Long-time contributor Clearly Not Clear was the lucky recipient of a letter from St Hill.
Odd, because Clearly lives in the US and has never even been to St Hill, let alone taken any services there…
But anyone familiar with scientology knows that Hubbard dictates that letters must be written every week. He says that the number of letters out is the controlling factor in the amount of income (and size not quality is what’s important — an idea that has been scrupulously applied in scientology orgs all over the world) and the second datum “an org is in complete control of their letters out statistic, if that is not up then they are not even trying.”
These two things are evident by the abundance of garbage scientology wastes money on sending through the mail. Send a few hundred letters like this from England to the US every week and St Hill will be bankrupted on this alone.
Here is Clearly’s take:
I looked at this letter with great interest. First I noted the date it had been written, which is almost a month ago. I just received this on Friday. I thought to myself, FP must be so bad they can’t even afford the book mail franking charge on this ridiculous piece of mail.
The next thing I noticed was that the person who wrote this letter is theoretically a class 9 auditor named Ana Hill. I didn’t realize I was so special that a class 9 auditor, who is one of the ones that makes the big bucks for the Saint Hill AO has been reduced to writing large numbers of inane letters. The reason I suspect that this auditor is writing large numbers of letters is because she clearly has not looked at my files and has no idea where I am or am not on the bridge. She writes 3 lines and calls it a done. Perhaps the stat order was write 100 letters before 4:00 a.m. Wednesday and there is a 3 line minimum. So I’d say that she nailed that.
I noted the wording, “how are you doing in these unusual times.” When I have a normal conversation with someone, I ask them or they ask me, how I’m doing during the pandemic. Or during COVID? Yes there is a pandemic going on it is not an “unusual time,” it is a time of a global pandemic.
Perhaps it is a KR offense to write an outgoing letter and acknowledge that there’s a pandemic going on, or acknowledge that the pandemic is COVID 19. And so a euphemism, or perhaps a list of euphemisms, is supplied to these overqualified letter writers.
I’m thinking that my letter was written after being awake for some 36 hours or so by looking at the punctuation provided. The question mark on the 1st line is correct. However an exclamation mark instead of a question mark on the second sentence is suspect. And the questions mark after the third line is just weird.
So I got a lot out of that letter.
I live twenty minutes from a class five org. Why do I repeatedly get mail from England?
I see Desperation, Apathy, and a dearth of paying customers.
Clearly Not Clear
“…these UNUSUAL times…” Emphasis mine.
Here’s my take on this ubiquitous cult code phrase for the Coronavirus pandemic:
First, a little magical thinking, you know? Like, we don’t want to make this thing REAL by calling it by its actual NAME. You see, if instead of using its name we use a euphemism, a mild euphemism that isn’t going to “restimulate” anyone, maybe it will stop paying it all this ATTENTION and pay US some attention and this way this thing will just disappear, it will just fade away because no one is paying attention to it! Got that? So let’s gloss over it all and call a pandemic that has to date killed 130 thousand Americans in 4 months “unusual times” 🙂
And then, as always, there’s the MONEY angle. The job loss angle, the ” I’m really broke for real now” angle. Let’s not restimulate THAT, for Xenu’s sake. Let’s not bring THAT up! We need MONEY…NOW…BY 2PM. So, Covid or no Covid, broke or not broke, sick/unemployed/stuck at home or whatever, the Birthday Game goes on! No excuses! No reasons why! The future of every man, woman and child…etc. This is a deadly serious activity, etc Covid is just a 4th Dynamic BULLBAIT of Scientology, is all! So let’s not add POWER to it by calling it by its name!
Unusual times, but not unusual stratagems from our favorite cult.
I worked part-time at a fairly successful mission in the mid ‘70s for a short while.
The Director of Communications there would give the staff people quotas on writing letters, which seemed to be a continuous source of simmering resentment.
As a fairly new and clueless Scientologist, I tried to read the recipients’ files and write a thoughtful letter, but was mockingly corrected by a few staff with hints that I should just write them as fast as I can. Someone even showed me some policy which stressed it was volume, not quality that was important.
It eventually devolved for me into shooting craps (dice) with another staff member with the reward being the other guy had to write some or all of your weekly quota of letters if
they lost! Ha! He is the only person I’m still friends with!
Not having to write those damned meaningless, busy-work letters each week was one of the things that made me so happy when I left that staff job.
Will Sea Org or Staff return to 110+ hour work weeks after all these months of barely working at all? I doubt it. I think there will soon be the biggest loss of COS membership, ever. I think this long vacation is working against keeping people in the cult state that Hubbard developed so long and well. Not only have they been resting from the long work hours, but they have been free of Hubbard’s punishing Ethics for weeks, also. With little of no contact with fellow Scilons, who can they write KRs about? Who can be challenging their freedom of thought and action? WHO IS KEEPING THEM OFF THE INTERNET? I’d say pretty much no one, other than family.
The weather report for Scientology is cold cold cold, followed by big flurries of goldenrod.
“I think there will soon be the biggest loss of COS membership, ever.”
So do I.
There’s going to be a precipitous drop. No way the Sheeple are going to obediently return to resume their positions once more under Co$’s thumb.
That’s over.
Covid has given them their first real whiff of freedom from the org in a long time while at the same time a affording perfectly valid, truthful excuse for not actively participating in Scientology.
Here they are, the Still Ins, most of them already steeply in credit card debt.
Now they’re dealing with Covid. Whereas before they probably had a job, now many of them have no job.
Collecting unemployment – if they’re lucky. Bills not only piling up – nothing unusual – but REALLY piling up. Bills REALLY not getting paid. Kids not in school. No babysitter.
Why can’t they come to the org? I mean, seriously, pick your PTP (that’s “present time problem” for you never-ins :).
Covid is, effectively, making “Ethics Particles” (more Scientologese- that just means members who are in Ethics or who require Ethics handlings) out of most of them – serious Ethics Particles, like “gonna be homeless if we can’t pay the rent this month” Ethics Particles. Whereas they were formerly “respectably” in debt they are very likely now approaching the disreputable class – the DB class.
And – more bad news for the cult – a number of states wherein people have not been Covid seriously are surging with new cases. States which reopened too soon are now seeing sharply increases of people testing positive. So now all the businesses that reopened too soon are going to see their stats crash again.
The cult will promote extension courses I suppose, hoping in vain to hold onto their public that way. They’ll also do everything they can to guilt/shame the public into donating, but it won’t work, its a losing game.
Must be hell to be staff or Sea Org now. Not that it isn’t always…
I must admit to being very puzzled by the picture of the near-naked lady and two tigers at the top of yesterday’s blog.
It’s not worth spending any more than a minute or two discussing this picture. But I just cannot imagine why they would have included that picture or how they would have figured that would have gotten them any more donations. My first thought was that old piece of poetry about “The Lady and the Tiger”. But that doesn’t seem to apply in any way. But that picture really doesn’t seem to apply to anything at all.
I’m just curious. If anyone thinks they may know why that picture was attached to yesterday’s message, I’d be interested to know. Of course, there is always the old standby possibility – namely insanity.
This scam sure does have some nerve claiming psychiatry is the one thing that is causing all the problems in this world – given they are clearly – IMO – the most insane group of people on this planet.
They keep repeating some stupidity about how they are the most ethical group of people on this planet. All I can say to that is: “Down with ethical. Up with insanity.”
Skyler, ASI hired a renowned sci-fi illustrator particularly known for his fantasy work of the 1960s and 1970s, and his style was to depict female figures as voluptuous and scantily-clad:
Presumably he insisted that Scientology give him artistic license, and perhaps when the works were originally done the CofS was still more influenced by hippie-era trends such as sexual freedom, rather than the sexual repression that seems to have taken hold in recent decades.
The book is over-the-top sex and the “Countess” is literally a sex maniac as a vaguely recall…
Oh yeah, they were also illustrating Hubbard’s bizarrely sexualized later work. Thanks for the reminder of that other key piece of background.
I wonder if Hubbard personally picked Frazetta, who was in a class above the illustrators for the pulps that Hubbard’s early works were originally published in. Hubbard’s writing is itself a reflection of the anything-goes attitudes towards sex that began in the late 1940s and 1950s with the beatniks (beat era), and then of course culminated in the so-called sexual revolution of the 1960s.
We tend to overlook the fact there were actually such counter-culture movements at play in the immediate post-war era, which we generally think of as traditionalist if not even sexually repressed, but I think that explains much of Hubbard’s original audience before the baby boomers and hippies came along. And it’s that much easier to forget in the context of Scientology, given that the CofS has reverted to a kind of stereotypical mid-last-century mainstream values, including repressive attitudes towards sex.
Now the single Sea Ogres can’t even hold hands and kiss good night without being married! This organization is truly nutso!
I was married twice on the Freewinds. I had never kissed either of my fiances before we were married.
That did not stop the Public MAA AOLA to demand to know if I was ” Still doin it with the moose” when I was busted for kissing the stuffed moose on the snout that I had brought for the GAT drills. Yep, they are totally nuts.
Yes. Nuts. Totally.
She was “Countess Krak” the paramour of “Jettero Heller” in the Mission Earth books by Hubs. Frazetta was perhaps the most famous sci fi/fantasy artist there was out there. He was called the “Godfather” of fantasy art. I was familiar with his work from the Edgar Rice Burroughs books. His original paintings sell in the millions. These are just prints that Scientology roll off every now and then to try to make money. Now that Frazetta is dead they can ‘number’ as many as they want and say they’re part of a limited number of prints. What I want to know is does Scientology own the original paintings Frazetta did for Hubbard?
“ Number of letters out is the controlling factor of income “, makes me think it’s what guaranteed and padded Hubbards income. I bet he supplied and overcharged the orgs for paper, pen and stamps. All to provide a weekly kickback to him.
It took me all of a minute to discover that there is a hidden message in the letter:
Next week I’ll teach you how make a corrugated iron cap with tin foil lining to block even more of the evil rays that are permeating the air around us.
Kronomex. Yes please do that.
I did one myself of these caps, but somehow something went wrong.
I am receiving continously Radio Maria, the Vatican radio station.
If your name has been dragged through the mud like the Church of Scientology, an obnoxious parasitic and criminal money cult operating slave labor camps, breaking up families and covering up rapes, pedophilia and incestuous relations with minors, it’s workability is greatly reduced. It wouldn’t work for Al Capone’s Mafia either.
Formost, you mentioned the Mafia and I have been watching shows on the History channel called Mafia’s greatest hits. There are a whole lot of comparisons with how the cult operates and the mob’s. Same with another show they have sometimes called Hunting Nazis. Hitler, Al Capone, DM all have at least one thing in common the way they controlled/control their followers. Some cast off sects use the same type of control, as do, I’m sure, other cults. I suppose any abusive relationship could fall under that same category.
The other night I watched – rewatched, actually, “Judgement At Nurenberg”, a Stanley Kramer film made in 1960. Outstanding cast, superb acting by everyone, powerful script, very powerful. I recommend it to others as helping to understand how good people can end up firmly on the side of evil. The Nurenberg Trials dealt with what were the Nazi judges still alive and being tried for war crimes in Germany after the fall of the Third Reich. Spencer Tracy, Richard Widmark, Montgomery Clift, Marlene Dietrich – just superb… Burt Lancaster – OMG he is SO good as one of the Nazi Judges and Maximiion Schell as his defense lawyer will just blow you out of the water! He won Best Supporting that year for this role. But then, ever actor in this film, from star to bit player is simply perfect.. Judy Garland has a very small but key part and she is so very good… Warning: this script is NOT black and white, i.e, Americans good, Nazi’s bad. It is nuanced. I can’t say enough about how much I like and admire this film without gushing but pertinent to the blog issues here at Mike’s I recommend i because it has helped me to get some reality, to better understand what can happen to decent people to cause them to support, defend and further what they know to be evil. See it at least once. Over a period of 4 years I’ve seen it 6 times. No kidding.
Conducive to personal counseling is a calm, peaceful, safe and assuring setting, not a strung-up criminal militia ‘Church of Scientology’ environment, making potential benefits questionable.
In 1984, Church of Scientology crime boss David Miscavige implemented a fraudulent, hardcore statistic-pushing money-machine scam administered by indoctrinated unarmed Mobsters without a shred of conscience. Money is extracted from duped clients by extortion, threatening disconnection of friends and family.
Spiritual freedom is the bait, a ruined life … the result.
A top-tier auditor relegated to being a letter reg? If you think that’s bad, I know of at least one Class XII at Flag, Hank Bourland, who was driving a shuttle bus. Yeah, a Class XII, the top level of auditor in Scientology and the most expensive one, diving a shuttle bus around Clearwater! I wouldn’t be surprised if he still is. Flag doesn’t have enough business to keep all of its auditors busy.
That’s nothing. John Eastment, former Snr CS FSO and Snr CS Int (a Class XII C/S) was the bus driver at Gold for years….
Class XII, Peter Buttery, was the Berthing I/C at the Hacienda. I watched numerous auditing sessions with a Class XII either as the auditor or pc and I was HORRIFIED. It was a real eye opener for me and one of the final things that convinced me to leave the Sea Org. I can not over state what I am saying.
Yes Mat. There are many examples like these three. Alain Kartuzinski, Snr C/S FSO also ended up as the Laundry I/C Hacienda.
Somehow the masters of the tech of life didn’t seem to be so masterful.
Could you elaborate on what the Class X11 auditors did or said which horrified you. I’m simply curious. Your Scientology stories fascinate me.
Me Too Mat! Without divulging confidentiality, can you say?
Remember: tomorrow at 2PM is their end-of-week stat push, churning out gobs of questionable “products” to turn into HCO as “Stats”.
This weekend, we in the US can/should celebrate our LIBERTY, and the role that our revolution played in creating democracies out of monarchies across the world. For me, the greatest liberty is from Tubby’s paranoia and egomania.
Hey Clearly Not Clear,
Your use of the word “drivel” hit the nail on the head and made me laugh my ass off.
Thanks so much. 🙂
That’s just scientology’s way. Keep sending snail mail when everyone and their grandmother is keeping in touch via e-mail. The last letter I sent was to a NY Org letter reg politely (more or less) asking to be DEADFILED.
But Jere, annoying email is so easily gotten rid of! Click! One need not even read it. So you see, the cult needs LETTERS – PAPER – MEST – in order to IMPINGE 🙂
My Baby…She Wrote Me A Letter……….The Box Tops..
The ONLY Letter anyone should accept……………..
” Take a letter Maria
Send it to my cult,
Say I won,t be coming back’
Found a new result.”
Good one Scott!……
I am sure not many FORMER COS people who exited via the “BLOW” left ANY letters behind!
Smiling. Great Ballet Lady.
By the way when I look at these rare videos from the 60s, often I get stuck admiring their haircuts.
For sure LMR…those were the days of ” wine & roses”…..lol!…..
I look back at the movies on Turner Classic Movies & think WOW, they KNEW how to dress. Even seeing “fans at a baseball game”…OMG the MEN WORE SUITS….they must have been hot as Hell!
Seeing people walking on the streets in NYC back in the 1950’/60’s….people DRESSED up….no one wore flip flops, shorts, tank tops…they HAD CLOTHES ON!…..My Grandmother wore a HAT everyday to work!
Hope all is well, enjoy the holiday week end…..as best as we can while we try to “stay safe at home”….it’s a lonely life when you have to keep 6 feet away or NOT see friends/family. I hope all is well with your family!
Ballet Lady. Lol. Yes they knew how to dress and fashion was also related to social respect and acceptance. Now is a bit confusing. Most want to look anticonformist but at the end it become a crowd of conformist.
Here in Italy we are in the phase 2 of the pandemic and we are not more close at home and we can go out and meet people. We still must keep distance and mask but I see that few really respect it.
My family is made of 5 women and all doing great and are all strong (as women are). Do great my friend!
The coronavirus will take Scientology down , but it will take our way of life down too. Scientology is not happy, being lumped in the same mold as us Wogs. Someday, when Sci is gone, there will be a lot of treasure hunters renting mini bulldozers and GPS. They will be trying to tunnel into the underground bunkers to raid the gold and platinum that LIES there.
Is the plan to seal the doors with concrete, or will the last person turn off the lights and clip a padlock on the door?
I figure the last ones guarding the bunker won’t be the true believer types, it’ll be the cynical guys. And they’ll loot the place themselves before they seal the doors along the lines of Egyptian tombs.
Phillip, I think it will be cynical lawyers along with some faithful diehards, who oversee the demise of the CofS. The lawyers may even be the trustees and guardians managing the assets and running things for remaining Dunning-Kruger type true believers.
I expect that eventually we’ll see Scientology attorneys making sophistic arguments such as that it is a fundamental tenet of faith for the CofS to maintain large, empty buildings for an “expansion” that members believe is happening even though there is no real-world evidence for it, and in anticipation of a future “flood” of new “raw meet” when somehow the world wakes up to demand Scientology. The CofS corporate structure was set up by lawyers to be run by people with an understanding of the obscure legal details involved, and is already heavily dependent on outside attorneys to maintain its existence in various ways, so I think it stands to reason that as Scientology dwindles and no longer attracts the sort of competent members it once did, and there are ample assets to pay top-dollar to outside hired guns who can justify keeping the show running far beyond the point that actually makes practical sense.
No need for all of that PeaceMaker. Once people are no longer into scamology there is no NEW income to shelter. The existing shelter for existing assets just remains static. That Catholic churches stand empty as many do doesn’t put that church into justification mode. The law doesn’t require that. In any event the gov’t cannot demand worshiper names and numbers.
I don’t think the Coronavirus will take our way of life “down”. A hundred years ago there was a pandemic that killed 50 million people before it was done. “We” bounced back and flourished. We will survive Covid IF we are disciplined and do what is provenly necessary to contain the spread of it until a vaccine is developed.
That said, I do believe that the absolute necessity of practicing social distancing in the foreseeable future will be, if not the last, then one of the last final nails in the cult’s coffin.
I agree Aqua as sad as it IS to say that.
Look at FLDS….Warren Jeffs is STILL running the show from his prison cell. He is permitted phone calls, visits from his cohorts AND his “wives”. He is directing everything that is going on behind those walls AND his “believers”….well they don’t believe he’s done anything wrong…he is the PROPHET…much like David M is the “Prophet”….of COS.
Jeffs needs to be moved to GENERAL POPULATION where the inmates know how to take care of adults who molest & rape children. He’s treated like a celebrity.
How the HELL does Jeffs get away with it……BECAUSE HE CAN.
This COS is like the song that never ends…it goes on and on my friend.
Scientology is fading fast
Fading!? ‘Twasn’t very bright to begin with.
Your conclusions are all spot on Clearly.
Pity she can not do the KTL course to know when to use a question or exclamation mark. Miscabage just put it away somewhere to ensure the staff does not become more able, just in case they end spotting him as the real SP.
She could not not even bother writing your name after Dear…
She probably apathetically wrote 100 such 3 liners, signed it and sent it.
What a waste of time, energy, forest and money…
I remember when all the staff had to write 3 letters after the last study period on Wednesday’a night to get the stats up! Got a list of names with people’s level and there you go. I always felt fake doing that!
I hope, for all their sakes, that Scientology will come down sooner rather than later.
I deleted the name and address before publishing
Wow, no PCs for a Class IX to audit? They would get FIRST call on PCs over other auditors. This means basically NO PCs at St. Hill as there is a Hubturd policy giving the Director of Communications control of idle auditors so they can write letters using the CF files, to ensure they can write something coherent to the individual. Unlike the letter show here.
Even with the place stuffed with people getting auditing and no salaries to pay Sea Ogre org barely make enough scratch to feed the staff rice & beans (as they must send most money above bare bones survival to the always moribund and useless management layers above them. There are FIVE layers above them they mist support).
Hubturd often derided the military as being incompetent and managed poorly. Compared to El Wrong’s set up the military shines as magnificently managed. At least they know when there are too many Chiefs and too few braves… Gen Taylor of the 101st Airborne on D-day comes to mind as he was fighting behind German lines trying to collect up paratroopers who were dispersed, “Never have so few been commanded by so many.”
Is it just me or is that hand written note impossible to read? Is it a foreign language?
It’s just scribble
LOL, and here I was feeling sorry for poor person who wrote it thinking my gosh they must be totally exhausted.
Agreement, Peggy. I’m used to reading scrawled”writing”, but That was illegible to me. I don’t think any C/S would accept that level of scribble from any auditor without sending them to Qual for handwriting drills. I thus doubt the author was really a Class IX or whatever.
Of course, I escaped before Dwarfenführer® changed everything around, so the standards have likely plummeted recently
Thanks for sharing this Jere
Seems to me that the…. !…….( exclamation point) is to get you revved up & excited……as in “Woo Hoo I AM taking extension courses”….YYEEE HAAA!!!!!
The ? (question mark) as in she is actually questioning herself …………… “Are you really THAT stupid to believe there actually IS a bridge to move up”….?????
We all know you’re smart enough to get a GOOD LAUGH out of this letter, as did we!
YeeeHaaa & Woo Hoo…..you are OUT…..& recovering!
There was policy on auditors writing letters when they weren’t auditing or FESing.
With that policy in place, the case for blaming the auditor for not having PCs to audit is finalized.
The Why Is God, Supreme Test, “downstats are made”, throw in The Promotional Actions of an Organization..
Writing letters and upping their quotas were the pitiable mainstay of an idle auditor’s weekly condition write-up. Down hours were the only times when HCO didn’t have to badger them for making their assigned quota.
A good auditor reaching out with a real letter, crafted with actual caring to his off-line P C might have actually worked to recover them at times. Stat push letters just get HCO off your back for a second.
I really don’t miss this shit at all.
” I really don’t miss this shit at all.”
Nor I, which is why I give myself a little pat on the back when I ‘neglect’ to check the “anti-scn” sites until well after lunch. I get a bit “cranky” when I’m too up-to-date on their most current insanities.
At least I can read the stuff without a stiff drink alongside the keyboard, though I could REALLY use a shot of rum about now. It’s after 5:00 SOMEwhere on Earth, isn’t it?
For me, these sites keep me in touch with the only people in my world I don’t have to explain myself to.
I share a different aspect of that comprehensive shared understanding with my siblings.
You all have been !ifelines, and then … Now… Survivors who get it.
And rum is a fine source of sugar in coffee.
I want to call this letter funny, not to want to call it pathetic.
The pathetic term includes the fact that the viewer experiences emotions that include pity and sorrow for the other person.
Many people who have been declared suppressive since years still continue to receive mail from some org.
The CFs (central files) after decades and decades of raids and attacks by missions and projects, however, managed to stay out of the “present time”.
There are no saints or entities who can help them.
So for lrh, orgs without an updated CF are psychotic. So we can conclude that almost all orgs are psycothic.
This and other letters just prove it.
Psychotic would be a kindly term to use for those still in and gulping the Flavor-aid.
I would ask if they’ve heard of mail merge, but maybe, and I think I’m being charitable here, they heard you can get better responses by sending a personalised letter instead of a mass mailing. Poor Anna, a class 9 auditor and nobody to audit because the country has been on lock down for 2 months by that point. Luckily for her Hubbard never thought to include quality checking in the letter writing procedure briefing.
Quality-checking!? Hubbard didn’t believe in EDITING or proofreading.
My proofreading sucks.
grisianfarce, mail Merge would take better-organized CFs than they have; plus Tubby specifically forbade cut-and-paste letters though I’ve sent out some pretty personalized mail merge letters over the years, starting with the programs I had on an apple ][ a few decades ago. (might still be up in our attic.)
8bit computing, cassette tape storage, and dot matrix printers – good times! Mail merge was definitely a thing back then. Looks like you left the Org just in time to hit that era too.
Hi Clearly Not Clear;
I have received similar 3 paragraph/sentence letters from top auditors at Flag. Class 12s and one was awarded Auditor of the Year many times. And I knew them as I’d been audited by them.
The letters always made me conclude they must be so idle that they had to stupe to letter regging.
Never answered any of them of course.
Wow Glenn, I see that I am in good company receiving this surprising class 9 auditor authored missive of drivel.
Hey Clearly not Clear,
Your use of the word “drivel” hit the nail on the head. Made me laugh my ass off.
Thanks so much. 🙂
Poor Anna. I sense fatigue and harassment from seniors; I can almost feel their breath on her neck.
HAS to get out a quota of “letters” because “outflow = inflow;” so maybe she’ll inflow someone to audit and maybe her seniors will back the fuck off. Clearly not enjoying her life.
About six thousand years ago, Zoroaster was born laughing. He probably was predicting the formation of Scientology in the 1950’s. His cosmological outline easily describes the formation of a confederacy of demons around the major planets and constellations. Mary Sue Hubbard followed L Ron on the famous “Universe Tapes” which deal with Zoroastrian type entities. Eventually L Ron turned her into an entity as she was cast in prison for breaking the law in the US. Then in OT V-OTVII Hubbard falsely claimed that he was eliminating demons. But in actual fact his intent was to form demons. His grand demonic creation was David Miscavige. Thus we have a picture not of Hubbard following Zoroaster as a religious leader; we have a picture of Zoroaster predicting one the biggest cults of all history. This is all written in the Zend Avesta, the sacred Zoroastrian Texts. The name Scientology is not mentioned, but the first reference to it in the Occult is in the works of Helena Blavatsky. After reading the Avesta, I made friends with a Persian man who follows Ahura Mazda which is the Zoroastrian God. He confirmed the recording of multiple named demons in the religion. Some of these describe Hubbard’s policies such as the separation of the families and anarchy. It is stretch to equate Persian Xerxes with Xenu but it is tempting. In essence we have Scientology as a demonic cult as outlined in the history of religion.
George,his whole intent was to create slaves, not to banish anything ‘real’, or even DO anything real..