickel and gets back a dollar, no sacrifice has taken place. However, if one gives a dollar and gets back a nickel, one has made a sacrifice. No sane person makes a habit of “sacrificing”.
Well they have certainly become their Freudian slip “a dono-nation”, I’m sure.
Yeah, sort of like Red Sox Nation, the RCS is DONO NATION. Perfect.
If one breaks down the subject of what motivates people into the simple ‘carrot or stick’ idea, then this email from Pete Sokoloff is an admission that the course of action he is advocating is to go find a stick bigger than a stick has any business being, and wallop the hell out of yourself and your family, and then one day, when you eventually recover, the realization that you survived the experience will be a nice little carrot for you.
Way to go, Pete! Where do I go to sign up?
“Our advice to any who would dare to step up to a bigger donation than they have any business making – DO IT. Make it entirely your choice, your responsibility and do it.”
Translation: “We are now flat broke and desperately in need of validation as we are confronting all of our current and future unpaid bills which we ignored or not-ised in order to do what we did. Its kind of overwhelming. Please help us by being equally or even more financially irresponsible. Please do what we did as soon as possible so that we can be really convinced that we did the right thing, and also so that we are not alone in our own self-inflicted poverty.”
Pete and Annie, I feel sorry for you, but my response to your advice is unprintable.
With a gleam in his eye Davey is sitting at his table wearing one of his $500 Egyptian cotton shirts and expensive Italian leather shoes thinking to himself “Which car do I want to be driven in? Will it be my $50,000 Acura RL or my $25,000 Mazda Miata or my $80,000 Range Rover, $150,000 bulletproof GMC Van or my $110,000 BMW M6 or my $45,000 Acura?”
He sets down his fork next to his plate for one of the every two hour’s gourmet meals that are served to him and then starts to think “Maybe it’s time to upgrade my $10,000,000 office sound systems.” He pauses and then decides “No, I’ll wait to do this after my sound system at my $4,600,000 Hollywood living quarters is complete.”
Davey then leans back in his state of the art no expense barred office chairs and thinks of the upcoming IAS whales that will be soon donating at Clearwater. He then thinks to himself “Maybe we can hit them up for a 1 million donation to purchase the ribbon for the upcoming ribbon cutting Super Power ceremony. Even better we should get multiple ribbon donations for different color ribbons. I’ll decide at the last minute which one we will use.”
With a gladness in his heart, Davey picks up his fork and takes another bite of his Atlantic salmon that was flown in from the US east coast.
…flown in from the US east coast. Meanwhile the SO member in his now over-
sized shirt (he has lost 20 pounds since buying it after having saved up for
months to buy the $40.00 Indonesian-made shirt) which was originally white
but now is a shade of grey from all the hand washes in the sink, takes 5 mins
to inhale some burnt beans and cold rice for his dinner.
Where do you even begin? Every line of this “communication” is fraught with false data, demanding out-ethics actions and completely contrary to anything LRH ever wrote about an “Ideal Org,” or how one should handle one’s finances.
I settled on this gem, “Courage is not an easy trait to come by. It must be demonstrated with blood and toil.”
Who says courage is not an easy trait to come by? He’s recommending an incredibly stupid activity and daring people to demonstrate stupidity, not courage. Like the schoolyard bully daring someone to take crack…”come on, demonstrate some courage, smoke this shit.”
“Blood and toil” needed to demonstrate courage? Really? How about demonstrate some courage and take the Policy on Ideal Orgs and shove it up Pete and Annie Sokoloff’s butts. They might be able to read it from there, since that’s where their heads seem to be located these days.
Geeze…wadda bunch of (adjectives deleted).
On the other hand, I hope they keep it up. It’s an endless source of amusement.
“Our advice to any who would dare to step up to a bigger donation than they have any business making – DO IT. Make it entirely your choice, your responsibility and do it”.
Translation: “We are now flat broke and we desperately need some validation. We are now confronting all of our bills that we haven’t paid along with all of the bills coming due that we don’t have the money to pay. in order to do what we did. Please help us by being equally or even more financially irresponsible.. Please do what we did so that we can be truly convinced that we have right thing, and also so that we are not alone in our self-inflicted poverty.”
Pete and Annie, I feel truly sorry for you, but my response to your advice is unprintable.
Would Tom Cruise not be able to buy some buildings in cash?
Has he – like all others – given 200% of his assets?
“Courage is not an easy trait to come by. It must be demonstrated with blood and toil.”
That’s friggen priceless psychobabble!
Something that puzzles me: Don’t any of these hard-pressed donors and mega-donors ever drop by the shiny new org after it’s open? Just to cast a proud glance around the place and see with their own eyes what wonderful, planet-clearing things are going on there? This would seem like natural behavior to me. And it would give rise to certain realizations even among people long conditioned to accept blindly the things they are told. Yet the con keeps rolling on and nobody but disaffected apostates is making a fuss about it.
Richard — they could care less about the org. All they want is the status.
Now they are out of the status limelight for a while, they are getting some brownie points by writing an “open letter” to the Suckers of San Diego. There can be no other reason for such an inane email. They are trying to curry favor. OTHERWISE they would actually go into their $23 million dollar org, see what it was like and be raising hell about it. But this is the perfect Miscavige con job. They CAN’T say anything because the rejoinder becomes “Well, sign your staff contract and help us out” and THAT is a sacrifice even they are not willing to make. They would prefer to go bankrupt on their own determinism, not by joining a losing battle against the rising tide of indifference to anything Scientology….
ahh so if they drop by and say “hey how come nobody’s here, no traffic?” the answer will be “well join staff and help us boom it”. then they’ll realize they stepped in it.
they might also feel shell shocked, like if they do go around there, they’ll only be hit up for more money.
so sad.
Mike, i’ve always wanted to ask you if you’ve ever thought of what could have been if broeker had won out and took over, with miscavige totally out? what your life might have been like and how would the organization stand today.
maybe you could post a thread speaking to that.
i get the feeling some many people’s live would have been so much better that they wouldn’t have had any real reason to leave. maybe you, marty, debbie….etc. would still be in, the execs in the hole wouldn’t be there. each one actually holding the power of their respective positions and have that be respected. a real board of directors.
a public that wouldn’t have been so constantly raped and pushed to the breaking point and thus automatically happier.
looking over all the top people involved and hearing them speak or write.
it’s so plain to see that ANYBODY but miscavige would have done a so much better job.
when you think of it, of all people to get the top spot, miscavige had to have been the worst possible outcome. could anyone one have fucked it up any worse?
WS — hard to hypothesize about what might have happened. Pat Broeker was no superhero. More like a self-centered hustler with a drinking problem. Annie would have been different. Her orientation was always towards what she felt was the greatest good. NOT self-interested.
While I am in no position to judge Pat Broeker’s quality of character as I don’t know him personally, you would be well advised to watch the LRH death announcement event, which is fully available on Youtube. During that event, Broeker got onstage and told some gigantic lies about LRH’s death and about the tech, including the huge lie that levels beyond OT VIII were done.
I highly doubt he would’ve guided Scientology without resorting to more deception, just like DM has.
Exactly right, Mike. It IS all about status. The proof is you NEVER see anonymous donations to the IAS or Ideal Orgs. With legitimate charities, these are common, especially among the larger contributors.
Interesting commentary on the intentions of Miscavologists as opposed to those of TRUE Humanitarians.
I know members are constantly and relentlessly pestered to join staff or the SO, but are the “whales” and other somewhat significant contributors that pestered as well? I would like to think that some semblance of logic would apply here (I know, silly me) and the pesterers would realize public scientologist + working a normal wog job = donations, therefore joining staff = not being able to work normal wog job = no money = no donations, thus they would pester them far less. I never thought of this; the fact that donors don’t go to the mOrgs to see that they’re empty because they don’t want to be harassed into joining staff. Ahhh Scientology…it’s always worse, less logical, more backwards and infinitely more stupid than you think.
From what i saw, having at one time been intimately connectted to a really big “whale” is that the really big “whales” are not really pestered about anything. Not in the way that the common drek are subjected to. For these people Ego and Status are the Thing. They expect to donate large sums, and they do but they arent pestered by ever staff member within arms reach like the rest of us. Only certain terminals are alllowed to “reg” them, and that “regging” doesnt really take the form that it does with the common drek. They “work” on “cycles” of humanitarian interest to them and the timing and amounts of their dono’s are more like dealing with fawning Interior Decorators than blood-in-the-eye registrars.
The only time things might get a little “dicey” for them is if they are caught doing a stock “pump and dump” in their publically traded company or some other thing that has either criminal or huge negative PR implications. Or maybe some gross out-ethics on the 2d or something. Maybe they slept with someone of the same sex or have been keeping a misstress or two or something. At this pont a Multi Million Dollar donation to SuperShower or IdealDungeons or International Assocciation of Suckers might be the quickest solution to get out of the “Ethics” dog-house and get back to a normal state of Cause Over Status.
GAT II is coming (any day now) and will solve all the problems of these empty orgs. The problem is that the tech was not “pure enough”. GAT II and super power will solve all the ills of no customers. Most of the sheep are at the awareness characteristic of Hope. Hope that the next greatest release will solve all the problems that the church is having. And of course after the release of GAT II and super power, they will need those big buildings to take care of the flood of people who will be demanding service.
They all need to get 3 feet back of their heads and take a look and see if any of the BS makes any sense. But some never will.
The GAT II has a new/enhanced OT Debug service.
It is called “The No Money and Time for Ideal Orgs Rundown”.
It will be offered for 5000$. You can get it for free in case you
pay in your next status … no worries the examinier will ask you
when you FN and tell: “Oh gosh, I had some money left. Thank
you DM for keeping the Tech so pure!”
What a win! Applause!
Awareness characteristic of Hope? Doubt it…. more likely “Inactuality” (-13) or “Hallucination” (-22).
I was being sarcastic. Not that familiar with the awareness characteristics, but it feels to be some sort of delusion that this next release will handle all their problems. Especially when none have over the past 30 years, but have only made things worse.
Richard — your comment reminds me of a quote.
“If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.”
― Lao Tzu
I believe many Scientologists look only to the future. Their next level, their next donation, their next chance at case gain; their eternity resides somewhere out there and they are desperate to reach it. They cannot or will not dwell on the present, because it would reveal all the crap that they have allowed to happen. All the overts and out-integrity moments that they perpetrated on themselves. Which include empty Ideal orgs, empty lots, broken promises and no gain. The present – where everything resides – has become an unpleasant place. Sad, but in my opinion, true. DM and his minions have a Karmic Catastrophe awaiting them – I pity their sorry asses.
if they’re feeling financial pain now, wait until it really dawns on them that they’ve been conned. But, I’m thinking, that maybe its already dawning.
It seems with every passing day, in the general public’s consciousness, The Church of Scientology is becoming more and more a punchline to a joke, they are losing old members every day, anyone who is remotely interested in Scientology isn’t after doing a 5-second Google search (I never would have taken my first course in 1991 if I had access to the information on the Internet), yet they think their best plan of expansion is bankrupting their few remaining members while building opulent buildings that will be empty except for a handful of depressed staff? I’m having trouble thinking of a more incompetently run organization. In a fortune 500 company if you string a few bad quarters back-to-back the executives are out.
When is the last time COS had one good quarter? Are we talking decades here?
I have trouble seeing the joy in being a member in this church when you constantly have to censor yourself, your asked to turn in friends and family for thought-crime, and your constantly asked for donations even when you’re struggling day-to-day.
It wasn’t always that way.
’91 was around the time the Church started its downward slide into oblivion which accelerated somewhat after the “glorious” IRS “victory” when the Kracken of Tax Free Donations was released in ’93 and then ’96 when they squirreled the tech and demanded 3 swing F/Ns they pretty much put the organization on life support.
What you’re seeing now is the Government Approved Church of Scientology in its final death throws.
OH BULL CRAP, I used to shovel lion shit at the zoo and the Sokoloffs
stink far worse than that.
I defy anyone to call Suze Orman and describe the Ideal Org Financial model
as an original new idea ( without informing her that this is how David Miscavige makes money) and she what she says ! Post her response on this website.
Repeat, call Suze Orman for feed back on “Ideal Org” Financial Model..
Anybody, anybody ?
If you can get through on Live T.V. all the better .
Lemmings + cliffs = freefall + shplaaat.
How has the Pasadena Org advanced Scientology auditing and training? That’s an honest question. Have well done hours increased? Have Levels completions increased? Has staff pay increased? How many new staff? Tell me, show me.
Old timers prior to the 1980’s affirm that Scientology was about fun and gaining abilities, learning about people, their good times, their upsets. Today it seems to be about sacrifices, and all of your money. Why wait for animal sacrifices? Why not just jump directly to cutting people’s hearts out?
I am truly laughing my …….. off……this is too much. I filed 3 bks; two in an effort to rearrange my real estate assets (chapter 13) and get caught up, finally the last (chapter 7) to truly confront the economic quicksand and give up all our properties. Mind you, these were all purchased after a Freewinds course and the realization??? that I had to exponentially increase our incomes to pay for our bridge as well as GIVE GENEROUSLY (till it hurts) to whatever campaign/reg cycle was currently drilling us. I was that fool who stood up at org fundraisers and challenged “5 others” to the game of meeting my donations?? It’s easy, just disagree with the physical universe….well, it eventually decided to disagree with me and when the markets crashed I went with them. I say these embarrassing things, not for pity’s sake but for reality. For a long while I considered I was uniquely dull, the only one who wasn’t a roaring Scientology financial success. People really are being bankrupted, becoming ill, introverted and ruined by the squirrel tech and I am by far not alone in my errors. My life has been incredibly better since leaving, though there are still issues to deal with, of course. I love the gains I did get and appreciate the hard work of the staff who tried to KSW. I’m a farmer now and enjoy my involvement in community issues as well as some national concerns. I look forward to possibly hosting ex-SO who may want a place to de-stim and restart their life. Life is good, but there is a lot of clean up we must attend to or we won’t truly be free to move forward. I know that’s just my take, I find it’s true for me.
Very nice KRC
I am glad you are here and doing well now.
Getting people caught up in these high pressure donation scams would make LRH or any decent citizen throw-up. It’s amazing how far south they have gone…. they are doomed because no one is exempt from the laws of exchange. There will be some orange jumps suits at the end of this Ponzi rip-off scheme, you can be sure of that…. and they do make child size suits for mr Tiny Fists.
KRCJenny, thanks for the wonderful posting that you are willing to take in some ex SO or public who leave and need a place to go to de stim and get on their feet. Can I ask what state you live in? I have a couple of staff that may need this when they leave, hopefully sooner rather than later.
KRC Jenny – Congrats on getting back to yourself. Dynamics are concentric about the First. – Carcha
Carcha, IMO this is the very basic huuuuuuge error in the Sea Org. You have to cancel out your 1st dynamic, you very self, to make it all happen for the 3rd dynamic (your group–the SO and Scientology). It’s touted as helping the 4th dynamic (all mankind) so you go in already willing to make some sacrifices.
But when it gets to the point of years of no sleep, horrible nutrition with your body becoming ill inside way before its time, daily hourly mental torture that you’re incompetent, virtually no pay and being separated from your family forever and any chance to go out and have a little fun twice a year…yourself, the 1st dynamic gets annihilated. The worst thing about it is that you annihilate it yourself.
That’s the Robot state of affairs you have to get out of once you leave. If you can’t acknowledge yourself and your own feelings, desires, goals, health, etc. as an individual person you’re gonna flop around out in the world until you figure that out.
After I left it took me 2 weeks to realize I could go see a movie. But it only took me a couple hours to realize I could go get a cup of coffee without a CSW….tee-hee….But it took some years to realize everything about myself that I suppressed and made invisible to myself, and bring it back out again and become happy with myself for real.
Thanks for being so honest and real krc. I’m so glad you’re doing better and have such cool things going on. Well done and best wishes.
KRCJenny – thanks for putting it out there!! I feel your pain, is about as honest a response as I can muster at this moment. Your courage is appreciated — so happy you’re doing well! Your plans for a sanctuary sound wonderful – best of luck with that :o)
Good for you KRCJenny – you are a survivor and, I strongly suspect, a person with her heart in the right place. You are a “for real” person who escaped an unreal environment – no wonder it wasn’t working out for you. Well done for sure.
Hey Jenny,
Yes. I wasn’t ever in a position to give like you did but I would see my friends do it all the time and I would tell them, “Stop doing that! You’ve given enough. You don’t even have your OT levels paid for! Pay for them first and THEN give.”
Some would listen, some wouldn’t.
But I wanted to say, to support you in your rightness about realizing it was all hooey, I remember listening to the Havingness lecture in the PDCs a long time ago. I don’t have the transcripts here so I can’t quote it but, what I was astonished to find was LRH saying something of the essence of, “If you win a lottery, don’t take the money! And credit, credit is good to have for business, etc., but no matter how tempted you are to use it, don’t! This messes with your havingness. If you haven’t earned it, don’t spend it.”
When I heard that, I thought, “Well, that will get you in deep doo doo with the reges!” But I would tell my public friends about it so they at least have that in their arsenal. If anyone has those transcripts (and they haven’t been changed – LOL), that would be helpful to know the exact quote.
Lots of hearts have been cut out Carcha. It’s called flag auditing.
the sub text of that email is actually heart wrenching.
laugh about it, shout about it,
when you have to choose,
any way you look at it, you lose.
I can’t think of anything to say except this is just awful. A real eye-opener Mike. Thank you for posting it.
It is really unbelievable that people can be so brainwashed that they will buy the BS thrown at them like this! Be a hero, sacrifice! Where is that on the tone scale. Below death!
This is amazing, they are asking the San Diego people to get money for an ideal org. San Diego just sold the “Ideal Org Building” they had invested at least 12 million dollars in and turned out to be a White elephant for 9 million from what I understand. There is maybe 20 San Diego Scientologists who are true Bots and they have to be so tapped out now. Most of them must be begging on the streets beyond bankruptcy. My question to anyone out there who might know is what happened to the 9 million they sold the building for. Did Miscavige abscond with the money. Why is Pasadena making this plea to San Diego! As I said San Diego has a very small Scientology community. They have one real rich dude-the guy who makes Guitars. They should have 9 million in the bank to spend. If anyone has the low down on San Diego let us know, it would be very interesting.
Hey Murray 🙂
Their current fundraising thermometer shows a total of 4.4 million to raise, 1.274 left. What I heard was that they are adding floors to the current building they own.
Ex Scientology Message Board posted pictures of Pasedena Idle Morgue in PT! EMPTY – no one coming in! But no worries – Slappy has a nice asset there to liquidate!
I hear that some of the Idle Moruge’s are being sold. Can’t pay real estate taxes and unable to raise enough funds for Slappy’s slush fund! All members are broke and broken. I think Miscavige is making lots and lots of mistakes….the oppressor is being suppressed!!
Didn’t I recently hear that that new San Diego building was sold? That would be very interesting if they sold the building they bought, kept the money and then wanted to reg that public AGAIN for a new building.
Anybody have any confirmation on the sale?
Besides. Listen to what Ron said about buildings getting important.
From LRH lecture 31 Dec ’60 – The Genus of Dianetics and Scientology (Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress lectures.)
“We own a tremendous amount of property. We have a tremendous amount of material and so forth, and it keeps growing. But that’s not important. When buildings get important to us, for God sakes, some of you born revolutionists will you please blow up central headquarters. If somebody had put some HE under the Vatican long ago, Catholicism might still be going. Don’t get interested in real estate. Don’t get interested in the masses of buildings, because that’s not important. What is important is how much service you can give the world, and how much you can get done and how much better you can make things. These are important things, these are all that are important. A bank account never measured the worth of a man. His ability to help measured his worth, and that’s all.”
This quotation is posted in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 (Fair Use) for purposes of non-profit religious education, commentary and review.
Thank you, YouTuber, John Christen.
It’s amazing that the Sokoloff’s don’t ask themselves this one simple question: all that sacrifice, was it worth it? How many pieces of “fresh meat” wandered in off the street in the last four years and became Scientologists? That doesn’t enter the discussion. The only reward for bringing about your own financial ruin will be that you “survived, enriched beyond measure by the experience.” I don’t think this means much, since I probably would have survived without giving money to the criminal organization, and I probably would have been even more “enriched beyond measure” by going on a nice vacation, buying a nicer car, putting my kids through college, etc.
And $23 million for the Pasadena org? Has anyone worked out how much that would imply in construction costs per square foot? Then it would be possible to compare that amount to the normal construction costs for rehab buildings per square foot in LA (I know an architect in the area so I can ask him for their “rule of thumb” if someone can figure out the square footage).
And what’s the goal in San Diego now that they sold the former college campus facility in La Mesa at a loss that was supposed to be the biggest Ideal Org of them all, after being unable to move forward on that after years of trying?
It just boggles the mind.
23 million divided by 58,000 sq feet is $434 per sq foot.
Be interesting to get some comparisons, JPC
I was just a guest at a famous architect’s multi-acre property consisting of multiple buildings. I can’t say more w/out giving away personal details. The new owner bought the property in great disrepair…catastrophic, really. It is a valuable historical property, priceless for American history, actually. The new owner spent around $10 million or perhaps slightly more (significantly under $20 million) in renovations and repairs, including building 4 BRAND NEW structures for the property from the original architect’s plans.
$23 million for that Pasadena Org? The interior decoration is nice. But come on.
Davey pocketed the rest, you fools.
$200 to a legitimate charity could feed a starving child in Africa for a year; $23 million could feed over a 100,000 for a year, if Scientology was truly interested in helping someone.
If you compare the cost of the Pasadena Idea Morgue to that of other contractors… we will probably see that it is FAR more expensive… but then you have to put in the equation that Co$ has slave labor doing most of the work. Now put that into the context of what it REALLY costs.
They will probably sell it later on for half that.
Pasadena goes for $250-300 per square foot, so yes, they are paying too much.
Plus the added time, they completed Pasadena fundraising 4 years ago and…still, no auditors made, no Clears, no products. Ripped off 23 million over sweat and tears, debts, stress and they call this ‘courage and honor’.
We have other terms: blindness, enforced loyalty with the appearance of a “save the planet”… is like a herd protesting going into being slaughtered…but they keep walking, somehow.
“is like a herd protesting going into being slaughtered…but they keep walking, somehow.” Beautifully put and so true.
Martyr complex
A big part of being a die-hard Church member is martyrdom. You are on staff and your org is going nowhere, but you are there, suffering and sacrificing. Youve donated so much beyond your means that you will be in debt until you die or file bankruptcy. Oh, poor me, I’m juggling 20 credit cards for the cause. Martyrdom.
Mike, did they actually mispell donation?
Cuz honestly if they did that is truly a pisser!
Please oh please let it be.
I didnt alter this. It is what was sent out by them.
Mike – Clearwater has just issued a stop work order on the tent, due to the massive sign that they (of course) told nobody about.
One of the commenters (a former CO$ member) on Tony O’s blog has an interesting theory about this.
I was wondering what you, your readers, and your tipsters thought of this theory? To me, it seems perfectly in line with COB’s logic:
What is the theory you refer to? Can you describe it here as I don’t have time to find which one you are talking about in the comments….
Here’s the post for your reference:
Regarding the tent mural…Davey is probably hoping the city will withdraw the cert of occupancy. He knows this whole event thing is turning into a huge flop! So, if they keep the mural up, and the city withdraws the cert, he will have an excuse as to why they weren’t able to have a big event with 10,000 people showing up. See…it’s the city’s fault.
The theory being expressed is that Davey is deliberately provoking Clearwater to withhold permits and force the work to stop, so that he does not have to hold the events and face the massive fiascos that those events are likely to turn into now.
Sure Mike – the commenter, Ruby, wonders if COB intended to push the limits of Clearwater’s patience so far so that THEY will shut down the preparations for the events. In other words, he wants someone else – some deus ex machina – to come in and save him from having to put on this event, in his condition.
This way, he has an outsider FORCING him to postpone (or even cancel.) Outsiders – the small-minded Wogs of Clearwater – are working against Scientology, to prevent the earth-shattering release of GATII.
Classic “False Flag” play, in a way. Get the minions to unite over this terrible injustice being done to thwart GATII. (And after all, isn’t that a sign of success?).
And then DM can rally the battle cry:
“Must raise more money! ”
I don’t think it is that farfetched, particularly that even as he struggles to make the tent “SP-proof,” he must know that there are inevitably going to be people in there who’ll report out to defrocked apostates like you.
Regarding the tent mural…Davey is probably hoping the city will withdraw the cert of occupancy. He knows this whole event thing is turning into a huge flop! So, if they keep the mural up, and the city withdraws the cert, he will have an excuse as to why they weren’t able to have a big event with 10,000 people showing up. See…it’s the city’s fault.
I will step in, since Ivy might be busy.
I find it hard to believe this would be Davey’s plan.
The last thing he needs is the firemarshal snooping around and finding those pregnant women sleeping in the garage furniture storage areas because they have been rpf’ed.
Yes, this actually happened to Nancy Many and it is in her book.
I think he wants to blame the City for the big event (10,000 people) not happening, whereas you and I know he can’t get 10,000 people to show up to an event.
I believe the theory is; DM, “Well I tried to open the building however the city stopped me”, and to possibly use this as a rally call.
As this event is probably going to be a dismal event he might use the city and try to blame them for cancelling.
Miss PoisonIH may be referring to the theory, Mike, that Dave Miscavage (sp.) will be *forced* to cancel all events because of local ordinances, Clearwater FL municipality.
I believe the theory concerns the Malicious Dwarf’s true intentions with regards to the upcoming events at Flag.
Commenters on Ortega’s blog are suggesting that the High School Dwarf-Out does not actually want the events at Flag to occur, and he is therefore self-sabotaging them by failing to secure city event permits and by draping the ridiculous “KSW” mural without city & fire department permissions.
Presumably, this would spare Miscavige the embarrassment of poorly attended events, reduce his exposure to process servers, and allow him to concentrate his energies on the lawsuits.
Your thoughts?
Too much conspiracy theory for me. If he wanted to do that it would be easier to just schedule dates that are not going to be approved and then have them rejected. It costs some serious cash to have something like that made and mounted.
He HAS to have at least ONE event. If not, he will lose face big time. I think he has to have both a GAT event AND an IAS event, but he is really running out of time. Maybe he can collapse those into a “MEGA EVENT” to go along with the “MEGA STATUSES”.
THis is a combination of 3 things: 1. He is unable to delegate ANY real decisions to anyone else so if he has his attention on something else, all goes to hell 2. He has no concern about the problems or difficulties he creates for others, the universe revolves entirely around him inside the bubble and 3. He has a lot of legal disasters that worry him far more than these events as they threaten him directly so they get his attention.
But he knows he cannot now not deliver on ANY event. Because that would ALSO threaten his power and authority.
I strongly doubt (as I have for some time) that there will be any public “ribbon cutting” as he will be ridiculed for not being able to gather even just the Scientologists they say are in Clearwater for the “most important event in 4 quadrillion years”…. But he will hold events in the tent.
I don’t think he would do that because it would look like a “flap” and he must look like a big thetan. Big thetans don’t get their permits revoked. I actually think he has no idea what to do and is having a mental breakdown.
I have to agree with Mike and Chris. No way DM would do this. He is far too interested in how he looks to the church.
What’s more likely is that DM will find a way to make this a total set of make wrongs. Here is a plausible scenario: DM has one big tent event, and then at the event announces that “tomorrow morning, the Flag Building OPENS.” First thing in the morning, everyone gets to go in and gawk at the cafe and the dynamics statues and the Apollo exhibit and the LRH office, but it will be a lot less obvious how small the crowds are. In fact, then, it will make it look like the crowds are huge, because 2,000 people all at once will converge on that lobby and the scene will be chaos… whereas, that crowd of 2-3,000 will seem mighty small if it just sits outside in orderly rows and watches a standard ribbon cutting for the “biggest event in Scientology history.”
But, nobody will be allowed to see anything else in the building… “you can only get in if you have completed X number of prerequisites and you are already programmed for Super Power.”
Then, DM has a pat excuse for why there won’t be many people in the building getting services, “we are still getting people through their preps and getting their folders programmed.” And, DM has a nice way to make others wrong, “why aren’t you getting enough people prepped, can you believe the DB c**k-s***ers I have to work with here who can’t get this building full fast enough after all the work I did to open it.”
Also, don’t put it past DM to order the flag staff to put a lot of signs saying “IN SESSION” on lots of empty auditing rooms.
And then the call to the public will go out to finish X number of repeat Basics books and X number of repeat objectives courses before they are allowed to go in, and the hard sell will continue.
And part of getting “Super Power services” will be getting regged and getting reamed for why your org isn’t getting enough “folders programmed,” and being told to get out there and aggressively FSM to get people to do all those stupid repetitive preps.
And all the while there will be a nice, pat reason for why the building is empty, and it will all be because of those DBs who can’t get their fellow public to do the preps, and the DBs who aren’t programming folders fast enough, et cetera.
Something like that seems much more plausible than DM intentionally trying to goad the city into shutting down his event. That’s just DM being DM to demand something as gaudy and ridiculous as a massive KSW logo on his tent.
i think Ivy means, he is purposely getting the city to pull the cert of occupancy so he can use that as an excuse as to why the events are not, or will not go on.
it sounds plausible to me. though that might send a message of weakness to the flock that he can’t even handle his own backyard. on the other hand, he might be so desperate that it’s worth the risk, as opposed to having total egg on his face.
that’s my two cents.
I think he’s in a complete panic and had them put up the banner to buy some time. It buys another couple weeks or so
Mike, a funny thing happened on the way to your blog today. I typed in the wrong address of “.com” instead of .org” and it sent me to “The Truth About Scientology” site which was an official RCS sight. So they have registered all sorts of variations on your name and your site name to link to their site. I think we should fight fire with fire and get some computer techie to figure out how to have your site come up when people search for Scientology. Or have you done that already?
The Dono Nation ….
Carcha, that was exactly my thought too. A Freudian slip, perhaps. They are thinking of themselves as the “Dono-Nation”.
Yeah, but they also think (big show of exasperation) that YOU just don’t get it. It’s some new kind of service facsimile. Unflat Grade IV – or maybe they “went Clear” and never did Grade IV, and now they’re “OT”.
It may be just as Mike and others have said: that Miscavage is totally preoccupied with the lawsuits and so he put this up hoping the city would revoke the permits so that he can blame it on the SP’s and Squirrels, because after all, “when we’re winning is when they attack the loudest…” And he may use it as a rallying cry to the sheeple to reg more money so as to “fight the SP’s.” I think he is close to a psychotic break from the pressure of the lawsuits and the pressure to put on these “gigantic events” when he knows he can’t even fill the tent even if he uses the SO staff and the OOT’s. Maybe a casting call will go out to hire actors and actresses to come join him in the tent.
That extra “no” in there represents what they really want to say to the begging for donations.