Aaron Smith-Levin just pointed out to me that scientology has a blogsite that is mikerinderblog.org, apparently hoping to capture people who make a typo in inputting my url.
They have my name in big bold letters, right at the top. I am not sure if it because I so often go to my blog site, but the search engine put up a notification asking me if I actually meant to go to my real blog which I found amusing.
The content is pretty ironic.
Aaron Smith-Levin did a YouTube video with Alex Stein and because Stein is a “holocaust denier” it “raises serious concerns.” Of course it raises NO concerns that scientology has done far more than a YouTube interview with Tony Muhammad the notorious anti-Semite. They gave him their highest award, laud him and use him to promote giving money to scientology. That doesn’t raise any concerns for “Lindsey.”
And Leah Remini defended Paul Haggis. But no mention of scientology trying to influence the LAPD and the courts to save Danny Masterson from CRIMINAL RAPE CONVICTION. Oh no, that’s just fine. They didn’t testify under oath as Leah did, they have tried to use intimidation and back door tactics to defend Masterson. Of course, that’s not a problem…
This website is just one of dozens of sites devoted to smearing me and any other scientology whistleblowers.
This is what US taxpayers are subsidizing with scientology’s tax exempt status. This is scientology Fair Game in living color.
It is time for the IRS to take action.
I searched for your blog a couple weeks ago using the google search engine. Your real blog appeared at the top of the list but just below I noticed the fake blog. I immediately thought it was a hate site created to draw traffic away from your site but I wasn’t certain until I clicked the link and sure enough, that’s exactly what it was. I was surprised to see that it also included hateful and untrue stories about other ex members who speak up about the abuses of this “religion.” They must not realize how bad this looks from the view point of the general public. Sorry you have to put up with this crap Mike.
I went there also and got the same notification that you mentioned asking if I wanted to go to your blog.
“You are beginning an indenture. Treat it as an indenture. And may you never be as sane again.”
I might agree with Lindsay — if there really was a Lindsay — about Alex Stein. Even if right wing transphobes say something funny about Scientology they are better off ignored. Still I trust that anyone reaching Lindsay’s web site will quickly realize that it simply confirms why there are so many things wrong with Scientology.
It is its own parody and even funnier than what Stein tries to offer.
Just another sign of the desperation of a shrinking cult. $camology is slowly but surely morphing into a giant oozlum bird with Davey as the brown arsehole the beak is aiming for.
And pretty cheap at that.
OSA invites comments on this blog – but none can be seen. Ah, well, there are probably thounsands of comments and they just can’t get around to deal with them all. Straight up and vertical expansion.
Who’s “Lindsey” anyway?
Perhaps one of Bill Yaude’s alias.
Tory should post a comment asking Bill out for a coffee 🙂
Re: “…the search engine put up a notification asking me if I actually meant to go to my real blog…”
This proved to be the best part of doing a Google search for “Mike Rinder blog.”
Even Google, apparently, knows the difference between right and wrong.
Remarkable they go to such lengths. Scientology as an organised, authoritarian but rapidly shrinking group just keeps distilling itself into its more & more purely evil essence. It’s rather obvious their dramatizing of hate and the destruction of others they consider enemies is the only game they have left to play, or rather, it has always been that way. Just more veiled in earlier times. They now however, have many crimes to hide. Hubbard’s policy and false promises of freedom is a fertile arena for outrageous chicanery.
They were always going to end up like they are now, and their future is bleak to say the least.
elron (or later, the cult on his behalf) claimed many qualifications as scientist, doctor, war hero, expert artist in too many disciplines to enumerate, nuclear physicist, civil engineer, pilot, and on and on and on. As these fantasies of grandeur have crumbled in the harsh light of fact checking, nowadays the cult is a lot more comfortable with the designation of “philosopher” as this claim does not really depend on actual qualifications. After all, “isn’t everyone a philosopher?”
However, philosophy does depend on a few fundamentals. No, not elron’s “axioms” but rules of logic considered as basic, inevitable and trivial as arithmetic or the alphabet. Violating these rules automatically disqualifies an argument and reveals its author as an impostor unworthy of further attention.
For example, there is the ominously named “source” fallacy, the one that states that an argument can not be dismissed because of who is making it (even if it’s Mike or Leah). Or the association fallacy, the one that states that an argument can not be judged by its author’s associations. So just because you know someone who knows someone who used to know someone who didn’t put down the toilet seat or farted in a crowded elevator, it’s immaterial to the validity of your argument. Sadly, this is not aacidental but these are exactly the kind of “arguments” elron encouraged and employed. Why? Because it’s all too obvious what happens when his claims are subjected to an actual test of, Xenu forbid, logic.
So look at the bright side, “Lindsey”. No one can hold it against you that you are in a cult. Or some of the bullies, frauds, con artists and rapists that you associate with. On the negative side: We’ll evaluate your “arguments” by how factual they are.
Re: L. Ron Hubbard’s “fantasies of grandeur have crumbled in the harsh light of fact checking…”
True or False: L. Ron Hubbard acted as “a director with the Caribbean Motion Picture Expedition of 1931…”…the true mark of an exceptional explorer…” (Source: “Mission Into Time,” 1973, with thanks to “Bare-Faced Messiah” by Russell Miller.)
False, but of course.
The Caribbean Motion Picture Expedition of 1931 ended in Puerto Rico “with empty hands and no money,” as reported by David R. Scott, Star-Journal Correspondent.
Members of the exhibition aboard the schooner, the Doris Hamlin, arrived a month earlier than expected. Misfortunes had plagued the exhibition from its very beginning. By the time it had arrived in Bermuda, a dozen people deserted the ship.
More deserters fled when they arrived in Martinique. Even more abandoned ship upon its arrival in Puerto Rico, effectively cutting their itinerary by half.
And whatever became of their leader, L. Ron Hubbard? He “struck colors and was seen no more.” One of Hubbard’s associates reported last seeing the George Washington University student disappearing, “with a suitcase in each hand.” (Source: Sandusky Star Journal, Sept. 9, 1932.)
The imitation goes even further. Apparently, “Lindsey’s” blog is inspired by the people that escaped. Not a mind trap, mind you. Nor an authoritarian system ruling over every aspect of their lives, either. Or even complete financial exploitation, again no.
Her–although “her” identity is about as dubious as that of a Nigerian romance scammer– blog is “inspired by those who have escaped the grasp of Leah Remini and Mike Rinder.” Sadly, she keeps us hanging about what grasp “she” actually means. The grasp of binge-watching a documentary series perhaps? The grasp of compulsively checking online how many awards the series had received? The grasp of looking for gossip on when the MR bobblehead will receive its Leah companion piece?
While the imitator seems unable to provide an idea of what “grasp” Rinderites and Reminites need to be liberated from, the imitation is blatantly obvious. Then again, few people are left wondering what grasp Mike and Leah are helping folks escape from. Or why that kind of awareness is indeed so important.
Antisemitism in politics is the practical equivalent of a dead canary in a coal mine, I can’t say this often enough. Antisemitism is a subset of Racial Collectivism. We (Humanity) have to condemn all forms of Racial Collectivism. We have to identify Black Lives Matter as the Racial Collectivist group that it actually is. We have to see that Antisemitism is a symptom of a deeper philosophical problem. So when someone attacks Jews they’re attacking all of us. Rejection of Racial Collectivism shouldn’t be a radical idea. I’ve been called a “bigot” numerous times because I didn’t believe in a person’s orthodoxy.
Not wanting people to be shot and have them die over trivial matters isn’t racial collectivism. That’s like saying people who object to cops shooting dogs that pose no threat to them are advocating caninenism.
I’m no psychologist, but all of this COS push-back looks like what arrested-development losers do to lash out at those they believe have wronged them. Unfortunately, social media seems to be the vehicle of choice for those caught up in their own childish rants.
Today I was reflecting on my son Sammy, who has disconnected from me, asking me why I called it a cult. I did have enough mental wherewithal to tell him that “anything that gets you to wrap your mind around disconnecting from me is a cult.”
This religion did far worse than just the concept of those words.
The religion of scientology talks shit and lies about loved ones and gets them to actually dislike what used to be a “loved” one.
Yes, this tax exempt religion destroys love.
Nice religion.
Comment of the day.
Mother’s Day is a hard time to be reminded of the horrors of scientology’s evil. So sad he has forsaken the love of his mother for loyalty to a mind-bending cult that has perverted his inherent goodness and nature.
This is why it’s important to keep fighting until the evil empire is dismantled.
Well Mary, I think the answer to your problem may be rather obvious.
There are plenty of people tho had horrible mothers and as a result, we grew into very unpleasant people with whom people strongly dislike to keep company.
If you combine that fact with the one fact that LRH seems to have gotten right, (“The best way to become wealthy is to start a religion”, you might consider starting a religion that honors the unloved mothers in our lives. I’m guessing there are billions of unloved mothers who never seen their children – especially on Mother’s Day.
I’m certainly no delight to spend time with mothers (Mother’s Day or not). But I would be happy to volunteer to join your religion and send you a “Happy Stand-In Mothers Day card” as well as some good wishes every Faux Mother’s Day). Perhaps if we were to get enough members, people would read about this cult and learn enough about it to cause the reunification of Mothers and Children who have been disconnected as a result of some phony Church’s phony policy.
I can think of fewer Mothers more deserving of reunification with their children than Mary Kahn.
Of course we would need to make it clear there is no money required to change hands. This is not a money-making gimmick.
What do you think? Is it too weird to succeed?
Chubby Charley from Charleston
Mary, someone has to say it, Hubbard was lousy. At the same time Hubbard was whining about receiving a penny a word for writing for the pulps Ayn Rand was living with her husband John O’Connor in a single family home in Los Angeles.
It is passed the time.
The Aims of Scientology Deciphered
“…we will never betray your faith in us so long as you are one of us.” (Don’t ever disagree with LRH or COB, or try to leave)
“The sun never sets on Scientology.” (It’s been going down for years)
“And may a new day dawn for you, for those you love and for Man.” (Departing the cult is a good start)
“Our aims are simple if great.” (Fair game, disconnection, draining back accounts, etc.)
“And we will succeed, and are succeeding at each new revolution of the Earth.” (The kool-aid is strong with these ones)
“Your help is acceptable to us.” (We’ll gladly take all your money and/or time)
“Our help is yours.” (As long as you play ball with us)
It says ‘A blog by Lindsey’.
But when I search the blog for this person, I get no results. 🙂