The Little Rascals are at it again…
Amazing how the internet is so AMAZING we need your money to be able to fully exploit it. Even though not a single one of the people who signed this emailed is allowed on the internet and has no access to it. (They can access an email account that is monitored and controlled on, but no access to the internet).
And yet they seem to believe that the internet is a great way to reach “wogs” — just as long as the wogs don’t look at anything other than what is on the “scientology internet.”
In the closed off minds of Zee, Margy, Robyn, Colin & Cathy they have no use for the internet other than it being a sales pitch to try and get money. They already KNOW they have all knowledge man could ever need in mimeo files, books and on CD’s.
Hell, if the Amish can still drive horse buggies, what’s so strange about scientology living in the dark ages of the information super-highway?
Well, I guess the difference is that the Amish reject the ideas of the modern world. Scientology on the other hand tries to sell itself as a “21st century religion” and pushes how many “hits” they get on the internet and seeks to present itself as “hip.”
Just more of the bait and switch hypocrisy that is so prevalent in scientology.
Dear Ron,
Provided you still live in Xxxxx I should have the correct contact details.
I hope this email finds you well.
I’m writing on behalf of the Team here at the International Liaison Office. I want to ask you for some help but first a quick story.
Did you know that a tribal village was located on the bank of a particular river for over 900 years. They had transport from the river, water of course and food.
So why would they move the village after all that time to relocate it inland away from the river?
The answer is because in the new location they have an INTERNET SIGNAL that allows them to connect to the rest of the world. The picture tells the story. Reply to this email and I’ll send you the picture.
I’m sure when you see it that you will agree these two little guys could be looking at a Scientology site or in the future a program for children or website so they can learn.
This is just another reason why we need to finish Scientology Media Productions.
Would you consider giving a gift towards this multi media facility?
If yes than please go to the bottom of this email and send in your details. That way I also know where to send your commendation.
Thank you for being there and for contributing.
Flourish and Prosper
Zee, Margy, Robyn, Colin & Cathy
The EXTREME TEAM @ International liaison Office
First Name: Last Name:
City: State/Province: Postal Zip/Code:
I wish to donate: US$( .00 )
Credit Card:
3 numbers on back:
A commendation for providing contact information? Really?
There is no confront of where one is and what one is doing in the Sea Org today. Its a mindless cruel dedication to DLHDM and the robotic obedience given. These guys are ball less interverted into the past fools.
Scientology Media Productions .. is a dead horse ..
Hi Pepper, Excellent Point.Ann
I thought he was going to say that the tribe relocated after 900 years because Scientologists moved in next door.
Hi Mat Pesh,Good to meet you. Love your post! Ann.
Mike. Off topic but I think it deserves to be highlighted. I noticed at Tony’s blog another ideal org in south America. What about the USA. Specifically Boston. Leading city in the US, leader in medical, cultural and educational institutions, large population of young people, and the scientology footprint there has shrunk to a rented space in a suburb. That is the true state of scientology’s reach, or rather, retreat and shrinkage, today.
1) Super Bowl XX
2) 2005 ALDS Sweep
3) 17 Seconds
Chicago 3, shitty excuse for an East Coast port 0.
Hi Gloucester Fisherman, Very good to meet you.Very interesting post as Boston in my hometown born there in 1951.When I blew the SO in Hollywood in 78 & came back there I met my husband in 80 married in 81 & for three years we lived in an apartment below his parents main house on Beacon Hill.The reason I mention this is about the time we met the cos had bought this old pile that was the Garland Jr College building at Mass Ave & Beacon Street.One day probably in 82 the GOI knocked on my Mom in law’s door urgently looking for me.We were not there at the time so they left.Amazing that cos is now in a rented space in the suburbs.Boston property taxes are sky high, but when will cos figure out the walk in traffic continues to dwindle down & David keeps piling up the cash for his lifestyle.Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch Ann says tongue firmly in cheek! Ann.
What else could you expect from the “extreme Team”, a pathetic begging letter asking for money.
How much lower can they sink?
Already they can limbo under a snakes belly with a top hat on.
I have searched for a policy reference in the original OEC volumes before COB “corrected” them, I cannot find a reference for obtaining money other than delivering Training, Processing and selling books and tapes.
Still, if the church membership are happy to keep gifting $$$$$$$$$’s to keep COB’s belly full it is their decision.
Mike, considering the enormous distance you’ve covered, since exiting the morphed Mistakeology that commandeered the Ol’ man’s (practically) archived original Scn practice, would you consider, or have you considered, continuing with the former/your (basic) awareness raising auditing, as a relief activity?
Just Curious? Calvin. 🙂
Puh-leez! The basis for this fundraising appeal makes no sense. What is more likely (and practical and financially feasible): (a) that a village would pick up and move to get Internet, or (b) that the connectivity would be brought to the village.
(b) is what happens in the real world, for example:
Hmm, I wonder how many people on the Extreme Team’s email list have blocked their address?
That would be a good plan. Protect yourself 🙂
Or just flagged the messages as spam. Google, Yahoo, Microsoft etc. use your marking of a message as spam to flag it as spam in other people’s inboxes as well.
The C of $ takes names, addresses and credit card numbers to monitor
how much money can be extracted from you. If you are worth a fortune
on paper you get the Flag razzle dazzle until they have all your money
not unusual for public to go bankrupt from the overwhelming debt plus interest.
Hi Jose Chung,I love it Flag razzle dazzle.We have a laser ceiling router to zip WiFi thru our house because regular router was not doing it, & I named it the razzle dazzle router but I like the term for Flag regs better, Sad that the public are still ground up & spit on.Always has been always will be until the cult is no more.Ann
Put your credit card number and cvv number in this here field and EMAIL it back to us. Really NOTHING will happen. Honest. Our super cool, awesome advance tech email encodes your response, even if you don’t have php or other program. OUR super duper Scientology email sent to you at gmail, yahoo, comcast, aol and your response is in NO WAY similar to a post card in regular mail. Noooooo, just email your information to us.
Put your credit card number and cvv number in this here field and EMAIL it back to us. Really NOTHING will happen. Honest.
No we’ll just pass it on to the IAS and the ILO who will withdraw everything they can. ” Oh by the way, do you have another credit card!”
Oh you want my debit card too? 😉
Enter yr credit card details and security codes is asking for trouble Don’t Don’t / But their will be somethat do .
Related news story:
‘Going Clear’ Director Alex Gibney Says “Every Distributor, Every Festival” Threatened as Doc Opens Internationally
These people are all in their ~50s. Margy was the Supercargo AOSH ANZO 20 years ago. They were all crew 20 years ago when I met them. Zee was AO crew, Cathy was CO FOLO, Robyn used to be married to cook Stan Smith. Colin Davie was there too but I can’t remember what he did. They did have kids but these are the parents. But writing like kids.
Oh my, is that right?!!! That’s just too embarrassing. So that’s an example of what long term scientology does to you. Reduces you to baby talk begging for money – what a fine example to set for children or new recruits. Bubble just doesn’t quite explain it anymore. Reprogramming to reduced intelligence and observational capability plus total propitiation to their masters.
What does the church claim is does again?
Robyn was the Cont CFD for several years in the 90’s.
Zee was married to Richard Fear (now out, had to divorce when he left), and they were both AOSH ANZO crew, at one stage. I think Zee was the D/CO D&E’s aide or something. One of their kids is called Sarah (probably 30’s now), I don’t know about the other daughter.
Cathy was both CO FOLO and CO CLO at different times, when not “uplines” getting “training”. Margy is/was the wife of Ken Pearse (i.e. I/C and Architect of AOSH ANZO’s St Hill size project and at some point afterwards also Int Landlord Office helping on FSO/Superpower buildings). Their kid is called Carly (she’s about 30’s now too).
These are all SO officers & vets, not kids; although it’s easy to think otherwise. None of them are IT literate to my knowledge, not to mention scary internet literate. Drinking the cool aid has always been their thing, I see they’re still duped. They really do believe that they can “salvage the planet” by doing this.
Oh, thanks for calrifying. I thought these were the kids of Richard Fear and Ken Pearse.
I think it’s worse. They have no excuse.
Oh wait, correction, the Pearse’s kid is called Kylie. I’d say she’s married and under another last name now. (Carly is the eldest child of the Crutchfields)
Yes, Kylea Rose Pearse. She was sent to the PAC RPF where she resided for 5 or so years. She graduated and was posted at the PAC Mill, but was in the landlord office. She married Shannon Barnes (former Int rancher / staff member and son on Margie Esterman, former Snr C/S ASHO Day). Shannon divorced her when he left the SO. Kylea is a shadow of her former happy bubbly self. She is anorexically skinny and rarely smiles.
Hypothetical response:
Lisa: Oh wow! What a great phone! Can I see it? I didn’t know antiques like this still worked. It’s analog, am I right? Those old flip phones have a certain je ne sais quoi that the new smart phones don’t have. I mean you can’t imagine yourself as part of Captain Kirk’s away team – hopefully you’re not a red shirt – like you can with an old flip phone. But still on today’s smart phones I can access my bank account, go on the web, check my email, play games, order and pay for take out, bid on stuff at ebay, buy stuff at Amazon . . . just amazing! . . . I mean technology has just increased exponentially since the days of the flip phone. It’s just great to see an antique still in use.”
These guys are just going thougj the motions. When I was in the Sea Ogre and I was asked to do something that was never going to work I did the same as these guys, which is just go thru the motions.
Hi Robert Almblad,I totally understand your post & I went through the motions too at moments,but then I started being punished for that so I had to face the music & make it go right always,until I was too weak & phsically hurt to fight anymore.Somewhere I pulled the will to survive & blew.Ann.
So this scientology thing… you guys basically raise money for buildings, and right now you’re asking for money for a media centre so you can get the message out to the world that you need money for buildings? Is this like a wealth transfer scheme?
A close enough summary.
They should have signed off as Spanky, Alfalfa, Buckwheat and Darla!
Do you have a brother named Glen?
HI Len, yes I do have a brother named Glen. We were from the NY area before coming out to LA.
LOL, it would have had more credibility.
After I escaped from the base I realized I was using a horse and buggy and everyone else was driving cars. It truly is a different world in there, run by stupidity and narrow-mindedness and a healthy dose of WRAM. That’s putting it nicely.
Hi gato rojo, We think alike when I got on the jet leaving Hollywood, I felt I had ripped my own heart out & at the same moment I was on a different planet in a different century.And I was only 4 years in.It truly was a different world in there…upside down & inside out.I could say more but I too want to put in nicely.Always Ann.
Five bucks says Ron deleted the email without reading it.
Hi Mike,Happy Freedom from The “Prison Of Belief “to all & Happy 4th to you, Christie & family.I had to read this most ridiculous email three times to sort it out.When I saw Dear Ron, well you know where my mind went,I thought don’t they have his new address memorized? Then I realized it was not that Ron.Reading further I don’t see the connection regarding Internet signals rivers moving inland & a 900 year old tribe.An electrical engineer could help me here but I thought moving water amplified a signal.The finishing of Scientology Media Productions sounds like another desperate grab for more cold cash.Yes I’m old but I recall when Ron was going to film all these amazing vignettes on The SO & don’t forget ” Revolting In The Stars”Needed a spectacular studio for that one also.I’ll say this The Extreme Team is extreme bs to the billionth degree & beyond…and please geniuses send the picture with your email at least that would make a modicum of sense Opps forgot it’s the COS. Love Ann.
This is an *email* that asks for contact info and credit card number/CVC to be SENT BACK VIA EMAIL?! What could possibly go wrong?
That is not only irresponsible, but I think it’s illegal at least in some places for a nonprofit to handle donor information that way.
I agree Chukicita, especially asking for the 3 number code on the back. How many people will see that information? Good if someone could look into it.
Just for the fun of it I ‘googled’ Scn. The first two entries belong to the dark empire, but from there on are links about Going Clear and many others that expose the truth.
But as you noted Mike, their purpose is just to rip off more money, the usual scam.
I’m sure when you see it that you will agree these two little guys could be looking at a Scientology site or in the future a program for children or website so they can learn.
Guarantee they’re looking up porn.
Either porn or 4chan. I’ve always been intrigued from an anthropological point of view what might happen if a low-tech tribe was exposed to Anonymous as their first experience on the Net.
Hey, ILOsers, if you’re so desperate for fresh meat to hook up to Scientology websites (ones that aren’t working for a click farm, that is), why don’t you sponsor efforts to bring Internet access to impoverished and remote areas and underwrite the provision of laptops and/or Raspberry Pis? It’s not that expensive. Oh, wait, that would mean spending money, not draining people for it, and there aren’t any LRH references for doing so because, let’s face it, he wasn’t the most progressive guy when it came to people with skin darker than peach on a Pantone chart. If he was, the Joburg wouldn’t exist.
David’s Freedom Mag web site looks like a porn site already. Do you realize in many countries that site “owned by the Church” is highly offensive? David doesn’t care who he has to insult or offend to make himself right and others wrong.
“Reply to this email and I’ll send you the picture.”
Translation: We’re so desperate to get in touch with anyone we can beg for money that you can’t even have this random picture we stole from Google Images unless we get a response. An email address, a phone number, an address…anything. We’d prefer a credit card number we can run immediately, but we’ll take what we can get.
Happy Fourth of July everyone!! 🙂
Sounds like the Prince of Nigeria who wants to wire $9,000,000 to my account, provided I pay an upfront $400 fee. The prince from Nigeria is more convincing than these desperate appeals from Scientology!
Color me skeptical. I just love how Scientologists act as if all they need to do is “get the word out” and there will be this untold expansion with booming orgs.
The truth is far different.
Anyone who is smart enough to Google Scientology will find the pro-Scientology sites along with many, many sites that document the fraud and abuse.
Clicking on Google News for Scientology brings up the latest scandals, defections, tell-all books, and lawsuits.
This all falls under the heading of what John Stuart Mills called “The Marketplace of Ideas” where information and ideas are examined and debated across society in order that proper conclusions may be generally arrived at. Scientology is wholly incapable of competing in this “Marketplace.” As a result, it is properly viewed as a pariah, a fraud, and a hoax. Scientology only knows how to subvert the Marketplace of Ideas through a combination of ad hominem, TR-L, and non sequitur parsing.
Miscavige will get the word out.
Ronnie, and Jenna, that is.
Really well said, Len. Thanks.
I commented on the Hollywood Reporter story by the time it was a few days old,so it bears repeating here. How many truly people do you know (I’m talking Hitler, Stalin, Kims), who have had TWO blood relatives write tell-alls about what a piece of shit they are. I can only think of one: DLHDM.
Congrats Dave. YOU are officially provable bullshit.
I prefer the guys on the street who pull a knife or a gun and tell me to give them the money. They aren´t pretending to be anything other than common thugs.
A scientologist asking for help only means one thing…$$$$$$$$$
“the extreme team”? Do they have some kind of BMX or skateboarding team at ILO now? They really have no idea how idiotic they sound do they? Message to Sea Org – Get out of that cult within a cult bc you don’t know how to COMMUNICATE and conduct yourself in the real world. You sound and act weird. The sooner you leave the easier it will be to relearn how to be a normal person and have a normal life. You’ll be glad you did.
Dear Zee, Margy, Robyn, Colin & Cathy,
Thank you so much for asking me for money. Wow, do I feel privileged.
Please send to me a full accounting for the income and expenditures for the IAS for the past ten years. Also submit financials for the media center project you are working on. This is to ensure my hard earned money is being well spent. Once I get this information and I’m assured there are no shenanigans, I’ll see what I can do for a donation.
All the email to the front groups goes in through the same monitored servers.,,,,, etc, all use the same mail servers as
About the only one that doesn’t seem to is Narconon, but now it probably forwards to ABLE, so same thing.
Any one that does give gifts or as they put it which is basically saying give us your money are mad
They use computers in there , but obviously its controlled not to have access to internet but yet ok to
donate ? explain.
Their names remind me of Dave, Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich. ‘Cept they could sing.
“In that black barren land that bears the name of Xanadu” …. even more resemblance to the cult!
Omg! They’re serious, aren’t they?
Sheesh! I guess you could call them ostriches; but, their heads are not down in sand, rather, up their…
Internet? Why do they need Internet? Not only did Hubbarb not foresee the Internet, he promoted Telex – a now-obsolete technology..
However it is good to promote the Internet to $cientologists – they will go on the Internet and discover the truth about the vicious, evil criminal cult that they think is a “church”.
Hi visitor, Good to meet you.OMG Miss Ann & that Telex machine @ HCO Asho F.I had a comm with it constantly & right royally screwed the messages up.The way I complicated the PBX & the Telex was much fodder for bullbaiting me. Ron loved that Telex,it worked overtime 24/7.Today though the Internet has changed how the cos operates because it is instantaneous & they can’t censor it outside of the cult.Must make them very paranoid & the promo pieces & emails begging for $ we see here proves that I feel.Ann.
Okay so it is now July – they were going to open the facility in June. Still looking for money. Another fail.
Oh yea! Because you asked and didn’t demand, I will donate.
It is not so unusual Mike. Happy 4th of July as well. I had the fate of taking a Class VI, OT VIII auditor to court once here in my town on a pretty serious offense that he thought was the normal way to handle “people like Lawrence”. He said at that time that me Lawrence had been publishing bad things about him and his church to the internet. Obviously, he put his own foot in his mouth with OSA sitting there listening because if he uses the Net Nanny as a rule like he is supposed to in order to “use the internet properly” he wouldn’t be able to read any of the information if he was still using the church’s web site for his “Meet a Scientologist on Line” profile. He researched on his own and it slipped out of his mouth. Fool is not the word. Unconscious as a person is more exact. 🙂
“The picture tells the story. Reply to this email and I’ll send you the picture. ”
Listen to Ray Charles! Happy Birthday America!
Thanks for this. I choked up as always.
Ditto. I got to see him at the Ambassador Hotel in L.A. when I was 15. What a remarkable performance his did with that song. Happy 4th to everyone!