Haven’t had a chance to post this til now.
It’s not especially important and is a bit of a throw away on a day when I don’t have time to put anything else together. But it’s another little piece in the puzzle, building the REAL picture of what is happening in the world of Scientology, as opposed to the propaganda they spew forth….
It seems all is not well inside the bubble. The wonders of Ideal Orgs and straight up and vertical and the Golden Age of Knowledge/OT/Tech has not really been all its cracked up to be… “Making it go right” to “persist” through these “interesting times” doesn’t sound like the land of milk and honey.
From: Sally Heath
Sent: Dec 23, 2013 11:33 AM
Subject: Validation and Holiday Wishes, part 1Happy Holidays!
I wanted to take this time to validate all of you that have “made it go right” to persist through these “interesting” times. It has not been an easy ride for everyone. We do, however, have the Tech, or the access to it, to help with whatever the situation may be.
I found this incredible Technology in the early 80’s. I also found that access to other members of this amazing religion and other like-minded, honest and ethical businesses were in a small booklet called Who? What? Where? Directory. I kept it in my briefcase and any time I needed something done I would look there first, as I was convinced that if I were to support any type of business at all for my needs it would be best to have it go to someone else in the “group” that I found so important to us all.
The Who? What? Where? Directory is not just a place to advertise in hopes of getting some return for your advertising dollars. It is a cohesive support system for the people and groups we depend on for the expansion and strength of our Dynamics! It’s not a matter of it being “just another business expense”. Yes, you can “write off” the cost of it, or give the money to the government in taxes, or another advertising piece, but I don’t know of another place that will give someone more for their “advertising” dollar and provide the valuable support to a group as valuable as the one we all belong to!
If you are in business, you have to promote to expand. What better group of people is there to promote to than our fellow members?
We look forward to your continued support.
Happy Holidays!!
Larry Judkin
mailto:[email protected]
Mktg Dir/WWW
Zola says
Larry, I’ll take a stab at answering your first question. For the last several years of his life Ron was in a downward spiral – in hiding after having committed so many harmful acts and lies, including the betrayal of his own family (Mary Sue in jail, his son killing himself, and lord knows what else). On various blogs there are accounts of his final days according to people who were there – and I have no reason to doubt their authenticity when they state that Ron was on psychotropic drugs, was very moody and in an addled state of mind.
I now also think that Ron, however brilliant, has always been a liar and a con man. Spend some time on YouTube viewing various well researched clips about L. Ron Hubbard.
In my opinion, the beginning of the end was when Ron first introduced ‘discipline’ and ‘ethics’; throwing staff overboard, brushing the decks with a toothbrush, locking offenders below decks in the anchor chain room, etc. Early days when the Sea Org was literally and metaphorically ‘at sea’. He lost all credibility as a man of compassion and enlightenment. The tech obviously didn’t work for him, his family, or those in his immediate vicinity. Otherwise he would not have resorted to debasing dedicated staff members who were there to serve. And he would not have ended up alone, in hiding, living in a Bluebird mobile home and dying in such a wretched state.
As for ‘tiny fists’ Miscavige, he too is a con man, and an even worse bully. I am not surprised that he wormed his way into the good graces of a withered charlatan and caught the crown as it fell from a dying man’s hands. I’m being poetic, but in reality it was cold, calculated maneuvering that resulted in David’s becoming the leader of all things Scientology. Here again there are several accounts on the internet of how Tiny Fists usurped his way to the throne.
Regarding your second question… I too am baffled why Tiny Fists is still at the helm. I would say ‘Fear’ is the operative word, along with a good dose of legal obfuscation. But I believe the end is nigh, and he too will be another wretched, withered soul.
Chee Chalker says
Zola, are you, or were you ever a Scientologist? If you are/were, yours is the most honest answer and assessment of LRH I have ever seen from a Scientologist.
Cheers for an honest and thorough answer!
larry says
Chee, I agree with your comments wholeheartedly. The sheer honesty and purity of Zola’s brief but thorough answer felt like a burst of sunshine to me.
Zola says
I began Scientology at a Mission in Canada, around 1974… had many ‘wins’ from the HAS and HQS courses, then joined staff. After a year in Div. 6 (public division), moved to Continental Org and to join the Guardian’s Office – PR Bureau. After 2 years of that, I spent a year in B6, the ‘Intelligence’ Bureau. When the GO was shut down I routed onto staff at a Class 4 Org, again in Public Division. In all, I was in Scientology for over 3 decades – made it through OT3, and am a Grade I auditor. Like many others, most of my significant gains occurred on the basic materials – not on the upper level stuff. However, the gains were not enough to compensate for the many compromises one has to make, vis-à-vis your own integrity, to remain a Scientologist in good standing. It was incredible… the amount of lies and despicable behavior in a group holding itself up to be the most ethical beings on the planet. What a farce. Lying and infiltrating other organizations for the purpose of manipulating and destroying them. My God, what we did and what they still do… all under the justification of ‘greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics’.
You are well out of it Larry, follow your own heart and you won’t go wrong!
larry says
Thank you Zola. That was a beautiful answer. And one I trust/imagine is a close to the truth as one could ever be. It’s been many many years since I did any Scientology so my recollection of terminology is hazy, but I will say, just reading what you wrote allowed me to ‘blow mountains of charge’ off the subject. lol.
Thank you again and may 2014 be the best year of your life.
Cece says
Gus (re: WWW in case this response gets miss-located) My 2007 copy says “Distribution for this issue is 35,000.” The on-line 2011 states “Distribution for the 2012 issue is projected to be between 20,000 and 35,000.” It does not say what the 2011 distribution is.
larry says
My name is Larry. I am an ex-Scientologist (for now) and I have 2 questions that myself and a few of my ex-Scientologist friends have tried to answer, and asked others to answer, to no avail. Perhaps you (or someone here) can help.
#1: How can it be explained that Miscavige (the SP of all SPs) was able to fool Ron into allowing Miscavige to take over and utterly corrupt (and possibly ultimately destroy) what Ron had built throughout his lifetime?
That just seems so unbelievable. We have not done the ‘how to shatter suppression’ course/run down but if Ron wrote it, well, it just seems unimaginable that David Miscavige somehow or other conned Ron out of his church (and his lifelong work) without Ron being aware of what was happening.
#2. How can it be explained that after some 30 years, given all of the OT’s on the planet, that Miscavige has not been literally kicked out of the church of Scientology? 30 years! we do not now how many OT VII’s and OT VIII’s there are, or have been, over the last 30 years, but, really? Perhaps hundreds and hundreds of OT’s and yet neither individually nor collectively they could unseat one very very very small suppressive man that has spent 30 years absolutely destroying everything Scientology stands for and is about?
That’s it. Those are the two glaring questions that neither myself nor my friends can answer or understand.
I/we have asked this questions on other Scientology related forums and have never received an intelligent answer. What we generally hear is something like: well, it’s not important. Which to us is pure nonsense. It is important data to have to understand. If for no other reason (though there are) as the old adage goes, those that cannot remember history are doomed to repeat it.
Hopefully someone here can shed some light on this troubling aspect of LRH and the churches history.
Gayle aka TroubleShooter says
Oh that email is cofs’ version of Who’s on First. The “network” of W.I.S.E. are some of the more saavy koolaiders to the crimes of the church. You want to find a group of people with bpc on the church get some of these WISE guys alone and make them feel safe to tell you how they really feel and you’ll get an ear FULL in the main.
Obnosis says
The way he uses quotes so much, I think he has an mu on them. Who knows what the hell he is saying.
Last 9 Yards says
I flew to FLAG for the recent events and had the pleasure of chatting with Kurt Feshbach before one of them. A small group of us were discussing experiences overcoming obstacles in business. Kurt owns a couple of Narconon rehab centers. Quote from Kurt, “When we were first going through the process of opening the Narconons we learned that the only organization more criminal than WISE is Narconon Int!” END QUOTE
I laughed it off, as did he. But the STUNNED STARES of some of the others were really something to see. I’m sure he was pulled in to see the MAA after that one. But I think everyone in the conversation had strong reality on what he was talking about.
Roy Macgregor says
Wow. Thank you so much for posting that. Kurt does not drink kool aide, he guzzles it. That he would say something like that is an glimpse into the kool aide universe. I have been thinking for a while that the kool aide drinkers are actually aware of everything that the indy and anti movements are talking about, but they have just accepted it – a kind of indictment of their own personal integrity. Really, thank you so much. Getting little glimpses inside the bubble really helps. For people who have lost a lot, there is always a desperation to understand who are these people? The “disconnecters”, the “enablers”. Kurt’s statement above explains something about him and others like him. They know, they just don’t care.
Hallie Jane says
Chee Chalker says
Regarding Kurt Feshbach’ comment……wow, Mike be sure to pass that nugget along to the attorneys handling the Narconon litigation. Perhaps it’s time for Mr Feshbach to be deposed. And, while they are asking Kurt about Narcanon, they can throw in those questions about Jessica that Tommy, or should I say Thomas, refused to answer.
Gus Cox says
I didn’t realize Who What Where was still around. I thought it got shut down by the “church” for some stupid reason, like “profiting from church lines” or some such shite.
The latest issue of WWW on their website is 2011. No 2012, 2013, or 2014 editions, so maybe they did get screwed. But his email seems like he’s wanting to sell ads? WTF?
Anyone know the deal with this?
The Oracle says
I just watched the videos of David Miscavige on Tony Ortega’s Blog.
So, I am listening, it’s the video that showcases the new t.v. ad coming out, and I hear David say something like, “If one can dream, one can rise to greater heights.”
Espiritu says
The problem with working for “Scientology Businesses”, hiring on-lines Scientologists, renting to them, or renting from them, etc. is simply this:
They will sometimes seek to mis-use the alleged prohibition against suing another Scientologist as a means to evade the laws of the land. This permits and encourages illegal commercial activities which would otherwise have repercussions upon the perpetrators. Adding the fact that the COS’s in-house “justice system” is a joke as well as an oxymoron riddled with politics and influence peddling can leave one vulnerable to criminals who are free to prey on others.
2briancox says
There’s more to it than that. You can tie up an agreement that you’ll need to depend on. But if that other person in the agreement is a member of that cult, they won’t think twice about ditching your agreement for “the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics”. Which is whatever their IAS Reg tells them it is.
Gus Cox says
100% true. I never used Scientology professionals (lawyers, doctors, accountants). If they fuck up, you can’t sue them. Well, you can, but it’d be a real pain in the ass.
Cat daddy says
We still remember Jeff Stone
Zana says
Wow. Mark Bunker is such a hero.
Jose Chung says
Who What Where is a Kool Aid Rag, not much business these days
Probably a full page add for johnpcapitolist.com would not fly.
Transporter says
For those of you who lived in Clearwater, may not know, Sally Heath used to publish “The Comm Line” newspaper. I haven’t looked for a long time so I don’t know if it’s still published. One time I used her for some “camera-ready” type-setting. I later discovered It cost me 3X what other local type-setters charged me. So much for good business practices and ethics. Also there was a rule of thumb for “thinking” local Scn’s: Never work for a local Scn’t…they’d pay squat and write you up at the drop of a hat! Never pro-survival!
Lars says
After the SO I started to use this directory and found the services
I used fairly expensive and in some cases very expensive. Talking
to a friend about it, he said that these guys who advertised in it of
course wanted to get up the bridge so they needed that extra money.
Duh! I started to use services outside the scientology arena and to
my surprise received better and less expensive products.
anonblack says
http://whowhatwheredirectory.com/ last updated January 2011. Alexa rank 3,799,414. So little traffic that no historical data available. Listed phone number belongs to an insurance company. Many of the listings’ web sites no longer work or physical addresses don’t pan out. Ad rates range from $695 to $2665. Thanks Larry but no thanks.
BlancoD says
Is Reed Slatkin in the The Who? What? Where? Directoryhttp://www.independent.com/news/2013/jul/08/ponzi-king-reed-slatkin-freed/
Ed Kette says
Craptain Miscavige:
You are going to be Very Well Commended! Keep going!
overrunincalif says
Who What and Where is not a bad idea. The problem is it’s been contaminated by the COS.
Nothing wrong with ethical businesses all advertising in one place. That was the basic idea.
But throw in WISE and all the other BS, and you’ve lost its essence.
Cat daddy says
DollarMorgue says
If last year was “interesting”, what are they going to write about this year?
KFrancis says
We may be living in interesting times but before this is all over it going to get a lot more interesting.
Up to now it could be considered a slow motion car wreck. When a stray spark finally hits the fuel running all over the place be sure to duck and cover. The temperature at the center of the blast will run about 10,000 degrees. It has been extrapolated out that that’s the make break temperature for steering a really good pyrotechnics show. LOL
Old School says
Hmm. If you are SCN business you should advertise HERE. There are FAR more scientologists reading Mike’s blog than the http://WWW...
Idle Morgue says
Get connected to Scientolgoist’s and ruin your business for good! Stay away from any Scientolgoist’s in business – it is very destructive to your well being! As soon as you question the “interesting times” – extortion, bribery, crush regging, bankrupt and broke members, no accountability for funds raised but NOT SPENDT on what COB promises – you get disconnected…and it hurts your business and your life!
Formost says
One is sort of PTS either running a company with CO$ employees or being an employee of such a company. At any given time reges used to descend on an employee who’d then ask for advances, even playing negotiators with the employer. First ethics-type order published, someone is either forced to quit their job or some employees suddenly no longer show up. What royal f***ing havoc. Back when, I ridded my company of Scientology employees long before I left the church for exactly that reason … I didn’t need the incessant disturbances. Sometime later I made arrangements where church calls would no longer get through and they couldn’t just show up out of the blue to see me. PTS situation handled.
One course sup who worked for me decided not to go back on staff, and after all the soap opera was said and done, they declared him, even trying to get his wife and 2 week old newborn to disconnect from him. They ordered me to fire him, and I responded by indicating that they are welcome to declare me as well, but must realize they’ll lose even more CO$ staff who are working for me also. Never heard another peep about it again, and cont. on with my auditor course while having an SP work for me. His wife also refused to disconnect, and they never did anything about it either because her brother-in-law was one of the wealthier whales. In fact she continued on with her course as well.
And that brings us to CO$ Axiom #1: “Money is senior to Ethics“.
Some years later all this came up in the Flag MAA’s office but by that time the previously declared bad toad had come back into good graces and they never bothered taking it up again.
Aquamarine says
Idle Morgue, YOU SAID IT.
f I were not UTR I could tell a number of unimbellished, true stories of business dealings of mine over the years with Kool-Aid drinking RCS public, whose ethic levels were extremely “interesting”.
Aquamarine says
Correction: that should read, “attempted business dealings”.
Aquamarine says
And thank God for that, I might add.
Aquamarine says
As none of them worked out.
Zana says
That’s interesting. I have tried to have business dealings with guys who are “in” and they have all failed. Spectacularly. I thought it was me. Whew. And when I was on my own I was doing GREAT. Still am. The further away I get from this nonsense.
Sejanus says
That email sounds very negative. Downtone.
Hey Davey, you should declare that CICS…isnt that how its done?
Formost says
One knows their local Scientologist friends anyways, no need to pay anyone for a directory. We used to ask around who does this or that.
scnafrica says
Hopefully it won’t be a printed directory which will need to be reprinted once a month to remove those declared during the month
DollarMorgue says
It will come with a newsletter subscription and a little black pen.
Mike Leopold says
Do you think it’s possible that the reason Miscavige is iinvesting in non-Western countries may have something to do with the internet. I guess what I’m asking is, is it possible that accurate internet information is just not available in a place likeTaiwan, for example?
If it’s not the case, then the level of organizational delusion is much, much worse than I believed.
Doigo says
There certainly isn’t as much info about Scientology in Chinese, Korean or Japanese…I live in Taiwan and most people I know have never heard of Scientology…ripe for the picking if they can present it with local faces.
sandy0902 says
Mike, the internet is widely available & accessible in Taiwan.
doigo says
But there is very little in the local language critical of Scientology…if they rope in people with little English they don’t have to worry much about them finding out the truth.
Formost says
Not in English, they do in Chinese.
Most local ISPs in Taiwan have very fancy translation engines converting anything you search on Google into traditional Chinese. It’s just the people would’nt be interested in anything such as western religions/cults where there is a Buddhist temple on virtually every other corner, it would be a total non-issue even if it hit front page news. They’re just not interested in such things. They do however operate on referrals and word of mouth, “Who do you know who does what?”, so it would be easy FSMing for a chinese person with connections. And it’s why Helen Chen’s Indie academy over there can fill the bases in no time at all.
You can sell anything over there being a long-nose.
Formost says
Should have read” “… can’t sell anything …”
Roy Macgregor says
It’s the language barrier that helps Scientology in foreign countries. There is tons of true information about scientology in English, French, German etc, but there is none in Hungarian, little in Russian and so on. So in these areas there is no information on the dark underbelly of Scientology, Lord Miscavige’s sick appetites and the mind-bending way that members are manipulated, the regularity with which families are broken apart. Thus these countries are excellent places to “disseminate” or in other words lie, about Scientology and what it is. Because there are good results to be had from basic courses and auditing and these countries are far from the influence of OSA Int and the Dark Lord himself, it is possible to get Scientology going somewhat. However as soon as you get any kind of decent sized field the abuse starts (Hungary for example) and the declares get going and so on. So they need to move on. Expect Eskimos to start showing up droves in the near future as the Dark Lord slowly works his way through every country in the world, destroying LRH’s and Scientology’s repute.
Still on your side says
Mike, today’s post highlights why your recent post concerning North Korea was more correct than you may have realized. So much of the current church’s focus seems to be more and more out of Mao’s Red Book or similar which was absorbed by North Korea into its political dogma. Is Miscavige’s use of this dogma deliberate or coincidental?
“May you live in interesting times” is often thought to be a blessing but it is instead, according to many scholars, a Chinese curse. It was what Mao toasted Nixon with in 1972, which apparently, angered Nixon and his staff.
Also, the obsession with “sec checks.” How is this different than Mao’s “criticism, self-criticism” which caused the execution of many during the Cultural Revolution? I understand that it has been revived today in China in a much more mild form. I am not an expert, but the basis of “criticism, self-criticism” seems to be based on the concept that bad things happen because the individual causes it, therefore confessing “crimes” helps society understand why those bad things have happened and by purging the “criminal” society removes a “poison.” The “confessing” of “crimes” is the “self-criticism,” the reporting of the “crimes” of others is the “criticism.” Failure to report “crimes” was punishable by death during the Cultural Revolution.
North Korea is a nightmare country that has adopted much of the Red Book, and is still imposing the level of punishment seen during the Cultural Revolution. Anyone accused of a crime, which means mostly political prisoners, is imprisoned in horrendous concentration camps. According to Amnesty International and others, about one in every one hundred North Koreans is in a “re-education” concentration camp where prisoners are slave laborers. In most of these prisons, the inmate is there until he/she dies, always before the age of 50. They are imprisoned with their entire extended family, the policy being that three generations must be eliminated in order to protect the country from the taint of the political “crime.” Children are born in these camps, and die there. Defectors to South Korea, including those from the Korean War, have/had their families imprisoned, and in many cases their grandchildren are still imprisoned. This is called “guilt by association.” In the camps, children turn in parents, parents turn in children, siblings turn in each other. Reporting “crimes” is a way of staying alive. There is no due process for those accused of political crimes. Going on the Internet, using an unauthorized cellphone, attempting to escape the country, gossiping about the leaders, criticizing the leaders for anything, and thinking the wrong thoughts are all crimes. If accused of any of these crimes, the accused and three generations of his/her family are sent to a concentration camp without a trial. In the camps, death by malnutrition, disease, or suicide is rampant. Guards who kill a prisoner are rewarded with a college education. Those very, very few who have escaped the camps report that the dehumanization of the prisoners and the guards is very similar to what happened in the Nazi concentration camps. Admittedly, Miscavige is not nearly as bad as North Korea, but there is no excuse for adopting the North Korean style of punishment on any level.
One of the escapees, a young man who was born in the camps because his father’s brothers had defected to South Korea immediately after the Korean War, writes that he never heard the word “love,” until he escaped. Unconditional love between a parent and a child is the hallmark of a civilized society. The North Korean government believes that only the leader should receive unconditional love. How amazingly similar to Miscavige’s church.
Someone who knows more than I about the inner workings of the Miscavige church should do a point by point comparison between how he operates and how No. Korea operates. Summarizing some of the above:
Miscavige — North Korea
Sec. check – Criticism-Self-Criticism,
Mandatory Disconnection – Guilt by Association
RPF without due process – imprisonment in “re-education camps.”
The crime of going on the Internet, etc. – going on the Internet, etc. is a crime
Unconditional love demanded for Miscavige- Unconditional love demanded for the leader.
Flexible Flyer says
Very good summary, I learn so much from this blog.
Carcha says
The use of words as camouflage.
hgc10 says
Lee Baca — Dennis Rodman
Cindy P says
I think it would be “interesting” if a bunch of us that are out of the Church, place an ad for our businesses in the who what and where. How is Sally going to turn down the money? We could fill up the publication. Ads from the SP’s would probably not make the skinny dwarf happy.
Sheldon Goldberg says
I like the euphamism of “interesting times.” It’s more like the Civil War. Seems like the church is breaking apart. You now have kook-aid drinkers, “SPs” that don’t exhibit sp characteristics and those under the radar.
Families and long time friends breaking apart over their how they deal with these “interesting times.”
Just yesterday, I found myself next to a dear old friend in line at Publix. We interned together at Flag 25 years ago and have been “friends” ever since.
I extended my hand and said “Hi John” – hadn’t seen him in a couple of years. He shook my hand, then went on to tell me in a very scolding way that he’s never been more disappointed in anyone than he is in me. Then he turned around and huffed out of the store.
The cashier and several others took notice of the comm and asked what that was about. Told them that I had been expelled from the church of Scientology, primarily for my unwillingness to shun my step-son. And, that man was a member of the church. They all were quite shocked.
Like I’ve said several times on this blog, I thing there is a lot of good in Scientology and I love auditing people and myself, but there are certain aspects of the church that are quite disgusting and forced disconnection is still on the top of my list.
remoteviewed says
Actually this is a valuable piece of intel for a “throwaway” Mike.
Remember that old Chinese curse “may you live in interesting times”?
Actually when I was still in the above was a code phrase or recognition signal we used among ourselves to indicate that we weren’t quite with the program and were somewhat “disaffected” with management by saying “we live in interesting times” in response to their latest idiocy.
Much like the sign of the rose.
That the publisher of “Who What Where” would be incorporating this code phrase as part of his email is very “interesting” indeed.
What is also interesting is what isn’t in this email.
You know the usual plaudits that you’d expect like another year of “straight up and vertical”, “expansion” , allegedly “greater than the previous 50 years” etc. etc. ad nauseam.
Instead he’s acknowledging his readers for persisting and “making it go right”.
Thus if I were in OSA I’d be worried. Especially one who actually read the policy on “Counter-Espionage” but by then it’ll be too late.
Since “Who, What, Where” has pretty much been the Pravda of the Scientology community here in Los Angeles and if it is manifesting dissension then there must be flood of Scientologists in the field who are questioning what the hell is going on and I don’t think they have an adequate team of auditors to administer Roll Back or the “Truth” Rundown or this new one called the “Loyalty” Rundown to handle the deluge of “disaffection” since Sgt. Furry’s “Army of Auditors” is really just a Ghost Platoon.
Smokey says
Is the Loyalty Rundown part of GAT II? Sounds ominous, like a Sec Check and Rollback combined with a game of Russian Roulette.
Aquamarine says
Remote, is that for real? The Loyalty Rundown? You’re being funny, right?
remoteviewed says
Aquamarine and Smokey,
Yeah I agree it seems like a bad joke but I heard from a reliable source that there is such a thing as the “Loyalty Rundown”.
By the way Smokey loved the line about Russian Roulette 🙂
Unfortunately when dealing with the Church these days. Anything that would have been considered off the tricking wall and totally batshit crazy is becoming SOP to them.
I mean who have believed until Mike and Marty blew the whistle in the Tampa Bay article that Miscavige was such a sadistic lil’ autocrat who regularly pummeled staff for his own amusement?
Or that a bunch of staff at the FLB would load some poor girl with tranquilizers and leave her to die in a hotel room.
Or as one incident related to me by someone who was there. Hold someone in a locked room until they agreed to divorce their spouse.
I mean when I was auditing GO staff I thought I’d heard everything.
But I was wrong.
checkingin says
Don’t think he is. A friend’s wife tech estimate at AOLA included 25 hours of Loyalty Check, with no explanation
Aquamarine says
Got it on the Loyalty Rundown, and I just got a chill that has nothing to do with the 10 degree temperature in these here parts. Wow, am I glad I’m outta there.
gretchen dewire says
When I was a member of the church, I always would hire and support other scientologists after all, they are” the most ethical people on the planet” right. Boy was I in for a surprise. So glad I woke up.
Old Surfer Dude says
Way to go, Gretchen! Glad you’re out!
Old Surfer Dude says
“Interesting” times indeed! I’m just waiting for full blown panic to start. The Pasadena Idle Morgue has completely changed over the staff from 2011, when I chatted with them outside. These were not happy people. And no one was coming in to the morgue.
And, when I was in the Idle Morgue a couple of months ago, I told the young man that was telling my how screwed up I was, that your organization was responible for our nation’s largest domestic spying scandal. He had no idea what I was talking about. Information control is alive and well inside the bubble.
threefeetback says
Dave, Interesting times. You just lost your ace in the hole, LA Sheriff Baca. HaHaHaHa!!!!! Time for Leah to file a new missing person report on Shelly.
gato rojo says
OMG Yesss!! Many folks can jump onto this, not just Leah.
Sejanus says
How awesome a move would that be?
sandy0902 says
It was the LAPD that investigated, not the Sheriff’s office
Cooper Kessel says
“If you are in business, you have to promote to expand. What better group of people is there to promote to than our fellow members?”
Several come to mind and none have squat to do with the RCS! Additionally, it would be very wise to steer very clear of WISE. Thanks but no thanks.
Yo Dave, I watched a small portion of the IAS event and realized you have perfected the art of talking out of both sides of your mouth. Which side do you use when talking truth to the minions? Looks like you favor the right but further drilling will be needed for the left.
Sejanus says
Capn Midget NEVER talks truth to minions or underlinglings.
That is to say he never phones,emails, texts or letter writes.
As for shouting obscenitites, that never ever counts either.
So you can clearly see the bemedalled Capn doesnt have to worry because he is too busy running the church down to the smallest detail…oh but not micromanaging.
You see at his size everything seems much larger so Capn prefers the term MegaManaging in keeping with his big beingness.
Aquamarine says
Please forgive this off-topic question but its rather urgent: WISE is theoretically a secular organization – although of course we all know that isn’t – yet, as a theoretically and legally secular organization, does anyone know what government agency, etc. has legal jurisdiction over the policies and activities of WISE? Much appreciated.
Mike Rinder says
Well, there is not a single agency that has the purview of “religious” business organizations…. But the EEOC is certainly interested when WISE members violate employment law. The SEC if they are violating Securities and Exchange Commission laws. Etc etc.
Aquamarine says
I understand what you’ve said, Mike, and these suggestions are much appreciated, though I mm somewhat confused as you’ve put “religious” in quotes. What is their status – secular or religious? or not really defined? I know their promo says they are secular while utilizing the admin tech of LRH. Sorry to bother you with this!
Mike Rinder says
Well, its stupid to say they are NOT religious — they are the World Institute of SCIENTOLOGY Enterprises, the church counts their members as part of their supposed 11,000 orgs, missions and groups and they claim to follow the tenets of Scientology Ethics and Justice which is a central core of the religion (if you can believe what they file in court). So, while they may state they are secular, they are really religious. If you can call Scientology Ethics and Justice “religious.”
Cooper Kessel says
It probably ought to be Criminon but then you would have the blind leading the blinder. Please pass the Kool Aide!
Poet13c says
God, another fund-raiser. Sheesh…
Cooper Kessel says
Sounds like he had better get Mike, Marty and Tony’s sites added to his Who What Where List before these very interesting times really get going. Then it will be time for those very interesting consumers of the Kool Aide to become VERY INTERESTED in what is really going on.
Mark says
Larry Judkin is the father of the past OC org IAS reg, Matt Judkin. Larry and his wife are deep into the KA. I don’t think he has or can have a relationship with anyone outside the bubble. First question he ever asked me was; are you a scientologist and where are you on the bridge? This was his gauge as to whether i was worthy to serve him.
Mreppen says
Good ole Larry Judkins, the flake of all flakes.
Jane Doe says
I know him and agree with your assessment, Mike.
Mreppen says
His wife is worse, a real kook.
Mirari says
It was Karen Judkins, Larry’s wife, so called OT VIII, who can take credit for my leaving SCN. Her blatant bald face lies made me question WTF? this is OT VIII? This is how an OT operates? I wouldn’t want that for any reason. Something is really wrong here and I better find out what before I invest another cent into this. So, thanks Karen. You really got me to not want whatever it was you were selling. Of course, she’s another one in the valence of DM. Karen and Larry, and DM are birds of a feather and fly together.