It was clear to everyone this was coming.
The SuMP launch is done. Funny, haven’t seen any shows broadcast yet on the airwaves – not TV or radio or even anything on the internet?? You can be sure that if someone else “opened” a “broadcast center” it would begin broadcasting. Ideal orgs will continue, but there are too many areas where they already HAVE an empty ideal org or there is absolutely NOTHING happening even when they have a “new” building (Hello Philly? Detroit, New Haven, Chicago etc etc etc). The dead ideal org horse has been beaten to dust in all but a few cities.
So what’s the ecclesiastical leader of the fastest growing religion on earth supposed to do under the circumstances?
Come up with the next pitch of course.
The “L. Ron Hubbard Hall” has been on the backburner for years. Heard NOTHING about it. Even though they didn’t scrap plans for its construction (though as is typical, they have scrapped a few plans for the design).
But here they are, back again. And for each new idea the “reasons” become more absurd. This one is the hardest to sell of all.
So, let me get this straight. We are creating an ideal civilization. And the best way to create an ideal civilization is not through auditing and training, but by building a David Miscavige event venue? Really? And this is how L. Ron Hubbard’s works are going to be brought to the world? Haven’t you noticed that the “international events” are NOT for the “world” – they are ONLY for scientologists in the bubble… You cannot get into the events unless you are a cleared bubbleperson. You cannot see the events unless you go to an org to watch them. Even for scientologists, it must be a tough sell to convince them that building an event hall is really going to “forward planetary clearing” (that is because it doesn’t)
This is a “vital” facility? Why is that? Cannot fill the Shrine Auditorium. Struggle to even fill Ruth Eckerd Hall. So, why spend a hundred million dollars on building something else to do events in? There are plenty of other venue in Tampa Bay that will hold up to 15,000 people if it was ever needed (little odd they are still at Ruth Eckerd that holds 2300 after decades of “monumental expansion” isnt it?). Same in LA if they could ever fill the Shrine auditorium…
And a donation of $100 or $250 is a joke in this plan. Miscavige thinks BIG when he thinks about collecting other people’s money. $100 will not buy one inch of the 473,829.7 inches of fiber optic cable that is going to go into this “state-of-the-art” facility.
All around, this is like a Saturday Night Live skit mocking scientology fundraising scams.
BTW – I wonder if this is Quinn the Eskimo’s little bro being unleashed to follow in the Mighty Quinn’s footsteps?
What’s the Quinn the Eskimo reference?
I do recall there was a commentor that went by that name a while back.
Was Quinn an IAS spy/troll?
The fact that the request is for $100, $250 donations indicates unserious the intention is to built this latest white elephant.
Already on to the next fundraising gambit which has for some time taken a back seat to SuMP. I’d love to ask these sheeple about what Scientology programs they’re watching now. Probably they’d just give me that “duh” look that I would get so often when I asked questions, right before I left. “Duh…”, a kind of blank stare. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
The $100 or $250 is all they think the general Scn. public will give after years of regging. You can smell the fear of driving off more public. The “or more” is just there for show.
Spots on a leopard are much more subject to change than Scientology’s bubble procedures. All they can actually do is demand/coerce for more and more money, that’s their only game – pitching against people’s delusion of eternity lost their only carrot. Any lie will do to play that game, for without that SOP we would have seen them disappear ages ago.
Really? Surely the bubble dwellers will see through this one. If not, then I give up hope for them.
Simon is Quinn’s youngest brother. Raised in the SO. Tried to route out more than once but was convinced to stay each time. Never had any training despite all his years in the SO. The Tauffers are only good for asking for money.
How much commission will Quinn Taufer rake in from this email? Ten to fifteen percent is usual. Quinn is just playing the $cieno version of Prince of Nigeria!!
The low amounts he asks for indicate that he got the low end of the money cart. Bob Duggan and the other whales will get the Cardone treatment, and Cardone will get his 10-15% too. It is good to be the Whale Reg. Though I do have to wonder how much Cardone has to kick back to the bosses scotch fund?
Look for many more of these emails in the future. No one is going to reach Benefactor status with $200 at a time. And Quinn has rent or dinner to buy. He may have to settle for the Arbys dollar menu, he sure won’t be collecting McDonalds size money.
The clams have hinted that all of the SuMP programming will be going to the Idle mOrgs. No doubt that content will be heavily encrypted to prevent us wogs from having a laugh with it.
Miscavige has taken “Full of Shit” to orders of magnitude never dreamed of before.
Miscavige is creating a seemingly endless series of “shiny things” in a futile attempt to deflect and distract from the sheer volume of television, books, documentaries, newspaper articles and magazine expose’s and legal headaches as far as the eye can see…and I haven’t even mentioned…THE INTERNET.
Mike, the answer or solution is so obvious & inexpensive, I’m surprised you didn’t mention it. The request for donations say “supporting the creation of LRH hall…..making it possible for the world to find out about his life and legacy, and the tech of dianetics and Scientology”
They could accomplish this with one $100 donation & an average teenager with a computer. It’s called a website AND the Internet.
L. Ron Hubbard Hall, aka Miscavige Mausoleum, will be where the Super-Secret and Confidential Mummy Rundown is delivered, as preparation for OT IX and X which will only be available at Target Two.
Man, I hope I can catch a flight there! How many light years is it to Target 2? And do they serve meals on the flight?
To quote Mick Jagger, “it’s just a shot away.” Meals are not served as the passengers are in cryo-sleep just like in Alien. There is limited seating as many are called and few are frozen. Also, the price is astronomical.
Damn! What a bummer! I was so looking forward to it, Wolverine. (big sigh).
Cheer up OSD, I hear it’s not all it’s cracked up to be, especially since Hubbard had several undesirables branded as fair game there. It’s really Target Too, as in you could be next.
I wondered when they are going to start selling the address to Target 2? Probably already have with those secret, behind closed door briefings. “It’s getting too hot here on Earth, the SPs are attacking in numbers because of our unprecedented expansion, but don’t despair, for a sizable donation we will supply the address you need for your Gateway to Eternity on Target 2. Now fully set up to Ideal thanks to COB who personally saw to it that the very best best of accommodations and kitchens await you there. Act today to secure you future. Bonus rental rates for your Body in Pawn if booked in advance, access codes strictly limited to first come first serviced basis. Good luck!
I often said Scientology is the sublimation of capitalism but I have a picture venting iRONy:
Ron indeed put the RON in iRONy
You know,those Amish folks are not intensely focused on Planetary Expansion and they’re doing okay.
An Amish drinking from a plastic bottle of water! Unbelievable. 🙂
As I understand it the strict rules kick in when they reach adulthood. I vaguely recall a 60-Minutes-wannabe program doing a segment on teenage buys buying or building hot rod cars and then giving them up at 18 or 21.
Did I mention that Amish girls don’t have to slut up?
That email inspired an idea that makes as much sense as Mr Taufer’s does:
They should get everyone to re-gift the sets of basics they have in the garage, basements, and attics then build the LRH hall out of books. That will really bring source to the people and it will truly be the house that LRH built! They can do the wiring with recycled e-meters whose certs have expired. Titanium can be reclaimed from the “eternal” records made obsolete by GAT and GATII. If they run out they can buy more from eBay, etc.
Great comment!
SUMP has no producer’s, writers,talent(talking heads) editors,
programmers, NOTHING.
I can open a fry pan channel and run reruns King Kong and make boat loads of money.
Don’t look for anything on the air from David Miscavige T.V. same for Hubbard Hall’s.
Coming soon; SuMP will need lots and lots and lots…ad nauseam…of donations to plan to start planning to start thinking about starting to make programs that will stun (I’m thinking blackjack to the back of the head here) the world into discovering how earth shattering!, monumental!, amazing!, incredible! Demento…oops, $camology, will be in saving, rescuing!, safeguarding!, reclaiming!, salvaging! us all.
There is no logic left in the bubble. Let’s suppose there WERE tons of scamologists in the CW area. The primary purpose of the building they are pitching is for dissemination to NON-scamologists. Clearwater is NOT a good venue for that. It is a sleepy area. You’d want this someplace like Piccadilly Circus.
Oh well, let the P.T. Barnum axiom engage!
You have no idea of how much Scientology is loathed in the Clearwater area. When I we first moved into a nearby location back in 1995 my then wife got a job working in Clearwater at a shelter for abused women. She was rather put out that nobody would talk to her the first few days, it turned out that her fellow employees were worried that she was a, gulp, Scientologist!! They were greatly relieved that she was not a member of the cult. I had heard of Scientology of course but until then I paid no mind to it. But this got my curiosity going so I began to ask people about just what Scientology was. I got a lot of interesting replies. While no two people could agree on what it was they all said the Scientologists should be avoided. Not one person of the dozen or more people that I asked had anything good to say about it.
it’s good to hear an outsider view.
Andro, I remember in the late 70’s early 80’s people in CW throwing eggs at CoS staff members. Good to hear that their popularity hasn’t waned much. lol
If they broadcast the opening themselves, like a normal business would, how could they strong-arm donations from the sheeple? No, better to have event showings at the orgs. Followed by fundraisers and koolaid booster doses.
yeah, it’s a closed group.
No surprise here that there are no products coming out of the SuMP.
This is exactly the same as no super beings coming out of the SP building in CW.
Not a surprise from the outside. Hardly a breath wasted between one fundraiser and the next.
I hope they continue this way. The excuses for needing money are so thin now that most people are giving up in contempt and escaping.
Well done David Miscavige. You won. They are all leaving. That IS what you wanted, right?
Alas the few remaining are hardcore bubble people and those taking advantage of them. I feel sorry for the kids who grew up in this. It will take years of work and compassion to help them break free. As to the fools with money, they will always be fools with money unless they go broke.
yes, for the still in and the kids especially, it’s almost impossible to break free. It’s the TRUTH for them. It’s the way they see the world. It colors every thought and idea about life. It’s so like expecting the deaf to hear and the blind to see.
It’s not impossible for kids. It may depend on where those kids are and what they’ve experienced, but myself and a slightly younger relative both saw the light on our own. I know my mother began to question things when I was still learning to walk, but she was subjected to incredible pressure and brought back in line, chained to a billion year contract. What happened before and after that is not funny.
Somebody said here yesterday that scientologists have made their bed and must lie in it. While that is true, as such, it’s very painful to see how the suffering continues as a result of having been tricked and coerced into giving one’s life away.
I loved this line from Chris Shelton’s recent interview with the English guy from JW (I forget the name): “Anybody can be lied to.”
Aren’t there several cable channels that are dedicated to religious programming? With the recent death of Mother Angelica, there might be a need for content. A face-saving measure would be to produce shows at the station and distribute the programming through that route. A problem with this approach is that all the programming that I’ve seen on cable has been Christian programming of one kind or another, though I will admit to changing the channel very quickly when I stumble across one of the religious programs.
What Miscavige wants is the sort of television system that they have in “V for Vendetta” or “The Hunger Games”, where he has the capability to take over control of their television sets to broadcast certain programming and require mandatory viewing of certain programs. His problem is that his congregation is aging out, and the public Scientologists are looking to retirement, particularly if they managed to avoid having their children signed up for the Sea Org.
Scientology is the “free to play” video game of religions, because you get nagged for money if you want to make progress in the game. .
I liked the comments to the effect that they won’t put out vids as anything that will come out will be mocked and parodied. I don’t think they know how they’re viewed truly, but I think they just may know enough to be wary. It’s quite funny.
I would pay hard earned cash to watch the film that was discussed on the UB yesterday (coment by “techie”)
“There is a really funny movie called “The Secret of Flag Results”, directed by Hubbard, which is supposedly about Karen Black or some similar high level celebrity coming to the Flag Land Base with serious issues and going away all fixed up. It has a great scene where Norman Starkey is delivering a Severe Reality Adjustment to a whole conference room full of Sea Org to get them rolling on dealing with this out-of-control actress.
It used to be available on 8mm film cassette, pure propaganda in the 80s and pure comedy gold if it were available today.”
Ok I would come out for some tr’s.The Taufrobber would read from Alice in wonderland: But I don’t want to go among mad people,’ said Alice. ‘Oh, you can’t help that,’ said the cat. ‘We’re all mad here.’
hm wonder what an appropriate acknowledgement would be.
“Oh yes, the only man who is mad is the man who thinks he is not mad” (may be paraphrasing since I cannot find the original LRH quote.)
You can hear Ron state this on the end of this interview done on the Apollo.
I’m working to get Alice back unsullied. I don’t want hubbard’s nasty hand to ruin nice things in the world for me. Not any longer. he didn’t write Alice, he doesn’t get to ruin it.
Maybe next time when one of the Taufer clan is howling in front of your door print this out and pass it under the door.
From Tape: The Genus of Scientology, Anatomy of the Human Mind Congress, 31 December 1960:
We own a tremendous amount of property. We own a tremendous amount of material, and so forth. And it keeps growing. But that’s not important. When buildings get important to us, for God’s sake, some of you born revolutionists, will you please blow up central headquarters…
Don’t get interested in real estate. Don’t get interested in the masses of buildings, because that’s not important.
From HCO PL 23 Sept 1970, Quarters, Policy Regarding – Historical:
…In twenty years an enormous amount of experience has been gained regarding the quarters and housing of orgs. From this experience there are only a few clear-cut lessons. These follow:
A. VIABILITY of the org… is the first and foremost consideration… not how posh or what repute or what image…
C. Image is a secondary consideration.
From HCO PL 24 February 1964, Issue II, Org Programming:
If the org slumps… don’t engage in ‘fund-raising’ or ‘selling postcards’ or borrowing money. Just make more income with Scientology. It’s a sign of very poor management to seek extraordinary solutions for finance outside Scientology. It has always failed.
For orgs as for pcs, ‘Solve It With Scientology’. “Every time I myself have sought to solve financial or personnel in other ways than Scientology I have lost out. So I can tell you from experience that org solvency lies in more Scientology, not patented combs or fund-raising barbeques.
– See more at:
Xenu, I think that once Miss Cabbage figured out that it was impossible for a Scamology Orgs to be Viable, he switched to Plan B.
So, the rocks and turnips remain bloodless. And it looks like Davey’s running out of ideas. His desperation continues to excite us and entertain us.
I imagine, by now, he’s been updating his passport, confirming vacation destinations that have favorable banking and extradition laws, and nearby airstrips that can be used by Tom Cruise’s airplane. Soon enough, he’ll be offloading and declaring all the parishioners too poor or too stubborn (smart, maybe) to support his lifestyle. And he’ll do this by leaving everyone behind–can’t take anyone with him, as he has no friends. Not even Shelly or Tommy.
I quote a common refrain in our communities: Tick-Tock, Davey!
PS: Tommy (and Johnny T), be sure to keep your planes’ tracking equipment up to date. It wouldn’t surprise me if little Davey somehow loses airplanes during fits of temper and panic and refuses to give them back…
naawwww. I think he fully believes in himself and doesn’t see the ruination. 🙂
Simon Taufer is indeed Quinn’s younger brother. Their mom Mary Taufer is an IAS field reg.
Still trying to get a rise out of hopscotching around Hubbard scripture?
Rising to greater heights? Following footsteps? Yeah, riiiight!
BTW, what really happens when someone calls Simon to donate $100?
Who will call Simon?
Whoa! Are they ever in trouble! So….what’s next after Hubbard Hall? Hubbard Hall 2? Just in case they have overflow crowds? Yeah, that must be it. Overflow crowds….
Wazzup OSD??? What is next is Golden Age of Hubbard Halls II. Lucky for us (sometime in the future) the emperor hisself will confront and shatter suppression when HE finds that an SP architect drew the plans who was in cahoots with the psych Building Inspector. Then they get to reraise the funds all over again! Hip Hip….
Wazzup, Tommy J! So you have your SP architect as well as your psych Building Inspector. And, there’s a large group of Marcabs saying they own this planet and to get the Hell out of Dodge. They seem really pissed off too. Hey, this just may be the start of the Marcabian landing Hubbard spoke of. I wonderful what their women look like….
Perhaps Regraded Being can enlighten us in a future post on what they look like!
I hear they have 3 boobs….
Ha! That or look like Rosie O’Donnell
Hey Old Surfer. You seem like such a mellow fellow…I wanna tell you sumpin that just pleases me to nooo end. I never gave a dime. Oh, I bought the levels, I did the training and the new crap, I followed along like a good scio, always making sense out of the latest lies…except..for …the donations. I knew what hubbard had said about What Your Fees Buy, and so I never agreed to the straight donos. IAS, SuperPower building, Ideal Orgs, nope. Not a dime. I only paid for service.
So yeah, I was a total chump for paying for service, wanting that freedom and all.. but I never gave them extra alms for their lying cups. They f*cking hated me for that. I had ways of making them not want to ask me anymore. 🙂 The IAS regges loathed me and I just laughed at it. I didn’t like them either.
“They fucking hated me for that. I had way of making them not want to ask me anymore. The IAS regges loathed me and I just laughed at it. I didn’t like them either!
OUTSTANDING, SFN! You did a great job not handing over donations. Hubbard said, “If the GI is low, fix it by selling Scientology. DO NOT resort to selling postcards or FUNDRAISING!
Since you got by all of the regges, you truly must have OT POWERS…
That’s an EASY one OSD. It will be a new ship (for Davie to retire on) for OT IX & X delivery.
Yes, Simon is the little bro of Quinton.
Love this new level of case awareness that you have coined Mike.
Could be part of a catchy new rundown targeting an EP of “cleared bubbleperson” ??
Hmmm, so what should we call the new rundown ???
Oh wait, that might already be the EP that the cherished “6 Month Check” is carefully designed to achieve…
My bad.