A Special Correspondent in Australia sent me this latest promo piece on Ideal Orgs.
It contains some startling information that may not be evident at a quick glance. But once again, they have hoisted themselves on their own petard.
Apart from the obvious conceit that they are EVER going to get “ideal orgs” in Canberra, Adelaide and Brisbane (first step is to get an ORG in those places, they have had part time missions for decades now and no sign of that changing….) what this reveals about the overall strategy in a simple graphic is pretty stunning.
The “ideal org” strategy began in 2003 with Buffalo and then Tampa. It’s a story that has been documented here before.
That is now 11 years ago.
This has been the biggest consistent push in scientology for more than a decade. Sure, Basics Books and GAG II and other stuff have happened, but this is the one constant (and I supposed you could say the ever present IAS status push).
If you take for comparison any of the decades of scientology during the time of L. Ron Hubbard — the 50’s, the 60’s or the 70’s and look at events and the growth during that time period it is pretty remarkable. From nothing to a worldwide movement of organizations headquartered at St Hill in 50s, from that to an org board, grade chart, OT levels and the Sea Org along with management bases on every continent in the 60s, and then from that to the FSO, NOTs and the international network of orgs and missions that is virtually the same as today (a few new orgs were formed in the early 80’s and then it stopped) in the 70’s.
Now look at this graphic.
There is only one area of the world that is even 50% done with getting these “ideal orgs” and none of the rest are even close.
And if you look at the LARGEST continent by numerical count of orgs — Europe, they are less than ONE FIFTH done. They count 9 orgs as done out of 50. Madrid, Berlin, Brussels, Tel Aviv, Moscow, Rome, AOSHEU, Hamburg and Malmo. The first 6 are funded by the IAS or SO Reserves. Hamburg doesnt have a new building. I am not sure how Malmo came about. Possibly there is ONE of their 50 orgs (Malmo) that got done.
It’s the same for UK — ONE org, London, funded by the IAS. Not another single org completed.
EUS claims to have 6 done — this is Buffalo, Tampa, NY, Nashville and Cincinnati. Only one of those orgs (Cinci) was done the way this strategy is supposed to happen (the local field is bled dry to fund it).
So, even if you include WUS in the calculations, by their figures there is a total of 139 orgs (you note they don’t count AOSHANZO on the list of orgs to be done in ANZO, but it is counted on the list that are DONE in Europe…)
There are 39 done. This is a grand total of 28% completed. Of those, at least half have been funded by non-local fundraising. 28% in 11 years. And these were the low-hanging fruit. The hard ones are still to come — those that have NO hope of doing this program on their own. They should begin planetary clearing in about 2050.
Anyone who believes this “strategy” is working on any level is simply wilfully blind.
Add to this that there has been ONE “new” org opened this year (Sydney in MAY — another one where there was no new building), and two last year Kaohsuing in December (another IAS funded effort) and Portland (also subsidized) in MAY, and it tells you how dead in the water this program is. They cannot even complete the Valleys.
This just in on the contraction implosion in LA and the “model” ideal orgs. It is a single report so far, no doubt there will be many others forthcoming…
I just spoke to someone who is on course at LA Org – Day. He told me that LA Day and Foundation are no more and it is just one ‘LA Org’ manned by Sea Org now. This was told to the staff last night and the public today. My son is an ex staff member at LA Org so he was pretty shocked.
He said he saw Hat turn overs all day long today. All LA Org staff contracts ended today but those who want to stay on can. Many staff members left after turning over their Hats to the SO member taking their place. He said over one hundred SO members have taken over LA Org.
LA Org staff had to do a short routing form just to make sure they had no ARC break over it. There is no ethics, no sec-check, no freeloader debt. They could just leave today if they wanted to. Many did.
Somehow this whole “ideal PAC” thing just doesn’t seem to be working out too well…
I have no data about this yet other than what you read above, I would speculate that there are two possible reasons for this. There are a lot of people who have been removed from management posts and have had NO post assigned, some for years. Miscavige has no doubt been threatening those people with all sorts of dire consequences, including being “sent to a Class V org” to “earn some money and repay the Sea Org for having subsidized their sorry asses for years of non-production.” AND this is a way of making an org “viable” because the staff do not have to be PAID. They are religious volunteers. They live in SO berthing and as long as they give $13.28 a week for food to PAC Base Crew they will be served the rice and beans they deserve.
The balloon has truly burst.
The “good news” is already spreading on Facebook — though it seems they are not quite sure how to explain that this is “good” news?
This just in:
All Execs were given the handshake – basically told to go.
All Tech staff; supervisors, auditors, C/S’s were asked to stay. However, when their contracts are up they must go (or can join the SO).
Tech staff who are staying have to get on SRD.
All others were given the choice to stay with the proviso they MUST do 12 1/2 hours of enhancement each week. If they do not meet the 12 1/2 hours of enhancement, they will be routed out.
Most staff left. Many were young and have no idea what they are going to do next.
The Routing Form (leaving Org) was very short with no ethics or sec checking for staff leave. No freeloader debts for those who got training at Flag and left early on contract.
The “spin” put on this by the churchis : LA ORG HAS GONE SAINT HILL SIZE.
Can you imagine the sharks that are circling from Pasadena, Valley, Inglewood and Orange County trying to grab these discards….
This truly is wacky beyond anything I have seen before.
Big shifting moves like this LA Org re-manning means someone will be surfacing to tell what’s going on shortly, someone will blow and surface with new news.
One good thing about these 100 Sea Org members coming to LA Org, is it will be easier for them to blow.
I hope some long term Sea Org members take this LA Org future failing fake Ideal Org opportunity to blow and then surface, and hopefully they find their way to Mike Rinder’s blog and then inform the world of their descent and life at this new LA Org before they quit.
“Cindy, this has NEVER happened in a NSO Class V org before. ASHO & AOLA were SO orgs from their inception and just had some contracted NSO tech staff which was off policy at that time anyway.”
Sorry – AOLA was started by a SO mission in the late 70’s when the “flight to freedom” got stopped in England. SH sent it’s own mission (all NSO) to form ASHO – they camped out on LA Org on 9th street until they got their building on Temple, then moved there. It was subsequently turned into SO. AOLA was up and running way before the ASHO mission left England. AO found they didn’t have any public, so they raided LAO’s mimeo files and set up a briefing course till the ASHO mission arrived and took it over..
Mike, I read your post twice yesterday, and once this morning. I am wondering what the Californian law is saying about dismissal protection. Can you fire someone without a reason? Could eg. AMD fire an entire factory? It would be very interesting to officially hear that these contracts are religious and not valid at all. Who is the current cult spokes puppet? They are incarcerated so fast, I lost track of them 😉
I think that’s the main reason for the no-hassle dismissals (no sec-checks, ethics, FL debt, routing, etc). Staff are employed under contract, and to unilaterally void that contract without just cause or some sort of agreed upon severance is a potential legal minefield. So in the eyes of the Co$ the quick-and-easy solution is: “You don’t want to be here? Great. We don’t owe you anything and you don’t owe us anything. Now get out.”
Unfortunately for LAF Diana Petit (Senior C/S) cannot rejoin the SO when her org contract is up – unless she qualifies for the SO after all. Certainly, there’s no one more dedicated than she.
ASHO and LAF downsizing is really quite a surprise. And if ASHO is no longer delivering the BC what the heck ARE they doing?
This is one of your best posts ever. That mailer said a lot more than it meant to as to the complete failure of the ideal org strategy, and the updates about LA org were terrific! If it’s that bad in LA, I can’t imagine how bad it is everywhere else. I’m sure it is hard for those who lost their jobs, but the bright side is that it seems it was a no-strings-attached termination; no ethics, no sec-check, no unenforceable freeloader debt. They might not realize it now, but they are free. Free to join the indie ranks if they choose, free to ditch the whole subject if they choose, free to find a decent paying job, free to communicate with whomever they wish, and free from the insanity of the CoS. I can only be happy for them.
So true. And to think that they had so many people dialing for dollars, some of them highly trained tech terminals and people who had never sold anything in their life–now they are free to do something else. Fortunately for many of them, they are still young enough to make some real money in Ron’s so-called workaday world. And the highly trained tech terminals can go on to the independent movement to audit people if they so choose.
+1 edge and Beryl. I like it so much that people were given a choice and not hassled and put under a microscope about their decision to go. Now that’s a first!
The downsizing analogy is spot on because often when companies do so, they get rid of the wrong employees, for example saving more chiefs, then the indians who are actually doing the work.
Here, they got rid of anyone who is used to running a class V org, and interacting with the public. That would be the rough equivent of a company nuking its sales and customer service department, and replacing them with its security guards. (the sea org)
I have no doubt this is not going to end well, and any public that stays will eventually relocate to other class V orgs.
It would be nice to know the financial status of la day and foundation before this restructuring. If it is the case that the staff was let go in order to reduce overhead, then perhaps this can be replicated in other orgs by making dorms in these huge ideal orgs. There is the question: is this even legal? With all the lawyers working for Scientology, I imagine it must be. Still, this move is confusing as far motive and what future it portends. Can’t figure out if Miscavige is an evil genius or evil moron.
“is this even legal?”
Of course it’s legal – they’re a church!
“Miscavige is an evil genius or evil moron”
How about just…evil?
Genius, moron, evil? Who cares? He’s making all the right moves to bring down the curtain.
In the Corporate world downsizing is often employed to get a company through a recession or a down sales period until business picks back up and more employees are needed to successfully meet product demand and again make the business prosper. Sometimes they call downsizing running lean and mean, or some similar phrase. Actually, what Scientology is doing makes business sense. However, running lean and mean will not keep the ship afloat until the next boom as too many people already know about Scientology from the internet. So it is almost impossible to recruit new people. Add to this the fact that most of the public and staff have jumped ship anyway as they realize Scientology now mainly wants straight donations, giving nothing in exchange. That dog won’t hunt much longer.
Is there any better way to slow the trickle of new people into scientology to a halt than have 100% SO as staff? Bravo, DM!
Perhaps now we see a plan here? (There is of course no question.)
The PAC Base is in Disaster Mode.
I would like to thank and acknowledge COB for all of his hard work and dedication.
It’s a laugh a minute here! Very good one Pepper. Still laughing.
Frankly Foolproof, I’m surprised more people didn’t think to thank COB – the selfish bastards!
Seems to me like miscavige may have been given some (for the future) legal advice.
If your public staff ever realises or hears that the church (you) have been successfully sued and on the public record will be recorded your arbitraries and illegal off policy actions, you’ll be vulnerable. Even the lowly body router will be eligible for compensation. But on the other hand SO members are easier to control as a religious order. LA may be simply a test case.
Wacky is a good word – desperately covering your criminal ass is another apt term for miscavige.
How unstable other public staff members will feel around the other orgs in the US when word about LA really sinks in. Miscavige has taken bypass/betrayal to a whole new level.
For whatever reason, the rot is set in and is going to get worse. I don’t think we’ll have to wait too long to see something truly dramatic occur to the Cof$.
I Yawnalot, the Class 5 org staff don;t have a basis for suits. They too are part of a religious order and don’t have to be paid. The law doesn’t give one wit about El Wrongs policies being violated. This is simply a money saving ploy.
I’m kind of hoping a game changing action occurs where miscavige ends up in court and is prosecuted for a “non-religious” human rights violation. A following class action would be nice when it becomes obvious he’s not even a Scientologist by theirs or Hubbard’s standards..
I don’t know the in & outs of the legal shadows he hides behind but in its day no one thought that anyone could get Capone – it was an unseen tax situation that brought him undone.
Surely the day will come when miscavige stands alone and in open court – how he gets there is only an unknown at this stage, but it will eventuate with or without Hubbard’s rules – who cares anyway? But if his own flock does wake up, (Judas syndrome possibly?) – they’ll eat him alive, YEE HAH!
Yawnalot You’re dreaming. DM won’t get criminally charged. The most (unlikely) that’ll happen is he’ll have to get Depo’ed for Mosey’s suit. Also, LRH approved of how DM performed and ensured his rise to the top in the SO. Hubbard’s “standards” revolved around making money. LRH would have been criminally charged if HE wasn’t hiding. Not DM.
Yawnalot, you may have a point about employee/employer relationship and I also think that the 12.5 hours has got to do with supporting volunteer status.
US definition of religious worker vs volunteer:
Actually, it is possible that this ‘retrenchment’ at LA org is a manoeuvre to avert some looming compliance issue with employment regulations that is big enough a worry for DM to go against Scn policy in such an unveiled and hurry fashion.
Uncle Peppin: Very interesting. Highly possible that this “wham bam” hurried action is to “avert some looming compliance issue,”
Would love to hear from someone still in.
All VERY entertaining I must say.
My first thought is that if they were booming and expanding they wouldn’t be able to afford to let all these staff go. If the SO staff’s previous Orgs were booming they would have not been transferred. They were probably bored. Now they get to service the few public of LA Org. So good news all around. The Cult of Scn is shrinking, this is hard evidence, and I will sleep well tonight knowing they are going down at a more rapid pace than I imagined. Hip Hip Hooray!
It’s so easy to see the lies, huh, Steph. And yet the Sheeple are saying “Great News!”.
….and just like that, a major asset has need comandeered with those that put in every last penny they had thrown out in the street.
Wow….just Wow. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any stranger.
This is an organization that has completely introverted and turned on itself. It’s just “wrong why” after “wrong why”, and with each “wrong why” the scene just gets worse and worse.
Anyone wanna guess what happens in six months time, when these Sea Org members haven’t turned LA Org around? And you can bet they won’t, mainly because most of them probably never worked in a Class V org, and have just been doing the land navy thing.
So, is he going to fire all of them too? RPF the lot? And tell the public “we now gone beyond Saint Hill Size, and are in unchartered waters”.
LA Org has gone SH Size – that’s one of the best lines I’ve heard all year. And of course, the sane thing to do when this occurs is FIRE ALL THE EXECS. Yep, makes sense to me.
Serious folks. It’s supremo popcorn time. Wonder what they’ll do for an encore?
Wow, indeed.
Not with a bang, but with a whimper…
I don’t think anything spectacular will happen in 6 months.
Imagine all those buildings are essentially a huge purse to insure you’re swimming in money for the rest of your life.
Do you need to offer any service in them ?
Not really. The only thing you need to do is to maintain them properly so that you get maximal value when you sell them, at the lowest cost possible. Oh, and insure no one can protest when you do sell. It is best of all if no one propagates the news that you’re selling them to the whales which are still giving you money.
Putting SO there reduces maintainance costs. SO are the most compliant, and their communication is highly monitored. We’ll know. The whales and still in public won’t listen to us nasty wogs but they might listen to still-in ex-staff. Better get rid of them and put people you control more completely – SO slaves.
“Most staff left. Many were young and have no idea what they are going to do next.”
Here’s a hint: You could wander the streets, hands in pockets, whistling at the birds in the trees, and it would be a more productive activity than what you were doing at COS. And it would pay almost the same.
Man oh man, being an original missionare of MOPM {mission operations Pac move} I can
see the stop of the cycle of action for Pac is almost here. I helped put the complex there,
13yrs later I routed out of the S.O., then I saved my money went back to ASHO and did the BC and interned and trained to CLVI CS. My certs are now invalid as I refused to do GATII, and now the complex is imploding. There is no soul left in the S.O. so I know LA
Org is going to fail big time. ASHO will go soon as well. Out of the ashes a phoenix will rise, and that will be the Independent field of caring auditors who will find a renewed purpose to create the awe and excitement that applying the tech can bring! Once upon a time Andre Tab. said to me,” You see the Pac RPF has over 330 members and the most tech trained people in all of Scientology and if we just left in mass the church and started our own org nothing could stop us.”Since we were Celebrating the end of ASHO reno’s
and moving in the org from Temple Street I just smiled and walked away.
Dear Leader cannot lead or rekindle a purpose to help make a better world so he must be removed or you that are still in must remove yourself for the sake of keeping alive the
independence of Standard tech from the insanity of the tech that does exist.
And another +1000.
Spot on, Good Old Boy!
Spot on!
It HAS happened before and not just in 1982 with the missions.
Some time, I think between 1986-1989 DM kicked all of the non-SO staff out of CC INT.
Same thing, NO thank you for your loyal services, just “you are out”, “you are history here”.
Those staff members had a HUGE ARC Break. It did not go over well. Eventually they got snatched up
by missions (Beverly Hill Mission for one) and other missions or orgs.
The other thing that looks fishy to me is this emphasis on staff doing their 12 1/2 hour enhancement time per week and then they can stay. When did DM ever care about that? There must be some other purpose there that has not been fully revealed yet. It just doesn’t make any sense.
Anybody have any bright ideas about that, apart from it being “implanting time”?
Yes Zepher, the 12 1/2 enhancement requirement smacks of something weird given DM’s rabid fear of study or auditing. I think it was just a way to say that moonlighting is now forbidden even though ok by PL…
The enforced 2 1/2 hrs a day of enhancement training might be just to get stats of GAT II up so that DM can say that the number of GAT II completions is straight up and verticle. He will lump SO stats into the Public stats on that one. Just like he makes events look well attended by forcing SO to go to the events in their civies. It’s all smoke and mirrors.
Anybody have any bright ideas about that, apart from it being “implanting time”?
12 1/2 hours of Sec Checking
Ah yeasss, how could I forget…
On the other hand with no public there’s not much to do so you can go in for sec checks during
post time.
BTW, if it is sec checking a la Finance Police, there really isn’t much of a difference to implants.
I agree with Cindy. Stat push. Bonus, if you can sec check them at the same time.
Will the last person to leave PLEASE remember to turn off the lights.
… and bring the flag.
Since the electricity will have been cut off, this should not be an issue.
hahaha, Lurkness. So true, so true.
It’s going to be close to 100 degrees on Sat and Sun in the LA area this weekend.
PAC has a horrible decades long history of musical chairing posts like mad. I guarantee these SO members being put in LA org won’t last. My over under for most being placed there is 2 months. It’s going to be like Jenny DeVoghts mission in the mid 90s. Pure stat push, that will be like the movie Groundhog Day.
“LA ORG HAS GONE SAINT HILL SIZE”. Nearly fell off my chair on that one! Ricky Gervais are you listening? There’s a sitcom in this.
Wow…interesting how SO are kicking out the regular staffers and execs….and they are now “out in the real world” looking for work?
Is this going to become “Standard Policy” as more Orgs are revamped like this?
Maybe DM is doing this as a “test case” to see if it works, then he’ll roll-out the same “SeaOrg people-Replace-Regular-Org Staff” technique in the coming days and months…
Well, the midget psychopath has to have SOMETHING to crow about at the next IAS shindig. Probably not many from the LA area will go, so they won’t see the carnage, just the Gold video shots. And those few from LA who may attend will just toast it with koolaid….
About time Dave got serious about the unmock. Congratulations McShrinkage!
Looks like the next solution to dead orgs is here. And this one is a really desperate attempt to come up with a way to ‘just add water’ by ‘not doing too little’ and somehow bring about booming Ideal Orgs in a centralized brute force manner.
The ‘why’ this time was probably something about the inability to train the non-SO staff. In 2013, when I was still in, there was an ongoing search for the Holy Grail of Ideal Org operation…meaning an intensely detailed description of how every post should function, how every course should be run, what production board should be in every office, etc. etc. Picture Booklets were being created by the Sea Org ‘Ideal Org Management’ at LA Org, area by area, to train staff and pilot in every detail of operation. The Int Landlord Office was revising space plans, nitpicking routing forms, file cabinets, and comm baskets. All with the concept that somehow, when the last part was in place, the engine would suddenly fire up and the org would take off.
After 4 years of utter failure to bring life to the org, DM must have decided that the Class V Org staff are the problem. Non-SO staff just don’t have the dedication and loyalty to read policy and follow it without question. They don’t do things in a ‘make it go right’ and ‘never fear to hurt another in just cause’ manner. Perhaps DM feels that the public need to be handled more forcefully, to be grabbed by the scruff of the neck and sat down in the course room and made into auditors over dead bodies. It’s harsh, but is actually right out of KSW.
Paul most of you what you say I agree with but your last sentence is not actually the case. The Orgs have failed because of mis-application of Scientology not “keeping it working”. Some people seem to think that KSW is some sort of excuse to beat people over the head whereas all he (LRH) was saying that you must keep the tech pure and properly applied and then we all win. When you do that there is no need to be harsh. The current set of gangsters are only harsh because they HAVEN’T kept Scientology working and are trying to force people to have case gain (?) or rather pay in for something which is actually altered technology and policy, couple with an in a draconian (SP/PTS) environment.
Class V Org staff were never the problem. It was SO Management that was the problem, constantly interfering and ripping up Orgs. If they had left the Class V Orgs alone they might have boomed – without the donations scamming also being thrown into the mix.
I don’t know about now, but when I was staff at Portland through the 70’s, the agreement was that the staff member would get as part of the exchange training to the extent of the org’s capability to deliver as part of the exchange. Pretty sure that is still the deal. Now, most everybody on staff was moonlighting in order to have money to survive, so hardly anyone was able to take advantage of that, but it did happen.
The deal was that you had to get that training during the term of your contract. You could not get that training after your contract was up. I don’t recall that there was policy that specifically said this, but that was the way it was interpreted in every Class IV Org that I ever heard of.
One of my ongoing “Wouldn’t it be nice if”s about Class V orgs has always been “Wouldn’t it be nice if a person could complete his contract, moonlighting as needed, and THEN get his training once finished?” There’d be a lot more auditors trained. It would be a grand gesture if LA Org were to show some humanity and allow their old timers into the academy on no-charge invoices. I won’t hold my breath.
Also, in looking this over, I can’t for the life of me understand why there is enhancement being pushed at all. There is no hatting available for most of the modus operandi of a PAC staff member, in the SO or not. Most of your time is spent off post getting people to confirm for events or selling materials to them after the event and between events. And fund-raising. Many people spend very little time doing their post functions; they’re generally being rounded up into emergency all-hands. One does not dare querying these orders or even raise an eyebrow as anything other than immediate compliance is regarded as counter- or other- intentions.
There’s only one senior policy that’s continually enforced in PAC area org: “Do as you are told by anyone senior to you. If conflict between two or more seniors occurs, do what the most senior tells you to do. Don’t dream for a moment of querying the order. Be very hesitant before asking for clarification.” Word clearing that one policy is all that is really needed for any admin training in PAC.
Studying policy letters is dangerous for a staff member as you are just left with anxiety about “What is this strange bizarre world I am living in where so little of this stuff is followed? Why is this ideal org thing being done at all when it is so completely off policy? Why is this fund-raising stuff being done when we are explicitly told in policy not to do it?”
If staff HAS to get on SRD it’s probably to make those GAT II stats look straight up. My guess is that mandatory staff enhancement is to make appearances (stats) of this new St Hill size org look amazing.
Dan – this way of operating in Orgs is the “Hey You!” Org Board, issued around 1982. This was a piece of white paper posted on the notice board with the phrase “All Hands on Call-In”. It was later changed to “All Hands on IAS, Basics, Superpower Building and Idle Morgue Regging”. Before that you could still issue a Dev-T or Job Endangerment chit.
Your idea for staff or rather ex-staff enhancement is not a bad idea at all (and will therefore never be accepted by the current regime unfortunately).
Oh. That’s why DM got so mad at Shelley and sent her out to the lower 40, permanently posted.
She had the nerve to actually FINISH the org board – so no “Hey You” org board was possible.
Maybe they won’t have a huge staff pay overhead anymore, but they still have to supply toilet paper. Or not – as the case may be.
I would imagine the day this order was delivered they had a run on that commodity! Either from joy or otherwise. Sighs of relief all round so to speak!
I remember how disappointed I was when LRH dropped his body. I always had hopes…based on his knowledge of spirit and recurring lifetimes… that he would have knowingly and willingly returned with high intentions of continuing to propel Scientology in a positive direction. It seems that he was not able to perform this task. He would be about 29 years old today if he had reincarnated quickly. I left around 1975 in the OT3 range at the time…… very disillusioned and disappointed.. I now look at Scientology from afar….no intention of ever returning. I never recovered financially to this day…. and am disappointed to see the organization and its record of non compassion and cruely that dwells in its marble halls.
You can get the rest of your Bridge in the Indie field Diplodocan and it won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Good luck to you.
This may not be what folks want to hear, but I have the gut feeling that SCN will not go away for a long long time. DM does not care one bit about SCN or its expansion. He will continue with his current dramatization which will include having big buildings manned up by SO staff. Nope, no delivery. Nope, no public Class V staff…they must be SO. Makes no difference to him. He will sit on his money with all of his big old buildings with his loyal SO staff acting as estates managers or grounds keepers. There will be zero public, but this does not matter to him at all. The “loyal” SO staff will stay in as it provides three meals and a cot. At least that is where I see things going.
He will justify it all…no big deal to him. One thing I have learned in dealing with sociopaths is that they will never ever get it. They will never ever feel guilt. They are always right.
I agree with you. I have never even contemplated “Scn going away.” Only the changing of its abusive practices of disconnection and bankrupting people….
Perhaps the only want to change “it’s abusive practices of disconnection and bankrupting people” is for the Church to simply have no public. I would love to see the change forced upon them through legal remedies, but the legal system is not totally based on justice nor truth.
Mike, I do wish you the best in what you are doing. Thank you.
jonsty – I agree with you too regarding Scn not going away and what you said about DM not caring, as long as his loyal SO is by his side. I never saw Scn disappearing in my lifetime.
Regarding ending the CoS’s abusive practices of disconnection and bankrupting people, I think the only way that will truly change is with a change of leadership and an evolution of how doctrine is interpreted and practiced.
Mike and Pepper – I totally agree. The abusive practices have to stop. Or another way of putting it is: follow the policy and get in tech.
Well I do not think SCN can exist too much longer. 5000 Sea org even at $10 per week salary will cost close to 7 Mio per month to feed, house, transport, clothe and other necessities. Keeping the light on in Buildings and other infrastructure even with deferred maintenance will take about the same amount worldwide. There are many probabaly better equipped with data and experience on actual costs, but I think the whole machine will run at a barebone cost of about 20 Mio monthly. A billion in reserves is just 4 years worth of expenses and maybe much less when the multiple lawsuits come to fruition. With the events business tumbling and Flag not being able to produce the cash as before I would not be surprised if the Income/barebone expense graph have not already crossed some time ago.
With no outlook for revenue increase they will have to cut expenses. Now they are letting staff go, tomorrow they will let Sea Org members go and once that happens the demise will accelerate due to mass defections to hyperspeed.
My prognosis DM will move with some of his core people and as much cash in foreign accounts as possible onto the Freewinds and let the rest take care of itself. I think we might see this much before the end of this decade.
True Gerhard, that the economics of the situation will definitely change and there will no doubt be less and less SO members and Orgs on the scene. I see that happening too. There is no way with no public coming in that the ship can stay afloat.
I still don’t think Scn will disappear though. Even if it’s miniscule, it will still exist in some form. However, you make a good point about DM cashing out and doing a disappearing act. That is interesting to watch and see what happens. I’ll be around for a while, God willing and am keeping an eye on things. Just for my own personal interest.
Right Gerhard. It seems like they are sitting on unlimited funds but all those buildings are a huge, ongoing drain.
They can cannibalize themselves for some time by selling all those ideal orgs piece by piece.
I think the actual reason behind the Ideal Org strategy is to embezzle money out of IRS grasp. The net worth of the whole real estate portfolio must be much higher than cash reserves, considering the prized location of some of those buildings.
That is how the old members of religious communities insure their care now that they cannot attract new members where I live. But in this case, the buildings don’t really belong to SO members, but to DM. I guess how long it lasts depends on how long he wishes to ride it out. Perhaps in the end all that will be left of the church will be a few empty buildings in downtown Clearwater.
Right, Mike. Like Dennis Clarke (former ED of CCHR) said. “We’re not anti-psychiatrist (the individual psychiatrist) we are anti-drugging and killing.”
Same difference.
Just a thought – I was thinking of the Great Mission takeover in the early 80s when they basically robbed the mission holders of their money. How much money does LA Org have in their building fund / org reserves / other accounts. This could maybe be DM’s way of getting his hands on whatever money is in org accounts?
When I was there in ’10-’12, I recall there being over 10 million in assets and reserves. It would only have increased since then.
Aha! “Elementary my dear Draco” – 10 million bucks in one hit. Could very well be a good enough reason.
Or a modern day equivalent phrase: “Who stands to profit from this?”
And as we all know that LA’s stats are not going to recover under this regime we can quite reasonably assume that the purpose for this is either a) the 10 million bucks, b) smashing Orgs in general or c) both.
Sherlock Holmes
Man oh man.
I recall when COB sent one his is “bright idea / why haven’t you already done this” letters into ASHO Day saying that there should be TWO auditors for every auditing room and all sorts of other unrealistic personnel quotas so that SO member at ASHO would have plenty of time for enhancement and cramming and what not. The flow was “I put your new org there for you, the least you can do is make good use of it” (Oh geez, I guess the 100-hr work weeks everyone was working wasn’t good enouigh).
And now that ASHO would have a SURPLUS of staff members to be able to do exactly what COB had implied they should have been doing all along…instead of letting them get on with it and perhaps living a slightly less stressful SO existence, he un-mocks TWO ENTIRE ORGS (LA) and moves 100 SO members over there.
It’s crazy!
Alex. I just love it when you comment. Each comment makes me chuckle at the outpoints you bring up. Thanks.
Or a way of camouflaging the hole, for a while anyway, until the newbies stats fall even further once they start berating and mishandling public in true SO style.
“All LA Org staff contracts ended today but those who want to stay on can. Many staff members left after turning over their Hats to the SO member taking their place. He said over one hundred SO members have taken over LA Org.
LA Org staff had to do a short routing form just to make sure they had no ARC break over it. There is no ethics, no sec-check, no freeloader debt. They could just leave today if they wanted to. Many did.”
This is stunning! I don’t know of any instance something like this has been done in the entire history of scn. Staff members simply discarded – Good God! It must be the hardest thing to recruit staff nowadays. A MAJOR win for any recruiter to get some idiot to sign that contract…and now they are just thrown away? Truly the weirdest thing I have read in a very long time.
Well – things have been pretty ho-hum for a while – but today’s post really woke me up!
Happiness is 😀
Well as you know, DM is into waste: wasting money, wasting auditors, wasting training auditors (no BC and no Class VIII course), wasting field auditors (turn in your pc folders, certs cancelled), wasting missions (the mission massacre of the 80’s), wasting money on Idle buildings, and now wasting staff members. Par for the course for a sociopath.
Draco, you can’t possibly be surprised! Since deleting Foundation or Day is a suppressive act, and they went ahead and did it, nothing is ever going to surprise me from this point on. Nothing. The old rules have been discarded. Now it’s like a free for all…
Totally agree. This is jaw-dropping stuff.
Why in the world didn’t DM send those contracted staff at LA Org over to the Valley to at least fundraise or do construction on the building?
Oh, that’s right. Because he’s an idiot.
Pardon the interruption.
Wonder what condition the leaving staff are in? They are being bypassed so that would be danger. But they are removed from post so that would be at least confusion. And finally they were released from their contracts, so they are definitely in a condition of FREEDOM.
So happy to hear. You either join SO or leave staff? Here is your chance people, it has never been so easy!
I hope this happens to all orgs in the bay area.
This has happened before. In the early 90’s the word came down to ASHO and AOLA. It was that all Non-SO staff had to either join SO or leave. So it is happening again. That is how ASHO lost an excellent CS, Harold Leberz, RIP.
Even though it happened before, the difference now is a Class V org is being turned into a SO Org. And even if the young kids do decide to join SO, so be it. The SO will be such a suppressive environment for them and ethics harsh and justice out the window, that the new SO members will soon blow or route out. I just hope many hit the short cut button to get out now instead of incurring the heavy engrams that will surely come if they join the SO that comes to take over LA Org.
Cindy, this has NEVER happened in a NSO Class V org before. ASHO & AOLA were SO orgs from their inception and just had some contracted NSO tech staff which was off policy at that time anyway.
The LA Org situation is unprecedented in SCN history except shortly after the formation of the S.O. itself and St. Hill.
Cindy, we’re all hoping your kids just walk out of that place and arrive safe and sound at your home! This is the chance of a lifetime! We’re all behind on this.
The elimination of NSO at LA Org makes sense. In an earlier thread I predicted extreme cut backs in staffing to save $ especially since delivery is not the long term financial strat. This will save on outgo over SO members slaving away.
“If you take for comparison any of the decades of scientology during the time of L. Ron Hubbard — the 50’s, the 60’s or the 70’s and look at events and the growth during that time period it is pretty remarkable. ”
While that IS true. There was new shiny scams that came out throughout that time. By ’86 that was IT. No more OT levels. OT8 (the first OT level with a stated OBJECTIVE OT E.P. turned out to be FALSE).
To think that continued expansion in the teeth of the exposed fraud and the the advent of the internet, VERY shortly thereafter, to spread that data far and wide, was really possible is naive, Reaching for REAL OT is what drove expansion from the mid 60’s on. The fact that ALL the objective EP’s of Clear turned out to be also COMPLETELY false certainly didn’t help either.
Reality check: Where did they borrow “over one hundred SO members” from?
ASHO Fdn and the RPF.
Seriously, Coop? They let the folks out of the RPF to populate the L.A. Org? Man, what a reprieve for them! Well, at least for a day…
This is exactly what I was wondering. If the SO is shrinking, where did the extras come from? I suspect there is more here than low publix. Everywhere is public-free, why LA? Maybe the big heads think leaks have been coming from the LA staff? To the Internet? To the attacking lawyers? To the IRS?
It’s not like they had a spare cadre of Sea Org just sitting around twiddling their thumbs, or surplus on posts. If there’s over 100 Sea Org at the LA Org, they are now gone from whatever they were overworked doing last week, and there are now gaps that are going to be hard to fill.
Rick Mycroft, that’s exactly what happened. The HGB is FILLED with SO doing nothing truly productive. There would be no discernible gap in any meaningful production by taking 100 staff from there. There is ZERO management between local CMO’s and DM. Consiquently, the HGB is FILLED with SO staff that lost their jobs a LONG time ago… (OSAI staff of course have their harassment staff still going though)
Not just the HGB. There is all of Int Management and numerous people who have been sent from the Int Base to “peon” posts in PAC or on the RPF. You could man a couple of orgs just by reprieving everyone in the RPF. Most of them are there for ridiculous, whimsical reasons anyway….
I thought that there have been reports in the last year of large sections of the HGB with empty desks already? So.. how many years old are those memories of a full HGB?
A suggestion:
First, an overall best guess number of Sea Org world-wide. I think I saw 5000, but I don’t remember who said it or how old that number is.
Then, a bunch of circles (or spreadsheet boxes) for each AO/CLO/Int-level/garrison org/RPF/etc staffed by Sea Org. In each circle, write in the best numbers, with who said it, rate it as hard numbers/guess/impression, and the date.
Total up all the circles, compare with the over-all total, and see if your model makes sense. Update with new numbers as you get them.
Then you’ll have a better picture of how close things are to the end of the rope on the downward drop.
So true, Mike Rinder.
Charlie Rush was sent down from Int/Gold to the Pac Galley for a couple of years. Now he’s doing call in for events he can never go to.
What a severe waste of a good drummer.
You know, that song says, “If there’s a Rock and Roll heaven/well, you know they have a Hell of a band…”
Imagine what kind of kick ass band could be put together with just the people who have escaped from Int, let alone the ‘public’ indies.
Hey, Ron Miscavige, Sr. is out. There’s our trumpet player! Who else is out? Jim Pearson is out (of the SO). There’s our mean guitar player. Now, we just need Charlie Rush and Tomia to come out. Maybe Peter Schless too.
Gives new meaning to the term, Rock “Out”! 😀
Billy Sheehan should join them and bring back his band reinvented as Mister Bigger.
The band Korn could join them up on stage dedicating a song to Dave entitled ‘Stick the cob up your ass.’
Right, MJ!
And Davey’s band could be “Mister Not-so-Big.”
And it would be an epic battle of the bands, like Tenacious D and the Big D of hell.
Search “Tenacious D – The Pick Of Destiny Ending (Beelzeboss)” on youtube. (can’t post here – probably because of the language a la DM).
Dave’s band would be more appropriately named COB and The Cornholers.
MJ – and this would be COB’s stage show. “I am the Great Cornholio Cob!”
COB sure gave the great Martin Samuels a cornholing. Lots of similarities with Al Capone, this “Cornholio Cob.”
Jon Atack: “A Piece of Blue Sky – Chapter 2: The Scientology War”
Martin Samuels was a legend among Scientologists. He ran a chain of five Missions. The Church’s magazine Center, devoted to the Mission network, was always heavy with praise for Samuels. A 1975 issue says that in a single year 3,000 new people started the Communication Course in Samuels’ Missions. His Missions usually came out at the top in the quarterly Mission statistics, even taken individually. In Center 23, Martin Samuels was “Particularly COMMENDED” for his “brilliant application.” Out of the fifty listed, his Sacramento, Portland and Davis Missions were the top three in the Center “Award of Merit” contest for that quarter.
In early 1970s, Samuels started the Delphian Project. It began as a center for research into Alternative Energy, but a school, the Delphian Foundation, was established for the children of Project staff. The school used Hubbard’s “Study Technology.” It soon generated interest from other Scientologists, so the school became Delphi’s main activity. By the time of the Mission Holders’ Conference Samuels had twelve schools, with over 600 pupils.
Scientology Missions report various performance statistics to the Church every week. The Mission income figures are listed and distributed to Mission Holders to show which are most successful. For the first week of September 1982, just before the Conference, the total income of the eighty or so Missions throughout the world was $808,435. For the U.S. Missions it was $643,737, and Samuels’ Missions made up $172,825 of that. Which is to say they represented over a quarter of the U.S. Missions income, and over a fifth of the worldwide income. Incidentally, Kingsley Wimbush’s major Mission made $154,101 that week. So between them Samuels and Wimbush accounted for more than half of the U.S. Missions income. Ten percent of this was paid straight to the Church.
But at the end of the Mission Holders’ Conference Samuels spoke out. On top of their normal ten percent tithe to the Scientology Church, the Mission Holders had been ordered to pay five percent for a promotional campaign to Bridge Publications. Samuels explained that he could not pay the additional tithe. His Missions were non-profit, tax-exempt corporations, and Bridge had been separated from the Church and made into a for-profit corporation, and such donations would be illegal. Samuels was taken into a side room by eight members of the International Finance Police, and given a “Gang Sec Check.” He was threatened with a “Suppressive declare” if he did not make “personal payments to L. Ron Hubbard.” So he handed over $20,000 and a $10,000 wrist watch to a Finance Policeman.
Samuels’ access to his Missions’ bank accounts was frozen. His wife was warned that she would have to “disconnect” from him if he was declared Suppressive. He was ordered to Flag, in Florida, to undergo more Security Checks, for which he had to pay $300 an hour.
Within a month Martin Samuels had paid $40,000 to the Scientology Church. This still was not enough, and he was ordered to the International Finance Police Ethics Officer at Flag. At the meeting, Samuels was told he had been declared Suppressive, and shown the confession of a Scientology executive who had admitted to being a transvestite with homosexual tendencies. Samuels claims that he was ordered to publicly confess to “acts that were similarly degrading.” Otherwise the Church would file both civil and criminal prosecutions against him that would keep him “tied up in court forever.” He was also warned that he would be watched and the Church would “keep tabs on him forever.”
Samuels refused to demean himself by signing a fictitious confession, even though his Missions were now in the hands of the Church, and he had surrendered control of his personal accounts. The Scientologists now launched their campaign in earnest. Samuels’ wife, family, business associates and friends were told he had stolen funds from his Missions, and that he was “insane” and an enemy of the Church of Scientology .
The Suppressive declare was published, and Samuels’ wife left him, taking the children with her. She “disconnected” and started divorce proceedings. His children were told he was a “criminal and would probably be going to jail in the near future.” Scientologist business associates and friends were ordered to disconnect from him or be declared Suppressive themselves. Even Samuels’ stockbroker, who was a Scientologist, was ordered to disconnect, and refused to take instructions to sell stock. As he had been declared, Samuels was told he must leave his sister’s house, where he was staying, or she too would be declared Suppressive.
In a few weeks, Samuels had lost the business he had built up over thirteen years, with an annual turnover of millions of dollars. His seventeen year marriage was destroyed, and he was deprived of his possessions. Samuels felt like a college kid again, rolling up penniless on his parents’ doorstep. He responded by filing a lawsuit against Hubbard in 1983, claiming damages of $72 million. A jury awarded $30 million, and the Scientologists appealed the decision. The case was finally settled in 1986 with an out of court payment of $500,000 to Samuels.
So, plenty of under-utilized SO–throw a rock and you’re gonna hit one–so riddle me this, WHY ARE THEY RECRUITING? 🙂
I met a person on the EPF who was the BC Sup who was taken off post and thrown on the EPF as a sort of “mini RPF.” She was very upset about being there. I asked why she was sent there against her will? She said because the number of students on the BC had been dropping and dropping and they blamed her, the Course Sup, and said that she was to be re-positioned in a different new post since the post she was on was not doing well, no new bodies coming in. She had a word for it and I can’t remember it at this time. Something like surplus staff because no enough people were coming in to do the service. She felt she was being punished for something that was totally out of her control. If it was that bad in 2007, think how bad it is now when stats have plummeted even further.
They are recruiting to maintain the illusion of unprecedented expansion. It’s not like that many people sign up willingly, anyway.
Wow – big Trouble (with a capital C) in River City. Maybe a very brief spike in LA Org stats since SO will “bulldoze” production. Problem is their bulldozing will end up razing the place and the longer term production. In the end probably will accelerate the contraction.
Yo Dave,
All of this changing of the guard at ASHO and LA Org got me thinking again. Yep, I know, it the shits when that happens. Anyway……………..
Back in the Day when my ex brother in law (Rod Daniells) was the sole auditor and C/S for ASHO (that would be about the time you had a cesarean and birthed the Idle Org Strat) he told me about some of the scenes when Jon Lundeen would come to his office and ruthlessly slam in the OODS (orders of the day) to get Power Comps up. Very interesting to be sure and no wonder you have had to collapse the Day and Fdn into a single out ethics group.
Anyway, I was wondering whether you had a Power Auditor and or C/S through your new GAG II training lineup to handle the never before heard of massive expansion of people going up the bridge and needing their Power Processing. When was your last Power Comp by the way? I know that used to be a major stat of AHSO before you got onto this status thing.
Are you planning to deliver Power at LA Day now that you have it staffed up with ASHO leftovers?
I’ll leave the heavy lifting to you good buddy but wanted to get some clarification before I send any more public into YOUR ORGS.
I continue to be amazed by the broad sweeping changes made first in ASHO and now LA Org.
I have something to say about “hats.” When Dr Denk passed in 2004, I was escorted off the Writers of the Future post and out of Author Services. It seems a new “head of activity” was wanted in the area, an SO member. A bit later, I was told, “A mistake was made,” so I returned to Writers of the Future while informing a senior exec I would work for a year, then I would be moving along.
I worked almost that whole year on a part time schedule of three days a week, with the majority of my time spent on hat turnover. It made sense as I’d held the post for 12 or so years total. Writers of the Future was also a very random post with high public response. Many actions of the day-to-day operations dovetailed into products further down the road to pull off winners, a book, an Awards event.
My point is that a hat turnover doesn’t just happen in a day. To think is does will likely result in the incompetency of the receiver of the hat. I should also mention these broad sweeping organizational changes should be done on a pilot basis. In fact, changes to Writer of the Future should have been done on a pilot basis.
My final point is that an inadequate hat turnover can result in the person who held the hat still retaining portions of the hat through improper, inadequate, and impulsive hat turnover.
Close to one year later, in 2005, I left Writers of the Future and Author Services. My hat had been properly turned over and I could move on to other things.
I don’t think there are any real hats to turn over any more Widowdenk. Seemingly none of the posts held were successful otherwise they would have not closed the Org, and anyway, hat turnovers imply that someone wants the (remains of the) Org to be successful, which if we look at the whole impetus is not the target of management, in fact it is the opposite, is it not?
I would love to arrive at LA Org. today and tell the registrar that I want to do a course but I need to know if there will be other students in the course room and can I be certain they will have a twin for me ?
Hi K,
They would just lie and say, “Why of course we’ll have a twin, millions of people all over the world are doing scientology.” When you ask, “where are they?” They’ll just say, “They are everywhere…don’t you see them?”
Great idea Kevin! Do it! And let us know what happens.
‘K,’ I would pay good money to see you do that! We can have a few of us just out side waiting to laugh our asses off!
Ok this is a stretch but if I recall correctly, there actually is an LRH line about the LA org “handling”. Perhaps anyone here who has seen the LA Org Advices from the early 80s may recall he said that Los Angeles is the most out-ethics city in the world. He advised a series of actions to get ethics in and this is also where be talked about there being plants (external agents installed for the purpose of disrupting operations). These advices are where LRH said the purpose of LA org is to be the “model” Class V org. Anyway, he also says that you “bulldoze an ideal scene into place”. In a set of mission orders to handle LA org, he advises that if ethics doesn’t in despite various gradients of handling, the last step would be to convert it into an SO org. So that may be what’s behind this LA org conversion. Anyone else who recalls these Advices?
I don’t know about the advices you are referring to here, Chris. But wouldn’t even applying those advices be the same as admitting that the Ideal Org wasn’t really ideal after all?
He would only be ‘admitting’ that it was ‘more ideal now’ that the SO gestapo units were there to slam in ethics!
I wrote over at Tony’s before I read what you posted here, Chris, that DM had found a Why for the LA orgs’ failure at attracting fresh meat despite all but Valley being Ideal. Since the Sea Org was designed to put Ethics in on the planet, the Why for the non-flood of people had to be that the LA orgs were out-ethics, so bring in the Fake Navy to put in ethics. I had no idea that Hubbard had written about them, virtually saying the same thing.
An amazing coincidence, Espiando, and it makes sense that He will use this for SO take-over of LA Org as an ethics whip on Class V org staff elsewhere
The only real value that “scientology” has or ever had is a number of processes and procedures which, in the hands of intellegent and caring individuals, could assist a person in overcoming a number of their problems in life.
In my time as a staff member and executive in the Co$, my major beef was having plans and programs issued by executives and evaluators (who didn’t know the first thing about how to help a fellow human being) rammed down my throat and enforced on my org. Within the framework of helping people, this so-called Ideal Org Program is one of the most retarded I’ve ever seen.
David Miscavige has never in his entire life, gone out into the community, found someone who needed help and used one of these processes or procedures to assist that person. He thinks he can just put out ads with sufficient hype that will draw in more suckers to buy his books and fork over all their dough for whatever self-aggrandizing program he proclaims will save the world.
While appearing to be fairly bright, in the end David Miscavige is just another sociopathic asshole who loves to walk all over people and craves to “win” at any cost.
Whatever legacy Miscavige is trying to establish for himself, the above is all he will get.
Dear Les,
Your non-compliance with these targets is putting stops on the expansion of Scientology. Immediately get cracking and get onto these targets on a right-now right-now basis, no more Q and A.
Oh…uh…yea…okay then. I’ll have a compliance report with photo evidence by 2093. Hold your breath.
Thanks for the info LDW and Dan Locke. And Mike, it was great to see what LRH accomplished as far as organization and expansion in those years compared to what DM has done. Mike, you are chronicling history being made. Thank you!
Revision to my last post: “Mike, you are MAKING history!”
Right Les,
DM NEVER EVER took a stroll through a city park, found someone in need of help and audited that person
right on the park bench until that person felt better….
Wow…..to see what LRH did in 30+ years and what Miscavige
has done since is remarkable. Now ASHO and LA Org…..wow!
I would bet those still in can only debate the need for foundation
orgs to justify these moves as opposed to what is really happening.
What a relief it must be for the non SO staff to just pack up and leave
with no harassment AND no debt.
These are the folks that can go into the field and tell people what it is really
like within the church.
Yes, and they can get decent paying jobs, I hope, and join the Indie movement If they still want to make bridge progress.
I would think a good percentage will.
Beryl, I hope what you posted comes true! What a shift from working for pennies on the hour to actually making a decent living! And, yes, if they want to continue with scientology, they can join the indies. Either way, they’re free. Really free.
Considering the effort orgs go through to convince staff members to stay on staff, an effort that starts well before the existing contract is up, to hear of staff being relieved of duty and sent their merry way is making my head spin.
And mine, as I mention above.
There are very, very few SO people who have ever been on staff In a Class V org. I’d imagine that 99% of them have never disseminated successfully. And when they send missions to Class V orgs, the mission orders are most likely to have been written by someone who has never worked in a Class V org or disseminated successfully. And I don’t know that there has ever been an SO mission into a Class V org that was successful, even though they might get a few weeks upsurge in stats. These missions deal in force and authority and low to non-existent ARC.
Be interesting to see how this is manned up and with whom. I guess lots of people from the HGB as I can’t figure out what any of these people do there anymore beyond keeping track of the false stat compilations for the upcoming events.
I guess it will be the first real shake out of the Div VI FART system.
There’s no more important place to get wins than on the first steps in Scientology. Very few orgs ever were able to do it well for longish times. The 70’s mission networks like COSMOD and Riverside pulled it off by focusing on wins and HUGE ARC for the public and for each other. It’s the only way that intro Scn has ever been successful. But all intro Scientology stuff has been abandoned for years now, the last sincere push being the big Dianetics push that Jeff Hawkins masterminded.
Great post, Dan! I remember Riverside mission with, what, 200 staff? That place was rockin’! Very, very high ARC. Very happy PCs. Gosh, that seems like a lifetime ago…
It doesn’t merely feel like a lifetime ago. It WAS a lifetime ago…
Amen to that!
I remember one mission that came to the Chicago org in the1990s, where this guy did an evaluation for several weeks. You know what his “Why” was? “Reasonableness and Non-Confront”.
Wow. What a revelation. The same why that was always given at EVERY STAFF MEETING EVER.
(My last sentence is exaggerated, but still makes the point.)
Needless to say, nothing changed as a result of that evaluation.
I wonder what effect (if any) this will have on the minds of LA scientologists. I hope a few more take peek at the lunatic fringes of the Internet.
“the minds of LA scientologists” LOL, good one Dollar! ROFL, ahh funny stuff. Thanks for that, that made my day. LA scientologists with minds….*chuckle*
Dollar – I can tell you. I just had a conversation with someone who gets serviced in LA. They just finished some auditing in LA last week. All she could talk about was the “unprecedented expansion” that we are experiencing and how the SPs keep trying to infiltrate the church but it’s not going to work. We’ll just keep expanding.
Unfortunately, they can’t see the forest for the trees because they don’t have enough true data to do the Data Series with.
That’s why I plant seeds when I talk with people. No big violation of their reality, just agree with the things they’ve seen that aren’t standard. Agree that they aren’t standard. Sort of like what Debbie Cook said to do…”Just refuse to do anything that’s off-policy and to report people who are.”
We all know that if they report too much stuff (thinking that there is a Watch Dog Committee or C/S’s 1 through 7 in the management sector to keep management on the straight and narrow – those posts have all been destroyed) they will be called in to ethics and told that they are causing trouble and, if they insist in pushing “standard tech” they’ll be offloaded.
Nothing like getting declared for insisting on Standard Tech to convince someone that they’re in a squirrel group.
Plant seeds.
Well done. Someone’s got to burst their bubble. MAAs excel at this.
They are pulling all the red vols from the Orgs so are they erasing the off policy items that are going on?
Thanks, Dollar – it’s like reversing the boiled frog scenario. You “un-cook” them by giving them a little bit of truth and then a little more truth until THEY start to see the outpoints themselves. The bubble doesn’t burst in a shocking manner that they can’t have, but it’s definitely deflated over time.
When the Eagle has landed, the view is a lot clearer, even though they can now see the “entheta”. Very much like the Matrix.
LOL, Pete2million! Maybe that’s the abberated thought but, if someone destroyed all of Sir Isaac Newton’s books on science and gravity, would that mean that gravity would cease to exist?
If DM took out all of the references about “Black Dianetics”, does it mean that he would stop using it on unsuspecting believers?
This is how he altered the tech right under everyone’s noses. Yes, he took parts out of the tech of Black Dianetics. If someone doesn’t know about it, how can they recognize it?
What I thought may be happening:
LA Org is touted as the mother of a model ideal org, if I have this straight.
If they had their “full complement” (100 or so) of staff members (when announced) they won’t have them anymore as this org was probably staffed “to complement” with ripp-offs / loans from other orgs / SO Orgs (as was done with probably any other “ideal” org for the photo shoot at the ribbon cutting).
But as none of these orgs are alive, contracts were expiring, staff “on loan” went back to their orgs or returned to their SO base – or they simply blew.
So LA Org went from “ideal” to “idle” (as any other idle org did) but nobody noticed, as the expansion was unprecedented …. UNTIL you kept pointing it out on your blog and so the information that idle orgs are empty halls eventually made its way on the fastest comm lines on the planet to Dear Leader.
Him being the ideal evaluator spotted the outpoint immediately by comparing the reports to his event speeches and knew the existing scene must be false. As the daily updates on your blog (and the marginal notes on on what promo not to reprint, what PR-line to avoid etc.because you nuked them) wouldn’t change, he knew at the snap of his fingers that the ideal scene had to be brought closer to the existing scene so as to be ideal (in case you think I’m talking gibberish here, you need to M9, M4, star rate and clay demo Dear Leaders last event speech to full conceptual overwhelming).
As LA is soooo visible and a physical representation of the 0.47% contraction (the claims about their expansion are probably true, they just leave out the leading zeros 🙂 something had to be done.
I think he’s just faking an “org” – at least there are staff members and not just empty halls.
Would be interesting to see whether this happens to other idle ideal orgs as well …
They can also route SO staff on their PE time into LA Org (as long as they wear their civies) so it looks like the place is full of public.
Of course any new public going onto a course in a room full of SO staff is going to blink twice and then RUN LIKE HELL FOR THE DOOR! Who are these guys? Sheesch – a room full of zombies!
Actually, Coop, I believe they’ll blink only once. That’s all it’s going to take before they RUN LIKE HELL FOR THE DOOR!
George – YES! I was reading all of the comments before I made my comments. You said exactly what I was going to say.
I’m thinking that DM replaced all of the “wog” staff (non-SO) MFCSrs for being downstat and lazy and NOT obeying his orders of making LA Org the showpiece of the Ideal Orgs and the template that all Idle Orgs should follow.
Have you seen the video about Hitler ranting about various things? One of our creative video editors should make one about DM and this situation.
I was around when LA Org was pretty much Ideal on it’s own steam with Jeannie and Jens Bogvad, in the 80’s. People came from other countries even to get this high grade, standard tech. The Latino market took over the joint and pushed the walls to the limit with new people. Where are they now, those public?
Also, Robert Almblad said, “Deja Vu all over again circa 1982 mission network wipe out moved to Orgs… except this time it is all about cutting Org expenses with free SO staff in order to get more cash uplines.”
If you’re unfamiliar with how the missions were destroyed, see this about the “Mission Holder’s Conference”
More comments here:
One comment says that DM BOUGHT the missions from LRH for $450,000.00 – Any truth to that, Mike Rinder?
Yes. The gnawing sound that you hear is the “Church” cannibalizing itself even more. First, they took out the extremely successful mission network that provided a good (estimated) 75% if the new public WW. Now, 32 years later, they are consuming the other leg of front line dissemination, the Class V orgs…and calling it expansion.
Watching all of this is something like watching the Hindenberg go down in flames in slow motion.
Who will be lucky enough to survive the crash and fire? Those who get out first.
Indie, wasn’t it the job of the mission to fill the orgs? When many of my mission holder friends were crushed, I left. The missions were destroyed! On Miscavage’s orders. Gosh, those were some good times right before 1982.
OH yeah, OSD. Completely.
Sometimes the missions held on to their public a little longer than they should have (taking all of their money for every service that could be delivered before moving them on to the org). That might have been the overt that prompted the motivator, honestly. The org where I got in was always struggling while this mission had over 100 staff. This was in 1979/80.
But YES, definitely good times.
The people who are in now think that Scientology is expanding. EXPANDING WHERE?? The place that the orgs should be expanding is in the courseroom. In the auditing rooms, not just with TWTH in a staged photo op in Nicaragua!
You remember, Old Surfer Dude – you had to get to course early so that you could get a seat. If you were using the org’s dictionaries, you had to come early or they would have all been taken. There were at least 30 people on a full fledged comm course on any evening, not these cheater, “Personal Improvement” courses they pretend to be full courses.
We sent so many people to Flag and to LA for training, etc.
And we actually got paid – pretty well for 1979 money. $100 to $150 a week. You could pay your rent and eat on that at that time. Sort of minimum wage at least. How would that convert into 2014 money? $500 or $600 a week these days?
LA Org isn’t saving that much by using SO members. I was told by a couple of LA Org staff that they aren’t getting paid anyway. This was as recently as the last two years.
So yeah, how do you stop an organization from being fed? How do you starve it to death? Kill the feeder systems.
OSD – your dating is spot on!
Holy Sh-t!
First of all, thank you for your breakdown in the first part and for putting into words what LRH accomplished in three decades. I had never thought about it like that before and it is remarkable. DM has torn all that down. It is gone!
THE UPDATE! HOLY COW! How is DM going to sugar coat this!
Vested interests, brainwashing, “mankind’s answer” are the only reasons I can see anyone still in, staying in.
“…what LRH accomplished in three decades…”
LRH rode the coattails of popular interest in all things New Age in the 60’s and 70’s. Scientology flourished because of global secular trends, not because of it’s own brilliance.
What LRH also “accomplished” (and well hid) was a 36 year crime wave starting in 1950, culminating in his ignominious death alone, in the dark and in pain, while hiding out in Creston, CA from his own staff / family as well as IRS investigators.
Since Hubbard’s death, the decline of Scientology has certainly been accelerated by Miscavige, but the seeds of it’s destruction were sown by it’s own fraudulent foundation and every sinister act of deceit since then against the very folks that were it’s most loyal supporters.
Scientology deserves the fate it is experiencing, even by it’s own teaching. The church pulled it in.
Absolute rubbish!
Yes, Foolproof, Scientology is absolute rubbish. How good of you to cognite that.
Not TOTAL rubbish, just 50 %. Like Hubbards split personality, the church has always been a personification of his paranoid schizophrenia. It’s a candy, NO it’s a breath mint! It’s both. Evil & Awesome for twice the price. Scientology: it’s the spiritual cherry picker paradise.
FP, I’m curious as to what you think is rubbish in that synopsis. What part of it isn’t factual?
If you guys had ever had any case gain and ever acquired useful data from any training which it seems you never did (training that is) you would know why.
But I can’t get any case gains from Scientology nor can I undergo training, Foolproof. That’s because I’d be an illegal PC due to my psych drug use and nasty, nasty habit of having smexy times with my own gender (and not willing to give either of those up). Even if they let me on course, I believe that the Purif is a sick, harmful joke and that word-clearing insults my intelligence. So attempting to appeal to “you had to have been there” with me is kind of a non-starter.
Espiando – ok, understood. All I am saying is that I think you are wasting your time trying to convince most people on this board that the tech does not work. It’s like me saying to you that your psych drugs don’t work – but I am not saying that to you (even if presumably some in the Church have done in the past). You have your beliefs and me mine. I believe that the main impetus of this board is to point out the anti-social atrocities committed by some so-called “Scientologists” on other “Scientologists”.
Staff could leave today “IF THEY WANTED TO. MANY DID.”
That fact speaks for itself.
And those that stayed would have been the more deadbeat ones, loathe as I am to criticize staff as I was one once. But anyone still working for the carpet eater at the top of the Org board don’t really deserve any sympathy, especially when they are given the chance to get out the rut they are in .
Wendy, I hope every single staff member at the L.A. Org leaves and regains their freedom. It’s ironic that it’s called the ‘Bridge to Total Freedom” when, in fact, it’s just the opposite. When you finally leave, that’s when you discover total freedom! What a feeling that’s got to be for a staffer.
And of course none of these staff at LA Org were given a comm ev before being removed from post either.
They were probably secretly thrilled to have the opportunity to leave.
It would be interesting if they can bill the church for the contract breakage.
It is truly obvious that policy is “old, not used anymore, historical, background data.”
If this would have happened in Chicago in about 2008, I would have been secretly thrilled.
And if you’d have told us people outside Chicago Org wearing masks and holding signs what had just happened, we would have bought you drinks at the bar across the street.
Speaking of the Chicago Org…
What’s the latest? Any scoop you can share?
Anyone have any theories as to why the staff was released so easily?
Yep – most would have jumped for joy, quietly – in case anyone was watching.
My gosh,a short routing form and your out the door.
No cake and ice cream, goodbye speeches from long time friends.
Brings tears to my eyes, awfully like my own retirement.
ushered into a small room,given a check with too many zero’s to ignore, sign this
this form, give us your badge and you are history.
Two local girls gave me a send off and I never looked back.
These staff that left should do likewise. Never look back.
All that rah rah rah for what ?
I am so happy to have never joined staff at LA Org.
They probably calculated their Freeloader bills firstly and found nothing much as the staff probably never studied nor got auditing and thought “well, they can get lost”.
Bu this is serious stuff here – have you ever heard of an Org letting all of its staff get off the hook so to speak scot free? NO FL bills no ethics no nastiness no long routing forms. Something really stinks here. (I am not condoning those practices – only pointing out the “never happened in Scientology Org history aspect” of it.)
Much bigger problem here.
No such animal as a free ride out the door.
Foolproof, possibly because Makemerich knows that for starters, by summarily dismissing existing staff and collapsing Day and Foundation into one org he is committing Suppressive Acts. per LRH. And maybe he’s thinking the staff will be so glad to be let go without any penalties that they’ll just go quietly into the nite and not create any inconvenient rah rah about how LRH says to do things. Without ever having been staff, and for whatever its worth, that’s my take on it
With no management in place, except for Dear Leader, it makes sense to send his de-activated “free” SO management personnel to run an Org…all the money spent on Org staff pay will now go directly into DM’s coffers…. Deja Vu all over again circa 1982 mission network wipe out moved to Orgs… except this time it is all about cutting Org expenses with free SO staff in order to get more cash uplines.
Times must be tough to do this.
Maybe this is the color of the future implosion of Co$? Replace all Org staff with free SO staff that report directly for DM. No more personnel costs at the Org and DM no longer has to see X SO management hanging around in black suits in the SO ghettos…. ha clean sweep. Brilliant.
” except this time it is all about cutting Org expenses with free SO staff in order to get more cash uplines.”
That may work in LA where the canteen and berthing are already in place but for outer orgs, buildings have to be rented, cooks hired and food purchased in smaller quantities. Young SO staff have never learned how to fend for themselves out in the fearful wog world. Hell, they might even have access to the internet – yikes!
Coop, I think that’s one of the items that keeps them trapped: Fear of Wogs & the horrible Wog world! Let’s hope they do troll the internet and come to their senses!
And your post to my post was hilarious! But it did make sense! I’m headed to the L.A. Org later today to start on a course!
If you have trouble finding a twin send me a shout out. I’ll be there with bells on! First thing would be a round of good old fashionhed TRs. I don’t think we could get past the bullbaiting though!!
Non-SO staff don’t have room and board, uniforms and assorted expenses. More often than not, their pay is under $50/week so it’s probably more expensive to have SO staff.
True nomnom BUT, the S.O. members are already in the PAC area getting paid. SO, the elimination of NSO staff in PAC does save money. This strat wouldn’t work for Class V orgs that aren’t close to SO orgs. But, I can see this happening in NY Org (CLO staff), DK, Tor, CW area (busing SO to Tampa), etc., etc.
Holy Moly, this is HUGE news – how terrific is THIS? i think this is really IT, folks – the real beginning of the real end!
Mr. Makemerich, fyi, per YOUR definition, MY needle is definitely floating. Is it ever!
And I also have the picture now, as someone earlier just posted, of LA Org with NO public and everyone running around screaming at one another. I am so cracking up. Let’s all hope that those freed don’t succumb to joining staff anywhere else and just STAY OFF STAFF. I’m thinking they might just be experiencing their own, huge inner, unexpressed RELIEF at this turn of events!
John Woodruff was brutalized for not “making it go right” at LA Org, and now some ten years later, after others have presumably met the same fate, they are going to see if 100 or more SO can “make it go right”. Good luck with that.
Is this the same John Woodruff that led Orange County Org to St. Hill Size in the late 80’s/early 90’s? If so, his partner in crime from those days, Dave Petit, is still hanging in there at CC LA. Is the new Ideal OC still St. Hill sized (whatever that means)? Is the Universe Corps still rocketing the OC staff up the bridge to total freedom? All I remember is 5.4x some ridiculous stat or another that was in no way sustainable. But, they did get those cool (now outdated) custom orange e-meters! I can only imagine what their arch-rivals in Hamburg got for their accomplishments, a ground beef themed meter?
The ED of Hamburg, Webke Hansen, was hounded then eventually declared. Apparently one of her greatest crimes as she lead the biggest and most successful org on the planet was that she tried to make sure her staff got paid a livable wage.
Hmmm, not really. Her biggest crime was false stats and serious financial irregularities. True, Hamburg was still one of the biggest orgs, but it was also an early trendsetter in the donations/whales game, including having its own version of Reed Slatkin. Wiebke was put on the RPF at the Int Base by Miscavige and then became a sets painter, where she remains to this day as far as I know (she is pretty talented at that job by this time).
Ms. B, you are correct. I was public at the Tustin Org in Orange County. John Woodruff was the ED and Dave Petit was my auditor. In 1982 something happened that I can’t quite remember. I’m still not sure of the reason, but, staff and public left in droves. I remember one staff member as he left for good saying, “The only thing useful was from the early 50s.” I was never the same after that.
My last line should have read, “It was never the same after that.”
Hey OSD, There is a solution to your problem:
” In 1982 something happened that I can’t quite remember. I’m still not sure of the reason, but, staff and public left in droves.”
Try some Dianetics at LA Org and maybe it will come to you!!!!!!!!! Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Feel free to get even at a time of your choosing!
LA Org could not possibly succeed due to their close proximity to “management”.
I ran into Claire Woodruff at Lake Tahoe last month. She looked great! I told her Chel and Melanie were in John’s old post of ED LA Day. (Melanie at Fdn.) I guess that is now old news. I would appreciate any word on what happened to them, and if they are still on staff in some capacity. Just family curiosity from an older brother long disconnected.
I hear you Mike. I’m in the same boat. I want to hear news of Melissa (Missy) and Alan Temps and whether they chose to remain on staff or leave? Or did they join SO?
Michael — see UPDATE #2 just added to the bottom of the post. I think both Chel and Melanie are looking for something else to do. I suspect they will be heavily courted by the other LA Class V orgs…. But maybe they will just go off and start thinking about what happened and how in typical scientology style, when it was thought they no longer had anything to contribute TO, they were booted to the gutter without so much as a second thought, let alone a thankyou. Maybe it will wake them up?
Mike, I just read update #2. OMG, Alice herself never had to deal with such a bizarre environment! Maybe Mel will go to work for Nick, selling insurance…
Melanie is one of the best org staff members who ever lived. I have never in my life seen someone live a staff post so optimistically for so long a period of time.
Even if it’s something of a mirage, there is a sense of purpose in being a Class V org and it is great to see new people winning. I was an LAF ED for about 8 months as I was also being an ASHO Day staff member in the early 90’s. It was ridiculous. The org was like a bunch of guppies in a shark tank, but we were delivering some auditing to new people and getting a few sign-ups for basic courses each week, and even that little dose of Scientology delivery made me feel prouder in terms of accomplishment than regging the already-hypnotized to continue to take services at ASHO Day.
Nick and Mel are very heavily invested in the current game. I am sure that, a few layers deeper, they are both “WTF???” but they’ve been playing these roles now of being 100% WITH management that I don’t think that they’d dare let a disaffected thought surface. I think that Mel is going to join staff at the Valley or join one of the OTCs.
Already I sense that there is a mission in ops getting briefed to round up all these staff who were given smiles and handshakes and told goodbye. These guys represent a fantastic amount of work to have recruited them and then kept in place. The SO does not have the sort of a big heart that would allow such generosity. Now, or soon “someone” is going to hear about this and be very upset.
Michael, I knew Clair Woodruff from the Tustin Org in Orange County. She was a very charming woman. Dave Petitt, my auditor, kept encouraging me to attest to being Clear there. I’m a very upbeat and positive person, so, I think that’s what he was focusing on. However, the one line in book one stopped me from attesting: “A Clear is to a normal person, what a normal person is to the institutionally insane.” That’s quite the yawning gap. When I told John Woodruff my concerns, he didn’t take that well. I left after that conversation.
Do you know if Clair is still in? Are they still married? Is John still in?
Hey Michael, is Claire W still on the kool Aid?
Michael I am just curious, is Claire still in? She was always super nice.
Dan Locke are you serious with the Melanie love train????
She was one of the most vile, evil, obnoxious, crazy people I ever met. And that was my opinion of her BEFORE she tried to hurt my sister. She crushed my baby sisters soul. She is a wretched person and the fact that she may right now be homeless or broke or sad or whatever is just a tiny taste of the EPIC karma that awaits her.
basketballjane: Melanie … She was one of the most vile, evil, obnoxious, crazy people I ever met.
Gotta agree with you, Jane. Melanie tried all kinds of ways to break my relationship with my future wife, when my wife was on staff at LAF twenty years ago. Melanie acted as though I was trying to steal her staff member or something. There’s no doubt that she saw me as a threat, and treated me with a coldness you would not believe. We’re talking daggers of ice every time I walked in the org. It’s a miracle my wife and I withstood the pressure to separate.
Is this the future direction??
How long before all Orgs are manned by SO?
He’s got to do something with them, they produce nothing, it will let him keep Orgs limping along with minimal overhead.
The deathwatch beetle is getting louder……Thank God
All indicators are that it will be all seaorg, sitting around screaming at one another. No suckers..er, public at all. No revenue.
A self-licking ice cream cone, consuming itself before it melts.
Well they had to do something with the extra ASHO staff that were not needed for Fdn and since they already worked in the same building, why not. No doubt they willbill the whole move as a technical upgrade for LA Org.
Good news for your kids working at LA Org. Hopefully they don’t join the freakin SO!
:YOu said, it brother! I hope and pray they don’t join the SO. I liked reading that the staff are permitted to leave with no Sec Checks, no make wrong, no freeloader debt, just walk away. Step away from the org. Come on, step away kids. Just walk to the other side of the street. We’ll catch you as you come out. Will any UTR’s contact me privately? I have an idea here. Mike has my email address, please contact me if you are UTR.
GTBO, I was thinking the same thing. The two closest orgs to me are Orange County (Santa Ana) and Pasadena. Both are empty. The staff at those orgs must be making slave wagers at the most. It would make sense for them to staff ALL Idle Morgues with SO staff: They’ve already consumed massive amounts of Kool-Aid, you can abuse them all day long and they’ll ask for more, they’re used to 12+ hour days, they’re used to rice and beans, they’re used to being yelled at and slapped around. It seems it’s a perfect fit…
Yes and that way DM gets complete control over them. And how long before ALL orgs are done away with and everything rolls up to Flag? A giant feeding machine that now is feeding off its young to stay alive. And when that is gone, then it starts eating its own legs to survive, and finally then there were none.
I’m thinking another reason could be that Makemerich has finally blown a gasket about all the leaks. Maybe his WHY for the leaks is that staff were not SO. I’m just throwing this out there as a possibility, but in any event, YOU GO, MIKE RINDER! Thank you, Sir. Talk about pouring the coals on the purpose, you really rock!
Aqua, I was thinking that, too. Didn’t Dave already stage a shakeup at LA, firing the senior C/S or something? This ceaseless flow of leaks to Mike has gotten into his head. He’s helplessly at effect and there’s only one tool in his managerial basket — a guillotine.
Okay, let’s give the raw public right off the street a good dose of “slam-your-ethics-in”, screaming obscenities, wogs-are-the-lowest-form-of-life, “you’re here on the same terms as the rest of us – win or die trying” attitude from SO members. Yeah, that’ll get the field flooding in.
You are more right than you may know. A highly intense and severe SO crew is not who new public should be running into as an introduction to a Scientology organization. The gradient is way to steep and the SO staff will not be able to show the patience necessary with raw public.
How much money, stock, land and gold do you own is not a good opening interview for a women who just wants help with her husband and children.
Don’t forget. LA Org has the new “Div VI FART system” mentioned by Dan Locke in the comments below.
Right on the money, KFrancis! Imagine, if you will, coming into an org run by the SO! You know, the same people who yell at and abuse each other. Who think public are just a bunch of DBs because they’re not on staff. Who really think the only thing public scientologists are good for is reliving them of every single dime they have. That’s what the public have to look forward to. And, maybe sooner than later, every org will be manned my SO! Not that’s truly scary! Frightening really. A true horror story.
The auditors and case supervisors are the first line in the roping in of new and current public. Keeping the current ones for a little more time is just a sword held over their heads. Is this ‘enhancement’ GAT 2? Are they not already compliant with that?
Morale may have been bad before, but it must down right poisonous by now. This will just ensure that that no new meat gets in the door and it will drive out anyone not fully brain washed. The old pyramid scam model of a ‘self help’ group cannot survive this. You can’t cut out the part of the pyramid that brings in the new meat. How are they going to replace all those are sitting on the fence and about to escape? They aren’t even trying to keep the scam going.
Zeemoo, you are correct. But the fact of the matter is that because of the TRUTH about LRH & Scn now being on the ‘net, you could NEVER revive the mission & org structure. It would be like Bernie. Madoff trying to open up shop again. All the BIG lies that brought people into the cult and kept them there while trying to climb “the bridge” have been revealed. Scn has no real future any more.
Most people here STILL don”t know that the Snr C/S Int, once given the truth about OT, OT 8, etc., QUIT the Sea Org and left ~1986.
Jeff Hawkins has talked about Miscavige’s disdain for fresh meat. They are too much trouble. Have to be indoctrinated, trained and that takes an investment in time and money for marketing, auditors etc. Like the vulture he is, Miscavige prefers to dine on dead, processed meat. As long as he has a stranglehold on a few compliant whales and a few thousand SO slaves he can be kept in the style to which he is accustomed and all is well in Miscavige Hell.
Swanpland I believe you are right. The claims of gaining exterior with full perception (hey, remember when that was the sales pitch) and the truth about LRH’s life and all the metaphysical abilities that never happened, was not known back in the day of expansion. We believed and had no way of hearing stories like we do on the net.
The Internet is what brought down Scientology. Anonymous, Rinder, Marty, Bent, Lisa, Jon and all the books.
It took this much time, plus the demonic childishness of Miscavige for society to uncover the truth behind the false claims.
Actually what brought down Scientology is the ever changing bridge that was supposed to be complete and standard. All you had to do is walk the bridge and poof: exterior with full perception.
And in that regard, what brought down Scientology, in the end, was Ron himself, his hate of criticism and his being repulsed by common moral standards.
“we are not moralists” L Ron Hubbard
“and truth, though always fought, in the end will always prevail”
LRH My Philosophy. Now you are talkin!