For the latest proof that the “ideal org” strategy has NOTHING to do with “clearing the planet” but is simply a real estate, money making scheme and PR campaign for internal scientologists, look no further than the “ideal org” of Ireland.
Here is a new pitch they sent out which I have highlighted to note some significant points.
First thing to note: this “org” is being sponsored by the IAS — they must need to invest in some more real estate to satisfy IRS requirements.
But that “sponsorship” is ONLY to buy the building and renovate it. NOT to “set up” the “ideal org” because this letter is a pitch to get money to fund moving people from other countries to Ireland so they can be on staff…
They state this is being done in a country with ONE small and failing mission with a small field.
Yet this never before existing “org” has more auditors in training than ANY OTHER ORG ON EARTH. Wow… Doesn’t say much for the other places. Including the high profile ones like Boston that has been around forever and is the original “St Hill Size Org”…
There is clearly NO demand for scientology in Ireland. In fact it has been a VERY hostile environment for scientology for some time. There was a lawsuit there that was equivalent to the Christofferson/Wollershiem cases in the US. The press in Ireland has been routinely hostile. Scientology has to open their books to the public there (which is going to be VERY interesting once the “ideal org” opens).
Obviously this is being done so Miscavige has SOMETHING to announce at the IAS event. It is being rammed through faster than any org in history — supposedly going to be done in September so he can pop in with a video team and yank the ribbon and then “announce it” at the IAS event. I doubt he will be able to muster 500 people for his yanking — from all over the UK and Europe. You can bet virtually every SO member with 1000 miles will be there to try and boost the crowd.
For some reason there is a fascination with Ireland — they opened a “PR Office” there and now an ideal org? Why? Certainly it is NOT because Ireland is the “stepping stone into Europe”. How absurd is that. Scientology already exists in every country in Europe. No need for a “stepping stone” — how about an ideal org in France? Or Portugal? Austria? Norway? Finland? Netherlands? Greece? All of these countries ALREADY have orgs and are IN Europe, but don’t have an ideal org?
Maybe Tom Cruise is planning on shooting a movie in Ireland in the near future? Maybe David Miscavige is planning on setting up his office there (he could justify it as this is what Hubbard did in 1956)? Ireland does have some of the best plaintiff’s libel laws in the world — Miscavige hired an Irish lawyer to try to prevent the airing of Going Clear. Maybe it is because the IAS does banking there (it used to, though that may no longer be the case — Germany had negative influence on Luxembourg and Liechtenstein and Switzerland so money was shifted elsewhere). Maybe there is no reason at all other than it was somewhere he could PR.
Here is what scientology says as to “Why Dublin?”
This explains absolutely nothing. By this thinking they should be investing in Mumbai — that is 20 times as big and has a lot of high tech.
There is no logic to this — like so much else in scientology.
Hurricane Harvey relief efforts in full swing on L. Ron Hubbard Way
Here is the latest from the Massive Force waiting to spring into action in Austin – as usual, held up waiting for donations. They seem to have a lot of extra shirts…
Maybe after the constant ridicule they have decided not to pass out Way to Happiness booklets about keeping yourself clean and brushing your teeth? Haven’t seen mention of them yet, and one can only hope. But I keep my expectations low as these people confound the rational with monotonous regularity.
Just one thing guys — where are the 1000 VMs?
Deodorant “size to fit in a gallon bag”? Where do I find a roll-on THAT big?
The truth is….
Scientology is raising funds for Hurricane Leah
After living in Ireland and being married to an Irishman, I look forward to hearing how this one works out. Let’s just say the Irish aren’t inclined to speak of religion. It is ingrained in their culturing to avoid the topic in order to keep the peace. If the Scientologists are looking for vulnerable types, they are unlikely to find them in Ireland where the one thing a person will face if a Thetan or auditing is mentioned is laughter. The Irish aren’t keen on psychotherapy and the idea of a device “reading” their inner-most secrets will be met with hostility. Remember, the Catholic and Protestant churches are still the standard. It is how they identify themselves, even today. Jehovah Witnesses found this out the hard way, as did the Hari Krishna’s. After a few pints, the Scientologists will become the new group to rally against. If anything, it will produce a new common enemy that will unite Protestants and Catholics.
Actually, now that I think of it, I look forward to watching this play out. Should prove fun.
“Just one thing guys — where are the 1000 VMs?” The V stands for Virtual by the way.
I was wondering why this picture is showing two people! And yet they are bragging about all the programs and people they help?!
The COS is one organization that is flush with cash. They could easily pony up a hundred thousand dollars or more to donate to one of the official relief organizations. Instead, they try to be something they are not – a relief organization, and ask for tiny baggies of personal care items. COS cash could help pay for some of the clean-up crews, the tree trimmer crews and equipment, and the heavy equipment and operators coming in from all over the country to help restore homes and infrastructure.
Great financial help is needed where the COS is least likely to have a presence – the communities of people of color, areas already in an impoverished state before the storm. They could put COS money to good use in Houston and surrounding areas. Whether or not they would reap converts is immaterial, at a minimum they would be doing the right thing.
My small town had a once-in-a-century ice storm a few years back. Every home needed between one and five thousand dollars worth of tree and debris removal, and every homeowner had to pay for most everything not covered by homeowner insurance out of their own pocket. How much it would have been to the benefit of COS to actually pay a few crews of cleanup and tree removal specialists to work two or three weeks in the community, and plaster COS signs and logos all over the trucks and people, just to advertise that such services were free and being paid through the good offices of the COS.
Instead of helpful services, for Hurricane Harvey they offer a baggy with five or ten bucks worth of water and travel-size personal hygiene products, which are not really what people need as they start to rebuild.
But since the COS is an organization with no heart, just a sucking need for more and more money from members, they are truly unable to know what is the right thing to do anymore, if they ever knew it at all.
Could it be that Dwarvish Miscreant received a dream message (no doubt while in a drunken stupor) from the spirit (45 proof) of L Con himself that went something along the lines of, “When I was a leprechaun 600 lifetimes ago I buried me fantastical treasure where no-one would find it. Make the Dublin building into a Ideal Org and I will reveal its location to you and nobody else but youuuuu…”
Would be great if they would actually have people donate just those basics to the Sea Org staff….
This project will produce some lots more very disgruntled ex-scientologists to join the team!
Awesome stuff. Great to see that Miscavige is having to hustle to have something… anything… to show at the next big event. Hopefully “Scientology and the Aftermath” will already have caused big enough ripples within the CoS that Miscavige’s lies will find it harder to hit home.
As for why Ireland? The #1 reason why businesses base themselves on the Emerald Isle is because of TAX. Corporation tax is either the lowest, or one of the lowest rates in Europe. Amazon is there (legally). Google is legally based there (not the UK). And they’re not there for the weather or the cuisine, but because of the massive tax opportunities Ireland offers.
Well, Hubbard picked it in 1956. Probably also for tax. So it’s been 61 years before they could get their act together. Such speed! Such drive!! Such bad PR!!!!
“Answer to my own question: Not an issue. Who cares? Certainly not Miscavige, once he’s yanked the ribbon. This org will go like all the rest – artificially inflated for the opening and then, air out of the balloon – whooosh.” So true, Aquamarine!
Didn’t this focus on Ireland start a few weeks after the Brexit vote…? How would the UK withdrawing from the EU affect Scientology?
Not sure but possibly Brexit could disaffect Scientology in England as regards inconvenient changes to staff visas . Again, not sure but I believe I read that a lot of St Hell staff are from Poland, or maybe it was Hungary or Czechoslovakia. One of those countries. Perhaps with Brexit there could be visa issues now. Just a wild guess.
If they do scrape all these staff together what exactly are they going to do all day? Will they start shipping in pc’s and students from all over the world too? I can well imagine that Dubliners don’t have much affection for scientology and will give it a wide berth at best and behave with hostility toward it at worst.
I mean, I’m only kind of surprised they didn’t use leprechauns and Lucky Charms in their advertising for Ireland. Kind of.
Lucky Charms: They’re magically delicious!
Now I have this image of wee Davey M as a leprechaun going, “They’re always after me Lucky Charms!” Wish I had time to shoop today.
Added a second update on Hurricane Harvey response. Dear me. It’s looking a little thin for the largest private relief force on earth.
Maybe when they flew over Houston, they saw how out gradient it was and decided to go back.
Area code (702) is Las Vegas. So, the org in LV is collecting supplies to send to Texas and what, giving out yellow t-shirts in exchange? Looks like an effective relief effort to me. Not.
The supplies they are asking for is actually what is needed, very interesting. But there are not nearly enough T-shirts for a 1000, and probably too many for those who show up.
It looks to me, like they’re just asking for little items for a sort of “goodies” bag – just the thing that could also contain a WTH pamphlet or other literature. I think it’s all based on the strategy of finding small things they can hand out individually, giving them opportunities for recruiting and propaganda, rather than assisting large-scale efforts in more important ways that may be less visible and self-aggrandizing. Here’s an example I found of what is actually being asked for:
Provide shelter and supplies
Food banks are asking for nonperishable staples like canned meat and dry goods, as well as cleaning supplies; the Houston Food Bank, Galveston County Food Bank, Food Bank of the Golden Crescent and Corpus Christi Food Bank all accept online donations. See the Houston Press’s list of names and contact information for more food banks here.
Donate food or cash to food banks in your area. Or you can donate to Feeding Texas, a network of food banks across the state. Find your local food bank here.
You can also open your home to disaster victims through Airbnb.
Make a cash or diaper donation to the Texas Diaper Bank, which is providing emergency diaper kits to displaced families.
I noted that more than one source said that blood donations were needed. That’s something that a lot of groups organize, that I never seen in Scientology; is there something going on, like that gets into their qualms about modern medicine, or is too personal a sacrifice?
Given the lifestyle, I would think scio blood would be on the thin side and not too healthy. Not a group from which I’d choose something so critical.
And why are water, blankets and food not on the frickin list? These assholes are beyond clueless.
Of course once again, they must have (donations) before they can do (anything! Even then it is questionable)
Yo Dave,
You run the most inept relief farce on the planet and You are orders of magnitude beyond the nearest competitor.
Well, they were intently focused on their cell phones. Their heads were down, so they probably didn’t see the people around them.
Yeah, yeah, Dats da ticket…
Ha! What a bunch of posers.
In the 1st update it looks like the guy at the VM stand is watching Aftermath on his smartphone…
From a failing little mission to an ideal org. How insane. No service at all, no scientology, it’s so mad and none see anything? It’s amazing.
FG, Hubbard taught the sheep to NOT question. It is baked into the subject. Mike covered that a while ago.
Okay….so I am NOT 100/% pure anything….not even 50% pure anything. My family’s background is from Poland, Lithuania, France, Germany AND IRELAND…..
Soooo….I am blowing kisses to any of my Grandfather’s remaining family still living in County Cork Ireland.
This is for COS & COB:
English translation : KISS MY ASS
The cliffs in the photo are on Ireland’s west coast, 160 miles away from Dublin. Will the Clearwater Org be using photo’s of Daytona Speedway in upcoming Promo literature?
In Dublin’s fair city
Where it seems such a pity
I first set my eyes on sweet Molly the clone
As she wheeled her wheelbarrow
Through the streets broad and narrow
Crying “money, more money, a-jive, a-jive, oh”
A-jive, a-jive, oh
A-jive, a-jive, oh
Crying “money, more money, a-jive, a-jive, oh”
She was a sea org-er
And sure, t’was no wonder
For so were her mother and father before
And they wheeled their barrow
Through the streets broad and narrow
Crying “money, more money, a-jive, a-jive, oh”
A-jive, a-jive, oh
A-jive, a-jive, oh
Crying “money, more money, a-jive, a-jive, oh”
She died of no business
And that was the is-ness
And so ends the tale of sweet Molly the clone
Now her ghost wheels her barrow
Through the streets broad and narrow
Crying “money, more money, a-jive, a-jive, oh”
A-jive, a-jive, oh
A-jive, a-jive, oh
Crying “money, more money, a-jive, a-jive, oh”
Ok Moxie….you must stop this immediately…as unladylike as this sounds…this caused me to make a sudden & unexpected bathroom run…I nearly wet myself I laughed so hard! KUDOs on this one… Love it.
Thanks Balletlady. I hope you didn’t soil any garments on the way to the loo. ?
The Irish are not know for putting up with bullshit, and they know LRH’s fantasy for what it is. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
“There is no logic to this — like so much else in scientology.”
No real logic, that’s for sure, but I bet there’s some sort of $cn pretzel logic that’s behind the move.
It might simply be due to the fact that the new Dublin Idle Morgue was merely the one which was closest to completion at a time in which lil davey was feeling the dire need to have something (anything!) major to crow about at this upcoming International cult convocation.
They’ve got to put on something like 5 or 6 big events each year, where it’s becoming increasingly difficult to maintain the deceptive illusion of expansion and “wins like never before!” So, that’s a whole lotta fake news to manufacture with fewer and fewer competent professionals to do it with.
Whatever the actual thought process that went into choosing Dublin, Ireland as the next Ideal Org to get its ribbon yanked by the tiny tyrant, it’s going to fail for sure, because folks in Ireland caught onto this scam a long, long time ago and it’s only gotten worse since then!
Also, is a copy of membership in the ethics file a big deal? Is it like a get out of jail free card? Like, “You can’t put me in the Hole because I have a signed membership certificate. The Gold one.”
You can’t be serious!
IF I was a Scientologist, I would volunteer for that VM booth just to catch up on my friends Facebook posts and funny cat videos. Something CAN Be Done About It y’all. Their sign says so.
P.S. Great advertising for Mr. RINDER though!
Hopefully those VMs are catching up on the latest real news about the collapse of scientology.
I would love to see a large group of former “in’s”….those who blew/escaped or simply were “thrown out”….show up & offer help to any of the COS “volunteers”….as in “Hey, we can help you….if you want OUT come with US”……
Blasphemy! No reading allowed! No catching up with any sort of news!
They won’t get many volunteers so why not volunteer the Sea Ogres who have nothing to do except write KRs on each other? It would be a Sea Ogre’s wet dream and if I were one I’d volunteer for this special mission for sure. I’d get a new T-shirt – so long as they come in R&B (rice and beans) sizes. The concept of pocketing a few wipe anything/anywhere pads and all those cheap-motel-sized shampoos and deodorants would drive me into aromatic ecstasy. I wouldn’t trust COS tooth brushes though as you don’t know where they have been.
Not wishing to make light of their charity, if that’s what it really is, but when you are out of your home and lacking the basic necessities of life, a baggie of bits and bats and an overrated booklet that preaches Do not kill, Do not steal and Be sure to clean your teeth is not a significant help.
It isn’t the Adventures Club, it is the Super Adventure Club. I nearly fell off my chair laughing. They certainly have short memories. Remember South Park?
“Dad, Tom Cruise won’t come out of the closet.”
THe “Hurricane Harvey Relief Forces” photo is priceless…Crickets chirping in the background!!!
Don’t forget tumbleweeds. That goes hand in hand with crickets.
Won’t the Scots be a little upset that the IAS is swooping in to support Ireland? Scots Wa Hae and all that rot.
Careful. I’m Scottish.
The Scots can tell IAS the same thing I mentioned in my post above…it works in the Scottish language too.
POG’ MO THOIN…………… Gaelic or Scottish
English translation: KISS MY ASS
Oh! Good on ya, Balletlady!
Aye, I was poking at the HAPI group. They are a boil on an otherwise perfect land.
I’ve never understood that “Scots Wha Hae” allusion as it pertains to HAPI Org. This line is from a Robert Burns poem and it refers to the Scots who were with Wallace and bled and died and so forth. So who over HAPI Org has been bleeding and dying?…oh, wait, never mind…only the entire org, I suppose! So unlike the Scots! Hugs to you, Fearless, we luvya baby.
I’m half of each (Scottish, Irish)
You’re a Celt, just like me. Aaarrrrggggggggg…”tis good to be a Celt!
Yessssss, Old Surfer Dude!
Miscavige: wanker, yanker-in-Chief.
I’m half Joker and half Degrader.
Look, we just have to postulate Gorlay out of there. OSD, you being such a loyal Scot and all, its up to you to make this go right. Can you imagine how cool it will be with all of us celebrating together at the beach with Fearless brandishing that sword, hopping around in his kilt while we toast the marshmallows. C’mon, OSD Postulate it. Do it for Scotland.
Mike, as you know, I have a financial background and spend a lot of time thinking about what Miscavige is up to with moves like this.
I already thought of the possibility that Cruise will be filming in Ireland over the next couple years. But IMDB only shows MI6, the Top Gun sequel (unlikely to be filmed in Ireland as there are few military bases there), and a space-based SciFi flick, which will be done on soundstages in either Hollywood or London.
I don’t believe this is a straight real estate deal, as none of the Ideal Orgs are about buying real estate and then selling the property later at a profit. With the exception of the old Boston building, nothing they’ve sold has been even remotely a good deal. Where they’ve profited, they have made far less than market rate returns for those markets, especially when you factor in the loss of rental income when they kick existing tenants out immediately.
I am starting to suspect that they’re emphasizing Dublin as some sort of new facility because the community of Scientologists at Saint Hill is withering. I only counted 13 comments from the “Stop Leah” petition from the Saint Hill area. I would have expected at least 50-100 given all the staffers, people working at schools and other affiliated entities, etc. They can’t just show how empty the buildings at Saint Hill are, so I think Miscavige may be considering a new type of facility in Dublin to hold international events, particularly in the “chapel,” which is smaller than the big tent they use for the IAS gala. If they move that stuff away from Saint Hill, nobody will see the echoing empty evidence of fail.
Also, the existing Dublin org would have given the CoS standing to sue for libel under Irish libel laws; they wouldn’t need a new building to be able to establish a presence in Ireland. And I am not sure you even need a physical facility in Ireland, you may just need the allegedly libelous document to be sold in Ireland.
Mr Duigan wrote an anti Scn book about his time in the SO and his escape from it. He is Irish I believe. So does that mean they’ll be more able to sue him for libel if his book is sold in Ireland than if his book is marketed in the US?
John, don’t forget that a lot of Hollywood stuff is being filmed in Northern Ireland these days and there’s a sound stage in Belfast, which is only a couple of hours from Dublin.
John, I was having similar thoughts – and wondered if maybe there is a Far and Away sequel in the works after the Top Gun sequel (if that even gets made, given the downward spiral of his prospects). Who knows, Cruise, who if I recall has played on his Irish roots, could already have bought some Georgian manse whose ownership hasn’t been revealed.
I’d also been pondering the possibility recently, that Scientology might follow its historical pattern and look for some new home for a fresh start, since Miscavige seems to be souring on Southern California and Clearwater is increasingly inhospitable. As far as I’m aware, Scientology doesn’t have much of a history in Ireland, which might seem to make it a good candidate – except that the Irish seem innately inclined to view them with deep suspicion.
I still suspect Scientology’s strongest likely motivation, as has been discussed previously, has to do with Ireland’s tax advantages, and maintaining access to the EU (perhaps, particularly, via an English-speaking country) after Brexit. It may well involve other factors, and could include some hard to gauge from the outside, having to do with things like how they move money internationally.
Top o’ th’ morning to you – good investigative work Mike
As Carlene points out “Scientology and Ireland already aren’t the best of friends”. People are well educated which is one reason they attract large multinational companies to set up there; taxes help too! Fortunately Irish Ex-Sci s are some of the loudest and most effective detractors of the COS and will be formidible antagonists. I almost pity Miscavige for his folly here.
I love the way the COS has set up a club to “re-cognize” the importance of setting up an ideal org in Ireland. Members will soon find out “re-cognize” is code for cogniting the need to re-donate and re-re-donate. Yes Kool aid afficionados are fair game for being touched up again and again to re-build their “status” as long as they have anything left to squeeze out.
Sounds like the ribbon yanking might be fun to watch.
I wonder if they are twittering on their phones?
Wake up, little sheeple, wake up
Wake up, little sheeple, wake up
You’ve all been sound asleep, wake up, little sheeple, and weep
The stats are crashing, there’s no OTs, and you’re in trouble deep
Wake up little sheeple
Wake up little sheeple
What ya gonna tell your ma?
What ya gonna tell your pa?
What ya gonna tell your friends when they say it’s a con?
Wake up little sheeple
Wake up little sheeple
Massive applause! Nicely done!
Thank you. ?
Nice Everly Brothers rendition!
“Adventures Club Member”…what does it mean when they say you’ll get a certificate “(Plus a copy to Ethics file)”?
But that shamrock pin sounds snazzy.
We’ll soon see those shamrock pins on Ebay
Eventually everything Scientology will be on EBay.
Who would buy that cheap cult crap?
You’re right. No one would touch that crap.
You mean it isn’t already?
Or you’ll see them in the trash or in the gutter.
Yep! The trash or the gutter.
Perhaps we will see the tiny dictator in the gutter in an alcoholic stupor when he no longer is the Master of his Universe!
What a certificate means is that it and $3.00 gets you a ride on a New York subway.
Good article. No doubt this is about Lil’ Davey have something impressive to talk about at the IAS event in Oct. Including all the Irish staff being at the event to stand up and take a bow.
Scientology gets more and more absurd to a point where it’s at the level of a British comedy. That caught my eye. Building a tiny mission up to an ideal org? And if the IAS is funding this why do they need donations to train the staff? They got a billion dollars in the bank to do that.
Absolutely nuts.
Would’ve made a great Benny Hill sketch.
Oh! No doubt! They’re a comedy troupe that doesn’t know that they’re a comedy troupe. Now that’s good comedy!
Scientology is a Benny Hill sketch.
As with many Benny Hill shetches, it’s gone on too long.
With one exception, Poland.
You will hardly find a group, left alone a mission there.
Won’t this announcement make other Orgs angry? The others (Miami, Valley) struggled to raise the money but here IAS is funding it…and their Central files must be 100% without begging for help with nacho & chili dinners!
What I found interesting is that the “club” members will get a signed certificate and a copy to Ethics? IMHO Should highlight that sentence too.
I’d love to get a signed certificate! Does it come with $50,000?
Are you kidding?!!!!!
Hey! I took a shot!
If you give $100,000, you get $50,000. Remember, a 5 is bigger than a 1.
Such wise management; first you put the org building there and then you try to build some sort of a field.
There are loads of LRH reference stressing the importance of that… not!
And I bet you not one of those brain dead SO members, veteran or newbies will even raise the question if it actually follows LRH policy. (not that following LRH policy would help them expanding, witness their massive expansion X)
A liquor store in the middle of an amish community has more chance of succeeding than this.
“Such wise management; first you put the org building there and then you try to build some sort of field.”
Yes, that’s what they do!
That’s the correct sequence for expanding any organization:, didn’t you know that, Derek?
Every time I read another example of this it blows my mind. Never fails. Ev Ree Time..
That’s why I left the SO, was too much of a dimwit to see the genius of Miscabbage.
Even though I busted my ass on missions to open the first 3 shiny ideal orgs in EU (i.e. MAD, MAL, BRLN) I still couldn’t see the brilliance of this new strategy.
All three were but tiny shitholes, and a real pain in the arse for FOLO before they became ‘Ideal’. But then TC was planning to go to Madrid and he would throw a fit if he had walked into MAD org (love those management abbreviations) in 2004. Prostitutes pacing up and down the sidewalk, dealers on the street corners, yeah, great representation of Scientology. So the little man had to fix it up in time – hence Ideal Org Madrid.
The PGMS CHF and CO FOLO both got RPFed for this ‘flap’ even though Int management received the weekly stats of the org and knew better than anyone else what a hole in the ground MAD was.
MAL is an interesting story too. Also one of the tiniest orgs in EU but then ‘the Man’ came along and somebody from EU Landlord office pointed his attention to this beautiful building just outside of Malmo and he just HAD TO HAVE IT!
No matter the cost, no matter that there was/is virtually NO body-traffic, and no matter the thoroughly ruined field which had been dying since the 80’s, with a huge CF of bookbuyers and people who were illegally signed up for made up locally intro services as paid starts (like ‘tone scale course’or ‘improving relationships’courses) in the 80ies to push the stats. Most of them didn’t even remember that they had done something scientology-wise. And they REALLY were NOT interested to ever do anything with scn at all!
I’m not even talking about the suppressive crush regging which occured in the 80ies (in all of scandinavia) where public were coerced to sign up for loans for fellow scientologists who couldn’t get a loan. And of course after a little while they couldn’t pay the loan and had to file bankruptcy. I woudln’t be suprised if there’s still people around in scandinavia paying off debts from that time.
MAL received 2 hotshot CMOI execs (MSN I/C a blond goodlooking lady Mr. Story and some high on testosterone wanker as her 2nd). They there were run DIRECTLY by the little man. Walter and Zara Kotric (CO and D/COI CLOEU respectively) were regularly there to run things.
After a couple of months of statpushing, severely harrassing and bullying SO missionaires, staff and public alike they had managed to turn stats into affluence. But nowhere close to SH size.
And surprise surprise, as soon as the missions pulled out, there went the stats too. So much for the genius 558 pgm (which I have never seen applied successfully during my entire career in the SO).
I didn’t mention yet that they dragged in, ripped off staff from all over EU, especially Hungary to man up the org. To the detriment of the orgs where they came from as replacements were never as good as the staff who was taken to man the so-called ideal org.
Anyone would have seen the genius of the little man, but dim witted as I am…
Fascinating Derek. Please see email I sent you…
Loved these observations from the inside, Derek, of this at best unworkable and at worst disastrous Ideal Org Program of Miscavige’s. Its why I left, and I was never staff, always public. You left because you saw what you saw and what you saw was completely unworkable and harmful to Scientology and Scientologists on all dynamics. You came, you saw, and you left. Well done. And, like a broken record I keep saying how it has as yet not ceased to blow my mind how long term highly trained Still Ins DON’T see what you saw, what we here ALL saw. Either they don’t see it OR, seeing it, they ignore what they know for their own reasons and continue to give it their full support! I chew on this constantly: “They HAVE to see it. How can they NOT? How do they justify this off policy out ethics program to themselves? HOW DO THEY. DO IT?” End of Rant.
Wow look at the lines for hurricane relief. Somebodies butts are in trouble sitting and playing with their phones. Maybe they are watching Mike & Leah on the A & E app?
LOL Sista, that’s what I thought too.
That VM tent shows how serious Scientology is about helping folks who aren’t going to give them money. Looks like they may be understaffed though, because the HQ is clearly designed to allow four people to stare at their cell phones at once, but there are only two people currently staring at their cell phones. They are probably bringing in two more people from overseas as we speak.
If that’s their HQ, I’d love to see what their VM branch subsidiary in TX looks like. .
The way things look the best they could do is send the Freewinds into Houston and use it as free accommodation for the uninsured homeless. Yeh some hope of that! They could moor it in one of the flooded bayous and as the water recedes let it sink into the mud.
Now that’s a good idea!
I must need new glasses….I see two people wearing yellow shirts (do they glow in the dark)…under a yellow tent awning doing nothing but sitting there, not OUT helping clean up the area. What II do NOT see are ANY cases of bottled water, trail mix, snack bars, SANDWICHES, hand sanitizer, facial wipes to cool people off, no towels, no NOTHING ! Even Rice & Beans would be better than NOTHING.
Donation to the cause……but WHICH ONE??
One might think to have some “supplies” sitting there to entice passerby who SEE them, those who would want to make donations might drop off a case of water, some cleaning solutions, snacks, toys for kids, clothing, towels, sheets etc to be shipped to Texas.
That would be so against Scientology’s wishes. If someone did that, they’d be thrown to the RPF. Remember, Wogs are inferior to Scientologists….excuse me, Homo Novi.
Give people supplies for free? Isn’t that out-exchange 😉
Glad I didn’t hold my breath.
The Cajun Navy (US 501c3 charitable organization) from my neck of the woods is actually out there rescuing people.
If you’d like to help, you can make a donation to them here:
At least you know your money is going to people who are on the ground saving and helping people.
When your boots are on the ground to clean up after a disaster, it makes a little more sense to be just a tad closer than 1500+ miles away from where the disaster occurred. L Ron Hubbard Way is in Los Angeles. Do the people there even have a clue that Harvey is in Texas (or for that matter where Texas is)? Maybe that’s what they’re doing on their phones. Trying to figure out what a Texas is.
To successfully transmogrigy battered and flooded Texas from its disastrous Existing Scene into its Ideal Scene, Big Thetans such as these Volunteer Ministers need not be physically present.
Dan? Dan Sherman? I KNEW you were reading this blog! Perfect response aqua.
🙂 Val. Now, if I could only see. Increased nutrition has either improved my eyesight or else I’m going blind 🙂
If there were any way Aftermath could be aired in Ireland and the UK, it would go a long way to informing otherwise unsuspecting people what is coming to town…
Those two people under the tent look very lonely and not very busy!
They are pretty busy looking at their phones……………….. maybe they are checking out this blog to find out what is really going on.
SO folks never look happy. Can you blame them? There’s nothing to smile about!
Someone ought to toss some water on them!
No! Don’t! They might melt!
Occupation hazard…
With all the things happening here in the us now they want them to go there where they are heavy Catholics and Christians a thousand pounds ? It will be no better
Judging from the brochure Photo’s. Dublin has solved it’s notorious traffic problems.
Not a big deal but I noticed the ask pounds. Ireland has the euro. Could well be that pouinds are also much around. IDK.
Wonder how this is all going to work out after Brexit.
Maybe Ireland is like Scotland who has their own money?….only accepted in Scotland of course.
Ireland isn’t part of Brexit. It’s a separate country.
Perhaps it’s to (still) have an English speaking country in the EU? Is there a financial or legal advantage to that?
🙂 Dutchie here. I know Ireland isn’t part of the UK. Northern Ireland is though. One of the issues in the negotiations between the Uk and the EU is how the authorities will handle the Irish / UK border after the Brexit. That’s what I tried to refer to. A long history there.
Dude, you get a shamrock pin. ???
Wow! A Shamrock pin! I don’t care what it cost, I need that pin! NOW!
I believe it is for two reasons Mike. 1) as you say, IRS spending requirements. 2) To be able to say that the PR mess is no more in Ireland. “Look, an Ideal Org. What PR problem?”
It’s all about the money!!!!
It has, and always will be all about the money. That’s the most important thing to this cult.
Nothing wrong with being about the money if the C of S presented itself as a BUSINESS and changed the name. If Miscavige wanted Scientology to grow he’d open the doors by canceling declares (based on a newly uncovered LRH reference-wink wink) lowering prices and apologizing and making up the damage. With BILLIONS in reserves he could do all of the above. But since his intentions are OTHERWISE …fat chance. The only alternative is for them to perish slowly while Miscavige makes his travel plans for target 3 since Hubbard probably can’t find decent transcriptionists on target 2 anyway.
So…they are a cult business?
They’re a religious terrorizing cult, hence the initials RTC.
Oooooo….So that’s what RTC stands for. I learn something everyday.
Doug, Miss Cabbage isn’t THAT stupid. What would be the point? No product to sell that people would buy.
They already have a building purchased. So, the donations they are calling for are for renos?? Because as we all know, Scientology is struggling to scrape together the cash to get the building finished before the big opening.
Going to interesting, seeing as Scientology and Ireland already aren’t the best of friends.
No, the donations are to pay for staff to move from other countries and to support them while they are training…
Xenu forbid that the cherch foot the bill for anything. that would effect their bank balance.
If they did they would be out ethics’s…
I wonder if there’ll also be a Sea Org member posted to help staff to moonlight – you know, like you posted about a year ago with regard to Harlem Org.
Or maybe they’ve jettisoned that off–policy stratagem in favor of just letting the Sheeple foot the bill for their upkeep while training.
But, then, what about afterwards? How will the staff support themselves.
Answer to my own question: Not an issue. Who cares? Certainly not Miscavige, once he’s yanked the ribbon. This org will go like all the rest – artificially inflated for the opening and then, air out of the balloon – whooosh.
So they have targeted one month from now as their opening date, with all 250 staff fully trained and ready to roll…yah. Such rubbish.
The cult LOVES to dish out unreal targets.
With a wild and crazy target from Wild & Crazy COB, EVERYONE from the top down has the perfect excuse to pressure,/pressure/ pressure: reg/reg/reg, grab/grab/grab.. Don’t think, just obey. Pull out all the stops. Its Command Intention.
So funny and so sad at the same time. I’d so much rather laugh but I’m crying inside now.
Thank you, God, Thank you, thank you, thank you, for giving me what I needed to get out of there.
And,: Please, God, give to hose Still In the needed awareness, courage and strength that they, too, may leave. I am very grateful for what you’ve given me and others, and so do I thank you now with all my heart for what I KNOW you will do, in your own way, and in your own time, for those who remain.