Seriously, do they really buy this bunk?
“The mock up now is to make Albuquerque the fastest org in the world to go Ideal.”
WTF are you talking about Quinn? They have been being hammered to be “ideal” just like all the other orgs around the world since 2003. Well over a decade.
And now, they are going to be “the fastest”? Fastest from when? The coming of Quinn Taufer?
And then you follow that up with a statement that if everyone came prepared to hand over enough money we could have a “ONE AND DONE” event?
And boy, just a moment’s thought to that “LRH quote” — especially the first sentence, should give anyone pause. The structure and operation of scientology orgs is clearly a proven failure. Over the next 30 years they have accomplished nothing and gone nowhere — the same number as when this was written 30 years ago, today producing less than they were 30 years ago. I would say that was a miserable failure when the supposed product you are peddling is the single most valuable commodity in the history of the universe, thought unattainable since the beginning of time and now available for everyone, every time, 100% guaranteed (unless of course you are “NCG” to begin with).
That is a massive fail in anyone’s estimation.
My suspicion after reading this is that Quinn Taufer is no longer qualified for the Sea Org because he must be currently taking LSD.
Do these people even care about Spiritual growth, what about the bridge? no more going up the bridge I guess, is all going down the rabbit hole.
The mob’s Albuquerque brainwashing center has less business than Popeye selling harpoons to whales. The Albuquerque and Bernallio Sheriff’s Office has been educated about the crime syndicate, and so has the state’s deputy governor.
My son is being “handled” right now for reading information online about Scientology. He was taken off service and assigned a doubt condition. His auditor told him to go to for “unbiased” information after which he called and tried to handle ME! He asked me to to show him one piece of proof that Scientology is off-policy in PT so I told him to read 339R and ask his handler why that policy isn’t being applied instead of the ideal org program. He was told, “There is an explanation for that. It didn’t work so COB had to try something different”. I laughed and told him to read KSW. It’s amazing how suppressive reasonableness has taken over so blatantly in the orgs today. I also told him that reading websites put out there by OSA and ignoring everything else is not the proper way to do a doubt formula without bias to which he said he was told that everything else was put up by SPs who know nothing about the workings of the church…LOL. Frustrating to say the least.
Nice post and hear you on the frustration. Good luck with your son.
Quinn wants a “ONE AND DONE” event? He truly is on LSD then.
What an Earth does conquering MEST have to do with handing over large amounts of cash?
How can this person make such ridiculous statements about how many humanitarians they have made?
LRH wrote 1000’s of policy letters about how to build an Organization from scratch up to a working product.
Do these Idle Morgue idiots not even know of these?
Has the evil dwarf ingrained so much fear and stupidity that the only way these people can make case gain is to give $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.s?
Still I did read once “its better to give than receive” and its Christmas soon so there will be much giving.
The evil dwarf will still be there and be “much taking”, and boy are these mugs being taken!
Yeah, like L. Fraud’s HCOPLs will actually build up a viable and expanding org. It’s never happened in the history of Scientology. Why would it happen now?
It’s simplicity itself: you give them all your money, they do whatever they want with it, and then they ask you why you don’t have more.
It seems the longer I am removed from this insanity, the less sense the “Quinns” of the world make. I see this stuff all over blogs and other church promo (yes, believe it or not I still receive some of their gumpf).
I read that gobbledygook and go “WTF does this even mean?” Ideal of Ideal of Ideal……….. huh??? I found it nonsensical, gibberish claptrap – as is all the stuff the church puts out.
What is REALLY scary is that 3 years ago, this BS would have made perfect sense to me. Face palm.
I am interested in the evolution of SO plebe to reg. To go from making so little money, to then making so much money. I wonder if Regs share the wealth with their compatriot SO members. Or if they just turn around and donate it back to COS. Or if they are under such pressure that they crash and burn out before long, no matter how much money they make. I wonder how a Reg is found, and developed and managed. If someone turns out to be a very effective reg, does he or she then justify the change in financial status in their mind? To go from pauper to prince? I have read several ex-Scn biographies, but none for any Regs.
Great point/question. I too would like to know the answer.
Sea Org staff do not make personal (individual) commission or profits. All commissions go “into the pot” and are distributed as part of the standard pay. So no Sea Org Reg can become personally wealthy off money they get (embezzle) from SCN public. The only people that get personal commission are SCN public – they get FSM (Field Staff Member) Commission for referring new people to the church or getting people over to Advanced Orgs to do their upper levels. But even there, I know of no-one that has ever made any meaningful living in this manner (although they’ll send out propaganda implying that one can make money by being an FSM – utter BS).
I was a reg for 4 years in the Sea Org. There never seamed to be any systematic way for choosing registrars. I was put there so I would have the opportunity to earn money since I went into the SO with debts (off policy….but there is always a way to justify off policy to get the stats up…especially if you are a recruiter or registrar). But generally speaking, if a person was needed for a post someone was just put there and expected to make it go right. The consideration was that you’ve done this before at some point on the track so you already know how to do it. There are no commissions on services. When I was there it was only on book sales and straight donations (like IAS, Super Power, Way to Happiness,…etc.) Some of us were making thousands each week on book commissions at 15% but that was knocked back to 5% for staff…then 2.5%….then from what I understand it went away altogether after I left.
You also asked several other questions that I’ll try to briefly explain… A registrar is usually put on post as an assistant to an established registrar while doing the Professional Registrar course which is based mostly on doing drills based on a book by Les Dane called “Big League Sales”. You learn to profile people and handle them differently based on personality type, gender, marital status,…etc. And you drill and drill and drill how to do it until it becomes second nature to you. When you finally get posted as a full-blown registrar with your own desk,…etc. you get sent to cramming for failed closes (which is basically where an auditor in the qualifications division [quality control] puts you on the meter and finds out where you didn’t apply the right tech to close that person and then you get a program to drill and word clear that part of the course again to fix what went wrong prior to going back on post). The pressure is INTENSE to say the least. A registrar is often not allowed to go home until daily quotas are met. I’ve been kept awake for as long as 3 to 4 days and hounded over by my senior like a master with a whip to make sure those quotas were met. It can get brutal. Later as an exec I was expected to do the same with my juniors. And yes, you get burnt out. However, there are registrars on post at Flag in Clearwater, Florida who have been there for 30 years or more. Not sure how they made themselves numb to that kind of abuse, but some can apparently. I didn’t put up with it that long and eventually got the hell out of there. A good interview for you to watch for even better reality on this is one on the Truth Rundown by the St Pete Times where they interview Hy Levy (now deceased). He was a good friend of mine.
Hi Nostradamus, It is good to meet you. Yes your post brought back memories of my letter reg/ ASR time at Asho F. And when holding letter reg from above by Thurs at 2:00 I got ” whips ” both sides for both stats. It could get very crazy! Also I am sorry what your son has decided.cob becomes his touch stone. I hope the Dawn breaks and somehow he will see. Love, Ann.
It seems that Quinn would lose some commissions denaro if he had to pay back even those who have posted to this blog, today. I count at least $60 in outstanding debt. Imagine if we could get a more accurate figure. . . Karma will get Quinn.
So this Quinn guy, just on this thread, with almost 50 comments (not counting lurkers, UTRs, SO members who read to report, and those who haven’t read this) is an allegedly well known out-ethics money borrower. it makes one wonder if one of those lovely extremly impersonal surveys that are sent to the rank and file (that we see on the Thursday Funnies occasionally) was sent with the following questions:
1. Has “Q” ever asked to or borrowed $ from you?
2. If so, how much?
3. We’re you repaid?
What would the responses look like? Of course, for accuracy it would need to be sent to both active and former members.
And this is an active advocate for this organization for accruing funds. The singular ability for his hat or post is not lost on me. Seems like he gathers well.
Doesn’t seem like a great representation for the org/CoS. But silly ethical things like that have never truly been an all out game stopper church wide before. SMH
You forget that once the Eskimo “got the overt off” in session and by ” being responsible” there is no need to pay the $ back. How do you think $cientologists justify not paying people back? This shit has gone on in my family me included when I was in.
Ha Ha, he came to my house once, unannounced, to try to get me to fund Alb Org and that was in 2007. I guess when you sign a billion $ contract 8 years is not much time. He knocked at the door and I had no idea who this guy was. Some nerve he has though.
“… the most Ideal of Ideal …” ??
Quinn Taufer is suffering from Idealitis. It is a contagious mental disease which leads to persistent delusional disorder. The source of the outbreak was the Ideal-Cob. Fanatics who suffer from desperation are especially prone to get infected.
Dear Quinn,
Thanks for the nice letter. After sifting through the horrid syntax and punctuation, I think I understand what you are asking me to do.
As you would say, My embracive cognition is something, LRH, endowed me with.
I applied Occam’s Razor to my initial draft response and now hope it will be succinct and simple for you to understand:
“Go pound sand up your ass.”
Everyone in New Mexico
I think I could reduce that to two words but one of them is unprintable.
“Go pound sand up your ass.”
Now that has a touch of eloquence about it. Nicely expressed emotions, a better use of words in, about and for the appreciation of card carrying scientologists in general.
Perhaps it helps by understanding that he is a fool and that he was born to be a slave. He and the others want freedom as long as someone else arranges it for them, as long as it is bestowed on them. Most of them are mere lackeys. They cannot find the strength to fight, clinging to each other and creating among themselves a tyranny that they claim they want to combat.
Taking LSD might actually be a good thing for Quinn. As the great hippy guru Timothy Leary once said “Turn on, tune in, DROP OUT”.
Quinn Taufer, the Bad Boy Who Made Good, used to be a total slacker goof-off in PAC Estates and somehow fumbled his way into fundraising rather than go to the RPF for his inability to “keep his ethics in” doing anything like real work. Quinn Taufer, born and raised in Scientology, has been drinking the Kool Aid his entire life and, sadly, has no idea how to do anything else. This letter is the end result of a mind that has been raised on Shermanspeak, who thinks talking in pandering nonsense is actually a successful way to reach the hearts and minds of True Believers. It’s a bizarre world we live in that things like this are real.
And it sure would be nice if Quinn would wake up and smell reality some time. Then maybe I could get that $20 he owes me….
LOL! So we’re up to $40 now that Quinn owes people and I haven’t read all the comments. Speaks so well of Quinn that he goes around “borrowing” money $20 at a time from those who can least afford it. That’s where he learned his “fundraising” skills I guess.
Weird, Quinn owes me money too, but I can’t remember the amount now. Isn’t he an ATA product of flunk schooling? It’s funny how he smokes and tries to stare at people with the Miscavige intensity which at this point just comes off silly.
Having “Other Fish to Fry” I am happy to say business is great !!!.
My favorite is Jumbo Prawns with Rice Pilaf in San Diego .
I don’t hold any angst for Reg’s because I’ve seen enough of them die
from the lies they push. I am not bragging or thump my chest and scream Tarzan style
but I have heard every possible bullshit line personally face to face.
I went up the Bridge on Credit Cards, disagree with the mest universe,
become a big being, save mankind, or my favorite, ” The Org cannot make payroll”
( mental image pictures of staff dressed in rags begging for food on street corners)
Finally the great extortion gig CCHR has is dollar for dollar what you put on the Bridge
give us the same amount or you don’t go up the Bridge even if you paid for your entire
Bridge to OT 15 !
The sentence that made me smile is the one that says : “I believe that if we (i.e you the recipient of this email and your family), came to our next event and were willing to do what it took to reach your next nearest status, we….”
My translation: “If YOU pay money then WE achieve our goals.” How “at effect”.
Then “your next nearest status” makes me want to attend and give the public a flight attendant’s briefing. You know …where I can point out the exits, fore, over wing and aft. “Exit” status is the next nearest status for many, if not most. But if the field wants to stay and continue to pay, that’s their choice. But my advice would be “buckle your seat belt and adopt the brace position.”
The LRH quote is not referenced – which is off-policy to start with – so no-one can tell whether it really is what LRH said.
Lastly, there is a less than subtle point being made right at the end of the quote where LRH says that Int Management is in good hands even though he is not managing them. There is only one reason to include that part of the quote and that is to imply (or state unequivocally, more likely) that LRH endorsed the conduct of those who came after him in management.
Taufer has a mental disorder.
Quinn has gotten his hands on that Bill Cosby drug that wipes out your memory. As MIke states in a comment above, only the regs make money in today’s clampire. Auditors and Case Supervisors and body routers are now out of the money making scheme. They are Sea bOrg who will be lucky to make 50 dollars a week, while Quinn and other Miscavage minions will take all the real money home.
That is the real death knell of the clampire. With out skilled, dedicated body routers and auditors, there won’t be new meat to replace the escapees. DM can rebrand and ‘fix’ all of the punctuation he wants, all those things pile up and cause an eventually huge WTF moment that even those with the tightest blinders have to see.
Regraded Being has chronicled so many of these WTF moments, that just showing those cartoons at any mOrg will help the minions escape.
Good morning Mike and in this case I disagree with you, LSD or not LSD, Quintin does qualify for the Sea Org just fine.
He meets all the requirements for this group lead by Miscavige: greed, not caring for anyone else, able to lie in order to rip off others, present a false picture, believe he is one of the very few that get things done and just, with these alone, he truly represents Sea Org. command intention.
Shall we dare to consider he is almost almost ‘overqualified’? No, another criminal amongst sociopathic, mafia style members.
Further proof of the fact that all that remains in the Co$ are sociopathic salesmen and the dupes who buy their bull.
“…all that remains in the Co$ are sociopathic salesman and the dupes who buy their bull.”
Run by the most notorious sociopath on Teegeeack…
Right, Les, and also the ones that KNOW they are being duped but are too afraid to say or do anything about it, but the worst of all, the ones that know about felony assault, extortion, fraud and lies and still “support” the church of david miscavige.
Hi McCarran, As always an excellent post. TC really gets me because he has a daughter who he was always professing to care about when she was a baby, but now old TC has bigger fish to fry indeed. All he cares about is dm and someday being crowned the brightest, the most charismatic the biggest being ever known! How do these idiots sleep at night? Oh I see they live the nightmare daily with dm so when sleeping they ” hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil.” All us bitter defrocked apostates on the fringes of the Internet are the really evil ones. Gosh what in the world are we doing trying to bring this great church-cult down? Laughter! Love U, Ann.
I think Jesse Prince said it perfectly in his latest interview with Jeffery Augustine. “Radicalized” fits many (including TC) that are still in.
Hi McCarran, Thank you. Could you tell me where that interview can be seen? It slipped by me and I love Jesse and his work always. Love, Ann.
Hi Ann, It’s on today.
Hi McCarran, Thank you so much for the info on the interview. I just finished listening to Jesse and I have to admit halfway thru I cried big time. For Lisa, for Quentin, for all those who have been abused and degraded and hurt in the name of a church that proclaims it is not threatening in any way…just getting on with clearing the planet. Even more chilling now. I do not know the bodily agony she went thru, but I do know there but for the grace of God, the Universe, a higher power, what ever go I. For the over 13 hours I was locked in that morgue I had no air or water either and nothing to stop my nose bleeding where I was punched. I certainly was not going to use anything from the trash piles up against one wall. I just cannot imagine the cruelty of what she endured. Bless you Lisa be in Peace. You are an angel siprit and free of this cult. Jesse is an anchor for me here as well as all of you. Love, Ann.
Well… and just who the fuck is this Taufer character really in the general scheme of madness parading as a religion?
Geezers… I’d have to say by his logic the corn farmer’s association of Iowa sure conquers a heap more mest than they do. Do you have any idea Quinn just how much dirt that association is directly or indirectly responsible for moving about the place, let alone the corn syrup that it producers that ends up as Coca Cola! They clear more square inches of weeds a year that all the Cof$ churches combined!
You don’t see the Iowa corn farmers begging for money for Ideal buildings do you?
Also the Tasmanian crayfish fisherman ain’t bitching about conquering mest, just like the crab fisherman in the northern hemisphere, they just get on with it and earn the way.
One could pick any other organisation that plies their trade and compare it the Cof$ and come away with some sort of product that was won by conquering mest. The Cof$ only conquers the weak of mind of their money with false hope and lies. Their churches lie empty funded by the greed of a management who are quickly running out of their base membership upon which their existence is wholly depended upon.
To measure success by status level of donated money handed over under duress of losing your eternity if you don’t is the lamest representation imaginable by an organisation claiming to be the only ones with the tech of life. Oh boy… what a bunch of strange ones make up the Cof$? And they call themselves a true group – get out of here!
Hi McCarran, I meant spirit! Sorry. Ann.
Nothing in that LRH quote is happening in the current Scn culture. I think Quinn and his buddy Miscavige have other fish to fry. If the sheeple would just look they would see how strong, expanding and being prosperous/flourishing the field auditors, centers and missions really are.
If they looked really hard they would see Quinn and his buddy Miscavige are lying to extort money from them. Isn’t that considered an overt in Scientology? Per the tech aren’t they continuously committing overts? Per the tech could this not make them no-case-gain? Which in turn could make them suppressive? The sheeple have been so brilliantly misdirected that they don’t even use the tech that they feel will give them their eternity.
“…the most Ideal of Ideal, Ideal Org buildings.” Almost like a children’s rhyme. Hope springs eternal with these folks.
And what’s this Ideal (three times) all about? Give me the damn deck of cards to I can deal!
“The sheeple have been so brilliantly misdirected that they don’t even use the tech that they feel will give them their eternity”.
So true, except that why were WE not misdirected, or, i/as we were, then why did we not STAY “misdirected”?
Why did WE wake up?
What was that factor?
Some of us were also born in Scientology. Some of us came in as young adults. Some of us were incredibly abused, some of us were not abused at all, and then there’s everything in between…why did WE wake up and leave? What did WE have, or, what “clicked” in US, that they don’t have, or that has not clicked or has not yet been triggered off in THEM so that they say “ENOUGH” – the way we did?
Please don’t tell me it is intelligence or common sense or awareness because I’m not buying that.
I know too many smart still ins – decent, perceptive, intelligent and aware people who are yet dedicated long time koolaid drinkers, people I know well, people who DO practice “look don’t listen” in MANY ways in their lives and who have excellent perception, whose radar is sensitive to bullshit in practically all their activities. People, in short, who do apply “look don’t listen” to their businesses, to their personal relationships and are not easy to fool ,with one major exception
They REFUSE to practice “look don’t listen” when it comes to evaluating the actual stats of the Ideal Org program, something that’s in front of their very noses in their own orgs, the policy for whichthey wouldn’t practice in a million years in their OWN businesses.
They REFUSE to look when they’re “CS’d” to redo and repay for courses they’ve already done.
The only point to what has turned into a major rant is to question why WE , diverse group that were are here, could and did, look, evaluate, and leave, and they still stay.
Actually, as soon as I posted this rant the answer came to me, clean and simple:
As different or similar as we who are out are, we share one thing in common: at one point we, for whatever reasons each decided that the Church of Scientology needed to be looked at.
As different or as similar as the Still Ins may be from us and/or from one other, they each have one thing in common: for whatever reasons, they have not yet decided to look.
What it take for one person to look may differ from what it takes for someone else to look, but assuredly, looking is all it takes to leave.
Don’t list on that, is my advice.
I’ve done some time in the military and have seen intelligent people do the dumbest things in that system too. But groups have a general effect of compliance and threaten an incredible “loneliness” for many to contemplate ever leaving it or having it disperse or destroyed. It’s a strong ‘havingess’ and survival urge. Leaving for any reason is never confronted in some for any reason. Plus to admit a mistake is worse than death for some idiots.
My take on it is, and I don’t like having to use a scio term but self-determinism is subject to psychosis/neurosis just the same as any other trait. Perhaps if another group materialised that a card carrying scio might align to then something might jog the urge to check it out. But miscavige has pretty well implanted those left in not to look anywhere else as it’s all bad other there.
However, rebels have got to come from somewhere.
Plus, intelligence can defined in many ways and scios believe they are intelligent, in fact so intelligent there is no alternative other than to suffer with the burden of it.
At the end of the day, we all have to live with ourselves, they just choose miscavige’s way presently.
Yes, very good advice to not list on this, Yawn, and I agree, there is always a choice. At some point the decision is made and the most devout and dedicated of KA drinkers gets out, born into it, brought up in it, family steeped in it, whatever. Laura De Crescenzo drank bleach to get out of there, for crying out loud. Talk about a decision! What causes any of them to look can vary, but anyone who looks can’t not be other than on his or her way out. Truly, its Alex Gibney’s genius to call what prevents anyone from LOOKING at the Church “The Prison of Belief”.
You ask a good question, Aquamarine. One could say that all thetans are not equal and some have more horsepower than others and the cream of the cream had the guts and other anatomy parts to look. Or you could say that it just comes down to integrity and ethics. I think there are many in the church that have looked and do know that all is not well within the church. But these same people abandon their own integrity to push down that knowledge and not-is it so that they can be comfortable. It would be too uncomfortable to be outside their supportive group, to endure the loneliness of losing friends and possibly family too. So those people that screwed their own integrity will have to live with themselves in that lower state, lower condition for eternity. The one idea that got me to stand up and whistle blow even at risk of losing all those I cared about in my life, was this one sentence: “Your integrity is more important than your life.”
Hi Aquamarine, Thank you for your perceptive post. You have given me much to ponder and I really would love to know exactly what you articulated. Why do all those you know stay and why did we go?
For me it was not intellectual or tied to any feelings of love for the tech etc. I think my wake up call came from a deep mystical part of me that sensed my life was literally in danger.Even though my mind still ran on Ron Time there was another facet of me that saw the great fissures and cracks and what he said versus what he did.But why did that alarm go off? All I can say is ever since I can remember I have had an ability to,perceive bad things before they occur. Many years ago when I was 20 I was in London and went to the British Museum for the day. No-one was there in the am but guards who were 90 if they were a day.Long story short I was stalked by a Nigerian Diplomat who put me in a situation where my arm was twisted up behind my back and he said if I made a sound he had a knife. As he was shoving me down the main staircase something told me to stop look back up the stairs and exclaim oh my god what is that? He looked up and I jerked away and ran like hell back up the stairs.He then ran down the staircase and split.So I went to an old geezer guard and told what had happened. He said I was very lucky as this person was a actual diplomat and there was talk of him being into white slavery stuff. Chilling and still goes on today I would surmise.Anyway I liked your post a lot Love, Ann.
Thank you, Ann. I know exactly what you mean about having the ability to perceive bad things before they occur. Congratulations on having listened to that inner voice of yours. I learned the hard way to listen to mine! I pay attention to that now. Very well done on seeing the contrary fact between what LRH said and what you were observing that he did. You were just a kid who idolized him and that took guts.
Congratulations to everyone here who listened to that own inner voice and got out, and congratulations in advance to those who will hear, and pay attention to that voice within them which will, hopefully, as it did with us, say. “This is not right. This is NOT right”.
There are still many still in that cannot bear the thought of disconnection from loved ones and have in that sense created a nice trap for themselves. There are also those who depend on other scientologists for their income and are often in debt to other scientologists which is also a self created trap albiet of flimsier design. Then you have those who were trusting enough to confess their deepest secrets and now fear being exposed and disgraced by the very people they trusted to help them rise above their faults.
Most of the rest of the lot are just stupid. There are many gradients of stupidity. One can have incorrect data or be missing data and not know it. Everything seems to be running fine so they happily continue down that path. One can also discover that they’ve been trying to fit a square peg in a round hole but continue to do so out of sheer stubbornnes. Being stupid is sometimes more acceptable than being wrong.
Below all of these are the bottom feeders. They know the organization is corrupt but they stand to benefit in some way. Their interest may be power, status, momey or some other perceived gain for themselves. They knowingly sell lies and deceit and walk upon people of trust and goodwill. These people are your criminals or your con-artists. They’re the ones running the show.
Most of us who left realized at some point that we were amongst predators who were feeding us bait, either directly or through others they had already ensnared.
Some have been able to walk away unscathed but many have left deeply scarred.
The church takes great pains to create the illusion of the promise of pleasure and enlightenment in order to make people want to stay. It also wields the threat of destruction towards those express the desire to no longer be under it’s domination.
Hi Regraded Being, Thank you for your post to wonderful Aquamarine. All you said resonates to me. I am so thankful Mike’s Blog found me and I still know how I felt when I read your first strip- Someone understands and this amazing spirit was and is you! Love, Ann.
Hi Ann. I too am thankful to have run into Mike’s Blog. It was a beacon in the storm named Scientology that helped guide me to calmer waters. I love sailing along with you and the others who now travel these waters. Keep holding your bright light high above your head. There are still others looking for a way out of that cold turbulent darkness that calls itself a religion.
Excellent comments, Regraded Being. I agree there are different echelons of cognitive dissonance in the cult. And some of the most highly touted people now fit your definition of the criminal in the ranks: namely, the FSM’s, the registrars, the IAS reges. These don’t leave because they are making big big bucks off the sheeple that they fleece. So they help DM in his smoke and mirror performances just so that they can continue to enjoy a lush lifestyle forged from some people’s last dollar and their foreclosure and bankruptcy because they gave all their money to the church. One guy I am surprised is still in is Power FSM and Field CS and Field auditor Drew Johnston. He is Class 8 and OT 8 etc. He also did the Admin Training too. So how can you be so highly trained in both auditing and admin and not see the squirreling? I think for him he traded his integrity for keeping his income and his daughter who is in the SO.
Hi Regraded Being, I will try my best always. I do not want anyone else lost on the cold, dark,turbulent Sea of Scientology. Too too many already, With much admiration and Love, Ann.
Regraded Being, your thoughtful answer to my questions and for the way you took the trouble to make distinctions between the Still Ins and their varying reasons for staying in is appreciated.
While I didn’t specifically mention them in my rant, I do have compassion for those Still Ins who trusted, and brought their children and family into the cult and cannot bear to be parted with them, or, who trusted and therefore divulged highly personal information and now fear public humiliation and loss of reputation, and those Still Ins whose total income is dependent upon other Scientologists in the business world.
Thank you for bringing these factors to the forefront of my mind. I don’t judge these people. God knows what I would have done if I had been in any of those traps.
They should have an auditing category called the “ground hog rundown” whereas you get to do arbitrary procedures over and over until you get flat or broke on it.
I’m going with “…or broke on it.”
I think Mike that you may be the only one who read that email all the way through. I truly wonder if even the most devout Koolaid drinkers ever get past the first sentence–knowing well what follows and what it means to their bank accounts, ethics interviews and future sec checking bills.
Hi morelivesthanacat, It is good to meet you. I read that whole email because I wanted to see if I could finish it without needing to open windows and let fresh air in and hot air out.
What I found strange and off-balance was the line which reads, ” you participating is what is guaranteeing the words from Ron above ” Firstly that can be read two ways, the actual words in the message or Target2 has a great telex line to cob and all the SOers regging people dry and laughing all the way to the bank! Honestly Quinn, you have managed to put together the most convoluted ridiculous bit of nothing that I have read in awhile. As I know now one can have all the $ in the world and no soul, no light and no understanding that they are caught in thr trap of this cult because they will not see. Always, Ann.
Mike, your points are well made. The KA drinkers seem to forget that it has been 10 years in the making of going Ideal. And back when I was drinking the KA, I had a girlfriend join staff at Albuquerque Org in 2012 “because they are going Ideal and need SO members…” And that was 4 years ago and they still haven’t gone Ideal Org in 4 years plus the 6 before that. So Quentin, how does that make them the “fastest org to go ideal?”
They live the Ideal Illusion and are found to be the happiest when bathing in a hot tub full of TWTH booklets!
Quinn will be on a fast train back to Valley before long to see what he can do to get VALLEY DONE by new years. Tell your ex to get out his paltry checkbook and make it go right!
Quinn reminds me of a story told by Baghwan Rajneesh:
The old monk was retiring after 80 years. 80 years of getting up before dawn, eating a bowl of rice, and going to the worst street in Calcutta to preach until dark, and returning to prayers, and sleep for 4 hours. Then do it again day after day for 80 years.
A young monk came to him, very reverently, to ask the question that was in all of the young monk’s minds. “How could you do that for so long without getting discouraged that not one person ever became convinced of their path or converted?”
The reply: “Convince another? I’ve just been busy keeping myself convinced!”
Is this, by chance the same Baghwan sri Rajneesh that owned some 60 Rolls Royces because of his bad back? The same person who’s members tried to poison the water supply of the town they were in and who tried to take over the city government? That Bagwan? I believe the town was in Oregon.
Yep. He knew better than anyone that being a guru is a con game where you have to convince yourself before you can convince anyone else.
Say what you like about Bhagwan he told some great stories!
LMFAO!!! Nice, Graham! And nice reference to fatso too!
Good one.
I absolutely love hearing stories of these masters of the universe, who supposedly have “conquered MEST,” who have “admin tech,” who tell fish stories of the powers of their fantasy bullshit to create affluence, when they have to stoop to borrow a few bucks off of other financially and spiritually broken poor lugs. What a hoot. I bet there’s a trail of $20 lenders to the Mighty Quinn a mile long, and most of them still waiting to be made whole.
Hi hgc10, Your post made my afternoon. I knew I was not the only one who helped a bunch of SOers out way back when with auditing or training. Of course all pledged that they would pay me back and of course no-one did so.It appears Quinn has taken this practice to a new low! Always enjoy your posts. Love, Ann.
Hi Ann, I thank you for noticing and am glad to provide some small measure of entertainment. Don’t think to unkindly of all those people who didn’t pay you back — After all, they are perfectly duplicating LRH, who left a string unpaid debts everywhere he went in this world. Of course I kid. Go ahead and think unkindly all you want, if it helps!
Hi hgc10, Well I have decided not to think unkindly about those who did not pay back. The reason is in my golden years I like rainbow years better. In my rainbow years money does not mean what it did when I was younger. I would much rather stop and smell the roses now and try to make myself calmer.Sometimes I can really get wound up.That is why your posts are good you have a powerful light. Love, Ann.
How could he afford LSD? Oh right, he would just borrow the money from another staff member. How fitting it is that Quinn is out begging for dollars. He STILL owes me money. He borrowed money from me when I was on the RPF. When I was making $11.25 a WEEK he borrowed $20 from me. Never paid it back. That’s the kind of guy they have out there demanding money.
BBJ — he is rolling in dough now. He AND his wife are both status something-or-others in the ideal org status hierarchy. It is a lucrative job, even in the SO, being a reg. They are the ONLY people that are paid. There are IAS SO staff who make in excess of 100k per year — and they have NO expenses.
That is an extremely disturbing scenario when one looks at the living conditions of rank and file SO & staff members. Christmas is coming up and it’s always an extra sad time for church members being held away from family and the life they once knew where companionship and compassion rated high on the list of attributes of family values.
Holy Shit.
This is shameful that the reges like Quin and his mother, IAS reg, Mary Tauffer, make that kind of money. In the St Pete’s Times video, Truth Rundown, Hy Levy (RIP), a former successful Flag registrar, said that the Reges did make good money on the up weeks, so much so that he was able to buy his wife expensive jewelery etc. And the thought of Quin and his mother and other IAS people are living the high life while their SO comrades are eating rice and beans and sleeping in roach infested close quarter, (that is when they can manage to get a few hours of sleep), it is just really sickening. Power corrupts and I’ve seen IAS registrars change over time with the power they wield and become more and more corrupt, a mirror of the leadership they follow.
So true, Cindy, and the high IAS commissions are a clear index of whence comes the cult’s actual income.
That is funny, I remember in pac renos we would line up for our “pay”, and the ethics officer would make Quinn stand there and pay back everyone he had borrowed from. Then he would come around borrowing money again. Never ending loop that scn seemed unable to fix. At this time, he still owes me $30.
Bruger was a madman. i worked on Pac Reno. i was there for northridge quake.
In Albuquerque, have they even managed to sell the Gizmo building, which they bought in 2007 but couldn’t use due to zoning, and have been trying on and off to unload it since then?
Dave has some real issues with zoning. He has invested millions in three properties I know of that are not zoned for Church. He thinks he can bend any law to suit his needs. But he has not been able to bend zoning laws. My guesstimate is that he has blown a minimum of ten million buying land and buildings the church can not use, then spending millions in legal to force zoning he does not obtain.
The only successful program he has run in the Church is his, “If you don’t like David Miscavige, you can’t be a Scientologist” program.
P.S. Replacing div 6 staff with robots who flashed news of Tom Cruise also implies you have to be a fan on Tom to be a Scientologist.
I think these are the real “why” for empty Orgs and the crashing membership numbers.
Dave has resorted to begging to keep the front doors open.
Right! The IAS is Scientology’s “income”.
It is David’s income.
Everyone else is a paying customer or a volunteer.
I believe they still own the Gizmo building. The last time I was by there the bottom floor was being rented as retail space. It was about midnight. The door is inset a bit from the sidewalk with window displays on each side creating a kind of alcove. Three Mexican guys were sleeping there on pieces of cardboard.