A Special Correspondent sent this in as a comment on the latest blog post, but I thought it deserved a bit more attention.
I received this from Jeremy Arezzini, Portland Ideal org fundraiser and long time Registrar at Portland CC then Portland Org, also the guy who donated 1 million to Valley (?) ideal org, in their promo of a few months ago. I don’t know how a staff member came up with a million bucks to donate, besides his commissions from ideal org fundraising (?)
Subject: Important Personal Comm From Jeremy Arezzini!
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 17:52:05 -0700
From: [email protected]Hello My Amazing Portland,
I have been developing an incredible concept of another way that we can push tremendous power to the top of of our religion, as we always have. It has to do with method which I want go about fundraising for the IAS in Portland.
Now, before you stop reading because I mentioned fundraising, give me a chance to explain!
As you know, an Ideal Org is really expected to do a few major things: Boom the Org, make auditors, make Clears, go St Hill Size….but also it is expected to greatly support the IAS.
The question is, how do we go about supporting the IAS and be happy about it? And how can we do this in true Portland style, which means support at the highest levels imaginable?
The answer to these questions is that we will do it ourselves, on our own origination, because it is something that we have always wanted to do anyway! I have never met someone who actually didn’t at least have a desire to increase their status in the IAS. Whether it was something that could be done on an immediate basis or not…that was not the point. One for one, everyone I have interviewed on this has had the desire to move up in IAS status because of all the fantastic things the IAS does.
The truth is, in this field we have the horsepower and competence to raise any impossible amount of funds, as PROVEN in the Ideal Org fund raising. We did this as a group, by creating a movement that would not be stopped.
I want you to consider being a part of the new movement in Portland. The IAS movement.
But we, Portland, are going to champion this IAS movement on our OWN. I am working with many of the large donors in our field, figuring out how we can make this continual fundraising exactly how we all want it to be.
Come to the event on May 3rd, to find out all about how this is going to work. The unique thing about this event on May 3rd, is that you won’t see any “IAS staff members” at this event. It’s going to be a purely Portland produced, written, and directed event. But by doing it on our own create and origination, I think we can make the largest splash we’ve ever made on IAS support!!
The minimum requirement I am asking you for is to show up and see what it is all about. I am personally guaranteeing that the worst thing that will happen is you will experience an incredibly uptone and theta event!!
Jeremy, you do realize your “ideal” org is empty don’t you?
You do realize that even the twisted-sister statements of your own Dear Leader constantly announce that the “ideal orgs” are “ushering floods of people onto the Bridge” and “booming Scientology because they can deliver the full panoply of GAG II” and that this is how the “field will expand exponentially.”
None of these things are happening in “your” Ideal Portland Org.
So why would you be promoting the idea of collecting money for the IAS instead of delivery of Dianetics and Scientology?
Amazing how deeply the vulture culture has drilled down into the fabric of the “church” of Scientology. Nobody even pays lip service to the idea of helping anyone.
Ideal Orgs are like bigger mousestraps that have only one purpose — to capture more moneyed mice.
“I have never met someone who actually didn’t at least have a desire to increase their status in the IAS.”
Then he never met me. Those were the days. When I’d pull out my HASI Lifetime whenever an IAS, carrion sniffing zombie would approach me. But, the most interesting part of this email is how one can tell that the public are sick of being regged for dono’s and how they obviously refuse to go near an IAS staff member.
I found this email more than a little difficult to read, or to accept as real. Not to be macabre but it reminded me of the night my father died. I had found a quiet space in my house to sit and think, yet was interrupted time and again by strangers walking through. Every one of them offering up a few mumbled words that I couldn’t understand; staring at me with such intense interest, as if I had become something wholly different, than the little boy I was a few hours before. Nothing was real; not the words, not the loss, not the few incomplete glimpses of a future that would no longer be, because he was gone. And yet, I knew deep inside, that the man they called my father had left years before. Had ceased to have any meaningful conversations with me or involve me in any part of his life. I had become something he collected along the way, like a pair of gold cuff links or an old watch. I had value, I was familiar to him, but I was simply no longer of any real interest.
In this email I am reading about a subject that has tremendous emotional pull for me and yet has ceased to exist as anything viable. I can hear the key words ringing out, those that I once associated with help and support and nurturing and yet, when I look more closely, these things are all gone. Only the shell remains, the “Ideal Org”. The sole reminder of what could have been.
This email, this communication is wrong on so many levels, that Jeremy, if he in fact exists on a corporeal level, should be immersed in a barrel of the same horseshit, he’s been shoveling and left there until he realizes that he is, what he was, when he wanted to be, what he is now.
THIS IS NOT SCIENTOLOGY. This is not what we labored over for decades. What we sacrificed for, bled for, hurt for and went without for, for so many years.
I for one, bought into the concept of what SCN could be. I was sold on its inherent goodness and in the great things the tech could achieve. But that bus swerved off the road so many years ago, that I had almost forgotten why I was on it. Missives like this jolt me back into present time and remind me of the basic joy that was there to be found in the technology – just by using it. Then it became serious. Then there was a planet to clear. Then there were stats to get up and up and up, until all that was left, were all the off-beat and off-purpose reasons for “doing” Scientology, without actually doing it.
Jeremy – if you are a real person and you actually wrote the email noted above – shame on you! Take the hand that typed this email and slam it thoroughly between door and jamb, until you have a bona fide realization that you are a moron. That the breaths you take, while considering thoughts like this, are wasted and should be donated to others, who have an actual purpose in life. Understand fully and without flinching, that the energy you direct toward activities like this, specifically and precisely take energy away from the good that can be done in this world. That you are being a singular impediment to theta and the good it could achieve if given free rein. Then, with as little fanfare as you are capable, exclude yourself from all social activity for 365 days or until the glee and ‘religious zeal’ that resides within you, are no longer considered to be true components of theta and your mind has been recalibrated to something this side of normal.
Tip: bring a book and bottle into your place of seclusion and run this objective on yourself until you have a cognition. About what is wholly secondary to the fact that the innate process of cognitive thought has been rekindled.
Wow, powerful post, Odd Thomas. Moving.
TheTimChannel: Bullseye !
This is the first time I’ve seen giving to the IAS listed as an expexted product of an Ideal Org. It is now even raised above making auditors, clears, etc.
“As you know, an Ideal Org is really expected to do a few major things: Boom the Org, make auditors, make Clears, go St Hill Size….but also it is expected to greatly support the IAS.”
It seems they could have skipped the building and renovations and gave all the $$ to the Ideal Association of Sycophants.
Jeremy is a classic sociopath.
Hi Jim,
I had to read this to believe it and I do not believe it actually. I think this is a C of S “Ideal Hoax” to promote comments on your blog mate.
I mean it looks as if this cancer of a Thetan is saying he knows what crooks the IAS are and promises they will not be at this event?
He appears to be statring up a splinter group from the IAS
“I want you to consider being a part of the new movement in Portland. The IAS movement.”
I cannot tell you how much this post made me laugh.
The wording
“do a few major things: Boom the Org, make auditors, make Clears”
Er excuse me when I first walked into the local Org in 1976 they sold:
Books. Tapes, courses, and processing. This bloke L. Ron Hubbard had put together this amazing stuff that actually worked when applied correctly.
He had even developed a method of study so it could be applied correctly because this was needed as the planetary educationlists were as thick as two planks and still are.
He also developed a business series called ” Policy Letters” that also worked perfectly when applied correctly.
So what this vulture in Portland is saying really is “We don’t do Scientology any more, we donate”.
If so what the hell for eh?
I am ashamed of what the asthmatic dwarf has done to what was the only workable route out of this mire.
Thank God I got out when I did
Hey, Jeremy, I’m just curious, “…why if you are opening a building that you hope to get new people to come into, don’t you allow them to the opening?”
“That’s enturbulating 1subgenius!” ML, Jeremy
As an elite Wog I don’t always follow the tech/jargon. What I thought I read was “Come to our event and let us fund raise (pick your pocket) and we promise to keep the money local, and just to show you we mean it, we have banned the worst of the fund raising vultures from the upper levels just so you’ll feel more comfortable. Also, giving to us will make you look like you have a bigger dick among all your peers here in this tiny niche of Scamintology.” How close was I? Or how laughably off the mark? Enjoy.
They have been hypnotized into an obsession; it is not even a purpose what they preach, is just a mechanical repetition of something implanted into them; such a low level of awareness is just too sad.
Did anyone notice that he is “clearing buttons” or “getting in the ruds” on his audience by “indicating” to them that he realizes that people are now so fed up with “fund raising” emails and requests that they will stop reading once they see the word “fund raising”.He could have just as easily said “Has something been overrun?” This of course is not the first sign that all is not well in the “fund raising” world. But now they are even catering for the fact that people are overrun on this.
Interesting but Mike’s spell checker pointed out that “fundraising” wasn’t a word but “fund raising” is correct (quite correct). So they have even coined a new word for this now! And one that obviously he has keyed in to his spell checker.
I didn’t actually see the statement about a staff member donating a million but wow! That will be something he or she regrets in future years when he lands in Ethics trouble about some minor infringement. Can you believe the dupability of these dupes?
“I am working with many of the large donors in our field, figuring out how we can make this continual fundraising exactly how we all want it to be.”
This is how I interpret this statement – “The large donors are sick and tired of us calling on them 5 times a day and are insisting we get money from every one else before they will donate another cent.”
I reckon the large donors are beginning to see the writing on the wall and are no longer easy marks. They are fed up with being given “special briefings” designed only to get more money out of them.
It would appear that Portland is in real trouble, and when the large donors start putting on the brakes and asking for evidence of all the good things the IAS does, the large scale SP declares will start happening, just as they did in South Africa.
As in society everywhere, the rich tend to hang out together. And when they start talking to one another about their concerns, the shit starts to hit the fan. I am sure Portland has been given their orders: “Sort out your donors or expect an Int mission on your doorstep.”
That email reeks of desperation…enjoy the Int mission guys…your org and public is about to shrink some more!
In response – “Moreover Dave, f**k you.”
If you’re clever, Portland, you won’t attend this event. Or the next. Or the next. You’ll notice that the fundraising is continuous and you’ll stay at home.
I actually got quite agitated reading that damn thing. Eeeeewwwwwww! It was such an effort to indoctrinate and manipulate the reader into making it “intentional” that they decide to donate to nothing. This is their tack in getting people to violate their own integrity. What a brainfuck.
Jeremy’s goal is to work directly with COB.
There is so much wrong in this email from Jeremy, I don’t even know where to begin. The crazy starts with the first sentence and continues non-stop all the way to the end. This is the epitome of everything that has gone wrong with Scientology all wrapped up in one communication, and the fact that it comes from a delusional still-in, not Miscavige or management, gives you a real insight into the fantasy land that some of them still try to convince themselves exists.
Since no one else has commented on it, I need to state for the record though that behind Jeremy’s “bright idea” to take on the valence of an IAS reg himself is his desire to simply make more in IAS commissions. The guy is a total sleaze and is working full-time to take advantage of the Portland field with this Miscavige-fawning faux-inspirational claptrap. He has obviously been bilking people out of money for so long that he has somehow gotten drunk on his own Kool-Aid. And he’s under the very false impression that everyone else shares his sick and twisted viewpoint of how great it is to salute Dear Leader as the ship sinks.
I know there are probably a great many still in who wish they were out and are reaching to figure out how to get out now. Jeremy is not one of those people. It’s kind of sickening when you see someone this far gone.
Such great comments, and such a spot-on editorial, Mike.
As hgc10 says, thus is a stunning document: it lays the truth out there, naked and in plain view.
This guy KNOWS that people are going to stop reading as soon as they see the word “fundraising.” And yet he goes on to invite everybody to a meeting whose sole purpose is to discuss “CONTINUAL fundraising.” (Emphasis mine.)
“The question,” he writes, “is how do we go about supporting the IAS and be happy about it?”
Forget the stupid, meaningless answer Jeremy offers. (“Do it in true
Portland style!”) The question itself tells the story.
He’s already acknowledged that everyone is sick of fundraising. Now he’s just flat-out stating that “continual fundraising” is a fact of life — the only thing we can do is figure out how to put a happy Portland face on it.
This is such an irresistible invitation that I’m sure the Portland Ideal Org will be bursting at the seams on May 3.
Or not. As Ray Macgregor says, “Sad, sad,sad.”
“The answer to these questions is that we will do it ourselves, on our own origination, because it is something that we have always wanted to do anyway!”
Yeah Jeremy, That’s what people have always wanted to do, beg.
Listen Mr. Smarty Smarty, go listen to a tape. You are the pied piper of a GPM. YOUR goals are not everyone else’s. Duh!
Maybe you started out wanting to rule the world and being a member of the ruling class, and then slid south in a GPM and ended up as a beggar. Keep your case to yourself.
This is such a weird strategy. He’s uniting his public againt the IAS, under the premise that a common enemy creates motivation. But the intended result of said motivation is to surrender as much as possible to the enemy before they defeat you. “Back off, IAS! We’ll reg ourselves before you even get the chance. HA! We win!”
And mental gymnastic required to justify this must be something to behold.
Truly Bash! I wonder of these “large donors” he refers to, are going to buy a McDonalds franchise or something and split the profits with the ias, so their donos will stream in on automatic. I wouldn’t be surprised at anything at this point. Madness!
“Now, before you stop reading because I mentioned fundraising, give me a chance to explain!”
“I am personally guaranteeing that the worst thing that will happen is you will experience an incredibly uptone and theta event!!”
…..said the spider to the fly.
Hey Jeremy, you’re supposed to be selling the Bridge to Total Freedom, not that one in Brooklyn.
“Now, before you stop reading because I mentioned fundraising….”
Ooopsie, too late.,
(Apparently its a wide-spread problem.)
So, Portland Org is expected to “greatly support” the IAS, eh, Jeremy? A revealng statement on the practical if not theoretical purpose of Class V orgs today.
S*it this is so sad. A drowning man and he has no idea how far under water he is.
We in RTC have placed a commendation in Jeremy’s Ethics file because he really gets the essence of the Church of Scientology: “I am working with many of the large donors in our field, figuring out how we can make this continual fundraising exactly how we all want it to be.”
Jeremy has the correct postulate and thought. Unlike others, he is not engaging in a criminal not-ising of the continual fundraising by making COB wrong. No, Jeremy has instead correctly cognited that the name of the game is continual fundraising and making it go right.
What’s amazing to me is that this Jeremy believe’s himself.
One day when he’s out, if he remembers this letter, he’ll cringe with embarrasment.
Time to change it to funraising.
It could be that still ins go along with IAS fundraising because they have guilt and failed purposes in Scientology of one sort or another.
Miscavige has given them an “out” by way of donating to the IAS. It is a simple, clear message, which, although they probably inwardly loathe, they at least can confront.
“Give money, and all will be well. The IAS will clear the planet but we need you to help by funding it. The IAS has figured out all the plans, programs and projects. Our targets are all laid out. Just support the IAS so we can continue to do what has to be done”.
Donate to the IAS = Feel Less Guilt + Increase Status In My Church.
This is just a theory that occurred to me, but it indicates to me, as, back in the day when I was laboring under the delusion that the IAS was doing a lot of good all over the globe, I used to feel guilty if/when I couldn’t or wouldn’t donate to it.
I’m sure you’re right Aquamarine. A lot of good people started to give money because they thought some good would come of it. Like a charity that you know is doing good work, you feel confident and proud of your contribution. Now we have more and more information about the meaningless photos shoots, the hundreds of millions languishing, lack of money for anything vaguely related to the wins of pcs/preots and well trained auditors. The fundraising is squirrel, we’re being lied to and the hoards of cash are going nowhere and are completely unaccounted for.
I’m guessing that many of the people he interviewed who said they wanted to up their status just say that to get him off their backs. “Yeah, I’d really like to pay $150,000 more so I can get that next status, but I can’t do it right now, so please go away.” I can’t imagine actually personally wanting to do that.
” I have never met someone who actually didn’t at least have a desire to increase their status in the IAS.”
Hello Jeremy. Pleased to meet you. I was never interested in increasing my IAS status. Now you have met at least one. I dare say there may be a few more here as well.
I was interested in raising my level of training and my relative position on the Grade Chart. Due to the frequently changing arbitraries, I was denied this and ultimately sought it elsewhere as any rational consumer would.
I applaud your desire to improve conditions in Portland. They certainly couldn’t get much worse. Why is that, do you suppose?
During your drive to improve local conditions, due be sure the read the policy, Ideal Orgs and maybe even, Orgs, The Purpose of. Then take a gander at your local Org and see where it may be short of the mark. Be sure to inform everyone of your new found understanding and long list of outpoints.
Following your expulsion from the CoS, we will welcome you into the Independent Field. We love new and excited blood. :>)
Out here we CAN actually train you AND get you up the Bridge. Your friends in Portland too.
It is a great adventure, getting actual Scientology, without the financial burden of donating to the IAS.
One last final chore. Look, casually, through the Policy index of the HCOPL volumes, if you can find one, and please find all the references you can on the membership organization listed under the IAS.
You can write them down on a legal pad and when you are done, your legal pad will still be new and unmarked.
We await your arrival.
Perfect! +1 I love my sp status, it suits me because I’ve always been feisty & love to stand up to bullies.
Jeremy’s response – “COB’s orders supercede LRH’s.”
And…that’s it in a nut shell, folks! The tiny dwarf has positioned himself as source. That and LRH never knew what he was doing! Hey, it’s not a bad gig if you can get it. The dward lives in a $70 million home. He has more cars and motorcycles than he knows what to do with. He’s worth (cash wise) $60 million. He probably has all the mortgages on the Idle Morgues so when everything completely falls apart, he sell the properties and leaves the country with maybe close to a billion dollars. And what’s really sick? The clams will support him doing so!
Notice he did mention “… continual fundraising ..” Anyone who gives these bloodsuckers a cent is aiding and abetting ….. anyone who keeps giving these criminals money richly deserves to be sucked dry of all their cash and credit. There’s a reason why Nigerians keep sending out those emails ….
“you won’t see any “IAS staff members” at this event”. Maybe this is true but I’ll bet Jeremy coordinated with them before sending this out and plans to make a fat commission from this “purely Portland produced, written, and directed event.”
And Mike, love the “Twisted Sister” reference!
two statements stood out for me.
“Now, before you stop reading because I mentioned fundraising, give me a chance to explain!”
“we can make this continual fundraising exactly how we all want it to be.”
that says it all about what they do and how they feel.
so in essence everyone is never doing enough unless you have reached the highest status (of course they have special handling if you ever get that high). no matter how much you give, it’s never enough, not because they don’t appreciate it, but because that’s how it’s designed, it’s built into the system to just demand, demand, demand, to give, give give……that’s it. it truly never ends, he says so himself.
so they are going to treat you as such, you are never doing enough because you can always move up in status, even if you just did.
things like this just wring more and more sanity out of the church.
it makes sense to predict scientology is going to get more and more extreme in its actions and foot bullets because as more sane people leave, the concentration of insane increases. eventually the only ones left are the extremists and other wise impaired people.
“Now, before you stop reading because I mentioned fundraising, give me a chance to explain!”
This speaks volumes, as to how people are reacting to fundraising for this status or that status, and how they should be already wanting a higher status five minutes after donating for the status they just got.
How about Patron Exterminator whereby you recover all the money the IAS ripped off and use it to actually help the fourth dynamic.
That really sounds as an excellent idea! “Patron Exterminator” that’s what is needed
Could be the plot of the next Iron Man sequel. Robert Downey Jr. breaks Into Dave’s mansion, recovers all the money, turns the cob over to the authorities, gives back all the money to the parishioners, and as a final shot blows up the whole Int. Base.
I agree with you T. Add to that ‘The question is, how do we go about supporting the IAS and be happy about it?” Speaks volumes…….
Answer is you don’t.
His comment, Mike, about not knowing anyone who didn’t want “to raise his status” re the IAS, is really telling. It’s not just all about money, but also one’s “status”, needing to purchase the good opinions of others in order to stroke one’s own ego. What a truly sick concept. All “spirit” has long since left. And this jerk, mired in his own ego, wants to drag everyone else down with him.
Vance Woodward in his much missed “Addicted to Scientology” gives a reflection on what it was like to donate so as to go up in status. Vance is now suing the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology. Good for him. (Bad for the Co$ – Vance made his money being a good lawyer 🙂 )
I always hated the “Love”
Sign off and worse the “Much Love” sign off. So fake.
I like your post Mike.
Much Love and big ARC,
Tim- S
Clarification – ML = More loot.
Hope this helps.
“Much love”, “love” – even at the bottom of a horrific KR, it’s signed off with “much love”.
Probably even at the end of a ruling after a Comm Ev assigning you the post of SP, it’s signed with “much love”.
“Can you feel the love?” – COB
“The question is, how do we go about supporting the IAS and be happy about it?” (Spot on, Sherlock!)
“I have never met someone who actually didn’t at least have a desire to increase their status in the IAS.” (You don’t get around much, do you?)
” … all the fantastic things the IAS does.” (Such as? Um, well, that is, in retrospect, taking in the whole picture, considering applicable conditions, in summary, rounding up, after averaging, supposing the assumable and presupposing the proposable … you know what? Discarding the promotional glitz and glotz, I’m not at all sure what the IAS does except collect money?)
“I think we can make the largest splash we’ve ever made on IAS support!!” (I second the pissing!!)
If they wanted to do something “Portland” they’d spin-off (or shut down).
The large donors should take their org back and go indie!
Throw in my two shits worth.
Jeremy is no doubt a candidate for a refund. His $1 million was confiscated by the IAS is no doubt part or all of an inheritance. Sooner or later he will figure it out… Ooops
Ideal Vulturing has got to be the funniest thing you ever said. Johnny Carson has got nothing on you for Friday night entertainment!
Exclamation point is well deserved! Did I beat Silvia on this comment?
Yes Robert, you definitely gave an “Ideal” beat.
Has anybody ever seen where the IAS has actually spent a dime on anything? Isn’t it always “somewhere else”? Just the same as how ever org but yours is ‘booming’?
Some people will believe anything.
They claim to have spent money on Idle mOrgues – article “The New Ideal Org Strategy” in this very blog.
That is a stunning document. The paragraph starting with “[t]he answer to these questions…” is quite amazing. It is a virtual checklist of everything a person must do to turn upside-down their reality and learn to not trust their lyin’ eyes. We’ll do it ourselves. We’ll originate it. Everyone wants to do it. Even if you can’t do it today, you really really want it; admit it. The IAS does fantastic things. The author of that claptrap has a fried noggin. Their perception of reality has been rode hard and put away wet.
Yes, this is such a great post.
And sadly the “second generation” scientologists who have little to no scientology training an no to no experience in delivering scientology are easy to pull into some high sounding but entirely specious reasoning that “giving more money to dave will make the world a better place”.
Jeremy is going to hold and event and lay out some plan for all Scientologists to triple tithe at every pay check for the rest of their lives and write the IAS in to their wills. He will quote “necessity level” and “the supreme test of a thetan” and other high minded quotes to support his debased, money grubbing scheme.
These guys are exactly the same as the long line of money-motivated christian evangalists. This bullshit has been going on a long time, and will still be going on a hundred years from now. Sadly, there will always be a new sucker ready to “save the world”. And there will always be a rapist that is willing to promise the moon and take the cash.
Sad, sad, sad.
IAS – I Am Stupid.
Love this. This is as good as SP = Special Person.
LOL! Very, very good. It will become part of my vocabulary from now on! Still laughing. Outstanding! Nearly as good as “Pod Persons”!
Ok, ok, MJ, do da man!
Wish I could say the same thing for the cob.
Exactly, Roy, except Christian evangelists don’t beat you up or enforce disconnection or falsely imprison. A fellow Christian can tell the evangelist he is a heretic or to go fuck himself and not get a KR or declared a suppressive person. Otherwise, exactly the same.
Just dying to attend Jeremy. If you’re lurking on this blog, please feel free to contact me and I’ll give you all my credit card info. My only goal in the church is to increase my status. As an aside, do you think that if I become a Patron MobyDickAss I might share some of that great salmon with you know who?
@ MJ
I just wanted to thank you for making me laugh soooo much, so I dedicate this video to you :o)
Glad I make you laugh Laurie. 🙂
MJ, now that’s some funny, well, you know! Thanks!
That communication is about as elitist as it gets.
But then its something one would expect from elite deviants who look at themselves as the Skull and Bones of Scientology.
very good analogy….
The trend I’ve noticed over time is that many of these big wales are aiming toward turning Scientology into an secret elitist society where they are on top and everybody else is on the bottom.
Good luck with that.
After the the word “Subject:” insert the word “Self”.