This is NOT a post about politics.
This might just easily have been a scientologist’s Facebook post about Pro-Trump people and Fox News as about anti-Trump people and CNN.
What this Facebook post actually illustrates is the blinkers through which scientologists “see” the world.
Anyone who disagrees with their view is “psych-controlled” and “bought by Big Pharma.” These are the scientology boogeymen that “explain” all failures, all opposition and all that might be bad in the world. Literally. It’s “The Psychs”.
Why this woman believes psychs are partial to CNN but not Fox News, or Big Pharma controls CNN but not Fox News is something to be marveled at. Of course logic never boarded this train of thought. It is strictly indoctrination.
She is a Trump supporter, so those who are against Trump are “the psychs” or are acting at the behest of the psychs. Those who agree with her are not.
This is as logical as the athletes who point to the sky after winning a game and say “it was God’s work” — like God actually chooses sides in sporting events. Belief and logic are rarely bedfellows.
Please don’t turn this into an argument about Trump. That is NOT the point I am trying to highlight here. If I could find an opposite opinion from a scientologist about how Fox News is psych controlled I would post them both together. They are much harder to come by though as I and others have pointed out — scientologists are more likely to be pro-Republican because liberals tend to support universal healthcare which means “psych programs”. They are single issue partisans. If a politician appears to be pro-psych in ANY way, they are the enemy in the mind of scientologists.
What is so amazing to me is how people can be so willing to announce their ignorance to the world. But when you are speaking inside a bubble of belief to only those who agree with you, I guess it seems perfectly normal.
The psych boogeymen is a hallmark of scientology belief. And you know virtually none of them have ever met a psych, read anything about them (other than what Hubbard said) or bothered to speak to anyone who has had any personal experience with one. But they know with absolute certainty that they are taking down Donald Trump, scientology, the Girl Scouts and all else that is good and wholesome in the world.
I’m somewhat amazed at how LRH devised the means to shut down or avoid EVERY doorway to critical thinking. The only door left open was the internet. Surely the VERY FACT that he, who saw the future and the past of Thetans and their galactic world missed seeing the internet ,should be glaring evidence of his quackery.
The new lawsuit facing Scientology just may be what crashes their bubble. Soon their Celebrity Ambassadors will be forced to publicly support or condemn the abuses laid bare to the public. Their careers will depend on them walking away from Scientology. If they remain and deny their careers will be ruined. Once the Celebs walk away the others just might see the light.
It’s kinda odd that a conspiracy nut should be posting on a platform that actively seeks Big Pharma ad revenue [1], openly admits to suppressing anti-vaccine content [2] and is moderated by a military industrial “think tank” [3]. You’d think she’d be all over this shit.
“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.” — Bertrand Russell.
Typical Kool-Aid “thinking”. This woman wouldn’t know an outpoint if she fell over one in the road. For her, any datum with which she disagrees is an “outpoint”. Sad for her, actually. And there are millions like her, on both sides of the political spectrum.
“And you know virtually none of them have ever met a psych, read anything about them (other than what Hubbard said) or bothered to speak to anyone who has had any personal experience with one. ”
Well, I was born out of the womb of a “psych”. Am I entitled to claim that there is indeed quite an issue when it comes to the way quite a lot of “psychs” view the world? Am I allowed to claim that the use of force is quite often considered legitimate by them? Am I also entitled to say that whenever it comes to medicine, there indeed is pressure on media to not report things that might deter people from healthcare?
I mean, most of these claims can be supported by evidence.
That’s why I’ve been branded as a scientologist way way way too many time. By “psychs”.
Just put yourself two seconds in the shoes of someone who has been abused by or through psychiatry. What should we think of this nonsense where psychs and scientologists keep spouting shit on each other? While we’re in the middle being accused of being responsible for spouting shit that isn’t ours?
There are serious problems in psychiatry.
The crux of the situation is threefold:
1. Scientologists know zilch about psychiatry.
2. Psychiatrists believe they are telepaths endowed with God-like moral skills.
3. We receive the brunt, but cannot talk because of “guilt of association” with Scientology.
You speak from experience and I appreciate that. Psychiatry is an ever evolving medical/questionable scientific field. So there is a lot of Psychs with varying beliefs in what they read and study. This certainly leaves room for abuses and failures.
Both extreme hubris from doctors and extreme ignorance and prejudice from Scientologists does nothing to help people in need who can receive real help from practicing therapists and psychiatrists.
Hubbard set it up so psychs are the bogeymen and women. They are not. Some are not good at what they do as doctors. Some are gifted and help people heal.
In Scientology everything is black and white and extremely stupid.
“So there is a lot of Psychs with varying beliefs in what they read and study.”
Yes. And some beliefs ARE ideological.
“Both extreme hubris from doctors and extreme ignorance and prejudice from Scientologists does nothing to help people in need who can receive real help from practicing therapists and psychiatrists.”
Granted. Fully granted.
“Hubbard set it up so psychs are the bogeymen and women. They are not.”
I must say that Hubbard also lived in a time where some of his prejudices could be legitimate. The sad truth is that psychiatry has both evolved in one sense, and not evolved in another sense. That’s why the simplistic discourse he had still resonates with mental patient’s experiences. Luckily, even highly delusional mental patients are very wary of scientology…
“Some are gifted and help people heal.”
I do not deny that. I just claim that if it were a science in the sense they seem to claim their discipline is, there shouldn’t be any such talk about good psychs or bad psychs. That kind talk is reminiscent of pseudoscientific claims where it isn’t the therapy that ought to work but the therapist’s intrinsic skills. It’s even (somewhat) admitted by science-based advocates in their own convoluted language:
About psychological interventions: “But also – the non-specific therapeutic interventions are actually a large part of the point of treatment. Clients are supposed to form a positive therapeutic relationship with their therapist, and this alone can have a positive impact. It is still, however, critically important to tease apart specific from non-specific therapeutic effects, because otherwise the science of therapy will not advance, and patients and practitioners will waste a lot of time engaging in theatrical placebos without any inherent benefit.”
Bottom line: psychiatry can help, sure. For the time being, I find the profession largely unchecked and somewhat unhinged.
“In Scientology everything is black and white and extremely stupid.”
Oh yeah… 100% agreed.
Great post, excellent points; thanks for sharing them!
It’s great that folks can discuss these points on this forum and share information, unlike folks trapped in the cult.
“Great post, excellent points; thanks for sharing them!”
You’re welcome.
“It’s great that folks can discuss these points on this forum and share information, unlike folks trapped in the cult.”
To me, the question is more: how can we destroy that cult?
Could some of the people who escaped SCN explain this for me:
A non-SCN family has a kid.
The kid wants to help people growing up
The kid decides to major in psychology
Graduates and goes to med school to become a psychiatrist
Completes school and receives a degree
Goes into practice as a psychiatrist
When on this does the person become an “evil psych”? When are they banned from joining SCN?
I never got this supernatural dread of “psychs”. I despise Nazis, but they are just people who decide to do evil stuff. They could choose to stop being evil – see Oskar Schindler etc. SCN treats psychs as if they are not even human. I guess nothing is worse than insulting L Con
Sorry, waaaay too much logic for a scn-ist to digest. You see, once Hubbard says “psychs” are evil beings from some invader force from trillions of years ago, that’s pretty much the end of anything that resembles real thought, such as what you listed. If forced, I would guess that the answer would be that the kid’s desire to help would be explained as a lie, that he was just dramatizing ancient implants that had him claiming to be helping all through the trillenia while actually destroying people. And yes, I am an ex, and the reason is that I did do too much thinking of the sort you listed above.
I remember a while back there was a Clit of Personality dispatch that quoted a psych who was also a Scientologist with a picture of a dude…
Or was I imagining this?
It could have been Omar Garrison, a psychiatrist who was very critical of his profession. He wrote a book or two that ripped psychiatry. The books were for sale at the Scn bookstores some decades ago, but there must have been another directive to eliminate all books not written by Hubbard, I suppose so it wouldn’t look like there was/were other “sources” of The Holy Tech.
That was not Omar Garrison. He wrote a book excusing the actions of the GO. The psychiatrist was Thomas Szaz
False data, like how the psychs and their minions have convinced some people that the submarine LRH sank off Oregon was actually a magnetic deposit. Or his second wife that he never had.
I just checked Carole Eddington’s LinkedIn page, and she has listed as one of her jobs as “Muse.” To clarify, she writes, “I inspire people.” OMG, the ego that takes to put that on a resume/CV.
Oh man. Now I see on her Facebook page that she lists herself as “best described as a modern day Emily Dickinson.”
Scientology does not believe in humility, does it?
Carole Eddington probably wrote that she is the “modern day Emily Dickinson” because she “cogged” in a session that she was Emily in a past lifetime. Well surprise to you when you do OT VIII! YOu’ll find out you were NOT Emily Dickinson in another lifetime. Sorry for the Spoiler Alert.
OMG a modern day Emily Dickinson.. I’m now on the floor…
Yo, Carol Eddington!
“How do we consider thee off thy rocker?
Let me count the ways…”
Hubbard himself was a right-wing extremist.
While refusing to condemn Joe McCarthy, he spewed vitriol on Franklin D Rooseveld and informed us that Apartheid South Africa was not a police state.
He was aggressively opposed to income tax and favored raising purchase tax instead to cover the shortfall when income tax went away. This change would greatly favor rich folk and crush the poor.
Personally, I always voted Democrat even when I was still in but I agree that Scientologists tend to be Republicans.
How does a sales tax favor the rich? Are not the rich who buy the ultra-expensive shit? The sales tax idea is not Constitutional nor is the income tax for that matter.
Peabody, don’t argue with those lacking a 2nd grade education (the ability to do simple math.)
Fills my days with bliss and joy reading this never ending stream of unhinged drivel generated by LRH infused whackjobs. I kind of feel like — a psychiatrist— observing free range lunatics in an open air asylum. Come to thing of it….
She writes that reporters were “nattering”. Hello, hello Anybody home? I think she herself might be a “natterer”?? I do like that word. Anyway, I do believe she is, psychologically speaking, crazy. Just my opinion. I am not a psychiatrist. I just play one at home lol (Articles like this does not help gain recruits.)
Well it’s a slow conditioning from the start. Like the frog in the stew pot. Little by little you are conditioned in Scientology to believe anything LRH said, despite how silly or stupid.
How else are you gonna believe DC 8’s without fans, (by the way, DC 8’s don’t have “fans” anyway, they’re jets) flew over 400 light years from Coltis the Teegeeak in just a few weeks.
I don’t think a DC10 could travel the speed of light. It would break apart . 400 light yrs in a few weeks? Lol.
It would have made more sense if he said DC10s were able to time travel or used black holes. So much sci fi.its not even funny.
If a DC10 could travel at the speed of light, it could travel 400 light years in 400 years.
She writes that reporters were “nattering”. Hello, hello Anybody home? I think she herself might be a “natterer”?? I do like that word. Anyway, I do believe she is, psychologically speaking, crazy. Just my opinion. I am not a psychiatrist. I just play one at home lol
Free thought – not
It’s a wonder that she bothered to post anything, as ignorant as she makes herself out to be. She can’t remember what Trump speech it was – a State of the Union or something – but certainly can remember with some detail what she felt about the notes that were rolling along at the bottom of the screen. That’s the hallmark of the person who is glad to be ignorant: “I don’t remember where I read it, but someone said something about the moon being made of green cheese. And they criticize Hubbard for his Science?”
That False-Data Stripping she mentions was a great imaginative coup for Hubbard. Anything he didn’t agree with, anything that did not agree with his Source proclamations, or agree with his so-called Research, became False Data, and one must pay to eliminate it. The key word is “pay.”
Her comment misses one important feature of modern world: the ability for almost anyone to quickly find, verify, and absorb alternative viewpoints in all sorts of fields. But that does not include active Scientologists, because they are liable to get caught up in expensive Sec checks at the slightest hint of having encountered Entheta.
If one does not believe CNN, or Fox, they can check other sources, and check again, and again. There are books and magazine and web articles published by smart and educated people that cover all sorts of topics from a wide range of viewpoints, and a lot of that information is on the web for free. The world is not all strictly Liberal vs. Conservative – there are a lot of open-minded opinions that allow for some liberal thinking within a conservative mindset, and vice versa.
But as long as her only choices are Hubbard’s Way (all Psyches are Evil) or The Wrong Way (psyches and doctors and modern medicine are generally not evil), she will be caught up in her bubble, a.k.a. her prison of belief, and she will miss out on much of the good that life has to offer.
On June 26th, 2009, so today 10 years ago, one of the best (if not the best in my humble opinion) Chanology projects started. It is the big list of former members of the Church of Scientology speaking out.
In this article at John P.’s blog, posted February 16th 2018, I gave a short explanation and history:
The big list is at 2,959 entries now. Only 41 to 3,000!
Should you want to help, please read the article to find out how you can.
For anyone living in the UK, obtaining (a digital copy of) this document might help:
Thank you TrevAnon for your continued hard work and perseverance in getting “The Big List” out there and keeping it going. So many who’ve left co$ mention seeing the volume of and/or familiar names as an eye-opener and motivator to begin researching vs accepting the BS PR that co$ promotes.
This is one of those things that’s so important to have out there. I hope people recognize that behind these incredible resources are amazing, dedicated people like you who CARE and work hard to create and maintain these resources!
When my daughter was about 13, she had a few emotional issues as one would expect. She requested a meeting with a psych. I set up the appointments. She met with him and he prescribed a medication which I fulfilled. After a month, she said “Daddy I feel better. I have solved my problems.” I said how did this happen?. She said “The medication made me feel on top of my mind. The sessions with the Dr. helped me solve the problems. I’m OK.”. End of story. That was fifteen years ago. She got through college and got a good job.
Yeah, well, I cannot say I had a similar experience.
Perhaps it’s because you listened to your daughter instead of behaving like an asshole who claims on every roof that your kids are deranged because they don’t want to disclose their sex life to you?
That kind of parental behaviour can make quite a difference when it comes to how psychs are perceived by their patients.
Or maybe I’m just a new kind of flat-earther?
In the end you’ll believe only what you want to believe. Like 99% of people.
Saw the most incredible documentary about flat earthers. I wish I had a link but I think he got it from Netflix.
That’s wonderful on a FEW levels… First that she felt safe in coming to you, in asking for professional help especially in that stage of life. Secondly, that she took it to heart, worked through her issues and used medication as a means to calm things down emotionally so she could breathe, better process and apply new tools to a situation. Then again, she came to you to let you know when she felt it had helped and she was ready to move forward relying on the tools she incorporated.
I grew up with my Dad playing the role of both parents and being my safe-place. Plus I have adult children as well as my younger ones, so I know how tricky adolescence can be. Warms my heart to see/hear about people who have parents that are a safe refuge, but especially the father-daughter dynamic because its what got me through having a mentally-ill mother. Your daughter has the successful life she does BECAUSE she has a parent who supported and loved her along the way!
Thanks Jennyfurr,
It still gets better every day with her. I recently had a hospital stay and she stayed right next to me knitting for me.
Carrol Eddington is a long time KA drinking facebook police and spouter of insanity while defending “her church.” I consider and have for a long time “a crazy.”
That is so true!!! The psyches are their boogiemen. Her email is so full of “outpoints,” generalities, and lies (because she doesn’t verify anything she is saying) that it makes her a joke. It’s like a kid in grade 4 saying I’m the king of the world…I am so…as he flexes his muscles and stands on a little sand hill. LOL It doesn’t matter to that kid the rest of the world doesn’t see it…he does, therefore it’s true. Its their same old schtick, if I say it it’s true. If I think I can…I can. It’s ignorance…chosen ignorance because if she wanted to she could verify her “facts” and present a more logical position on what she is talking about. Of course there IS media bias at different times by different reporters! But facts please…not boogiemen arguments.
“My own observation is that people with false data become unnecessarily EMOTIONAL and CRITICAL and that it also makes it impossible to really discuss these things.” Hm. Projection much?
“Projection much?”
That’s what struck me, too — that she should take her own advice about getting her news from one source. But the more disturbing thing is that she doesn’t check what is true at all, or even seem to care. She starts with a conclusion — it’s all the PSYCHS — and arranges everything to fit around that. Reminds me of young earth creationists and flat earthers. They’re similarly certain that all credible scientists, universities, and scientific institutions are conspiring against them.
Mike Rinder wrote:
“What is so amazing to me is how people can be so willing to announce their ignorance to the world. But when you are speaking inside a bubble of belief to only those who agree with you, I guess it seems perfectly normal.”
That woman is drinking Kool Aide. There is no logic to what she says.
Kool-aid logic is one of the ingredients in that favorite cult drink, KAL-MAG. The other one is mindless asinine gibberish.
I saw one person run away from asinine gibberish. That’s pretty nasty stuff!
Being a Scribe fan, I immediately noticed the implied “mag ” acronym when I read ” mindless assinine gibberish “. Nice one😎
Cal/Mag is long known for its part in building and maintaining strong bones and teeth, calcium has other major functions as well. Magnesium and calcium work together to assist in promoting sound skeletal and cardiovascular systems.
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and is primarily found in the bones and teeth. It is needed for more than just healthy bones. It is also important for muscle contraction, blood vessel contraction and expansion, the secretion of hormones and enzymes, and sending messages through the nervous system.
Magnesium is one of the body’s most important minerals. It is required as a cofactor in hundreds of enzymatic processes within cells. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, promotes a healthy cardiovascular function, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Magnesium also helps maintain blood sugar and blood pressure levels already within normal range, and it is known to be involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis.
There is ignorance, and then there’s PRIDE in being in a state of ignorance. Scientologists fall into the latter category. Its amazing, how proud they are of being ignorant ofANY data not spoonfed to them by their “church”.
Ms. Eddington I have three words for you: pot kettle black
If you were not so serious it would be a great piece of satire about people who get all their news from one source (Scientology in your case—no fair counting the front groups separately). Sadly, you do not appear wise enough to create satire and so post your ignorance for all to see.
Is Pot, Kettle, Black something we can play on-line?
I’m good & wholesome. Do I get a prize?
Disconnection, pain, and a new outlook on life. Then a bill for all the silliness.
“…makes it impossible to discuss these things.”
You mean swallow the same Kool-aid you do without question. “Discussion” in $cientology is decidedly a one-sided affair.
Oh, but no! HER source for news is the ONLY source for “the actual facts”. Only HER source gives out the true data!
Now, we laugh, because she’s a whacked out, koolaid drinker. after all, so what ELSE would we, could we expect?
But there are many, many people like her – many people who, like her, trust only ONE source for their news.
Whether its the New York Times, the LA Times, or the Wall Street Journal, or Fox News or CNN, or NPR, the National Review, Breitbart – whatever it is – if its their chosen source, that’s all they’re going to read, that’s all they’re going to watch. They choose one flavor of Koolaid, and that is what they drink, period. For my evangelical Christian relatives, its whatEVER their PASTOR tells them!
Its a very sad situation that so many people exist who operate like this. Kind of scary to me, frankly.
Joke’s on you. *I* don’t have ANY source. I just make stuff up out of my arse. 😀
I welcome such posts as this one, as it gives me new areas to probe and consider.
I was a steely-eyed dedicated KSW LRH devotee for decades, I knew what I knew and nothing knocked me off my certainty. Regimes and GATs could come and go, Off policy Int Strats and Un-hinged execs blew up the orgs, but I knew I’d weather it and knew LRH to my core.
I never embraced the Conspiracy theory conversation circles, shied away from all the health fad solutions making the rounds, (candida! Raw Food! Blue Green Algae!) avoided the anti-vaxxer chatterers, and shunned the latest pyramid marketing schemes to finance bridge progress.
I always thought of myself as in step with LRH, but not the lunatic fringe attracted by the group.
But actually, posts like this help to point up areas of LRH tek where I held key reservations.
I never embraced the All Fingers Point to the Psych’s mentality. The opinions I held of those who enter the field of mental healing never actually changed from those which I held before Scn.
I always had the idea that people became psychiatrists or psychologist in order to help others or because they wanted to understand themselves and others. I had taken a simple intro psych class in grade 9 of high school and was drawn to the field for those reasons myself. So, *shrug, I projected those motivations on others. (and got into scn about a year later)
Somehow, during all those years in, guzzling LRH taped lectures, I came up with an uninspected idea that he was talking about a different kind of Psych, “real bad ones from the whole track”, but not the ones I met here and there in life.
Also… I had some idea that LRH was really mad at them, because the ones on the planet now didn’t have the tek but had the opinion leader positions locked up, and that hindered people from getting real help from Scn.
“they were misguided”
and LRH was upset because he really wanted to help people with the actual answers.
This type of blog post helps me think, consider, remember, and move further away, a little less bruised and a little more peaceful with myself.
finding the bits of myself from before, and the bits I didn’t actually lose while in…. helps put the pieces back together today.
Rip – That’s an interesting description of your thinking process as you went through your scientology experience. With some differences in terminology and circumstances a similar description might be written by other people who entered and left other cults and fundamentalist religions. It’s a matter of degree. I thought I stayed within my own zone of acceptance of scientology beliefs but since I thought everyone should eventually become a scientologist I begrudgingly admit it was my “faith”.
Good to hear and so glad you were able to get yourself out (and find ways to feel less-bruised!). It makes a lot of sense to hear the way you viewed the field of psychology vs the extreme viewpoint some of those within co$ hold.
Did you mostly keep your more moderate viewpoint to yourself or receive any pressure because of it? It sounds like your faith or belief in LRH/tech didn’t totally overtake your ability to see what’s in front of you. Hope that you were able to get out with your finances intact – especially as you eschewed the perpetual MLM fads those we know are constantly sucked into. I wonder if there’s hardly anyone left still-in that hold more moderate viewpoints like yours? At one time it seemed people could try to apply what they felt was helpful and stay UTR. But now with so much pressure to squeeze every last dime and make sure everyone buys into the “you’re either 100% with us, or you’re against us!” mentality, that only those UTR due to family still-in would tolerate staying. What was it that finally pushed you to step out, as it seems you were able to keep your wits intact much of the time?
I’ve moved away from the cities where I lived and was staff in various capacities and the nearest org to me is far enough away that I can easily claim distance as an excuse, and I’ve finessed my Flag/Ship relationships so that I’m pretty comfortably UTR, what with having a lazy OT VIII Scio as a spouse.
This is how I personally am managing things.
I don’t detail what got me to come to my senses as it was a great trauma that could ID me. Suffice to say, for me it was a light switch, one week I was totally in and going for it, the next I was done forever in all ways.
I’ve never thought of myself as having been a “moderate”, because I was SOOO KSW. I think that’s a specific difference from having been so thoroughly indoctrinated so young. I did major Admin and Teck training within the first couple years of being on staff. I’m qualified to hold almost every post in an org. The pressure, duress and punishment of full time outer org training, coupled with the study and training techniques employed (mind conditioning indoctrination) basically made me like…a Hitler Youth mentality. (or so I suppose)
Just 100 percent LRH, every day, all day, only the right answer. I viewed every single Scio as fallible and had the tek reasons to back up what I thought, whereas LRH was the answer in all things. Verbal Tech policies were in my blood.
This is how I survived all those years. Sea Org missions ripping up the orgs, being thrown off post, off staff, comm eved, tricked, demoted, lied to, family and friends declared… all the tek changes that came along, … all of it, everything… I could deal with because of my certainty in LRH.
When that evaporated in a blink of an eye, everything else came tumbling down too.
(thanks for letting me tell you this)
I was staff for a long long time, so..ha! No money to lose! No money made! Happily hand-to-mouth saving the world.
Then I was off staff and made a whack of money and gave it all to the bridge and went OT.
So, still no money to lose!
Now, we’re saving money for retirement and it’s going quite well. Lazy spouse is happy to envision retirement and some leisure.
IAS regges like easy pickins. I was never easy and never gave them anything, even my time. I think many things played in my favor in handling these guys. For SURE all my certainty and training, and all my years on staff, I scoffed at giving money, I gave my LIFE and wasn’t shy about telling them about it. They couldn’t make me feel guilty for not contributing, I was able to enthusiastically chatter about all the ways I loved SCN and all I did for it.
I was reg trained and was a great reg, was a successful recruiter, and had a long history of success on posts and off, exec posts and low posts, I started things and made things happen. I was popular and off-beat.
Here’s my secret to handling regs: control the conversation. Never give them any “considerations” – you don’t tell them any reason at all. You talk about what YOU want to. If you enthusiastically talk about all the things you’re doing and interested in doing and things in the past, if you can whip out stories and can just fly into random areas of things to chatter about…
they give up. They can’t show anger and frustration with you when you ‘stay uptone” and don’t give them anything to grab ahold of. Hell, don’t let them get a word in edgewise!
This works on phone calls too. I’m great to talk to, but I talk about what I want to, grab the reins and veer off and laugh at them when they try to get control.
My certainty saved me…. in that I could weather the BS that came along, and as long as I was being true to LRH per my integrity, no opinion from any Scio, reg, Exec, ..could topple me or sway me. I always survived and always persisted.
and the certainty saved me… when it was gone. It was the only reason I was in, and when it was gone, so was I.
thanks for giving me an excuse to chatter … 🙂
Sad they can’t read anything the ‘psychs’ said about LRH in the early days, then they might start understanding what a fraud he was and how much ‘the psychs’ may be able to help unbrainwash them. I’m one of these terrible SPs lol
The drug companies “control the news” … uhm … okay … (but only on the OTHER side of course … OUR side tells the truth!!!!)I
One thing she does have correct is the slanted news. Try this for a few days … (I start my news day this way over morning coffee)… Check the Huffpost news site for a while and then check the Daily Wire site (these are two of the most watched political news sites on the internet). You get your total left wing reporting and then you get your total right wing reporting. Same day, two TOTALLY different views of the news along with opinions … NOTHING is the same on these two sites, it’s like from different worlds … Anyone who relies on just ONE news site or political point of view will certainly remain ignorant of many things. (and of course both sites leave out any facts that might contradict their political line )
I tend to read CNN with an open mind then check the same story (or something similar) on BBC. Two views on the same subject with two interpretations. Tends to keep things in focus.
“Anyone who relies on just one news site or political point of view will certainly remain ignorant of many things.”
Bingo, Joe P.
I’m pretty much Moderate Right/Moderate Left, so I FORCE myself to read Breitbart (AND the comments- OMG, simply horrifying at times, but I make myself do it) so as to stay mentally flexible and able to tolerate viewpoints which differ from and/or are diametrically opposed to mine.
Aqua –
Sounds like we’re similar in many ways as far as political stance. I’ve noticed that, while it used to be a lot easier (more tolerable?) to read the multiple viewpoints and discern the gray area of truth somewhere between has gotten SO much more difficult (maybe not the discerning part, but wading through the polarizing, extreme perspectives on both sides, first LOL) than it used to be.
What struck me about the post above is that, yes it’s SO typically scientology/anti-logical… BUT because of how extreme the very vocal minorities are these days, it doesn’t stand out as much as it has in the past just because of the current climate and polarization. It’s sad to see that’s the case specifically because that’s just a scary, illogical stance to take one or a handful of slated sources as the only “truth.” Also as it minimizes how obvious the thought-stopping and inability (or not allowed) to research then use critical thinking to develop one’s own perspective truly is within co$! I go to church and have debated many a point with friends (& we’re still friends) and can agree to disagree without needing to label or be labeled as good/evil. I’ve always been wary of anyplace where there’s a sense that’s frowned upon. So it’s scary that’s become so much more commonplace that the danger in totally one-sided thinking is such that her above-post may not be seen by many as extreme as it truly is!
Jennyfurr, I hear you on everything and agree. I was fortunate to be raised by parents who had, each, before they married, travelled extensively in their separate profession. Perhaps these experiences contributed to what was their tolerant mindset with regard to the differences of people = differences in languages, customs, skin color, religion. I grew up listening to them discuss and debate all kinds of touchy subjects. They didn’t always agree. There had spirited disagreements sometimes. No insults though. They’d debate the facts and point out to one another when and where and how the facts were lacking. This was like a game to them. Back and forth. Usually over a martini before dinner. Sometimes they’d reach agreement, sometimes not, but when dinner was ready we’d sit down and eat and it would be over, possibly to be continued the next night but over because dinner was dinner. I used to watch them, fascinated, going back and forth with each other, like a verbal tennis match, and then, dinner on the table, game over on the table, game over. . They had a lot of self control and could argue and debate with civility and respect. I was lucky to be exposed to that for the brief time that I had them.
Today I don’t see much of that anywhere. Civilized discussions based on the facts. People tend to freak out nowadays. If you don’t agree with them they freak out. Or they try to drown you out by talking over you, by yelling, as if the person with the louder voice is the one that’s right. Or, they’re so freaked out that you don’t agree that they withdraw altogether. Its kind of sad, to me. We live in this very strange time. I think there’s a lot of fear out there, that’s fueling this intolerance, this rage, this inability to listen to differing viewpoints. Between the right-wing nuts and the left-wing nuts…its kind of lonely. Perhaps this intolerance was always here and I never noticed it before.
Grammar, OMG. Sorry, I didn’t edit. Always happens when I get emotional 🙂
That is why wars have existed and will continue to exist… the: ‘we are the good ones, they are the bad ones’ or, ‘we are the ones that know, they are ignorant’ or whatever other dichotomy humans have created to have a reason to create a war or excuse their abuses against others.
As long as there are men of greed that want money and power, this way of thinking will continue and together with it the wars and abuses of other individuals.
Fortunately not everybody is as coward and as sociopath as the minority is, and has been.
I was in Slovakia about 15 years ago and I visited a HUGE mental health facility. While the property had a stone wall around it, it wasn’t something that one couldn’t easy climb over, unlike Scientology’s international base in Hemet, CA. The grounds and the buildings were all very neat and well laid out. I was able to freely walk through the grounds, enter buildings and talk to the staff. There was a library, coffee shop, tennis courts, horse back riding, etc. The patients were administered their little cups of meds by the staff and TV was watched in the common rooms. I asked various staff, from janitors to nurses, where was the electric shock done. They were all like “What planet are you from?”. They said that electric shock was inhumane and was something of the past. I was so amazed by the visit that I wrote a report to OSA like I had made some great discovery of truth. I never heard back. It was just another wake up call.
Yes there are good psychiatrists, and most mental health professionals are motivated by a purpose to help. But to say that electric shocks are a thing of the past is totally inaccurate – I wish it wasn’t so.There is more ECT administered in a Australia now than there was in the past.
I know relatives of friends who have been given, and are being given ECT. Far from “another planet” it’s this planet, right now.
Of course to blindly parrot an extreme anti-psychiatry view, ignorantly and with venom, is not the best way to change the field of mental health for the better. It’s not easy, but it’s best done with humane, fair, wise and informed dedication. There actually are many such people, quite a few in CCHR, and several courageous psychiatrists and professionals and others have, and do, speak out. It’s the unbalanced and rage-inciting claims, cliches and catch-cries from the Scientology leadership that are ignorantly parroted and spouted by the blind, though essentially well-meaning, that ultimately do more harm than good.
Sorry to hear so much ECT is still being done. At least in that major facility, in that country (Slovakia) they seemed to have a humane and professional set up. Not at all what I was expecting after all the Scientology propaganda. At the same time I had seen how Scientology handled those like Lisa McPherson who suffered a mental breakdown. Scientology constantly claimed it was about to put an end to Psychiatry and they bragged about the mental hospitals it was closing. I always thought to myself “Who is going to at least make an attempt to care for these people? It certainty isn’t going to be Scientology.” Even veteran Sea Org members were immediately off loaded if they started showing mental problems.
Wow, complete idiots. ZERO comprehension of how anything in the world works.
Here is the maxim from which companies and intelligent people in the US operate.
“When Congress is in session no American is safe.” – Mark Twain.
Thus, Big Pharma, and every other entity run by people with IQ’s >30 that has property to protect “buys” whatever Party is in power. And every “news” org spews whatever brings them the most $.
Also, psychiatrists are highly educated and often work in government or government supported industries, which are both correlated with support for Democrats. She might as well say NBA players control the Democrats.
Yeah, Fox News and MSNBC are doing great because they tell people what they want to hear. It’s the way to make money via news.
I’d bet a thousand dollars that Scientologist Carol Eddington is also a raging Fox News addict.
“My own observation is that people with False Data become unnecessarily EMOTIONAL and CRITICAL, and that also makes it impossible to really discuss these things.”
My own observation is that it is impossible to discuss the truth with a Scientologist about The Hole, Disconnection, abuses at the top, david miscavige, Mike Rinder, Leah Remini, …. because they have so much False Data that they become unnecessarily EMOTIONAL and CRITICAL, and that also makes it impossible to really discuss these things.
She’s chasing her own tail.
Proving her point about herself being exactly what she’s accusing others of being.
Is this the product of The Running Program? Circles. Just train your brain to run in circles.
Wow, Carole, you really nailed it. Perfect Scientology mindset parroting. Very well done indeed. That’s a PASS!!! May you forever keep mouthing thought stopping cliches in social media and continue to standardly apply the dreck.. Hip, hip decay!