Another posting from our Special Correspondent Galactic Patrol. I though it appropriate at this time of the year when we take stock of our lives and are thankful for what we have (and in some cases, for what we no longer have….).
To all those who frequent this blog, may you enjoy a wonderful day with those who love you for what you are, not what anyone else says you are…. They are your REAL friends.
The two greatest crimes that can be committed with Scientology technology are the two “shuns” – evaluation and invalidation. In numerous references, LRH explicitly details the destructive effects of evaluating for a person (telling him what to think about his case) or invalidating a person’s case or gains.
In fact, invalidation is so powerful that in HCO PL 25 June 72, RECOVERING STUDENTS AND PCs, LRH states that “invalidation of case or gains” is one of only four things that will cause a preclear to blow Scientology entirely. I am quite sure that if you are reading this, you have witnessed at least one example of someone leaving Scientology over this kind of invalidation.
Scientology sets itself apart from psychology and psychiatry specifically over these two “shuns.” Nothing is more reviled in an auditor than to tell a preclear what is wrong with him or to tell him that he hasn’t had a win or gain when he has indeed had it. Yet if you look just beyond the auditing room, isn’t that exactly what is occurring right now internationally in the Church of Scientology?
I am writing this post because I want to document in crystal clear terms that the invalidation of your case going on in Scientology is not an accident, nor is it something new.
Since May 1996, invalidation of technical gains and skills has been the defining characteristic of David Miscavige’s technical “breakthroughs.” In case this is not clear, let me walk you through a brief time track of Miscavige’s “discoveries” and “breakthroughs” so you have the fuller picture of what has been going on:
In 1996, with the release of the Golden Age of Tech, we were told by Miscavige that auditors were not perfect and LRH wanted nothing less than perfect auditors. The references backing up this assertion were taken out of context from Class VIII training materials. Of course by the time a person has achieved Class VIII status, the standard for their auditing is perfection. But you are never going to make a Class 0 auditor that way. LRH himself explained this in detail in HCO PL 24 Sept 64, INSTRUCTION AND EXAMINATION: RAISING THE STANDARD OF.
Despite this direct contradiction of LRH, Scientologists the world over went along with Miscavige’s explanations and so were made to re-do their training starting all the way at the bottom of the Grade Chart with the “Study Certainty Course” (a Student Hat retread) and going up from there. Of course, most people bogged horribly at the Pro Metering Course and never got any further. So much for perfect auditors.
In fact, so much for making any auditors anywhere. It’s been 17 years since David Miscavige stated that we would have an army of perfect auditors, trained more rapidly than ever before. Yet to this day, auditors still are not being made in any org Academy. Any Scientologist who is on course in any org in the world knows this is true. The simple reason for this is that Miscavige dreamed up a wrong Why and enforced this on the international training scene. When the Why was proven by stats to be unworkable, rather than revise or correct it, he just pushed it in even harder.
The next step was “Arbitraries Removed” in 1998. This time, Miscavige “discovered” that somehow the Solo NOTs auditing procedures had been cut down by some 90% and therefore the level was not being done right by anyone anywhere. This after the level was being delivered for over 20 years! Every person who ever touched Solo NOTs materials was called back to Flag, made to read the special IG Network Bulletin (not LRH HCOBs) concerning this “discovery” and then put back onto Solo NOTs after retraining. And make no mistake, they were charged for this retraining and additional auditing. These “discoveries” were turning out to be big money makers for the Church.
Having now already ravaged the entire training side of the Bridge and the upper OT bands, Miscavige moved further down the processing side in 2003. It came to light after “RTC investigation” that almost everybody who had ever attested to the state of Clear was not, in fact, actually Clear. They were all just Releases, meaning that the case gains they’d achieved (and attested to) were now stated to be only temporary and didn’t really mean anything. Again, this came from David Miscavige, who is not even trained as a Case Supervisor nor is he trained on the Clear Certainty Rundown materials. And because he said it, every RTC Representative across the planet enforced it in each Advanced Org and Saint Hill.
It is a crime in Scientology to denigrate the state of Clear. Yet here was probably the greatest single invalidation of case or gains ever carried out. On the direct orders of RTC Representatives, AO and SH staff called in Clears and told them in no uncertain terms that they were not Clear. They were given an “ARC break session” to “handle the loss” and then immediately routed to the Reg to pay for the intensives of auditing they were now going to need in order to get back to the place they thought they already were. For some, this meant re-doing their entire lower Bridge, at a new cost of tens of thousands of dollars.
Then in 2006 came The Basics. David Miscavige stated that no one ever understood any of the books L. Ron Hubbard had written because they had been so altered by editors and transcriptionists and so on that they were literally beyond comprehension. This was truly the most blatant and widespread invalidation of all training yet attempted, striking directly at LRH’s most fundamental work. But he succeeded. After three hours of grimly detailing every transcriptionist error and missing semicolon, Miscavige convinced every Scientologist that they had never truly understood what the word “Scientology” even meant.
The outpoints with The Basics are so great they almost cannot be enumerated, but there is one I would like to highlight. It is an easily provable fact that L. Ron Hubbard constantly reviewed the state of the materials of Dianetics and Scientology and personally stepped in whenever he found alterations or errors. The proof of this is contained on page one of HCO PL 7 Feb 65, KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING. This policy was first issued in 1965, then was re-issued in 1970 (after LRH personally found out about quickie Grades) and again in 1980 (again when LRH personally discovered more tech alterations). Another great example of this is HCOB 24 Jan 77, TECH CORRECTION ROUNDUP, in which LRH personally corrected numerous technical alterations and violations that had been dug-up across many areas of Scientology.
If there is nothing else you can say about LRH, you can certainly state that he was vigorous in demanding that Scientology be kept pure to his words and that no one alter or denigrate it. So do you really believe that in all these reviews over all the decades that Ron was directly on the lines, that he missed these gross alterations in the most fundamental materials he authored? That transcriptionist errors and editor alterations somehow slipped by his notice over and over again? I don’t believe that for a second and I don’t think you believe it either.
Shortly after the release of The Basics, it started coming out on rumor lines and in closed-door briefings that the Objective processes had been being done incorrectly for decades. Again, blatantly ignoring the existing and easily understood HCOBs and lectures on the subject, Miscavige asserted that because earlier objective processes were being found on previously unreleased lectures, everyone must have just quickied these processes. And on the strength of this rumor line, and a hidden data line at Flag, orgs everywhere started programming cases of all levels back down the Grade Chart to re-do Objectives.
Now there is the Golden Age of Tech Phase II. No longer satisfied with invalidating a single Grade Chart step or section of the Bridge, David Miscavige has now made it clear that the ENTIRE BRIDGE was in fact being done totally wrong and every gain anyone ever experienced in Scientology was only an accident, a slip up by squirrel auditors running squirrel processes on their quickied case.
And remember, this Phase II comes after 17 years of already invalidating and correcting the Bridge over and over again, as laid out above. So ironically, not only had LRH gotten in all wrong, but COB RTC basically admitted (without saying it outright) that he also had gotten it wrong every single time he had issued a correction from 1996 forward. But it’s all fixed now. At last, due only to Miscavige’s efforts, is real Scientology available for the first time. I can only cringe in horror at those words, as anyone who has read Keeping Scientology Working should do too. Because of course, what this is really saying is that L. Ron Hubbard himself never delivered “real Scientology.”
What used to be a Bridge that you could walk across, step by step, has morphed into an endless cycle of one step forward, two steps back, over and over and over again. There are many possible reasons for this, none of which really matter because those reasons don’t change what is actually going on. There are no signs that this invalidate-correct-invalidate-correct cycle is ever going to stop.
With GAT II he has achieved what appears to be the ultimate invalidation: all of Scientology was wrong. Nothing you ever did in Scientology was ever really “what LRH intended.” And the only solution now is for you to do it all over again, no matter where you are on The Bridge. And once again, pay for the privilege.
Let me say this to you, the reader, directly:
If you go into a Church of Scientology and claim that your case and gains are being invalidated by the Golden Age of Tech, the only option the org staff have is to “handle you” so you agree with David Miscavige. Despite what it says in LRH policy, your claims will be refuted and you will be targeted for being “CI” or “out-ethics.” What is certain is that no one will agree that you have fully achieved the states you have already attested to on the Grade Chart. They will insist that you did not achieve those states and they will insist that you must do those steps again, and that you must pay to do them. I’m sure you already know this to be true.
The good news is that if you want it, the Bridge is available to you without any invalidation or evaluation of your case or gains in the independent field. That is a very viable option for you, now more so than ever before. It is far less expensive, less time consuming and more satisfying than any experience in a modern Scientology org.
Another option is to simply walk away from the whole thing, knowing that you did get wins and gains and that no one in this universe has any right to take those away from you or denigrate them. They were YOUR gains and you are the only one who has any right to say whether they were real.
No matter which you choose, it is a certainty that running around endlessly in David Miscavige’s expensive hamster wheel is never going to get you where you want to go.
Scientologists are starting to see through Miscavige’s smoke and mirrors and are deciding that enough is enough. Just by the fact that you are here reading this, you are already well on your way to doing the same. So please continue, and break free from the evaluations and invalidations you never asked for and do not deserve. A much saner and stress-free life awaits.
Galactic Patrol
Scientology is the BIGGEST SCAM on EVERY level that has hit America and the World. It has traps and trickery at every stop and people are trained to deceive you and take your time and money!!! It is truly a dangerous cult you must avoid. Run for the hills as this group is a soul killer!!! Find out for yourself!!! I know thousands of people who have been sucked in in the name of help. OMG run, run SCN will kill your spirit, your mind and for sure your bank accounts!!!
I could not agree more with what has been said above. Thank you. I must say that after personally going through the “not Clear” R factor cycle it certainly is a true invalidation. The worst part of this all is that they reg you to pre pay for services and you cough but be careful, because that money is NOT actually refundable. I have 2 full clear to eternity packages they conveniently ignore requests for the money to be given back. It’s a bitter pill to swallow when the group you thought was so trustworthy and steadfast is so calculatingly underhanded and evil. I think that honestly money held on account is spent before the service is delivered, evidently nothing is held in trust, wonder how the tax on this works? Nothing appears to be on the straight with the C of S.
Excellent analysis. I know a lot of people already know this, but if you haven’t heard of it you can gather a lot of specifics on the “Basics” program and the actual changes that were implemented in these books here:
The Basics even was practically nothing but “TR-L” drilled to perfection.
@Oracle: I eat eggrolls. I make eggrolls 🙂 literally and figuratively.
Your points are well taken. I can attest that in the early 70’s many class 5 org folks (staff and public), and mission folks had been heavy into drugs and the SO banned those with LSD use from starting ( I was not eligible for this reason ), and I know people who were routed out even if they had good stats (very stupid, and a ‘general’ one size fits all c/s). Still, taking drugs doesn’t make you someone who can handle others no more than taking an aspirin makes one a chemist, or knowing about a subject makes one instantly a ‘teacher’. However, I think that having an R on the whole scene is vital. I feel that Bobby Wiggins was successful with kids because he didn’t try to give them BS. I trained with him and I liked his approach. He almost died from drugs but he didn’t preach stupid stuff like ‘take one hit of this and your dead.’ He told his own stories, in a funny format, and his ARC was really ‘in’ and that is what gets it. He had gotten down and dirty with the subject and learned how to gain control over his addiction AND he was able to use his training and experience to inform.
SO folks who have spent most of their lives in the SO, like DM, really don’t have any R on the workaday world unless they are in a position to work with non-Scientologist. They are in a bubble, and they see it from an outsiders view. This is not meant as an inval to SO people, but just a reality. The same for public who have never been on any kind of staff post–they don’t have the same R. Even being at a class 5 org keeps one from really mingling with ‘outsiders’ in my view. Its all about PR and the arrogant attitude is always there. It is know- best…like TC’s viral video, or its simply dealing with ‘wogs’ as a necessary evil, as opposed to seeing them as real thetans needing help.
Assuming arrogance with no R on the public defies basic TR’s and ARC. This is NOT what LRH intended, at least according to his words and according to the New Civilization Lectures. As I see it, he wanted Scientologist to be auditors and to get out there and help and get their hands dirty. Of course he does talk about taking control etc., but it was never meant to be done without ARC. No R is no ARC = NO Understanding.
I do think it is plain stupid though (no matter who set it up this way) to have graduates of Narconon turn around and become staff and run the place without any training but what amounts to staff statuses and purif i/c and c/s training (those hats leave out much info which only experience gives), and no medical terminals in residence! A visiting doctor, or Dr appointments is not good enough. That is why Brodie, though helped by Dianetics, abandoned his help with Narconon Palo Alto in the early 70’s: it was not professional. It was a dump, but more importantly, they had no credibility. Narconon has ALWAYS wrestled with credibility. As good as the purif is ( I did do the crse and cs’d purifs) it is not an end all. Narconon has helped people, I know, but it is incomplete. The exstaff are surrounded by drugs that they have to keep locked up for the clients who still need fixes etc. Takes a lot of ethics to stay straight and deal with running the ‘org’ admin and the clients.
About eight years ago they were desperately trying to find people who were not druggies to be the ED’s of various Narconons for that reason, and they were trying to change a bunch of stuff, but it appears it is going down, down, down. ABLE has to run everything like a freakin church org board with the same kind of pressures etc. Its not real. I use to love ABLE, and APS but under DM they wanted to make every organization into a Church model and to promote as the best with their false stats. Insurance companies won’t insure Narconon directly because of no medical staff on premises to name one reason.
The APS schools use to be left to deal with things as they saw fit, but the micro management now is stupid, and out R, and the schools are falling away (although, most weren’t that great from my observation: mom’s and workbooks for the kids. Some were okay, and a couple are good).
ABLE needs to stop imitating professionalism and BE professional. LIKE WITH APS: Don’t tell teachers that LRH TECH IS GOING TO SALVAGE 21ST CENTURY EDUCATION, OR TELL APS STAFF THAT LRH SHOULD BE PROMOTED INTO THE COMMUNITY ON A PR CAMPAIGN. LRH’S NAME IS NOT A DRAW AND PARENTS DON’T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT A ‘CULT’ LEADER WHO WAS NOT A PROFESSIONAL IN EDUCATION AND WHO DIDN’T EVEN LIKE SCHOOL TO BEGIN WITH. I THINK HE IS BRILLIANT, AND I LIKE THE STUDY TECH, BUT ITS THE ‘TECH’ THAT I PUSHED…NOT LRH…PARENTS DO WANT HELP WITH THEIR KIDS, BUT NOT BY PUSHING ABLE, APS, AND LRH EXCUSE ME. Anyway, not having professional staffing in the upper echelons of the SO: people who have knowledge and experience with the real world, is a problem which is why the SO needs to stay out of the public domain. Try and explain how ABLE isn’t the Church with a straight face. I actually had to give a lecture to Ms. Slaughter (speaking of name symbolism) where I explained how the church wasn’t connected to APS but by way of ABLE through the LRH library.
The Spanish Lakes is a good illusion: looks academic, and it is. There have been some very nice people working there who have worked very hard. But, the whole hype of fixing the decline in education…over the top! First, you gotta get kids to WANT TO LOOK UP THEIR OWN WORDS. I can tell you that unless you start them in K or 1st grade with this idea, they don’t want to do it. And I’m talking about Scientology kids whose parents want them to have the tech. I’ve even met Scientologist on course who don’t want to take the time to use the study tech (which should be their choice, really). Anyway, ABLE and SOCO I thought would CREATE ARC IN THE PUBLIC, since it was obvious the church, even under LRH, couldn’t do it to save its life; but like everything Scientological which is run by the church…it doesn’t!!!!
Valid points, all! I agree that one does not have to know anything about drugs in order to help other people. But you do have to be able to CARE about the person on drugs to help them. From my experience at the Flag Command Bureau, I found the Sea Org staff there, did not CARE about the people on drugs or the staff working in those Narconons. They were considered DB’s unless they were celebrities. And not just by Sea Org staff, by a lot of Scientologists too.
I had one OT8 call me, a very affluent V.I.P.. Her son was on drugs. She wanted ME to solve the problem. But, she did not want her son going anywhere near a Narconon! No problem! I didn’t go to a Narconon. I went into the New York Org and started H.Q.S.. I got off drugs without a Narconon. I made it up the bridge with out a purif. Originally these centers were set up to help people through withdrawal. Not to make Scientologists out of them. The man who started the program was not and is not and has never been a Scientologist.
The thing is, if you have been immersed in drugs, you know that it is also part of a culture. And, if you are a Scientologist, you know that “drug addict ” is an identity. And if you care about people, you have more room to help someone see this for them self. The most successful tool I used for getting someone off of drugs was a simple doubt formula. Because someone decides to become a drug addict before they become one.
A man who is using donations for the Narconon Network to have cases of Scotch shipped to his home has no business running the Narconon network.
People who consider anyone using drugs to be a DB, should not be in charge of “helping” people they would rather see put to death or eliminated from society.
In the 70’s people were not shunned and shipped off to special facilties to find out about Scientology. They were not pushed out of the Orgs. Hell, you had to be high to understand the books.
Laughter! And you are right, Oracle. Willie Benitez set up the first Narconon in an AZ prison, to help fellow inmates withdraw from smack.(heroin- for the non-street)
“…you had to be high to understand the books”
You’ll appreciate this story: my late husband came into Scientology in 73 as a Marine. He was the dealer on base. He shot cocaine,smoked dope, and dropped acid on a regular basis. His buddy gave him DMSMH and History of Man. He had a cog reading about the reactive mind and immediately took all his drugs and flushed them down the toilet. He came into the org and got onto course. On HQS he did REAL tr’s and while reading a bulletin the ‘grey’ type turned ‘red’. He freaked out and told the sup that the type now looked red to him and wanted to know what was happening. Of course the sup simply said that it was always red. He did his basic tech courses and then did the whole OEC. He was an super upstat who had tons of ARC for his staff. He never yelled or got entheta. So he was high when he started reading the books, and he made his own decision to stop all the shit he was putting in his body. So, yea, beings are valuable and when you care about them, you see past the valences and masses and just aim the ARC at the being. Also, when I did OCA’s on people I dumped the script we were supposed to use. I understood the test and used it to help explain the outcome, but I never insisted that a low point was set in stone, especially when they didn’t agree. Why? Who wants to get drug from the street into a test which invalidates them? If stuff indicated, then great. If not, I just asked them what they thought…we had great stats! Everyone got a lecture about the reactive mind and they would buy up DMSMH everytime. We did this everynight and all weekend. We had a broken down projector and a cross that was cracked! And, we were 5 floors up on a slow moving elevator. We had to pull guys in from other parts of the org to help score OCA’ was crazy good! All it took was being in REAL comm. I hate patters and sales ‘tech’. It’s all bs. Just be there live (or be square 🙂
Three things:
1. Forgive me: I haven’t read all the posts on this blog or others. My bad.
2. From 1979-1987, while I did the (then) current OT levels through full OT 7, followed by new OT 4, 5, and L-11, my gains were continually invalidated by fellow Scientologists who didn’t like it that I was married to a guy who wasn’t active on the bridge. The gains I had — especially the ability to hold my position — were pecked away at, as if they weren’t real. But they WERE real. I held my position and am still married (very happily) to the same lovely man.
3. Has any group, or individual, assumed power over DM enough to declare him publicly, with a list of his crimes and offering 1) either no terminal (because, really, he’s as close to Xenu as you can get), or 2) perhaps his terminal IS Xenu? (Not that I believe there’s a Xenu, but … okay … maybe there was/is.)
The point is, there’s no one in the current “Church” to take over running it because those still in stopped analyzing, or even using the Logics, or Data Series, a long time ago (painful as it is to admit that about people I still love). The future of Scientology (church or NOT church) is up those those who want to create it. That’s obviously what’s happening already. But rather than continuing to smash DM, why not just drop him from the public radar? No more op-terming him will drive him crazy. He’ll eventually destroy all who believe in him and, very likely, he’ll crash and burn. Maybe this has already been done and we’re waiting for the crash/burn part. (I haven’t been following that closely.) But Mike, your summary is excellent, and yet — in my experience — doesn’t go back far enough. When Mayo was declared, all stable data went to hell in a hand-basket. And when the Loyal Officers were removed from post? What more did anyone need?
I think you are telling the future, Jane.
“What used to be a Bridge that you could walk across, step by step, has morphed into an endless cycle of one step forward, two steps back, over and over and over again. ”
Or perhaps it’s a circular track with a pole in the middle?
Re; Academy Levels
The lectures referred to were released on tape years ago as the Skills of a Theta Being, and have thus been available for 20 years. They were not just recently ‘discovered’. Just more DM BS.
Meticulous review was then done of every single LRH writing – starting from its inception and tracking it every single step of the way.
“And I do mean a review of every LRH original – issue by issue, word by word, comma by comma,” said Mr. Miscavige. “That’s how it had to be done. Because everything had to be right.”
Only in that way could all tech and materials be verified as on-Source – and alterations, additives and arbitraries from others be discovered and eradicated. Only in that way could the suppressive cancellations of LRH tech by others be discovered and that lost be restored. It was the work that had to be done, but which had never been done until now – and which will never have to be done again.
Yeah, right.
He sounds like Hitler rehashing the “years of struggle” story over and over, lulling the masses into submission with boredom, then lathers them to a fevered pitch with a screaming finale about eradicating the sub-thetan SPs!!!!
Ever feel like you’re tethered to a pole but never manage to run a full circuit?
Oh wait…that’s the Cause Resurgence RD.
Some Invalidation from GAT II, courtesy of the latest International Scientology News:
Re: The Clay Table and TR Course
The student (as a preclear) is processed not only on the full Cycle of Communication and all of its parts – which results in the ability to achieve perfect TRs and perfect communication cycle – but it also gives major case wins. Yet, this processing had been so alter-ised by others in the past that it no long resembled what LRH had developed. Arbitraries, perversions and suppression “complicated the living daylights out of it by be erecting every barrier imaginable to just doing a simple, beautiful, elegant form of processing,” said Mr. Miscavige. But now, TR Clay Table Processing is 100 percent Source.
Beyond that, the TRs should be simple. And now they are, with lost tech now recovered and on the course.Just one example Mr. Miscavige gave in illustration is HCO Bulletin 17 February 1979 “Training to Wins.” It was erroneously never issued, but has everything to do with what LRH discovered regarding supervisors teaching a TR course, with “Good training is training the student to a win.” And as Mr. Miscavige said in releasing the new Professional TR Course, “You’ve just heard the maxim of training in this Golden Age of Tech Phase II: Training the Student to a win.”
Re: Pro Upper Indoc TR Course
The materials for this course had actually been alter-is’d.
Re: The Pro Metering Course
“Now we come to the crux of the matter, and the Why for endless Professional Metering Courses and inability to master the meter. The Why is bad coaching!”
Re: Academy Levels
In addition to restoring the right course structure and checksheet sequence, Chairman of the Board RTC presented the monumental recovery of a lost tech that had been missing from auditor training since 1960 – the Special Hubbard Professional Course Lectures. LRH delivered them in April to May, 1959, and he had ordered multiple times over the years that these lectures be on the Academy. However, those who received these orders had a misunderstood and were “certain” they had the correct lectures. This omission was discovered during the Golden Age of Knowledge project.What was discovered was not only the lectures, bu an expired issue buried in the files LRH had written in 1959, leaving no doubt that they were the lectures he meant.
Re: Solo Auditor Course
As Chairman of the Board RTC pointed out when announcing the new Solo Auditor Course, “As is now abundantly clear, the way to not train someone is to pile up courses with all manner of ‘out=gradient’ data that belongs nowhere near that course. And the fill it with ‘complexities’ and ‘arbitraries’ just to make sure” At which point he removed the last complexity and arbitrary preventing Scientologists from moving up the Bridge on the Solo Auditor Course – which some had referred to as the “second longest course in Scientology, just behind the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course.”
Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but every one of those courses had been re-released as ‘pure’ and ‘on-Source’ by RTC in the ’90s.
Scientologists erwache! RTC under DerMidget was supposed to be guarding the purity of the Tech and ensure KSW since 1983…and yet here is a more or less full admission of not only incompetence, but intentional deceit. You’ve been paying for Tech that is alter-is’d and squirrel for 30 years! The last round of ‘better, faster’ ought to have been the last, but now you’re on round three….and now, suddenly, KSW is forever.
You can be 1000% certain that DM is THE Why.
I can attest to the fact that when I did the SOLO course in ’96 (or ’97) that it was the NEW Solo Course. DM can escape any personal responsibility for things being ‘out’ under his watch because of all the ‘lost’ material. Everyone buys this (that is still active in the church) because they are either not trained enough to know the difference, they don’t have a history with the church which precedes DM, they are trained but won’t think with it, or they are trained and figure that as long as the public are doing LRH then it’s all good. Whatever their personal opinion, they are contributing to a wheel of fortune spin going ca-ching, ca-ching for the church.
Also, a pc or auditor who isn’t doing well, or didn’t make it, can feel ‘oh, that’s my why.’ Wrong as it may be, it probably gives them temporary hope. He’s been invalidating since the basics, which turned my blood cold when I heard the event.
“You can be !000% certain that DM is THE Why.”
Not so. DM is the Who. A person cannot ever be a Why. And I agree with every outpoint you listed. The Why is, IMHO, one of the KSW points, (I forget which one) which says to stamp out of existence any out-tech, with ferocity, something like that.
EDIT: HE MUST REALIZE that trained public will ensure the best way to clear things, one person at a time!
Aola and Flag are reducing their auditing intensive prices. AO will be half of what is was. Sounds good, but wait…there’s more. This is interesting and the reactions from two people i know is that this is something benevolent and will help rocket people up the bridge. The rub, so to speak, is that the Flag training will go up! Couple that with the new meter orders and the added bridge crap and see what the new bottom financial line is for members??? Benevolent my ass. Now that for sure is against what LRH was doing in the 70’s. He made training cheaper by offering scholarships for full time training. The idea was to make auditors in abundance.
Here lies the biggest difference between LrH and DM…LRH did want people trained and I believe he did want people cleared etc., despite anything else he had going on. DM just wants to rule and has no clue how to keep the church going without inventing new stuff. He fails to realize that trained public will ensure the best way to clear things , one person at a time.
I agree with JP entirely. LRH was brilliant and I handled case and became wiser because of the work he did. I don’t care where he got it from, I think Scientology works like a charm from my experience as an auditor and pc. Still, there is no doubt in my mind that he was very pts and he did not finish auditing his case. DM has dramatized LRH’s worst, while offering no brilliance. He can’t see.
It still baffles me that staffers who are class 8’s and who have been around since the 70’s or before do not question his ‘tech’. But, I can only conclude that they, just as others, have fallen prey to being willing effect from day one, as JP was mentioning. The leader, the God, the genius, the ol’ man (LRH) ‘dropped his body’ (died) and another body was placed in his position. Whamo, no loss of terminal. Everyone kept looking upwards and following the lead as they always had done. No need to question, no need for grief. Lets face it, who ever really questioned LRH? Maybe close terminals on the tech lines- maybe. I’m sure most of us did so only quietly, if at all. To question DM is to question LRH . To disagree was NEVER allowed in the organization from day one. Many tech terminals are still under the spell of ‘Management knows all’, despite what they know or read, because they find ways where it makes sense because it HAS TO MAKE SENSE. Why else would people around DM follow orders and not take him down down down. Evidently, few people are willing to look.
This brings on a whole new discussion as to the true working nature of any group: is it possible to have a single head of anything? LRH really shut down the idea of a group solving anything and spoke of a benevolent dictator- which I believe he fancied himself to be- yet that is oxymoronic and clearly not possible. He dictated the tech, which I can have as long as it proved worthy, but the organization was run, and is run, like a one way flow: top to bottom on comm lines and command lines. The org board is not actually used as written. What matters is command channels only. One has to OBEY in the church or continually fight battles, which will result in ‘what have you done’ type of handlings.
On many blogs I see people commenting that LRH would be rolling over in his proverbial grave if he knew what was happening. I wonder.
I believe that theory about groups is both an unfinished study by LRH and taken out of context (even if he did so himself). As well as obviously being not factual, just by “looking and not listening.” There are many successful, non-corrupt groups out there happily working and planning together.
I believe “Bank think” is valid. I’ve seen it in action in groups and it can get pretty nasty. But that doesn’t make his sweeping statements about leadership true.
Thank you Galactic Patrol and Mike!
Great summary of the DMs milestones down the dwindling spirale.
It sure helps to be outside the box to clearly see this and appreciate being OUT!
Yeap, just happily C/Sing away in various languages here…..
Unless you have a real dry sense of humor, you give yourself away in your post.
Your chair over at OSA is getting cold.
Very well laid out post topic, great write-up.
We have plenty of pics of LRH reading his own basic books prior to 1960, even basing 70s checksheet items on specific chapters and sections, many of which got the golden typo axe in 2007. I suspect LRH knew that the typesetters slightly rearranged/modified the wording and grammar here and there and that he considered what they did acceptable. If that weren’t the case, we would have heard something about it. And still, the basic books had been updated from time to time over the years, some material added here, some removed there, and 2007 was just yet another amendment in a line of changes. Personally I find the 2007s easier to read, I consider the fixes an improvement, but I also keep a comparative analysis nearby to note where alterations were made. In this fashion I have a dual viewpoint between the earlier editions/originals, and the 2007s.
GP, superb article on the downtrending tech scene during the Dwarf’s regime, thank you. I am so looking forward to getting me some Indie auditing in the coming year.
While I essentially agree with Galactic Patrol’s very well made points, I would like to point out that I feel there is a more basic underlying cause here that ALLOWS these Miscavige actions (and indeed Miscavige himself) to be followed and even extolled in the world of Scientology.
There is a VERY heavy layer of evaluation found in much of LRH’s writings of the 1960s and a subtle, slow but sure way these evals (with accompanying invals) were made a very solid component of the Scientology experience. One was told by LRH that one’s highest motivation was duty to HIS mission that Scientology was the only way of salvation for the agonized futures of every man, woman and child on Earth. One needed to take on the crusade that we are the ONLY ones in the entire universe who, having the truth, need to dedicate ourselves to this task. That any impulse we might have to survive personally in a DIFFERENT way was “PTS to the middle class.” Throughout the 70s, LRH wrote more and more on specific dynamics and set out what was and what was not survival (this despite the fact that his OWN first and second dynamics and then subsequently his third were falling completely apart).
I could document the above with numerous LRH references, but the above will suffice as an intro to this as a point. HOW did this all wind up affecting “life under Miscavige?” From the first week I joined org staff in November of 1970, a number of staff members started to evaluate for me on what was survival for my life and what I “needed to do.” This started with “advice” on how college was a waste of my time, proceeded to what post I should want to hold in the org, etc etc etc. Eventually by the 21st century this had become the kind of heavy eval (and inval of anything else I was doing) about what I HAD to do with my second and third dynamics and all the money in my bank account (guess what that would be – ha).
LRH’s “know best” regarding what EVERY individual needed to think and do (just look at the beginning and end parts of Keeping Scientology Working) filtered down through time to teenage MAA;’s wearing his hat of knowing what every CoS member HAD TO DO to lead an ethical life (and heavy inval and eval to get that point across to each individual).
And of course, forced (over years) ACCEPTANCE OF INVAL AND EVAL as a way of life is the BASIC reason why Scientologists simply accept as a fact of life, whatever bullshit comes from “command intention” (Miscavige). THIS is the way one is EXPECTED to respond as a member of the Church of Scientology. The truth is revealed by our leader and we “figure out” how it is correct, because yes, it all MUST be the truth and must be the correct path to ultimate salvation.
So sad that this cannot be assimilated by most of the people here. 🙂
Great post. GAT caused me to have to do Student Hat certainty, though I had already done the Primary Rundown. Had to do the metering course even though I had done the Flag internship in 1988.
Had to redo Pro TRs that I did at Flag in 1988, Upper Indocs, Levels 0-4 certainty and NED certainty (Class V). I was on Grad V certainty when I joined staff at Tampa as an auditor in 2006.
I was also taken off Solo NOTS in 1997 order to have to do Solo Nots certainty – which also cost me 70K in re-eligibility sec-checks, as I already did my eligibility before getting on Solo Nots in 1992. I spent 8 months at Flag getting back on Solo Nots – all because of the alleged golden age of tech.
On top of that, while I was auditing on staff at Tampa, I was constantly being told I needed to do the “advance program” at Flag, which cost me 25K.
It started out by telling me I wasn’t clear. Then I had 3 intensives, mostly of NED (Dianetics) and I ended up sick. I ran out of hours and was given a “free” 10 august interview (a SCN interview to help with illness) supposedly because I was on staff.
What is most obvious as GP points out, these great “tech discoveries” make miscavige a ton of money.
The guy is a crim of Al Capone proportion.
Sheldon……… not sure why you’re complaining so much ………. you got a free 10 Aug fercryinoutloud! (sure you had a tremendous win on that that)
Not that I mean to sound snooty, but when you grow up on the means streets of inner city you don’t need a 10 aug to know who the hell is suppressing you. Beyond that, does it ever occur to anyone that coming to the conclusion that you are being “suppressed” means that you think some bigger being has gotten the best of you and you are laying down and spreading your legs to that? I mean, that’s YOUR fucking problem.
What do you think the rest of the people all over the world do when confronted with suppression? They all disconnect? Like everyone flies right out of whatever neighborhood they are in?
I do not think 99.9% of the Scientology community has A CLUE, that if I were to somehow, someway, be able to translate this ideology down onto the streets, the people there, would think Scientologists are very fucking theetie wheetie.
And here you have theeteie wheetie David Miscavige. He wants rich people in that have no problems. Lots of money, very successful. Celebrities and politicians. Wealthy. Rosk stars! Success stories! That stupid ass doesn’t have a clue that these people DO NOT HAVE A RUIN! NOTHING is ruining their life! So they are not prospects! So Tom Cruise wants plush buildings for people that have no ruins! DUH!
Scientology is not for people that are success stories! Scientology is for people with ruins!
Stupid mother fucker!
But because Mr. “important” has never had the OPPORTUNITY to work as a reg, or at a mission, he wouldn’t have a CLUE why interest occurs!
In the end, this makes David Miscavige as theetie wheetie as they come!
I could have delivered the streets up as a power. I had it in the palm of my hand. I paid an enormous price for that land. I invested into people that could not understand. Oh oh oh, how very ordinary I am.
This post by Galactic Patrol lays out part of the track of the dwindling spiral of Scientology under the direction of Miscavige.
Well done in giving such a clear picture!
What an utter shame that this has and is happening. I hope that those still on staff and the Scientology public can come to understand that this denigration of what Scientology once was is bringing about it’s demise.
Dear Galactic Patrol,
You have hit the nail on the head. Every nasty thing I have encountered in the Corporate Knowing how to not know or Knowing how to become stupider organization has been the application of both the Inval and Eval Tech brought to us by the Archons and their most popular and prominent exponent Mr David M.
I was fortunately brought up in Scientology by Yvonne at CCLA and experienced the cleanest and purest expression of positive attitude, support and validation which I could see came directly from the HCOBs of LRH. She operated on ARC. Inval and eval are the opposite. What drove me out of the SO at Flag was this out ARC that seemed to roll down from the highest.
On the plus side the cancer within is driving and has driven the brightest and the best out of the beast into the sunshine where they are setting up practices and training facilities everywhere, including mine where I deliver lower bridge up to Clear in Southern Oregon and elsewhere by travel.
The dream of LRH of a cleared planet is becoming a reality as the subject truly becomes an independent grass roots movement.
Love to you all and my postulates for your expansion, flourishing and prospering in the New Year.
Richard Royce
A perfectly exposed history of the disaster in the Co$ under David Miscavig tyrrany. Thanks Galacttic Patrol & Mike’s Blog
Thank you, GP. This is an amazing assessment. The next time someone calls to sell me something from Co$ I’m going to be very concerned and ask them… “Well, doesn’t this invalidate all the things we did before?… etc.” I’ll give them a ride. You gave me the words. Thank you. Have a wonderful new year.
In 2006 I was told, “You need to re-do some objectives.” I left shortly afterwards. Damn glad I did. I feel badly for those who are Clear and agreed when they were told they were not. I feel the same for those who re-did anything for that matter. When I saw and heard of people redoing OT7 and 8 I knew I was in for it. Thank you Jesus. I am sure he was told by his CS to “re-hang on the cross” if his CS was named Amy Devoe.
Rob, I was told the same thing. So I redid them at Atlanta org and did manage to have great wins. Then I went to Flag. I was told that I had to redo them a third time. I was told that I would have to do at least 500 hours. I told them to go fuck themselves and as far as I was concerned I was 100% DONE. I spent the next week in ethics being handled on some very old past handled ethics sits that were long gone and forgotten and being sold for $5000 worth of ACC’s that would hat me on the real wins of objectives. In fact I “would” cognite based on these tapes I was told. I was told that I would not go further on the bridge until I had done these objectives despite my protests of overrun.
At 11pm one evening after having lower ethics conditions forced on me (another violation of tech) I told them I was going to Starbucks for a coffee and would be back shortly. That was 4 years ago. I drove 900 miles non stop and never looked back.
Heres the cognitions I had.
No one in the current church gives a shit about you as a PC.
Its all about the money.
Caring about other beings doesn’t exist.
While doing conditions I realized that I could say whatever they wanted to hear and I would “get away with it”. A complete violation of my own integrity.
Reality is enforced on you.
So I wear my declare with pride.
Great Richard, me too!
Richard and Hallie, I wear mine with pride also. It’s essentially a cert that says, “This is to certify that the named person on this cert cannot be corralled under any circumstances.”
Mike Eldredge, Dec 26, 2013 at 2:07 pm: “I have now been auditing in the ‘field’ for the last 8 months and I can tell you that these invalidations are handleable in a very short span of time and actual Scientology is very much alive and well.”
Randy Smith, Dec 26, 2013 at 4:02 pm: “I am training and auditing people now, outside the Church of Scientology”
These comments remained me Steve Tustin’s essay, written by 2003, regarding criticisms of the FreeZone:
… “If you want to criticize, look to the Classed Auditors and OT s that have their certs hidden away in their bookshelf, yet won’t abandon their dream by throwing them away – and yet refuse to be here and communicate. They are the ones that deserve an equal share of your scorn and pity.” …
(There’s no direct link to this essay. For those who wish to read it: Go to , then go to the left bottom and click “Essay – Criticism”).
I find any condemnation of the Freezoners injustice. Some of them were at Hubbard’s original lectures and doing the briefing course as it was being organized into a course. I would not scorn or pity any scholar , auditor, Scientologist just because they choose to remain free of politics. Most of them did not become involved in Scientology for political reasons and choose to remain on a path of knowing and quietly practicing their craft. There is no shame in that. They do not owe hidden allegiances or debts as we manage this social dynamic. They assist things that assist survival. That is not to be invalidated. They do not “deserve scorn and pity”. That is a wrong indication. Frankly, that is a ser fac.
And as for any further INVALIDATION upon the Freezoners and the underground Scientology Movement, they DO have a representative on the front lines fighting for their rights and freedom. Me. I wear that hat. They audit and train people and create libraries and resources, make auditors, clears and OT’s.
Anyone looking to fair game these people (yet again) can consider me the right target.
Thanks, Oracle. I had a very similar internal response. Both “scorn” and “pity” are very low toned responses to anything. As with LRH’s description of ethics and morals in the Code of Honor, such responses are definitely moralistic and enforcing from without. (Why Hubbard then created an “enforcement” methodology and “ethics officers” has always baffled me.)
Long ago, when I held that hat in a mission, I would get into good comm with the individual, get HIS view of whatever the problem was, then have him look at the Conditions and tell ME where he thought he was. Worked every time. When that occurred, what I saw was immediate GIs and an eagerness to move up. I never bothered to “declare” anything. Any incorrect indication of Condition is just as much an Inval as in any auditing session.
The missions were the cornerstone of this grass roots movement. DM wiped out the mission network and put teenagers who never walked in a mission in their life over mission holders as seniors! S.M.I.. One guy I knew had to pay 40K for a “mission starter package” that arrived six months late and was a simple box of div six books!
Wild stupidity! He put people who had never smoked a cigarette in charge of the Narconon Network! Wild Stupidity! There were 13 Narconons in the U.S. when ABLE took over and in a few years there were FOUR! So many people have no idea about this!
He had to have his finger in every pie and run a CAN’T HAVE with Scientology on EVERYONE interested in the subject. The TAX MAN WHY? He isn’t the author of this stuff! He wants royalties on EVERYTHING WHY? He pushes paper!
TO: Well, just to set the record straight here:
1. It was LRH who put “teenagers” in charge of SMI with the formation of WDC. Though as I recall, the first WDC SMI was Annie Taskett, then John Aczel? Roger Barnes was in charge of SMI. None of those people could be called teenagers…. Not sure when it is you are referring to?
2. It was LRH that came up with the idea and specific direction for the SMI Starter Package
3. Not sure who it is that had never smoked a cigarette that was over NN. First, virtually everyone I knew of in the SO smoked! Second, not sure what time period you are referring to as the people who ran NN when I was around were seasoned “NN people”?
O.K. so maybe some of them smoked cigarettes. I was making a point. Had they lived on the streets, shot dope, snorted heroin, smoked crack? Hell, by the time ABLE took over the Narconon network I was considered a square! I know you do not mean to suggest those people had any idea what they were dealing with. Because I didn’t anymore.
If Hubbard was the source on SMI this is news to me. If Hubbard trusted teens to be in charge of missions this is news to me. There is a lot of missing data here as to why he would make a decision like that. But I will never be able to see Hubbard as a stupid man.
I was at ABLE and I did not meet anyone who was a “seasoned street person”. Because people with a drug history were not allowed anywhere near Sea Org Management. These people had no reality on drugs, it was an out qual , considered to be a liability to KNOW, about street drugs, to be at the Flag Command Bureau with a drug history yet they were driving the drug programs.
Do you mean to suggest I am wrong to point out that the people in the Sea Orgs are not experts on these matters?
I am not trying to make you wrong or target you, merely to ensure that factual information is imparted.
Now you know about SMI and the Mission Starter Package. And I did not say Hubbard was a stupid man. But EVERYTHING isnt sourced to Miscavige (and as is well documented here, I am not the president of his fan club).
The main people who ran Narconon — Gary Smith, Jeanne Trahant and others certainly had experience with drugs and handling drug addiction. But I am not sure who you are referring to? Them? Frank and Laurie Zurn? Many of the people that became ABLE were simply moved over from SoCo in the GO….
LSD was an out qual for the SO after a certain point (1979?) but not other drugs. And there were plenty of people in the Sea Org who had taken LSD. Among them some of the most senior people and faces of Scientology (though since put in the Hole).
So, if taking drugs makes you an expert in these matters, then there are plenty of experts…. Some really heavy ex-druggies populate the upper reaches of the Scientology hierrarchy (or at least they used to when there was a hierarchy).
PS: Thank you so much for the very thoughtful Xmas gift. In the scramble I omitted to email you…. 🙂
Frankly, I don’t care who was put in charge of missions or drug rehab. The Sea Org has no business on the streets. Most of them have not been on staff in a mission or ever had a drug problem. You can read all about another country but if you haven’t been there you are only looking at your own pictures. Just because you order egg rolls….I mean, for real most people have eaten them for decades…make one. Go one, show me how many people that eaten egg rolls can make one.
I am curious though, did Annie Taskett, or John Aczel, or Roger Barnes who were in charge of SMI, ever open, or work in, or establish, or run their own mission in a city that you know of?
I dont know.
I can make an eggroll.
Don’t think I am not your side. I am on the side that KNOWS. I know a little. I do not pretend to know things I do not know about., I know about the streets and I know about drugs.I know my own benefits. There is a side of the Scientology that knows, from the the streets. The Nation of Islam is pulling out right now. I know that. And I don’t know that because I am being uppity and snotty.
When I was around there Tom Woodruff was WDC ABLE and Simon Hogarth was the E.D.. Tom Woodruff and Simon were running the Narconon network. I didn’t think either knew anything about drugs.
Jeannie never ran the Narconon network. She ran Narconon L.A. (Since closed) She was the most knowledgeable and under Patty Schwartz’s thumb. They did not use her properly. Or flow her any power. Now they throw hide behind her.
The E.D. of Narconon Int, Patty Schwartz, had been into booze. That was her claim to fame. All she was doing was continuous regging of the NARCONONS. She was getting the Narconons to give up all their money to the Church of Scientology! Using her power to extort money! She was on tour! Driving the Narconons into bankruptcy!
Rena was P.R. and afraid to walk into a Narconon. John Travolta to agreed to come down to Narconon L.A., he calls Rena to bring him. She takes him to Narconon Int for a tour! Seriously! He asked her what the fuck she was thinking! He got in his limo and came by himself!
The president of Narconon, John Duff, was selling his book “The truth about Drugs”, in which he was claiming cocaine was NOT addictive! He knew it was not true by then, but he had stock to move! He was making money selling false information about drugs!
That is the situation I am talking about.
Thanks, makes sense.
I can’t believe I am actually going to write this. But it is time I got it off my chest.
The whole time Scientologists were being asked to donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to Chilloco, (and oh boy, they did!) Tom Woodruff was telling the staff at ABLE how corrupt and criminal the Indians were that were leasing the Church the land.
The whole time he was parading half naked Indians in head gear around the Flag Land Base , in head gear, he told me the Indians were running illegal gambling and child porn rings in Oklahoma. He hated Chilloco and he hated the drug addicts. And he hated the Indians and the fact that the Church was in bed with child porn people.
Simon was referring to Chilloco as “an abortion”.
But the Church was making MILLIONS every week on these drug addicts!
NONE of the money donated to help Narconon was ever used to help the network, after the initial opening expenses, which were also funded by donations.
On top of this, the Church was taking any revenue from the drug programs they bought in.
The Church of Scientology has made MILLIONS of dollars of profit off of drug addicts!
When the place first opened in Oklanhoma, part of the lease agreement was to put 60 Indians through the program. They did put 60 Indians through the drug program. A total of FOUR of them got weaned off the booze.
Chilloco was one big money maker for the Church. A.B.L.E. staff were registrars, every single one of them, except for Laurie Z. and some guy named Joe. Tom was a reg, Simon was a reg, Dick Story was a reg, Rena was a Reg, Brian was a reg. Everyone’s stat was MONEY MONEY MONEY.
The PURPOSE of ABLE was to MAKE MONEY for the Church of Scientology.
There wasn’t one single person up there who actually had a job to help another human being. You know who WAS helping other human beings? The former drug addicts. That is who was making a difference in this world. And helping someone else. And they were regarded as the scum of the Earth.
Hey Kirstie, since you care so much about your religion, why don’t you ask about your friend Rena?
Those staff at ABLE wanted to help and wanted to make a difference. They were forced to hustle for money money money.
That group was about the most decent group of people (excluding Tom, he REAAAAALLY went out of valence , I watched it happen right in front of my face) under the constant pressure for money money money.
And the money that Scientologists gave in good faith, to a leader with fiduciary trusts, to help CHILDREN get off drugs, is now being used to fund David Miscavige’s attempts to win a license to dabble in domestic terrorism in Texas.
You bet I’m mad about that. Because I was USED unwittingly to help build that! The “help” Miscavige obtains is even gained covertly and based on LIES.
You bet I am going to be in Texas if you show up there! With HUGE SIGNS. And my own brand of Way to Happiness Booklets!
Full Definition of PIMP
intransitive verb
: to work as a pimp
transitive verb
: to make use of, often dishonorably, for one’s own gain or benefit
David Miscavige is a PIMP! He is a successful PIMP from Philly!
I hope “OT8 is great” starts photo shopping his face on elaborate PIMP outfits. I would do it myself but I don’t know to do it.
I digress.
David Miscavige is a PIMP. He uses all staff and Scientologists dishonorably, for his own gain and benefit. He is pimping Tom Cruise! He is pimping you OSA spies! You are being pimped by this man and LOVING it!
His favorite curse is, “Go suck cocks on Hollywood Boulevard.” Pimp commands!
Do you have any idea what it is like to wake up one day at the Flag Command Bureau to realize you have DEFRAUDED hundreds of thousands of dollars away from people, because some Pimp at the top is actually running the show? To realize you have been unwittingly used as a CRIMINAL? That you are in a worse condition than before you got involved with the “religion”?
At least I TURNED MYSELF IN to the F.B.I. Dave. I was willing to go to prison when I realized what was going on, for what I had done to people.
I sat right in the F.B.I. office and began to call people, one at a time. YOUR Church “members”. I couldn’t get ONE of them to testify. They were afraid of YOU Dave. Afraid they would get declared and their company partners or wives or children would disconnect from them.
That is how you keep your current membership together, FEAR.
Do you really think these people like you Dave? They don’t! We know how you manage doubters and protesters don’t we Dave? Domestic terrorism.
Thanks for the testimony Don! The PIMP riding in his limo with his back up crew!
Not YOU right Dave? You aren’t going to admit to anything are you? Deny Deny Deny. Have you ever Googled “The Church of Scientology denies”? Try Googleing “The Church of Scientology denies”.
No Dave, you would rather pimp those staff into the ground until they die at their desk spending a fortune of the money THEY EARNED for all of lawyers you need right now in three different states.
And now that I remember, oh, well, let’s save something for my next rant. I have so much more to share. But there is a natural order of things.
And the fact that the Chaplain at the Flag Land Base chose to drug up unruly customers, (covertly) and fly them home just doesn’t seem all that, well, baaaaad, against the back drop of YOU dabbling in domestic terrorism!
Oh Yeah, drugs are just fine as a solution as long as you need to drug up your customers! Without them even knowing! Or your staff, imprisoned on the Freewinds! You solve problems the same way the psychs do Dave, drugs, all the while pimping your CCHR staff into the sidewalk for money money money!
You know something Dave, the Church has turned into a chronic 1.1 under your command.
Please refer to Science of Survival for Hubbard’s advice on ridding society of the 1.1’s.
I agree with your sentiment to a great extent and more about those who hold up those certs as some marketing tool to attract people who want to go up the Bridge but get some other tech than LRH’s. I do grant the right of a highly trained OT to walk away and not look back. Maybe those who have done so did it because it was what they needed to do to keep going forward. They don’t get piled on to the pile of poop the auditors who used LRH’s coattails to ride as they indulged their purposes to alter things and espouse some “newer, better” routine and CALL it Scientology auditing. That’s where the scorn is earned not the guys who decided to walk and not look back. IMHO
I humbly share with you that I’ve attested two Clears this past year and helped several OTs get on to or back on to Solo NOTs in addition to repairs and grades done I helped get an old NOTs CS back in the chair and saddle as a CS. I’ve been happy enough with 2013 but 2014 is starting out of the blocks to be a big year as an auditor, CS and Solo NOTs auditor – wish me well?
Everyone should be made do the Cause Resurgence Rundown. Again. And then again. And again. And then again. Hamster. Wheel.
Excellent post!
Hope everyone had a Merry Xmas or a Happy Hanukah and are currently having an awesome Kwanzaa, winter solstice or whatever.
That’s pretty much summarizes what’s been happening in the Orgs these days.
One word:
Yep that pretty much covers it.
If you’re a Scientologist who had the dubious “misfortune” of being audited or have done any training before phase II well you can kiss your gains goodbye because by the time you’re finished a grueling 150 hours of objectives or forced to “Method 4” the whole Student Hat you’ll be convinced you’ve never had any which is probably the method behind that madness.
If you survive that then your the perfect candidate for running endlessly around a pole until they tell you that your okayed for that R6 Implant they’re calling “Super Power”.
You know the one with the flashing screens and the moving chairs designed by NASA.
(You know the same place that used Paper Clip Nazis like Wernher von Braun.
Maybe they should drop the SA and replace it with a ZI.
Just a thought.
But anyhoo…)
Then if you make it through that.
You get your Grades quickied by running 6 magical processes which are supposedly going to have you achieve the “EP” of each Grade.
Who knows how?
Maybe by some hypnotic suggestion of some kind.
Followed by engrams…..more than likely literally.
Then you’ll likely be pushed through the “Alternate” which it seems has become the only route to Clear these days at you know where.
Then if you make it through OT III after being overburdened with objectives and under unburdened with Grades. You get to go onto NOTs and you’ll be on the 6 month check merry-go-round.
If you live through that. You might get to “Truth Revealed” whereas the truth that you’ve been screwed might reveal itself.
But why wait for that cognition.
Like my friend GP says.
Get out now.
While you still can.
Save your money and your sanity.
There are quite a number of auditors like moi who will give you nothing but Standard Tech if that’s what you want.
Or if you want to decompress or key out from the mass you’ve been stuck in over there for so long then that’s ok too.
I’m wishing all of you either in or out a Happy New Year and may I offer a suggestion for a New Year’s resolution for those still in.
Decide to leave by the nearest exit available.
“Scientology sets itself apart from psychology and psychiatry specifically over these two “shuns – evaluation & invalidation”. Just a comment about this particular part as I disagree with it. In fact that is what C of S wants us to believe so there is an “Us versus Them” mentality – Scn versus the Psychs. But from my research & experience in psychology that is not the case – sure it happens that a counselor will evaluate a situation but in most cases it is them asking their client certain questions so as to get the client to come to their own conclusions, which is the same concept as auditing. Of course it can be abused just like auditing, but I hope that Ex-Church members are starting to realize that the entire field of Psychology is not how the Church portrays it to be. In fact there are many Ex-Cult members Scn’s or otherwise who have gotten a lot of relief & help by going to see a psychologist – to help with depression, PTSD etc. I was a strong supporter of CCHR did a lot of volunteering for the cause. Because of all the conditioning & brainwashing about “Psychiatry / Psychology” inside the church I didn’t even believe Depression was a real thing until I experienced it first hand after leaving the church. Psychiatry on the other hand is another ball of wax…the 2 are not the same.
I second this, and would add that in my experience, therapists/psychologists (depending on the approach) strictly refuse to evaluate for you. Instead, they know just the right questions to ask.
Ditto on not believing about depression. There is a lot of false data about psychology (and psychiatry for that matter) floating around in the church. Now tell me, that is not evaluating for you? Feeding you data to a point where your out of touch with your own feelings and have no words for them? It’s a very long way out.
“Scientology sets itself apart from psychology and psychiatry specifically over these two “shuns – evaluation & invalidation”. Yeah, Janette, that kind of stuck in my craw, too. There are fundamental philosophical differences between the two practices.
Scientology is based on spirit. Psych-whatever is based on “man from mud”. The “shuns” are way, way down the list.
The fact that psychiatrists do the worst evaluation and invalidation of all, as in “You’re so messed up you can only be helped if we drug you”, is probably a major difference, too.
The funny thing is that Scientology NEEDS psychiatry. Yes, I said it.
Scientology, by its written tenets and beliefs and practices IS NOT PERMITTED TO TREAT THE INSANE.
So when someone wanders into a “church” of Scientology Inc looking for help but after a few minutes proves that he’s off his egg, the only place that will accept him is the local loony bin.
The number of motive-free mysterious brutal killings occurring in the United States has led to an outcry for determining if people who buy guns are nuts or not. People want to create a safe environment by walling off the nutsos from our families.
And we all know that the US government WILL NOT put any validity in what Scientology deems is bonkers.
So Scientology needs psychiatry.
The problem is not psychiatry. The problem is that psychiatry “claims” to be a scientific way of dealing with the insane. But at the same time DOES ABSOLUTELY NO TESTING OF CUCKOO-BIRDS BEFORE PUTTING THEM ON HARMFUL PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS.
(Prime example: “You have a chemical imbalance, here, take this Prozac.” NO SAMPLING OR TESTING OF THE PERSON’S BRAIN CHEMISTRY IS DONE.)
And once on the harmful psychiatric drugs, continued follow-up and testing is not done. A paranoid schizophrenic is put on meds, decides he doesn’t need to take them, and stops taking them. Six months later, he’s shooting up a post office.
If we’re going to demand a safer society by eliminating the nut-cases from our environment, it can’t be accomplished with a catch-and-release approach.
Scientology needs psychiatry. Not a war.
Re the statement: “Scientology is based on spirit. Psych-whatever is based on “man from mud”. The “shuns” are way, way down the list.”
Not really that black and white in my experience. Read “History of Man,” check out body thetans, the ability to somehow freeze a “static” with glycol, the genetic entity, engrams, claims about somatics, the purif, the running process, and so on, and I think you have to conclude that Scientology very much agrees with the physical impact on the “spirit.”
That very much overlaps into the “psych-whatever” view that some things do indeed have a physical, or neurological, or biochemical genesis.
And psychologists are not dummies. They know very well that the root word of their profession traces back to Greek psyche, which, contrary to Hubbard, does not just mean spirit but can also be translated as “mind.” Beyond that, there are many “psych-whatevers” that believe in some sort of spirt every bit as much as Scientologists do.
Abuses have certainly occurred in both Scientology and psychology and psychiatry. Hubbard himself sought psychiatric help at one point. He didn’t get it — at least not paid for by the VA. That, plus the very real psychiatric abuses of the mid-20th century would have rightly made Hubbard indignant about a so-called field of mental health that electro- and chemo-shocked people, conducted lobotomies, and so forth.
Likewise, Scientology was rightly reined in for making false claims about healing physical illnesses. It is now under scrutiny for the unscientific, unsubstantiated claims of Narconon (the lack of scientific validation of claims has even been attested to by former Narconon heads). The Type III handling for so-called psychotic breaks have led to death (most famously Lisa McPherson). And the purification rundown has pretty well been shown to be bunk.
That black and white “spirit” vs. “man from mud” just doesn’t hold up to an informed look at things.
The Scientology claim that “it works” is nonsensical, when every instance of it not working is blamed on out-tech, PTS, SP, etc. It amounts to saying it always works except when it doesn’t. That is underwhelming.
Compare the more humble claims of the “psych-whatevers” who do not claim absolute answers, who do explore and continue to improve, who are bolstered by evolutionary science, physiology, neurochemistry, and other truly scientific fields to understand how the human brain works.
I do agree that psychiatrists can get off track with the drugs and so on. But good God, look at how far Scientology can get off with treating things it knows little about — especially and perhaps foremost its inability to spot the sociopath at the top of its org chart!
I had huge success from the purif. Changed my life. And people could see it. It even still shows in pictures I look back on.
No gym or personal trainer has been able to match it.
The purif reminds me vaguely of Native American sweat lodges
Anon, I would not be one to diminish in any way what you experienced. I myself had lots of successes and realizations in both training and auditing.
What I would say is that from a scientific research perspective — a perspective that would be persuasive in the world — one or even many anecdotes do not make a persuasive case.
What would make a persuasive case would be double and triple blind studies, statistical analysis, exploration of alternate hypotheses as to what is happening, and so on.
Scientology puts much emphasis on gnostic ways of knowing and thus on observation: what is true for you is true for you, and obnosis (observation of the obvious), for example.
Yet in terms of scientific research, observation is the weakest form of a research study, since it can easily misidentify causes and correlations.
Observation and anecdotal evidence are not useless by any means. They are signposts to further and more rigorous study. That is why I personally think Scientology should be subjected to research: not to invalidate it, but to acknowledge that it has some successes and find out why and how.
I get what you are saying. Actually, I decided a long time ago that getting rid of mental hospitals was a bad idea. First, it just isn’t going to happen because the church says to do it LOL. But, as you say, we can’t handle people who are insane, and I mean that both legally and realistically. How many people out there CAN turn a complete insane person into a sane person. Who has done it?? This includes auditors and LRH. In theory, it should be possible but according to LRH, we don’t have time because we are too busy clearing people who deserve it, can afford it, and who aren’t barred from help from the government. So, whatever reasons, the church won’t/can’;t make the insane sane, and I don’t see anyone else doing it either.
As I allready said, You don’t want to take away Angry Gay Pope’s anti-shizopreny meds.I mean the Protester Dan, not Dave who is alsoo angry and thinks he is the pope.
No single gene has been discovered behind ADHD. Genetic research, whilst of continuing interest, is still wildly inconclusive and in no way establishes a neuro/biological basis for this “disorder”.
I’m an auditor, c/s, and teacher. I don’t sing praises for psychiatry. However, a gene has been found and labeled. I can refer you to the information if you would like to read it.
Excellent and very clear post. It should be included in the key references study of any Scientologist or person who has left.
I think the article is extremely unfair. Why does he not consider the perfectly plausible idea that Mr. Miscavige is sincere, and wants to do it right, but is mistaken? Or simply hasn’t been proven right yet. Maybe all those “wins” and “gains” are not what they seem? I can’t blame Miscavige for calling it as he sees it, for making the attempt to straighten Scientology tech out.
Seriously? Ok, let’s say that you really mean this and sincerely believe that Miscavige is of good intent. Consider this:
We already know that it is a direct violation of KSW #1 to even think of altering any of the tech for any reason. But ignoring that policy letter, let’s also consider the stats and the results of these changes. Is Scientology a thriving, expanding religious movement that is well on its way to flipping the theta/entheta ratio, clearing the planet and achieving the Aims of Scientology? I don’t see how anyone could conclude that these things are occurring right now. Do any survey you want in any sector of society. Is Scientology even visible anywhere? Other than, of course, as a complete joke in the general media and having a reputation as a vicious and greedy cult which seeks to destroy anyone who speaks out against it.
Even if you think Miscavige means well, it is very obvious that he is not applying proper evaluation tech. LRH states that humility is a key trait for an evaluator, because if you find and implement a wrong Why, things will get worse, stats will crash and you have to go back and revise the Why and get the ship back on course.
Yet Miscavige has proven over and over again through his dictatorial enforcement of his Whys that he does not have a humble bone in his body. He literally cannot admit that he has ever done anything wrong. Yet Scientology has been being guided solely by his “evals” for the past 20+ years and it is completely failing in its mission.
It does not take anywhere near 20 years to prove an eval is right or wrong. You know right away. Just read the Data Series. It’s all in there. Any honest assessment of Miscavige’s abilities as an executive, administrator and evaluator would have resulted in his Comm Ev and dismissal many years ago. But who’s left to call that Comm Ev? Who’s left to carry it out? Miscavige has personally gotten rid of every single person who could. Was that just his “misguided good intentions”? Somehow, I don’t think so.
LRH says countless times that you manage by statistics and products. My article here is an honest assessment of Miscavige’s products.
How long would you wait for him to abuse people before you decided he was a failure?
Are you just trying to be sarcastic like OT VIII IS Great does? Or are you out of your mind, Mooser?
Are you the kind of person, who, when seeing an older lady motionless in a pool of blood on the ground and a guy with a smoking gun bent over her, would think “oh the kids are just having
When Davie consistently attacks the tech, he shows his real intent.
Open your eyes.
Mooser, there is a lot more reading to do if you recently started researching. I had the same thoughts when I first started looking for the why’s for out points. Keep going. You’ll have the answers to your question pretty fast.
Why even allow this idiots post. This is the second such troll in the last week or so. I personally don’t see this as useful input. Its obvious that its just someone stirring the pot.
Incorrect. This is the questioning of someone who was where I was at back in 2011.
I felt that the Church was definitely going bad, but that it was probably middle-upper execs implementing things incorrectly, because I’ve run into some pretty nasty characters.
I thought that CoB was just not informed, swamped with other stuff, etc. etc. until I saw the interview where the senior exec’s wives flat out lied. Tommy Davis and Lesevre spit out outpoint after outpoint, and the interviewer called them on the outpoints, and they just avoided the question with another no-answer.
I also doubted the physical violence (even though I had my own experiences on this with upper management) – seeing Cook’s testimony was chilling.
It’s not someone stirring the pot. it’s someone asking questions.
That’s a good thing.
Hello. An executive isn’t measured by his sincerity. He is measured by stats. Have you looked at his stats? What do they show?
You have a responsibility per the Group Credo and the Code of a Scientologist to inform yourself and others of the true state of the CoS. This is what tens of thousands have done before you and continue to do outside its orbit. The fact that you’re here on this blog suggests an interest in doing this. I salute you, if so. It takes balls of steel.
Apply the Data Series and find out for yourself. Some great LRH refs on this can be found at
Do well 🙂
Wow GP, soooo well said and….I dunno who on the fence could just walk away from this. I love reading these articles of collected information because it reminds me of the true facts behind the generated confusions, smoke and mirrors.
Sometimes I write things down to help myself peel away from old junk I still discover I have. It helps get down to the truth. I just sifted through a whole area of inval and eval I experienced as an SO member that was not connected to any technical application at all. You know how often SO members actually got auditing, so I guess I was fortunate to NOT have gone in session at all for many years.
But in day-to-day life and post activities in the SO it was horribly invalidative and evaluative as well. Has the same effect. I noticed how my Grade Chart gains had practically disappeared, but with examining this and writing it all down I untangled it and had some great realizations.
I remember an old issue from the red vols, don’t think it was an HCOB way back then, but it said that you should maintain the auditor’s code in your dealings with people in life too. If you do you will really succeed. It’s just a great way to treat and respect people. These very basic concepts have been disposed of (attempted to). A simple, proper comm cycle and the basic good intentions of an auditor are not something Miscavige has or probably ever had. He couldn’t even train as an auditor–he flunked out. So he can’t duplicate the original materials anyway, thinks it’s all wrong in his black little universe and he doesn’t care and can’t see what the effects of his “tech discoveries” are as long as he gets more money.
Thank you again for taking the time to write this up and make it so easy to understand.
Dave, Time to just get lost and fuck off.
LRH is quite explicit about the value of the Grades on the Class VIII lectures. He also clearly states in the C/S Series that he would never have authorized Triple Grades (which later evolved into the Quads) if he had known these would be used to replace the full Grades. Now the GAT II “grades” do just this with the added twists of emphasizing speed (out C/S Series 9) and mixing Major Actions and Repairs (out C/S Series 115) in part by including NED handlings as part of Grade IV. Obviously The Verbal Tech Checklist has been invalidated along with all the experienced auditors who’ve just lost their certs (again) thanks to the vision of one man who never passed a single internship in his life. Yes, David Miscavage washed out as an auditor many years ago at St Hill due to hitting his pc. Instead of being handled as the anti-auditor he revealed himself to be the whole thing was glossed over as he was “a good kid.” That single Supervisor’s non-confront of evil opened the door for the demise of Scientology. The brutal are leading the willingly blind.
“From a tiny acorn, the mighty oak doth grow.”
You make the comment: ‘That single Supervisor’s non-confront of evil opened the door for the demise of Scientology.’
And over at the Bunker today, folks are pondering the what ifs?…what if they had spoken up sooner, rather than saying nothing when some kind of ‘bell went off.’
We are all called to be attentive, in each and every moment, and then to act with integrity…thank you for this reminder.
“Instead of being handled as the anti-auditor he revealed himself to be the whole thing was glossed over as ‘he was “a good kid.'”
IIRC, they blamed it on the steroids in His allergy meds. Of course, asthma steroids (corticosteroids) are *not* the anabolic steroids that cause “‘roid rage,” but most people don’t know the difference so the shore story was accepted.
Still, He has never passed an internship on anything. He Who Must Not Be Named, the Prophet of Scientology, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige has never done any training past Level IV. He got thrown off His internship for hitting His PC, He has never received advanced auditing (probably isn’t even Clear), and He has never done any Admin training. He is a pencil pusher, the chairman of the board of a corporation that administers copyrights.
Tiny Dick hasn’t seen the real world since 10th grade, when He dropped out. He hasn’t seen the inside of a course room in 40 years. The whole Goddamned Sea Org reminds me of Lord of the Flies, with that useless, untrained asshole in charge.
Now, Scientology is a small town. Everybody knows everybody. If you ask around about somebody for a while, you’ll find somebody who audited that person, somebody who that person audited, somebody who FES’d the folders, someone who twinned with him on something… If you knew my name, you’d find someone who audited me and someone whom I audited pretty easily.
*NOBODY* claims to have been audited by that asshole Miscavige. *NOBODY* claims to have audited Him. NOBODY steps up and says, “I was His course Sup on NED.” He has NO CERTS.
Case Closed.
Great summary, Galactic Patrol! Reading this, in my opinion, will indicate as truth and blow charge for anyone who has tangled with what has passed for “tech” in the RCS, especially since 1996, as you point out.
For me it blows charge on all flows, including having had it done to oneself, self done to others (not much of this flow for me, Thank God!), seeing others do it to others (by the thousands!), and self having done it to self (mainly by having agreed, say, by waiting endlessly for that examiner to indicate the FN you KNOW you had, and not just walking out the door right then!)
I am training and auditing people now, outside the Church of Scientology, in pre-’91 tech and often hear in their accounts the specific kinds of Inval and eval they received, as you have described.
The magnitude of the crimes Miscavige has committed on LRH’s tech, and the extent of the damage it has inflicted on thousands, which has now been well documented, is nearly impossible to overstate. The word that most comes to mind to describe these crimes is *heinous.
Fortunately, the tech itself, correctly applied as developed by LRH, in the hands of a properly trained practitioner, can and does help one to repair the damage.
And one can then avail oneself of the tremendous know-how, increased awareness and ability afforded by the tech of LRH, in its unadulterated form. (happily, I see this daily)
This is an especially RIGHT target, in my opinion, in analyzing the major factors in what went wrong (and continues to BE WRONG) with the Church of Scientology.
And it also serves to VALIDATE the tech itself, as the explanation for WHY this kind of inval and eval is so devastating, plus the means to repair it, are contained within the tech, and within the reach of anyone who cares to look.
Thanks again for your highly pertinent and articulate post, GP! And especially to MR, for posting it.
This is going to be, I predict, a much happier New Year for many!
(pronounced HAY-nus)
(of a person or wrongful act, esp. a crime) : very bad or evil : deserving of hate or contempt
“These murders were especially heinous.”
Derivation: Middle English, from Anglo-French hainus, heinous, from haine hate, from hair to hate, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German haz hate — more at hate
First Known Use: 14th century (From Merriam Webster Online)
synonyms: odious, wicked, evil, atrocious, monstrous, abominable, detestable, contemptible, reprehensible, despicable, egregious, horrific, terrible, awful, abhorrent, loathsome, hideous, unspeakable,… (from Google dictionary)
At least a hamster wheel is cheaper and a good form of exercise.
Excellent post GP – right on the money. Now, speaking of money ….
“These “discoveries” were turning out to be big money makers for the Church.”
For several years I tried to figure out what and why and how come, regarding the Golden Age of Tech, the Basics, and so on. Then I realized the simplest answer was it fact the truest one for me. It’s all about the Benjamins. The reason for all of the alterations, the new discoveries and the rest of the nonsense, is that it generates income.
I’ve stopped looking beyond this; stopped trying to answers questions that didn’t actually exist. There are no reasons for the lack of Clears, except the urge to make money by having everyone redo it. There are no bad objective cases – only a desire for more income.
“Follow the money” isn’t a tired cliche, it’s a spot-on assessment of what motivates Dear Leader.
Once again, good data.
It follows the trail – DM actions, since the beginning, were geared towards wiping out Scientology: closed the Missions and declare the Mission Holders, all Field Auditors to do GAT or not auditing allowed, fill HCO with ‘new kids’ easy to indoctrinate, wipe out Qual by removing all veteran Qual staff and place soft people in it, replace HCO Bs with GAT Packs and Drills, make Orgs impossible to exist and deliver by making huge luxury buildings impossible to be financially maintained, forget to train and audit and concentrate in ripping off members’ none through IAS and what not.
This, plus all the above invalidation of pre clears and auditors alike has been his route…
However the field has many good people and absolutely all the materials, so, no go Mr DM…you failed again, good try, but in fact you failed again.
Exactly what happened.
Thank you Galactic Patrol, for the very well written essay. Your points are easy to understand and make perfect sense. I’m sure many will get some benefit reading this. I sure did!
Now more than ever this is the time for people who are stuck on the hamster wheel inside Miscaviges abomination of Scientology to consider their own progress and amount of money spent in the last 20-30 years. Consider this; many people who have left the “Church” have quickly handled whatever technical actions were needed and have moved on up the line. The choice is clear. Remain parked and PTS and remain broke or make the bold move to DISAGREE and GO FREE. There is no other choice. People are completing major steps on the LRH bridge and moving on up the line and this is totally possible and financially feasible and doable OUTSIDE the C of S. LRH wanted people to do the entire bridge. It is available. No stops. No suppression. Friendly knowledgable qualified and supportive Independent Auditors, C/S’s and course sups are busy everyday delivering L Ron Hubbards Bridge outside the suppressive reach of David Miscavige. The choice is yours.
Damn right, Doug. And if you choose *not* to do it, to walk away completely, nobody will hire PIs to tail you, put surveillance cameras up across the street from you, or send a bunch of Indies to wear stupid helmet cams and harass you.
Wanna study and practice Scientology? Cool. You don’t? Cool. We’re all decent people trying to enjoy life.
Life is somewhat sane *outside* the damned “church.”
Passionate speech
Going to leave the critique at home and leave this here:
“There is only one security, and when you’ve lost that security, you’ve lost everything you’ve got. And that is the security of confidence in yourself; to be, to create, to make any position you want to make for yourself. And when you lose that confidence, you’ve lost the only security you can have. … Self-confidence is self-determinism. One’s belief in one’s ability to determine his own course. As long as one has that, he’s got the universe in his pocket. And when he hasn’t got that, not all the pearls in China nor all the grain and corn in Iowa can give him security, because that’s the only security there is.”
-L. Ron Hubbard
Love to know what the source of that quote is….
Found it: Lecture POSTULATE PROCESSING 15 October 1951
Older lectures are saner, gets more cookie when you move forth in time.
Alsoo thank you for reminding me. I just see postulates as things you plan to do, like Mike flying in an helicopter above slappy’s head.
Many people say I will do this or I will do that but do not follow-throug or are discouraged easily lacking push-through.
Postulate realized is Plan acomplished
Very good post Mike, my hats off for Galactic Patrol also.
I cannot predict as yet whether the Super Power Building will become a
a Walmart or Computer super store.
On the upside all one has to do is rent roller skates to convert the Cause Resurgence floor
into an in store roller rink.
It shall be a Brookstone. Can cheesy recliners give a touch assist? And foot massagers…..
Right on the money, GP. Very well expressed.
Dear Mike,
What you have written here is a very good synopsis of what has gone on since I left in 1993. I have now been auditing in the “field” for the last 8 months and I can tell you that these invalidations are handleable in a very short span of time and actual Scientology is very much alive and well. There is really no reason whatsoever to even pay attention to anything “revised” or re written by Miscavige as Scientology was complete as a Technology upon LRH’s leaving, with the exception of a few issues that were still on the lines for publication at that time. Take all of the “revisions” after 1991 and throw them in the garbage or have a bonfire, go out to your garage and exhume the “old” versions and get on with actually moving up the Grade Chart if you so desire .
I would think that now, now, is the time to consider who will succeed Miscavige, and lead Scientology out of this dark age and into the murk. Every organization, every religion, every country in the world has some kind of a succession procedure, and history certainly shows the kind of bloody destructive power-struggles which result when succession is contested!
Now is the time to see and get to know the candidates for succession if, God Forbid, something untoward should happen to Mr. Miscavige, or, more likely, when the time comes that his own affairs will leave him insufficient time to manage the Church. Even he can’t do it on work-release.
So who, at thgis point, is in line to succeed Miscavige?
I don’t think there is anybody left. It’s just a bunch of buildings now. And slaves. Nobody is going to go back that. Scientology is better in the Free Zone with people communicating. The sheeple who are left are like Nazi Youth… completely loyal to the abusive leader. ?? How could anyone in their right mind want to take over that?
It will be interesting to see it play out. I appreciate your good will and good thoughts.
“Succeed” implies “Success”.
There is no one left in the church who is capable of being an exec and succeeding Miscavage. He got rid of all the execs who had the fire in their belly. The only people left are brainwashed sycophants. And that is not understating things. And if you look outside the church for leaders, Marty has already said he doesn’t want the job. And I don’t think Mike does either, but correct me if I’m wrong, Mike. There isn’t anyone in the Indie field I can think of who would want to take over the RCS and try to right it. Maybe just best to give it a good burial and tell it to RIP and then get on with it in the Indie field. The full Bridge and training are available standardly as Ron intended it (really intended it) in the Indie field. Avail yourself of it and get the wins you so justly deserve and worked hard to get.
No correction needed…
I’ll do the job! But only if I can have a choice of 4 meals every day, Alaskan smoked salmon flown in every day, alter the tech the way I want it to be, never have to go into study (or a sec check session for that matter), slap people around the head a bit, imprison any of my “enemies” and degrade them at the same time, invalidate every Exec that came before me (to show what a cool dude I am), about 100k in salary and all expenses paid, personal security guards, helicopter rides, Armani suits, watch DVDs of Hollywood stars confessionals, throw the cans at any auditor who dares to try and audit “my” case, beat up a few Qual Secs who don’t know what an “F/N” is, covertly raise prices by “donations”, ignore any LRH policy I don’t like, empty the Orgs and then get clapped at and “adored” at events for doing all of the above (and much much more but I got bored with writing it all down). Oh! And having (any remaining) “Scientologists” live in fear of my arbitrary actions and declare those who disagree with me getting all this!. Not bad eh? Yep, I’ll do that job – what a hoot!