This is an amazing piece from Jeanie Franks/Bogvad’s current husband.
It is a distillation of how fundamentalist scientologists view the world and their role in it.
First off for every good scientologist, an “LRH quote” must set the stage and prove to everyone how “On-Source” you are. It is proudly proffered, without irony, to demonstrate that one is “with the program” as a true scientologist and thus can think for themselves. This one especially picked to be used to overcome sales barriers. “I don’t have any money for that auditing you say I need” is responded to with “You are just effect of MEST, look what LRH says.”
David knows “Everything that can be wrong with a person’s mind” — such conceit. Mr. Jeanie knows he is the world’s foremost authority on the mind because he has studied what L. Ron Hubbard says about it. This IS the hallmark of a true scientologist. Absolute certainty they know all there is to know about the mind, man, the spirit and window washing because LRH told them so. When you take an objective look at this, it is really quite mad.
A “renewed and immediate certainty that they can be cause over it, simply because they now know what it is” — more craziness. And if they know that they are not progressing on the Bridge because they have no money, knowing this is really going to make a difference?
Well, ponder this Mr. Jeanie. If what you say is true, and you perform these miracles in 30 minutes, and you have been doing this for years, how come the Florence, Kentucky org isn’t bursting at the seams? Even if it is ONLY you that is working on getting people moving on the Bridge? You could do 5 of these “free assessments” in a day (you could actually do 15 if they really take 30 minutes — and still have time to watch TV in the evening). If you have been doing this for 10 years — that’s 3,650 days. Minus a day off each year for SO Day, March 13th and New Years that is 3,620 days. Multiply that by 5 and you should have had 18,100 people making their way to Clear in the last decade. And if this works so well, surely you would allocate at least 3 other people to doing this amazing free thing that works every time because it’s LRH.
Your org has probably not made 18 Clears in that time.
Funny how money is everyone’s problem, but according to you it is not the “real problem.” It never is when it is someone else. But it is ALWAYS the problem in the org. No org EVER has enough money and they are obsessed with making it. So how come this doesn’t apply to you, Jeanie and the rest of the Florence faithful?
Have you ever noticed in scientology, there are numerous “laws of the universe” they use to “enlighten” people about how to handle themselves — but they somehow do not apply to the org:
Money isn’t the real problem
If something bad happens, it’s because you pulled it in
You have to take responsibility for your overts
You cannot be out exchange by taking something and giving nothing in return
You are responsible for your own condition
etc etc etc
By no means a complete list.
I am very happy to see Foolproof’s presence on Mike’s blog, and his/her point of view.
I wish every practicing scientologist would come to this blog and read it every day. Because being roused out of a deep slumber takes time.
Happy to oblige – well, saying that, I’ve tried to wake you all up from your living nightmares but the best solution is to slip across a few states and get a 53 assessed and handled from Sir Railliert, as you don’t want to be like Rainbow below who gets Nazis restimulated when he reads the 53!
whatareyourcrimes, I am also VERY happy that Mike allows its [Foolproof’s] posts. For people who were never in scamology and may be contemplating it, its posts are a WYSIWYG for the end product of the scam.
The best deterrent I can think of on this blog.
In the 1950ties and sixtes the ex nazis and germans liked to tell each other and to us kids that we would have won the war easily, IF … The V2 Rocket would be there in numbers (OT8, new E-meter etc.), Or Himmler/Hitler would have been not so stressed (Miscavige/Hubbard) and so on. The wording is basically the same. Some ex-members think in terms of powers and masses of people and glorify old times.
That, at the Nuremberg field, a lot of people came because they got a lot of false promises ( like Hubbard made them constantly ) says nothing about the quality. Later the people blew from the nazis, because of no results.
The most brutal thing i experienced with the cult and other cults was (besides the brutality of the cult) the fact, that there is a type of people, which is still hoping for power through such a system. Not reflecting what happened and what are the effects on others. They cannot see the parallels to 1984 or the hypnotic force behind all this stuff.
This we see now in the old east german parts and also in the USA.
Mr. Atack founded “openmindsfoundation” for this to help people to get wider viewpoints on slavery systems.
To the main article: this points it out exactly by numbers: this “tech” is made for people who seek powers through manipulations.
And a CS53 is made to entrap people through focusing the mind to a wished result. There is no freedom in it.
Foolproof, your use of the term “untrained mind” is unsettling… has someone “trained” you how to think? Sounds like mind control to me. I’d rather have an open mind than a trained mind.
Are you a Scientologist Tasha? What I meant was someone trained in Scientology. However, as to your “mind control”, Scientology is the only known technology to be able to release such “mind control”, so there is no need to be unsettled. In fact you should be assured that if the CIA or the bogey men come and fetch you, you can always consult a Dianetic auditor afterwards to be released from any Jason Bourne identities they may have implanted on you. (Great films BTW!) In fact as far as I recall, Scientology was involved in exposing the MK Ultra experiments of the CIA, but Mike would know more about that from his OSA history.
Scientology is the only known technology to be able to release such “mind control”
Well, perhaps. But what is NOT debatable is that it cannot release the mind control instilled by scientology.
My mind is quite fine (believe it or not – haha!) But we are now talking about 2 different things – which I stress time and time again! You are not incorrect when you say there is now a mind set in the staff and public of the Church which I honestly think would be abhorrent to Hubbard if he knew what was going on now. No argument – that’s why I and about 50-100,000 trained others left or got booted out. The Debbie Cook email summarizes it almost perfectly – I would have been a bit more vehement but Debbie was trying to win an argument with those UTR.
I have never seen a system, like the hubbard cult, which made such hypnotic robots. This is obvious. Hubbard teached how to steal kids. I know that by my self in real life and not by idiots who are hiding in world conspiracy stories to justify their megalomania. And i mean idiots. There is no fun in stealing kids, destroying families and killing people. Some of my friends were murdered by this insane folks. See the list of murdered or suicide peoples.
You and I seem to have walked the same pathways. However: IMO you present a false assurance to Tasha.
Yes, I remember Hubbard asserted on the PDC that Dianetics could undo whatever had been done to an individual. In theory—- perhaps. In fact scio refuses the mentally ill, those who have been treated, or criminals. Seems to answer the assertion that dianetics fixes all ills. It does NOT work every time.
From what I have read MKULTA had so many closed doors that it is difficult to correctly assess what of some 50 or more activities from 10 or more groups was ‘exposed’ and what was inadvertently or deliberately revealed. However that may be, I was told Scio desperately wanted in. That would be a group to avoid with extreme prejudice.
Movieland reality: IMO Jason Bourne was best portrayed by Matt Damon . Patrick McGoohan as The Prisoner (TV series 1967-8) presented his successful rejection 17 times of ‘mind control’; especially The Schizoid Man episode. Reality does not often work out so well, just my guess.
I don’ t really know what Scientology actually did in exposing MK Ultra, as I said Mike could answer that better, and it was a bit before my time, but as for this nebulous rumor that Scientology “desperately wanted in” by which presumably you mean that Scientology wanted to be involved in the research or whatever the CIA did, I have never heard such total nonsense and whoever you “heard” that from I suggest you cross him off your Christmas card list, to put it mildly. Address at Langley? Do you really think Hubbard would risk his life’s work to be involved in such nefarious and criminal activity and which is the complete diametric opposite of what he wanted to achieve?
As for the Dianetic treatment of the mentally ill and criminals you mention, that has nothing to do with whether or not it works on these people – it would work on them as well, but is simply an organizational decision not to treat such people, the reasons for which Hubbard mentions often. So your statement that “it does not work every time” is simply your opinion based on a false premise. The only one here who is presenting a false assurance to Tasha is yourself by presenting 2 false ideas to him/her and hoping no one notices, and replies.
So Jim, our “pathways” were never the same nor did they even cross, anywhere.
And actually I quite liked the new guy as well, who played Jason Bourne (can’t recall his name but he is a fairly well known actor). As for personal preferences I never liked the way Matt Damon runs (on the beach and in other scenes) – I thought it was too uncoordinated and weird-looking (but apart from that he was pretty good).
Misdirectors? WTF?! You can’t audit out BANKRUPT!
why on earth would they need a recovery auditor? LOL
I thought they had millions of new members joining and being the fastest growing religion. LOL
Hey DM, when you gonna release OT9/10?
Bob Duggan wants it. same as Lisa Presley?
What’s the hold up, where is the product? Why have you delayed it? The world needs OT9/10?
DM you are low stat person, get your stats up you piece of
Great article, Mike.
I had a Reg who used to say, “Money is trash to a thetan” and “Money is not important”. Stuff like that.
Once I answered him, “That’s true. Money is not important, except when the org needs it – right?”
I thought it was funny.
That remark got me KR’d for being “smart-alecky” to a Scientology Registrar trying to do his job.
Smart Alecky. Unbelievable. As if I were, say, 14, sassing my father back…?
My late father, who actually would have smiled if I had responded in such a way to him,, if it had been warranted.
But then, when it came to their needs and wants for money, the org people seemed to be lacking a sense of humor!
I was given a copy of that KR and while reading it , thought, “Hoo boy, you think THAT was smart-alecky! Whoa! If you only heard the remarks I DON’T make around here!”
Nevertheless, I went and apologized to him. Threw him a “flow”. Not much but enough. I forget what he wanted it for. I knew it was what I had to do to shut him up. For a while.
Another used car salesman threatened to increase stats. Pitiful..
LRH quote: Thoughts of a madman…totally bullshit and charactoristic of his drive to be better than anyone or anything. He was really such a small and weak man.
Well, the original HCOB that this is based on (RECOVERING STUDENT AND PCS) was written back in the good old days without the current background of unnecessary heavy ethics, donations for Ideal orgs, IAS, Superpower buildings etc. Actually it does work every time, when I used it anyway, way back when. You just assess a C/53 prepared list and indicate the biggest reading item. I always remember being very surprised when the people, who had been off lines for ages, all originated coming back on lines and I marveled at its efficacy.
But as others imply here, there is another factor or factors at play here now. And there was a more “level playing field” in the “good old days”. For instance, if this list was assessed on me would it mean that I went back to the Church instead of staying as an Independent. Ain’t gonna work. There is always the chance that doing this list might still work on some but it really would depend then on how aware they are of the outpoints in the current Church. Bruce’s comment below about having a kinder Church (and also without the donations scams which are simply covert price rises without exchange) would tip the scales so that this list would again work as it was supposed to. Until then…
well, if the C.S 53 really worked, there would still be thousands of scientologists, indie or not.
Bull shit I say.
Er, there are still thousands of Scientologists, Indie and in the Church. And do you know personally if that has been applied to every Scientologist who left? No, you don’t, so don’t make a comment out of spite. So yes, your remark is bullshit as you say.
The CoS US population minus SO staff is perhaps a few thousand (3-4) no more. The ACTIVE Indie field is perhaps a couple of hundred.
In the mid 70’s there were about 50k scamologists in the USA. By mid 80’s that was down to about 20k.
You may be right Huckleberry, but on the other hand it’s all your guesswork is it not, designed to minimalize the facts as much as possible to make you feel good about something or other.
But you are missing the point here anyway with your preoccupation of how many Scientologists there are – Scientology was always designed for an elite group of souls from which you’ve decided you weren’t good enough to be a member! This of course explains your constant and carping chagrin aimed at Scientologists, of whichever branch of the religion. If you wish to be a member of this elite group again, the road back is to receive a C/S53 to F/Ning list in your case. After a few prerequisites of course! Poor old Huckleberry, self-exclusion must be even worse than being booted out eh? Still, dumbing down and leveling down to be part of the herd is all the rage these days.
Haha! This will put the cat among the pigeons. Am I serious? Haha!
Perhaps the most accurate thing you have posted here FP, no matter whether you were serious or not: Scientology was always designed for an elite group of souls
This IS scientology. And that elite group of souls are those willing to accept the conceit that L. Ron Hubbard has discovered and codified all valuable knowledge about life, happiness, the mind and eternity in this universe (other than the things he has “not yet” discovered — only HIS “discoveries” count). I was once a member of this “elite” and was absolutely certain this was true and that I WAS “elite”, just like every scientologist believes. Because this IS what L. Ron Hubbard taught. Auditors are the top 1% of the top 10% of earth’s population. The lowliest Sea Org member would be lionized in any other organization. etc etc
Sadly, that “elite” is really akin to the one solider marching out of step in an army parade looking around and thinking to himself “Why is everyone else out of step?”
That is the lot of every dedicated scientologist, whether a Hubbard acolyte or a Miscavige acolyte.
Sadly, that is how you address the other commenters on this blog — “why are they all out of step with me? Dont they know I am the only one who is right?”
Mike, surely you don’t believe the nonsense you have just written? Now I know you run an anti-Scientology blog now but deep down in your heart you know you are just being politically correct and pandering to the herd that is congregated here? Haha!
But being serious or not, actually Mike it is always the rest who attack my mostly innocuous remarks – what I say about the technology is what I have observed in the real world, which is contrary to most people who argue that what I have observed is, (in their OPINION – not observation), nonsense. Now I don’t start all these arguments. Just read my remarks, there is nothing untruthful in them – and this is what riles them it seems!
The only cat here among the pigeons is You FP.
Hope You have another great year looking for a purpose in life. Why not retrain to become one of the auditor elite; You will gain certainty on Your superiority over all other life forms to say nothing of Your eternity.
BTW, Say hi to Dave and the other squirrels in his cage!
I already am a trained auditor thanks. Me say “hello” to Dave? He’s in the office next to you is he not? (No to be fair that is more like Huckleberry Wyn or some of the other “nice” commenters here – all working for OSA.)
There is only a leaving staff routing form which is per policy a 12 1/2 hour of sec check checks, and per policy if a person wishes to leave staff Hubbard said they can leave if they submit to the sec check.
If the C/S 53 where the wonder all, why didn’t Hubbard per policy say a person should get a C/S 53 when leaving staff?
Now, when public leave, and some do so quietly, or never return, or some do so loudly saying this is bullshit,
where’s the end all magic C/S 53?
It’s bullshit dude!
here’s your C/S 53 page 220.
What rhetorical nonsense by Hubbard, and I can’t believe you are Foolproof.
The beginning of the pdf Hubbard says the “work was free so keep it so”
Show me a Clear? or OT?
I think DM the great one should make a public statement that the only reason people are speaking out about Scientology or criticizing scientology is because they need a C/S 53!!!!!!!
Hey DM, make a public statement about the greatness of scientology Hubbard technology, light years ahead of wog tech, you are into the infinity of mankind!
Hey DM, the world needs OT9/10, whats the comm lag, we need you DM, please save us!!!!!!!
Glad to see I have rattled your self-imposed cage. There is of course no policy that states a Staff Leaving Sec Check should be 12.5 hours – it takes as long as it takes. Of course to an untrained mind I should inform you (at the least) that the C/S53 is not the only tool that can be used to unburden a soul from his or her problems. You should try them out! LOL!
Love to see that policy. Unfamiliar with anything about a 12.5 hour LSSC
The PL is not Leaving and Leaves, it’s another PL. Unfortunately I tossed all my Green vol’s.
It goes something like this. A person originates they wish to leave staff, the EO arranges for the person to get a sec check which should not be longer than 12 1/2 hours. In the meantime, the person is put on MEST work. After the sec check, the person is asked if they still wish to leave or stay. If they wish to now stay, they are given a condition and work up while on staff. If they wish to leave, they are given their freeloader bill if any and wished well.
I applied this PL when I left staff although they tried to handle me via other means, I simply applied the PL. I was HAS in my Org so I knew the PL’s. I also did recruiting and everything else in Div 1, I broke the record for QSH points, that includes 2 1/2 & 5 year contracts.
I really feel sorry for people that didn’t know this PL as they were sitting ducks and put thru torture. God damn scientologists don’t even apply their own Policy Letters.
And yah, I even tried to put the C/S 53 line in my org, it wasn’t in, when I first read it when I was a true believer. OMG
The whole thing is crazy, really crazy, scientology is.
Maybe Chuck Beatty knows the PL since he wrote routing forms.
Yes, Ok, UpOver, there may have been a (part of a) policy written way back when (in the 60s probably) that may well have stated that a SLSC should not be more than 12.5 hours to save organizational time, but even so I still don’t recall it. I do however also now vaguely remember reading something like this, probably buried in OEC Vol 1 or 4 somewhere as you say. But regardless of whether it exists or not if the Church wanted you to “fess up” and you were an important enough terminal, then no expense would be spared to try and claw you back, although even that has a limit (usually of persistence of the Org “divided by” resistance of the person wanting to leave) of course. Either way the point is actually unimportant (due to the above) in practical terms.
BTW as regards your good stats – very well done! I know the feeling (of not being acked).
UpOver, there was no such HCO PL. I handled “Leaving” of staff in the SO and studied ALL relevant policies until I could recite them without glancing at them. There wasn’t even an FO that stated that. You are misremembering. The Vols used to contain BPLs. Probably one of those.
I think there’s a big difference between auditors of that time and now.
I agree with you. Auditing has become robotic and practiced with a different purpose than “helping the pc.”
But what ISNT different is the conviction of the auditor that they alone have all the answers to mind and life because they have read L. Ron Hubbard. And that the “tech works 100% of the time if standardly applied” — without the rest of that thought entering their mind which is “but in truth, it is impossible to apply standardly 100% of the time because nobody in history has managed it EVER and there are more people who have become scientologists and LEFT discouraged, disappointed and/or hurt than there are who have stuck with it by a factor of 100.”
Your first paragraph above I tend to agree with, but your second is patent nonsense as you know that there were many Orgs worldwide that were full to the brim in the years before Miscavige took over, which usually indicates that the tech was being applied well. And the vast majority of those who left, left after Miscavige took over and made the subject and the practicing of it onerous. Cindy or someone here reported that just the roll-call for the Briefing Course (in LA I think) took over 15 minutes to do in the 70s or early 80s. Now there is no one there.
Wrong again Fool. Prior to Hubtard Mini-Me taking over there was one Class IV (V) org “full to the brim”. On the entire planet. That was Milano org. No others. You see, unlike yourself that just creates lies, I had access to the actual data.
Oh, AOSH never made it to Old St. Hill Size. Which means “full to the brim” basically.
Funny but I have read on here many times of people stating that their Org was quite full of people. The Org I was in had 40-60 people in the Academy. Orgs I visited also. So are all these people who stated that liars? I don’t want to quibble over what “full to the brim” means but it seems you do to prove your point. Let us now say then that many Orgs were relatively well-stocked with students and PCs. I have read such on here many times. Does that satisfy your lust for exactness?
And fortunately most people will have realized what I meant without waiting like a wolf in the wings to pounce on every nuance of phrase that I write in an effort to prove my comments wrong.
Do you really think that 40-60 people in a city or a country is actually clearing the planet? You know there would need to be 40 to 60 ORGS in a small city to even begin to get to the order of magnitude needed.
The quibbling over this is pretty silly.
If scientology REALLY accomplished what LRH promises with ANY sort of consistency, it’s growth would be unstoppable by ANYTHING including David Miscavige.
Apple Inc or McDonalds would look like amateurs compared to scientology inc. The promise of eternity and good health and being completely analytical and able to control life and communication and relationships and, and, and… It would be a literal tsunami of expansion.
It isn’t and never has been. Every scientologist HOPES it will be and BELIEVES it’s coming in the future “once all orgs are ideal” or “once we have our massive dissemination studio in place” or “once OT IX and X are released” or “once David Miscavige is gone” or “once David Miscavige and the Sea Org are gone” or, or, or… Whatever your particular explanation for the failure is.
It’s sad to watch. I know what the mindset is like, I lived it for nearly 50 years.
Well the Org I am talking about dealt with 1 city, as do all Orgs, not a country and there will be many Orgs in the country. No, of course the amount has reduced since about the early 90s, when Miscavige really swung into action although his seeds were being sown in the early 80s, but if it had continued as it was going then it would have been far more numerous than it is today, probably of the order of 2-300 thousand, perhaps even more. I’m not arguing with you – I am not a spokesperson for the (current) Church of Scientology, despite what many falsely assume here.
I am also surprised that with your experience you assume that “clearing the planet” means getting every human being into the auditing chair. It never meant that at all and is a complete red herring scattered around this blog by others as well, willy-nilly.
So you think clearing the planet means 40-60 people in a country or in a city or in an org participating in Scientology? Truly an idiotic straw man to claim that because I challenged clearing the planet will happen with one org with 40 people you go off into the idea that IRS false that everyone on earth has to be cleared. Huh???
The he/she/it called Foolproof is definitely not Idiotproof. A fine piece of work indeed.
Yo Foolproof,
Wanna get together for coffee? I’ll buy!
Thanks for the offer Newcomer, but I am already on Target 2. Coffee is much better there – very standard tech beans for beans! I’m having a cup with the old man now! Cheers!
New comer I am sorry that you were duped by Regges or rather your ex-wife was but I am not sorry that you called me “it” – not very nice eh? If you’ve got something to say to me then say it – don’t call me “it”. I hope you feel suitably chastened.
There is a built-in arrogance to Scientology. I don’t know if that is LRH’s fault or Miscavige’s or just human nature. You see that same thing in other religions and groups but Scientology is more militant about it. If you can back it up it’s one thing, but in my observation they aren’t doing a lot in the world.
I’m still processing the whole experience. I was staff or public in Scn from about 1993 to 2009-ish but never got much auditing until I left. I completed my Grades (through IV) with an “Indy” auditor who seems to be very good.
My problem is I still feel that I got benefit from the auditing. I don’t know what will end up with Scientology.
I don’t think it’s a problem that you feel you got benefit from auditing. Nothing wrong with that. Talk therapists, faith healers and all sorts of others have people who feel they were helped. Who is to say otherwise? The problem is the assertion of certainty of results that does not exist and the disdain Scientologists have for anyone else who also claim they can help.
In the 60 and 70 era, myself and many others got many personal gains, whether it was ‘negative gain’ or an increase in awareness, it improved our lives in the physical universe. Most of us recognized the wins for what they were–and not some hyped up mental masterbation as it seems now.
Sadly that era is history, Camelot (for some of us) is gone. What I see now is the degradation of scio. into mere pomp and posturing, with no substance.
Just my opinion.
Mike excellent article and your comment above is good too. The disdain Scns have for anyone who is not in Scn and towing the line is sad to see. That attitude puts a curtain between them and the people whom they hope to Clear when clearing the planet. How can you actually be in ARC with someone if you secretly look down on them and think you are so much better than they are? If subjugation is the goal, then this disdain and arrogance is a way maybe to achieve that, maybe not. But it isn’t a way to Clear the planet.
Yes, you are right Cindy. But this attitude of “RTC cold-chrome steel” and all of these other added-on out-of-ARC attitudes were not (majorly anyway) present in the 70s and early 80s and those (very few imo) that had these attitudes then, became the kow-towing Executives and fawning acolytes of the later Miscavige era.
Have you ever read Hubbard’s “Amprinistics” issue from the 60’s? How about “Counter Attack Tactics”? These and many others are the foundation of the “Miscavige era”.
Yes, maybe so, but we let all those “GO folks” do all that as a secondary action, and it was being done externally to the Church personnel and public and wasn’t being perpetrated on Scientology public or staff – as it has been since the 80s. In other words the “enemy” (and as you know there are enemies of Scientology) were (also) considered to be potentially one’s own people. Miscavige turned the attention inwards, wrongly. The “cold chrome steel” psychosis was directed AFAIK, mostly internally, as an attitude of the RTC towards its own Church members.
Keep trying to rewrite history FP.
Again, did you ever read the HCO Exec Letter addressed to ALL STAFF concerning Amprinistics?
It directs ALL staff to “fair game” them, “sue and harass” and get them “deported” and “set up for arrest as a homosexual”. “Tear up their meetings” and “harass these persons in any possible way.”
Hubbard didn’t relegate this to the “GO folks”– they didn’t even exist in 1965. No, he created the GO as a dedicated unit to harass and fair game enemies in 1966. They were not “external to the church and public” — they were Dept 20 of the org board created by L. Ron Hubbard and put in the care of his most trusted servant — his wife, Mary Sue. It is amazing that you try to distance Hubbard and scientology from the GO as if it was some “other entity”.
And then you switch to Miscavige as if he was off on a rogue campaign that had nothing to do with Hubbard. Where do you think the term “Cold, chrome steel” comes from? That i 100% pure Hubbard in his original orders about establishing the Inspector General network for internal policing of scientology. Or the orders to take out the Mission Holders? Or the Finance Police? You still believe this was all invented by Miscavige?
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news at this time of year Foolproof. You have been and continue to be badly fooled.
Extol the personal gains and wins you have had from scientology all you like, nobody can take those away from you or second guess them. But when you try to conflate that into assertions of infallibility of the tech and of Hubbard, you lose all credibility.
Once more, I ask you to wake up and smell the coffee. The dreamy days of scientology saving the world and having the answers to all of life are but ancient wisps of faded memory…
No, I said the ATTENTION was external, then became, wrongly, internal. Nothing to do with Org Boards or not being part of an Org setup. Of course the GO was part of the Org! I actually didn’t say otherwise, as usual. I never tried to distance Hubbard from the GO or Mary Sue. Please read what I said.
And so Hubbard sets up the GO in 66 to handle the EXTERNAL threats. True they did often encroach internally but only when the internal elements were connected to an EXTERNAL threat.
And quite frankly I don’t give a shit if Amprinistics was targeted – so they can willy nilly attack and denigrate Scientology but Scientology is supposed to turn the other cheek towards them? Is one now supposed to feel sorry for Amprinistics and what the “nasty Scientologists” did? Hardly. Well, me anyway. (I read it decades ago as I recall). An enemy is an enemy and because Hubbard didn’t mess about with such groups one is now supposed to feel somehow sorry for them?
I have often said on here the Mission Holder’s thing was a bad mistake on Hubbard’s and/or someone’s part and/or he was fed wrong data from someone, which then was probably compounded into the cold chrome steel thing as a further reaction, of his, as you say. We will never know what he was actually told which prompted those actions. But the great thing about Hubbard was that he would eventually correct any mistakes he made. And if he had lived I would think he would have seen the way that the Org network was going and corrected it eventually. David Mayo wrote a piece wherein Hubbard stated to Mayo that he (Mayo) had to counter the bad effects of the Admin types. Thing is then he got wiped as well. Thing is do you really know if those IG Network Orders were actually written by Hubbard? You don’t really do you? Did you actually see the (usually) handwritten order?
Now, as to the infallibility of the tech, I won’t bother trying to argue with you on this. What I have seen in my times in Orgs brooks no gainsaying of it.
Sorry for trying to wake you up. There are a LOT of things about Hubbard you will never know because you will not look. I never said one should feel sorry for Amprinistics. Somewhow your shifting sands of argument twist everything. This back and forth speaks for itself.
Carry on in your utter certainty that you are right, Hubbard is right and you will in the end save us all (if we come around to seeing things your way).
Not holding my breath to be granted my eternity, happiness, good health, mental well-being, logical thinking or anything else by you, Hubbard or anyone else.
And quite frankly I don’t give a shit if Amprinistics was targeted – so they can willy nilly attack and denigrate Scientology but Scientology is supposed to turn the other cheek towards them? […] An enemy is an enemy and because Hubbard didn’t mess about with such groups one is now supposed to feel somehow sorry for them?
Thank you for showing the true face of a Scientologist. Much appreciated.
gtsix thinks he is scoring some sort of point by implying that Scientology should just roll over and let enemies walk all over them? I really don’t get this effete attitude (or rather I do and others don’t – it’s a quite sly juxtapositioning). So gtsix, if someone would threaten your family you wouldn’t defend them? Same principle. I have noticed others on here spouting the same drivel – “how dare Scientology defend itself? The cheek of them!” Thing is he probably still thinks they shouldn’t do so or be “allowed” to do so. My God, the cheek of those Scientologists eh?
He’s being quite clever though and presenting it here as if Scientology somehow are the bad boys (for defending themselves).
No, the problem is that you are a scientology robot.
You buy into every scientology/Hubbard justification and forward it no matter your professed “disagreements”. Apparently there is nothing you actually disagree with when it comes right down to it.
Hubbard determines that people are “squirrels” because they don’t do it the way he says it should be done. This is the so-called “attack” on Hubbard and scientology. Using “the tech” differently than Hubbard decreed (he claims it doesn’t work when altered anyway, so what’s the big deal?) And the “not turning the other cheek” is to destroy the person, “bust up their meetings” “get them arrested for being homnosexual”, trick, lie and sue them.
And you try to defend this as “when we are attacked we have every right to fight back”?
You would apparently also agree that someone who is insulted by someone else calling them a name should be able to shoot them. After all, why should that person not be able to “fight back” and how come you get on your high horse and complain about someone shooting someone else when they were “attacked” first…
Foolproof, you are blinded by your compulsion to defend scientology and Hubbard and you create a terrible impression of a “good scientologist”… In fact, I think you single-handedly make the case on this blog that there is no such thing as a “good scientologist” because you seem unable to separate the benign from the truly evil. Which is part of the problem of being a “Keeping Scientology Working” zealot. You must buy into everything Hubbard said or wrote and seek to explain and justify the nuttiest stuff.
But just to keep the picture balanced here — you are NOT in fact a good example of what someone who still believes there is good in scientology but has rejected the bad. You are just the most vocal.
Les Warren would never try to defend the insanity of the Amprinistics order. Neither would the Lembergers.
Unfortunately, you feel compelled to comment and can never quit while you’re behind. You just have to keep going on and on.
I assume you are not a real person but a nom de plume trying to create some effect on this blog — disruption perhaps. “Balance” maybe. Whatever the real motivation, the end result is similar to the scientology smear videos that respond to The Aftermath. They confirm the worst of what is exposed on the show. Inadvertently, scientology confirms the truth of the show. You perform the same function here.
In the event you are really a person who wants to help others, this comment is tendered in the spirit of helping you to more effectively present your position. Though I doubt you will see it that way.
On the other hand though, when applied, it would get people who had previously been using the technology, either as a PC or as a student, back to using it again, regardless of whether doing so was in the Church or in an independent group. But it is not going to get one to change allegiances or groups in this case. There would be simply too much “interference” (see the HCOB). If Miscavige ever changes his mind and decides to ease up on the unnecessary heavy ethics and drop or even ease the donations scams, then one might see people coming back on lines in droves. But that is unlikely with his extreme attitude and which (the attitude) has now probably already been too deeply ingrained in the minds of existing Church staff. But he could announce “a new (kinder) phase” of Scientology as “Ethics has now been gotten in” (which he could use as an excuse for the heavy hussar ravages that he and his acolytes have perpetrated on the Scientology Network for the last 30 years or so).
Thing is it will be very hard now to drop or even ease the donations income source. I have the feeling that in his mind that is his key stat and (it’s seeming success) excuses and justifies all other behavior. “Money for nothing…” Thing is the product of an Org and thus Scientology is well trained students and thoroughly audited PCs, not Gross Income (from whichever dubious sources), and which is a statistic, not a product.
YES! COB’s addiction to money money money will prevent him from EVER backing off. That plus his absolute rightness valence, and the built in rigidity provided by Ron’s policies.
Ironically to your remark, if Miscavige and his followers had followed Hubbard’s policies then this mess would not have occurred.
Miscavige is a fucking SP he has destroyed scientology. And scientologists are mostly a bunch of idiots who have never understood the tech.
Their TRs is shit, Qand A, comm cycle additives, human emotion etc… Miscavige should be thrown in the mud.
Yes FG, an idiotic midget destroyed the awesome scamology. Duped the idiot Hubtard (as a scamologist he was also an idiot.)
Only the 1 out of a billion (yourself) understands and can properly apply the awesome tek.
… I have to stop typing here as I laughing too hard…
That’s funny Wynski!
Wrong Fool. I used it “back in the day”. As did many better trained people than you, working on MANY hundreds of people who left. It hardly worked. Except to sucker people into the morg to get a few $ sucked out of them before they once again escaped.
That’s because in your hands, Huckleberry, it would go wrong.
Fool you just once again showed that you cannot comprehend English.
FP, leaving aside any question as to efficacy of the prepared list when done correctly, the reason this won’t work is lack of trust in Co$. Anyone who’s UTR and/or off lines and not moving on the Bridge for a reason. Looking from their viewpoint, I’d say that reason would not likely be their mistrust of the efficacy of the recovery auditing tech, but instead fundamental mistrust of the organization itself and the organization’s purposes in dangling this free session bait out there to re-hook them and get them “flowing” their probably scanty cash once more to the cult.
Yes, Aqua, that is exactly what I have stated above, just in other words.
I phoned my old friend twice. I don’t miss him but now that he has kids soffens my heart. I’ll let you know if I hear from him.
That flier from Sonenfild was a true piece of mind numbing drivel. Then again, I keep forgetting that it is only aimed the sheepbots. Silly me.
Jeanie Bogvad Sonnenfeld and Mr. Jeanie must have been busted down to a lower org. Back in the day she was an exec at CC Int and he was at AOLA. Usually when someone is busted, after they do the RPF they are then posted to a lesser and failing org. And now we find them at Cincinnati Org. How the mighty have fallen. And Mr Jeanie had an anger case when I knew him. He would lose it and swear and rant and rave even at public people without provocation.
Cindy, they were sent to Ohio when they had a baby.
Wybnski, do you know if they tried to make her have an abortion before they shipped them out?
Not that I know of. This was not too long after DM put out the no children FO under ED Ints name and there was an order to ship out couples to Class V orgs in case of pregnancy. I wasn’t there at that time and heard about it from a still in.
Cece I think was at same org as David S. and might know.
Letting one rip near an open flame can have disastrous consequences.
Lol….totally appropo….
Mike, what was the date on that David Sonenfild piece?
Also, did it have “this offer expires after…” a specified date?
Every ex-scientologist in the area should inundate him with responses and book his calendar… then never show up. Nah, that is too mean, even for me.
” Your org has probably not made 18 Clears in that time.”
And of those that were made, how many have blown, how many are declared and how many are disaffected?
Yo Dave,
You once referred to respect as being something that happens when people listen to you or some such drivel. So if the big being El Con says it is important to disrespect matter then what the hell really does matter Dave? That crap you spew at Your events obviously is matter that doesn’t matter and is therefore disrespected by any respectable inney and the outies already disrespect everything that matters to You so they are doing exactly what matters most to the big being.
All hail OSA,
We on the fringes are fully on purpose since we disrespect what matters most to You and the rest of the matter You call a cherch.
Davey, we who are about to die salute you! NOT
Kind of off topic but not really. I was talking to a client about switching from Lincare and MDINR she asked me why and and I said you know their parent company is a scientology business (Linde). She looked shocked and asked me for information on alternatives.
I live in not just the middle of nowhere but the heart of the middle of nowhere. If scientology PR is that bad a gazillion miles from the closest scientology haven, imagine how bad it must be where there are scientolgists located.
” imagine how bad it must be where there are scientolgists located.”
We don’t have to imagine it Valerie because we get to revel in it each and every day. It is truly something to behold! And one of those Cee Ess Tea compounds is only a mile or so away from my house so it has become somewhat of a tourist attraction with visiting outies!
It is really funny to hear about the cult from the local contractors they hire to do work around their compound. The cherch thinks they are very well thought of because of all of the Pee Are work they do according to their ‘LRH tech on it’. Yet all the contractors know the game; say yes to all of the correct prompts and collect their money and continue to do more work for the cherch ‘with all the money’. And remember to say how much they liked the Dianetics Book! And laugh all the way to the bank.
I of course let them know that if asked if they know me they should say ……. ‘who?’
Yo Jane McNarrin,
Did you ever figure out how you were going to turn that old stampmill (It belonged to to Lady Washington Mine in Tuolumne) into a gift to the community that would keep on giving? Last I heard You thoroughly pissed off the South County Historical Society with that nasty response letter you sent to Craig. Another missed opportunity to show the world how generous You are. You must have taken a lesson from Mr. Footbullet Himself.
Wow, CST right in your ‘hood! Interesting! Now, Newc, have you ever done your neighborly duty of welcoming Shelly to the community? If so you haven’t mentioned it on the blog. Of course, her arrival was never announced and by now a suspected 10 years have passed, but still, I’m sure a cake or a casserole would be appreciated. Its the thought that counts. Leave your “Welcome to the Neighborhood, Shelly” food gifts at the gate and the armed guards will definitely make sure she receives them!
I think Shelly is at the Twin Peaks facility in So Cal. I’m in No Cal so it is a second rate kind of a place but it is next to a casino so Dave can make periodic undercover visits to test his Oh Tea abilities.
You go, girl!
Valerie, I too live in a nowhere zone, but we have heard how bad Scientology practices are.
A bit off line here, but there is a rumor that I heard from a friend who saw it on FB posted by Jonnathan Burke. He said he is in comm with a Class XII who left/escaped and doesn’t want their identity known. Anyone know any more about this? Could it be Hank Bourland from Flag? I think Karen de la C said that of all the Class XII’s made, only a few remain in the church, and one of them was Hank Bourland at Flag. He was the ONLY Class XII I knew at Flag. So if he is the one who escaped, I hope he eventually tells Mike or Tony his story? Anyone have data on this?
Mike, this was really eye-opening, even to someone who’s been a critic for many years now. You’re reminding me of the mental traps that Scientologists use to keep themselves in the cult… Once you’ve been in for a while, it becomes pretty easy to be reminded of the thought-stopping that you can use to suppress any doubts.
The absolute certainty that they have everything figured out is remarkable, especially when you compare it to the results that all this amazing ultra-effective “tech” are producing in the world.
I love how they’re able to get past an enormous contradiction: if the tech is so perfect, why are people walking away from the Bridge? If it really delivered on what it promised, how come so few people are going clear much less reaching OT VIII? If the tech worked, nobody would ever leave the org, and there would be no need for recovery auditors.
Oh, and the planet would have been cleared decades ago, if one recovery auditor can get 3,000+ people back on the bridge per year. All you need is 10,000 recovery auditors and basically it’s “game over.” Shouldn’t be that hard to find them in the world’s fastest growing religion, which has millions of members.
Contradiction? Bubblettes aren’t exposed to contradiction. They are expanding by leaps and bounds, right? Barf…
RECOVERY AUDITING ???????????????
Folks from the 50’s and 60’s: Dead or Declared
Folks from the 70’s and 80’s: Disillusioned and Highly Resistant
Folks from the 90’s and 00’s: Upset and Cheated
Folks from the 10’s to now: Soul sucked dry and Bankrupt
Folks in the future: Alerted to the scam, intolerant of provable BS, and “ME” oriented.
My guess is that they will get less than 0.1% return on their efforts. And, as John P. Capitalist might say: Bad business model, bad, bad, bad.
Thanks for the shout-out. I rather enjoyed that.
And yes, their return on investment will be pathetic. Almost as pathetic as the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ preaching results, which I was looking up for another project I’m working on. They published their annual yearbook for 2016 back in January, which included a bunch of stats on membership. I don’t think they make this stuff up like Scientology does.
In 2016, the JW’s baptized 264,535 converts, which grew their membership by 1.8% (they also had around 120,000 people leave the church, so their net population growth was only about 164,000. How easy was it to get those converts? It took an average of 7,500 hours of street preaching, knocking on doors and handing out literature to convert each of these people… and actually, that is probably low by at least half because a large percentage of those baptized were children raised in the church who reached adulthood.
In other words, for the average member who goes out and “disseminates” 8 hours per week, only one in 20 members actually brought in a convert (more like 1 in 40 if you assume half of baptisms were children of members). That’s not unlike Scientology’s dismal stats in recruitment or in recapturing people who have faded into the woodwork.
In the US, as in most G-20 economies, it’s worse: it took an average of 9,500 preaching hours per baptism. Even in the easiest countries, many in Africa, it typically takes more than 2 man-years of full-time work (4,000+ hours) per convert.
What a waste of lives!
Right the fuck on!
Spot on Jim and John!
First of all Merry Christmas Mike! Thank you for your work in exposing the crimes of the church. Another friend of mine recently had Disconnection tear her family apart. The kids as MAAs think they are saving the world! And they are delivering the most horrid evil short of torture and death. This is an excellent post. Regarding the lrh quote. Having continued on my spiritual path after leaving SCN. I have to say that this is not the way to freedom. With this quote he takes us out of ARC with MEST. Never the right direction. The physical world is beautiful and comes from The spiritual. It’s not dead and not full effect, not degraded At all. In my opinion.
Lovely comment! I always believed that the real physical world’s beauty is seen through the spiritual lens and attitude of each individual. I see this when working with individuals with depression…..their spirit is faded and sometimes dark..therefore, they see the world in less illuminating colors.
LRH quote is bolderdash….
When I read, “The kids as MAAs think they are saving the world!” I got a pang of sadness.
Its one thing to KNOW that one would know that certain acts would be destructive and in support of evil – that would be bad enough, tragic enough.
But to be doing evilobliviously, ignorantly, in a deluded state, thinking one is doing good… its really sad. A calamity too deep for tears, almost.
C/S 53 needs to be extened a bit:
Want to get out but can’t?
Just want your money?
Won’t leave you alone?
Found out it’s all a lie?
Ripped off?
Don’t hold back, freebeing! Just let ‘er rip!
c/3 53 extension extended
Fell for scientology?
Thought Hubbard was right, about anything?
Tricked others into scientology?
Failed to be the crap out of the last person who tried to “recover” you?
You failed to BE the crap? Can you try again?
Failed to beat the crap out of the last person who tried to “recover” you?
No no, he was right first time! Haha Wyn!
“Failed to beat the crap out of the last person who tried to ‘recover’ you?”
Wynski, still laughing.
I would like to indicate that you are very ill. In a healthy way.
Yes, true Aqua but I’m recovering. Funny as hell though. 🙂
Correct on both counts, Wynski. Well, if getting over your Scientology experience is what makes you funny I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very slow recovery.
Thank you my dear, you are too kind.
“Don’t EVER respect matter”, except when we ask for all your cash to build those gaudy Ideal Morgues.
I respected matter once. However, matter didn’t respect me. What’s the matter with me?
Lol…. Cash IS matter….good one.
The irony is just too rich here.. Matter or mest is nothing and evil? Then how come that is all DM goes after now? All he does is get money to fix up buildings and call them Ideal orgs. It’s all and only about mest.
Reads a bit like a promotional offer. Perhaps it’s more desperation than a genuine desire to help. The pool of people to charge for auditing must be shrinking rapidly. This is a last-ditch attempt to try to get more individuals to take the “free auditing” which will hopefully give them that temporary sense of euphoria so they might get interested again, which could lead them to become paying customers again.
I’m not sure how this all works (especially for a “Recovery Auditor”) and I might be wrong, but that’s what I read into with “Mr. Jeanie’s” letter.
Well, Mick, it is a very real promotional offer. They know that if someone actually comes in and sits in the auditing chair the doubts will fade and the programming will kick back in. So there is a pretty good chance that a “free session” like this will result in a paying customer. Cynical and grasping but sometimes effective.
They often also present your situation as very grave, try to tell you that you urgently need more auditing or you might go crazy or something (I’m oversimplifying and leaving out a lot of jargon by saying it that way, but that’s what it amounts to).
So they are very sincere about this “free session” and so on but only because once in a while it works. Most often the fence-sitter knows the game and doesn’t respond.
Using his own reasoning, why do you need money to get auditing? Isn’t money just MEST?
I tried once to disrespect matter. Unfortunately it disrespected me first and flattened me like a locomotive. I’ve heard it said that reality is that which even if you don’t believe in it, doesn’t go away. Reality usually gets the last laugh.
By the way I will have to go to the new year event in my org. Dear public wants to now something particular of cob lies of this year?
Recover is now days word of the year, scn just trying to pull back anyone who at least did the bridge, because it is hard to get somebody new on it. They are really looking backward not forward.
Good article. In Scientology the graph line is always going up.
In the real world of finance that’s called a bubble.
Once thing that is guaranteed, bubbles always burst.
And now a days Scientology is in a “fake” bubble.
Someday soon watch out. Can’t wait for the big burst.
Idle – no doubt it cost him nearly everything he could cough up and maybe go in debt for. But if he really was PTS and had taken leave of his org duties for awhile, and still managed to avoid learning that the real world is a good enough place to live without being under the thrall of LRH quotes, well, that is really sad. It shows an amazing lack of ability to think for oneself – kinda like those freeway drivers who get on the bumper of the guy ahead of them and just stay there forever, never once seeking their own path or speed down the freeway. Sad, but dangerous also, to himself and others as long as he is selling stale kool aid.
Man, what a picture of LRH! I don’t need Scientology to look like that. I’m already there, just by being really OLD. And it didn’t even cost me a dime. (Of course, maybe beer had something to do with it!)
Yep! Beer is always a welcomed refresher.
Churches of Scientology often make bloated claims. 🙂
Often? OFTEN??? When they start speaking…they’re lying. And when they’re not speaking, their thoughts are lies.
Picture is so representative of an institutionalize individual. Self-care is the first thing that goes when they are trapped by the delusions of their own kind. It’s a sad commentary of his life. Picture paints a thousand words…..the thousands of words he wrote.
I bet this picture is not made public in scientology ever, not only does it show l ron hubbard looking totally mad and dishevelled but look at his office as well, there is junk all over the place, hardly the well oiled machine they like to portray.
An astonishing example of circular reasoning, with meter mythology thrown in for good measure. But not inconsistent with the Scientology mindset in general.
What is striking to me about this missive is that they are reaching out to people who are “off lines or stalled or stopped”. What we like to call “under the radar”. Can it be that they have noticed that they have a problem? Or is this something that has gone on for decades and we just happen to have a recent example?
I’d like to think they are aware of their completely ruined public image and are trying to do something about it. It is just a short step from there to changing the corrupt and venal practices that created the disastrous public image in the first place. But I also know that Hubbard created the post of ARC Break Auditor, and the office of the Chaplain because he knew about the large number of failed Scientologists.
So, even if the desperate few at “Greater Cincinnati” were to decide to change it would only go on until it appeared on Dave Miscavige’s radar, at which point it would be crushed. A kinder gentler Scientology will have to wait until Dave is indicted, sued into oblivion or deposed.
All three, in that order.
I tend to agree with your comment Bruce, surprisingly enough you may think. Especially your last paragraph.
Just that designation said out loud – “Recovery Auditor,” curdled the milk in the refrigerator.
For too long I fell for it and have seen many others fall for the attention diverting technology of Scientology. They’re cognition junkies Scientologists! They cannot equate their self professed powers of the understanding of the human mind and turn it into anything useful except more creating cognitions about everything… anything! They are understanding themselves into oblivion. Neat trick while it lasts as it takes more money than an opiate addict would ever dream of to maintain their habit than it does for a Scientologist to get their never ending fix of ‘cognitions’. Life dishes out motives and Scientology takes them away, replacing each and every one of them with Hubbard’s references.
All hail the mighty Cof$, give it all you’ve got! To hell with a career, raising a family, reliable friends, nice clothes and good cars. Get that fixed dedicated stare all fired up and have your attention and money diverted instead.
So you can probably say members are addicted to Scientology. Even if it’s all make believe. Which it is.
OSD, I’d say “addicted” is too high a condition for these people.
Addicts usually know they are addicts. They KNOW , usually, that their thoughts, speech, actions and reactions stem from their addiction and that their addiction is the linchpin for their lives.
On the other hand Still Ins are below this level. TheyTHINK they’re operating on their own, yet have NO clue that their thoughts, speech, actions and reactions are ENTIRELY controlled. They think they’re running their own lives when in fact the cult is running them and every aspect of their lives.
And so I’d say that they’d have to become AWARE of their actual, 100% obedient to the cult operating state in order to qualify as “addicts” and this would be a step UP for them.
The good news is it would also be the beginning of their leaving the cult.
Say it like it is, man!
“Don’t EVER respect matter” ??? … You mean like the particular pieces of matter that are the scent from laundry soap? … Ron, Ron … Now c’mon there!
Joe, I was thinking of another piece of matter:
“You mean like the particular pieces of matter that are the “…………… embodiment of the cult called Mr See Oh Bee.
And it doesn’t have the scent of laundry soap but more like a piece of hammered Daveshit! In any case, as El Con says ……. we don’t respect it!
Yo Dave,
Whattaryagonnado to get a little respect good buddy?
What’s the matter? You can’t respect matter? As a matter of fact, I can.
Didn’t Hubbard also say, “they know you by your MEST?” Disrespectful lot Scientologists hey… I guess they just can’t make up their minds. Good MEST or bad MEST???
Aw well, better rely on the fact Scientology has every answer for what is wrong with you but none about what is right with you… mmm?? Discussing Scientology…. mmm?? well… um… ar… we having fun yet?
Well I’m here. Just a little late…
Hope you brought a plate!
You and me both! The San Mateo Bridge is made of matter, as anyone who is whirled by an under-car gust of wind into it at full highway speed can attest – except maybe a $cilon. For that matter (you’re darn right that pun’s intended), the seatbelt that allowed me to open the door and walk out was also made of matter.
Ouch! 🙂
David was always a myopia reg. ANY staff on service org lines for over 20 years who hasn’t figured out that El Cons crap DOESN’T via empirical data in from of them is an idiot.
Wait, let me modify that thought. “Idiotic” means lacking intelligence. That would be wrong. Foolish is a better descriptor. These people lack wisdom & common sense.
Cold Chrome Update:
While you have your bridge to nowhere, many of your opponets are victims of their own brand of cognitive dissonance. Pretending to smile, their agenda is being bludgeoned and dismantled behind the scenes. As you keep the Kool-Aid flowing, their leading edge therapy consists of knitting pink caps and adding bright violet to their wardrobes.
“Cold Chrome Update”. I like that. Catchy.
I had heard David Sonnenfild was PTS – sick and took a leave.
It looks like he got a $cientological “repair”.
See how it works?
Now – he is offering this “repair” to others…because he is back drinking the KOOL-AID!
I wonder how much that cost them?
Circle for a landing, put your feet back on the ground.
1971. What band played, ‘Circle for. Landing.’
Three Dog Night, their single @ 45rpm – Side 1 Eli’s coming – flip side – Circle for a landing. It was in 1969 Dude.
(Ahhh, “Those were the days my friend” a year earlier in 1968 – remember Mary Hopkin? A cutie ) Got to be a very well copied song hey?
I knew you would know…& correct my mistakes. Three Dog Night was one of my favorite bands back then.
To Mr. Sonnenfeld:
“Auditor, repair thyself”.
Then again, I’m thinking maybe this is an Amends Project for him to go OT?
Always so groovy the way the dynamics work together for the Greatest Good of the Cult.
Jimi had it pretty well summed up in Purple Haze… “dedicated to the cat right there with the silver face…”
Although Pali Gap still reigns supreme imho. Must go there one day and see where he gave that concert.
So much great music in the 60 & 70s. Like the who’s who of Woodstock!
Must add this for you modern kids looking on for nothing better to do. Check out the first 40 seconds of Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull) in 1978 before 20 thousand people at Madison Square Garden and try to comprehend what he says to you just before performing! My favourite all time video. If you listen to the song, see if you can spot the incredible expertise of so many key changes with seamless professionalism. Such is Ian’s world!
Best Scotsman I know next to you Dude1
Well, when I was there he refused to do GAT 1, much less GAT 2. He could not even get through Pro Metering – I don’t think he ever believed in the “new fangled” reads or F/Ns. Of course he knew better than any Flag-trained auditor or C/S or Snr C/S because somebody who passed him on TR’s, or his wife, was passed by LRH or some such BS. Truly, everyone who worked at the Cincinnati Org hated this dude with a passion. He is just plain mean, but with extreme arrogance.
By the way, this “assessment” is just a C/S 53 and I can guarantee that he makes sure 80% of the people are “Out-Int” as it’s an easy sell to get a couple of auditing intensives paid for. I can’t tell you how many “false reads” I’ve had to handle after one of his bogus “assessments”.
Wow, that stirred up some emotions from the past – LOL!
” I can’t tell you how many “false reads” I’ve had to handle ………..”
I didn’t know there was any other kind? Dave’s whole cherch is a FALSE READ!
Hugs you guys. Yes on the false reads, yes to real life 🙂
Sir Ralliart in da house! What a nice Holiday treat for me!
So good to see you here on Mike’s Blog and I hope you are flourishing and prospering my friend.
Your story of escaping had me on the edge of my seat!
I remember your “Blow” from Flag – it was epic and harrowing…just fricken amazing!
OK, I thought I could find this answer on my own but can’t stand it anymore, so would some kind soul take pity on me and explain WHY THE HELL AN ORG IN KENTUCKY IS CALLED THE CINCINATTI ORG. Yes, I get that Florence, Kentucky is CLOSE to Cincinnati OH but still, it IS in ANOTHER state and as such can’t even be a SUBURB of Cincinnati. Or is this perhaps an area tradition?
PS: Trivial shit like this can possess me at times.
Never mind. Just googled it and Wikipedia is telling me that “Greater Cincinnati” includes not only counties in northern Kentucky but some in Indiana too! Strange. Very strange. “Greater New York” takes in a lot more territory than just New York City but at least the land it grabs in order to call itself “greater” is in its own state and not across the Hudson River in New Jersey! That could never happen, for all kinds of reasons. Oh, well. ‘Nite, everyone.
Sir Ralliart, Please tell us about your harrowing escape that Idle Morgue hints of. I’d love to hear the story.
Cindy – see
Wow! I read your exit letter. Something else.
The spooky/scary part is: Ask those same terminals today what went down back then and THEY will assert their actions were the ONLY sane thing to do.
RAINBOW wrote (top comment) so accurately and truthfully the way it is.
Idle Morgue – Hello to you!
Yes, prospering just fine – we have (4) vintage Mopar Muscle Cars, a Challenger Hellcat, a Ram and a Charger company car that fills up the 1700 sq-ft garage. I don’t miss Scn one bit.
Yes, the escape was bit unreal, but expected. I was able to go back to the career I was in the middle of – now working for the same company – that was interrupted by Sonenfeld talking me into quitting. I still consider it the worst decision of my life – what was I thinking, working twice as many hours for 1/10th the pay or less. The only thing I can think of is brainwashing and lies by those freaks as no sane person would do that.