One of our Special Correspondents conducted a review of the “LRH Books Into Libraries Campaign” in Ireland.
Before you review the results, this is another COUNTRY that has been announced as a DONE.
These figures come from a study of the computer system used to track books in all Irish libraries.
The catalogue of each library in each county were reviewed to find out how many “Basics” and “L. Ron Hubbard Encyclopedia” volumes are actually IN the library system (or ANY other LRH non-fiction title).
The breakdown by County follows:
Clare: 1, Carlow: 1, Cork: 14, Donegal: 28, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown: 12, Fingal: 26, Galway: 36, Kerry: 0, Kildare: 2, Kilkenny: 5, Laois: 9, Leitrim: 1, Limerick: 14, Longford: 0, Louth: 7, Mayo: 3, Monaghan: 4, Offaly: 1, Roscommon: 1, Sligo: 1, Tipperary: 0, Waterford: 1, Westmeath: 2, Wexford: computer down, Wicklow: 2, National Library: 0, Dublin City:19
This is a grand total of 171 books for more than 345 libraries.
That is not even half a book per library in the country.
And these are books that are sold to public AT FULL PRICE because it is “so important to have LRH books available in libraries.”
But the books never make it, and the people that are collecting the money KNOW THIS. They might as well just burn the books once they are sold. It would save the shipping cost and provide a little heat for the unheated Ideal Orgs that cannot afford their electricity bill.
It could be a new campaign with a lot of status assigned to it. You could start out as a “Match Lighter” and buy your way up to “Firestarter” and finally to “Humanitarian Pyromaniac.”
I have to be careful about making these sort of suggestions as pretty soon the RCS starts implementing them (like the “ID cards”)….
I think nowadays it is more trending in Educational sector is eLearning and finding more eLibraries. I find it in many institute within private or public networks and other sectors, It usually helps students who take help from online class takers near me for getting maximum results
Here in Portland, Oregon there is a fabulous County Library system.
This is the result of entering search term, L. Ron Hubbard:
Most of the works seem to be the fiction. Note that he presented an anthology just this year!
Scrolling down the list of publications, almost all are sitting on the shelves.
Tampa Bay Times expose on Scientology Inc obsession with Money.
Credit to Tampa Bay Times, Thomas Tobin, Joe Childs and Maurice Rivenbark for
this series on the “church”s greed and rape of their public’s money.
“In 2008 a re-hash of old books were released at the cost of $3000 and $5000 with such DVDs. David Miscavige bragged he made the Church $10 million dollars in one day. The fall out on staff was pretty horrific. Sleep deprivation was enforced on those that did not make their quotes. All staff, including Security Guards, OSA INT, canteen workers, you name it, EVERY staff member had to SELL for 2 1/2 hours a day in their so called “study time.” Money extraction was THE prime target.
The public were scammed. Duped into high pressure from desperate andsleep deprived Sea Org Members, the public believed they were buying copies for *every* Library in the USA, then for each country in the world.
Because of limited shelf space, all libraries handle unsolicited donations the same way. They throw the unasked for books in the dollar bin, or they give them to someone, or they just throw them away or “Return to Sender.” While Bridge Publications, knew these bundles of books were being returned by the truckload, none of the scammed money was returned to the Public and US libraries have a fraction of the “Basics” that Scientology Inc pretends.
Worse than that staff members charged unauthorized purchases of these Basics on credit cards, stealing $$$ and used up advance payments on account. The theft and criminality inside the Sea org took on a new level.”
I’d love to see that reference to disconnection. We all know it doesn’t exist, but still…
Between this and Steve’s recent post about Superstar Miscavige I think I can stop watching the Colbert Report to get my daily fix of laughs. Very, very funny in the way that that old classic The Loved One starring Jonathan Winters was funny (i.e., blackly hilarious).
The Loved One – just watched this a few weeks ago for the first time – what a gem.
Thx guys, I’ll check it out. I love Jonathan Winters. I’m still watching the Colbert Report though, I need all the laughs I can get!
Once more it’s shit like this that makes the traveling carnival
look pretty good. You pay 4 bits for the high diving act and you get the
high diving act.
I researched this myself back when I was still in. I think the Phoenix area library system must be one of the biggest in the world. The main branch in Phoenix is a fantastic library. You could just hang out there all day. It’s huge. The Scottsdale library is really cool too. It’s in a great area in “Old Town Scottsdale”. It’s surrounded by a park and old shops, resteraunts and coffee shops, museums and a performing arts center . It’s very destimulating to go there, read whatever you are interested in (they have couches, desks and rooms and even a coffee shop in the library), then go for some lunch and a walk around the park with it’s fountains and sculptures. Then walk around the museum and maybe catch a movie. When I was on staff that was an ideal day off for me. I have a lot of affinity for libraries.
I was upset when I discovered that the Basics books and materials donated were not put on the shelf, but were gotten rid of because the library didnt want them, and that the guys at Bridge had to have known this and continued to solicit donations. My guess is they were under so much pressure to sell these books that they just could not acknowledge the truth. Thats bad.
What about the non-Existence formula being applied?
Dear Librarian:
Our parishioners are interested in donating books written by the philosopher, L. Ron Hubbard. We’d be happy to donate one volume or more. Are you interested in carrying books by this author?
Someone with a brain, at Bridge
This would have respected their power of choice. It would have consulted their need and interest. It would have been following the the conditions PL, Marketing and PR series and a dozen other items. It would have made sense. But, the downside is that it may have revealed a lack of reach or interest in LRH’s books, which obviously would have interfered with the straight up and vertical expansion being touted 24/7.
However, this course of action does follows an old reliable adage: Why use your nose to smell if there’s a gas leak, when a lit match works just as well.
“Why use your nose to smell if there’s a gas leak, when a lit match works just as well.”
In the book Stages to Saturn, about the development of the line of Saturn launch vehicles for the Apollo program and moon landings, is a tale of how they found leaks in the hydrogen fuel supply lines. They took a standard corn husk brook, burned it until it was just a glowing ember, and ran the broom along the fuel line until something caused the broom to “flare up”. Necessity becoming the mother of invention, of course.
Awesome :o)
That’s ingenuity and confront. Who was the lucky tech who got to “run the broom test” whenever a leak was suspected. Wow
Silly Odd Thomas…….conditions formulas are old and replaced by “command intention”. Or….the “viewpoint of the one who knows all” or, the “whim of the tickle on the ass of the one who cannot be mentioned” or, the “absolutely right all of the time mental madness of miscavigery”. Try to keep up. 😉
LOL!!! Sorry, I had no idea I had fallen so far behind the Miscavige Scale of Understanding
What I say
What I almost said
What I say, you said
What you almost said, but I corrected
What you thought of saying, after listening to what I said
What you wanted to say, but I said it first
What you dreamt of saying
Who day, who say who dat, when I say who dat
The Cof$ does not work that way. They operate on the principle of enforcing their reality on others. The problem is that they will not grant beingness to people with a different reality than they have. And isn’t the granting of beingness one of the main principles on which auditing works its wonders?
Absolutely Axiom! True reverse of the way it should be.
I’ve checked my local libraries. Fiction only…although I don’t know why they bother.
Books create Booms, the absence of Books create poverty..
An International B of I of all libraries would reveal the truth
its a matter of who will do this. How much money is earmarked for library dono’s and
do the books ever arrive? Who pockets the money and what is it spent on
Whoever discovers the truth I’m afraid will be “HOLE” Bait.
Here’s the current situation in West Sussex, as of this morning. Note, East Grinstead home to St Hill is of course in West Sussex, as is my home town of Crawley, and such major towns and cities as Chichester, Worthing, Bognor, Horsham, Haywards Heath… it’s a big County.
In 36 libraries in the County there are 51 books with Scientology in the title, or authored by LRH. Of these, 23 are LRH Scientology books, 2 WIS, 1 Handbook, 19 Bios such as Master Mariner etc, and 6 critical such as Atack’s book, Jenna’s book and “Enquiry into the practice and Effects of Scientology” . Two of the LRH books were Notes on the Lectures and Handbook for Preclears, which I don’t believe were in the Basics line-up.
So that’s an average of 0.63 of a Scientology book per library. Yet – the UK is DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Hurrah!) according to the Regges.
There are 18 books in the Basics lineup so if West Sussex was actually DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Hurrah!) there would be 648 Basics books, plus the Bios and WIS etc, but excluding those, given there are actually 23 books, (some pre-dating the Basics), then West Sussex is in fact 3.5% DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or 96.5% un-done to put it the other way.
Time for another round of book-selling. The problem is obviously the hapless public didn’t buy enough.
COB will twist it around and tell them the Evil SP’s have been bussy in the UK, it needs to be redone
It wouldn’t surprise me to see the cult do a “Library package 2”. A “new game” since all the books didn’t get to the Libraries due to some “SP’s” we now have to refund the whole project and get it done right this time….Just like GAT 2 is really an admission that GAT 1 was a huge failure.
Don’t give ’em ideas, Tony. 😉
Honestly? My theory is that the books don’t even get bought.
If you’re regged to support the Library Campaign, you hand over your money… And then what? IT’s not like you actually get to see the set of Basics, or RONcyclopedias, your money was supposed to buy.
I’ll bet the money flows uplines. and then gets creamed off the top to whatever hidden account Tiny Dave wants. You can be use ASI isn’t seeing much of that cash, if any at all.
Yes, it’s fraudulent, but the cult has been defrauding people for years, so one more instance isn’t going to bother anyone brainwashed enolugh to still be ‘in’.
Yes, David. I would love to see someone on the inside actually do a why finding on that. There were sooooo many millions of dollars raised for these books. Maybe they were like the airlines and would double and triple book the libraries…pardon the pun…yet never send the books.
Wouldn’t that be interesting to see?
I spent a month earlier this year documenting the same church lies.
Yet, apparently, the church has not done a single “stat correction” on library donations.
Why are people still making themselves pawns in the RCS game?
Plainoldthetan — I think it has to do with not being able to accept being made a fool. They can’t admit that they’ve been wrong and blind for such a long period of time. How else can you explain, otherwise normal, relatively perceptive people, not seeing the 700# gorilla sitting on their settee?
I’ve looked in 3-4 libraries where I live – I only see LRH’s fiction, never full sets of anything else, or even one or two copies. I’ve seen empty parking lots at Orgs. Spoken to staff at Pasadena “Ideal Org” who were making $20 or less per week after all the hoopla. A CS told me once, that they lacked a cramming officer and had to travel to LA Org to do the crams. An Ideal Org with no cramming officer!! Would Starsbucks ever, not have a barista?
No, they see what’s going on. They just can’t admit it. How many times have we seen this on TV – the woman who keeps on cleaning, or trimming her roses, two days after finding out her family was lost in a tragic ballooning accident. Or the man, who gets up at 6:30 am every morning, grabs the dog leash and calls out Fido’s name – even though the poor pooch has been dead for a month. In the workaday world, it’s called denial. In SCN parlance, it’s called a Not-is.
Whatever it’s called, it’s not being able to confront something heavy and emotional. Like the loss of a loved one, or the stupidity of not seeing something so obviously wrong, over such a such a long period of time.
Love these articles Mike! It’s puts a human, this is the real world spin, on what’s happening out there. I feel the tipping point approaching.
Good work.
If a fraud works once, it will work again. After all, they have to keep the stats up.
I know somebody who donated 10.000 euro for the Belgian libraries. The Church sent the books without announcement. It holds the national press because the libraries were not amused. ……..and the contributor as well..
Money waster meritorious.
Had to laugh, Tony. 😀
You had me at “Humanitarian Pyromaniac.”
Are the books STILL being aggressively sold in the RCS?? I’m happy to be out of that loop, so I don’t know. It’s such a waste, in that all the info could be accessed online. With all the millions in banks it’s hard to understand why bleeding the public, ad nauseum is so important. I would love to see a financial audit of the RCS, so we can see the few dollars spent on the 2day photo shoots in far off places. OH….I forgot the super bowl ad, that cost a bit. This is so criminal to be hoarding all this money, leaving the public and staff to struggle without. This so called library campaign is fraud.
I bought a Tech Dictionary on Amazon for $9.50 which I’d been trying to buy from the RCS for many years, Also an Admin Dictionary which I paid the RCS $100 a gazillion years ago and never got. On E-bay I got it for about $30. . I intend to buy all the Red Vols the same way.
Hallie Jane,
The answer to your question about books still being sold aggressively in the CoS, is YES!
My husband recently returned from his OTVII Suppressor Refresher (the 6 month security check) and he told me that as soon as he attested, he was harrassed to the moment he left the base by two entities.
First the Library Campaign rep who insisted that since he was almost at the “end” of OTVII, he should donate all the rest of the money on his account for Libraries. Which he told her absolutely not!
The second is the IAS. OTVII’s at Flag wear a sign affixed to their foreheads reading:
Here is what OTVII’s are being told during IAS regging presently and it’s a whopper:
First they are told that this is only for OTVII’s because only they can do anything about the conditon of the planet and only they really KNOW what is going on and how to change it. And of course, that “COB” is expecting it.
“Every country has nucelar weapons which they have poised to detonate any time now. Scientology and the IAS are the only ones who can stop this from happening. You must donate to your next status level in order to prevent nuclear war. This can happen any day now! You must do something about it !”
This went on for a few hours, one way flow. He said they literally talked his head off! He left the base without increasing his status.
Now, I ask you, What does the IAS have to do with nuclear weapons and preventing nuclear war? Nothing. So, on one hand, you should donate all the money on your account because planetary clearing is happening though library books and on the other, the planet is going to blow up any day now.
He told me that he has no desire to return to Flag and said the following (to my surprise):
I got into Scientology because Freedom is very important to me and I responded to the message of being Free. I didn’t get into it to be told what to do or be forced to do things I don’t want to do. If that is now is what they think, or say “Scientology” is, then I say, I don’t need that shit!
Hmm. Then a few days ago he came to me and asked me if I had heard anything or knew where Heber Jentzsch is. Methinks he might be poking around the “outer-fringe” of the unemployed internet bloggers.
Congrats on your husband, Pepper.
My husband’s pivotal point was when he said, “Well, I guess we ought to get rid of all your old books.” Without any hesitation, I said, “Nobody’s TOUCHING my F’ing books!!!”
Well, that kind of gave him an idea that there might be something behind that statement and that he’d better ask about it. haha
Up until then, he had no idea that I was one foot in and one foot out. 🙂
I can remember being on the phone with some staff member who told me, “Now that you have your full set of Basics, you need to destroy all your old copies.” It was the first time anyone had suggested that to me, so I suppose I was taken by surprise. I actually laughed, and made some wisecrack in response.
She insisted that she was serious, and that it was ‘Command Intention’ that all prior issues of LRH books be destroyed. I collected myself and calmly told her, “No way am I destroying my personal property that I’ve owned for nearly forty years.” I could hear her gulp on the other end of the line.
Good on ya, Ronnie.
HELL NO, I’m not destroying the originals. What if these new ones suck? I want to see what LRH wrote exactly. I wonder how many people actually did get rid of them. Such a travesty.
Wow Pepper, I can’t believe they still have the nerve to pressure people in this way. I’m so glad your husband was able to withstand it, even though I know this abuse and suppression takes it’s toll. And about the nuclear threat, what a bunch of idiots. They are so electrified with their ignorant, incestuous, stultified lifestyle, of narrow minded hive think, that they probably believe this bullshit. Unbelievable!
Lucky for your hubby, he can just continue on with solo in the indie field if he wants to, without all the out tech and general suppression. Welcome to freedom of being, of thought and of communication. It’s a brand new day.
indie8million and Hallie Jane,
Thanks for your encouraging words. As you know, it’s a sensitive situation when one spouse is still in and one is “secretly” out. Especially when one spouse is on OTVII! With all the constant sec-checking these guys go through, ethics handlings and isolation at the Flag base, I’ve had to be very careful of my communication and conduct. I’ve watched him get pretty abused over the years – don’t need to detail it here.
I’ve been inactive for a long time now (still decompressing) and luckily my husband doesn’t make an issue of it. I’ve wondered many times what he tells people at Flag who inquire into my activities.
I’m giving my husband his space to come to his own conclusions. I see the writing on the wall. He’s stopped going to events and donating for a while now. I know it’s a matter of time.
In addition, this is yet another unnatural intrusion into the sanctity of marriage. The idea that you
can’t be fully intimate with your thoughts, to your spouse, or they will be forced to disclose, placing stress on the marriage and the individual trying to get spiritual gains. Even the courts recognize spousal privilege. I have a friend, who was fully done with all requirements on OTVII, ready to attest, and was disallowed, because her husband was considered disaffected, as he had voiced disagreements. His disagreements were not with the tech or his wife, but with miscavige!! So she couldn’t have the validation of her deserved, case state because of her husbands thoughts. Gross out tech and ridiculous bullshit!
Can you spell “1984”?
I agree with Hallie Jane and you others too about Pepper’s husband. He is starting to see the light and I am so glad for that. Help him out with little tidbits to make him think and look. Once he starts reading the internet about it all, he will keep on and will continue to find the truth. LRH has a reference where he says something like,
“Once you start on the road to truth, it must be followed all the way out, otherwise all manner of ills will beset you.” I can’t remember the whole quote. But most in corporate take that quote to mean do all the Bridge in the corporate church. I now take it to mean once you start finding truth about this rotten to the core cult, you must continue looking, reading, finding the truth and shedding light on it in order to make it out all the way and thus achieve true freedom. There are corporate Scns still in that I know who have seen a few truths, agree with them, but yet refuse to look further for fear of losing their spiritual eternity. To this I say just keep on looking for and at the truth and travel that path all the way and it will lead you out of the evil and into the sunlight.
Having them end up libraries was likely only 1 of the birds shot with 1 stone. The rest ended up either in recycling facilities, resellers, flea markets, used bookstores, eBay and what not — a way to broadly flood the public while making a killing on them having Scientology parishioners finance it. I know one guy who never heard of SCN was given a copy of FOT from someone at some swap meet recently. It may benefit the Indies too, because these guys may look around on the net for support.
Here are the results from my search of the Hemet and Clearwater libraries:
Good show sir, Good show, carry on.
Michael, Great job on the library campaigns in Hemet, CA and in Clearwater, FL. This needs to be seen by the sheeple. Good job!
Mike, I hate to tell you this, but the kitsap county library system in washington state has quite a few books.They even have a lot of LRH pulp fiction. I was amazed. They also had ” A piece of blue sky ” by John Attic and Nancy Manys book both of which I ordered because I have not read them yet.
Great post, Mike.
Cults engage in deceptive fund raising practices. Leaders of cults are also always without sin, fallibility, or the need to be accountable to anyone for their actions. They’re just perfect!
The Church of Scientology is in Treason to every Scientologist, ex-Scientologist and Independent Scientologist anywhere on the planet. David Miscavige included.
Add: in treason to the human race, especially dm. (I can’t capitalize his initials)
Damn Maggot.
You are so right, Doug. Maybe we all should mail in that declaration, anonymously, or write it to Mike or Tony Ortega as a petition and ask them to print it.
Sort of like, “We of the Church believe…”
He needs to be publicly declared…again.
Great information. The library campaign was one of the first things that convinced me to look at what was on the big, bad Internet about Scientology. I had donated towards getting books into the libraries; we were even encouraged to pick the library we wanted the books to go to. I was curious whether my donation had ever gotten there and when I checked I found that not only did my donation not make it but there were only a few old copies of a few “basic” books from the 1980s. Then I checked all the major libraries in my area; Oakland, San Francisco and San Jose. What? Very few LRH books. I then checked most of the major cities in the US and of course, found the same thing everywhere. If the “church” could lie about this, what else could they lie about? Apparently… EVERYTHING.
Very interesting, NMKA, that your wake-up call stemmed from a lchurch lie about the library books. My wake-up call was related to something else but, wow, did it ever get me looking on the “big, bad internet”.
Possibly, just possibly, an observed lie was the basic on the chain for all of us who left and/or like me, are under the radar.
Mike, could we have a thread where we can each share about THE lie that got each of us looking, querying, doubting, and especially wondering, as NMKA phrased it, “If the ‘church’ could lie about this, what else could they lie about?”
+1 Good idea, Aquamarine. One of those things that we share should help some lurkers decide. Maybe we can write an article for Mike to post . Might be easier for him.
He’s probably taking extra magnesium just for the finger cramps from typing so much. 😀
It would be fun to do a survey of what was the thing that made you start looking? Or what was the thing that made you leave the church? We compile the answers, formulate “buttons” from that and then use those buttons in massive emails that go out to sheeple still in the church to get them to start looking. I mean the church uses buttons to get people to seminars and things, why don’t we use buttons to get them out? Seems fair.
I LOVE your ideas, Jane! What, are you an ‘old’ Div VIer?
I try. But seriously, we should make up a survey, have Indies tell of it, compile it and then have it “leaked” via email to those still in.
We bought the new LRH “encyclopedia” VERY cheap on eBay the other day. Almost less than the price of a pocket book. Probably dumped there by some library.
I’ve searched the official library online systems for Denmark and Norway. Very few Scientology books there as well. It is a money machine *scam*.
So true Anette ,around 2007 I donated to the library campaign to my local library in N.S.W ,Australia ,and till till this day,nothing,Zero,I spoke to Chris first name at the org about the books no arriving there,I was told It was my fault the books are not there,I got ripped off,David miscavage you are a THEIF,you like stealing
Things from people .
Just a quick search (Just of the word “Scientology”) for 54 cities (average 2-3 libraries per city) showed 77 books total, of which 25 were critical or of non-CoS origin.
It would take further analysis to break this down more. for instance when did the books get there. Many are likely not due to a recent campaign.
Will do more if you want. If you have something specific to look for, let me know.
“Tipping Point” : more books critical of CoS than positive.
In bookstores that is totally the case by far, which is probably a better indication of “dissemination.”.
The public buy because DM tells them to buy! It’s as simple as that. As all the other lemmings are following they will as well. It’s the lemming phenomena!
Are there any stats on how often these books actually are borrowed out of the library?
When I looked at my library about 5 years ago, the lone copy had been checked out once, and it had been there a few years. I checked it out to check it out (I forget which it was), and lo and behold there was a blatant reference to disconnection. I scanned that page, and will search to see if I still have it.
I’ll also look to see whether my library network shows how often they’re loaned out. It does show whether they are currently out or not, and I will go back and do a review.
By the way, I would think that most locales have this kind of system so it would be a fun and easy project for everyone here.
Yep. I went to the library to find a book for my mom (3 years ago in a US city) and there were maybe 15 to 20 books in about 150 mile radius. I found Self Analysis (an older copy).
Are you sure they are actually sending them out to the libraries at all? Did anyone work at Bridge and see them actually being sent out? Inquiring minds want to know.
They may or may not. I’m sure they are sending some out – I recently saw a set of basic books on eBay in a box marked as a library donation with some instructions to the librarian also visible.
Found it, here it is:
What your donations buy…
Yes. I remember one of the campaigns actually being explained. A close OT8 friend of mine was sharing one day a VERY hush hush flap she recently was helping handle (it was not talked about to the degree that even me as a staff member didn’t know – only the SO execs and her-the PR goddess).
She explained that frequently the books don’t actually make it on the shelves, because you can’t just send a book to a library and say “this goes on your shelf, you’re welcome.” They have to be approved. And for a book to be approved, requires PR and other work. A bit like any other bookstore, proper lines and whatnot. And that Bridge just doesn’t do it to the degree that is effective, so they just send the books and cross their fingers.
It was a huge flap in our area, because the campaign for the whole state was finished, and our small public were broke, yet again. And there would have been some pretty pissed off people if they found out. (Which still to this day, they didn’t. I guess she chose to handle the PR internally instead of the actual book flap).
+1 Anon
Maybe someone should start a whispering campaign about that (lack of a) result. haha
I did a count of the Basic Books in the entire Australian library system 5 years ago and found a similar figure then – that was also after the cult had announced that a container of books had arrived and they’d put them in every library in Australia.
From memory, the figures were less than 300 copies of Basic editions that actually appeared in libraries here out of the supposedly over 15,000 that should have been there on the shelves but weren’t. For me, it was the final straw that broke the cult hold on me and I publicly left after that.
But it obviously still convinces the sheeple to donate to “Clearing the Planet” – I still have trouble believing the lies can be that easily disproven and yet the Faithful keep following and paying.
When I was in I did some Library Packages. I got to choose the libraries and I did. It never occurred to me to question why I had to pay full price for the books. It never occurred to me to check with these libraries to make sure that they had the books on their shelves. I had no suspicion, no questions. I believed what I was told. It never occurred to me at that time to question or check up. I thought I was helping, doing something good. I trusted these people, it was that simple.
I don’t think I was different from many people I knew who donated – some far more than I did, to libraries. Was it a stupid thing to do? Hell, yeah. But I myself am not stupid. I just trusted them, that’s all. It simply didn’t occur to me that I was being lied to. Live and learn, y’know?
They probably regged a half a million or more for this glowing but false report.
I well recall how outraged I was when I finally confronted the lies I was being told. Since the “lies being told stat” is straight up and verticle since I left, I can’t even imagine how outraged the very newly out are gonna be.
The library thing is something that anyone can check in their area. I’ll do mine (suburban Detroit) and report back.
Do you think the sheeple would do any kind of reality check of their own?
Yes, that’s a rhetorical question.
I buy my LRH books new UNOPENED at the basement sales of the Bloomfield Twp Library ( Metro Detroit) for normally 50 cents a book. On the last day of the sale you can get an entire bag of books for $4.00. People donate the books to the library, and they get sold off with everyone else’s used or new books that people donate to raise money for the library, so that the board can pick what movies and books etc. actually go on the shelves. The donated books never make it onto the library shelves. The board decides and pays for every book that they put in the library and it is not the donated books.
Buy Vintage books and check the omissions.
Public service announcement: Ron Calvin was asking if he could hook up with you – you can find him on FB.