Thanks so much to the temporary moderator who seems to have gone above and beyond the call of duty to keep things moving along in my absence. We had a wonderful vacation with the Headley clan and also got to see some old friends in Denver, including one VERY long time friend from Gold who I had not seen since I left in 2007.
I may be posting something here that is already known, I really wasn’t able to keep up with everything. But someone sent me an email last evening enclosing this article which I found interesting. Not really a new story, but just further proof of the absolute tin ears of Miscavige and Sherman (who has apparently been quite ill — confirming what he looks like on stage). So desperate were they for ANYTHING to show at the New Year’s event that they decided to go with a fairy tale about the the amazing expansion in Ireland. Miscavige is notoriously US-centric in his perception of the world. If it is not happening in his backyard, it isnt important. So, he paid no attention to the history of media coverage in Ireland. I would estimate that only France, Germany and Australia have had a more consistent flow of “entheta” media over the last two decades. All the more remarkable in that there isnt even an ORG in Ireland (though Miscavige made much of the astonishing discoveries LRH made in his organization in Merrion Square — the “PE” and that THIS is the great intro route that Miscavige “recovered” to boom Scientology).
Imagine if there were interested media in the other places He pontificated and condescended about in that event. The Mexican prison officials who had no idea they would be paraded by the “leader” of Scientology (in a video that was a repeat of several others that had earlier proclaimed the same thing about getting “LRH tech” into the prison system). They would be issuing denials as soon as they heard the word Scientology. Or the Italian Narconon people who have “cut the mediterranean drug routes” with a video that looks IDENTICAL to the two previous IAS Freedom Medal winners from Narconon Italy — the first was Gabrielle Segalla in the 90’s. Or the Malaysian Government and businesspeople being “ushered into the 21st century” by study tech who had no clue Scientology had any part of it.
And ironically, though Miscavige stands on stage and soaks up the applause and proclaims this as “proof” that Scientology expansion is straight up and vertical, if anything turns into a flap in any of these places, He has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING that happens…. Just check out the Narconon cases for proof of that.
But Ireland HAS taken up the gauntlet and the pain just keeps on coming. Miscavige is just not having a good time of life.
Here is the newest story published on Monday. I can assure you, Miscavige has NOT made a lot of friends in the BBC.
Karma’s a bitch.
BBC to probe as Radio Foyle features in Scientology video

A still from the Church of Scientology promotional video that features a bogus Radio Foyle interview.
The Derry radio station, and Donegal based Ocean FM, were among a number of local media outlets to feature in the video, shown at a major New Year’s Scientology convention in Florida, which claims to show the outreach work of the Church in Ireland.
Yesterday a spokeswoman for the BBC said the corporation views any misuse of its brand as a serious matter.
“The BBC is an independent, impartial organisation. Any misuse of its brand is considered a serious matter and will be investigated,” the spokeswoman said.
Management at Ocean FM are also “investigating the matter.”
The Scientology video formed part of a presentation made by church leader David Miscavige in which he highlighted Ireland as an example of the work being carried out by Scientologists worldwide.
During the two hour address, Miscavige describes Ireland as “being not immune to the decaying values of this 21st century.”
As well as the local radio stations, the video shows Scientology leaflets being delivered to Carndonagh Garda Station.
You can watch the video here – the Irish segment features around 7mins and 50 seconds in.
The BBC is investigating Miscavige’s infringement of its trademark…… If you recall Miscavige slammed the BBC over John Sweeney. He tried to sully its reputation globally. The BBC was stung by that assault, and I imagine they are seriously going after the church on this infringement as payback. Miscavige depicted a government run network, the BBC, in a false light: he staged a fake interview with a fake BBC. He faked another interview in Ireland, and, as you pointed out, he falsely portrayed individuals and organizations globally. It boggles the mind that Miscavige violated the intellectual property rights of so many entities in his New Year’s video. How many people has Miscavige tried to destroy over alleged theft of copyrights? Aren’t his lawyers arguing that Miscavige was only protecting copyrights in Texas when he went after the Rathbuns? There is definitely payback in the air over Ireland.
This is a bit of an off topic post and i will followup back channels but the issue is this:
I have had it said and or alluded to me that it is very important to not use your name when posting on blogs due to the potential for legal repercussions/lawsuits and the like.
I basically disagree with that viewpoint because I consider that saying what is true for you is a key freedom along the road to total freedom. The link below and the recent court ruling is pertinent to this issue. It is a bit of a long read but it addresses the protections that we have under the law….. and the 9th Circuit has upheld the rights of the bloggers ……………especially when exposing facts that affect public safety and well being.
May we all be willing to seek and live with the truth and be willing to say what we have observed. Thanks to you and all of your friends for carrying that torch!
Coop — I agree with you. Interesting case that supports pretty well settled and agreed upon principles in the US.
I believe the truth is more important than anything and trumps any other concerns. Good luck prevailing on some legal theory against telling the truth.
“I believe the truth is more important than anything and trumps any other concerns”.
Welcome back, Mike! You are Da Man. I could not be more in agreement with this statement, from my own personal life’s experiences.
Kudos and warm thanks to Interim Mike who did an excellent job of pinch-hitting.
The RCS can’t stop lying, and every day more of its lies are exposed.
What comes to mind is that Cher song:
“The beat goes on, drums keep pounding rhythm to the brain,La di da di dee, La di da di da”
Its gonna be an AMAZING year, folks, I just know it!
Welcome back, Mike! I’m glad you and your family had a great time! Your stand-in moderator did a terrific job! And you know, Mike, I’m just so happy and proud to be part of this group that sprang up around you. What an incredible community we have. It’s such a blessing!
Welcome back Mike! I hope many excellent snow angels were made by all. The moderator did a great job! Good for the BBC, for taking a stand against bold faced lying. I really think the corp. church is unraveling at an accelerated rate. The lying, bizarre behavior and general unreality are compounding, it’s a veritable Fellini film festival.
Welcome back Mike
Temp/Interim//Mike R did a great job but it’s good to have you back.
Today’s courtroom activity in Texas is interesting. Another defeat for Mr Tiny Fists.
I cannot imagine how much money it cost for this “purchase of influence”: quote from Tony O site:
after ……Waldrip ordering Miscavige’s deposition to be taken, Lamont said,:
“I think a Texas appeals court will take a different view of that.”
Lone Star said the unstated second half of that utterance was, “My brother is right here behind me taking notes to make sure of that.”
You can find the whole section at the end of Underground report today:
It’s all the SOS. There’s none so blind as those who do NOT want to see!
It was great to spend time with you Mike!
You too my friend!
No doubt this whole Irish thing is flapping big back at the Int Base prison and torture facility. No doubt there this flap has resulted in several RPF and hole assignments and provisional SP declares. No doubt DM has lined up several people to take the fall for him. No doubt it must feel great to no longer be there in the middle of that insanity.
And no doubt there are fewer and fewer around to lay the blame on. Soon there will only be the wind blowing through the empty space between the edifices He erected in His own self aggrandizement. Oh yes ….and a Hole waiting for Him to crawl into!
Hope you and yours had a lovely time Mike. I can’t imagine better hosts than the Headleys.
It was great have posts in your absence.
Boo!Hiss! Love a good pantomime villain!
Welcome back Mike
Re:Fake radio program of D.M.s,
Don’t news anchors lose their jobs for this sort of thing?
Big thanks to the temporary moderator!
Welcome back Mike, glad you had a break.
Oh and I am not sure that this was brought to light either – It’s from about a week ago. Huge Kudo’s to whoever filmed the event and posted it. The lies come and out and the flaps just roll in.
For so many years the big over-the-top international events featured big expansion news that related to the theme of each event. Africa, Asia, Colombia, eastern Europe, you name it, far-away places where most of us would not be likely to visit. Applied Scholastics, Narconon, Criminon, Way to Happiness, new missions and groups….you can set up all kinds of fake shots and do beautiful videos about expansion that didn’t even happen and talk about how the groups in those places did all this wonderful stuff.
Trouble is, and after all these years, DM still hasn’t realized that those crews are leaving behind people who KNOW the truth is being twisted. Then when they see the videos about their “accomplishments” they go What the Heck?????? Who are those people in our photos? Where did those books come from? Did we go there and do that? I don’t remember doing that at all…..etc.
So finally one of these locations has gotten pissed off. Good for them. There oughtta be a law, and there probably are a few! More lawsuits on the way….the line forms on the right….
Great point Gato. The PR house of cards they’ve been building with their lies and “acceptable truths” at events is going to crumble now. I am willing to bet this is going to be the beginning of the end of those kind of stupid “on location” videos they do for their events with the “re-enactments.” Because DM can’t continue to keep the cover on the events and they always get out. Now faster than ever. So what will he have to show now? More obviously false stat graphs that do nothing but go up up up while Scn membership goes down down down? Good luck with that Miscavige. Your house is falling down around you, dude!
More great PR in Ireland from DMs latest foot nuke.
The “Interim Mike R.” did a great job! Glad you and the Headleys had a nice trip. Welcome back!
Yes, welcome back Mike and glad you enjoyed a well-earned break. Your replacement did a perfectly admirable job indeed imo.
So glad to see you back, Mike. Your guest moderator was awesome and I really liked the articles he wrote. Looking forward to seeing more from you now. There’s certainly no shortage of fodder for your cannon.
Would it be fair to say that all those plaques and keys to cities and recognitions of Ron that they have at the blue building at PAC are all fake? There is a “ton” of them. Including a reference to the queen of England bestowing some kind of recognition for Ron’s seafaring “achievements?”
They are not “fake” just not what they pretend to be. Keys to Cities and those sort of “awards” are given out willy-nilly. If you submit requests to 100 cities there are probably 20 that will give you a certificate for something (March 13 is L Ron Hubbard Day) etc
Understood. Thank you MIke!
That used to be Sharyn Runyon’s full time job. LRH PPRO.
Welcome Back Mike 🙂
And, gawd help DM if Sherman goes down. There is no one on earth who can write a speech like he does. That stuff cannot be faked.
Yep, I’ve seen some awfully good Dan Sherman parody, but nobody can quite attain the height of hyperbole where ol’ Mullet-Head lives and breathes. Sherman is amazing. And I’m only being a little bit sarcastic 😉
I just had a thought: maybe DM is just being ultra-ironic or getting deep into fiction. I hope the BBC has a sense of humor.
We in RTC would have preferred you to remain in Denver for 70 or 80 years and stop blogging altogether.
Mike, I would like to hear more about MD’s illness. Does this mean COB is PTS? If so, don’t you have to have O/W’s to be PTS? That would be some very interesting news to promote to the SCN faithful.
This (his illness) may also explain why he didn’t travel abroad for the last IAS event.
Also, is he still a smoker? How many packs per day & for how many years?
The last IAS event was at Flag, not abroad. He was a heavy smoker, at least a pack a day. He had to give up smoking.
Welcome back Mr. Rinder.
I did think DM looked rather gaunt in the latest video….wish I could feel badly over that…but not so much.
Mike – welcome back after a well-deserved break. Your stand-in did a fine job in your absence.
Miscavige is not looking good. One of my friends remarked that he looks like he’s had Botox gone wrong. And its made worse with that straight-up-and-vertical hairdo.
Does His habit of speaking out of the right side of His mouth appear to be getting worse, or have I just not seen Him speak in a while?
There are only 3 reasons people speak out of the side of their mouth.
1) To keep their imaginary cigarette from falling out as they talk
2) Trying not to offend people when they have eaten too much garlic
3) A facial expression caused by confidently lying to an audience and relishing the thought that the dupes are eating it up.
This is a scientific fact
4) or a Stroke?
Mike welcome back. Well done to your stand-in.
This guy is toast. It is an accumulation of these disclosures that all add up to his continuous erosion as the man in charge.
I met a CMO rep in an org and she chatted animatedly about DM’s brilliance in creating all the wonderful dissemination tools in Div 6.
The irony was, we were standing in Div 6 and it was completely and totally empty.
Wow. No connection to the world around her. Reading off a hymn sheet. Sad.
HI Mike and welcome back!
Please clarify which one of these guys has been sick:
“Miscavige and Sherman (who has apparently been quite ill — confirming what he looks like on stage).”
Looks like your saying Sherman, but haven’t seen him on stage, whereas miscavige does appear ill.
Sherman. He speaks at March 13th… Looks like shit warmed over.
He’s always looked like shit warmed over.
(sorry Mike, couldn’t resist it)
Reminds me of the old Hell joke. Bunch of guys standing around waist deep in shit drinking tea. New guy arrives and thinks “hey, this isn’t so bad”. Then DM….uh, I mean the Devil, comes back in and says, “all right everyone. Back on your heads!)
Ah, reminds me of the good ole days at Int.
I’m confused (not hard to do with me) he speaks at March 13th? Can you link what you’re talking about. I guess I missed it. Miscavige didn’t look all that great either, but I’d be curious to see what you mean about Sherman. Thanks.
I just watched part of the video… Wow… DM looks like a big head on a stick. He’s really skinny. He must look like a 12 year old in person… except for the bouffant hair.
Hmmmm….that built up body used to help him garner more “ethics presence.” I wonder how everyone will feel being bossed around or bullied by a head atop an unhealthy pencil.
LOL, you made my day! 🙂
‘Head atop an unhealthy pencil’, that description is definitely worth repeating until that pencil
Welcome back. Glad you had a good time. You’re stand-in moderator and special correspondants did an excellent job keeping the news flowing.
David Miscavige has lied too much, and thanks to the people who obtained and uploaded the event videos, now all too publicly. Yes, the BBC does not appreciate misuse of their brand (who would?). It is particularly ironic in light of today’s article by John Sweeney at The Undergound Bunker. DM will harrass a BBC journalist AND exploit the BBC brand. Now that’s what I call taking it all! John Sweeney must have relished writing that article!
“Miscavige describes Ireland as “being not immune to the decaying values of this 21st century.”
But nowhere on the planet are those values going straight into the toilet as fast as in the Cult (cleverly disguised as the Church of Scientology). The Pope, AKA David Miscavige, is redefining the concept of “auguring in” and is digging perhaps the longest deepest grave (having moved millions of cubic yards of earth and not withstanding the factual realignment of the sun ,moon and stars) of any sycophant to have ever walked the earth.
Go Dave …… BTW, hows things in Texas today?
The Moderator in your absence did a great job. Welcome back,Mike!
So did I! Welcome back Mike!
First of all welcome back and yes, thank you to whoever took over as he/she did a great job.
Black Heart can’t get away with his lies no longer; he in fact is described as having falsely represented ‘facts’ which are now proved to be lies…his standard operating basis.
His days are counted; truth has been spread in many countries, in many areas and his abuses are catching up with him big time.
We repeat our offer: step down Black Heart, you are not, and have never been welcomed. Eat your faked pride and stop abusing the parishioners and staff alike. So, again, step down.
Your special correspondent performed admirably in your absence! Welcome back.
1) Welcome back Mike. 2) I agree the T/Mike R. did a good job in your absence. 3) Re: BBC Foyle radio and the rest of the Irish story lies being exposed by the media, once again I am compelled to quote Frank Zappa: “there’s no way to delay that trouble coming every day.” 4) We should start calling the Miscavige/Sherman/Gold Events Unit “the Lie Factory” – just another part in the Miscavige-created CofS institutional reactive mind.
Another Zappa lyric that may apply:
Your mouth
Is your religion.
You put your faith in a hole like that.
— from the Waka Jawaka album, somewhere
Welcome back Mike! We all toughed it out with the sub-par reporting in your absence, and it was a close call but we survived the experience. There was a kick-off article to this flap that talked about Ocean FM being pissed off, but this flap is obviously continuing to grow legs, arms and teeth. DM and Danny have created a moment that will live in the minds of Irish Scientologists for decades to come. They will probably never live it down. How can someone so clever when it comes to evil manipulation be so stupid when it comes to telling whopping lies in public?
Hey! I thought the T/Mike Rinder did a fine job 🙂
So did I!
I’ll second that!
But it’s good to have ya back Mike.
Glad ya got some down time and spend some quality time with the family.
Seems its business as usual for the Scientology Death Star.
Amazing that they can’t apply First Policy or second or third or any other policy following it.
I mean you read in the PR series that you never lie in PR (though “an acceptable truth” is OK but anyhoo..) yet I guess what could be more accurately called Scientology PsyOp section thinks that total fabrication is totally cool.
Maybe whoever was running this operation should have done a little research on Ocean’s affiliation to the BBC then again maybe they did and was expecting this kinda blowback which is entirely possible with the kinda “friends” the Chairman of the Borg has been making.
Whoever thought of this Radio Caper for whatever reason or intention should probably get an 11 out 10 as far as total foot nuke for the Church.
Again it’s good to have ya back Mike.
Thanks Robin. I LOL’ed at your First Policy or second or third…
It is amazing how warped things become when you are in a bubble where nobody ever dares point out there is anything wrong. Thus, if Miscavige decides that something needs to be in a script, people just comply and “make it go right” as best they can. So, shots are faked of radio shows and whatever else. Some underling has now been sacrificed for this treachery — when they almost certainly provided the correct information, but that “wasn’t good enough” so it was embellished in order to satisfy the “event machine”….
Roger that Mike.
Sorta like the Emperor’s New Clothes.
Funny how Miscavige ends up fully exposed by his sycophants 🙂
I bet it’s nice to be able to have someone cover your post while you take a vacation, and NOT have to come back and work lowers 3 times through because your senior feels your replacement was inadequate – not that anyone reading this has ever experienced anything like that. 🙂
Seriously, glad you had a vaca, and thanks to the person who kept the torch burning while you did so.
Me too! Lots of comments and participation. Thanks to whoever that was. Most of all I’m glad Mike and the familiy could get out and have some fun. Welcome back, Mike.