This recent email gives some interesting insight into the mind of a bubble-dwelling scientologist.
From: Francis Weilgart
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2018
Subject: Excellent patter for starting a conversation
At Venice Beach on Sunday I went up to some dozens of folks and said, “I have an excellent thought for the day.”
9 times out of 10 they wanted to hear it. (My predict on how ready anyone is to receive comm is quite good.)
“The most basic art form is a beautiful life… as a work of art.”
“So you create your life as an art form. More fundamental than music, painting, architecture. A beautiful life to share with humanity.”
All said with excellent impingement, looking straight in their eyes, talking to THAT being. (Or beings, sometimes a small group.)
Depending on the response, followed by “What’s your favorite form of art?” Which puts in 2-way comm.
And then giving them a film ticket to POW, which says, “How to achieve success!” (I also use the Dn film ticket if that’s the one I have.) Anyway at this point I say, “It’s an excellent film and this is where that quote came from.”
[It’s not a quote, but my comm flows better saying that than saying that’s where the data came from.]
After they have taken the ticket, I often ask if they have heard of Scn.
Then “What’s your impression?” To find out if any handling is needed. Usually none is needed, but occasionally they don’t want to upset me by answering. So I usually can coax it out of them.
I’m just trying to give a good impression of Scn, though obviously it can be used to get into selling Book One or whatever.
It very much advances my ability to reach whenever I want to reach. And since money flows toward pro-survival attention units, it increases my income too.
I sometimes do it in the supermarket or out on the street if I happen to see someone I want to reach to. Especially beautiful women, just ‘cuz I enjoy doing it.
The whole thing is pretty creepy — apparently this guy likes to use this as a pick-up patter (“especially beautiful women”) which is a little sad when I saw somewhere else I think that his wife of 35 years died recently (being OT 8 and Class 8 didn’t save her from death).
But a few other things of real note.
Apparently there are two types of people he meets — those who have never heard of scientology (how can this be with the CSN in full swing? – surely everyone on Venice Beach has been watching the “new Netflix”) or those who don’t want to upset him with their answers. Seems nobody has actually heard of scientology and has a positive view. It’s nothing or bad… Which matches what I encounter, with the negatives far outweighing the “no ideas” these days.
It’s also a misleading pitch — neither of those films has anything to do with “art”.
And finally, as with EVERYTHING in scientology, this is all about the money: “…since money flows toward pro-survival attention units, it increases my income too.”
Scientologists are molded in the pattern of scientology itself. Money motivates the organization — taking it from the sheeple. And in turn, money motivates the members — to find enough to give to the hungry maw that is scientology.
How ridiculous! Do they think this is a brilliant way to approach people? His self congratulatory tone seems to think he does.
People are accustomed to being approached by people who are proselytizing some thing or another. I’d likely tell this person to buzz off, especially after living in cites for many years.
People aren’t worried about hurting his feelings! They just don’t want to touch Scientology with a 10 foot pole!
So, he’s shopping for pretty women too? Ugh! Attractive women have been harassed enough! Of course, he has no concern for his dead wife. She merely dropped her meat suit. No compassion or feeling for scientologists. Heartless!
Truly a delusional bubble dweller! Very sad!
met this guy at a party a couple of years ago. He steered conversation to how casual sex is a great thing. Pretty disgusting coming from a guy who looks about 70.
That opening pitch immediately rings alarm bells with me, I’d walk away very quickly, I guess that those who do endure it do so out of some misplaced sense of politeness rather than curiosity.
If someone came up to me and said, “I have an excellent thought for the day”, I would say, “Good for you.” If they persisted, I would tell them to fuck off.
These kinds of posts are rampant in Scientology Facebook groups and they always look completely delusional.
Why would anyone wish to do Scientology if Hubbard failed getting rid of “body-thetans” at the end of Hubbard’s life?
If it didn’t work for Hubbard, what does that say? To me it’s even more reason to skip Scientology, entirely.
Hubbard invented BTs so that the preOT had someone else to blame for his bad shit. I would think that, at some point when his responsibility got high enough, the preOT would accept the fact that it was his shit all along. Hubbard’s plan worked for me because I was always relieved when I found a BT who would cop to my bad shit.
Scientologists ALWAYS have an agenda whenever talking with someone. Either to “disseminate” and get them into the org, or to get them on their “next service” (and collect the FSM commission). There is always an agenda – Scientology insists on it. One of my great pleasures in leaving Scientology was being able to talk to people and NOT have any agenda.
The ploy is to get one into ARC and two way comm, but there is always the hidden agenda, one is always on the BP, or battle plan.
When I was on staff, we always had a BP on who to next get in or continue to get services, or persuade to get in or continue, that’s all ARC really is, it’s persuasion, the art of.
After you got out of Scientology, how long was it before having a “normal coversation became “normal” for you ?
Also, how did you initially react to people staring a “normal conversation” with you ?
Did you feel like they had an “agenda”, since that was the “way” of Scientology ?
Thanks !
Dave F.
Jeff, you’re so right about a hidden agenda for every time a KA drinking Scn originates something to you. And they all jockey for position and fight to be named as your “FSM” so that they can get commission off you. It reminds me of a multi level meeting where they whip the recruits into a frenzy to join the multilevel to make millions with little work, and all these would be multi level mavens are fighting to see who gets put under who and who is over who, with each one wanting to be the “upline’ so as to get overrides. It is so comical.
First of all, it’s delusional. 9 out of 10 people don’t want to hear this shit, especially from a stranger. At least 9 out of 10 want to get away. It’s also really condescending. This “not so covert” superiority complex is nauseating for most. Also, it’s so SOP for Scientologists to “trick” people into finding out about Scientology. Who else does this? Maybe some car salesmen or pimps. Can you say “bait and switch”? If Scientology delivered what it says it does, there would be lines around the block. And if it did deliver even a bit of what it promised, then I’d probably put up with all their nonsense. But it doesn’t, and I don’t.
Right. The second they go into their pitch, it puts people off. The ulterior motive of Scientologists who are communicating in order to get something, money, arrival, body-in-the-shop, a start on course or processing.
Ulterior motive just constantly.
The instant I feel a Scientologist within earshot, I start talking Xenu’s “body-thetans” and how LRH died with “body-thetans” still bugging him. (LRH’s dying with “body-thetans” still bugging him, is a ripe layered irony and refutes Keeping Scientology Working.)
Also, it’s so SOP for Scientologists to “trick” people into finding out about Scientology. Who else does this? Maybe some car salesmen or pimps. Can you say “bait and switch”?
Hmm . . . Time-Share sales people !
Dave F.
I wonder if Pavlov’s dog plays fetch as well as this sleaze does for Scientology. He must salivate like crazy if anyone actually (pretends, that is more than likely just a social response) listens to him. If the tech was as marvellous as he thinks it is, he wouldn’t need to get inventive.
Seems to me that the true die hard Scio works overtime trying to create a “new tech” that impresses their fellow Scios – and that is all about how to create more money for Scientology, although the above email is oozing with selfishness and 2D overtones – naughty, naughty – you bad little squirrel!
I’m always game to use the taboo words on Scientologists, and watch their ears wilt and them slink away from you. Xenu and “body-thetans” just works magic on Scientologists.
The guy is an f’ing sleazy fruitcake. Every one he does this to probably thinks this as well. Talk about living a alternate reality.
Oh, I’m pretty sure if he interviewed some like you or me Mike, he’d limp away with an entirely different reality of life than what he woke up with that morning.
I’m beginning to think there are greater odds of meeting Big Foot in person than meeting a self admitting Scientologist in public. That email is as much bs as Scientology is, it has little or no truth in it. I’m pretty certain it was made up to impress other bubble dwellers.
You’re right I Yawn. The guy is lying his ass off.
I know a lot of people like reading sci-fi, I use to like watching sci-fi on TV and movies, but LRH said he lived it. The important part is the “fiction” in “science fiction”, he should have called it the study of science fiction but it wasn’t mystical enough and it wouldn’t draw suckers like me. People were talked into joining not because of any hope of helping mankind, but by the promise of attaining amazing powers like in science fiction books, movies and comic books. After 76 years of LRH, Dianetics and scio there still aren’t any “humans” with super human powers thanks to anything he wrote or said. Surprised?
Correction, 66 years not 76.
Mike, this is yet another example of a fun game all scientologists should play:
You know you are in a money-sucking cult WHEN…
My family and I have lived in places where people who come up to you are either asking for money or up to no good. It was the reason me, wife and daughter all have concealed carry permits. We have never used them outside target practice, but just letting strange people just a glimpse of your holster and they move away quite fast. It is a shame we have to carry but I never want them or myself harmed in any way.
LOL, David Bates! For myself, I’m not “one of those 2nd Amendment people” but just reading about the modus operendi of this Cult PUA makes a convincing argument for Concealed Carry. I’d die laughing if he tried his maneuvers in parts of “The Real America” where (I’ve been told ) there are statutory laws that strangers must stay 8 feet away from one another, and where just about everybody you see is packing! Too funny.
I conceal carry Auqa, once you understand that the police aren’t going to be there even after 15 minutes you realize that your safety is in your own hands. Please don’t end up being a statistic in a government funded study of violent crime. : )
Rod, I hear you. I live in an area now that’s crawling with police but I’ve traveled most of America and know exactly what you mean. Lots of empty, lonely country out there! My late father kept a gun when I was growing up (he never explained why and he didn’t hunt) He was born and raised in the South and in the Midwest. A wide open space type of guy who would never sit around waiting for the police if he could himself do something. Greatest Generation and so forth. . Despite bringing me up in a densely populated, heavily policed area it can only be assumed he was taking no chances with regard to his family’s safety. Appearances possibly to the contrary from my comments on this blog I have no problem with guns for anyone who needs and wants them except for those relatively few mentally ill people who should never have access to them.. I totally believe that the vast majority of concealed carry people and other responsible gun owners and collectors and so forth are utterly horrified by what we read in the paper about mass shootings, etc
Rod, I hear you. I live in a densely populated metropolis filled with police but I’ve traveled all over America. Lots of wide open space – endless land, hardly any people. I hear you. My late father kept a gun and he didn’t hunt. I never asked him why but I can only assume he was taking no chances and had it for protection for himself and us. He established his family in this area but he was raised in the South and the Midwest. A wide open space type of man. Not the type to sit and wait for the police if he himself could handle it! Appearances possibly to the contrary from my comments on this blog, I’m not anti gun. Anyone or everyone who needs and wants one is entitled to have them and to be a responsible gun owner. I have no doubt that millions of responsible gun owners and concealed carriers are uttlerly horrified by what they read in the papers about mass shootings by a very few mentally ill people. My father used to have to go to Texas on business and I know that just about everyone there is packing!. Its just what people there do but then we you get the sense of the vastness of the territory of states like this I can understand.
No kidding Rod. I watched two people being murdered in SoCal because dispatch said that all available officers were at lunch.
Any idiot who thinks that the police, even if willing, are going to make it in time to protect your life from an attacker you are calling 911 about has an IQ <30.
If he did what he said he did, I would imagine that 99% of the people he talked to were being kind to the crazy person, saying whatever they thought he wanted to hear, and disengaging as quickly as possible.
Agreed, Kyle. That’s what I’d do. Don’t get the nut riled up. Gently, gently and then away.
The airy, theetie wheatie delusion at its best.
How funny that he says trying to disseminate Scn increases his money. I knew him and his wife personally before I got declared and they were so broke they had to rent out two rooms in their house to bring in extra money. So much for the “brings in more money” thing. And you’re right, Ms P, he is theetie wheetie.
Francis probably sent that out to his cult dwelling email list so he would have something to show Julian by Thursday at two thus avoiding any complications involving a sex (I mean security) check.
Ya just can’t be too careful these days when yer hangin around the cultites!
Yo Julian,
Whatcha workin on these days good buddy. Ya know you’re going to be losing some of yer tribe before long. Yep, the Daniells clan sold their house across the street (as you requested … or demanded) since they were in WAY too close proximity to a raving Ess Pee. (That would be me in case you were wondering). But then, instead of Rod buying his Oh Tea Seven and Ate package, they went and bought a house near Salt Lake City so the whole family could relocate away from where you have all those event thingys. Good thing there is a new Idle Morgue near them lest you lose all control.
But I’m thinkin about all those bad indicators Julian. Adam was a See Ogre Flog hammered Class niner auditor before deciding to get Mira pregnant and blow yer pop stand. Now he is selling phone apps for high priced body makeovers and moving to Utah presumably because he doesn’t want to vaccinate his kids when they go to school. (Good answer but I thought you and the cherch were doing this say no to drugs thing and here you let California pass the vaccination thingy right under yer nose.) Are you sleepin or just not paying attention …. or both?!!!
What’s up with that Julian? Greatest good for somethin I suppose. I’d say it’s about high time to sec check the lot of em and cut to the chase of this frying of other fish good buddy. Scheesch …what the hell have YOU been doing anyway?
And what the hell have you ass holes been doing lately? Scheesch ….. you can’t do diddly shit so Dave has to work overtime to make up for you loser eaters. At least you’re not doing much sleepin ……… except on the job!
If someone came up to me with that patter, I would tell him that he’s just redefining “art” for the purpose of manipulating my emotions, and should stop playing childish word games with total strangers. Then I would want to know if accosting people on the boardwalk, in order to do a little money-grubbing for his totalitarian cult, is his idea of living a beautiful life. If he were to try to “handle” me, I would show him that my favorite art form is bull-baiting cult recruiters.
Oh, and this: “my comm flows better saying that [the quote comes from the film] than saying that’s where the data came from.” Yeah, no kidding. It’s best to open a dialog in English, and hold the Hubbardian Gibberish for later.
Venice Beach is the kind of place where a lot of people would invade another’s personal space to attest to “I have an excellent thought for the day.” Sadly, many of those folks are seriously troubled and the line runs thin between “thought for the day” and “voice inside my head.” I’m surprised this intrepid commission seeker hasn’t gotten Maced yet!
I’m surprised this intrepid commission seeker hasn’t gotten Maced yet!
Which kind of “Mace” ? The kind that comes in a can or the “Medieval” variety ? LOL !
Dave F.
In the 80’s, I lived on the beach in Santa Monica (barely). Two blocks over was Venice beach.
Those of us who went to Venice Beach always went in groups to avoid getting hit on by creepazoids like the one who sent this email.
I can’t imagine being willing to talk to anyone who approached me with an obvious line like that. My guess is it’s more like 9 out if 10 walked away and refused to talk to him. You can feel the snake oil in the words he writes.
I guess he wants it to be true so he pretends it is.
“I guess he wants it to be true so he pretends it is.” The heart and soul of Scientology resides in that sentence. For without that belief, experienced people in the subject who saw it for what it is and hence left would have no regrets, but they do, they were deceived and lied to.
Scientology operates at a make believe level only for all its members, which in itself doesn’t have to be such a bad thing, except it is used to defraud, belittle, suppress and destroy lives for the benefit of a very select few, namely the boss of it, those that had the power to manipulate the system at its highest levels so it can have a single boss and their non Scio legal and security personnel.
Good post Val.
Maybe we could get a shot of Dave down at the short end of the beach pumping iron as Lou rubbed him down with vaso.
Thank you for that picture while eating a late supper.
‘Anyway at this point I say, “It’s an excellent film and this is where that quote came from.”
[It’s not a quote, but my comm flows better saying that than saying that’s where the data came from.]’
Is he talking about an “acceptable truth” there – i.e., a lie?
They were busy talking to the masses using that wonderful patter that Francis taught them.
This was in Reply to Donna below.
“…since money flows toward pro-survival attention units, it increases my income too.”
I’m so glad I no longer think sentences like this.
such a boatload of nonsense certainties.
“At Venice Beach on Sunday I went up to some dozens of folks and said, “I have an excellent thought for the day.”
He sounds like a real champ….or at least, he thinks so.
and yes…., the beautiful women part…..that was creepy.
Poor Francis.
A widower likely pushing 60, very likely financially drained courtesy of the cult, can’t meet women in a normal way for his age because he can only date a cult female, channeling Troy Donahue on the brink of meeting Sandra Dee by wandering around Venice Beach with his New Agey version of “Do you come here often?”
Making a rom com in his own mind with what he thinks is a clever meet cute line.
“I have an excellent thought for the day.”
What he’s leaving out is how all his potential Sandras are answering, “So do I. How about you buzzing off.”
yah, if he wants to meet cute chicks he needs to just do a Non-E….
..carry a piece of paper around and go up to all the women (he had little crushes on while he was married)..and say with his best TR Zero Happy TRs:
“I’m getting out of Non-E on the 2D and I’m making a comm line with you to find out what is needed and wanted!” “Would you like to see my Admin Scale?”
..then he can hit up facebook to randomly spew the same stuff out of the blue on message lines to all the old friends of his wife …
I was always embarrassed for those who “applied the tech” to “getting a 2D”.
Funny! and true! Only one correction Aqua, he is over 70 years old which makes me find his drooling over beautiful women half his age or more very creepy.
Well, you know how it is. The older they get, the younger they want them 🙂
Yes, that is such a creepy phenomenon I’ve noticed too.
As Nibbs said in his Penhouse interview, Scientology was always designed to be a huge mind rape. I got to understand this on the Freewinds in 1988 while doing Hubbard’s insane Luciferian gig. Hubbard seriously proved to me that his mind was warped by misunderstandings. Only an average or below average mind could use antiquated scripture to define a role on planet earth as a “light bearer”. Hubbard’s message was a twisted version of occult philosophy. I now laugh at Hubbard’s claim that he attended Kant’s lecture’s in 18th century Germany. In 1988, he had me wondering about the source of his religion. But Hubbard was deeply into the Occult and had the strange ability to update it with space ships and inter-planetary life. My mind finally settled out from Scientology and Hubbard when I realized that LRon was nothing more than the son that Blavatsky never had. Helena Blavatsky is suspected to have been an hermaphrodite. She had no children. Although Hubbard never publicly gave her any credit, she formed the basis for Hubbard’s wild claims about Atlantis and life on earth before recorded history. Even Xenu was nothing more than the re-interpreted stories of deep hell recorded in the Middle Ages. Hubbard used his Britannica books to cull out his science fiction. It beat working in an auto factory in Detroit. Hubbard probably never read “Paradise Lost” by John Milton. This Calvinist put the hurt on Lucifer and Satan in the Occult tale of the Reformation. Had Hubbard read the poem, I think he would have worded his OTVIII document a bit differently. In Paradise Lost, Lucifer takes a gigantic electrical bolt from a Seraphim and drops back ten paces to his knee. This is what happened to Hubbard after understanding Blavatsky.
George – Oh, oh, your mention of “Hubbard’s insane Luciferian gig” is sure to bring out Foolproof, whom we haven’t seen here in awhile. You’ve done it now.
cmon guys, let ole Eff Pee out to play for awhile.
Where is Foolproof hiding these days?
Who cares as long as we don’t have to read his attacks and make wrongs. I count the blessings of FP’s absence! In reality he has a thing for Terra, and Terra is busy writing his exceptional novel and has no time for him… ?
Maybe Foolproof is getting a tune up. As in getting RE-Foolproofed. Getting his theta tires rotated a little.
No doubt Dave is installing slicks in prep for the coming burnout.
And sending Lou to oversee the lube job.
Probably on the beach too.
With Shelly?
I was in Seattle on Monday. Scientology building was closed tight. Only a beautiful display of Dianetics books and a sign come in for a free stress test. Not even a knock at the door brought anyone about. And not in a good part of town mind you.
Was that the Life Improvement Center – actually a “mission,” I believe – in an old white terracotta storefront on Pine St. next to a McDonald’s, or the big “church” org in a relatively modern 5-story brick building on W. Harrison at the corner of 3rd Ave. W.?
There have been some reports of orgs apparently starting to keep their doors locked, but it would be rather extraordinary if that were starting to happen in the US during the business hours they are supposed to be keeping; it’s much more likely that a mission/center has limited hours, often just certain evenings, and may not even be open when posted (if at all).
From what I recall finding when I looked into the Center a while back, it appeared that someone – presumably the mission/franchise holder – ran a computer services business out of the location, which would be typical.
That’s so interesting to me. Seattle has an ideal org, why would it not have Monday hours? Such good news..
It always amazes me when some of the things that were set in stone and unquestionable are just ..thrown out the window. All during my years on staff, we had a Day and a Fdn and you were a full time staff on either org or nothing. There were no part time schedules – PERIOD. The org’s operating hours were never changed and the org was always open during the hours as written in the HCO PL on hours.
Seattle….Church is closed on Monday…..
that IS an ideal org!
It’s not Idle unless it’s closed Mon.Tue.Wed,Thurs,Fri,Sat and Sunday. And until all staff have left the building ……… for good.
Yo Dave,
It’s comin good buddy. Crash now and avoid the rush!
The staff in Seattle were all out distributing movie tickets and doing charitable works in the community. Or, they have all been assigned the special mission of watching Amy Scobee and Mat Pesch non-stop. Priorities rule.
Everytime I go into Seattle (I live across the like in Bellevue) I go by the Org. Only once has there been someone there. Ive even tried to go in and the door is locked. I usually go on Mon, Wed or Fri so I think they are closed more often than not. There used to be Scientology Centers in a few strip malls (not sure what they were classified as) all of those are gone also.
If this is Little Mans idea of expansion I’m all for it! Expand more and start selling properties!!!
There indeed used to be a couple of missions in the area according to old lists, though they have all either closed, or retreated to some token presence at the mission holder’s premises – the Mission of the East Side is still listed in Redmond, but appears to be at the actual location of another business, in an old house.
And there is still a Life Improvement Center, probably actually a mission/franchise, in an old white terracotta storefront on Pine St. next to a McDonald’s, that I referred to in an earlier response – is that the closed location that you’re referring to?
Thanks to you too, Suzie Q, for the Seattle report.
How do they ever expect to get anyone to join, if the doors are locked ?
Wait a minute . . . That’s a GOOD thing !
Scientology in “Da Hood” – LOL !
“How do they ever expect to get anyone to join, if the doors are locked.”
Dave F.
Stop the nattering.
Staff and SO operate as OTs. OTs ALWAYS find a way to get into their org, Key or no key, a locked door is never a consideration for an OT. There are windows, chimneys…. Intention is cause.
Besides, haven’t you heard of Spirit of Play?
Why make it so darned EASY for them? When someone comes to the org to work, or get some auditing, or to go on course, is it really OK to permit them to just WALK IN? . Thetans need a CHALLENGE, you know! Spirit of Play!. Toughness! LRH..
Now, as for getting NEW public to join, do you have ANY idea how overwhelmed the orgs would be if we didn’t keep the orgs’ doors locked? Forget it, we could never handle the all traffic.
At least keeping the doors barred CONTROLS the flood of new raw public clamoring for Scientology
Because – and listen carefully now because this is really key – because its been proven that keeping the doors locked actually CREATES floods of new public.
Yes! Refusing easy access sends a mysterious energy to suffuse the surrounding atmosphere with stimulating mental image pictures which cause raw public to become immediately and uncontrollably CURIOUS about Scientology!
Quite something. The org’s phone lines jam. Floods of new public sign up. Div 6 BURSTS with people. Never fails. Proven time and time again. Then, once full, we lock the place down once more, make sure no one can get in. Reverse Vector – LRH.
References for all of the above have been marked out and left for you with the EO. Read them and make sure you clear all your words. I don’t want you to have verbal data..
At least keeping the doors barred CONTROLS the flood of new raw public clamoring for Scientology
Because – and listen carefully now because this is really key – because its been proven that keeping the doors locked actually CREATES floods of new public.
Yes! Refusing easy access sends a mysterious energy to suffuse the surrounding atmosphere with stimulating mental image pictures which cause raw public to become immediately and uncontrollably CURIOUS about Scientology!
That gives me a GREAT idea, Aquamarine . . . And listen carefully now, because this is really key !
If locked doors and refusing easy access CREATES floods of new public, just IMAGINE the BOUNDLESS GROWTH that would result if Scientology DYNAMITED all of its ORG’s and buildings, WORLDWIDE . . . The Scientology Network could broadcast it live ( Pay Per View – even better ! ) . . . The Planet could be CLEARED, almost IMMEDIATELY !
Dave F.
OMG. NO ORGS: Your solution to Planetary Clearing In Our Lifetime – ingenious in its simplicity, startlingly logical in its On Sourcy Straight Up & Verticalness – brilliant, Dave F. As I write this, COB is contacting his insurance agents. Thank you.
Considering what a circus 3rd and Pine is, I would lock my door too! Also, not much profit in the people who make a habit of hanging about all day.
Donna, thanks for sharing that info about the Seattle Org. I just moved to Port Townsend and was planning to visit the Seattle Org some time to see what was going on. You’ve saved me the trip – but I might check it out at some point anyway. Is there a convenient observation spot (a Starbucks, maybe) across the street? Your “homework” is much appreciated.
Okay. If someone said that to me on the beach, I would NOT look in their eyes, but try to quietly walk away so they don’t get agitated. (They might have a weapon and I wouldn’t want to make them angry.) I’d also look around and see if there were any older people, young girls, or children nearby, and if he approached someone vulnerable I would go and try to intervene verbally, change the subject, allow them to get away. If this didn’t work I would look for security to alert them that there is a man who seems a bit odd and is harassing beachgoers.
Concealed Carry is quicker 🙂
The whole post had a high-koolaid factor, which as an ex I understood, until that last bit about “beautiful women.” That upped the creep factor to the red zone. I’ll betcha dollars to donuts he doesn’t waste his “excellent thought” on anyone over 35. And, Mike, thanks for reminding me of the word “patter”; I had forgotten I had forgotten it. Yay! Progress!
One of the clam words that’s so annoying to begin with.
“…All said with excellent impingement” Another one.
Then there’s the whole “gotcha” thing, like the guy who comes up to you in the 7-11: “Have you heard the news?” (the trap is set) “What news?” (you just fell in) “The news is JESUS!” (or “Here’s a ticket to a stoopid scientology film”) (and on into a harangue)
What a life.
Pepper spray sales are up in Venice Beach. Some creep is singling out unaccompanied women and asking them about their favorite form of art, then asking for money – never once breaking eye contact. Suspect has also been seen at several grocery stores, patting watermelon and squeezing day-old baguettes.
Venice Beach has boardwalk with a lot of entertainment, right? Musicians, singers, card playing, etc. I’ve never been there but a former friend’s son had a juggling act when he was young and he performed on Venice Beach. I never saw him juggle but his told me he was good at it and drew crowds and supported himself and his young wife doing that, back in the 70’s.
(Groan) “…A boardwalk…his MOTHER told me…”
“It’s not a quote, but my comm flows better saying that than saying that’s where the data came from.” So kike $cientology, your patter is a lie? Yeah, throw in the ‘pretty girls’ stuff and it isn’t creepy at all. No, not one bit.
Just to point out: Zemooo has a spelling error, and means “Like Scientology, your patter is a lie”. Because most of us “know” zee, and this is an obvious error, but I like to point out anything that can be misconstrued.
xx moo.
OMG, this Francis was born to be a straight man for me.
“Howzabout you fuck off, Francis? Its not a quote but my comm flows better than when I say, “Excuse me, sir, I have not the slightest interest in you or in anything you are saying; accordingly, would you please leave?”
Here’s another approach: counter his question with another question: “Brother, are you saved? You have to know the Lord,” blah, blah, blah. I used to hear the street preachers in downtown San Francisco. I think I could do a passable imitation.
Maybe it is my location in the USA, but the most frequent response (if any) when it comes up that I had done scientology is: “What is it with those people?”
Except Francis Weilgart’s email omits to mention all the times he got sand kicked in his face for going up to total strangers on Venice Beach with “excellent impingement”.
Reminds me of that cartoon ad on the back of old comic books:
“The Insult that made a Man out of Mac”, or in this case, “The Insult That made a Homo Novis out of Francis”.
Being that rando creeper at the beach telling people about his ‘excellent’ thoughts is literally the personification of scientology.
And please tell me there’s video of people’s reactions to this somewhere on the internet.
This might make for one of your weekly insights into life in the cult! What happens when a scientologist goes to the beach for a Sunday stroll?
” It’s not a quote, but my comm flows better saying that than saying that’s where the data came from.”
In other words Francis, lying is no problem if it suits your needs.
” Then “What’s your impression?” To find out if any handling is needed. Usually none is needed, …..”
Riiiiight Francis! More truth from a master of deception. It should read “handling will always be needed and you will not likely be able to git-er-done!”
” And since money flows toward pro-survival attention units…”
More solid provable data from the bullshit archives of the cult.
And Francis, if the mark rails against your lies ……remember, it’s just their bank talking. Move on to your next mark because you are saving the planet.
“….remember, it’s just their bank talking.” I forgot about that one and it is exactly what the mindset is!
My husband was trying to talk logically to my son before he disconnected and one point was that the church has a really bad reputation. My son told his dad that he never saw that when he was selling Dianetics books in the mall, that people were really nice about it except for a couple of psychos (2 1/2%ers). This is what scientologists think – not that most people are sociable and don’t want to be assholes, that they will just walk away rather than say something nasty but in their minds….”…don’t want to touch scientology with a ten foot pole; that guy is delusional.”
I imagine he has to delete a lot of data as he goes along to keep his bubble unburst.
He was also imitating Shermanspeak with his phrase ‘money flows toward pro-survival attention units”.
What the hell does it mean? Frankly, nothing. Just a bunch of babble and, as you pointed out Mike, hits the core of Scn today: money, money and more money.
The beautiful feeling of emptied savings accounts,disconnecting from your family. friends,the privilege to pay $25.000 to read history of man as part ot 0TVIII,joining the Sea Org and donating $10 from your $50 for COB’s birthday gift,the list goes on.
You are right Xenu’s Son…
Just like Tom-Useful-Idiot-Cruise said, it is a beautiful religion… scientology SURE sounds appealing, yeah, right.
Here is young Tom Cruise demonstrating the “Beauty” of Scientology . . .
Dave F.
“The beautiful feeling of emptied savings accounts…”
C’mon, that’s just your bank talking.